The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, April 24, 1903, Image 1

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THE HEWS, Established 1871 . SAVED FROM THE WRECKS '( S' mg**" 4- 'Jk X / V s? - u «—t »—t r- a 4 % ^ I \ umur tn a> Art , Will IIML snow. APRIL I! TOTHM $67.000.00 g'y 0 THE ORDER 0 °F SIXOF TH E Ta R GEST " Ba^CrO A D8 7n TH# ONITED 1 ^'sTATEs! The Order Is to Sell Them! And Sell Them Quick! And as per Orders the Consolidated Railroad Wreck Co. Has Leased the Entire Building at Don’t Forget the Number KING’S OLD CORNER Don ’ Forget the Number 59 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. This GIGANTIC STOCK will absolutely be sold regardless of their Cost or Value. FOUR Won’t the flerchants Howl! FOUR DAYS DAYS ONLY ONLY WRECK NO. 1. 2906 Men’s new Spring Hats, Derbies and Alpines, Stetson, Dunlap, Knox and other shapes. These Hats retail from $2.00 to $2.50. The Railroad says they are yours at 17c. 1500 Men’s all wool Business Suits, all sizes and styles. These suits would sell at amy retail store from $7.00 to $9.50. They ail go at this great sale, says the Railroad Co., for $1.98. 865 dozen Men’s fine Madras Shirts, #1.00 to Si. 50 kind; this lot embraces the very newest Spring and Summer designs in Shirt*. They are beauties, the pick the Railroad Co. says for 24c. 7S9 pairs of high-art Tailor-made Men’s Trousers, equal to any custom- made. 1 hey consist of the finest imported Worsted and cost to manufacture from $3.50 to $8.00. They go at £1.79. The above items were for Hampton Manufacturing Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., and were in wreck January 27th near Chicago; this firm claimed heavy damages of the Railroad, when goods were only slightly damaged. The Rail¬ road shipped them to the Consolidated Railroad Wreck Co. to be sold at the above prices. You must attend this big sale to be convinced. WRECK NO. 2. 1263 pairs Ladies’ and Men’s fine Shoes in Oxfords, Patent Leather, Vice j Kid, Box Calf, etc. Not a pair in this entire lot worth less than 73.50. Here is a chance ; Railroad Co. says sell them for $t.oo. 410 Men’s fine business Suits in Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots and Oxford mix¬ tures. Not a suit in this entire lot cost the manufacturer less than $10.50. The Railroad says sell them for $3.73. 300 dozen Men’s 1 2 Wheeler Lnion made Overalls, standard price every¬ where is $1.00. The Overalls are of the very best material and workmanship. They are yours at 33c. 5000 pairs of Men’s Pants. The, order is to sell them quick. So here they go at the Railroad’s order at 33c. This above merchandise was wrecked February 14th. 1903, near Atlanta, Ga,, which was consigned to one of the leading wholesale concerns of that city. I he Railroad Company had all the loss to stand. Of course, this means your gain at this true and bona fide sale of the Consolidated Wreck Co. Sale. ADDRESS ALL MAIL ORDERS TO MR- DAVID SDHWARTZ FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. Don’t Forget Time and Place, Saturday Morning, April 25, 9 o’clock, Entire Building,- KING’S OLD CORNER, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. gm ■ FOUR DAYS ONLY, -3-- - look FOR THE urge wreck siBNsi q . A. MILLER, Manager. Twenty-five Salesladies and Thirty Salesmen in all Departments. Apply Saturday Morning at 7:30 o'clock. UltlFFlN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 24 . WRECK NO. 3 23”JS zt ELS pany says 9c. ' 33 ° of ‘he famous Lannington brand Suits, single and double breasted. x These , goods are sold by the leading Merchants of the United and #25.00. 1 hey hand Stales for #18.00 are worked button holes and sewed with pure dye silk throughout, lmea with skinner silk and satin, full French facing. A glorious b^p^o'f^h 48* U,t ’ T ' e Rl *' r ° ad Conl P any sa y s to sell them at the laugba- h°?° M ,t n ’ S J“IL leS9 Half IIose black an d colors, lace and plain, worth and the R. R. Co., - 20 a 25c, r say they are vours at 7c. Samme [ Coat *’ 8Uch “ s Cycuylan, Alapaca, Drapata—in fact the lar¬ gest „„ s line of f clerical and Summer Clothing , ever shown in the South. It will you to inspect this line, all go at 36c. UP. pay 1 - anrl and nfi^ patterns 9 for ® spring FanCy Silk and summer Vests ’ * wear. izes fr0,n By 33 to 44 of all miss the this lntest designs goat#i°2 C ° St " $ °°- Here 18 no means chance the owners opportunity to 3 your are all The above Merchandise was ditched near Macon, January 6th and asstiSlrLSr** c --.........^ s-^—ts were WRZCK NO. 4, 4,200 Children’s 2 and 3 piece Suits absolutely all wool, sizes to 17 and x ''■•S grandest so^iiro' chance anfr yet to purchase and M a* es a fine talking suit at Skirts the ridiculous these Skirts price of#4.73. of tlfis i are all samples time Ladies, I T "°. rth frorn *5 to $12, here is a chance of a life¬ time, to get a splendid Skirt—just think of it—for *r 48 The°Rai£Sr a ' ,d Mi8Se5 ’ VesU ' Balbr 'gg an and Lisle thread, worth ” t «—» Railroad “ ‘ h ' THE SUE. Established 187). BAGDAD RAILWAY SCHEME. British Newspaper* Urg* Government to Steer Clear of Same. New York, Aiprll 23.—-Almost every newspaper In the country Is urging the government to have nothing to do with the Bagdad railway scheme, ca¬ ble* The Tribune’# representative In I-ondon. The terms of the convention de¬ fining the condition* of the concession for the construction of the line make It absolutely clear that its control will rast In German hands wad Mr. Balfour’* supporters In and out of parliament are consequently unable to unJerstand why the foreign oecretary has not promptly declined the German Invi¬ tation. A tumor Ip current to th# ef¬ fect that Kkiglaud la now paying the price of Germea neuti kilty daring the Boer war ar i there 1. talk of a secret agreement that binds this country hwnd and fouL to Germany, and com¬ mits It to an qnknown vista of humil¬ iations. entanglements and perils. The Unionist newspaper* ate alarmed, anil Mr. Balfour is warned that acquies¬ cence in the Bagdad scheme is not to be tolerated. WOULD PREVENT A LYNCHING. Negro Mob Pursuing Whits Mob In Arkansas. Little Rook, Ark., April 23—A spe¬ cial from Guerdon. Ark., to the Ga¬ zette says: Dr. Guffraan, of this city, called on Alex, Thompson, a negro, yesterday to collect a bill which the negro disput¬ ed, calling the doctor a liar. Guffman stiuck Alexander with a paperweight ami the negro retaliated by cutting the doctor three times In the back of the neck. Inflicting serious though not fatal Injuries. The negro was placed In Jail with extra guards for safe¬ keeping. At 12:30 o’clock this morning a par¬ ty of supposed white men overpowered the guard and 1 took the negro away. Later a mob of negroes were seen hunting for the party of whites and it is feared 1 that serious trouble will follow If Alexander Is lynched. A later dispatch says that Thomp- son’s body was found hanging from a railroad trestle near here today. The lynching was performed quiet¬ ly and no excitement prevails here No further trouble ta anticipated. MASQUERADES A8 MAN. For Thirteen Years Mrs. Green Wore Male Attire. Madlsonvllle, Ky., April 23.—Aaron Bark, a farmer, who died suddenly at hi# home In Mohlenburg county, 12 miles west of this place, yesterday, Was discovered to be a woman, whose names U Mr*. Frederick Green. She came to Muhlenburg county:; about 13 year* ago, with a small child. She wa» dressed in men’s clothing. She hag lived on a small farm the entire time, and her disguise ha* never been suspected. Mrs. Green told a neigh- bor, who was with her before t(ie died, that her home was In Massachusetts, and that she had assumed men's garb because Bhe could make a better living than she could otherwise. The only known living relative of th* deceased Is her little daughter, Carroll. The Little Electric Mignet, Of Miga Annie May Abbott, who appears at the Olympio Bator lay night, the Atlanta Confutation said on her return home from Europe: Bhe la the only woman who carries the endorsement of every throne in the old world, given under royal seals and written In Imperial obi- rography. Bhe is a little bit of a woman weighing considerably less than a hundred pounds, bat a pret¬ tier little sonl is hand to find. Bhe is exceedingly pious, and her pro - tension in that line rnns to holiness. Early io life she discovered there was her something extraordinary about that puzzled every one, and very soon she announced the pos¬ session of a power over boman strength that was more than won¬ derful. Private exhibitions were given at her horns, and by a simple touch everything a boat her came under the msgnetio lr finance of her will. Enough human weight oonld not get arouud a chair to hold it still when her fingers touched it, and a dozen men oonld not pot a stick to the floor that laid carelessly across her hand. Her power proved i unlimited, and it has grown fromf then until now, end is as much a mystery as ever. Make* a Clean Sweep* There’s nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves yon over heard of, Buoklen’s Arnio* Stive is the best. It sweeps away and oures burns, sores, braises, oats, boils, ulcers, skin eruption* and piles. It’s only 25o, and gnnr- anteed to give satisfaction by Car¬ lisle & Ward and Brooks Dru Store. cue Rotlcete Served. Dae Notfoe is hereby served on the public generally that DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Balve la the only salve on the market that is made from the pare, unadulterated witch hazel. DeWttt’a Witoh Hazel Salve has oared thousands of case* of piles that would not yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought ont many worthless ooaaterfeits. Those persons who get the genuine DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve are never disappointed, because It bares. Brooks Drnj Store. SA-RTOniA. Ite , Kind Ym Haw ilwaff 8wfK SOREJjANDS Itching, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, With Brittle, Shapeless, Discolored Nails, Ks Well as Roughness and v ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the hand* on retiring In a strong, hot, creamy lather of Cutlcura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cutlcura Ointment, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For red. rough and chapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, shspelcss feverish palms, with brittle, nulls and painful finger ends, this treatment Is simply wonderful, fre¬ quently In other curing In a single Cutfcura application. and no way have Soap Ointment demonstrated their aston- Iriilng tually curative properties more effec¬ than In the treatment of the hands, especially when tortured with Itching, Complete burning and scaly eczema. local and constitutional treatment for every humour of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, may now he had for one dollar. Bathe Soap, freely with hot water and Cutlcura to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the tlilekened cuticle. and apply Dry, without hard rubbing, Cutlcura Ointment freely, to mation, allay Itching, and Irritation and Inflam¬ soothe and heal, and, lastly, rills, take cool the Cutlcura Resolvent to and cleanse the Mood. This treatment affords instant relief, permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning to speedy, and scaly humours, and points a permanent and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring humours remedies from infancy and the to best age, physician* when all fall. other FLED FROM FUMES IN NIGHHLOTHING Tenants’ NarrowEaeape From Fire In Chicago - Three persons were injured. Bixtaan Families Were Driven from Their Quarters by a Fire In an Apartment House—Building Totally Wrecked by th* Blaze. Chicago/ April 23.—Tbrtje person* were Injured and 16 families were driv¬ en to the street early today fa an apartment house fire at 263, 266 and 267 Thirty-fifth street, which totally wrecked the structure. Those injured are: MH. Gertrude de Stile, probably fa- lira. William Under, badly burned. Jftw, Gottfried Swoltch, badly horn¬ ed about face while rescuing child of Mrs. Under. The Are started In the basement of the building and had gained such head-. Way when Die Bremen arrived that a general call for engines was sent In. Most of the tenants were caught while asleep and barely had time to reach the street In their night cloth¬ ing. Neighbors made them comfort¬ able until friend* sod relatives arriv¬ ed and took them to their homes. The loss on the building was 126,000. Fire In Ship’* Hold. Liverpool, April 23.—Captain Apfeld, of the Red Star Uner Frit-land. which arrived yesterday from Philadelphia, reports that Are broke out in the bold No. 3. when the steamer waa three days out. The hold contained cotton, tallow, parafln© and resin. After an hear * work the crew subdued the out¬ break. There was no panic on board. BKVKKK ATTACK OK DRIP Cured by One Bottle of fnasaberlaln’t Cough Remedy. “When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually oared myself with one bottle of Chambertetn’s Cough Remedy,” saya Frank W. Perry, editcr of the Enterprise, Bhorts- vlile, N. Y. “This is the honest (rath. I at times kept from oongh- tng myself to pieces by taking a tea- seemed that in the briefest Interval the oongh would paas off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from oongh and lie accompanying pains. To say that the remedy toted as a most agreeable surprise la patting it very mildly. 1 had no idea that it would or oonld knock ont the grip, simply because I bad aever tried it for snob a purpose, bnt it did, and It seemed with the woond attack of conghing the remedv caused it to not only bn of leas duration, bnt the pains were far less severe, and I bad not need the oontents of one bottle before Mr. Urtp nad bid me snien.’’ For sale by Carlisle A Ward and Brooks Ding Store. _