Newspaper Page Text
O’? Notes and News From Thia
and Adjoining Countiea.
W. X. Gardner, of Orchard Hill, was
io the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. I- L. Evans, of Milner,
visitors in Griffin Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Terrell, of Wil
tiamson, were in the city Monday.
Lloyd Fitts, of Dalton, is spending
x few days with his sister, Mrs. Parks
D. Q. Relieves Catarrh and ('old in
ii< ad. All Druggists.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Banks announce
th-, birth of a daughter, who arrived
Miss Evie Stone and Tye Stone, of
McDonough, were shopping here
Mrs. W. W. Shannon and Mr-. Ad
site McElroy, of Williamson, spent
M- liday in the city.
R. J. Turner and J. L. Bates, two of
Pike county’s substantial farmers,
were among the visitors in Griffin
I'he many friends of Will Lewis!
Flemister, 11. S. N., wh is stationed
at Charleston, S. C-, are giving him a
most cordial welcome home during
Ins short furlough. Mr. Flemister ar
rived Saturday night and is the guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will A.
Mrs. E. A. Fisher, of Orchard Hill,
was in the city Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Griffin, of Sunny Side, spent
Tuesday here with friends.
Mrs. I. G. Dorsey, and Mrs. H. G.
Glass, of Lovejoy, were in the city
Dr. S. A. Lindsey, of Camp Sevier,
S. (’., is spending the holidays at
home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Lindsey.
Dozier Wynne, .Jack Gresham, “Su-
Edwards, Lawson Johnson and
Robin Wheaton spent Sunday after
noon at Zetella visiting friends.
H. 11. Baker, superintendent of the
Griffin Mills, entertained the overseers
and office force at an enjoyable Christ
inas dinner at the hotel Tuesday night.
Corporal Stewart Lumpkin, of the
U. S. aviation corps, has been dis
charged from service and returned
Seine. He was overseas for several
months and spent the time in England.
The many friends of W. B. Roys
ter, who has been ill since Saturday
with bronchial pneumonia, will be de
lighted to know he is improving and
trust he will soon be entirely well.
Misses Georgia May Cochran, of
Brushy, Lucile Beasley and Mamie
Grace Beasley, of Esmond, Sessa May
and Emma Beasley, of Carrollton,
were attractive visitors to the city,
Tuesday, coming in today to attend
the movies.
The many friends of John D. Stew
art will be- delighted to know he has
tended at Camp Merritt after being
in a hospital in England for three
itonths and that he will arrive in a
few days to be with his mother, Mrs.
Annie R. Stewart.
Major O. H. McDonald, D. C. corps
Jen tai surgeon, a former Griffinite,
ins been cited for faithful and con
scientious performance of duty dur
ing the operations of the V. Army
f 7orps in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-
Argonne operations.
Corporal E. A. Scales, of the 11. S.
<ir service, has received an honor
able discharge and is back home mix
ing and mingling with his old friends
after nine months' service overseas.
He relates many interesting incidents
vs the war and experiences in France
■nd England.
Miss Ethel Minter spent Xmas day
® Hampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes, Jr., are
<isiting relatives in Cedartown.
Miss Mamie Holder is spending sev
eral days in Atlanta and Jackson.
Asa Stalworth, of Atlanta, spent
Christmas day with home folks in
Air. and Mrs. (’. R. Hale, of Savan
aah. spent Christmas day with rela
tives in Griffin.
Miss Lillian Marcus, of Barnesville,
® visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hilton 0.
Li itch.
Miss Thelma Ethridge, of Atlanta,
spending several days with Miss
Lillian Helms.
John Banks, of Fairburn, is spend
ing the holidays here with old friends
and associates of former days.
Mr. ami Mrs. Norman Keith, of At
lanta, are spending the holiday sea
son with relatives in the city.
Miss Sunleaf Slade is at home for
the holidays and spent Christmas aft
ernoon in Atlanta the guest of friends.
Mrs. Georgia Nunnally, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Mays spent Christmas
toy with Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Patrick
jti ( kirins
P’ivate Enoch Marcus, of Camp
-Kix. N. J., spent Christmas here with
friends en route to Barnesville, where
H" has been assigned so rthe present.
Mi. ind Mrs. ('aid Walker. Miss
ftjttkx- and Miss Maude MeKneely.
•es Atlanta, spent Christmas day with
Mr. ami Mrs. A. L. MeKneely and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Woods Hammond
entertained at an elegantly-appointed
Christmas dinner. Among the guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffin and
Mr. J. D. Rivers.
Misses Elizabeth and Rhoda Nichols
who are attending school at Agnes
Scott, at Decatur, are spending the
holidays with their parents and are
receiving a cordial welcome from their
many friends.
I (’ultA«run». nf the*
, Covington News and Conyers Times,
! who is visiting the old homestead at
Sunny Side, spent Thursday in Grif
fin and received a cordial welcome
from his many old friends.
I Lieut. Charles Hammond, who has
been instructor in military science
land tactics at Hiram College, Ohio,
| has been mustered out and is at home
for the holidays. Lieut. Hammond
will return to the University of the
I South at Sewanee, Tenn., in Febru
ary to resume his studies.
One of the most delightful affairs
of the Christmas season was the
Christmas tree at the 'third Metho
school children were loaded down with
dist church last night. The Sunday
presents and had the best Christmas
ever. They extended hearty thanks
for the remembrances of the officers
of the church and their many friends.
Former Griffinite Succumbs After a
Long Period of Failing Health—66
Years Old and Journalist of
Wide Experience.
Relatives here have just been ad
vised of the- death of Col. M. C. Mor
ris, veteran newspaper man of Bill
ings, Montana, which occurred at his
home in that city on December 17th.
Colonel Morris was a newspaper
man of wide experience, being for
many years editor of the Billings,
Montana, Times, after having been
engaged in the printing business in
various cities in the West. He was
apprenticed to J. Clark Swayze, the
man who, in the capacity of civil en
gineer, routed Sherman’s march to the
sea, as a printer. He was a brother
of the late M. F. Morris, of Griffin,
being born in this city in 1852.
In 1916 Col. Morris was elected one
of the four presidential electors for
Montana. He took an active part in
the national, State and local cam
paigns, and his writings always
championed the cause of the Demo
cratic party.
The older citizens here wil remem
ber Col. Morris very pleasantly and
regret to hear of his passing.
Lake Steamer Bound for Chicago With
Christmas Passengers, Reported
Docked at Muskegon. Mich.
CHICAGO. Dee. 26.—The lake
steamer Alabama, bound here with
Christmas passengers, is reported
docked at Muskegon, Michigan, today
after being forced from the Chicago
harbor into the lake Tuesday. Storm
tossed and with the passengers sick,
the steamer tried to enter the har
bor, but was caught in a terrific gale,
and was thirty hours adrift. Sand
wiches was the only food available.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26.—Nearly
forty-five thousand horses and mules
will be auctioned at army camps and
cantonments on the fourth Tuesday
in January. This horsepower demobi
lization is expected to help spring
ff’w a W Cm I *1 B R I *
Imrrtrinimri uiimnin,., IIf ,; r. , x /. - ,;, ,\ ~
Vws// ur ac ’lities are of »Y
K/tJA) the highest charac- /-mJ
W ter. We are equip- O
Mil ( ,e, l to satisfy the I a
Binrl ' 1 i
*ip|l most enacting client j. ; ’>i
£s) -the courteous con-
duet of our . tall
1~. matches the up-Lo-fnl
lateness of oui'
L-l equipment. U
.{»?,»■ 11 ~ .irw —.. ■ ei ■nersj-
jnrrnrannrnttnrrj ’i'UxrinTtim»tiTT>iirtrix-»x-»'i '
Gathered at the Thriving Metropolis,
Brooks, By a News and
Sun Reporter.
BROOKS, Dec. 26.— Brooks High
School will open next Monday after a
» » - ~ X- .. 4-1- „ l. 1: » rr»»
ntvn t rutdvHHi lUi viiC i it/i • cAci jr o. t iitj
' school will give an oyster supper on
the night of January Ist for the bene
fit of the piano fund.
Miss Nell Shannon, who is teaching
near Locust Grove, is spending the
holidays here with home folks.
Grover T. Ison, of Brooks, who spent
five months in France and was in
many of the hoQ battles and was
wounded, is speeding a few days here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Ison. He is entertaining many of his
friends by relating the great war ex
periences in France. Mr. Ison has
many friends here who are always
glad to see him.
Fred Steinheimer, of the reserve
marines of Charleston, S. C., is spend- j
ing a few days here this week mixing!
and mingling with his many friends.'
The rains of the last week were the
heaviest known in this section in sev
eral months. The water courses are
very high and impassable for several
days. Many bridges are reported in
bad condition and the bridge across
Flint river on the Brooks and Griffin
roads was washed away, which will
delay traffic for some time.
First Lieutenant Worth Gable, who
has been in the Northern States for
several months in camp, is spending
this week here with his folks and
mingling with his old friends.
There will be much moving and
changing around here during the next
few days among the renting class,
many changing homes.
A. F. Duke and family, of Carroll
ton, are spending a few days here
with friends.
Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Gable have re
ceived a cablegram from their son,
Captain Lenwood Gable, stating that
he is well and safe. Captain Gable j
has been overseas for the past I
eighteen months.
N. D. Huckaby is exhibiting cotton
squares and blooms from his farm in
Fayette county. Old citizens say it 1
was in 1881 when such a sight was
seen in Middle Georgia at Christmas
Milk Cow for Sale—l will sell a fine
Jersey cow and young calf for SIOO.
See her at my place, one and one-half
miles north of Brooks. R. P. Stein
heimer. 4t
Roswell and Jim Pullin, who have
been at Camp Gordon, have been mus
tered out of service and returned to
their home.
Miss Faith McDaniel went to At
lanta to spend the holidays with her
Clifford Futral and Frank Phillips,
who have been attending North Geor
gia College at Dahlonega, are at home
for the holidays.
Mrs. Braswell, of Concord visited
her sister, Mrs. Clara Jordan, last
Miss Mavis Futral spent the week
end in Atlanta with Misses Faith and
Julia McDaniel.
Mrs. L. W. Walker and L. W. Jr.,
will spend Christmas with her - par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner, at Mon
Theodore Manley, or Camp Gordon,
will spend Christmas at home.
I Winfield Futral, of Washington, D.
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Futral.
Wishing the editor and all the read
ers of the Griffin News a merry
Christmas and happy new year.
Sergeant Bryan Burks, who has
been stationed at Camp Hancock, Au
gusta, has been mustered out of ser
vice and returned home.
Gifts For Men
Byway of suggestion we
■mention a few of the most
t popular gifts.
Where a Dollar Does lU Duty
SUNNY SIDE, Dec. 24.—The box
supper which was given by the Sunny
Side school on Thursday night, De
cember 19, for the benefit of the pia
no, which has just been placed in the
school building, was enjoyed by all
present. Music was given by the
High School pupils, then the selling
of the boxes and last the selling of
the cake which was donated to the
school by Mrs. H. O. Mitchell. By re
ceiving the most votes in the contest
Miss Evelyn Barfield had the honor
of cutting the cake.
Col. and Mrs. J. A. Darsey had as
their guest Friday, their nephew, Mr.
William Brown, of Mcßae, Ga.
Misses Lois Callaway and Ida Ruff
are spending the holidays in Unadilla
Ga., the guests of their friend, Miss
Verna Scarborough.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barfield had as
their guests for supper Thursday
night, Corporal J. Gash and Sergt.
J. R. Barfield, of Camp Gordon.
Miss Florie Coile left Saturday for
Winterville, Ga., where she will
I spend the Christmas holidays with
j her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Coile.
■ The annual Christmas tree will be
held in the Methodist church Tuesday
night, Dec. 24. Everybody is invited
to come.
Miss Ava Malaier and James H.
Barfield, of Southeastern Christian
College, are spending the holidays
with their parents.
Miss Alida Kink has returned home
after a few weeks’ visit in Atlanta.
Miss Opal Gay, who is teaching at
Rebecca, Ga., is spending the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Spangler have
as their guest during the holidays
their daughter, Mrs. Henry Harris,
of Crawford, Ga.
Mr. J. H. Malaier is spending a few
days in Abbevilel, the guest of rela
Mr. J. J. Callaway and little son
William, spent Monday in Griffin.
Season s Greetings
To Our Friends: —
At this joyous holiday season we
turn in gratitude to you. our friends and
patrons. We heartily thank yon for the
good will you have show n us.
Our friends are our greatest asset:
and the spirit of the holidays, with its
time-honored customs, provides opportu
nity for us to greet you.
We extend our most cordial greet
ings and best wishes for peace, prosper
ity and happiness and for those whose
happiness depends upon you.
make YOUR I
We have a large stock to select from <
Rodgers 1847
Knives, Forks,
Pocket Knives Razors
Rifles Shot Gut
Aluminum Ware |
Griffin Hardware Co.
Phone 91 t
j llffl ill/ -»
because honest materials, factory
thods, and expert workmanship ij
resulted in the sort of shoe rep’
that satisfy our customers. Sen.,
your shoes and join the many 1
know that better work costs no r|
here, than ordinary cobbler work c