The Griffin weekly news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, February 12, 1904, Image 1

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< eJ 11 rue News. Established 1871 ( TO THE PUBLIC We have bo°n too busv the pw three week* to chanß-the revlitiv matter in !, tMsflP 'ee We hope that you will ;don uh, when you k.iow that we h »vu been pres* d for tbn ‘ t J m ike the chvns’e F fl »w-v**r, w- ar * Bti l d ina th- biz. Carmi :hael Bugsrme coming In and going out daily; we don't keep them, but sell and ''•van them; i-t rnd • r.. The Heeder on Uzh Hr. : Km trices more to e and style than you will find in anv regular work ma e in the Sou'h Our H'gh 1* int Buzz. is .* oui ; li_!it> -unaing stylish, we I proportioned and a dandy. We will have a carload o’ the fam >us Mitchell W agons to arrive in a few days— the best wagon ever sold in the sout h. Our Pled<u mt Wagon- -Don’t orget that it is one of the best farm wagons on earth at> the price We will h »ve the best line of Buggy Harness to irrivc in a few days ever shown in Senoia. Our farm and ream Hr dlrs are the best vou can find We carry ago id line Le .ther Wagon and Eiow Collars, Collar Pads, Gig Pads Storm Clot hs, Storm Fronts for buggies, etc The Wheeler & Wilson <ew uz XI o him-s the lightest running, fastest stitching, and less noise of any m "chino on eat’h; -o d t r cash, in taliment or y ?ariy payments | , Also the beet machine ev r sold at f 18 for cash. W i have ■ M th- a-d Horses on hand we are selling at prices that cause us to ' dispose of them very readily. We have almost anything kept in a flrst-cl-ss vehicle establishment, also live stock. Come to see ns. We have not the time to tell you what we have and what we can do for you. We will say this, however: That our prices and terms are mov ißgthestuff We are here for business. We want trade and expect to hold it Giye us a chance to do business with you. We will appreciate it H. L. WARE SENOIA, GEORGIA. PATBkUK FKBTU'EMOE*. Patrick, Ga., Fo ' 9-Rev. I G. ! f , Walker filled his appointment at Un-' ■ ion Saturday and Sunday. i Tom Mitchell, of Tennille, is visiting I his parents, Dr. and Mrs. T.J. Mitch ell, for a few days ■ Rev. R. F. Smith, of Locust Grove, attended services at Union Sunday. Miss Rosa Hammock is spending this week with Mrs. E. L. Wells at Luella. Little Olin Meredith, of Jenkins burg, spent last week with his sister,' Mrs. G. C. Patrick. j We regret to state that Mrs. S. B. | Bailey is still very sick. La grippe is taking the community. ■ Four of J. E. Pullen’s family are in I bed with it, Joe Pullen and sons, Leon \ and John, and Mbs Louren. We hope ■ they will all soon be up again. Mrs. Charles Butler, Mrs. J. E. Par ham, Mrs. Fronie Patrick and little Savage Gaillard are on the sick list also. ■OuUA HIITIOI. Molena. Ga.. Fin 9—Old Uncle' W, Morris died at ms home a few days ago, in his 81st birthday. He was pre paring for his birthday dinner, out died m the morning Mrs. Nancy Pilkenton is very sick. She is threatened with pnennionia. W D Underwood and little son, of Grillio, are visiting T. J. Joiner and 8. A. Story at this place. S. A. Story is all smiles over a 12 pound boy at his home, which has , come to stay an indefinite time. Our school at Union has got the new I books and had thirty-five pupils la-t week. I. , The railroad authorities had the con- I tractors to come and complete the de -1 pot and have moved in it. B Mrs. Leak is very feeble vet. The school at Molena has got the J most of the new books and has about I eighty pupils •VNirr BIDS SO»NTUdUATIOM». Sunny Side, Ga., Feb. 10. —At the depot at 10 :30 o’clock Sunday Miss Pearl Rickley and Mr. K. Conklewere united in piarriage, Rev. G. W. Wood officiating, The couple came up on the. 10 o’clock train and after facing the preacher spent the day pleasant ly with friends here. About the same hour, two miles west of here. Miss Louise Bently and Mr. Louis Mann were happily married, Justice J. P. Starr officiating Last Wednesday J. T. Mitchell re- , ceiveda telephone message stating that , his son, f.ewis, who works in Atlanta. ; was supposed to be dying. He left for Atlanta immediately and found him precariously ill, but not hopelessly so, | R cen’ reports indicate that nis recov ery is almost assured. A l>.Gray is quite ill with pneumo nia at hi home near here. Ruth Blalock, an old man living in north Sunny bide, is critlca ly ill. Mrs. T,B. King spent several days in Atlanta last week attending her son, Louis, who has been quire ill. Miss Mattie Weems has returned > bom* from a few days visit to friends • at Vaughns. B G. Darsey is attending a business college iti At anta. , M ss Antoinette Brewster will leave ’ tonight for Mississippi, where she will spend afew weeks with relatives be fore returning to Acworth. Misses Estelle and Lizzie Mauley, of Po nona, spent last Sunday with rela tiv s in Atlanta. Miss Addie Hasselkus, ot Griffin, has a class in instrumental music at this place, which she teaches Tuesdays and Fridays. Preaching at SMloh next Saturday and Sunday. » T. G Barfield is putting in a saw mill at the ginnery and will commence sawing in a few days. CASTOR 8 A For Infants and. Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /"/X Signature of * WEST PIKE PICKINGS. ; Concord, Ga., February 9.—The I storm Sunday struck west Pike about five o’clock p. in The strong wind and light hail did no marerial damage i in this section, but the heavy rain that accompanied the storm fell in torrents and did great damage by washing the lands The black and angry looking cl'itid which came from the northwest j with such rapidity, was an awful look ing sight and many of the people here i were so frightened they went into their j storm pits, but those of us who bad no i pits had to stand and grin and bear it. I Many of tbe young people and a tew 1 of the old ones enjoyed an excellent | and sumptuous box supper at the new I school house in west Pike Friday even | ing. Sixteen boxes were sold and a handsome little sum realized for the incidental expenses of the new school. The occasion was one of rare enter tainment anti the boxes contained more than enough of the choicest lunches for everybody present. After supper was served a call for volunteers to make addresses was made by Miss Ina John son, the teacher, to which Misses Mag gie Gregg, Della Jobnaeyand Eva Johnson.responded with very interest ing and humorous recitations, who were followed withan oration by Bus ter Johnson. At9:3oo’clock the crowd was dismissed and every body returned to their homes feeling highly elated over the pleasant occasion. Torn Moore, who has just finished sawing the timber oh Newt and W W. ■ Banks’place, has bought the timber on the Jesse Lawrence place and is moving his saw mill there. He will begin sawing in a few days and we learn he is to give 52,000 feet of lumber for the timber. Prof. W. W Banksand Ralph Ox ford. of near here, came over Thursday night and made us some splendid music on the violin'KriiT banjo. Come again, boys, we always like such music as you make. In mentioning the storm of Sunday I forgot to state that. T. M. Johnsey seemed to be the worst frightened of anybody in west Pike. He left his home and run to a large sawdust pile near by and grabbled a hole and got into it and pulled the hole in after him The G 8, W. continues to grow in popularity here, new subscribers every week and old ones paying back sub scriptions and renewing. J. G Reynolds, of Riverview, is among the number this week who hands us a dollar to pay back subscrip j lion and and a year it.’advance. J H, Whatley is quite sick with the I gr>P The grip epidemic, which has been j ; so prevalent in this section, has some- I I w hat, abated and about all who were i j attacked with it have recovered Politics is at a low ebb in our beats i and we haven’t had the pie sure of j I shaking hands with a candidate in a I long time. We suppose they all think they are solid in west Fike. LAETITIA LEAELKTB. Laetitia, Sa , Feb. 9.—The farmers are having a bad time to prepare their land ior a crop. They are going wild over high price cotton; if thev don’t mind they can't crawl next fail. Jim Buchanan has been very bad off with rheumatism; also big Jim Pitts. A. G. Whittle has been suffering with rheumatism and pneumonia and is not able to do anything yet. The Quitte postoflice is closed up for good. Uncle Martin Williamson is attend- ! iug t<> hi« postoflice at Laetitia. Rev. VV. U. Kendrick is on his ap- i pointer! time to his church. May God be wjih him. Mr. Eppinger is a business man. He is Laetitia’s rider from Rover. Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy Whence tine difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr King’s N«w Life Pil's to Maintain it By gently arousing the lazy organs they oom pel good digestion and head off con stipation Try them. Only 25c, at Oarlisle & Ward and Brooks Drug Store. GRIFFIS, GEORGIA, V'RIDW, FE’iKC\ltY 12 1904. Cotton is a Fool The government report of 9.485,- 000 bales ginned np to the 16th of last month knocked the spits and I kewige the futures out of cotton Tuesday, causing if tn sag 90 p in s ■nN w York and making dealers quit the market in di-gust in New Orleans. There whs none sold h re The truth is that the high price of eo- Viti has caused it a l to b- T» ck< d out cl ai;er than ever before, mid this pr rn’sea to produce a crop but little if »nv smaller (han lust year While it did not- pay to pick out scattered bolls as 8 and 9 cents, it. does piv at 12 amt 15 , cents, and cotton is still being picked in low and lute places right around Griffin, and 15 bales wre gtr.n d as the Grittin Oil Co’s gins yesterday One prominent planter declared yes terdav that the crop in this countv will K e a fourth more ths eea-on than it was Inst season. There are still quite a number of bales in the hands of the growers right around here, and their feelings were as budly hurt as those of the sp» cu’a tors ty Tuesday’s report and quo tations. BKMOLA. BBMTKMOKB. benoia, Ga , Feb. 10.—Two sad deaths in our town last week, that of Capt Blakely and Mrs. A. T. Sears. Capt. Blakely was stricken with paralysis Sunday morning at four o’clock, January 31, and died last Wednesday night. The funeral services were c nduottd from the Methodist church by Pastor W. A. Harris, assisted by Pastor Jenkins, of the Baptist church, after which his remains were laid to rest in the cemetery. Capt. Blakely leaves a wite, two sjus ai.d one daughter and hosts of friends to mourn his demise. Mrs. Sears, wife of Rev. A T. Sears, an aged Baptist minsiter, had been lingering for a month or more, and passed into the new life just as the funeral procession was leaving the Methodist church with Captain Blakely’s remains. Her remains were laid to rest in the cemetery after the funeral services, conducted .by her pastor, Bio. Jenkms, assisted by Bro Harris. It is with sadness we note the death of Mrs. Nancy Harrison, of Haralson. She leaves two sisters, one son and several grandchi dren and many relatives and friends to mourn her departure. C C. McKnight is still confined to his room with rheumatisfh. W. L Taylor is suffering with a ’ severe attack of rheumatism. Col Towns is also a sufferer with same malady. R>v W. T. Amall'has been quite successful in selling ous his car of mules. He has sold some eighteen or twenty. Am glad to report Mrs. Langford imnroving from her dislocated ankle. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Swygart, of Harais >n, were in our town shop ping last Monday. Tne fr’enis of Mrs Mary Han occk will be p lined to learn of her declining health. Rev A. T Sears, after the death of bis wife, has broken np house keeping and will remove to his daughter’s, Mis. Lmgford, of Gnf fi i. Th -flei c" staple is still dropping in price. Holders may yet regret that they aid n< t sell at 16 cents Man v thanks to J W. Chappell , ami 1 H Couch for renewal- ana j M. J St’ for new subscription I io our G S W. NEXT SUMMER’S ENCAMPMENT WILL SEE GRIFFIN DESERTED Governor Terrell Favors Waco on Account of the Rille Range and Presence of U. S. Troops. ■ ■ relative to making some arrangement for sending the Georgia troops into camp this summer. Governor Terreli feels satisfied that he can send ail the troops into camp, allowing each com mand a week’s stay for a total of $30,000. He favors Waco for the en- Recently Gover nor Terrell has had several conference* with Gen Thomas 11. Barry, com mander of the de partment of the South, and Col. Butler D. Price, commander of the Sixteenth infantry, htitioned at Mc- Phereon barracks, 2 SWISS ’■ - I r\ w / —Baking Powder 1 Healthful cream of tartar, / derived solely from grapes, ***•..„,„.••** refined to absolute purity, is the active principle of every pound of Royal Baking Powder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder produces food remarkable both in fine flavor and wholesomeness. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Our me obantsare selling lots of goods, esp-c aily r«*tiers We und r’tand that Hollonville Baptists contemplate iivi’iog Rev. Jenkins to serve them as pastor this year. Mr. Jenkins is a thorough scholar, a g- nuine and true pastor. He will give perfect HttisfaoMon to the fl >ck, arid we bespeak for him a brilliant snoozes an p.«t >r. wuaaaMßua WAjjra. Williamson. , Feb 10.—On last Sunday night this place was visit ed by the most lerr fie. hail storm ever seen here, even by the oldest inhabi tants. Hail stones as large as hen eggs fell and during the ten or fifteen min utes it lasted the ground was covered on a level to the depth of four inches. J n the drifts and gullies it reached a a depth of from three to four feet. One of our celebrities reports hoi stones enclosing three pound mullet fell in his yard. Our local nurserymen fear that pros pects for a fruit crop in this immedi ate vicinity are ruined. An entertainment was given at the Jack-on house last Friday evening in honor of Misses Smith and Burnett. We are having to increase the num ber of seats in our school bouse because of the large number of pupils. Tbecontinued rain is preventingall farm work in this section. CARMEL OOMMKBTB. Carmel, Ga.. r>o. 10.—A severe ruin storm accompanied by heavy wind and hail passed through here Sunday afternoon buttlid no damage as far as we know. Mr. Hodnett. of Haralson, is doing the outside work on the Jones resi dence. The Ladies Missionary Union met at the home of Miss Id i V. Spence last Moml <y afternoon with much success. I’ll school here is progr -s ng nicely under Prof. Scott, of Hollonville. It has nearly one hundred pupils campment on account of it? rifle range and the further fact that toe fSixte nth will also hold iis etn ampm-ut tber»- this summer He wants the regulars there with the volunteers on account of the information tha the S ate troops can pick up by being in camp with the regu lars. This is the beginning ol leaving inffln entirely out in the cold, unless further and succe-sfii! steps re taken to move the U. S. rift ■ range here, m.| t also build that national road from Fort McPherson. Congressman Jim Grigg-has written Governor Terreli a i-tt-r staring that the uar departim nt has decid d to de tail C»pt. R E L Sp nee for doty in • the adjutant general s office, and that he mould likely report for duty some time during the summer Capt, Bp> n-e is a 1 Georgian. He held the commission of lieutenant-colonel du ing the bpan ' ish-American misunderstanding over the condition of affairs in tuba. ALL THE NEWS OF FAYETTE Gathered at Her Thriving Me tropolis by the News and Sun’s Man. Brooks Station, G».,Feb 2 — The public load at Hatax creek, be tween Brooks Station and Ny son,which has been in very bad shape and almost impassable for some time, IB now being put in first-class condition with rocks. West Spratlin is contractor. The same road, which has always gone over the , large hili south of the creek, is being changed by the residence of Mrs. Mary Chambers. I bis change ought to have been made many years ago. There has not yet been any district road c verseers appointed and Ran Good man, ot Lowry, is looking after the whole county and will work all of the bad places that can not be worked by the road scrapes The first quarterly meeting of the Inman circuit will be held at Inman next Saturday and Sunday, and several from here will attend, K. R. Banks has returned home after spending several days with friends and relatives at Atlanta and East Point. Mrs. W. O. D. Moore, of Inman, died Saturday night after ai illness of sev eral days with pneumonia and her re mains were interred at the Inman cem etery Monday afternoon. She leaves a husband and three children, besides a large number of other relatives and friends, to mourn her loss, The Fayette county Sunday school association met, at Gilbert school house three miles east ot Fayetteville last Fri day and it is reported mb being a success in every *-av. The next session will b» b • h Id at Mt. Springs the first Friday I in May, Rev D. A Brindle, of Williamson, w-s snaking hands with his many ' fneods here last Saturday. i W. R. Thomas, Wyatt Heflin and J. i 1). Jones, ail of Brooks Station, are I among those that par up, and renew their subset iption to the News and Sun i with this issue. ; Sam Cobb, of Brooks Station, is I among th'i-e «ho par fifty cents and h is hit! name a ideU to the rubscriptiou | i list of the News and Sun with this i issue. I As some of our correspondents are I boa-ting of what hu-tlmg citizens they have, we can say when it conies to ; hustling citizens Brooks Station is al wav tn it, a- Dr. N. W. Gable was at the birth of four different babies in less ; than swm hours a few days ago and n* ttherot them were iu three miles of ' Brooks Station and some of them were six miles apart How is that ior bust- j ling? G W. Rivers hid the misfortune to lose a very fine fatted hog la t week. Ihe li g was all right when he fed it at night, but was de id the next morning. R-v. I.G Ltosous. the evangelist us the Christian church, was here Monday and preached at County Line that I night. Mi-s Mattie May Lewi* spent Satur j day and Sunday with homefolks at Fayetteville. I Lee Bov kin. who has been very sick i for some time, i«a little better at this j writing, and his many friends wish for ; him a rapid recovery. Mrs, F. A. Boykin and children, of Whitesburg, have been spending a few days here. CZI.STOITXA. Bear*tbe _/)IM Yaa Hatt Always Bought SignMtu* THE SUN, EstabHsi ed JB7? THE GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE. Druggist Brooks Will Refund Money if Hyomei Falla No Stomach Dosing. Hyomei has made so many cures of tbe most chronic and deep seated cases of catarrh, that Druggist Brooks con siders it a specific in this disease. He sn invitation to all ca tarrh sufferers to call at his store and purchase a Hyomei outfit with the distinct understanding that it will be absolutely free nnlews it effects a cure. The chief reason for the unusual sac cess of Hyomei in the treatment of ; 1 catarrhal troubles and other diseases of the air passages, is the fact that it cutes by a new principle, impregnating the air you breath with healing and germ-killing balsams. On thia account it reaches the seat of disease in away impossible to pills, drugs or other stomach dosing. Many of Druggist Brooks’ customers who have suffered with catarrh since childhood have been cured completely by this scientific remedy. The complete Hyomei outfit ooats jl, and consists ot an inhaler that can be carried in the purse or pocket, a medi cine dropper and a bottle of Hyomei. Extra bottles ecan be obtained for 50c. making it a most economical remedy for th’- cure of catarrh. ' Do not suffer longer with catarrhal disorders, but get a Hyomei outfit from Druggist Brooks, under bis guar antee to return the money if it fails. You run no risk whatever. If it cures, the treatment is not expensive, while if it fail,Druggist Brooks will refund your money and it costs you absolutely nothing. Death of Mrs. S. B. Bailey. Mrs. Stephen R Btiley died at her home in I ouble Cabins Tuesday at 12 o’clock, after an ilbe-8 of aomo tone with lagft jpe. Sfl-t will be Lt r i d today at Union obuich. M>* Bob-v wan fi.s years old and leive-i a hnahand and six children, Mis J * W H-. Mrs. L H M>J- Dtuie), Mrs 8. E. Wall, tee, Grant. land, sh rwood and W. H. Bailey, to m •n-n her toss lAyer’s Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor’s advice and take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. - For to roan, I have depended on Ayer's Cherry !’<-e«i>rs! for cough, and Cold*. 1 , know It greatly strengthens weak lungs.” kIM. P. A. BOBIMOM, Saline, Mich. Kr..Snc »0. f.C VBRttX, All ilruggista. {OF Mass. | Weak Lungs Ayer’s Pills increase the activity o the liver, and thus aid recovery.