The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, April 25, 1903, Image 1

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Jjr THE PEWS, Established 1871. BLOODY REVENGE BY MACEDONIAN BAND Forty Bashi-Bazouksare Sur¬ rounded and Slain. FIFTEEN GENDARMES KILLED. Cut of Revenge For the Murder of Their Leader, Captain Saeff, Mace¬ donians Take Summary Vengeance Near Town of Pstrich. Vienna. April 2 -.—Dispatches from Sofia announce, that, a band of Mace¬ donians recently s urrgunded and then slaughtered 40 Banhi-Bazouks and 15 gendtimes, near Petrich, Macedonia, bat of revetu'e for the murder of their leader,’ Captain S-irff, who was recent- ly killed ij an encasement in the dis¬ trict of .Melnik. The band sr.bseqrie'ntly captured the district chief of Petrich and'- 25 sol- diets whom they stripped and re¬ leased. CALM A FT PH STTORM. More Pacific State of Affairs In Illi¬ nois Legislature. Springfield. 111., April 24.—The open, lng of the s;o" of the legislature was calm today alter the storm yes¬ terday, although there was a decided undercurrent of feeling against Speak¬ er Miller, which threatened to break *ut again it anything similar to the tactics of yesterday was attempted. The chief interest in the Traction question centered around the appoint¬ ment of the committee to investigate the charges of attempted bribery on be¬ half of the Mueller bill, made yester¬ day by Speaker Miller. The speak¬ er would not announce the members of-'the committee this morning, and none of hie followers would give out Your money back If you are not satisfied of "tZ? to toStaS? SS&S* f ae » ubUo « ^anoe* SSW*, theutmosteonfl- million satisfied customer*' That'sVhy YOU shoSdSy it? Direct from our distillery to YOU Savss Dialers’ Profits I Prmnts Adulteration 1 RATHER WHISKEY PUKE EH I EM? SEVEN-YEAR-OLD CElfril.vran m ■» RYE 4 <SVs s 3 2 SB Wze wmsJcey, try it a ad if you don’t find it all right and as good ship toe goods in plain do not please m wSti™ let us "* a sealed ease; no marks to show what’s inside. Aedasa A wj_ V /i.i rs_» _ or Prepaid Wyo., i Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ATLANTA; GA. DAYTONi OHIO ST. LOUIS. MG ST. PAUL NINN. iss DnmmmT, Toot, O. Established ism. THE FOOT GLOVE $3.50 Shoe ! FOR MEN Men who walk will be interested in these Shoes, because they are as comfortable on the foot as Shoes can be made. They are made on the best lasts, and the most stylish shapes. Vici Kid, Velour Calf and Box Calf, $3 50 hi h grade at . Genuine Ideal Patent Kid in Blucher and Lace 4>4.UUe d* 4 nn Oxfords and high Shoes, * R. F. STRieKLflND & the names If they knew them. members opposed to Speaker flatly declared that they did not lieve there was anything in the made by the speaker and their intention of pushing home matter in such a way that Mr. would be compelled to prove his sertion of attempted bribery or that he could not make It good. BAILEY'S RICH FEE. United States Senator Paid For Engineering Deai. Chicago, April 24.^—A dispatch The Reeord-Hcrald from New says: United Slates Senator J W. . of Texas, is receiving on haying recently been paid a of $200,000: John R. Kirby, the dustrial king,".of Texas, recently termined to re-finance one of his companies operating in the pine ests of southeastern Texas, and ployed Mr. Bailey to assist in ing New York financiers in the prise, his compensation t,o be a and commissions amounting to Odfl. The negotiations were ful and Mr. Kirby has informed as friends that Mr. Bailey that amount. Army’s First Leper Case. Washington. April 24.—The case the soldier leper recently referred in these dispatches, is the first known in the army. When th first developed the man could been discharged for disability, but was decided to keep him in the vice in order to give the surgeons opportunity to study the disease. special house was built for him Fort Screven, and he has been there nearly three months. An surgeon has been detailed to him and to study the disease with view to ascertaining if it can be No reports have been received the surgeon. UUIFF1N, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1903. WILL BOYSOTT BIG FAIR. Gorman Manufacturer* Will Make No Exhibit at St. Loula. Now York, April 24.—German man¬ ufacturers and exporters, cables the Berlin correspondent of The Herald, propose to boycott the St. Louts expo¬ sition. Out of 18 large firm* allied t o the Kssen chamber of commerce all but five have resolved to refrain from exhibiting, and a report just re¬ ceived from Soltngen announces that all manufacturers and industrial firms belonging to the chamber of commerce in that city have resolved unanimous¬ ly not to. exhibit. Only a few weeks ago German pub¬ lishing houses agreed to boycott the St. Loqls exposition because of de¬ fective, copyright laws and the whole¬ sale translation of German publica¬ tions in the United States equivalent to literary piracy. The firm of Krupp, which was the largest German exhibitor at Chicago, obstinately refuses to exhibit at St. Louis. Similar resolutions have been carried by numerous chambers of com¬ merce, especially in the industrial re¬ gions of the Rhine, Westphalia and S(- lescia. In Saxony it is learned the feeling against exhibitir/f ^ g t Lo ujs is acute. HIS EYE NOT ON WHITE HOUSE. Mayor Johnson Think* His Field of Usefulness Is In Ohio. Kansas City, April 24.—'Mayor Tom L. Johnson, under date of April 21, wrote the following letter to J. L. W. Morrill, of this city, a Democratic politician, In response to a letter from Morrill discussing Johnson's nomina¬ tion for president in 1904; "Replying to your favor of April 17, permit me to say that I think my field of usefulness is right here In this city and at most in the state of Ohio, and I must condemn any movement such as you speak of as being unwise and undesirable. “The more talk about nominating me in 1904 is a positive injury to what I am trying to accomplish here, and it dods seem to me too bad to interfere with work that is bearing such good 9rult. I do hope you, as a friend of mine, will discourage this in every way possible. “I am grateful to you for your kind words, but I believe that on consider¬ ation you will agree with my conclu¬ sion.” CONFERENCE OF EDUCCATORS. Body at Richmond Elect* Officers. South’s Bright Future. Richmond. Va„ April 24.—The South¬ ern Educational conference this morn¬ ing elected- the following officers: President. Robert C. Ogdon, of New York; vice president, Edgar R. Mur¬ phy, of Montgomery, Ala.; secretary, B. J. Baldwin, of Montgomery, Ala.; treasurer, W. O. Blair, Winston-Salem, N. C.; B. B. Valentine, of Richmond, Va., chairman of the executive com¬ mittee. The attendance at the morning ses¬ sion was large and enthusiastic. Dr. Lyman Hall, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, the first speaker, de¬ clared facetiously that If the move¬ ment continued its work the people of the south would be talking of "darkest New England and referring to Illit¬ erate Boston." He took a most encouraging view of the future of the south educational¬ ly and Industrially. Carriage Work* Damaged. Detroit, April 24.—The manufactur¬ ing departments of R. Scherer & Co.'s carriage works at Jefferson avenue and Woodbridge street, was damaged by fire early today to the extent of *25.000. MERLSTING CASES TRIED IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT. Judge Beverly Evans Presided and Court Adjourned Yesterday Afternoon Till Monday. McDonough, Ga , April 2* —The superior o^ur adjourned this af¬ ternoon until Monday, when the criminal docket will be taken up. This dooket will ocoupy the oourt several days. The oivil dooket has been quite important and many oases tried. Judge Beverly I) Evans has pre¬ sided over this branoh ot th> oourt with such credit to himself, and so satisfactorily to the bar, that at a meeting; of the bar after the ad journment of the oourt resolutions of commendation were passed, unanimously endorsed, and handed to the judge. He is both an affable and learned judge. Mrs. The oase of N E Dor v the Central railroad, was tried for the fourth time, resulting in a ver- diot of (400 against the road The •verdicts have grown less until this amount has been reached. The oase was ably bandied by C >1. Bar ner Beeks. and Judges Cleveland and This oase, as has heretofore been mentioned in the News and 8nn, was for putting Mrs, Dorsey off the train just bolow the depot at Hampton. Is is thought this case may now be settled, though a mo¬ tion for new trial hak been filed. W J, Comb-*, of Locust Grove, won his oase against the Southern railroad for killing some stock This oase involves, to some extent., the establishment of registration of public roads Onr ordinary and county commissioners should obey the law of the 8fate and discharge the duty prescribed in the statute of TWO STATEMENTS ABOUT THE COLORED BAZAAR The Committee Says J. H. Dye Has No Authority to Run One. The following two documents have been handed us to puh:ish in the interest of the hospital move¬ ment and are submitted to the in¬ telligent pubiio without comment; Notice—the Bazaar. Griffin, Ga., April 24 —The ool- oreu 1 hu1*s of Griffin, supp rted by the chairman of the auxiliary of she hospital movement and other lead lug men, have opened a baza>ron Hill street, at the the same pi»oe in which rw* V. ink the . L » M. white L, Am Indies 1 J . oo. ducted -i . « theirs, tor the benefit ot the boa pital fund. We ask 'he hearty Co- operation ot all Beginning V 25th 25th 1903. 1903. .1 .1 H ff. Lyk r,vv Manager Auxiliary M ivem-Dt. Gurnea B. LIrrwry, Storetary. The Authorized Committee Has Nothing to Do With Bazaar. At the mas* meeting of the color¬ ed oitizens held in the oourt- houee some weeks ago the followicg nam- The Hume .3 Lottery ••Ala. if only 1 ww « bnullfal how happy Ufa would Many looked a forlorn maid has said this as she into the mirror. It is the one pos- session in the lottery of human life which woman would not refuse. BRAD F emale for young girls on the threshold of woman¬ hood is invaluable. When they become head, pale and feet languid, and hands the eyes dull, aching abnormal, obstructed cold, periotfa appetite gone or and pain¬ ful menses, and their systems generally run down, they need a tonic, building u{ and their blood cleansed. Brad field's Female Regulator for women Is particularly valuable and useful owing to its tonic properties and as a regulate! of the menstrual flows. Painful, obstruct¬ ed and suppressed relieved and menstruation is perma- nently her genital all diseases cured by peculiar it to organs are Regulator clear* the complexion, bright¬ ens the muddy eye, sharpen* and the appetite, re¬ moves blotched conditions ol the skin and cures sick headache at Of druggists at Ir.oo per bottle. < ••Perfect Health for Women” con be had free by sending us your address. INI aSSOFIELO RESULATOS CO.. ATLANTA. GA loinme or every Cures a CoM In Owe Day, ( I 2 Day* 1 box. 25 c registering pubiio roads. A noted lawyer says they should p»ss an order formally declaring whioh are the pubiio ro ids and register them on the required books. OsoarBann, also-of Locust Grove, made a smslii reoovery ngriost this Southern K E for personal dam¬ ages, occasioned by bis horse failing in a drain at a railroad creasing m the town of Linnet Grove. Ju<tg« E W. Hammond, who be¬ sides betrg an Sradi'e judge 1* a successful practitioner, raised j*. ms "lively points” in the Ouse of Shell Vs Griffin, a suit for damaging la; d, and very quickly -B»-pu're<l a judgment far hi client. The last c»?e of im;>ort*noe trod was that. of the Potts-Thnmps ui Liquor Co vs Mrs. Sprab-rry. The defend¬ ant lived in Atlanta, where the oase arose, and moved 1 1 Henry. Hence the venue is here Frank Poits, well known in Georgia, was on the stand, a* well as Mrs Spraberry. Mr Potts olaims that her hus¬ band as her agent ran a saloon in Atlanta and owes him some (2 300 for spirits The lady deol«r>-d her¬ self so anti-salnomst, and denied that a cent of her money had ever dropped into a saloon—or that her husband was her agent. There was a mis'rial in this case. Farmers are oackward up here, «Dd are wrathy over the fact that th*-staple is now ten oents, while they were forced io sell at eight and nine They sav it is the same crop arid ought all to sell at same price, ar d that combinations have swindled them ont- of seveu to ten dollars a bale The farmers ma>' O'tnbino on future ciop. B. ed gentlemen were ohosen to manage the affairs of the colored people in the way of creating an in¬ terest and also devise plans by whioh to raise money to be used in the establishment and main-enarce of the hospital for white and oolored patients. viz ; J Boost Cheshire, Prof J. L B .wdoin, Milton 0. Allen, Prof. E F. Murphy, Sonny Williams, Rob6 Griggs, Wilkins, L K Evens. Dr. A. M. Ben D. Kendrick The toinform committee above T named “f** 4 de- sires “ th« P ^ U ° that B ^“° W g Sf a not under th« “ ftnH * fm,,nt of the the committee, k but . is an indi- vidual affair oonduoted by the gentlemen whose names appear on the handbill. Assuring the general pubiio that as soon as circumstances will war¬ rant, the committee will take the for proper steps towards raising means the hospital funds. J. Fcott Cheshire, Chm’n. E. T. Murphy, tsac’y of Com. THE YOUNG MEN OF THE BIBLE. Sermons at th. Iv.sbjtortan Church for the Voun* Man of Grtfllu. Beginning tomorrow night at the Presbyterian chnroh at 7 :30 o’olook the pastor, Rev. L G. Henderson, will preaoh as the first of a aeries of eormoos on Tbe Yonog Men of the Bible on "The Young Mao of Ch-1- uea. These sermons are intended largely for the young men, though suitable for all. He will preaoh at H a. m. on "The Two Sine* of the Ten Commandments, or the Mean- iog of the Moral Law to the Uncon¬ verted aud to the Christian.” Everybody welcome. Due Notlrels Served. Doe Notice is hereby served on tbe public generally that DeWItt’s Wltoh Haze] Halve is the only salve on the market that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel. DeWHt’s Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of oases of piles that would not yield to any other treatment, and this fact has brought out many worthless counterfeits. Those persons who the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazsl Salve are never disappointed, because it cares Brooks Drug Srore. Strike Declared Off. New York, April 24 —Officials of the American Bridge company were noti¬ I fied today that the etrike of the Inter¬ nationa) association of bridge and structural iron workers against the company ha* been officially declared oil. POWDER Absolutely Purs THERE is NO PIKE SUPERIOR COURT DID VERY LITTLE BUSINESS. How a Hundred Dollars a Day Might be Saved to the Taxpayers of Pike. Tbs following is ft list of crim¬ inals who were sentenced to the ohamgaDg last week In Pike superior oourt by Judge E J. Reagan and carried to Donaidsonville Tuesday by Sheriff Milner: George Glaiw, burglary, 12 months ; Ernest Jack- son, sssault, 12 months j Ham;) L 'velaoe, misdemeanor, larceny ai d burglary, 2 years Tbe Barnesville Gazette makes the following oomment on the pro¬ ceedings of the oourt: “The April term of Pike auperior oourt Wednesday-after adjourned at Zetralon last a six daya’session. Very little was done of any oonse- qnenoe, there being no great amount of businecs on the dooket that could be taken up. The first three days of last week were consumed in try¬ ing criminal oases, the majority of which were little, inaignifioant charges against negroea for stealing and snoh common occurrences. Everybody who whs a witness to the week proceedings ot the o-iurt laet agree that it would be a very wise and in fact a very proper thing to have *11 oases within their juris- diction transferred from the supe¬ rior oourt to tl.e oounty court and to the oitv oourt of BarnesvJlle. "Last week there were nearly fifty jurors held in Zebulon three days at (2 per day to try matters that ooold just as well have been disposed of by the oounty oooft or the oily oourt, at a saving of proba¬ bly more than $100 per day to the taxpayers of the oounty, to say nothing of the Individuals who were required to be in attendance. This is a matter whioh ahould receive the attention of tbe proper authorities in the interest of the people. “The county oourt and tbe oity court of Barnesville are already saving the people of the oonnty BKVh RK attack of grip Cared by One Bottle of Chamberlain’# Cough Remedy. "When I had an attaok ot the grip last winter (the second one) 1 actually oared myself with one bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy," says Frank W. Perry, editor of the Enterprise, Sborts- vllle, N. Y. "This is tbe honest truth. I at times kept from oough- ing myself to pieces by taking a tea- spoonful of this remedy, and when the (soughing spell would oome on at night I would take a dose and It seemed that in the briefest interval tbe congh would pass off and 1 would go to sleep perfectly free from oongh and tta accompanying pains. To say that tbe remedy acted as a moat agreeable surprise 1* putting it very mildly. 1 had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because I had never tried it for snoh a purpose, bnt it did, and It seemed with the second attaok of coughing the remedy caused it to oo* only be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I had not used tbe contents of one bottle befote Mr. Grip nad bid me adieu." For sale by Carlisle & Ward and Brooks Drug Store. Maks# a Clean Sweep* There’s nothing like doing a thing tborongbly. Of all the salves yon ever heard of, Buoklen’a Arnica Salve is the beet. It sweeps away and cures burns, eoree, bruises, outs, boils, oloers, skin eruptions and piles. It’s only 25o, and guar¬ anteed to give satisfaction by Car. lisle & Ward and Brooke Dru Store. OASTORXA. Baantk# /> d*IkdYwHwMmngggM in ana tm Htw jumyi hurdre'fs of dollars annually and they C'in be mate still more useful and helpful if they are a les el to dispose of she buaine-s wh oh may jwoperly oome within their jurladio- Jurors Drawn for October Term GRAND JURY, E W, D z or, W U Means, V 8 Drewry, l Middl*.bm»k«, D L An¬ derson, R G Matthews, E 8 Mur- phsy, J W Blade, J W Brooks, T W Ooohran, J H Blackburn. T C Beokham, L W J Barrett, J L Gocgtn, Hooten, J T Warthen. J F Mad¬ den, J M Keevae, M K Jordan, J T Jordan, J T Baker, T J Hnnf, R 8 Berry, W L Pirkle, E J Murphey, J Wood, J J Fisher, L F Farley, J H Jordan, B A Howell. traverse jurors, 1st weee. T W Story, E B Willi#, G1 Wel¬ don, W W Brannan, J R Torbet, Obas Matthews, W B Whittle, J H Parker, M F Anderson. G F Sims, T 0 Sullivan, Z L Soott, 8 8 Bar¬ rett, J C Martin, J ft Wood, H O Diokev, J D Andrews, T J Blasin- game, E H Blaokmao, G A Mat¬ thew# W F Mo Dowell, W H Phil¬ lips, K M Ptlkinton, J J Mangbam, J 8 Lifsey. W M Jordan, E H B*ker. A H Bold, C H Smith, J F Ctutben, Josephus Coggins, W E Howell, J W J T Blade, Buffington, R 8 Bp- pager, J W Milner. TRAVERSE JURORS, 2ND WEEK. J A Moore, JB Hnnter.HO Harris, G A Miles, W & Hemphill, J H Green, P R Coker, J W Stafford, B T Segravee. A J Btooka, J f Wfilis. R R McElroy, P A Willis, W D Berry, A G Harris, W T Holsey, D J W^Budolph^O . D Dunn, r J * T A loseett, 8tegar,_Alex_Ko#^ mww^ws, W ntua T Finch-. miM, #r, J W Woodall, J T White, J E Bmitb, A P Middlebooke, H L Prvorl B F Wilder, B B Shackelford, J F Weaver, E E Halt, J A Rios, W A Sterne#, J p Carreker. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN BACK PROM COLUMBUS, Thay W ara I’liwaatly Eatcrtala.d aad 8i**e Valuablelalanaatiaa. Mayor Bailey and Aldermen Boyd, Mangbam and Newton re¬ turned Thursday night from Co¬ lumbus, where they inspected the cemetery end viewed the various manufacturing industries end sewerage shown system Thursday. They were every possible oonrteey end given valuable information by the otty officials and citizens of Co- inmbns, and report a pleasant trip' Aldermen Brooke, rooks, who who eooompenied aooomp them, returned home lest night, remaining over yesterday with relatives. All of the party speak in glowing terms of the marked attention of Mayor Pro Tem Sommerkamp end Aldermen Wetland. PROCLAMATION. At the request and In behalf of the members of Boynton Chapter, United Daughters of the Confed¬ eracy, and the women of the oity who have always interested them¬ selves In earing for the graves end keeping green the memory of the soldiers of the South, 1 respectfully request that all places of business be closed at 12:30 p. m., Monday, April 27th, 1903, for tbe balanoe of the dav. so that all may attend Me¬ morial Day exercises. It is ordered that all oity offices be doted at the hour end time above written, and I request all of- floi»lie connected with tbe oitv, and all oitizens of the oity, to a#ai«t in having Memorial Day fittingly ob¬ served in our city. Witness mv hand this April 25tb, 1903. David J. Bailey, Mayor.