The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 20, 1881, Image 2

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W. L, GLBSSNER, Editor. TUKSDAY, DKCiUlBEK SO, '81. TO POSTMASTERS. When newspaper* arc not called for it f« :r„ bodntyof Pottmaatcr* under the lair to notify tho proprietor* of this fact. Cauls, already print* «d, arc furnished on appllcii.'Ion to tho Postmaster, whoso only duty will be to till out with tho namo of tho party not getting the paper. Three of Gulteau’s jurors ore sick. We should think the whole twelve would I)o sick by this time. The report of tiic Agricultural Department at Washington indi cates that the cotton crop of the present year will be the shortest in yield since 1800. It is said that Speaker Kiefer leans to the Stalwarts. Stalwart- ism will rise to the top beforo long. Conkling, Grant, Cameron, Logan and Arthur have long heads, and aro using tho influences placed in their way. Tho Don. A. II. Stephens has lived to see his obituary published at three separate and stated times. It must be very encouraging to rend all tho good things that may be said of one after his death. Perhaps this accounts for some of Mr. Stephen’s egotism. Tho only professor of any college in America who is opposed to free trade is Prof. Itobert Thompson, of tho University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Thompson may look lonesome but wait till you hear whether lie hasn’t a barrel full of stock in some lieaiitiful manufactory devoted to tho interests of tho working-men An Knglish cotton buyer claims that in one halo received from America he found ahput seven pounds of old iron, and in imothcr “some dark loamy substance weigh ing more than the cotton itself.” If he flattered himself that lie would find nuggets of gold and rough diamonds in his American cotton, lie was greatly mistaken. A religious journal, in scouting Guitcau’s claim to have been im pelled to his act of nssassination by tho Deity, observes: “A crimi mil once said to n Judge that God had foreordained that lie should commit the crime for which lie had been arraigned. To which the Judge replied, that God had also foreordained that lie should sen tence the criminal to death for the crime." Representative Morrison pro. posese to make tho high protec tionists show their hand, if lie enn, during the present session. He has introduced a bill providing for n general reduction of tariff duties 10 per cent. The Republicans made tills reduction in 1812, but in 1875, oil the plea of a threatened deficiency in the Treasury, they re- stored the former duties, ill 1 . Morrison will ask the Republicans of tho Ways and Means Commit tee what excuse they can now have for retaining the 10 per cent., in view of tho present condition of the Treasury. The German post-olllee lias adapt ed and uses postage stamps whose eolors can be cancelled by water. This prevents fraud, for as soon us the stamps are used their color is obliterated. Hero is a hint for the United States. Every tiling that forestalls dishonesty mid barricades honesty is worthy the attention of every honest citizen,and the device of Germany is of little moment to us in America. Probably there is nothing in America, public or pri vate, upon which even the best of consciences arc so universally asleep as upon matters connected with the postal service. Wo have known the most conscientious church members (as to ail other matters great and small) to put u long letter'inside his town paper and mail it to his daughter, with out a twang ofconscierce. A tariff tax is a tax upon peo ple in accordance with their necess ities, and not in accordance with tlicia wealth. It is a tax which makes the poor poorer, and it puts money into pockets of the large manufacturers. It protects thorn: but it docs not protect the laborer. It is not a tax levied ouee a year, but every day. The government is supported by that kind of tax. Mr. Riddleberger. Mr. II. II. Riddleberger, who lias received the Readjnster caucus nomination for United Stntcs Sen ator from Virginia, and which is equivalent to an election, is a na tive of Shenandoah county in that State, and is but little over forty years of age. lie entered the Con federate army at the beginning of tho war ns an infantry private, and was promoted to a Lieutenancy, but receiving a wound in the foot was so lamed as to render iiim un fit for that branch of the service. He then entered tho cavulry, raised a company of wdicli he was made Captain, and did service in the Shcnandoali Valley. Some years after tho close of the war, Mr. Did- dlcbcrgcr commenced the publica tion of a Democratic newspaper at Kdinlmrg, Shenandoah county, which he afterwurds removed to Woodstock, the county seat. Whilst thus engaged in journalism he rcud law, and shortly after lie ing admitted to the bar wus elect ed Prosecuting Attorney for Shen- undoali county. He rapidly devel oped us a fluent and eloquent speak er, and was ulectcd to the Virginia House of Delegates, from which lie was promoted to the State Sen ate from the district composed of Shcnandoali and Page counties. Mr. Riddleberger was one of the first Lo rally to the standard of readjustment, and has been one of its most conspicuous champions Anil during the lute cxcitiug can vass in Virgiuiu ho wiis consider, cd the most elfective speaker on the Rcadjuster side. Says the Washington Star “Postmaster-General James lias forwarded his resignation to the President, to take effect about the 1st of January. Tho Lincoln Na tional Rank, of which Mr. James was elected President, notified him a short time ago that it would open fdr business on the 12th of next January, and would require hisser vices. Ho went to New York to endeavor to make some arrange ment with the Rank Directors whereby lie could remain in the Cabinet until the end ol' the fiscal year. Tlicy would not consent to any such arrangement, ri.d Mr. James bad either to resign his bank presidency or his cabinet po sition. He concluded tlml lie could not sacrifice Ms personal interests for tlie sake of a short service in the Cabinet, mid so tendered iiis resignation, which will be accepted. Nobody, excepting possibly the President, knows whether James’ successor will be nominated before the holiday recess or not. Rumor still makes Fillcy the next Post master General. “The solid south is henceforth bygone,” says the New York Trib une. Glad to hear it; hut wlint will the republican now for a bug-n-boo, to scare the people into voting for its candidates? Will it adopt “repudiation” for its shibbo leth, as a substitute for the “bloody shirt?” Mr. W. L. (Ressner, from. Illi nois, has recently become editor and proprietor ol the Americiis Ukcordku. We welcome him to the State, are glad to know he is delighted with the hospitality ac corded him. and wish him much success ITashiiiffton Gazette. Spurgeon says that when von meet a mad dog you should never argue with him, unless you are sure of your logic, it is better lo get out of Ids way; and ifnnyhodvcnll you a coward you need not call Mm a Ibol—everybody knows that. An eye-opener When a girl who lias encouraged a young man for about two years suddenly tells him that she can never be more than a sister to him lie can for the first ttme see the freckles on her nose. Hahonelzlng the Noatli. The success of the Mahone move ment in Virginia seems to kavc’liad the efTcct to bring to the front all over the South a lot of adventur ers who propose to do for other States what Mahone and his party of repudiators have done for Vir ginia. If it is intended by this that the cry of repudiation shall ho raised in other States of the South, and that a systematic scheme of repudiation like 'that of Malione’s party in Virginia shall be inaugurated, it is much to be deplored. If, however, it is intend ed to he an honest movement to break up the solid South, and to give progressive examples to bour bon ism where Rourbonism exists, it will meet with very hearty and very general approval. There arc now no indications that the movement will assume the latter character. Malione’s success wus tlie success of dishonesty; a dishonor and a wrong to tlie South, it has been an encouragement only to dishonorable people and advent urers,and these aro in great measure tlie kind we are now hearing from. They nave been waiting for some thing to turn up and this seems to them exactly tho thing. If the cunning management of ail the worst elements in a State like A'ir- ginia can carry it for any sort of political adventurer, us has been shown possible, any political ad venturer anywhere lias a right to hope for preferment. Hundreds of characterless peo ple, who have no purpose but to live on tlio energies of some one else, will arise and como to the front with the expectation ofbeing careu for by the administration, as it has cared for many of Malione’s repudiation adventurers in A'ir- ginia. If they are not disappoint ed tho South may again be subject ed to partial domination in its way as disgraceful and ruinous as the old carpetbag revel. AVIietlier tlie scheme can be made tlie success it lias been made in A r irginia will de pend very largely upon the skill and management of fhosc who manipulate it. That tiic honest people of the South—those who have property to protect and are in any way re sponsible—arc against such move ments tins been shown in Virginia, and when repudiation and dishon esty seek to make an issue they will not be found in any uncertain position. Tlie South is constantly advancing and liberalizing It makes very little difference wheth er a man votes the Democratic ticket or the Republican ticket if he is seeking honest results, blit no movement based upon the Mn- hone scheme in A r irginia enn be honest. The conditions in other Southern States arc not sufficient- ly like those in A r irginia to make sucli a movcmcr.t a success in gen eral and probably there is no State in which it could get much of foothold Philadelphia Times. Georgia Tews. Cotton Avenue New York Store. HALL’S TO THE FRONT. Seed. Seed. Seed. Seed. JUST RECEIVED: 5 Bushels Early English Pens, 10 Bags Early Snap Beans, 15 Bushels Onion Sets, 50 Bushels Adams and Dent Corn, MILLIONS Of Cabbage, Turnip, Radish and all kinds of Early Garden Seeds. Plant something in your vacant gardens. All those who exhibit tiic best varieties of vegetables grown from my seeds this year I will furnish ail their nest year's supply of seeds free of cost-. AVm. I. Murray and John A. McElroy won the prize last year and I now have a splendid lot of seeds for them free open to inspection. Call soon before my assortment is broken. tad Closing Out Sale OF .1. E. HALL. Dec. 20w3 “Arc you feeling very ill?”nskcd the physician; “let me sec your struc k Forsyth not long ago,* and tongue, please.” “It is no use, doctor,” replied the patient; “no tongue can tell liow bail I feel.” A lot of New York maidens re cently got up n fair for the poor, and as quite n number now wear engagement rings the enterprise is now spoken of a biliiant success The Albany artesian well, says tlie News of the lfith, had reached a depth of two hundred and sixty- five feet at four o’ciock yesterday afternoon. A note from Mr. Jack- son received at that time, stated “I am on a very hard rock just now. May get through it soon, lint cannot tell.” Of druggists Georgia has 278. Rome is to have tlie electric light. Thoinasvillc has a new Hotel ready to receive guests. On last sale day nl Hincsvillc, Liberty comity, land sold from 25 ecr.ts to $2 50 per aero, tiio aver age being 70 cents. Coup’s Circus paid tlie railroad agent at Jonesboro $uOO tlie other day for transportotion from that place to Senoin and Newnnn. Pret ty lively freight bill, that. Jessie AViliinuis was sentenced in Savannah tube hung on the 10th day of January, 1882, for the mur der of Toby Locke on the 10th of July last, in that city. The Macon Telegraph complains that burglaries are unpleasantly frequent in Hint city, and scarcely a night passes that some house is not sacked of more or Mss valua bles. Tho voters of Cobb county will decide ou the lGtli of January whether they will keep up miles of useless fence or not. This is tlie question before the farmers of Geor gia to-day. Rev. G. R. McCall, says tile Hawkinsvillc .At’ir* lias been pas tor of tlie Baptist Church of that city for fifteen years. He now sev ers his connection there to accept tlie pastaralu of tlie Gridin Baptist Chucli. Bill Cain says tiiat a cylonc New Prices! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FllB mum hoods and UMBRELLAS. Having opened up the prettiest, most complet nnd substantial lot of good** ever selected by any house in this section, whi-h I n selling at , BOTTOM FRIGES. I Invite tho inspection of tho public generally; satisfied that nil who purchase,' will bo pleased. Those who do buy will be convinced! that 1 will undersell any home In Amcricus or any tuA" away from wholesale markets, ns 1 keep only New Hoods, and New Styles. Geo. S, Watts. December 16,-lm. Merry Christmas ! the wind came with such force that it took up an iron wash-pot and turned it wrong side out without cracking it. With tho exception of the legs inside, the pot was as good as before. Did you ever bear a grand juror being indicted by the grand jury of which lie was a mebiber? It was done the other day in Atlanta. Air. Joint Stephens, a merchant of Atlanta, was a member of tlie grand inquest of Fulton county and a true bill was found against Mm, as one of the directors of the defunct Citizens’ Bank, by Ms fellow mem bers. Ho was excused irom serv- in connection with that investiga tion. however. W. 33. CLAES, LAMAR STREET. purebasd rnmic of his j FINE FRUITS. NUTS AND RAISONS, CANNED FRUITS, JELLIES AND PRESERVES, FINE CONFECTIONS, Etc., Etc. plcklo* in jura aud barrel*, and ;ho would call c<- pedal attcutiou to hi* TEN CENT DEPARTMENT, presided over by Must I.UI.A DUHIIAM where can be found TOYS BY THETIIOPAAND, and u largo variety of u*eful aud ornnmeutal ar ticles suitable for holiday prerents. Call and see them licfor you make your selections. December 10,1881. LEESBURH 10 THE FRONT H. C. ODOM Groceries, Dry Goods, Whiskies, The Finest And Best Brands. OXGtAR© J*X7T> TOBACCO. Tlie citizens of Lee ami the siir rounding section arc invited to inspect my FALL AND WINTER STOCKS. I will duplicate prices from any point. My motto is quick sales and tiic smallest profit. Call and covince yo raclf. H- C- ODOM- nor 30w l nro Gins for Sale vrry rbr»p. Uotb warranted. apply •» r. l. Mize, ao*iS-tI .0! Tills OFFICE. Clothing DRY GOODS! AW® «AJMW0W8. Owing to an entire change in our business avo Avill sell after this date mwm mrnwMmm .stock, AT AS D BELOWIEW YORK COST This is not a penny catching advertisement, but a real fact that avo will SELL between iioav and the first day of January any AR TICLE in our store at real New York COST FOR CASH! Jtaxd Nadar No Goaaeideratiorv Will Goods bo Charged at Those IPrioes- Call and examine our prices and he con vinced that we mean business. S. WMEU1I & CO, PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE-