The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 12, 1893, Image 4

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I m mm « m ■ i*r*s ■ ‘ I'm I ■ . .GAINS! FROM NOW 'TILL THE JDAYS ARE OVER WILL BE ,> ■ •gain iBife ¥ . v ►a* riTH TTS, ARE OVERSTOCKED IN life;;? m WOOL DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR,&G. will make price* that m w will move them at once. m We are determined to turn our large stock into moil* ey, and our loss will be yonrgain. NewHne of . CULE8 and SILK BRAIDS Received the past week. ml mik mm ibs Goods! • added the past week a large line of Piain China SUk Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Japanese Handkerchief, And Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs Suitable for Christrraa Presents Bought late in the season and will be offered at Bargain Prices NEW CLOAKS received the past week. 2,000 yards 4-4 Sea Island at 5c. worth 7c. toys Smits I We are showing Special values in Boys Heavy all-wool Salts at 32.00, 32.50 and 35.00. Butterick Patterns. Can gait yon in Patterns, as we have a complete new 3500.00 stock. Flemister £ Bros. " V J / m l jf 4 ' . \:'-V. $ ~X> l f* t ^js*§ Better Leave Your Order with lie Now for I OYSTERS, (FINE BILOXI PLANTS,) CELERY AND All Ingredients for Fruit Cake. WHEATON BROTHERS. '• HOTOCRAPHS. CRAYON PORTRAITS, Picture Frames. PA8TEL8. ★ HI. D. MITCHELL & CO S. ART STUDIO. ★ A. E. HINDSMAN, CONTRACTOR IND BUILDER. Drawing* end Specification* Made to Order. Will be sled to bid on all work In hi* line, either wood orjbrick. Office at Residence on Eighth Street, 2d door South of Solomon a GRIFFIN> GA» 1000 lbs. French ★ Candies Finest ever brought in Griffin. Come in and see our stock. G. W. CLARK A SON. Oriffln, Georgia, Dec. 18, 1803. 'BOUND ABOUT- 01 ty Motet and Hew* from Thla aad Adjoining count!ee. TK.H YEAR* HtSTE. ’T«a« in a dim* mu**um hall In 1903, A crowd of eager vlaitora had gone the there eight* to euriomtie* eee; of kind on And were evaty From the mod**! editor who gave hi* dr- eolation true To the meek, eedat* reporter whole etate- mentnemrlied. who (alec And the email reradoue newe'xiy . newt never eri.d; But around a pertain corner the whole crowd eeemed to etand, treak then Impacting there the land. greateet known la nil tbe I naked a wronger what it wae, he eaid be didn’t koow. Bat he gueeaed it wa* the moet attractive feature in the ihi.w I forward prereed among the crowd, and there beheld a man, face r he object of their curioo* ga«e—whoee wae pale and wan; And *» 1 paused 1 saw the keeper point at him and say: •‘The only liriog man who thinka advertis¬ ing doeen’t pay." A bitter smite—Whisky and bitters. la,P * t tale ‘ Only thirteen ilnys till Christmas. Have you ony Christmas (roods that you want attention called to? Tbe sagacious merchant does not delav in announcing bis holiday goods, as he knows every one is now on tbe qui vivo for novelties and in¬ ducements. The early shopper has tbe first pick at holiday goods, and is doobly benefit ted by getting around ahead of tbe crowds before tbe best and cheapest articles are gone. Austin Jackson, the “trusty” who contracted pneumonia a short time ago, died at-the poor farm on Sat- D B PRICE'S Tbs ooly Put* CntSfB of Tartar powder —No Aajmonia; No Alum. |jped in Millions of Homes-40 Vwi. tlw Sulid Silver Suitable for Holiday Presetfts. Watches 1 Watches! Jewelry! Jewelry! Holiday Goods! All New! No Old Stock! We enn interest you in prices, that’s certain. SHELTON & BAKER, 25 Hill St. *:• Griffin, Ga. urday. This is the first death among the convicts daring the three years that the chain gang has been work¬ ing on the roads of this countv. They have all been well and hearty and in condition that speaks well for tbe bumoDe treatment they receive from Messrs. Camp and Morris. At a meeting of the Spalding Sat¬ County Agricultural Society on elected urday, B. N. Barrow was president, T. J. Micchell vice presi¬ dent and I. P. Sawteil secretary. B. N. Barrow, T. B. Reams and J. D. Boyd were elected representatives society to lbe meeting of tbe State at Brunswick in February. Tbe next meeting of tbe county society will be held on the second Saturday in Jan¬ uary, when the subject of a horse- breeders’ association will be discuss¬ ed and J. M. Kimbrough will address the society upon ‘Preparation ol lands for plantiog.” The joints and muscles are so lu¬ bricated by Hood s Sarsaparilla that all rheumatism and stiffoMS soon disappears. Get only Hood s. We are pleased to announce that N. B. Drewry, our enterprising drug¬ gist, has secured the agency for the Japanese Pile Cure; a most wonder¬ ful discovery for the cure of piles of every find, which they will sell with a written guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. It is aaid to be a specific for that terrible and dangerous disease. Get a free sam¬ ple and try it OYSTERS, FIHof all Kioto, HAM and EGGS, and Everything Good to Eat, Cooked by cook* who have had experiso jg in some of tbe Iot« ge*t hotels In the State. COFFEE- ••Like YourMotber Used to Mako?’ At the NEW RESTAURANT, UNDEB G. R. NILES’. Must be Sold: My entire Stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS and SILVERWARE Must be closed ont imme¬ diately. NOW is the time to save money and get first-class goods at A. LOWER, The JEWELER, Sign of BIO WATCH, 20 Mill Street. New York $tore: REDUCTION In Prices IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS! * Mem Suits Former price 315 00 now 310 00 “ 12 50 now 8 00 “ 10 00 now 7 00 “ 8 00 now 5 00 Overcoats Former price 315 00 now 310 00 “ 12 00 now 8 00 “ 10 00 now 7 00 “ 8 00 now 5 00 v h and Cheaper in proportion. Dress Goods Immense reduction in all lines. Pat¬ tern Saits one-half original price to close out our stock. Just received 50 New Cloaks at 1-3 their original Prices. Holiday Trade Just received for the Holiday Trade the handsomest line of UMBRELLAS, MENS SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, &c., Suitable for Presents DOMESTICS still selling at Low Prices. 27 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. Manured BU Negro***. Savannah, Doc. 9.—Lawrence Wil¬ liams, white, murdered Eliza Martin, colored, in a house on South Broad street. The woman was Williams' mis¬ tress and the cause of his action is thought to be jealousy. Watte <• Getting Ready. Denver, Dec. 9.—Governor Waite is preparing his call for an extra session of the legislature on Jan. 10. His Mex¬ ican silver coinage scheme is unani¬ mously condemned by the newspaper* Of this «ty. A Whale ri.*t Stack Fast. Detroit, Dec. A whole fleet of vessels Kre fast in the ice floe at the head of Lake Erie, All efforts to release the boats have been in vain, and they will probably be fast until spring. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are improved more by tbe pleasant lax¬ ative, Syrup of Figs, when in need of tbe laxative effects of a gentle reme¬ dy than by any other, and that it ie more acceptable to them. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, tbe Syrup California of Fign, is manu¬ factured by Fig 8ymp C». only. Johnson’s Magnetic Oil kills all pat us whether Drewry. internal or .external, gold by N. B. AO oar DRESS GOO' S DRESS GOODS For tbe next THREE WEEKS THREE WEEK8 At actual FIRST COST I FIRST COST! When we nay coat, we mean (net what we paid tor them. HOP SACKING, SERGES, WHIPCORD, FLANNELS aad HENRIETTAS all go AT COST 111 . . SAMPLE SHOES . . Low Price* on Shoe* Again. V line of 8ampl«a from 1 . 8. Lewi*, Bos¬ ton, tfai* time. No other good* wifi c,m par* with tbtaHae for DURABILITY. . , Home Slipper* te Rwaaian Leather . tor CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I The Loweat Frio* Shoe Dealer* is Griffla. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. USEFUL PRESENTS FOR YOUR i */'■ '* !’ Family and Friends! .THIS: CHRISTMAS. Times Are Hard ail Litclj to k Therefore Make Such Presents As will Save Your Friends from Making a Purchase! Suitable for Presents. Ladies Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Embroidered Silk Ladies Kid Gloves, Ladies Silk Hose, Ladies JShoes, A Beautiful Wool Dress Pattern, A Handsome Rug, A Comfortable 3leCa Carpet, A Ladies Purse. Alluminum Hair Pins, Gentlemans Linen or Silk Hankerchief, Gentlemans Kid or Woolen Gloves, Gentlemans Scarf or 4-in-hand, Gentlemans Shoes, Gentlemans Overcoat, Gentlemans Hat, Dainty Embroidered or Drawn-work Silk Handkerchiefs just Received. Dolls for the Little Folks just received. EVERYTHING MUST MOVE! Ort stock must be converted into Money. Two weeks more of Fall business and our season is ended. WE . NEED . MONEY! . . . WE. MUST. HAVE. IT! Mu Sol at Panic Prices. Your Money we want and in exchange Our Goods for Half their Value. Any Lady’s Wrap fn our stock at your own price, cost we will not ask you, but will be satisfied with a loss of Twenty-Five percent. See what prices we will make you.