The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, April 26, 1903, Image 1

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Closed Doors! Was the of the Cry Public that could not be waited upon at the Great and Truly Bona Fide Railroad Wreck SALE \esterday. We offer an apology to the public, to those who could not be waited upon at the big Railroad Wreck Sale, at King’s Old Corner 59 Hill Street, and wish to state that we will have 25 extra sales¬ ladies and salesmen to wait upon you MONDAY MORNING. THREE MORE DAYS ONLY 1 OF THE CONSOLIDATED RAILROAD WRECK CO. SAT/F. • The balance of the great stock has been sold out to A. Rogowskie, who will continue to offer the same amazing bargains, as follows: WRECK NO. 1. 2906 Men’s new Spring Hats, Derbies and Alpines, Stetson, Dunlap, Knox and other shapes. These hats retail from $2.00 to $2.50. The Railroad they at says are yours jyc. 1500 Men’s all wool Business Suits, all sires and styles. These suits would •ell at any retail store from $7.00 to *9.50. They'all go at this great sale, tb^Jtailroad Co., $ 1.98. says lor dozen Men’s fine Madras Shirts, $1.00 to £1.50 kind; this lot embraces ft*very newest Spring and Summer designs in Shirts. They are beauties, the pick the Railroad Co-, says for 24c. .789 pairs of high art Tailor made Men’s Trousers, equal to any custom- »*oe. 1 hey consist of the finest imported Worsted and cost to manufacture from $3.5010 fS. They go at $1.79. The above items were for Hampton Manufacturing Co., of Philadelphia, and were in wreck January 27th near Chicago; this firm claimed heavy ™n»ge8 of the Railroad, when goods were only slightly damaged. The Rail¬ road shipped them to the Consolidated Railroad Wreck Co. to be sold at the above prices. ou must attend this big sale to be convinced. WRECK NO. 2. 1263 pairs Ladies’ and Men’s fine Shoes in Oxfords, Patent Leather, Vki *d, Box Calf etc. Not a pair in this entire lot worth less than #3.50. Here ••chance; Railroad Co. says sell them for $1.00. 4>o Men’s fine Business Suits in Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots and Oxford mix¬ tures, Not a suit in this entire lot cost the manufacturer (ess than The railroad says sell them for $3.73. 3°? dozen Men’s 12 Wheeler Union made Overalls, standard price every- they is r.oo. The Overalls are of the very best material and workmanship, are yours at 33c. 5°°o pairs of Men’s Pants. The order is to sell them quick. So here they goat the Railroad’s order at 33c. Inis above merchandise was wrecked February 14th, 1903, near Atlanta, Tbe'R -i WaS cons 'S ne d to one of the leading wholesale concerns of that city. n'm ai r oa< * Company had all the loss to stand. Of course, thig means your 8 1 at , this , . true and bona fide sale of the Consolidated Wreck Co. Sale. • DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, BUT FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO 59 Hill St, King’s Old Corner, GRIFFIN, GA. I m GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, S’JNDAY MORNING, APRIL 2«, 1903- WRECK NO. 3. difference 6,300 Pairs Boys’ ail Wool knee pants, sizes 3 to 17 years, as it makes no to us, they will all be sold, first come first served. The railroad Corn- pony says 9c. 33° of the famous Lannington brand Suits, single and double breasted. These goods are sold by tbe leading Merchants of the United States for $18.00 and $25.00. They are hand worked button holes and sewed with pure dye silk throughout, lined with skinner silk and satin, full French facing. A glorious chance for a fine suit. The Railroad Company says to sell them at the laugh¬ able price of $6.48. a,ooo Men’s full seamless Half Hose, black and colors, lace and plain, worth 20 and 25c; the R. R. Co., say. they are yours at 7c. 3,000 Summer Coats, such as Cyculan, Alpaca, Drapata—in fact the lar¬ gest line of clerical and Summer Clothing ever shown in the South. It will pay you to 1,609 inspect this line, all go at 36c. UP. Men’s Fancy Silk Vests, sizes from 33 to 44 of all the latest designs and patterns for spring and summer wear. By no means miss this opportunity as not one of them cost lew than $6.00. ITcre is your chance, the orders sre all to go at $1.23. The above merchandise was ditched near Macon, January 6th, and were consigned to the Lane ClothingCo., of Savant.ah, Ga. These goods were but slightly damaged by water. WRECK NO. 4. 4,200 Children’s 2 and 3 piece Suits absolutely all wool, sizes 3 to 17, and consists of hundreds of spring and summer styles, worth from $2.50 to $$.00 per suit. Mother’s Delight the R, R. Co., says they are yours for 59c. 964 Men’s High Art Tailor Suits Military cuts consisting of Viennas, Wostead’s and Trillons, good value at $16 tc fio. This it positively the grandest chance yet to purchase a fine suit at the ridiculous price of $4.73. of 346 Only, Ladies’ and Misses’ Walking Skirts; these akirts are all samples this spring and summer, and worth from $5 to $12, here is a chance of a life¬ time, Ladies, to get a splendid Skirt—just think of it—for $1.48. 265 dozen Ladies’ and Misses’ Vests Baibriggan and Lisle thread worth 35c. Tbe Railroad Company saps sell them, and sell them quick, so here they go says This the Merchandise Railroad Company at 7c. was In a car wrecked near Birmingham on March 9th, and consigned to one of the largest Jobber* in Mobile, Ala. Manufacturers claimed big damages so the R. R. Company shipped the goods to the Consoli¬ dated Railroad Wreck Co. to be converted into cash—Quick. OFFICIAL PROGRAM FOR MEMORIAL DAY. Will be Observed Tomorrow—The Exercises Wili be Unusually Impressive. AJl the> nThngemeait tor the ob¬ servance of Memorial Day tomor¬ row hare been completed, mod the program will be a meet excellent one. The exeroisea will take plaae at the Oljmpio at two o’clook and the merohante are requested to oloee their doore at half past twelve, to give their employee time. to eat dinner and get readv to attend The program la as follows: Chorna. "Bonnie Bine Flag." by 14 ohiidren. Introduction °f .peeker by Rev. Geo. H. Harrison. Maoon™ 8 * bT H *“‘ RoUnd EU1 *. of V K*^}°’ 'S?" 0oH '" b * Xn. w W. H. Willoughby. Delivering Prayer Crosse*. by Rev. LsRoy Hander- son. Order oi March. of Immediately after the conclusion tbe exercise* a t the Olympic, the prpooeeion will form and maroh to W ‘ U 09m ® t ®ry in thaiollowing cmder o 2 S Griffin r f M Co S^ Biflee. n,e8 No “- 1 2. . 3. Veteran*. 4. Bone of Veterans. 8 B. Mayor Daughter! of the Confederacy. . and Aldermen and Of- floats of the City. , land 2 Elite, ralor with ot the Day, Hon. Ro B Harrison. eeoort of Rev. Geo. Col. Douglas Hon. J. J. Flynt and 8 Hohool Gleaaner. . Board. 9. Teachers and Children, with flowers to decorate garves. 10 . Citizens in carriages and on foot. Exercises at Cemetery. On arrival at Stonewall oemetery, the first thing in order will toe tbe deooration of graves, after which there will be Cernet Duet by Mr. Claire Deane and Mr. Richardson. Benediction by Rev. J. J. Bennett. Marshals and Ushers. Mr. J. Eli Brewer will sot is THE JEWS WOULD WELCOME SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. Dr. Hirsh Saygjt Was the Romans and a Few Priests Only Who Crucified Him; “If Jeaoa Christ should retnna to earth tomorrow ha would be waloomad in every Jewish synagogue in the land and every Jew would say with David, ‘Lift np your heads, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shaR come in:’ ” This was the climax of a lecture Dr. Hiraoh delivered Thursday night to the Epworth League at 8 t. James’ Metho¬ dist church, in Chicago. The big audience gave the speaker a storm of applause. He eulogized the Lord’s prayer, repeating it in unison with his Christian friends, “Jews,” said Dr. Hirsch. "do not be¬ lieve in original sin and inherited de¬ pravity They believe every man is a responsible, free agent, audnot involv¬ ed in the guilt of bis fathers and chil¬ dren. As they reject the doctrine of original sin they reject of oouree the doctrine of redemption of sin. They believe in a Mestian, but the Meeeiah of tbe Old Teetament is the temporal prince wno (ball reign over the Jews after they shall nave been reunited and INCREASE OF $125,000 IN GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE. City Assessors Have Nearly Completed Their Work and Make This Estimate. The city tax assessors bars nearly completed their work and expect to finish this week. Ool. J. D. Boyd has •nade a rough estimate of the figures so far obtained and pnts down au increase over last year of from $ 100,000 to 4126,000. This Includes the Mangham- Boyd Mills, the tiresham Planing Mills and the Griffin Knitting Mills buildings and a number of residences. Mo new Due Rotteels Served. Dae Notice la hereby served on he public generally that DeWitt'e Vitob Hazel Stive it the only salve 0 the market that is made from be pare, unadulterated witch mzel. DeWitl’a Witch Hazel ialve has cared thousand* of oases if piles that woold not yield to any >ther treatment, and this fact has ironght oat many worthless oaoterfetts. Those persons who tit the genuine Dewitt's Witch 1 * z >1 Hilve sre never disappointed, oaoee it cure* Brook* Dra{ Afore. Marshal of the Day and the follow- irg gentleman are rrquanted to act hi* aides: Messrs. S Grant- l»nd, J. H Bmitb. J. W. Gresham. W. B. Bskar, J. Mangham, M F. Caraon, J. 8 Brown. W a Mat- F- Malaier A Brook*, H. T. Johnson, and W, A. Goodrich. The following gentlemen are re¬ quested J W. Mangham, toaot as ushers : Messrs. Dougtaa J i. Mangham, Caraon, W Boyd, H, T. J. White, M. r. leo acd Maury Williams, F.'yot. John Ai- Everyone who oan poeetbly do *0 te earnestly requested to bring flowere and wreathea for deoorat- ing graves. A Legit Holiday. Memorial Davie a legal holiday, and the law of Georgia makes He following provision, where ft tall* on Sunday, as it does tbia year: "Whenever tbe lit dsy of Jan¬ uary, the 22d dev of February, the 26th day of April, the 4th day of July, or the 25th day of December shall fall upon Sunday tbe Monday publio next following holiday." shall be deemed a In aoojrdanoe with the require- mrnte of his office, Mayor Bailey baa leaned the following Proclamation. At the request and in behalf of the members of Boynton Chapter, United Daughters of the Confed¬ eracy, and the women ot the olty who have always interested them¬ selves in earing for the graves and soldiers keeping green the memory of the of the South, 1 respectfully request that, all pleoes of business be oloeed at 12 -.30 p. m., Monday. April 27th, 1903, for the baianoe of the day, so that all may attend Me¬ morial Day exercises. It is ordered that all otty offices be oloeed at the hour and time above written, and I request all of¬ ficially _ oonneoted _______ with the dty, and *U all dtlsana citizens of of the the oity, oity, to to assist aeai.t In in '—*—"——•*- having Memorial Day fittingly ob- -* —vedl--“ — —l in our oity. Witness my hand this April 261b, 1008. David J. Bailey, Mayor. beootne a nation again in Palestine. “The Jews hold that Jstus preached the nothing bur Judaism, the supremacy of oommaudment to love God and man, the doctrine of the brotherhood of God, the doctrine that the Babhath is mads for man, the abrogation 01 the law of retaliation, and the obligation to love even mm’s enemies, and «van the Lord’s prayer, wbiob we readily admit is the auburn*** petition ever framed in human language, as these we Malm were taken from tbe Jewish writings, some of which were composed hundreds of years before Jesus was born. " Jstus was crucified by the Roman governor and the Roman soldiers and, though by the Jews, the orucillxion wae inetigated it wae by a few jealous priest*, Jewish and not by the mam of the “80 far people. tbe Jews at modern are con¬ cerned they regard Jeans as one of tbe noblest spiritual teacher* who ever ap¬ peared in the world. “So-caiied disciples oi Jesus have persecuted the Jew* with savage borne ferocity the for ages, and the Jews hare persecutions with lamb-like gentleness and silence.” business block* have been erected on Hill street, and the figures there will remain substantially the earns, the as¬ sessment remaining on the same basis a* heretofore, - This is a very nice little increase lor a city of Griffin’s size, and the oatiook is that tbe oomlag year will see an equal if not greater increase Makes e Clean Sweep- There’* nothing like dulog a thing thoroughly. Of all the ealvee yon over hoard of, Baoklen’s Arnloe Stive 1 * the beet. It sweeps sway and cure* barns, sores, braises, oats, boll*, nloers, akin eruptions sod piles. It’s only 263 , and guar¬ anteed to givs satisfaction by Car¬ lisle A Ward and Brooks Dm i Btora. And for Remtlng and Eb-, netting the Blood. The Best end Most Economical 1 Outlcurn Reaolvent Pill, (chocolate ooato,l) are the product of twenty-fir*^ * cssssa.Haas confidently s=rv;r^.i , K a .‘« : all believed to be su other alterative* tut well blood purifiers, however ev, while enabling all to enjoy the ( and tu which often such Injurious medicines portions have c ] fore boon preserved. Cuticura Pill, are alterative, antisep¬ tic, tonic and nd digestive, digestive, and and beyopd beyond question the,,__ cossful and economical___ purifiers, humour cures and lives yet compounded. “ dose, one pill, . Complete for external and ment every humour had for one dollar, const___ Ointment, enra Hoap, to cleanse the skin, Resolvent to heal the skin, a oura the Wood. Pills, Its, to to cool ‘ mid < A single ingle set, 01 on« dollar, is often sufficient 1 mo*t and Mood torturing, humours, dlsflgt ,— ticlans and ail other remedies I ....... PMHHY MUST HAN a. Cwnmvrtathm t 0 Ufa Again Refused H**n. DaHon, da.. April 26.—John P of Dalton, the white man man who dered an employe of Robil_____ eus named Walker, must pay the v ty for hie crime on the Hallows. The prison commission some * ago refused to recommend com tlon to his case, btrLosriBg to a____ ous petitions from^/hltfleld county. re ° IWDe ‘ 1 “ d “ wUar Tbe commistrion yesterday a second time refused to recomsM tion In Perry's case, and <--- r«U signed an order approving 1 mltslon'# action. Perry was recently Friday, May 1, and on will be hanged, unless a _ cutlon can be procured on 1 affidavit as was done Millard Lee. It is u an affidavit has been application will be made to - rior court to try Perry on l tion of whether he is sane or 1 ___ the present time. 1 r " ‘ '- LJ ■ THEY REJECT THE CC Big Strike Threatened Among I phis Carpenters and * Philadelphia, Apr. affiliated with the But powers and Joiners of jetted the compromise----- master carpenter# relative to wage scale to go into effect I It BOW seems on leas 1 * to the demand* of the I tore next Friday a gen „ be ordered. If a strike dered nearly 15,000 mi work. The action of the has been supported by mated association of c ated with the council of ing trades, and the i ter is assured. n Tbe brotherhood_____ cents an hour after May 12 ,1 carpenters offered a comprt cents an hour after July 1. i been rejected. — DIVED TO HIS OI Macon Men Leap* From Window of Build Macon, April 26.—W. D. young man employed me an on the Southern railway, suicide yesterday in this city 1 ing from the third story of the 4 building, where he occupied f The Impression at first' tin's death was accident] inquest held last night peered who stated that« tbe man step in front stand upon the window lug hie hands above hizl about to dive, make the ended hta Hfe. It wae evidence of this i caused the coroner * jury I a verdict of suicide. Quadrennial Tallahassee, Fla., dent Adame has I ate 4 joint amendment to the would provide for qi_ of the legislature.