The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, April 25, 1903, Image 3

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CASTORIA ; ...... v gSX~^vN^:XV:- ’Tn e or over SO years, Eousht has borne * and the "Web sfgnatnre ha* bom and bas of Sly f/rr „ “ “ been made under his per- , sonal supervision since its infancy. All A11 Counterfeits, * Allow no one to deceive yon in this. _ Experiments Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare¬ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ,' c ' relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chi dren’s Panucea-Tho Mother’s Friend. CEKUSJUE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Find You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TVg CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. CK r L J £ Jittff 5 yii OKLAHOMAN GULF R. I Combines the Advantages of Eastern Service With the Opportunities of a Western Country ... DIRECT LINE ... Memphis to Little Rock, Hot Springs, Indian and Oklahoma Territories, Texas, Col¬ orado, F\iew Mexico, Arizona, Old Ftlexico and the Pacific Coast V/iDE VESTIBULES TRAINS PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPING CARS PULLMAN! TOURIST SLEEPING CARS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS GEO. H. LEE, C. t. & T. L, Little Rock, trkiniM. FURNITURE SALE AT BASS BROTHERS COMPANY! Today we will begin a Special Sale of Furniture and no one who wants any article in the Furniture line can afford to miss this sale. ‘ Hers Are a Few Prices Among the Many Great Bargains to Co on Sale This Week. We are the People that Cut Prices Nearly 50 Per Cent.: 3="»l ;e Oak bedroom Suits at $14. worth $20 vwi Jy I ^ ^} W 1 I, . Vr >r o 1 i.....r , ... ___Lw . 4 r if ' 1 Iron Beds in ail colors and styles, raiging prices up to $17.50. - Jtei- Sideboards $10 to $45, absolutely the best ever carried in Middle Georgia. COMPANY. Big Store. Mammoth Stock. Little Prices. NO OTHER WAY THAN FORCE SAYS CHAFFEE Some Reasons For Campaign Aga inst Moros. general makes an address. Say* Soldier* Were Shot Do + In the Outskirts of Camp by Native* Whom They Were Trying to Threat With Kindnets. New York. April 24.—Major Gener¬ al Afina R. Chaffee, in' an address on the "Physical Aspect of the Philip¬ pines" at the social meeting of John D. Rockefeller. Jr.’ s Bible class In the Fifth Avenue Baptist church last eve¬ ning, gave some of the reasons for the campaign against the Muros. Ho said in part: "In February of last year, after we had soldiers killed, shot down In the outskirts of the camp by the natives we were trying to treat with kindness, we saw that there was no other way * than force. I went down to the Moroi country in person, to investigate and ultimately we went to the datto and demanded some of the murderers of our soldiers. It was on May 2 that Gen¬ eral Baldwin took the fort of the dat¬ to who,was insolent and refused to surrender the, prisoners: We aid not get on" very good terms with these Mores. They are a very suspicious people, and want to be left alone. We did not, want to disturb their religion or their customs except where, in the latter respect. w e could help them. You have recently heard of Captain Pershing, who is in the Moro county now. Well, to illustrate, I may say that there was one sultan whom Cap¬ tain Pershing had invited time and time again to com e and talk with him, and instead of coming the sultan kept fortifying himself all the year an»1 finally waved his old red flag at us and dared us to come on. We went, and the -sultan Is not there any more.” MURDERED BY MAIL. Pensacola Man Receive* Package of Poisoned Food. Pensacola, Fla., April 24.—A case resembling the famous Molincux mur der case of New York Is now being investigated here. The victim was- R, I.. Morgan, a former resident of Elgin, Ills., who has been here for two years. Tuesday he received through the \ mails a small package of prepared food i and supposed that it had been sent him by friends In Illinois.’ He car ried it home and directed his wife to prepare some for him. This was done, and after eating a small portion he was taken 111, dying within twenty minutes. There was no suspicion at the time, but later developments caused relatives to bring the remain¬ der of the food to the city for exam- .lnation. Some of it was fed to a rabbit and the animal was dead In four minutes. It was then analyzed and found to v We have more than fifty styles of Go-Carts and Baby Buggies, with automobile tires, the la est thing out. We have the exclusive sale of the celebrated Haywood Go-Carts and Baby Buggies, ranging in price from $3 to $25. Bed Lounges $8 to $20. * Complete line of Hall Racks to go in this special sale, 7.50 to $20. Chiffoniers $7.50 to $18, Rockers $1 to $7.50. Mattresses $1.50 to $7. Bed springs 1.25 to 6.00. Extension Tables 4.50 to 17.00. Easy on Buttons, Gentle to the Back, Rind to the Shoulders. PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS teed. Trimmings If 7 ‘Prtsidtnt" cannot ru«t. is buckle*. Guaran¬ on 50c at dealers or by mail postpaid. C. A. EOGARTON MPO. CO. Bhlrtmy, Mass. BABY ease: Is the best and safest remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles of babies and children. It quickly cures constipation, diarrhoea, con¬ vulsions, warms, sour stomach and loss of sloep. It is perfectly harm¬ less, but very effective. Children like to take it. At ill drug-ftores— a large bottle for : : : : 25 GENTS Ask your druggist about, the FREE COLD RING offer MAMENGALC ,ACV a(J I contain over 111 grabs of The package of poisoned food sent from a point In Illinois, but name is so blurred that the town not. known. Parties in Illinois are pected and developments are ed. Elgin, 111., April ^4.—Rowland Morgan, of Elgin, who died on Monday, at his country home Pensacola, Fla., after eating food from an original package ed by mail, for many yeara was employe of the Elgin Watch and left Elgin about two years for Florida. He secured a tract land of 3U acres on the island of San ta Rosa, a-few miles from where he managed a summer and ter hotel. Since leaving Engin had retu: ed only once, when it was answer indictments brought by grand jury on the charge of the. name of the recoider of county. Those charges, five In num her, never came to trial and quashed on the statute of limitations The indictments grew out of a recal citrant transaction of property in El gin, just outside the Cook county line Mr. Morgan at one time owned consid erable property in Elgin, but he dig posed of everything including a home, before he left for the* south. Reports have reached here ‘.he last year that Morgan lit* I lartrer in bimlni * lit Santa Rosa, a ■ Colors! Tabele, were at swords' points. It Is averted that Hie for¬ mer secured po»s» salon of all the p op. fifty in some way amt had it rfic- ded hi his wife’* name. ills relative* knew of no one who Would wish Mor¬ gan's death. Owing to bis alleged questionable business dealings, he had many enemies, it Is alleged. LEE BEFORE GRAND JURY. t Lieutenant Governor a* Witness In the Eoofile Investigation. St. Ioui*, April 24.—Lieutenant Governor John A. Lee, who returned from Chicago last night, appeared be¬ fore the grand jury today when that body resumed ihe Investigation of charges of boodling In the general as¬ sembly in connection with the baking powder legislation. Attorney Gener¬ al Crow, who has been coucucting the investigation of the Jefferson City cud, was present and assisted Circuit At¬ torney Folk In questioning the wit¬ ness. Several Indictments were returned by the Cole county grand jury as the result of Mr. lute’s testimony at Jef ferson City and It is presume ! that a npmbor of them will be handed,,down tomorrow. : —-- Drenaln* I,« Up. A jasper county farmer paid a high tribute to the literary talents of a Car¬ thage real estate agent the other daj.'i He decided to sell his place and got u real estate agent to write a notice. When the agent read the notice to him, he said, "Read that, again.", After the second readiug lie said; ‘T believe I'll not sell. I’ve been looking for a place of that kind all my life and didn't know I had it until you described it to me.”— St. Louis Post-Disputcb. Tutt’s Pills This popular remedy never falls to effectually cure headache, vyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion _ The natural result Is appetite and solid flesh. Dose smitR% elegant¬ Take ly sugar Substitute. coated and easy to swallow. No THE C ATARRH CtBANSNO AND HEALING CUKE FOR *$§&! lllpL —----- Pf'iCm *Casy and pleasant I bo use. Contains] ^quickly no injurious drug.I__ m m ^ COLD 'nHEAD Givos relief at oDoe- It opens and cle-iu- *es the naval passages. Allays Inllnma- tlon Heals and protects the memhruno* Restores the senses of taste and smelp Pull size, BO oents at Druggists or by mall: Trial s‘ze 10 oents by mail FI V I1HOTHKIH. f,H Warren *| N V Kitchen Safes, Kitchen Cabinets, the best thine t *'•? mu k t -s- ortment of Lawn Settees in all colors lie-. - . o.ks ■ h i arech aj and the kind that kee i reel:I;Tie. ^ v> -S e - t sale book of the Wernicke popular case at ■w. A New Feature. We received yesterday a complete {line oi Estey Organs at prices never before offered to the trading public, tstey Organs are the best; guaran¬ teed a life time. We sell for cash or on the installment plan. Funeral Directors anil EmMmers. We carry at all times a compete line of Coffins, Caskets and Funeral Supplies. Careful attention I given to all funerals entrusted to us day or night, i Hearse with black horses free. _•_ ■ MISS MAY MARKELL, 1 A Society Bell* of London, Canada. M 1188 MAY ItARKEIX /LSI PI I of London, Ontario, ful girl Canada, i« a beauti¬ who know* what suffering Cardui U «,d Wine of ha* brought her back to health. 8M is one of the social favorites of her home and her recovery to health has permitted her to enjoy the company of her many friends instead of on * the health fioknesa she and enjoy* suffering. the give* For now credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes: “I have found Vine of Cartful aatacch lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered for three yean with terrible bearing-down palm at the menstrual period. I could baldly stand on my feet and was never real well. Wine of Carded wae the only medicine that I could *^£l depend on to do me sny good, ** I lrkd with no me- cos. Wine of Cardui cured me and I have now enjoyed perfect health for two yean, and give you *H the credit lor 1 know you deserve It.” For a young girl Wine of Cardui is the heat Temedy to guide her through womanhood by starting the menstrual WINE of CARDVI 1 sguasKr- Wiue of Cardui. Vafy Valen Sanitarium ( INCORPORATED .) Psychological Treatment as Given Here CURES MENTAL, NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES Opium and Whiskey Habits, treated by the Van Valen Method, are cured painlessly, permanently end guaranteed. It other treatments have failed you, come and be restored to health. Free booklet upon request. Prac¬ tice established in 1899, incorporated 1902. Patients from every State. VAN VALEN SANITORIUM COMPANY 150 PARK AVE., ATLANTA. GA. Administrator’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA *rALDiica Om'NTY. By virtue of an order granted by the court of ordinary of Spalding county, Georgia, at the April tertn, 1M08, of said court, 1 will sell to the highest bidder be- fore the court house door »u Urittn, Ga„ between the leg.l hour* of sale, on the flr.t Tuesday In May, 11(08, seventeen shares of the capital stock of the Griffin of Grooery J. Company, Bullard, .-old a* (he properly W. late of said county deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts and division among the heirs of said deceased. Terms oath. ANNA BULLARD, Admldlstrab lx of J. W. Bullard, de¬ ceased . ... strual ing this treatment. It retinvea men¬ troubles in an incredibly short time. In a simple case of deranged menses Wine of Cardui never fails. To reliev* disordered menses is to remove the cause of other female troubles. Any physician will tell yon that to remove the cause of a disease renders the cure assy, in fact seldom fail* to complete the cure. If you would have the same relief which Miss Marked secured try Wine of Cardui. You con take it with¬ out an examination and withont any publicity privacy whatever. of You can take it in the your borne and secure prescribed just as much for benefit as Thousand, if a doctor had it you. of wo¬ health men are by feeling taking the Wine vigor of returning ™ of Cardui. m ram m 1 will be at the different preclnc s r th- days men-toned ciow lor the puma thn Afrh^r , *e*» wu#" 1 *** * Ud Conttty T »*"* h Union, April 18'h, May UH», June 8t Line Creek •' 14th, " rnh, <• p t Mi. Zion “ IBth, '* 18th, "lot slkin «' Kith, 17th', *• 14th, uth; <* lit Ut " •• Cahtu " SOih. “ Itsth, « lsv Except he on the day* in mentioned above wm In my office ihe rear of the Me chant and Planter ' Brink until July i, vher. my books wll clow. H.T JOHN-ON T. R. S.C, can be moved# a# it growj one unit at LIBRARY with YOUR. time wit.,. dhturbirvO, content! w-J FERfTCTION nrreowrm. j m WVjr h 9/ Kouat-eeai - DUJT-PR Doom JI; r~i, rr~r 11M *' | j * * • * * 11J * ■: I lgl||Dy» SS— Ifp CALL AKD 3tt THEM Oft ITtmCXlALMUt. BASS BROS. CO. flow in a healthy and nat¬ ural manner. Menstruation started right is very easy to keep regular through the years of mature womanhood. Then the "change of life" need not be feared. Thus Wine of Cardui i* woman's best relief from youth to old age. A million women have secured blessed relief their