The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, April 24, 1903, Image 3

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The Kind Ton Have Always Bonglit, and which has been in use for over 30 years, and ^ has beon borne the signatured /T //G /s „ ’ “adeunder his per- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. AU ... Counterfeits, „ ' Allow no one to deceive you in this. Experiments Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but that trifle with and endanger the health of tolauts end Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare¬ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alia; s Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind * relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother’s Friend. CENUIUE CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought lii Use For OvefHBO Years. THE CENT AUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. , * W3W CKC jT;lW, OKLAHOMA & GULF R. R. Combines the Advantages of Eastern Service With the Opportunities of a Western Country ... DIRECT LINE... Memphis to Little Rock, Hot Springs, Indian and Oklahoma Territories, Texas, Col¬ orado* New P*1exico, Arizona, Old Mexico and the Pacific Coast wide vestisuled trains PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPING CARS PULLMAN! TOURIST SLEEPING CARS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS S. 1. PACK3TT, Blst. Pass. Aft., GE3. H. LEE, C. P. & T. Atlanta, Qa. Little Rock, Arkansas. FURNITURE SALE AT BASS BROTHERS COMPANY! 1 oday we will begin a Special Sale of Furniture and no one who wants any article in the Furniture line can afford to miss this sale. Her 3 Area Few Prices Among the Many Great Bargains to Go on Sale This Week. We are the People that Cut Prices Nearly SO Per Cent.: 3*ii>;e Oak bedroom Suits at $14, worth $2 f Iron Beds in all colors and styles, ranging in prices up to $17.50. Sideboards $10 to $45, absolutely the best line ever carried in Middle Georgia. COMPANY. Big Store. Mammoth Stock. Little Prices. important meeting CATMLIG DIVINES Large Body Church Dignata- . sief at Washington. cardinal, gibbons presided. Archbishops, Clchcps and Clergy As¬ sembled to Attend Laying of Corner Stone of the Proposed Apoetollc Mis¬ sion of the Catholic University. Washington, April 23.—There assem¬ bled today at the Catholic university one of the largest bodies of dignitaries of the Catholic church over assem¬ bled In America. At 10 o’clock the annual meeting of the archlblshops, the most distinguish¬ ed ecclesiastical Body of the church, convened In McMahan hall. The de¬ liberations of the body were presided over by Cardinal Gibbons, and wore participated In by all the archbishops except two or three who unavoidably were detained. The archbishops had under consideration many questions affecting the Catholic Amer¬ ica. In addition to Cardinal Gibbons and the most reverend archbishops, many of the bishops, clergy and ec¬ clesiastical students of the country are at the university to attend the laying of the cornerstone of the pro¬ posed apostojic mission house. Cardinal Gibbons will bless the stone and Archbishop Keane will de¬ liver the se:mon. The occasion will be a notable one in the history of the university. RACING AT NASHVILLE. Cumberland Derby the Chief Event Many Horses Carded to Start Nashville, Tenn., April 23.—Racing will be inaugurated at Cumberland park this afternoon and the indica¬ tions point to a most successful meet¬ ing of nine days. The weather Is delightful And the track in fine condi¬ tion for the running of the Cumberland derby, the chief event of the meet tng. Six horses are carded to start, but it is more than probable that Bardolph will decline the Issue as his owners, Gorman & Bauer, are giving the colt a special preparation for the Kentucky derby. Fore and Aft will probably go to the post favorite for the derby, though Sinner Simon and Barca will have a strong following. The other races have filled exceptionally, and the meeting starts off under the most auspicious circumstances. Many horsemen and horses arrived from Memphis this morning, and the stables at the track are taxed to their utmost capacity. ■ro RECUT GREAT SEAL OF U. S. Single Workman Will Be Watched by Big Force of Inspectors, Philadelphia. Pa., April 23.—Secret service operatives will shortly arrive here to shadow Max Zeitler, an expert heraldic .engraver. Not that Mr. Zeit¬ ler ha* done wrong, but he is about to recut the great seal of the United States and ti'e government during this We have more than fifty styles of Go-Carts and Bat by Buggies, with automobile tires, the la.est thing out . We have the exclusive sale [of the celebrated Ha. 1 ('wood Go-Carts and Baby Buggies, ranging in pri' ;e from $3 to $25. Bed Lounges $8 to $20. Complete line of Hall Racks to go in this special scf e, 7.50 to $20. Chiffoniers $7.50 to $18, Rockers $1 to $7.50. Mattresses $1.50 to $7. Bed springs 1.25 to 6.00. Extension Tables 4.50 to 17.00. process istfrioyes a greater force of inspector* to keep an eye on the sin¬ gle workman than In the construction af a '5.000,000 battleship. The firm to which the contract for the ceil has bsen let wia compelled to r.ttme the engraver when It bid for the work. This exaction la required so that the neoesaary protection may be afforded to the design which la ex- pected from Washington In a few days for the guidance of the engraver. The new seal also will be carefully guard- ed. The preaent seal has become so worn by years of constant use that the new one will be completed to place It as soon as possible. SAVANNAH WANTS REUNION. Delegation to New Orleans to Extend Invitation to the Vets. Savannah, Qa., April 23.—Savannah wants 'he next reunion of the Confed¬ erate Veterans. When the Savannah vets go to New Orleans next month they will extend an Invitation on be¬ half of this city, and every effort will he made to induce the veterans to decide upon this city a s the place for the great reunion of 1904. Interviews with prominent veterans all show a strong sentiment eupport- Ing the resolution and the Savannah veterans at New Orleans will be back¬ ed by supplementary Invitations when they extend the Invitation. Lee Returning to St. Louis. St. Louis, April 23—A special dated Bloomington, HI., to The Post-Dispatch from a correspondent on board the Chicago and Alton train from Chicago to St. Louis, says: "Lieutenant Gov¬ ernor John A. Lee, who has been a fugitive from the St. Ixtuis and Cole county juries for the past week. Is speeding towards St. Louis. He is coming back to tell what he knows about the distribution of boodle In con¬ nection with the anti alum legisla¬ tion. He left Chicago at 9 o’clock this morning on the Alton and is due to arrive in St. Louis at 6:12 o'clock this evening. Drop* Politic* for Masonry. Mobile, Ala., April S3.—Congress, man James D. Richardson, Democrat¬ ic leader of, the house, who Is here at the reunion of Scottish Rite Masonry of Alabama, when closing his speech last night at a banquet In the Battle house, announced that he had decided to quit politics and devote himself to the work of Scottish Rite Masonry. The announcement—which was then made for the first time—was received with a great demonstration of ap¬ plause. Mr. Richardson Is the high est ranking Mason In the world. Excursion Postponed. Louisville, April 23.—The Southern Exchange excursion planned by the' board of trade has been Indefinitely postponed on account of the fact that not enough time has been allowed foi making the arrangements. The excur¬ sion was announced for May 4, and It was found to be impossible to make arrangements for souvenirs, to com plete correspondence with the towns which are to be visited and- to secure a sufficient representation from the business houses. Kitchen Safes, Kitchen Cabinets, the best thing in the market. Large assortment of Lawn Settees in all colors r bent hickory. Cocks th it are cheap and the kind that kee !' ■"-’TCcM't i ,V« hr, , < sale of the Wernicke : $ rs. t book i ' ‘: case at ——TTmirraiiiiin A New Feature. » - -1- ----- We received yesterday a complete line oi Estey Organs at prices never before offered to the trading public. Estey Organs are the best; guaran* teed a life time. We sell for cash or on the installment plan. Funeral lectors and Embalm We carry at all times compete line of Coffins. Caskets and Funeral Supplies. Careful attention given to all funerals entrusted to us day or night, i Hearse with black horses free. NEW STOCK EXCHANGE. Flnt Cay's* Show* Better State of Aff<im. New York, Apr:} 28—The first day of business in the new Stuck Exchange opened with better prices and general feeling of confidence. There wag an unusually large gathering of member*, many veteran* attending as a matter of sentiment. The crowd arrived: long before the opening hour. Promptly at 10 o'clock President Kappler. who stood with Chairman Talbott in the north rostrum, brought his gavel down. So great was the noise, however, that th*.sound of the gavel could not he heard 20 feet av .ty. Each of the 16 trading post* had its crowd of eager, expectant) brokers, but the greatest crowd congregated about Post No. 5, where Missouri Pa¬ cific was the feature. The nrbltrnga crowd at the south end of the :<x>m was making lots of noise hut the bend beakers over at the cast wall were a quiet, orderly lot. The new rule ex¬ cluding all visitors save tbasc bearing membership cards accounted for tb,. small attendance in the gallery. Just before the opening the floral offering of the Consolidated Exchange, a ga.itlc bunch of roses, was brought in and placed on’the roetrun, The stock market features included Mi. -ou.i Pa¬ cific,, Union Pacific, St. ; Paul, Rock island, Erie, Pennsylvania and Head ing. Election For Bond*. Atlanta, April. 22.—An ( lection to decide whether there Is to be an issue of $250,000 of bonds for the extension of the sewer System and an issue of $150,000 of bonds for the improvement of the waterworks system is I icing held In, this city to;!ay. Voters have the privilege of voting for either or both Issues. Jiffs fills This popular remedy never falls to effectually cure dyspepsia, Constipation, Sid Headache, Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from r Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural result Is goed appetite and solid flesh. Dosa sniffr, elegant¬ Lake ly No sugar Substitute. coated and easy to swallow. THE CATARRH CLEAN^NU AND HEALING CURE FOR CATAHRli Ely's Jan Ms Rasy and Contains pleasant! to use. no It Injurious Is drui * •orbed. quickly al COLD"»HEAD Gives rel ef at onoe li opens ai.u - . , -*es the naf al passages. Allays In (Ian,, tlon Heal and protects the membram- Restores tie senses of taste and sincl Full site, v- rents at Druggists or I mall: Trial s'ase 10 ■ • * hv si! KI.VBROTHKRq.Aff Warren sf N Y MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720 fttvanlaanth St., WASHINGTON. D. C. “If every suffering woman If you are a suffering wo-' has the same experience whh man we would say to you Wine of Cartful that I had, that Wine of Cardui seldom-' your medicine wiU be mow fails to completely core arfy I I popular. began began to to About* have have year ago case emphatically, of female it ills. WVsav tired feeling feeling * a worn out benefit. never fails with with lassitude to Every day hun¬ pains In the hack and head dreds of sufferers are writing which kept Increasing every to our ladies* Advisory De¬ month. 1 felt that I needed partment. The letters are something, but to get the opened by persons compe¬ Mire. right ble- medicine I finally was the trou¬ tent to give advice. decided «o Jones was cured by follow¬ your Vine of Cardul and only needed to ing the ftdvioo which was freely green take ‘b iy bottles when I was fully re¬ her by the Ladies' Advi wry Depart- covered.” mi nt. Miss Owens was cured sred without |HEN Miss Rose Owens, who advice Wine of by Cardul just buying from a her 11.00 bottle of has a responsible position in taking this great medicine druggist in the and pri¬ the Government service at of her No _. Washington, D. C., decided to vacy home. doctor's ex¬ try Wine of Oardni, she made a wise amination, You treatment have read or what advice these is neo choice. Over a million women have essaiy. cured have written. la this two been relieved of female weakness by this women not same Wine of Cardui. It is not a ■ en ough to lead you to determine to be strong medicine hut may be taken every rid 1 of f suffering? suffering day benefit. in the It year by any woman with August in 1900, Mrs. W. H. Jon*#, does not force results, but of Cameron, Mq., writes: corrects derangements It strengthens of the the menstrual “I suffered terribly at monthly periods organs. gives nervous for three years. 1 would sometimes go for tions, system, nets directly tone to the bodily the genital func¬ ■even months with no flow at aU. Now and is on 1 have my health back again And am organs, the finest tonic for wo¬ expecting to be confined in January. I men known to the science of medicine. cannot praise your medicine enough.” WINEofCARJDVI A million have Wine found suffering of Cardul. relief women in Van Valen Sanitarium (INCORPORATED.) Psychological Treatment as Given Here CURES MENTAL, NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES Valen Opium and Whiskey Habits, treated by the Van Method, are cured painlessly, permanently and guaranteed. If other treatments have failed you, come and be restored to health. Free booklet upon request. Prac¬ tice established in 1899, incorporated 1902. Patients from every State. VAN VALEN SANITORIUM COMPANY ISO PARK AVE.. ATLANTA, GA. Administrator's Sale. tax in ie STATE OF GEORGIA - SPALPlxa County. By virtue of of an order granted by the I will be Georgia, court ordinary the of Spalding county, th< at the diff<*ret>t pr^cJuo’n on I will at sell April term, 1903, of said of receiving Hava mentioned ©low mr tho purpose court, to the highest bidder be¬ Ftate and County Taxes for fore the court bouse door in Gridin, Ga„ tn»* year 1903: between the logsl hours of sale, on the S£» *«"». •S-Sfc '*?8- Ur-t Tuesday In May, 1908, seventeen shares of the capital stock of the Griffin »sr: mt. ast Ba¬ of Grocery J. W. Company, Bullard, t-old as the properry sse - late of said county, r. K::: «*• ileceasod, for the purpose of paying heirs the debts and division among the of Except on the days mentioned above I said deceased. Terms ca«h. ill be In my office In the rear of the Mer- ANNA BULLARD, „uant and Hauler*' Bank until July 1st. Admldlstratilx of J. W. Bullard, de¬ when my books wll' close. ceased. H. T. JOHNSON, T. R. 8-C. BISS BROS. CO, m