The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 13, 1906, Image 2

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DOUGLAS QLE8S5EE, Ed. «d Prop. <M -- MrfU - im " a - IW> - mmmmm naw or sswobiptkw. ,v..v.v.;. «•*****•*' tint" to reeponafble i il^t^oedtotoemuj •* > State will be atrietly caah In fn ftilvwjoe. i wUU»xUM«f*in*ta> m.ww. .PT.Hc.tlo,, BATES OP ADVEBTI8IHG. ^saifsztxsssss ^sf'KffiAt NOTICES—M <’*nt* per tin* neafifor'lew . .,, lw .h i n.rrlion. jiio insertion 11 traiertfon. under thU far than BO rent*. A ad- Jaw thanMie dollar mutt 'be paid for in I&aaSSaajas W^kt^-iame * rate to tor daily. - WILLIAM JBHHIBG 8 BEY AS. THE . OOHSEBYATJVE. The Buffalo Times, odited by Nor- .mts Fa ■ Mucky, national Democratic committeeman from New York state, has published an editoral from which the following very significant extract fit) tftk^3S ,. , j. j , “The New York Press, a Ilepqtfi- ima nflwspaper, believes that William J. Bryan wili be the Democratic nominee for President in 1908, and that the Republicans wU* 8i»nd no d»m»f of winning the I^residential >,.«onhwt,iUu|eHSithey nominate a man who, like Mr. Bryan, ta close , the people. Tim Press says tliat‘those who are washing the trend of public sentiment are convinced that ML Bryan Is stronger with the American jXKtople today than he was at either timfchc ran for tho Presidency, and that his strength increases with ex traortftnury force.’ it declares that ‘the events of the last ten years have proved wed the trie most most of tlw charges which Re Made*I'onridfrililg‘the ripednl privi- ,..iege8.A«Hl defiant crinies of^ the Republt- great corporations are true,’ Our cau contemporary, is convinced, that the abuses which Mr. Bryan related frofn the stamp are more virulent ' than he himself declared them to be and note* that the voters alt over 'the ...wiiutry,.‘are ..turning to men of more ‘radical’ principles and methods for the solution of tire problems which ’will not be laid aside until they are settled as public sentiment demands add has the right to demand they shall lx- settled.” ■ lit titi . ESTIMATE THE COST OF THE •• OAHAL At last tl,e country has been givernn “ “hiithhritative statement of the length of time required to build tli6 I’anuom canal,on the plan la iavor with the administration at Washington. Phairnmti fronts has said it will take twelve years. I,, . Very well. But.tlie Philadelphia Record wants to know how this statement is to be ‘ reconciled With the claim tliat the cost of completing the work will not i . u e»meed,AUQ,()Q(),000. And the ques¬ tion which the Record rises to ask is a poser- „„ ,. i The appropriations for the canal for 'the current, year amount to over #28,- 000,000; and the work is uot even in tail blast It'would he fair to assume tliat when the steam shovels and dredges get into tall swing the annu¬ al appropriations will be even larger. If#28,000,000. be a fair yearly aver¬ age, however, twelve years' opera- 1 tlons would cost over #300,000,000— ‘more than twice the sum estimated. . i> <i ., <i , . , - i , ,, | , ,, , j Linas From Lina Creak. Drewryville, Ga., June 12.—Cotton' and corn are looking fine In our com¬ munity in spite of the heavy winds and ruin of Saturday. The storm was worse around the homes of P. A. Johnson and McKneely; it blew down several barns and uprooted a large number pf fruit trees. It also injured a great many crops, but the sunshine will be. a great l?elp. No lives were It»t and we are thankful for that. Misses Lois Johnson and Mamie Coppedge are visiting Mrs. W. F. Williams, of Newnan. Walter Duke, of Brushy, spent a -’&W day#:’ last- week: w ith It. T. Goodin, to look after her cfop’.' J Mr. and Mrs. jfij. P. Shannon, of Brooks, spout Sunday \yith Mr. and Mrs/W. N. Coppedge. Among those who attended the singing at Bethany from here were: Julia JOhttsbu ‘ ttad Rosaline Hand, Maynard, Measrs. / Horace Coppedge, Pink Buell Hand and Joel Harrison. ' t~t r~; — • , ' Our candidates for governor re- us of hoes swarming. At first it seemed' Os if all ‘ Were 1 gding to settle on Hoke Smith and Clark Howell, l^ut of late they seem to be i settling on Judge Russell. ...iMr.,and Mrs. JT. EL Coppedge spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, .at Holloa ville. i, G*. June 12 —Rev. R. t his regular appoint¬ ed Saturday and Snn- r two excellent , qppreciatiye congregations. Several from here attendedvi singing Li Bethel, near Milner, Sun¬ day and report a good (ringing. There will be preaching at County Line church next Sunday by Rev. Fuller. All Invited. w ^r,rr ta AFRICAN GAME FOR AMERICA niriAV Wtif# MFutoNWmM WhiHr president of the Dnlted Stfttee nn<l the* hearty approval of tho Loa Angelea ebambw of commerce, one of the moat lntereoting moves ever made by public spirited men In th» aoqthwpat Angeles Is soon to be starts^, aaya the Los Times. If U fdf Hhb frarisplhnttaK ef- thirty species of African game animals to our preserves. Congress wH> he asked to set apart portions of the forest reserves aa a perpetual United' States sandtaary, and when this M ttone tho importation kill immediately commence. .. . Money .is .upt wanting tor the (Com¬ plete consummation of the scheme. At present $60,000 awaits the word of the projectors, arid all Or any part t>f it mfty be used in bringing the game to the United States and establishing H upon a healthy footing. Not more than a third of the proposed thirty species will be Introduced at the start, other rarer varieties being brought in later, aa fast as-conditions warrant.. . , For the high mountains ja prpposed the, tropical chamois, a beautiful crea¬ ture, somewtiat different from the Swiss chamois, but better adapted to this climate. Then will name the bush- bok, an African animal the size of the biacg tailed aeer. The flesh or this creature is good to eat, and Its hide makes leather of extraordinary tough ‘hess, worth probably five times as much as ordinary,.leather. The,.Boere use It for the extreme ends or "crack¬ ers” of their great fifty foot whips. For the open plains country the springbok will be bought. There be different* ♦arie«e*''fei» different alti¬ tudes, and aa the species Is very hardy It 1« expected that there will be no ■«*'*»** is tbe species for which congress has appropriated the money to the Wichita ,r«M»ve/.anA.the flnst. cxpertnieftt, .Will be tried thsre. The local promoters, however, will fa-oawwtfceir animals di¬ rect from South Africa, working in *S."*2SL3?-a»f aTBR-. ported for the foothills. It will stand a considerable., fttpognt , of. heat and Is about tbe size of a deer. Another foot¬ hill creatrire ‘will be the greater koo- .dwva- uu»guia,o»nt jmlmal thp elzo of the elk, wefwhlng 400 to GOO pounds, with grent spiral horhft.''T\!t iinotlier Is the great sable antelope, the size of tho Hootiop,...tock,.in /color, with dainty white markings.' On the desert will go the gemabok ikkI a)A> the grantni. The latter Is an animal weighing About 160 pounds and Is capable of "going great distances from 1 water. • lb addition several varieties of the small gazelle will be brought lover., JAP COLONII8 THRIVE IN TEXAS More of tha Mikado's Subjects Invited *»«"<> - to Corns. Washington,,, Juno 7,-nTUo ..sqqress of the plan of colonizing the Japa¬ nese In Toxa* wafl ,hrp u l5h.l to the at¬ tention of the bureau .of Immigration hy Representative , Slaydon of that state, In a letter received from one of his constluewts engaged In extensive business operation# in San Antonio and rsterred to the hpveau of Immigra¬ tion. , Th* ^Itsr speaks of the wal qualtfloations of the Japanese and horticulturists and of the efforts now under way to import to this conslderahle number to engage In that Industry. , ; Those now located in Texas at Mltphell lake, have shown such tude as to encourage the belief that their migration from California has been productive of good.' Realizing the dlflicuHies which might be encoun¬ tered through a' misapprehension of tbe government officials that the, prospective additions froth Japan to tha Texas colony were simply a means of evading the contract labor law, the matter has been put. before the state department and bureau of xnlgvalon with the view to establish¬ ing tiie boril'fide nature bf the plan. ' $100 Reward. $100....... The readers of this paper will be pteased to learn that there 1s at'least one dreaded disease that science l;as been able to cure in all it» stages, and that is 1,’atarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is the only medical positive cure now known to the fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a eon- stitutionat treatment. Hafl’s Hail - Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct¬ ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow¬ ers that they offer One Hundred Dol¬ lars for any case of that it fails to cure. Send for list testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. 1 Sold by all Druggists. 76c. Take Halls.Family Pills for consti¬ pation. Terranova Girl Paroled. New York, June la^-Josephlne Ter- ranora, the young woman who was recently acquitted by a jury of the murder of her runt, has been paroled in the custody of her counsel by jus¬ tice Koott. The action was taken at the too ires! of Assistant District At¬ torney Ely. Death From LacKjaw. Never follows an Injury dressed with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Itsantiseptic and healing Chas. properties prevent blood of poisoning. Rensselaersville, Os ward, merchant, N. Y., writes; cured Seth Btuch, of this place, of the 25c at all druggists = CAPNAND..-STOMS ' h • TT"'- War, But Both ' Constantly at 'Nftura*> THE SENATE SURPRISES PEOPLE Oatgrowtmm I U 014 Hrpn(»«Ion For Conservatism ar‘ChUwresemea Wko Are Barr belt Creak*—*«n«tor Wat- rea o Parttcalojr JNea-ope on Clerk. By ARTHt«M«A ANJNkiii. i.'iv' Washlagton, June 8,—[Special.]—All awflfPB smsrni There are enough big questions pend¬ ing between tho senate and bouse to 'xaeka « ggrtal 4mV?£H, "A^'b,, would prevent an agreement upon vari¬ ous matters at legislation -w»tfr**eri- gresa expired by limitation, but no mat¬ ter how serious the differences there nifty be in tho end they ore straight¬ ened" Orit and the “hobgobllnfs” fade away. This is especially true when both houses are of the same party: Re¬ publicans are not going to sit here for two or. three months emphasizing the fact .tb»Lthey,.RU)..w.i(Je apart and un¬ able to legislate. They are not going Into the campaign under any such con¬ ditions. AH differeticcs will be adjust¬ ed in conference. ' I hever yet saw the Republican leaders get Into a disagree¬ ment that they would not adjust before they went into a campaign. Cannon end Wiflieme Confer. Although there is constant war be¬ tween Minority Leader Williams and Speaker Cannon while they-are, In the open they «re frequently in conference Teg?J-dh>r.busjnesa of the house. Both are good natured 'dlff^tdhteS and slow to 'ihay'0q- anger, but rather bitter eur If the tactics of Williams are to be constantly employed. It recalls the days of Reed and Bailey Jn the house. These two men, having profound re- npect for the, abilities of each other, were tt V 1 U thp b WVOl e8 t of v*. friends for M a time, *-* ‘"V) but finally they disagreed differences over became minor mat- ters and their very acute toward the end of Bailey’s career us minority leader. Cannon rind Wll- 1 Ilahis Went 'thfbtigh the last congress without a brdak, and When this present difference Is removed they- will -no doubt resume their cordial relations. THS- Battlfte-ffufpHata 'Peipta'■ It has often been claimed that 1 the leal ideas of the house. That theory has,, <®__XI. lieeri^revenfed fills Aes3loU"Nfo Jl LVlt MM has yet been pre'selited in the senate that is htaieili'enough to'be defeated If it Is pressed. Tho BCVerldge beef lnspec- -tlon amendment and some of the sen¬ ate amendments to the railroad rate MM ate given as examples of radical legislation by the senate this year. Bnf other measures regarded as equally,far reaching have the senJ ata„and l .held,up ,by the bouse. It Is usually the senate that prevents , rest:! •' acjlon $ upon DiPiisures which are the Qt some extraordinary development. They .Like Baseball. When there is a demand for a quo- run; iij the bouse tbe sergeant at arms first Inquires, if there is u baseball game' In progress, and if so he send# a deputy; who thirty generally picks tip from,. Who twenty to members there enjoy th'6 gnmei 'Congressrrieh like baseball ns well as other persons, and tt la nri off day When half a dozen or niore senators and a large number of representatives are not found at the' park if a game is In progress. A Particular Man. “• • - Senator' Warren of Wyoming-has tnmle'a'-sueeess in life'by paying par¬ ticular attention to everything' conaecU ed with his affairs, whether-It is busi¬ ness or polltius. He reads all his mail.' He not Only rends, but signs, every let- ter that Is written for him. ,lf there Is the least shade of meaning which "’ hl ” h hA he doqs not like, he changes it lVhethep the letters relate to business affairs or to politics he takes the same care of them! He wifi _ work worl until 12 at night, later in order to"cT6se‘up‘ , the "busi¬ or ness of the day, and everything per- MVhtfhfhU Wh'.Midf'll re- lates to the work of congress or any- thttitf’filap, receives the-same attention. One on CITartip Clark. During a political tilt In the bou;g some rCfCW-ncd was made to Missouri going Republican in 1004, and Champ dark said; ........ “I'll tell you what induced Missouri to go Republican. It was Barker’s telegram. Unit made 40,000 Democrats stay nt home.” , ... , “I would like to ask the gentleman,” Interjected Charlie Landis pf Indiana," “if he recalls the,, name of the distln- guJfSjjpcI,jfloinocrat Barke"r who formally noti- fled pf his nomination.” This caused a roar, as^blark, who was permanent chairman of the last Democratic liatlonal conVCntidn and fiia'irniiin bf the notiflehtlbn committee, was the man to whom Landis referred., Cotton Growers Interested. Although the house emphatically re¬ jected'a hill which was fn 1 th# final stftges Of pn.ssiti£ to' bullish those who gave otit lnfbrmatlofi concerning crops, the tneff from rtipy-ottcn'states are not Satisfied, and theyt want nnotlier bill. These reports regarding cotton are used always for sprioulutive tie. purposes. The big cotton .gnowena and specu¬ la tors are those who benefit from the 1 information gathered. II.Is. quite a compliment.,to the agricultural, depart¬ ment that its, figures are, so reliable that the men, who hamlle and speculate on agricultural ijpafffice are anxious to make use of-'-'fliem. All brokers are anxious—tdi>a.v for advance hiformar. tiorydmd it is the illnV of the metisrep- rekentiugf'thd' cot toft states to prevent them fifiru obtaining any advantage In that regard. Following The Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and jhe Plilllipplnes, health, Hurgi was tjie most geftnt U. 8., A-, of RpHf e J> c « n - mportanti consideration. W’illis T. Mofgaii, 'retired' Commissary Ser- cbtd, N. H., “T was two years jn CubS Snd 'two years in the Philip¬ pines, and belhg subject to edicts, I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for we find it the best medicine in tjje T world /or .Coughs, colds, bronchial i fl.Ofi. Trial bottle free. ’ M MEN I QROWN WHILE ROWtNQ hooches River. Wsst Point, 0s., Jung U.—While out rowing to * bateau on the phatahoo- chee rlvez. just below •low the y»e cotton e?i mills of the West est PtrifltTBlanufacturi^* company at Lo^gdale, tW*yaung merit. Ocllee Walker a ml' *«m Culpepper, were drowned. A party arty of four had gone over to an island In the river, and op, rflurtilng, ?hjla }n midstream, one of them, Sol Tlngie, in giving up the guidance of the boat to one - The others were fine swimmers, and ingly |h| m 9®re seem¬ seized with cramps and were drowned within a few feet of the bank ‘in'AVlpJrfari on the Alabama side of the river. ttto#td«'feMM*Wds dm hundred ytrqRge| j^.h people, and about a volunteered their services iu searching for the bodies, which were repoyered yiung' In about two hours Both of the men were mill opera¬ tives; 'Culpepper '6f the* Lanett cotton mills, and Walker of- the West Point Manufacturing qompany. ELECTRIC' CHAIR NEAR PATRICK Recorder 'Goff Denies Motion for a ' • New Trial. •New Tork.'June 12.—Recorder Goff has denied a motion for a new trial In the 'Caa© of .Albert T. Patrick, the condemned i murderer of William Rice. ,. Patrick's attorneys, it Is said, were .prepared for an adverse decision, and have, the .papers ready for an appll- .t,q ^e, writ J7nlted M £tates supreme court for a of error and for a writ of habeas corpus. These appli¬ cations Would again delay the harry¬ ing efuit of* tVe death 1 sentence ihd would make the fifth postponement for Patrick, who has now been In the death dtousa In - fiiog .Sing Joy -more than four years. The last resort In the effort to save 4 ^ m ^ will A b# .' Hfh appMeation Gov- to ernor Higgins for a commutation of the death sentence. Nine 6t“Junfe'l2.-"" Arrests for Gambling. Macon, ■Deputies Tom Jones apd Charles Plunkett landed Moeem's .yaung,white nten and before they stopped, not less than nine cases of gambling were made. Ainoilg those held up in - the woods" by-*the officers were some of ,h e * «t, known young men In oon, and . the arrests caused consider¬ able comment!' The’'officers’ walked into a crowd at Crump's park and , there took, charge of as many of the ■parties aa could, well be handled. Soon ..after this they went into an¬ other party . In E^st Macon and again held up all they could detain. Bppds ,wAte juada.. and,..tbs..accusations are awaiting a hearing. Shooting Caused Excitement. ..Thomson, Ga., June l^.y-Considera- ble excitement wqs occasioned here several pistol shots rang out In quick soccesglo^ ln the very heart of the. town. A negro was seen run¬ ning, and Claud Shields following with pistol In hlg .hand, shooting at the fleeing man. The negro, one of the Shank, negroes, of this place, was shot twice..In the leg. ,The exact de¬ tails of the shoo.tlng will be preserved toe. .police cour£. and couM not be learned, at this time. No one else was hit, though the shots .were fired in q packed street, and at the fleeing ne- *ro.. Editor Haqrtsill Is Dead. . Sprtngplace,. Ga., June 12.—J. C. HeartslU, of this place, died Sunday evening ,vf pneumonia, and was laid to rest Monday. Mr. Heartslll edit- „tbe „,Jimptocute for a number of years with distinct ability. He as¬ sisted In compiling the last census at Washington,, and at the time of his death was with the Showalter Publish¬ ing company, .at Dalton, Ga. He was a loyal citizen, of sparklipg intellect, With an abundance of Information at his command, He .leaves a widow and three small daughters. . rm Will Defer Immediate Action, New .York, June 12.—The Commer¬ cial Travelers’ Anti-Trust league, which organized the movement to ex¬ tend a public reception to William Bryaiy on hjs return to this country Aug. 29th, nt a.ipee'tlng decided to de- ,ter jMoiqfltatp.gptionaeTo details and decided to appoint a committee to form arrangements which would meet CP,-operation from, all branches of the P art y. ... Wind ,and Hall Does Damage. Geneva, N. ,Y., June 12.—It Is esti¬ mated that the damage done by the repqn.t wind ,and hall storm In the Im¬ mediate vicinity will reach clpse to a . quarter, of a million dollars. The .loss of, Wanda-Smlth company, nurs- , erymen, alone Is estimated at |100,- 000. Growlrys nursery stock Is prob¬ ably damaged 40 per pent. The loss to fruit growers also Is enormous. Betrayed by Wife for Ancient Murder. Muskogee,..I. T., June 12.—'Newton .Bohannon was. arrested at Okmulgee •I. T., on a charge of murdering Mo- aes Beholds, near Bohbam, Tex., in 186-7,- and was placed In the federal jail here. Bohannon has been a fu Eitlve from justice for forty years. He was located on Information given by bis wife. Bohannon waived extradi¬ tion and will be taken to Texas. Huh‘4 by Hands foV Twenty Mlrtutee. Savannah, GsC.; June 12.—James La¬ cey, a fireman employed In the Na¬ tional Batik building, narrowly escap¬ ed a''tearful' flekth 'hn th^, hydraulic lift that carries the trash out tof the buftdifig. ft' was, Lacey, in stop¬ ping the mafchlne which was carrying him to destruction, * had his hands' rind crashed in the machinery of the lift. "With hie hands held w as Suspended In the air twenty min- utes - Ho kept his nerve, giving dl- sss? pieces and Its victim released. Qjjy mpm Of Accepting tfoncesdtoWFrom C. B. & Q. Railroad. ON THEIR EXPORT SHIPMENTS Sentence Will Not Be Aeeeeaed Until the Cnee, Against the Burlington Railway, Charged J- with Granting Concessions, IS Concluded. 'Kansas CU? V June 12.—Armovur * Ca x Swift-# C*5 tkadahy ft Co., ‘anft the Welaon Morrla Packing company were found guilty in the United States district court here Tuesday of accept¬ ing concessions from tbe Chicago, Bur llngton and Quincy Railway shipments on packing house products. The case was given to the Jufjf^at 10:40. o'clock. The verdict was re¬ turned at 11:40. Judge Smith McPherson, of Red Oak, Iowa, the presiding judge, stated that sentence -wouli <HPt be* ajs^qspd until the case against the Burlington railway, which is charged with grant¬ ing the concessions to the packers, is concluded. The Burlington Railway's trial be-, gan Tuesday afternoon. The law In the present case provide* for a fine only, and not a Jail sentence. Immigration Law Attacked., New York, June 12.—The proposed Gardiw,DJUIpgh^a attacked at meeting l^ni^qn of the new }avr was a Immigrants’ Protective League held at Cooper Union. Resolutions were passed denouncing the hill as un-Amer¬ ican and asking that President Roose¬ velt and Speaker Cannon hold the measure In abeyance until a commis¬ sion is appointed by the former to In¬ vestigate the immigration, conditions and report to the federal officials. Among the speakers were Edward Lauterbach, Congressman A^ilVjup $• Bennett, Signor Scottl, Marcus Braun, Carl Hauser, Joseph Barondess, Dr. Alex Dembinskl, and H. J. Bell. 'Torpedo Boats Completed, Washington, June I2.r-The n^yy de- partmWff hfls hheM-nfitiflecHfithat little fleet of torpedo boats which has been gathered at Norfolk, Va„ for the nimnnon purpose nt of hnlnn' being onnf sent nnf out l/\ to fhn the DL Phil¬ 11_ ippines, has been 'o/oiplehed, so far as th‘e constructors and engineers are concerned, and the boats are now to be put through a course'®f‘trials to ascertain any weakness or faults sq that these may be corrected on the home station at minimum expense. It will be late in the year before the-fleet can be ready to start <m lta voyage. ’ Will invsslgate Packing Houeee. ’Chicago, June 12.—President James, of the University of Illinois, has ac¬ cepted a position on the expert com¬ mission to investigate the Chicago packing houses !:ln the light of the Nelll-Reynolds report. He is the first man to b« secured. The Manufac¬ turers’ Association,, according to its secretary, hopes to be able to an¬ nounce today the make up pf the com¬ mission, though difficulty was experl- weed in-gating suitable men. “Aunt Fanny*' Dead; Age 105 Year*. > < Washington, June 12.—Fanny Lo¬ max, familiarly known as "Aunt Fan¬ ny,” is dead at her home in Rosslyn, Va., near this city, aged 105 years. Fanny Lomax was a celebratqd negro character. She was born'in Janu¬ ary, 1801, and up to, the *jme of her death recalled with remarkable vivid¬ ness the early history of the coun¬ try. Her oldest child is still living at the age of 81, and she had fifty- eight' grandchildren. ■ 15,633 Deaths From Rfggue. Washington, Jupg J^.ynJhe constant ravages of epidemics In India is shown In .reports received by the public health and Marine hospital service, the latest one being for the week end¬ ed April 28, last, showing 17,855 cases and 15,633 deaths from plague that week In India; • 2,196 cases and 1,942 deaths from plague .In .Bengal, and 126 deaths from cholera, 167 from plague and 99 from smallpox lri Calcutta. » ■ - Was Lyaoheri /an Bhooting. Hattiesburg, Miss., June 12.—Wood Ambrose, a young negro,, was lynch¬ ed at Prentiss, 45 miles east of Hat¬ tiesburg, at an early hour Monday. Ambrose -had been arrested and Jailed accused of the shooting of a man. A mob broke into the Jail and shot the negro to death. Referred to Commitee, Washington, June 12.—The Tillman bill prohibiting oorpta'ations from mak¬ ing campaign contributions under alty of a fine, which the senate has been received ,by, the house and ferred to the committee on election president, vice'president mud of congress. -•j" Pillar of Fire 5QDfeetiHigh. Parkersburg, W, Va„ June 12—Eight teen million feet of natural gas are being consumed ‘each day by fire at the little town' of Blilrit 'House, r ln Ritchie county. The flames'are ing 50(1 feet in the air and the great fountain of fire gt night lights the sur¬ rounding country, , The fire is,being watched by, thousands. The well was drilled, in last Friday apd the tre¬ mendous pressure,.wade.,Iti Impossible to cap the hole. Saturday afternoon wsHkoren iweseondeaypripg to stop the flow when they saw a thunderstorm approaching. Hardly h»d -they quit work whdn *’ flash of ■ lightning Ig- ritted the’ gas. > ‘ An Alarminfi Sitnation. Frequerrtlyresultsfrom tofYgk* neglect of clrig- gefi’botoels and HTer, until con- irrtC. This dition is unknown fo thosh ’Who use _ pr. King’p Nev(,W f fi^ I t ;' tli uU.’< b eet and 8 e «ss- Drice 26c. —— SNAPS HIS GUN AT BALL GAME. Carolina Constable Attempted To Kilt Dr. Wataon.. Columbia, fl. C., June 12.—During the sixth Inning of Monday after- Ma^o*. ^**ab between ,-Columbia and le John Carr attempted to move a small boy from the step of Dr. Watson’s automobile. Dr. Watson said he did not object to the boy sitting on the step, and ask¬ ed Carr not te move him. Carr .be¬ came angry and drew a revolver, snapping the weapon five times which fortunately did not discharge. By some it Is said the pistol Unbreached as he drew It from his pocket allow¬ ing, the cartridges to fajl out. Polipeman Hegepath grappled with tCwa*' Wdj>&ftar.A ^sevpfe struggle threw him to the ground, gaining pos¬ session of the revolver. It is said Carr was drinking. The Incident oc¬ curred near the bleachers and had the weapon discharged no-doubt-the lives of lnnoeent people would have been sacrificed*— Carr was t slice headquar- ters but not until after he had threaten# violence to the reporter who to learn the inta f( caae. ti Negro Kills His Father. Villa Rica, Ga., June 12.—Zee Reed arid Arthur Rriefij two’ negroes, who are half brothers, became Involved In h diicuftt.*' Arthur Reed struck Zee over the head with a heavy bottle amLraa horiie. >0ee*fellowed aad re¬ newed the fuss, when Jonas Reed, their father, undertook to settle the dltflcufty.' Zee Wished on Ms 'father and cut his throat, severing the main •arters, from which he* Wed to death In a short time. Zee was arrested and Is now In Carrollton jail. DECIDE YOURSELF The Opportunity is Here, ‘Backed By Qriffhi ^ ’ ‘ 4 1 Te ttimony. Don’t take our word for it. Donft<dependiw a^taanger’s .state meat. Read Griffin endorsement. Read tbe statements of Griffin citi¬ zens. And decidefpr j onrseM'. . , ■ HefeArone oase of it: 1 m < v A. A. Wright, of Qoilly street, the well known jeweler, says: “1 can certi fy to tbe efficacy of Doan’s Kidney Pills: My back ached and' was so bad Mtakl eould not scoop awd straighten and could hardly hobble around, while it pained me constantly night and d iy. I used every remedy that I knew about, but without finding anything to do me any good. The secretions were very scanty and thick and jny kidneys very much out of. Order. 1 taw Doan’s Kid¬ ney Pills blght#.reccommended and went t to to Brooks’ drag _ store . f and pronur- the; r- if el them. To my astonishment gave me relief within twentffroar hours. A continuation of their use made as strong a man 01 me as I was twenty-five years ago. I can also speak a good word for 1 >oajpa jP int ment. I bad itching hemorrhoids so had, that 1 was in in misery. misery. Thefitst The'fltst anpficatwmtat app Doan’s Oiotmepfralieved the itching and froiB.thejmsitive u^Thave relief I obtained from its no hesitation in re¬ commending it, as well as Doan’s Kid ney Pills. I never expected to feel as well as I have since 1 used these two remedies. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cts. Foater-Miburn Co.. Buffalo,New 7ork, sole agents for the United States. Remember tbe name Doan's and t&kq no other. Ice Cream Parlor We have added a large Soda Foun¬ tain to our place, where all kinds ot soft drinks are served m the*-' best style; also, we have furnished a regular Ice proa in Parlor, where Ice Cream, Cake, Strawberries, etc., are served, aAd friyite 'the patronage of oqn pit® and country friends alike. We still continue to make -the, Fin¬ est and Freshest Candies to be found J j } r*- I I anywhere. Griffin Candy Kitchen 111 Hill Street ' Phone 287. Griffi^,. Ga Griffin Iir Stoop. Dllli. .» I f M 0 i\ , J.v.PSVft??. FIRST CLASS TINNffl All kinds of Roofing : SLATE, TAR, GRAVEL, ' TIN and COPPER. G. Gut Ur, S inches.12jc. per foot. Gutter, « inches........15c. ” “ Cinches...... 10c. 7 i lichee......12c. . The satnejjrices for down spouts. Tin Black roof, tin per roof, square............ #4.75 to #5.90 per square..... 4.25 Galvanized iron roof, per square, 5.00 Wravrtroof, per square____:... 4.05 I do all kinds of repair worx, and will guarantee you want everything kind of work that 1 done do. In See me line. if any any sir Wtsa: &KZ rial charge, at lower price. Phone 266 when yofi Wahl » grio8 fob of ti n work at a low price- JOSEPH D. BOYD, Attorney and Counsellor At-Law Office in Merchants and Ulantera Bank Building, im SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN, ru rated *r ■' Sealskin to admired the over tor its softness and and yet the w joft and glossy cause of all hair hair trouble trouble to to dandruft dandruff, which whtch to cautod by pestiferous parasite that mot i t a root. N *^ b ™ ‘ vttaltty of the hair at Its Herplclde to the osfly Without dan fatal to the dandruff germ. *u‘ * draff there Is no feUtag.lwta urtant growth of glossy. « oft tain. Scouring the scalp wont cure dan¬ druff. Kill the dandruff germ. T hous - a™s of women owe their Herpjclde. beautiful Sold suits by of hair to Newhro’s leading druggists. Send ■ to The Herplclde Co.. Garllsle ft Ward's 01 iPPHCATI FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA, Spaldino Cousrrv.-To the Su. perior Court of said County: ton, Allen Little W. their associates, successors andassifns to be incorporated under the name and style of “GRIFFIN PRESS BRICK COMPANY.” Par. 2. Tbe term for which petitioners with ask to be incorporated renewal is at twenty the end years, of that the privilege of tn capital stock of said par. 3. The Twenty-hve thousand corporation is to be shares of dollars hundred (#25,000) divided into each. Petition¬ One dollars ($100) said ers ask the privilege of increasing amount cap¬ not ital sfot-k from time to time to an One exceeding in the aggregate the sum ot hundred thousand dollars. They ask the Wfivilete of issuing prefrrred stock or bonds to an amount not exceeding their authorized capital. 4. Petitioners show that entire Pa *ar. has has been been subscribed subscr and $25000 Capital >jfal st4x*k stpek beeyctm^y paid in 10 Der cent, t. ofta'ue of 9 has casn. The \ V object ' te of to the proposed > / .»* corp¬ Par. 5. profit and for Its oration is pereuniary gain the stockholders. and They sale propose of prjck to and engage other m clay manufacture other arttcles and products and nil such manufectured things a#tfrefmrtlly nfed# find from clay or that may be handled profitably in connection made or manufactured, sold and *»The^/d#!#fre therewith. have the to , buy, . lease, to both power real and sell and hold property, |>er- sonal; to borrow and loan money, securing same by liens on prbperty, both real and personal; to manufacture, buy and other sell article brick and other afcretail clay products, wholesa^, or any ana*t<L act or thing, or as agents or brokers for «other handling persons; oa^buying or corporations arA.d(s$M«as»<)f^iMes in . selling, a*pro^:j^ to said business. and do all the To have the usual powers necessary be connected and proper with acts theiF which s&id“ pertain business to or may n |W/n^C''fpGrH all and such “lOTT^ fTl other H NT7T7TT7T7 acts and things MJiU to do as an individual might do, as may be consistent with the laws of the dtate of Georgia. and place ol Par. ti. The principal ottiee business of th* proposed corporation will be Spalding askv.the Comfiy,' privilege Georgia, of establishing but petitioners branch offices tefcl bhilding aad sale operating their plants for themamifacturf'and of wares Favette County, said .Geo i-.v rgia, v* and in such other-Couatigs otl !K01*ie' ' - in State as they ey tee be I made WHKREFOK®fietiti oners pray t<y body corporate ■poratc under * " the * and stale st of a ui name GRIFFIN ____. N PRESS PRESS BRICK BRICK CO. • en¬ titled to all the rights, the privikaarrind Ihimlitics fixed immu¬ by nities and subject to law. Petitioners’ W. H..BECK, Attorney. ’ Gforgia, Spalding County: I certify thatth*- foregoing is a true copy of the petition for iReorphration of “GRlcFIN PRESS BRK'K TD.” now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Const of Spalding county, Ga., which petition was filed ana duly docketed on the 3tXh day of May, 190fl. under hand and official seal of Given my said court, this May 30th, W. H. 1906. Wheatoh, Clerk Superior Coart, iotm-t ,! Spalding County, Ga. KNICKERBOCKER fOUHttW BRUSH* The above Uiustfatiori, ‘drawn from life, Brush shows lri use.' a 1 Thri Knickerbocker bruMi triads Fountain Id of fine velvety India Rubber and is so perfectly ' pliable as’to’easllp fit every curve of the human figure. It can be Instantly at¬ tached to any water faucet,.and but the 1 * Irifrtfcf it fafcdef Istaefttod Rkegulate the temperature of tha water to please the bather. The. water flows out through ■ 995 tinjt’riteble rubber teeth to the bath¬ er’s infinite delight and perfect satisfac¬ tion. - It Is a happy invention, vastly ♦SSffcrlor to all other bathing devices, and Is endorsed by Physicians, Ministers, Physical Directors, Health and Beauty Specialists, and people in all walks of Ills, Every brush is fully guaranteed. Bold in Griffin byJE. H. Davis. i’SE? RESTORES REVIVO VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. prodace. th« above result. In 30 days. It act* r. Patting ] i ot self-. which unfit, cna lor study, buslaem o. « not onto cure, by etartlng at the Mat of dlrase.but It cm be carried tot written perp.ok«e,or (lx forl_ tmrutM to i________ For Sale in Griffin. Ga.. by T.'J. Brooks V Ji GARLAND, DENTIST. Offloe over Griffin Banking Go., GRIFFIN GA. Rocky •-‘LfcisVeM-y Mountain Tea Nuygets Jmpur* . Llva> leadaohe j k In. tab-