The Griffin weekly news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 27, 1908, Image 8

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Syrup figs sf" Senna acts gently yet prompt ly on the bowels, cleanses me system pjjectually, assists one in overcoming habitual constipati on permanently. To get its oene|icial‘ effects buy the Genuine. rtanu|octuro<l by the CALIFORNIA flc Syrup Co. SOLD BT LEADING DRUGGISTS-sO< 'ROUND ABOUT. City Note* and Newv From This •nd Adloinintf Counties. " Fro® Tueed*re D«iX A WARNING TO OTHERS. Her lipa he kiMed. And cri<d, “Oh, blisw “You'll jmy for thial” She n)H»kr- thetru h. Hi« fetal frolic Laid low th*' youth With painter’#colic. Governor Smith has appointed Hon. W. J. Kincaid a delegate to the South ern Commercial Congress, to be held in Washington, D. C., December 8 7 Seven negroes were caught in a “skin game"—a popular game In which , so many Griffin darkies engage-near | McDonough Sunday and marched to , jail through the streets of that town by two officers al the point of guns, creating considerable excitement at the time. The colored employes of the Southern railroad were paid their monthly wages on Saturday and sev eral McDonough negroes united in an effort to get their money In a gambling game. The negro will gamble, and r usually gets caught, it makes nodlf- I ference where he gambles. c The case against lien Perdue, charged I with the murder of Marshal Porch, In v Barnesville, was called yesterday morn- f Uig at the adjourned term of Pike su- j perlor court at Zebulon, but was contin ued until this morning on account of a ( witness for the defense lieing absent. ( It was charged that Porch arrested ' Perdue for Itelng drunk and disorderly, that Perdue was later released, and went to his home, several miles dis tant, procured a gun and returned and i killed Porch. Os course, it is not ’ known what the testimony will show, i Judge Reagan is apparently deter- , mined to try the case, if possible. , The Spalding Grays football team and the Locust Grove Institute eleven played an interesting and exciting game of football at East End Park here yesterday afternoon. The visit ing team won by a score of 21$ to 0, making four touchdowns and three goals. The game was umpired Coi. J. D. Boyd and was much enjoyed by 7 the spectators as well as the players. Raymond Mills, of the Grays' team, was hurt in the first of the game and taken out of it. It was at first thought ' that his collar bone was broken, but investigation proved only hii shoulder i was badly bruised and it was necessary ! to put his arm in a sling. Joe Gossett, j also of the Grays'team, was slightly t bruised in the forehead, mid several —others on the tcam were hurt. Frunu Wednesday* Dally. M I I.AXCIIOI.Y. A heavy burden weigh* rnedown, And 1 am lonely as a bird, Without it# mate. Some joy from out my Ilf" hath flown, And 1 must sit, un i sadly wait, Toeatck a sound full long unheard. I am it lute wifi music gone, I mu the melody unsung, An I mater deaf. 1 am the victory tin won. 1 am the ship with slackened reef, ( [m>ii a liearllcsM ecenu flung. There is a wish within me deep To strive mid struggle, reach at last, <t'er all to stand ! Yet. ih me I I could almost weep— Out of my life linth run the sand, Helpless, in chains, 1 am bound fast. J. Y. Patterson is teaching down in Dooly county anti writes that he is getting along nicely and has a good school. Dr. C. <). Jones, the newly appointed pastor of the First Methodist church, will arrive here to-day, accompanied by his wife. Go!. B. N. Barrow returned yester day from Atlanta, w here he has l>een spending a day or two on business in connection with the Georgia Fruit Exchange. Mrs Edwin IlawvS, of Mansfield, Nass., who has been visiting Mrs. M. H. Thompson and other relatives in the South for Hie first time, started home yesterday morning. Paul Flynt has gold out his grocery store t<» M. D. Connally, the nucewwful Meriwether planter who bought the old John H. White place west of town several years ago. Mr. Connally has never run a grocery store. Heidt Kendall, formerly of Vaughns, Ga , but now of Hhreveaport, l a , who is on a visit to his old home, was in the city yesterday, on his way to Savannah to attend the automobile races, joining a party of Louisiana friends on the train here. Sometime between midnight Satur day and 6 o’clock Sunday morning professional “cracksmen-’ or “yegg men” burglarized the safe in the wholesale liquor house of tbe Reid- Gordon Company, of Chattanooga, securing over SI,OOO in cash arid checks and other negotiable paper amounting to |666, making a total loot of over H.6OT. Quite a number of people from Grif fin and ncigitlioring towns will go down to Savannah to-night to be present at the automobile races i thereon Thanksgiving Day. Among them will be E. C. Smith, Dr. T. E. Drewry, J. C. Brooks, J. N. Bell, K. F. Strickland, J. E. Brewer, Charles Wheeler, J. W. Gresham, E. W. Odom, G. W. Hanson, Charles Latta, D. w . Wilson, Y. 8. B. Gray, J D. Boyd, John Wilson, all of this Homer Fields, of Hampton, C. <). Hummers of Barnesville, A. M. Henderson, of Hampton, and J. A. Morrow, of Jones boro. They will go down in a special coach attached either to the Dixie Flyer or to the special train which will be run to-night. The special car will lay over in Griffin all day to-day. From Thursday* Wtf- lIE CIMCUMsraCT Avoid suspicion: When you're walking through Your neighbor’s melon patch, don’t tie your shoe. P. M. Turner, of Palmetto, who lived here some twenty-six years ago, was in the city yesterday aud said he saw quite a number of changes. He went to Concord yesterday evening to see relatives there. McCoy-Barham. At the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Mattie Batham, Wednesday af ternoon at half i»ast five o’clock, Mr. Edward Mitchell McCoy and Miss Pauline Barham were united in mar riage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. A. J. Mize, of the Christian church. The marriage was a sur prise and a very quiet affiair, being witnessed by only the relatives and a few intimate friends of the contract ing parlies. The bride is a handsome and most charming young lady, whose many graces and charming personality have won for her a large circle of friends. The groom is a most exemplary and worthy young business man, who j was formerly ticket agent at the union depot in Griffin but who is now holding the responsible position of agent of the Central anti A. A W. P. railroads at East Point. The happy e ouple left at 0:30 last night for their future home at East Point, carrying with them the best wishes of scores of friends. Experiment Etchings. Experiment, Ga., Nov. 24.—The possum supper given by G. C. lines al his home Saturday night in honor I of the North Blues baseball team was 1 I a grand affair. The music rendered i by Mesdames Baker and Vaughn anil i Miss Mattle Mehafley was also a pleasing feature. j There will be a box supper here at j the hall next Monday night for the benefit of the M. E. Christmas tree. The entertainment at Will Statuni’s Saturday night was much enjoyed by those present. Preparations are being made by the j Methodists and Baptists to have the finest Christmas trees they have ever ha<l al this place. Jim Miller and Miss Carrie Slade were married Sunday at the home of the bride’s motner. Jesse Smith accidentally got his hand cut very badly last week. Plenty of Ex ercise Necessary Plenty of regular exercise must be i taken ih order to keep the body in a I healthy condition. Any excessive or ■unusual exertion, however, is sure to cause stiffness and soreness of the muscles and joints. I To counteract tills effect there is ■ nothing better than Sloan’s Liniment. Lay it on lightly where the museles hast been strained ; it requires no rub bing for it penetoates right to the bone, relieves any congestion and intlanuna i tion and makes the muscles elastic and pliant. Sloan’s Liniment is a great boon to athletes, for it not only relieves pain and stiffness, but it is an excellent remedy for sprains, cuts, bruises and cramps. i Mr. J. F. Price, of Tuscumbia, Ala., writes:- l ‘l am an engineer on the Southern Road from Chattanooga to Memphis, Tenn. I'hv continued eleva tion of my arm upon the throttle gives it a sore feeling when on a long jour ney, and there is nothing that will take the soreness out like Sloan's Liniment, and I keep a bottle in my grip always.” HE IS CHARGED WITH STEALING A TICKET Young Telegraph Operator, Going to California, Detained in Chattanooga. L. O. Harris, who has for the last six months ten acting as operator in the Central railroad’s telegraph office i here and also selling tickets in the union ticket office at night, has i»een ' arrested in Chattanooga on a charge 1 of stealing a railroad ticket out ot the ticket office here, good lor passage to San Francisco, California, and is also charged with forging the chief dis patcher’s name of the Macon division to an order which secured him a pass to Chattanooga. Harris is said to have asked for re bel several times and failing to get same, he pulled out and left anyhow. ; He left here Tuesday morning on the train lor Chattanooga. The officials of the miiroad company found out in some way that the ticket to Califor ' nia was missing, and the conductor is said to have taken the ticket away from Harris before getting to Chat tanooga. He was allowed to go free then, but later orders were sent from here to have him arrested in Chatta nooga, and he will be brought back to Griffin. Harris is a young man about 19 or 20 years old. He came here some six months ago from Chattanooga. He was married during the summer to a young lady of Lytle, Ga., but the marriage resulted unhappily and he and his wife separated three months after their marriage. Some time ago, it is alleged, he checked up $5.00 short in the ticket office here, but this matter was set tled and he continued to hold his position. BEST CATARRH DOCTOR. This is the little Hyo mei inhaler, a doctor that has cured many thou sands of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, asth ma, hay fever, coughs, colds, grip and croup. It’s easy to cure your self with Hyomei. Pour a few drops in the little inhaler, and breathe it in. The healing, soothing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will stop the j irritation almost imrne- I diately; will allay the in flamation; drivQ out the foul odor; kill the germs and cure the disease. “My wife has been us ing Hyomei for two months for catarrh. Bhe has received more relief and benefit than from any other treat ment ” — E. 8. Parrett, Jefferson- I actual sux ville, O. I Brooks Drug Store sells Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me) and guaran, tees it. A complete outfit, including inhaler, only costs SI.OO. Standing RocK Fragments. Standing Rock, Ga., Nov. 24—W. I’. Elmore and Mrs. F. I). Shell are still very sick. Mr. Kendrick, of Biemen, Ga., has moved to Mrs. N. H. Peek’s, where he ; will farm next year. 8. E. Buchanan is very much indis posed this week, also Mrs. Giles El- ; more is very sick. There will l>e a lodge of Woodmen of | the World organized at Senoia one : night this week. William Neill is on duty in the Newnan postoffice now. Early sown fall oats are looking nice now. J. T. and W. A. Eddy are running their syrup mill now. The time our mail arrives every day is now perfect and we would rather it would not be changed. Our school will open in a few days. If you suffer from constipation and liver trouble Poley's Orino Laxative will cure you permanently by stimula ting the digestive organs so they will act naturally. Foley’s Orino Laxative does not gripe, is pleasant to take and you do not have to take laxatives con tinually after taking Orino. Why con tinue to l>e the slave of pills and tab lets. Thos. J. Brooks. Teachers’ Examination. Will be held at Court House In ' Griffin, Dee. Band 19, 190 R, for the I benefit of applicants for license to teach in the schools of Spalding county. Books for special study: “Dutton’s School Management” and Dinsmore’s “Teaching of a Country School.” J. < >. A. Milli.r, C. 8. C. Announcement. T ' thi: Voters of Gkuun: 1 am a candidate for re-election as Lailiil, and promise the same dili gence in the execution of all duties en l trusted to inc in tbe future as I have endeavored to use in the past, and ask , that you all turn out and vote for me 1 on the first Saturday in Dccemlier. • Respectfully, W. J. LaxgFokk. ' Ise DeWitts Carboliled Witch , Hazel Salve—it is healing, cooling and cleansing. It is especially good for ' piles. .Sold by Carlisle & Ward. THOMAS CLARK DIES OF WOUND Southern Railway Employe Was Shot Down in Stockbridge, Ga. Thomas Clark, aged 21 years, an employe of the Southern railway, who was shot through the lungs by an un known party Friday night while walking down the streets of Stock bridge, Ga., his home town, died at a private sanitarium in Atlanta Sun day afternoon. Pneumonia devel oped shortly after Mr. Clark was wounded, which hastened death. He never rega’ned complete conscious ness. Mr. Clark was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark, of Stockbridge, and was a member of the bridge force of the Southern road at Stockbringe, a few miles above McDonough. * The shooting occurred Friday night at 10 o’clock, as Mr. Clark and his two friends, Bunn Hightower, and another young man, were walking down the street in Stockbridge. It is the supposition that a negro man, who is now lodged in the McDonough jail, was the slayer of Mr. Clark. Several shots were fired, one taking effect in Mr. Clark’s right lung and ranging diagonally through the body. Another shot passed through Mr. Hightower’s hat, and the remaining shot flew wide of its mark. You can cure dyspepsia, indigestion, sour or weak stomach, or in fact any form of stomach trouble if you will take Kodol occasionally. Try it today on our guarantee. We know what ti will do for you. Sold by Carlisle & Ward. _ Notice. The Board of Registrars will meet in the office of E. P. Bridges Friday the 27th of November. All persons having business before the board will present same on that date. E. P. Bridges, Secretary. CHEAP MONEY TO LOAN 1 have a client who has some ready money to loan on improved Spalding and Pike farm lands at 6%. This will not last long. WM. H. BECK, Atty. Cooking Exhibit t gg? nr / ’V,T i w w t ! €P) S-P-xl start WJf ) 1 <h : '*Sk/m v b WII feilWfflfi B ffi! li || l ’Wfi* Tlilu Li II 1 F* Z z «•• •*»' JB jJi®iß|Ooj ' XSAA“ -tSb. Mark THF malleable 1.1 I JLu lllade in south bend BRINGS HAPPINESS TO THE HOME WHY ? Because it brings economy and good thinas to eat. Many a good dress or a good hat or even a snug lit tle cottage have been burned up in a poor old cooking stove or range and all there was to show for it was poorly cooked food and a dyspeptic stomach. The Malleable Man will tell you all about his favorite range at the store of the Griffin Hardware Co. ANY TIME FROM Q November 23rd to 28th. ; The Malleable Girl Will Serve You With Three Minute Biscuits and Delicious Hot Coffee and present you with a Beautiful Cook Book and a Useful Souvenir. Mfftf f&Ft? UfiW purchased during this exhibit you have free a com- <b *r rn [ Hiii* ttAti fttwwil piece set of high grade cooking ware well worth ( o 10 « Every Ounce of jPjZLLSbC When the mercury drops out ol sight, y j you just can t keep the house warm,you 11 W "find it wonderfully convenient to use a ■ W PERFECTION I on Heater I o. (Equipped with Smokeless Device) ■ li' a vcry light-carry il about-heal W cold room. Turn the wick high or low no ■ JJ ' X danger—no smoke —no smell. Easily cared ill lor and gives nine hours of pn LJ cozy comfort al one filling of J y brass font. .Finished in H K nickel and japan. Every ■ healer warranted. / \ ■ *T*he /Sr'iL T w ‘*ti its flood ol steady, \ / JEVtCUf JL/Hinp brilliant light is ideal lor the long winter evenings f —read or sew by it—won't tire your eyes. Latest improved central draft burner. Made ol brass, nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. li your dealer cannot supply the Rayo Lamp or Perlection Oil , Heater, write our nearest agency lor a descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) THE SAVINGS BANK OF GRIFFIN. CAPITAL, 50,000.00. B. 11. BLAKELY, President. J. 11. SMITH, Cashier. E. H. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cashier. We Pay Semi- Annually. You can start a savings account nere with One Dollar. Come in and let ustshow you. r