The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 31, 1914, Image 2

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lIOBERT I, DUKE, Editor and Fubttahar. A. G. JONES Superintendent. Telephone 110—All Departments. ” Kntered et tba poateffice in Griffin, Georgia, m second class mail matter. - Griffin, Ga, Dec. 11, 1014. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Daily—Fifty cents per Indi for the knt insertion, and twenty-five cents totyh subsequent time. f f TSIRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. WDnfly, one year $5.00 Daily, six months 2.50 Dally, three months 126 Daily, one month ~.. .60 , Weekly, one year (in advance).. .60 Weekly, six months .26 The Weekly will be sent to respon sible parties living in Georgia on . . Credit for 50 cents a year. All outxide the state will be strictly eash in advance, and wjll be discon tinued as soon as subscription expires. Sample copies sent on anplicatien. Special Notice*—Ten cents per line for each insertion. No insertion un der this head for less than 5C cents. AH insertions tor less than one dollar must be paid for in advance. Liberal rates will be made with par ties wishing to continue their adver tising for longer than one week. - - - ----- .-I New York Office—Frank R. North rup, 225 Fifth avenue. Chicago Office—F. R. Northrup, 1020 Advertising building, E. J. Pow ers, manager. .. The News and Sun ia the Official Organ of the City of Griffin. Official Organ of Spalding County. Official Organ U. S. Court, Northern District of Georgia. PLEASE BEAK IN MIND. The person who imagined that he sun would go down and darkness fall ever the land at noon today; that time would stand still; that the moon and stars would fade; that the ocean would dry up; that Gabriel would sound his trumpet and the Creator resurrect the dead, if or she Was not prominently displayed, would not be remembered by a hundred people these days after death. Too many persons exaggerate their importance in the world and wonder how it msn i.ged to wag along before their ad vent But history proves that it man aged to turn around one way and over the other even before their arri val. A large majority of the inhabitants of the earth are mere units and not ?f sufficient importance to be capitali zed. Don’t be offended K the clock re fuses to stop when you enter a room or if,, everybody else forgets to dis continue breathing long enough to hear from you. I **■■■ o Now is a good time to begin writ ing it 1916. The New Year comes on Friday, but let us not be superstitious. ——■—o—- —s — requires more than a small fire to paralyze business in Griffin. Only one modern saw mill is op erated in the territory of Hawaii. Champ Clark is very much con cerned about centralized government. He wants the states tc stick up for their rights. - ■ o The state hoard of health says that twenty-six per cent cf the residents of Spalding county ate possessed of the hokworm, but we don't believe it. o A Florida printer while in bathing found a piece of ambergis which he sold for $7,000 The wonder about it is how come the printfi taking a bath? _o . A New Jersey man is seeking a di vorce from the rister of his first wife’s third husband. Like the Columbus Ledger, we wonder what relation he is to himself by marriage? —o The News and Sun extends New Year’s greetings to readers and adver tisers with the hope that the next twelve months will bring a goodly store of happiness and enjoyment -- —'-re —■" You may not be able .to write like Ft Paul, preach like St. Petering like King David or marry like King Solomon, tut there will be some good work for everyboly to do during 1916. As showing the possibilities fbr tree growth in regions where irriga tion has to be depended .upon, it is poin'ed out that Boise, Idaho, has as many as 95 different kinds of _ orna mental and shade trees. NEW YEAR APPROACHES. Tonight at twelve o’clock the old year, one of the most eventful in the world's history, ends end a new one will be ushered in. The year, as the Columbus Ledger truly says, is coming first with a rush of bills and later with Its care and exigencies; perhaps it may bring us blessings, certainly, whatever good things we m%y get from it we know it wil Hiring us trials end tests. What more wonderful and fitting a prep aration could we have for it than the spirit of Christmas, in which it still finds us when it comes? What better resolution could we make for the new year than to carry this glow of Christmas guarded in our hearts till the new year shall grow old find once again the season of the nativity comes to bring another great influx of brotherly love and un selfish thoughts to our hearts and minds. We begin the new year richer in heart and strengthened in spirit be cause of this little practice of setting self aside and thinking of others. If we can but carry with us, throughout the year, the kindly feelings and will ingness to think and fel for others which have blessed us in this season, we shall find happiness throughout the year. So here’s a Happy New Year to all who have had a Happy Christmas! Editor Sidney Lewis, of the Sparta Ishmaelite, has written “thirty” for the last time and passed over the great divide. Mr. Lewis did splendid work on the Ishmaelite, the Macon Telegraph and the Augusta Chronicle His friends throughout the state learned of his death with genuine regret. May he rest in peace. c The Rome Tribune-Herald finds consolation in the thought that it might be worse. It says: “The man who feels bad about his Christmas bills should remember that Belgium owes Germany ninety million dollars and is dead broke.” , o. The latest song in New York is rich in name if nothing else, says an ex change. It might easily be applied to the departing year. "I Hate to Tart With You, But I Think You Bet ter Go,” is the title. t> The Hagenbaek brothers, the great German wild animal dealers, have been killed in the European war, but the Valdosta Times says it is proba ble that “Hagenback’s Shows.” like the dead Barnum’s, will be with for many years yet. We hope riot. o— Admiral Dewey attributes his splen did health at seventy-seven to the fact that he goes to bed at 9 o’clock, rises at 5 and drinks buttermilk every day of his life. It may be healthy for the aamiral, but it would kill us. o One of Griffin’s good natured bald headed men is wondering why one of his friends should have sent him mili tary hair brushes as a Christmas present. Some people are naturally thoughtless, old fellow. o 1 e J Some of Griffin’s prominent bache lor young en have been made to smile and take courage recently at the sight of so many attractive lady book and magazine agents. Smoke up, boys! -i Luke McLuke says some women marry tc get even with some other girl and then spend the rest of the time getting even with the mutt they married. A Birmingham man holds the rec ord for late Christmas shopping. He went out and bought a “package” for himself at five minutes to twelve on Christmas eve night. The year 1914 having almost lived its allotted time, is struggling for ex wlencs today. It is thought that it will pass out before tomorrow morn ing. CARACE ? —We htfve AUTO SUPPLIES Anv Kind. Columbia No 6 ignitor*bat teries the best to be bought Our Mechanic’s are the bery best. Give us a trial. We have any size Casings or Tubes you want See us be ofre you buy. H. U. GOSSETT & CO. FOR HARD-TIME TALKERS. The editor of the Milan Standard speaks out plainly to tho wallers, or at least some of them: v * »ou know what’s the matter with you? You’ve been going too fast a gait. You have been traveling a road when you ought to have been riding on a road. And you S6OO guys have ben trying to travel with the $1,200 fellows. That’s the trouble. It’s not hard times—it’s dnmfool times. Wake up! Interview, yourself in the morning and talk it over.” g This advice is a bit cruel to the good fellows who have stretched their currency in the effort to be generous at Christmas times, says the Americus Times-Rocordcr. Be that as it may, just at this time it is well to remem ber grandmother's adage: ‘Cut your pattern by the cloth.” WHEN THE EDITOR READS. (Emporia Gazette.) Remember this, you who have busi ness. with the editor.. It’s all right to come in when he’s reading or writ ing or ‘-diting copy; but don’t get it in your head that when he’s reading his exchanges you have come in the idle hour. How ean an editor get any ideas if he doesn't read others’ ideas. Do you think he sits down and thinks ’em all out of his head? Well, he doesn’t. He reads a score of papers every morning, and from one or two he gets a suggestion or two. Sometimes he finds an item that makes him mad: then he writes well; sometimes u vagrant item, a pay local, a telegraphic head, an ad certisement, starts a rich train of suggestion. But the sure way to wreck the train, and make your pa per stupid and insane, is to come bustling in when he is reading the ex changes He is doing the best work of his day. < —• u ; Many Disorders Come From the Liver Are You Just at Odds With Yourself? Do You Regulate Living? Are you sometimes at odds with yourself and with the world ? Do you wonder what ails you ? True you may be eating regularly and sleeping well. Yet something is the matter! Con stipation, headache, nervousness and bilious spells indicate a sluggish liver. The tried remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only 25c at your druggist. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for skin eruptions. BUGGIES AND WAGONS CALL ON US FOI NORMAN ad BARNESVILLE BUGGIES STUDEBAKER and WHITE HICKORY WAGONS HARNESS OF ALL KINDS We are now in the market for mules. Will buy your mules or trade/for them. B. B. BROWN COMPANY iai>i23>i3s West Taylor Street. GRIFFIN. UA GRIFFIN HARDWARE CO. J HEADQUARTERS FOR Sporting (woods Hunting Coats, Leg&ins, Shot Guns, Rifles, Skates, Silver Ware, Carving Sets, Pocket Cutlery, ALL AT WAR TIME PRICES. GRIFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY ELECTRIC STAND LAMPS 1-3 OFF ONE WEEK ONLY They Are Beauties PERSDIiS-HiMMMOND HARDWARE MW. A Cheerful Greeting, Auguetus-Hello, old man! Bow are you and bow are yonr people and all that sort of .Illy mt?—London Globe. Children** Coughs-—Children's Colds Both Are Serious When one of your little ones* shows symptoms of an approaching cold, give it Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey at once. It acts quickly and prevents the cold growing worse. Very heal ing—-soothes tie lungs, loosens the mucous, strenthens the system. It’s guaranteed. Only 25 cents at your druggist. Buy a bottle today. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for sores. How To Give Quinine To Children. FKBKII.IKK 1. th« trade-mark name << m to an ImprovedQuluioe. ItisaTaateleaaSyrup.pleaa ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who canrot lake ordinary Quinine. Does not nauaeate nor eanse nervousness norrincing in the bead. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 1-ounce original package. The uuns FBXAIMNH to Mown in boule. 23 cents. CANTOR IA lor Infimta *nd Children. Ito KM Yu Hr« Always tagM Dears I?* TV AUGUSTUS H. FRY. M. D„ Ph. G Physician and Surgeon. Office Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Phone 250. Office 108 H N. Hill St. O. N. MATHES, D. V. M. VETERINARY SURGEON. I now have a private hospital at 126 Slaton Aye. Can handle tweyty-five head of stock. Brin;, in your sick and lame ones, or call office phone, 619; residence 616-J. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year What Better Christ mat or New Year Gift to Your Loved Ones Than a Home? City and Country Real Estate Bought, Sold and Rented. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Your Business in the Past Has Been Appreciated. Will Be Appreciated in the Future. OHIO J?MILE!. iRBAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. With local applications, as they can not roach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall a va tarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous- surface. Hallos Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the Best physicians in this country for years and is a reg ular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting direct ly on the mucous surfaces. The per fect combination of the two ingredi ents is what produdes such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti- ■mmwmi™wsmwmwi™wmi«gwwmwwwww"s>a i r" - - Railroad SebetUD—. CxGaßy “The Right Way” Current Schedule Corrected to Date. TRAINS DEPART. » For Macon and South—9:23 a. m.; 1:45 p. m.; 5:30 p. m.; 9:55 p. m.; 11:34 p. m.; 1:10 a. m. For Atlanta and North— 4:51 a. m... 5:37 a. m.; 6:25 a. m.; 9:20 a. m.; 3:15 p. m.; 6;48 p. m. Fcr Chattanooga—9:3s a. m. For Cedartown —5:40 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE. From Atlanta and North—9:23 a. m.; 1:45 p. m.; 5:30 p. m.; 9:55 p. m.; 11:34 p. m.; 1:10 a. m. From Macon and South —4:51 a. m.; 5:37 a. m.; 6:25 a. m.; 9:20 a...m.; 3:15 p. m,; 6:48 p. m. From Chattanooga—3:lo p. m. From Cedartown —8:15 a. m. C. S. WHITE, T. A., Uuion Depot. ' Phone 103. FOR SALE W. Taylor St., 9 R. H. 1-4 a., $2,950 W. Poplar St, 7 R. H. 3-4 a., $2,500 S. Hill St., 9 R. H. 1-2 a., 5.750. W. Tinsley St., 8 R. H. 1-2 a.53,000. W. Broad St., 6 R. H. 1-2 a., $2,750. S. 6th St, 6 R. H. 1-2 a., $3,750. W Poplar St, 9 R. H. S. 13th St, 9 R. H. 1-2 a., $2,100. W. Meriwether, 7 R. IL 2 a., $2,100. E. Broadway 7 R. H. 8-4 a., $3,000. W. Poplar St.. 9R. H, $5,250. ‘ N. Bth St, 5 R. H. and lot $750. N. Hill St. 6 R. H. and lot $1,200. W. Ga. Ave., 5 R. H. and lot $750. N. 9th St, 4 R. H. and lot $650. S. 6th St, 9 R. H. and lot $5,000. S. 14th St, 6 R. H. and lot $3,250. 200 acre farm, $3,500. 100 acre farm, $5,000. - 215 acre farm $8,500. 310 acre farm $15,500. 312 1-3 acre farm, $25,000. 86 acre farm, $4,800. 200 acre farm, SB,OOO. W. Taylor st, 1-2 acre, $1,375. W. Taylor St., 1-4 acre, $1,250. W. Taylor St, 1-4 acre, S6OO. N. Hill St, 7 lots, S7OO. W. Taylor St Store. 2 H. S. Collins St 10 acres, close in. H. and L. W. Taylor St, $3,000. FOR RENT. Residence South Sixth street One two-horse farm . One six-horse farm. Residence North Eighth street. W. Broadway, store. Hill St, nice office. Solomon St, nice office. See Me About Your Fire Insurance. e. s. McDowell. Real Estate and insurance. lit OS * r II ills vk J These figures ra Wn B make the best wCIA arguments, but the W ' clothes will speak k"s ' for themselves; P HART SCHAFFNER E\\ W &MARX SKI \ made them. ’ \ Copyrifh t Rut ScWToer k M«n $30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00 t $27.50 “ “ “ ' $ 18.35 $25.00 “ “ “ $16.65 $22.50 “ “ “ $15.00 $20.00 “ “ “ $ 13.35 s>so “ “ $ 12.25 We have other Suits and Overcoats that Sold from $12.50 to $18.50, now 1-3 Off. THESE PRICES ONLY FOR CASH. SUm-POWEU CLOTHING CD. £ MEN’S AND BOYS* OUTFITTERS P ’.-X.'s.v . o ■ For Your Baby. The Signature <rf is the only guarantee that you have the Genuine prepared by him for over 30 yean. YOU’LL give YOUR baby the BEST — ■ Your Physician Knows Fletcher’s Castoria. Soid only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. i I The Centaur Company. / War Priced r - We carry a full line of building ma terial, Lime, Cement, Wall Plaster. We 4 have an extra good grade of No. 1 and 2 shingles. OURSTOCKOF - MASTIC, HOUSE BARN, ROOF AND FLOOR PAINT Is complete. Ger our-Prices before you build or repair. z L P. Blanton & Son Phone 346. Corner 6th and Solomon Sts. ... - -I-.; '