The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, January 01, 1908, Image 2

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don’t fonret It. , ... ./. , - - Henry Grady. «mISXh X. no posdWlty of dltirewful time* in thia motion of the country, although railroad* have been hard hit, and other entexpriaaa have ** HAk?a Pocua aaya: "I do ' wlfcifttakW and ' a4>vilifer drinks WMnui *ll IM dam chcmkki in New i or* Doubtless the governor will makeauoh.a recommendation in his next hmruim •WAV EAMWtefgv. - -..-■■ -■ - - - -■ WILL SMS. en.SUNN. The entire South will applaud Gov ernor Glenn, of North Oarolina, in declining to treat with New York X lawyer* relative to the payment of h special tax bonds of hte State teased “conceived In sin and brought forth in iniquity,” succinct ly ateea up the situation, aaya the Savannah Preen. A man doesn’t have to live np to an agreement made under duress and a State should not be expected to pay bonds issued when abend of robbers had their hands at her throat The pilferers did enough damage to the States of the South, * without forcing the present genera tion to pay for their thieving. The govenwr might send the hold en of the bonds their Ace value in Confederate money—that would be a Air exchange, concludes our Savan- WeetPUte Picking*. I West Pike, Gw., Dee. Bi.-Thte Immediate part of Pike had a moat lively and pleasant time during the Christmas. No crimes or oasualltles OCCUFTCd " Mr. Charlie Bperiln, ot Coooard, and Mm Minnie I-reTertoU, of Wooster, * rx’S* sssj ta t LuthJ!s* Wednesday in th* pemene* of a few frtenttefrom here and Wooster. After $ iSEkwk’SfAe* “r’cSl •M ttetimg "Ooosolation,” sung by MW Ruth Cousin*, the happy crowd . returned to th* home of the bride’s w ** *• a v • » vs • * W- M T AP * T - — —a— te» , « y »s x* *s | McltKhMf by Btfit* official*, children were bom in Naw Orleans. I taMmTaaTtbeXro are free to travel I as they will within the limits of the I TTnitftA Staten I The state department, however, has feme all it can In this matter tn view | ot the limitations on the exercise of federal authority and the only re- I course for the parents or guardians of I the children la to apply to the local ■INTERS HIGHER LEAGUE. ' I Alabama Town Pay* 12,500 for Her I Rt !••••♦ I 'Mobile, Ala., Dec. 81.—Owner* of I the local Cotton State* League Iran- I chine Tuesday afternoon forwarded to I President Compton, of the Cotton I States League, New York exchange I for 92.600 with which to purchase her I release from the league. I Compton ha* also bean notified by wire that Mobile has accepted the league’s terms for her release. Mo bile’s option with foe Cotton States League expire* on January 1. This step on the Mdbil*'* entranoe into the Southern to now no longer a mat ter of conjecture but a settled tact This removes all obstacles to Mo bile’s taking over the Breveport ’ franchise and this deal will be Anally closed up iwlthin the next Week. JUDGE KNOCKS OUT ACT. Creation of Board of Education De clared Unoon*tltutlonat. Huntevilto. Ga.. Dee. 31—The act pf th* legislature creating the Spragins ‘ ’mr# of education for t* city of HuntaviHe was-held to be unconsti tutional by Judge Tancrod Betts In the law and equity court. " The de clsiim Utah rendered on th* court’s overruling demurrers to the allegation ft the quo warranto proceeding* filed agatoct tte board by Professor W. J. Humphreys. Judge Sett* hold* the taw 1* uncon- Utiltxittonal on three ground*. One being that ft is a special act upon a subject already provided for by a gen eral law. The case will be taken to foe supreme court Immediately. • wwwmaH '» '■'"■! 1 1 ' 111 ’ •tabbed to Death. Roanoke, Va.. Dec. 31.—A (Ms patch from Floyd. Va., says James W. Rlereon, of near Locust Grove, Floyd county, was cut through the heart With s knife and killed Satur day night. Rlerson, two men named Aldridge and another named Boyd, were drinking when they got into a row. When the men separated Rier, aon wa* on th* ground dying. Other parties u**rby sal* they could not tell -who rtruok th* ratal blow. Boyd and th* Aldridges have dteappeered. Biteop Andrews'Dying. •New York, Dec. 31.—(Bishop Ed ward G. Andrews, or tn* Methodist Bptecopal church, He* at the point ot death to hi* home in Brooklyn. Mon day eight his physician said he had only a tew hour* to live. While on a trip to the Pacific coast last October to attend a conference, Bishop An drews contracted a severe cold. A general breakdown of the system fol lowed. W—tag Cl Illite 111 I i.e.ii-iw Bank to Increase Stock. Covington, Ga., Dee. 11.—The bank of Covington increase* it* stock to 3100,000, to take effect January 1, and will make the beat statement in It* history, showing th* deposit account* uadtailntahM >l96Reward,|fo6. Th* reader* of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science ha* been able to cure in all It* stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cute is the only positive cure now known to th* medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diseaae, requires a constitutional treatment. Hairs Ca- , tarrh Cure to taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and i giving the pattent strength by building up the oonstituttonVnd assisting na ture In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar* for any case that it fails to cure. Bend for Uat of testimonial*. Address: F. J-CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 7So. . Take Hair* Family Pills for consti pation. A CARO. This I* to certify that all druggists are authorised to refund your money if ’ Foley’s Honey and Tar fall* to cure . I your cough or cold. It stop* the cough, | heals the lung* and prevent* serious re suite from a cold. Cures la grippe 1 cough* and prevents pneumonia and- < The |«X Min m I j fwr xiy* Twa.® I * I \ ———— .1- ' ' In Writing Desk Are Found Many Let tera—Will Mads by Mrs. Veung Also Discovered Among the New York, Doe. M.-dtom* light was thrown Tueeday on 'fare mystery surroundtag th* death of the woman whose nude body wa* found last Thursday bast hidden to the muddy cose of « pond near Harrison, N, J., when Ws. Frank Hull, of this fifty, went to the Newark morgue and de clared posftlvMy that tbs head of the woman -was Mrs. Agnes Young, who formerly lived with her and later with a M». Ktog, to Brooklyn. The poftoe Wve thht tb* Wontiffcatlou ta cor rect Mrs. Hull sate that tere wont to Jersey Qty with Mrs. Young on Chrtetma* day. Following luncheon Mie parted with her companion, who. she understood, was going to New ark to Join a houseboat narty. When Mrs. Hull learned of the mur der through the newspapers and saw that the dstorfptton of the dead wo man seemed to fit her friend »he in formed tt>* police that she bettered that th* murdered woman was Ufo. Young, who had been employed at one time as a eteuograpbm* and typewriter in * wmt rid* hotel. Ot* said that Mrs. Young -wa* th* wit* of an en gineer, but that »he had not lived with her hueband for several years. Mr*. H«U said that when they left Mr* King-* taMM on Chrtetmas morn ing, Mrs. Young had *3OO to her purse and wore a diamond ring, On their arrival at Jereey City they were met by a man whom she named .with whom they had hinchod. When the hinehto* party broke up Mrs. Hull returned to this city. ‘ New York. Dec. 3L—On informa tion given by Mr*. Hull, the New York police have been asked to aM the New Jersey police in the care of the young woman, said to be Mrs. made by Mrs. Young, was also found to a pond at Harrieon on December M. ou Tuetelay deteOtlves went to the horn* ot Mte. Hua and seised a desk Which »he sold wks given to her by Mr*. Toung. TMs desk Is said to contain many letter* reeteved by Mm. Young from admirers. Letters from Mrs: Hull tOr-Wrs-. Yotwg re ferring to- ttfe attaotfons paid Mrs. Ybung by a oertato man, and a will mode by Mr* Young. w*» also found among the paper* in the desk. NO REDUCTION* IN QA*H FARE*. Railroad Comml**ton Ruses th* Extra Gent Must be Patel. Atlanta, Dec. 31.—Th* oommiaalon Monday isaued an order declining to make any change* to pareenger rule No 3, which allows conductors to col lect an additional 1 oent per mite for fares paid on the train when no ticket I* purchased. ' In a lengthy statement tbelonrmta sion call* attention to the fact that the roads are required to keep ticket office* open for the sale of tickets; Abt ft to * great Inconvenience for eoteduptors to figure out and make change, and tor these and other rea sons deoiines to change the rule at the preseat time. Therefore, all who fail to purchase tickets ou the reduced rate plan as inaugurated under th* Terrell admin tot ration, will have to pay the ad ditional on* cent a mile when paying cash on the train. COLUMBUS TO CELEBRATE. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 31.—Plans were perfected for the celebration of the advent of prohibition in Colom bo* Wednesday nigfet Service* -will be held at eeverel of th* church** and * firework* detnonetration ta atoo be fog planned, although the tatter to not under the auspices of cue temperance ergaatanleß*. Th* mala alteration will be ait the First Bapttat church, where a praise service ba* been arrest by the Wo. max’* Christian Terap *r*nrs Union, with Hon. Dupont Querry of Macon, •• 'th* WUwcflpßl . The teavtaat whisky sales for any Monday to the history of Oofoateu* were recorded Monday. People who never bought liquor before are pre paring tor eaergenciee by laying to a supply. NeAeat-NoFare Trial. Jereey Olty, N. J., Dee. 31.—Six caeee brought to test the Jersey City no-aeat-no-far* Ordinance are oa trial in Jhe police court here Mayor Fa gto is attempting to enforce the or digane* which provides that no fare need be paid unless * seat Is furnish ed. Wltneue* hate already testified to the circumstances under which they refused to par their fore. The trial will last several days. Noted Oareman aartoMly 111. Toronto, Canada, December M Ned Hantoa, of Tbrouto, Canada, formssriy champion oaroaren of tie world, to dangsroualy JI) at M* home. tasrltlfniSMiuiu Rp|*irdlßßthe We are ptarned to annmmre that Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, tow ae It contain* no opiates or other a* a eafemdy fol teildren and adult*. The*.J. Brooks. j, i. ■ a.. y ... .. Mr. «*^. a ». « I new th* totes r *ta the fetelonabie restgu-1 nint> nod' hoUHi wtjr® aivt * foe man who h«d not arrarefed for • seat for himself bad herd work rinding I a to*o* to dine Hurt tight. Special gre V|p*a MwffErea* mnt* VW’*** great restaurants to entertain the guest* and to most of them announce ment had been made that nothing in tbs drink line except champagne would be terved during the evening. At the Plaxa hotel, where a num ber of ths operatic star* reside, Na than Franko's orchestra played and at midnight Caruso, who to a guest at the hotel, sang the Chime song from •The Chime* of Normandy." in the main dining room. Caruso asked the management to allow Mm to sing, a request which was readily granted. Each diner wa* provided a tiny bell white he rang to Um* to the music ot the song. Scotti, Mme. Nordic* and other stoger* were present and they added their voice* to that of Ca- TlMkO. 'c'X ■ The management of th* Case Martin "had announced an innovation tor the evening a* aa experiment. The rule against, women smoking wa* abrogated for the night, at least. New lork ba* adopted ths European style so far as women smoking In public 1* concerned, and no first eta** res taurant to town allow* ft. It to estimated that more than 500,- 000 poople «aw th* old year out to variou* public dining room*. The ctiteretkm W*s the biggest of the kind the eitr tab eren «smi. IMPRIBONED IN MINE. Miner Wa* R**cued a Rating Maniac from Underground Dungeon. Pittsburg. Dee. M..—After being Imprisoned for three days to Ellis srertb Bto. 1 mln* at Ellsworth. 30 mile* from here, John Omilllan, 26 year*, a Slav* miner, was released from M* underground dungeon a rav ing maniac (Monday. He was taken to th* county hom* at Arden. OmUMtn w*nt to work last Thurs day in a email rooom off the main entry of th* mine and ignltedi Ms blast. Th* charge proved *o strong that it kx>*en*d enough earth to cause * fall which blocked effectually exit from th* room. AU hi* effort* to attract attention were In vain and he might hav* been entombed until yet but for th* accidental discovery of —•—— ■*’A number of mine officials, while going through the diggins to see that everything wa* safe, cam* to the point where OmJllian was entombed. They at once eaw something wa* wrong. When the debris was cleaped .away the official* were astonished to find a man date from the room, knock two of the rescuers down and put up a vigorous fight b*fore he was over power*!. Nothing could be dan* for the Slav to restore Uta- mental balance. He was Insane from hunger end fear. SUMMARY GF ACCIDENTS. Killed end Injured During IW7 Total* 57,#19. New York, Dec. 31.—The Tribune Tuesday morning in a summary of the accidents of the year state* that 17,319 person* have been killed and Injured during the year, 33,612 hav ing been killed and 23,367 injured Some of the larger Items ot the list • are ss follow*: Earthquakes, landslides, etc., 31,- 61)2 killed, 3,092 Injured; explosions and mine disaster* 3,0 M tilled, 2,721 Ihjurel; storms and floods 1,209 killed, 1.563 injured; automobile aociidents 829 killed, 704 Injured. Ftre arms |«7 killed, 3.M7 injured. Among other deaths ar* 2,269 toet in wrecks ot vessels and 493 to other drowning*. Will Repeat Honeymoon Trip. CMcsgo, Dec. 31.—Geo. L Thatch, er and Mrs. Thatcher to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar riage, Will statt January 11 to repeat Uteir honeymoon journey through the south. The couple were married by Bishop C. H. Fowler, of the Meth, odfot teurch. They will leave Chicago for Jacksonville, Fla., and from there will go to Rockledge and St. Augus tine, F?a. They expect to return about Che middle of March byway ot Washington, D. C. Mitehell Arrive* Without Acoident." Exoetaior Springs, Mo., Dec 31. John MtteheH, preeident of ths United Mine Worker* of America, has arrived bare for Me health, sad according to preoent plane will remain about three weeks. Mr. Mitchell reached here Monday from Chicago, accompa nied by hl* brother; David Mitchell, and hi* privets secretary. His both er will return to bis some in the west within a few days. President MRteedl laid Tuesday that he felt no bod effect* from the trip. Iqauranco Companies Leave State. Chicago, Doc. 31—A deapatch from Milwaukee, Wis , aaya: Seven more Ufa insurance companies, carrying W.Ote.Ote in poHcles in Wlreonsta. Monday determined to quit the state at midnight Toesday when th* new tae*re*oe law* becom* effective A tor* F*r M**ty. "I have found • cure for the tniaery malaria potoon produce*,” any* R. M. Janwo, mLoneilen, B. C. ‘-If* called Electric Hitters, ind fiotne* in 50 rent bottle*. It break* up • care of chili* or ■ bilious attack to almoat no time; and it put* ytilow jaundice eiean oat of crdnaibß oo.’’ This lain* end blood purifier gives quick re- Ref in nil stomach, liver and kidney eomplatota and the misery of lame teak. Bold under guarantee at Thods J. Breaksand Head Drug Co. I a > lief in Trueve* wore e 7 t way Company. y I Rochester,, N. Y., Dec. Sl.-W® front of the mtin street east ear b*nl» i Tuesday and got safely away witlh ft tn an automobile. k The stolen money represent* taf earning* of the Rochester rallwan company Monday on what i* known! as the Eastern division. It was trans-l terred 1 according to custom, from the Federal street barn* to the State street office to be counted. The car was in charge of Motorman W. Glover and Conductor L. B. Clark. They etopped the car at the Sodus Bay sta tion at East Main street and went in tide. : As Glover entered the door he sdw an automobile drive up beside the car, but paid no attention to it. The two men were to the station only about a minute-, but wben -tfcw re-entered th* car they found that the chest which contained the money wa* gone from the platform. An Old' man who boarded the ear saw two men take the chest and place ft in the tonneau of the waiting au tomobile. He supposed they were fronT the company and paid no at tention to it at the time. EXHIBIT LN ATLANTA. Georgia State Exhibit from Jamestown in State Capitol. Atlanta, Dec. 31.—Five freight cars, containing the Georgia exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition, arrived in the city Monday, consigned to Commis sioner Hudsoa. ft will be hauled to the capitol this week, turned over to State Geologist W. S. Yeates, the uratW, who will arranged it into a* exhibit on the third floor of th* oaplfol building. This consignment I* ths largest ever ■hipped out of or received back by the state following the close of an exposition. ft is with this exhibit that Georgia won the gold medal both tor thejyfc, eupervislon of Commissioner Hudson and Aeeistmft Commissioner Wright, and also the collections of inarbie* and minerals made under the direct tlcn of Geologist Yeates. When placed In po«*tton in th* cap ital this exhibit will cover all of the third floor of the building and will form one of the most attractive feat ures of the state house. By next Monday It will be arranged and ready tor inspection. Hew to At*l< [ApjreaAiclti*. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic nonstlpation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Byrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Re fuse substitutes. Thos. J. Brooks. Jamaica »a|ta Car*. The Jamaica Remedy On., not being able to obtain al nrther supply of seme of the rare that made the Jamaica Rheumatic Cure such a won derful success, has been obliged totem porarily suspend operations rather than make a less perfect medicine. But the Griffin druggists still haveon hand a very limited supply of Jamaica Pain Cure, made by the same company,that is an excellent remedy for rheumatism, as well as a cure for all kinds of pains and is used both externally and in tertially. It is only 50 cents a bottle instead of a dollar, and should be ob tained before the present supply gives out . Alleged “Black Hand” Deed. Greensburg, Pa., Dec. 31.—A house occupied by the families ot John and George Sernello, at Expßrt, a mining town near here, was shattered by an explosion of dynamite. No one was seriously Injured. The crime i« said to have been committed by an alleged black hand society. WOMEN’S WOES. Griffin Women are Find ing Relief at Last. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity: they must "keep up,” must Attend to duties In spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, drer.y spells, bearing down pain*; they must stoop over, when to stoop mean* torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and anny aches from kidney ills. Kidneys eeua* more suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Mrs. Fannie Smith,of .2061 Third Ave., Maeoa, Ga., says: “My back gave me so much trouble for a long time, particularly at night, that every morning I felt tired and worn out. The backache was always with me I and the kidneys were out of order, the I secretions being dark, full <rf sediment | and hard to retain. I used * num-1 ber of linimenta and ftmedles but alii with no tefect until I tried Doon’s Kid-1 ney i hadtevwttosd and wellßpoaen at and which 1 pro-1 cured. Soon after I began taking them, I 1 noticed a wonderful change for th* better. All the pain* were driven from my book and th* aSton of the kidney* now go to bed, teptel andl gto up tajtte morateg reftwted. "plenty more proof like titfe ftotol Griffin people. Call at Brooftdrug Remember Ow o<me—DKMn’t—! I jsHB are saH Mr. W Mr. W1 Mr. Lxfl a Mr. J. ’■ Griffin fl Mr. O. fl i • Mr.D.Kfl Mr. T J.AndrewWelden.Mr. -J. 11W _ Dr. Alonzo Wilkins. Burr-Persons Hardware cfl GRIFFIN. GEORGIA. We Have Especially fodUfl Holiday ( akc Plates. Bisque Figures, ; Saucers, Opalware, Toilet Boxes,fl' ’ other Novelties, Silk Handkerchifl and Fancy Handkerchiefs. Fancfl brush sets, ladies bags asd purses, i tors and fine hosiery. We are gojjfg our cut prices until and Dec. [ Our stock of dry goods are full of teeming bargains for the discriminating bjjyer and we appreciate fl the liberal patronage regfeived this season. A sat- fl isfied customer is our |Jest advertisement. Wishing? you all ipdnerry Christmas, W. X HORNE. 1 _ mWffiH® On Jan. Itifi will open * real estate > office over Griflin Banking Co. fol buy ing and afiling re*] estate and collect ing rents. AU business intrusted to me wUI 1% promptly attended to and all interests intrusted to me will be carefully,guarded. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. i o’clock nmtekfaw- -xaoyd CleVtiand will t0 , a, l legal matters. DJL JENKINS. For Sale. Nice Jewelling House on Taylor Street, close in. This is a good chance for a home. “If you see it in my ad it’s I fiA ” JOS. D.BOVD, I niauagvi, I ' Boyd Real,Estate Agency dentTst. Ofßoe OW GHfftfi BanMtajr.O© • GRIFFIN GA. I -F-- gp-• ' Timely Ideas » ■ ’ For the betterment of ' printed matter are part ; J of our equipment—part ' of the advantages which j are at your service when r you bring an order here, at no extra cost.’ Thanksgiving is rigljt in our line when we gets chance to figure on a job. j Will you give ua such a chance? . ■ - ' S. B. SAWTELL,/? J fl rr later bm rBBuSMr* 1 120 WotSoJomcnSt. Photo/ i .1 ■ . Williams'Catbelic AcM / With Araica art Witc* Bam/ 3 The beat Salva in the vrorid JW* Hands end ‘* a I to appear aod pay the san»ll. ■