The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 18, 1893, Image 3

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^ T o GET TWEHTT-FITt YIUN- MED DOLLS RS FOR NOTHING. __ Winner Hi* 8 18 Cleuv Gift of u nal l Fortune, “O ' 1 ,|,e Goaers s , Have Patents that Sluy jiringThemln Still More. t !hT* •ssrzs&ssz; r». «■» * a v todo ‘** ion..*» J^W»SaM - 2 i ^ZTZ IPg*^., ®° M 1 Uoe the* practj al results. That eu- I're-8. Hi-ioiB Company propose to giro- SOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. JJtf? , n ,,, n t strikes most people The as an that 8p- lormi .able thin* idea is r a '.* nt , or must. b* a natural genius, like Stonor ' L complicated hell: that, he merhauiml must devote problems years to fmTthat “'ir he most, before spend he can a lor.u. get « lie*-device e ou deocate to “Eti tn. i.ts of perfection. 1 hie <!e- hie degree deelies dispel. It, de- toion the company to 1 m net into the head of that the public u comprehension of 'he fact it is not fwereat eompler,and expensive to their inventions an‘-Hors, bring the ties', returns Ct the little seem'so simpland cheap trivial ones—the that Si that absurdly average citizen would fe.1 somewhat ashamed oi bringing them to the attention *^o P n*MVs°®«S the profits all his marvclons he'has re- „,„a from patents not on been sufficient to pny feos-ntlous have But the So hi. experiments ides of fastening bit man of conceived ilie a reblsT cord to a child's hall, so that it would come back to the hand when thrown, w fortune oat t f liift scheme. The modern sewing machine is a miracle hundreds of inge- HJ the product of the toil of of brains through a hundred and fifty .ears but the whole brilliant result rests -no. the simple device of putting tbs eye of the needle at the point instead of at th. other end. THE LITTLE THIJRjS THE MOST VALUABLE. Comparatively few people reg.-rd them- Mires as inveutors, but almost everybody has been struck, at one time or another, with tdhws that seemed calculated to reduce some of the little frictions of life. Usually ideas ure dismissed without mrth.l thought,** don’t the railroad company mukc **Why they be slid Its car windows so that can up Pj Ef dow irwith .lit breaking traveler.' 1 hS%i„ssengers 9 '" backs?" exclaimed the i 1 were rbaping (lie road I would a ate them in such **VVhst was the man grumbles flat made fhe cook. this sauce ‘ Hr pan thinking ol?” ac.-cr had to work over a stove, or he would have known how it ougiit to have been **-Uana such a collar breaklast. linttonl” “If growls l the in man who is late for were the business I'd make buttons that wouldn't slip out or break off, or gouge out the bark of my neck,” and then the various sufferers forget about their grievances ami bepu to think ol some'Ding dsn. It they would sit down at ;;tte Beit convenient opportunity, put theii and ideas about cal- windows, saucepans, col ar bu'Uins into practical shape, and then apply for patents, they might find themselves ns independently wealth) as the man who invented the irou umhn lla ling or the one who invented the' fifteen puzzle. A TEMPTING OFFER. To induce people to keep track of theii brigh ideas nud see what there is iu them, the Press Claims Company has resolved lo offer n prize. To the person who submits to It the simplest anil most promlslug iuveution from a commercial point of view, the company will give twenty-live huu- die<t dollars In cash, lu addition to re¬ funding the fees for securing Hie pat¬ ent. _ It will also Advertise the lnventioi free of charge. . The offer is subject to the folioxriug condi¬ tion-: Every competitor must obtain a patent He lor his invention through the company. must first upplv for a preliminary search, the eost of which will be five dollars, Should this search Bhow bis invention to be un¬ patentable, he can withdraw without further expense. Otherwise he will be expected to complete his application and take out a patent iu the regular wav. The total ex¬ pense, including Government and Bureau res, will be seventy dollars. For this, whether he secures the pme or not. the in¬ ventor will have a patent that ought to will be a valuable propurty to him. The prise be u warded by a jury consisting of three re¬ putable patent attornojs of Washington. Intending competitors should fill out the following blank, and forward it with their applications: ~ ---,-,1892. . “I submit, the witbia described invention in competition for the Twenty-five Hundred Dollar Prize oflered by the Press Claims Company. - ^ NO BLANKS IN THIS COMPETI¬ TION. This is a compytlon of rat her an unnsua nature. It is common to offer prizes for the best story, or picture, or architectural plan, all the competitors risking tbs loss ol their labor . nd the successful one merely selling hie for the amount ol the prize, lut- the Press I Inims Company’s offe- is something entirely different. Each person is merely asked io heln himself, and the one woo helps himself to the beat advantage is to be re¬ warded for doing it. The ptize is only a stimulus to do something that would be well worth doing without ft. The architect whose competitive plan for a dub bouse ou acertaiu corner is not accepted has spent his GMwr on something of very little use to him. But the person who patents a simple and useful device in the Press Claims Cum- fail piny’s competition, need not worry if ht to secure the prize- He has a substan¬ tial result to show for Ins work—one that wi l command its value in the market atauy time. The ulaiu man who uses any article in his daily work ongilt to know better how to im¬ prove it than the mechanical expert who studies it only from the theoretical point oi View. (Jet rid of .the idea that an improve¬ ment can fie too simple to be worth patent¬ ing. The simpler the belter. The person who best succeeds in combining simplicity and popularity, will get! the Press Claims Company's Tu« twenty-five hundred dollars. be judged responsibility from the ol this company is may held by fact that its stocu about three hundred ol the leading news¬ papers of i he United State.. Address the Press Chains Company. John Btreet wedderburn, N. managing* attorney, 618 F W.. Wa.hi.gtou. u. (1- * Eaoomto ST Tst HisstsT Medical Aorwosrtisa S ________CATARRH HEMCHE'SSSS. 1FBAT.1TB wilt core you. A ■ jsSr-sJsn the Garden Suof of the World! R l F V l S is th Spalding county *teat o Georgia, and fcrinty is sit nat-ed in the een i tre of the best por tlou of the great the Empire Ntat* of all its South, where wonderful and varied indus* tries meet and are sarrfod on with greatest $uce«*«. and is tuna able to offer inducements to al! chuee * ect-k* mg a home and a profitable cAreer. These ft re the reuHonn for a growth that is mcrcae- D 4? ir» population almost daily. It has ample and sufficient railroad facit ties; the sworn 1point in importance on the Central railroad between the capita) of the Mote, forty miles distant, and its principal •eaport, 250 miles away ; an independent line to Chattanooga and the West by way of the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad; Midland the principal city on the Georgia and Gulf railroad, cme hundred miles long, built largely through its own en fcerprise and the and systems soon to of he ike extended Northeast, to Atlauta direct connection with the great East Tennessee. other Virginia road and Geoigia railroad system; arl bringing in graded and soon to l e built—^al- trade and carrying out goods and manufacturers. Tnat this is the very cream and flower of the agricultural and hor icultural portions of Btate is evidenced by the fact that the State of Qec~ ;ia and the United States unanimously ejiose it as the site for the Experiment 8tation, against the strong efforts of every other section. It has two crops that never tail, being cotton, the most important crop in the South, and grapes, w hich are glowing to surpass cotton in the county. Griffin’s record during the past half decade proves it to be one of the most progressive cities in the South. It has bnilt two large cott-on factories rep¬ resenting #250,000 and shipping goods al over the world. It has put up twolarge iron and brass foun- dnes,a fertiliser factory, a cotton seed oii mill, a sash and blind factory, a plow factory an factory, ice factory, bottling works, a broom a mattress factory, a wire fence factory and various smaller enterprises. It has put in an electric light plant by which the streets are brilliantly lighted. It has completed an extensive system of waterworks, giving complete protection against tire, and furnishing water evety It has laid several miles of street railroad lor convenient transportation over its large area. It has opened up the finest and largest granite Quarry in the State, for building, ballasting It and macadamizing purposes- has secured a cotton compress a ceipts run capacity for its large and ic< reusing re oi this Southern staple. It has established a system of pradod pub¬ lic schools, with a seven years curriculum, second to none, and has just erected one o the largest and finest school buildings in tha State in addition to the former commodious structure. It has organized two new banks, making* total of four, with combiued resources o! ball a million dollars. It has built two handsome new churches, making a total of ten. It h is built several handsome business bljcke and many beautiful residences, th« $150,000. •juikiiug record of each year averaging It has attracted around its borders fruit growerafrom nearly every State in the Unioi and Canada, until it is surrouuded on every ude bv orchards and vineyards, and has l»e- xmie the largest and best fruit section in thf ^tatc. a single car load of its peaches netting $1,280 in the height of the season. It has doubled its wine making capacity, making by individuals both French and Gorman, methods both by and by a large wim company It been incoiporated from In 1891. cyclones, floodf has exempt and epidemics, will and by reason oi ite topo gruphy never be subject to them. With an altitude of 1,150 feet a bore th* •exlevel, its healthfulness has attracted gen¬ eral attention. It has just secured the permanent military encampment of the State, adding about $100,000 to its revenues every year. With all these and other evidences of t live and growing town, with a heaith'ul and pleasant climate summer and winter, e hospitable and cultured people, and a soil capable of producing semi-tropic any product Griffin of offer* thi temperate inducement or zone, hearty welcome every and a to new citizens DRUNKENNESS Or On Liquor Poofttivetly Cured Habit, by administering Dr. Haines* tioMen Specific. It It ttunVttffeetursd «« * powdsr, which o»n ts rivet rood, In a (lass the of knowledge beer, s cup of of the coflee patient. or lee, It is or absolutely in __jff&er a. and will offset a permanent and speed? the patient is a ---- SwK____________ tor tbs liquor appetite to exist. BOU,mK dt sms book • r df!iSSS of narUanl*** *+* 3Ssr~~Z To be Sad a* & Salary or Commission To agents to handle the Patent ('hemieal Ink Erasing Pencil. The most useful and novel invention of ibe age. Erase ink thor¬ oughly in two seconds. Works like magic. 200 to 500 per cent, profit Agents making $50 per week. We also want a gentleman sub to take chaige of territory, and appoint agents. A rare chance to make money. Write for term* and samples of erasing Monroe Eraser Mfg. 0o. f 45*5 LaCrouse, Wis apr.GdAw ly. |1 A BOON TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Guaranteed ____ ___ to eul.rge and develop any P1, I'rire f LOo!'‘’peilertly hurmlees. receipt Bent by ol mail,«d in plain wrapper, purticnlare. on price. Incluse stamp lor acme MEDICINE CO., ATLANTA, GA. AU J*£S3 ON THU OBV»LOr > Mg />T Kt3* TM To Introduce aserfea of valuable •durationa) neattoftM worse vorkc atl applicants the.ftboyu tne aoove ■ I Wili bt sent io JAMES P' DOWN9m PUBLISH** «<z b*oaowm*« mmw ro mu* BLAKELY & ELLIS FUNERAL .'.DIRECTORS A LI. GRADES GRADES CLOTH-COVENED, ME A t aiic and careful Wood attention. Coffiuz and Free Casket* Heam. Prompt and atteacUd Km- i-i Csrriages and al) detail. to. balming without extra charge to our pat¬ ron*. Calls answered day or night. STALIXE CUBE F03 lose of Manhood. Impo tcncy, Bcininsl and Femaln Weak- ness, Night Emissions, Undsveloped ami Inastive Organs, Self-Abuse, Vouthful Indiscretions; hiennitj and ail diseaset resulting trom sexu¬ al excees. Price 11.90. Bent secure¬ ly packed in plain Full wrapper, particulars ou for re¬ ceipt of price. correspondem:- strictly stump. All onfluential. Acme Medicine Co„ ATLANTA, GA. I sufferwi twelve years from indigestion and clys- spsiu. Nenrlv two yeais ago I hod i vory severe attack of la grip|ie fruiil tfie effect, of * Inch 1 suffered with wore eyes, ca¬ tarrh ot the head, stomach and bowels, de- rntigs' coudliio . of kidneys and the worst sort of case i f pile... In fact. 1 was conffued to my lied for eighteen months an' was giv¬ en up to die ot Consumption; great abscesses formed on my lungs, end when they would break. 1 coughed np quantities of offensive matter ami blood I suffered with h'gh fever m my hiogs, bowels and stomach No languagec.n desciIbe my sufferings Alter all reme«Uts had failed »ud rny doctor had rWmi me up to di*, I vim persuaded by King Ri>v Royal J. W. Howard, ol thi« city, to try s l.ermetner. I Iiegan to im prove with the first bottle, end now hope to live to a good, ripe old-age to tell of Lie virtues of that great ret of all remedies- King's Royal Ocrn-etu-r. I have persuaded m»nyto use it and all ol them join me in singing ink its prate, s. God lie praised lor senil- his servant to tell me o? this wonderful medicine. 1 would advise ail the afflicted to Gy't- N. H UniooKits, Corner Fourth Avenue ana Fit h Bt. Co umbus Ga.. Oct. 2,1893. $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOB $5.00. Ormeiuer Hite are the best. Fifty in a J. bottle, N. 25r. For sale by N. B. Drewry and Harris & Co G.A.R.NOTICE Ws take this opportunity of informing our subscribers that tile new Commissioner ol Pensions bus been unpointed. He is nn old soldier, and we believe that soldier, and their heirs will receive justice at his hands. We do not anticipate that there will be any radical changes in the administration ol pension We affairs under the new regime. would advise, however, that U. 8. sol¬ diers, sailors limit heir heirs, take steps to make already application at once, if they have not done so, in orderto secure the benefit ol the early filing of theii claims in ense there should be any fnture pension legisla¬ tion. Therefore Such legislation is seldom retroactive. it is of great importance that ap plications be filed in the Department at the eariiest possible date. . ll U. 8 Soldiers, Bailors, or their Widows, Children, oi Parents desire information in re¬ gard The to ponsioa Claims matters, they should write to Press Company, Wash- ngton, l>. d, and applicntiou. they will prepare and send the nen-ssury ll they find them emitted under the numerous laws en¬ acted far their benefit. Address PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Managing attorney, WASHINGTON, D. C. P. O. Box 385. — NEW A VERlISEfAENTS. r t Hb rr Pimmm =- arfetfeaffMaa 3 S 2 Sa . U4WG11. P^RKEIUS HAIR BALSAM iMCf rmcI bcautifiefi the h»Ir. mote* a luxuriant trovrth. Fails to Be^tope CJray to itt Youthful Color. i icalp :$lp dlt dinrascfi ft hair tailuig. ,f Drugglitff iVfcPTIVE ufel' cure * I CO.. for Corns. V. T BZOOtsfirw. Address W. tUBCOx, 8 Indispensible in Every Good Kitchen. As every good housewife knows. t the ditfereuce between appetiz¬ ing, delicious cooking and t «e oppt'site * ind k* largely in deli¬ cate ftauces and palatable gra¬ vies. Now, these require a strong, dilicately-fiavored stock, and the beat stock is Liebig Company’s Extract of Beef PROFESSIONAL CAROS. R. H. Tavlob, M. D. J. F. Stkwaut, M. D. U 1~\RS. TaYLOK* STEWART, Griffin, Ga. Office and residence, corner Solomon and Eighth street*. (Iffci hours from 8 to 10 a. m. and from 1 to 3 and from 7 to 9 p. m. J. T L. DEAN, DENTIST, Griffin, Ga. Office over Griffin Banking Comany. Teeth smoothly and permanently filled or extracted pain. _ PATENTS Gam* Trade-marts, Design PaHiBts, Copyrights, And all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. fuformsttoB ^nd advice given to Inventors without chftrze Addrese PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN. Mzii&gtn. Attorney, P.OtBox 463. Washington D.C- 19 company is managed by » comntoS**. v.x theUrgvst aud most toftn^ntlftl ’-ew*pepcr$ tn the United States, for the ex piths purpose of protect* lag their $ub$rriber$ against unscrupniocs end incompetent Patent Agents, and each psper printing this advertisement vouches for thy respond Sjlllty end high standing of the Press Claim*Commas. WORK FOR OS A few day, and yon will be martled .t the unex¬ EFr pected success that -will reward your effort. We r wsTkMsc •A5.00 profit on worth of bMlnre. I. eMV to iearn, *nrt instructions sostmpie«»ipl»in, Those who take that all succeed from the start. hold of the business reap tlie advantage that « S£B S353F33S • it find exactly as we tell them. There and is plenty room for ior a a few iew more Hwir workers, "<«n»i (IsM/iv we urge —e- . X _ .A Iff tv„. ante pm. mteSsstss: (for this is J------- - ------- “* A Cordial State of Affairs Now in Existence. 8 PAIH H AXES F&AS 0 E 00 N 0 E 88 I 0 H 8 And yrsnee Hm Agreed t« Help Mpnin Out In si UUt« Matter of Finanoa That la Tronbling Her at The l^raanat Tima. ■ Madrid, Oct. Iff.—The French Charge d - Affair* haa had another interview With Senor Morel, minister ot foreign affair*. It is understood that the interview was a very cordial one, and resulted in an entente between France and Spain on the Moroccan question. It is said that the French government, through the Charge d’Affairs, endorsee the attitude of Spain in regard to the necessity of sending a military expedi¬ tion to Morocco, while Spain will leave France a free hand to deal with Morocco on the Algerian frontier question. It is understood that a conseqnenoe of this entente being arrived at, the loan of 15,000,000 pounds that Senor Gomaao, Spanisn finance minister, unsuccessfully attempted to float in Paris in June last, will now be issued under the tacit ap¬ proval of the French government. INDIGNATION IN INDIA. Th® Sale of Girl* Permitted by EngtUh Lawn—O llier Foreigu Note*. London, Oct. 18.—The English purity party has been roused to fierce indigna¬ tion by the decision of Judge Pigot at the Calcutta sessions that the India po- nal code permits the purchase of girlt unless they be sold for pnblic uses. Mis- sionjigents iu disguise had entered tike dens in Calcutta where girls of 9 to 18 years of age were offered for sale. The venders, when arrested, tried to excuse themselves on the plea that they did not know they were selling girls for pnblic use. religions denounce The newspapers the traffic as the most devilish wrought under the name of British justice. The Chaka system is defended mildly by The Lancet, which says the girls are torn to this kind of life, and no other is open to them. ____ Disasters In the Orient. San Francisco, Oct. 16.—The steamer City of New York, which arrived from Hong Kong, via Yokohama, brings news of a terrible accident at L«ng Kuan, a ford on a river in the province of Shousi. Three ferryboats were swept drowned. away by a flood and 100 passengers The Japan papers report the loss, Sept. 8, of the British bark Florence Treat, on route from Singapore typhoon- to Shanghai. driven She was caught in a and on the rock. Captain Paulson, his wife, for children and fourteen Chinese and Malay sailors perished. The captain’s son. Daniel, one Chinese and one Malay escaped. _ Miss Flora Mart.' Marriage. Paris, Oct. 16.—The civil marriage of Lord Terence Blackwood, son of the Marquis of Dufferiu, British ambassador, and Miss Flora Davis, of New York.was celebrated at the Marie, in the Hue d’Anjou, near the family British emliassy. in As the ambassador’s are mourn¬ ing for his cousin. Sir Blackwood, who died on Oct. 2, only a few relatives were present. * No Outrages In Persia. London, Oct. 16.— 1 The Church Mis¬ sionary society, which has stations throughout Persia, 3ia, has ucui informed uituiurou the nuo United Press coi orreepondent that it has received no news ws of outrage, against Christians in Persia, ersia, and and behaves that rumors of murder and massacre, such as have been published in the United States, are without foundation. Piexotto's Decrees Condemned. New York, Oct., 18.—'The Herald’s Rio Janiero correspondent says that Piexotto's decrees are unfavorably re¬ ceived there. The citizens regard the publication as a confiession of weakness on the part of foreign the president to and fight an ap¬ peal to the powers his battle. ______ It It Now Ambassador Runyon. Berlin. Oct. 16.—Theodore Runyon has received his official appointment as American Ambassador to Germany. He has applied for an audience with the Emjieror on His Majesty’s notify him return to Berlin, to formally of his advance in diplomatic rank. To Cotamrmoi-ate I nlv.rtal Suffrage. Brussels, Oct. 16 .— Premier Bernaert has written to the mayor to snggeat that the revision of the constitution and the introduction of universal suffrage be commemorated by a monument in a public square in Brussels. A Ship I-ont With all on Board. 8t. Petersburg, Sept., 16.—There is no doubt now that the double-turreted monitor Koosalka—Mermaid—was' lost in the Gulf of Finland with all on board, comprising twelve officers and 166 sailors. German}' Is Waiting. , Berlin, Oct. 16.—The bourse here and at Frankfort are greatly affected by sil¬ ver legislation in America. standstill Operations are almost at a pending the decision of the United States senate. The Strike Resumed. Charleroi. Belgium, Oct. 16.—In ac¬ cordance with the decision of the Knights of Labor, the strike has been resumed. Eight thousand men struck. In Danger of a Mob. Louisville, Oct., 18.—Phil Wise, a negro, is in danger of being mobbed at Bardstown. He brutally aasalted a little girl named Hall. The jail author¬ ities have doubled the guard to protect the prisoner. I AM SO HAPPY! O BOTTLES s.s.s. Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble. It has also caused my hair to grow out S.S.S. O. H. Elbert, Galveston, Tex. cur es BaiBBsas Treatua on Blood sad Ckia waited t re*, fiwxrr firrcirie Co., Attests, Ga. A DIVORCE CASE ENDED. 1 1 Megan tn Traimw and Knd.4 tea *•» Torb Ct»y. ____New Yore. Oct. ]$.—A divorce suit, which was begun in Tennessee in Sep¬ tember. 1882, and led to habeas corpus proceeding* in the supreme eoitrt of thte state, came to a termination Haturdpy lu the office of Lawyer A. H. Hummel Tito action for divorce was brought be¬ fore Cliaucellor Allen, in Nashville, by Kate Christopher against Clauds 1 C, Christojiher, on the ground of desertion. They bad only been married four year*, and Mrs. Christophs- had just passed her twenty-first birthday. She came of a good southern family, hut her mar¬ riage was opposed by her father, who afterward* disowned her. She remained her grandfather's favorite, however, and at his death she inherited a large amount Of real estate and tM.OQO in cash-. A year ago she brought an fiction for divorce, hut Chancellor Allen refused to grant her a decree on the ground that she had failed to set up that her hus¬ band had deserted her without cause. Mrs Christopher tried again In Decem¬ ber last, and the divorce was granted permission her was maiden given the plaintiff to re¬ sume name and to marry again. The custody of the year-old child waa ground given, however, to the defendant,on the that he was «, 1 Sitter able to . support it. When Mrs. Christopher heard m of that decision she came north. Mr. Christo¬ pher got a writ of habeas corpus tor the production urdsy. Before ot the the ehild, returnable Sat- however, Colonel Taliaferro, court proceedings, counsel tor MY Christopher, and id Lawyer Lawyer Hummel, in behalf of Mrs. Christopher, 'iiristopliHr. agreed to settle the matter amicably amicably if i: possible. A meeting had, of all the he parties parties interested was with the result that Mm. Mrs. Christopher retains the child, with (he proviso that it shall at intervals be taken to visit its paternal relatives in Tennessee. The ruling of the Naahrille court in awarding the child to the defendant would not, it is believed, have been sum tained by the New York courts. It ia c ontrary to all precedent in this state. Th. Two Rival Yacht*. New York, Oct. 16.—When the Vigi¬ lant and Valkyrie crossed the finish Una on Friday evening, everything in con¬ nection with the international yacht race came to an end. There were no formal¬ ities to go through will with. The New York Yacht club give Lord Dnnraven an informal ly social function. reception, but it will lie a pure¬ The cup will remain in the possession of the New York Yacht clnb. taken It must always he in its keeping unless away by a foreign yacht. The disposition of the two great yachts is undecided. It is determined that the Valkyrie It will pa s the winter in these waters. is most likely that the rivals will winter side by side at City Island. A Kovel Tour. New York, Oct. 18.—Mm. M. V. Ter- hone, widely known, by her noin de plume of “Marion Harland,” has sailed Mrs. for a Terbune's protracted tour In the travel east. through It is purpose to Syria and Palestine. She has engaged David Jamal, of Jerusalem, the most experienced oriental dragoman, as her escort, and will make camel back pil- image to Bethlehem, to Abraham's nb at Hebrot^ to the harems of Da- maHcns, lo the famous monastery of Mar Saba, the oldest in the world, and to other places, She is accompanied by her son. In|rer*olt on !• a nance. Indianapolis, Oct. 18.—Robert G. In- an interview here, said: “I am, and always have been, a bimetallist. I want a currency 6f the that world will bo good time, in every country at any and I want to see the day when it can be relied upon that, however threatening the financial aspect, there will always be plenty iff money. I am afraid that such a time is a long way off, the however. Sher¬ I have never been in favor of man law, but I do wit think it should be repealed until some better measure can be substituted.’’ Neftroe* Wonted a Lynching. Memphis, Oct. 16.—G. W. Mackie, a member of the legislature from Marshall county, surrendered to the sheriff at Holly Springs to escape the wrath of a mob of negroes bent on wounded lynching John him. Mackie shot and fatally tion, Dean, in a negro difficulty. employed The shooting on his planta¬ so en¬ a raged the negroes in the vicinity that they made a deeperate attempt to liarg Mackie, but he escaped, made his way to Ilolly Springs, and is now in jail. Cut lu Frctcht Rate* Kspoctod. Atlanta, Oct, 16.— Owing to the withdrawal from the Southern Railroad and Steamship association of the Nor¬ folk and Western road, the Merchants’ and Miners’ Transfer Ship company, the Savannah, Americas Columbus and Southern, Montgomery it til and the thought the association will go to pieces and a general cut in freight rates take place. ‘ _ The Banner Week at the Fair. * Chicago, Oct, 16.—During the week ending Oct. 14. S, 121, 794 people paid to see the World’s Fair. It was the ban¬ ner week of the exposition thus far, and far exceeded the attendance for a like period of any international fair ever had, Silvan K. Anthony Defeated, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 17.—Susan B. Anthony was a candidate for the nomi¬ nation as delegate to the Constitutional Convention of Monroe county. She re¬ ceived only If votes. The Deaeoaa May Make Up. New York, Oct. 16.—If reports from good social circles are to be believed, Mrs. Parker Deacon and her husband are to become reconciled before many days have elapsed. The Overdue Hteemer Hate* Savannah, Oct. 16.—The steamship City of Augusta, reached her dock Sun¬ day morning about 8:80 o’clock, nearly 80 boors overdue. Ip Iawes expecting to Become MOTHERS^ BRAND. B s sS l JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAR «d *1*1 TaU*. Tb* Great Skin f auttnet. LMfee «hb emi it mu! btgblf perfumed TWlet S&SEfSSssas& 2U com- icroeuionulx, ITSNMe. Itessletff H B IfUEWHT. Ilruatgl* 1 • Origin; 0. Health is Wealth I tea. b. V. *ot < Nsa*fc**nB»*is Ta«*. OisaiMM, a gaiiraBtesi. Cer.volnlon*, fwwiftc Fite. lor Hysteria N<-rvo*» Hrwiariw Servons pro* eaused b> (lie u««- ol ol- or totmreo. rfskefulbwa.. M«- Depression, Softening of the Brela, tn insanity ami leading old to tuirery, Bare d*»lh. Power Premarere ritlwr Ag*. Invol- Loss o in *«-x. Losvw sad 8rer»at«rh*a, eaueed by I'oeh oi (he b aJn,self-abuse month• or over- tire box ontams one a box, or six boxes toi seat by mail, prepaid on receipt of WK OUARAKTKK SIX BOXKS care any care. With each order received n* for six bnie*. areompanied with $A,Of send the pnreha«er cur written guar- to refund the money i* the treatment not rBi ct a cure. Guarantees issued by Dr. E. B. Anthony, Druggist Sol* *1 HUl street. Griffin. Ga. Complete Manhood _* and how to attain it. At lut s widirelvrert th.t tell, the cams, Thi* ducrifen Klottlftcily the .IfccU, Jht rejuaWe tte remedy. iutwlkelly ta benutUui, medical mojt book that h»« the mo*t ap* eubjacls ifrMefi ere Nmvob. Varicoce**, Debtlhy, Impo- The teiicy, Sterility, Thou Otvelopmetit, itttemlto* etc. Huctenil, who would know th* grand truth*, the Every pUin man Acte, the old *ecretz, and the uevr direoverie* of medical reiente for *» applied folHe. lo married life, who would atone nhoald write pe« for thie and wooderfnl avoid future little book, pitfaila, it will be aent free, under tea). Addrem Meilieal the puWLhera, Co., huffalo. N. Y, Erie CHILDS & GODDARD. LEADING UNDERTAXERS. A lull line ol Burial Cows, Cu.kets anil Rohm kept in ntixk, from the i-liropeet to the best Embalming a aperinity nn-I free to custom re. Cslla antwered promptly day or oight. ffenree free. W. L. DOUGLAS S 3 SHOE .JVVie, 0. jpM mm tSe«7 Whe. next to Med try t path; ••M in th* world. If y« wild iIn. DRESS SHOE, rah h ft. letet ilyle*, don’t pay $61* $8, by my S3| $3A0, $4.00 «f S5 Shoe. They They 4t (t Red Rod t* t. curtom mad. and look and hshhI It lot wlib to KOTomlr* In y«r footwear, 4» » by pMthttlng W. L. Deeglae Short, him. and prie. itamped M th* bettom, look fcr B wha. yo. twy. W. L. DOUGLAS, Uroekton, Maae. Sold by Scheuerman & White, Gr.ffin if m nun wroauTWH modi ^ MtnkrAjT, SOLDIERS, rneno** rtu t , Widows, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for RoidUtm $od le tbclintm fiomplexion Presertad OR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM SasgoSig viola fiKta *o*F *m'*cLot •*- - *1 m» TbbtDO, O CO»VffiOHTa, ®1 ■ HandhooX wrtte !* to DiDWAT, KltW YOUl •to# peteote tn A mer _ i se crniyy firm a* free Is of tonmebi efaerge before tu tbe ffuntSif ^metitan : ■for inventions. t. of the iacontpetcncy or inattention of the attorney* employed to < patent*. Too much rare cannot be t*crci*«d in croplot-iar —---- *hle solicitor* to procure patent*, for ihe value of a «ctctt(C tntitely, With upon the rare nnd skill of the attorney. the view ol protecting inventor* from worthies* or i srnl of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid 1 tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are ] Obtain Patent* In the United State* and all Foreign Count He*, terferences, Make Special Lremirtatiottt, Prosecute Register IVade-Mark* find CopyrighU, Rentier Scope and Validity of Patents, Defend infringement Suits, m If yon have on inrcotioti on bund send a sketch (Tether vrith brief deacriptHJn the important feature*, and _____ a of you advised a* to the l>wt course to pursue, Mmicia are * * others are infringing ou your right*, or H yon are char others, submit the matter to u* for a reliable OMH; matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS CO, $is r stub rr. nohthwest, a. o. aox *ea, JOHN WEDDERBURN *r Cut thla out and tend It w*th your in«uiry , STO V ALL THE BEST MAKES mm mimaami : "M- 8 TOV E 8 , For Coal or Wood. TIN WORK of ail kinds Done in the ; Best Manner at Spouting Low Rates. Guttering. Especial THOMPSON, Attention Given and 20 7 •m ORAtlGE BtOSS S - 18 AS *AFS A HD HARMLtM AS A Plax seed Pouli ft la appllbd right to th© parts. It cures all dlaeaaea ofwotndn, lady can uso t herself. Uojd by ALL DRUGGISTS, ad lreas on receipt of $1. Dr. J. A. MoOUl ft Oa, 3 and 4 Panorama Plaoe, Chicago, HL Foi Ml* in this city l»jr K* K.|ANTHONY. “ABSOLUTELY FRCK CRAYON PORTRAITS Ow n*m* Mill rontation ** A,tist*»w » F.vjfrtow <;omto*«jr. Hov* AtwPlf»n Kxpr*m remlv* O oareM ageucltM. Ui ya CODY * CO., ft«4 T« ! AOTIIT*.-C«t tUiii tmt «nd return ft tow wit* ttm n KAoffiwpii ym 4 IF YOU WANT INFORMATION PENS addbew a mm oh roRU THE PRESS CLAIMS J0H. WEDDERBURN, Man.gln : , mm P. 0. Bo* 463. Honor*!,’ ly aiK haryit rnl'iIcrMind ntiwivtt zerred ninety 4 .re entitled, entitled. U now trerttallywr wholly reB*rdlv»*of dtMblrd th#tr w»« • cnuned c*i wifi hr service or not, end iitiltcdi I t WITH, of until »o1<lic!*«ud»ni1or»nr«r OH1LDKKM I m* entitled (if under «i*benyearaj ta i dow, ____________________1”L»ldter or rhe ’ “ .....- r wt ltl widow cfctM. UAHK.NTN are entitled 1 li e l »y nor | •ervlae, or from effete* of eervte*. nnd witdler they are zerved now d*p**d*M died la 1 upon port. It make* no difference whether or UHV £oIdl*ra *f the Me war, pee .toned nailer one lew, mufpp’-r for Matter » law*, without lrwlng - any rteht*. fron, fr.otio Thouiwnt- . per of of dlteWlttie* foe higher __________________ r ratee rate* under n>UMlo”<lf^MUnllae new .m tew, law, not not only only on o account 1 “'““tOddfere Bold! • of dote •» regmlar army or vary aloe* th# * entitled, whether di«t halved widow*, for diMbillt Survive Survivors. WM and *nd their their widows, of or the the Woe* Haw*. CreeJLCtM Ida Indian War* of 1*3* to 134S, are entitled under a nemt s Mexlron War aoldler* «nd their widow, alroentttled, If stal. “id eiifiin. completed and *eU!ement obtained, whether pension has been franted e later laws or not. aecnred. If rejection Improper iltee*!. Certificate* Kejrcled claims of service reopened end discharge snd settlement obtained for soldier, and tellur, of t‘ or ----- urge < base lost for their taws original amt information. paper*. ■ huryefor *'IvU-e. Send No, THE PRESS CLAIMS CO.-„ . JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing At r. O. Box 453. WASHII -re For Sale o<*r# Utwf on cornet of TbirUenth ami Br<>*4wuy «m u«r J»tiR. « Thi# >»* tbu m h! It »*t ‘ViwratAs' i k t abo'e f»r m]e vi nn in- that site*# a» n<n 6# a divided np moi Mold in pirns >1 Urf* T tefw i* « imr^uui iu propatty fa aii^* oe»* wfco ft HUie family t<» iwtre*r, an U raa bi 5fO v iLt-rt* nrl !«e a pfvlf iu it. Choice of two htrwm* ttttd tots ofi Tirirte^eih W. U fiu’wm for or ****** Ho user, lot* «r.<) zi1 tor r*mntt tol* «r teat cfe*Vf» Mtui in nnti orty. Cwtt fa at? ^ M>, k oyer my list* ami 1 will rii iw you all or any pi.ov you m.ii ro se.. uitb nit ahr e* pens • to yon S’. K— bund* front flhtof loo per S» «i i* the rime to invent ttee linos* u.<d lot, ore acre Und. .table. barn and oat bourn*; all new, on We*r T»y- G. A. CUNNINGHAM. Real Estate Agent $500 Eevard ! *H vrO> per me*h0** reward •sn w*f earn ot £V* -»*4 or GriI. mnftfte wo «■«* air mrm w.fO Wwt’t ffiaMoLlvwrKtskeWftRft Che OinetUw* Of *rtwetr NS left tea -Sh M - Tfc*y I I1» T mto ml- fmvir T«?«*$hS$, «M a to f t*ft X .5fcrfdM*i4»e feeZiee* 8efti*sr<.5oe*$*l e»#*a R»NZ * » PP**- Of «SS S AN ELEI TO FILL A VI In the Board of sloners otSpalding Coimly. ttertr* foenrt t’o It ia onlerwd that an “J rori^m. Hrmao odNnaldilw teL a H lU.a 0 *»» i ie i w .s Saturday, 2Slli nil iniiiiianaii.i Bay nn WM ■ of lor * (ouaty lUveaure of said is .aid h-iard cttHari 1 W .d. bake. Sept .87,