The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 25, 1881, Image 4

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■ C, 8. Jones, T hrnB&ij a. A. Webster. Gcncfitl Asront* NORWICH CHAIR CO- OWFIf'E AMI salesroom: WEST MITCHELL Slree 1 -., (Near Wliitclmll.) All kinils of Balcony, Vcrandali, Hocking niul Folding Clmirs. Call, Examine Stock and Note Prices. Nl>rclal Inilucement* to Venters. Cull upon or write n«, Jones & Webster. Point— for tho Oplun or M orpnlm Habit. Curt Cunrnntood. AM rest RWmcfa NVnralgla, Sprains, Pain In the Back and Side, 'There l.-< noCMnsr more painful Uir.n these diseased; hut the j&ln can Ik? removeil and Up? dlscitv? cured by use of Perry Davis* Pain Kilter. Tlii't remedy It not a cheap Hcnxlne or JVf roJetiM product that i.iust lie kept away from fir» or li« ut to avoid dunger of explosion, nor in It an untried experi ment (lint may «lo more harm than Rood. Pain Killer has been In constant use tor forty yeais, and the? universal testimony from ail parts of the world it, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, l>nt U relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Uei’.ff a purely xegr table remedy, It Is safe 1) tii? hards of the incut Inexperienced. 'i ho record of cures by tho use of Pais Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts frm lettcru received show what thoj* who have tried It think: EJ"ar Cady,Owatanna,Minn.,nays: About n your nin«: luy wife Uraino r’lbkset t.» revere HuUerlmr Imm rheuinatixiii. Our report wan to tho Pain KlLUiit, which Kpctdlly relief* it her. Charles Powell w.-ites from tho Sailors’ Hone London: I Iiuii b on aitfictetl thrro yearn with neitraUri* i.ii'l v *»Ie:it *i>:u*riwuf tin- stomach. The doctor* i>t V*e.-hiilu*t-r Hoopital wvo up my car« in d»w: "ir. I tried yoqr Pain Killf.r, and it rave mo immediate relief. I havo rwalned my ■t-eugth. uud nin now able to f-How my umuu 0. H-V^r! worth, Saco, Me., writes: I cr< Immediate ifIT-f fmm pain In the dde by the me * f your I’ain Killer. E. York cays: I liavn urvtl your Pain Kii.i.euforrheumntiBm, and lave received in oat l<cueIiL Barton Seaman says: Ifnvo lued Pain for thirty yean, n-d h.\r f mini it n t,e\rr-Suiting remedy for rl’eiiiiintUm rod lumener*. Mr. burdltt writes: it /o-r,r/.of. Liidvc n lirf in case*of rhenmatimn. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: From Actual nee, I know your Pain Killea in tho boat medicine I can yet. All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price ts bo low that It Is within the reach of nil, and It p ill save many times its cost In doctors' bill!! Me., 00c. and 91.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. O.lilHcji.lBt rest rend mat. THIS. LVDU E. PIKKUH. OF 1VHH. KBSS. glOW|(' S IRON BROWN'S IKON BITTERS arc a certain euro Ibr all illscascs requiring; a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, "Want ol* Appetite, Ijohh of Strength, Lack of lOnerjry, etc. Enriches tho blood, strength ens tho muscles, and elves new life to tlio nerves. Acts llko a charm on tho digestIvo organs, removing ail dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting tho lbod. Belching, Heat in tho Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or give headache. Hold by all Drug* gists at $1.00 a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Baltimore, MtL RNlMiaim WIU*» »N »*•»• V rmrww Canica Cr ui IMM «MMd ni Umi ob4 UwU ***** ot ■«««• BEWARE OF IM1TATI0N8. Winner* 9 anti Mechanic*' Mutual Itolicl* Association Of Maryland. Chartered March X »>h i.HMi, Jana raver i„ foren Se t >t. XO, 91,000,000. HON O. HOUSEY, President. 1IENUY M. WEINEK, Yice-Vnmident. JOSEPH ENNIS, Treasurer. LEWIS II. CARN, Secretary. MARTINL.HIOHTMAN, Hen. Agt. HTlio above well known nstnr* arc n guarantee o the thorough reliability of the management. Age* of membership, to to bft year* in *cparol* un ln«Se- l>en<lciit alvUion* net oral nit t*>»gc. Female* ai- ceptcd a* w«>il as male*. The cheapest role* and tnuet popular plan perhaps that you Use** *eeu. lti*pon»lhlf agent* wanted In tmoceupied territo ry. For alllurthrr information apply to. W. B. Hinton, Launr turret AUKIIICI70, OKOItUlA, Oen. Agt . for Georgia. Fl-mblit nr.d Alabama. Home office HurkstUville, kid. Tl C GARDNER, AT TOBNEY AT AW, OGLETHORPE. OA., It.L‘ practice in the H oath-western Cirrult *** the *-l|oinlng countie*. Prompt atten- *»m t. collMlbm.. mayiu.lf /$rurSj£i> LYDIA E. FBE\SKHAM’6 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. iHftlVudtlveritro thrall thaae ralnHil Cnmplnlnl* and WeakaMO*. booHininuu tnour beat ft-nule populutiun. ?t will cure entirely tho woret form of Fenisle Com plaints, allnynrlnn trouble*,Inttainmatlon aud lIcero- lion, ridllug and I>l*|»I*ccmenl*, nr.d tho ronie juent r.plnol Weakness, and 1* j«rt!cuUr!y adnptrd to th* C'liango of Life. It wilt dUsolvo and espel tumor* from tho uterus In *n early rtago of development. Tho tchdoncjr to can- eeroua humor* them I* checked veryapeedlly t.y l* » «i*o It routovM faintncaa, flatulency, destroy*all orating forrtlmuUut*, and relieve* weak lies of thoatomoch. It cure* DhAtlng, llondnehc.i, Kervuu* ITu*tr*ttoa, (lonernl bcbllity, 81oo|4oaane«a,'/ion and ImU- * That foellitg of hearing down, causing pabt, weight and backache, t* olway* pcrmanenlly cured by It* u«o. It will at nil time* en.t under all rtreumotanc** act In harmony w ith tho lawn that Cotcrn tho female njrtem. Fonthocuroof Kidney Complaint* of either oca this Compound Is unsurpassed. l. YHIA FL I'INKIIAM M VLUKTAtlLE COM* l»Ot'.M>U pr-pared at S4 and 23i Western Avenue, I«ynn, Mass. Price pt. BUI*»ttlc»for|4. Bent by mall In tho form of pills, also In tho form of loicnge*, on receipt of price, |l |ter hoi for either. Sirs, rtukham freely answers all letter* of Inquiry, (tend for paiuplt let. Addrvaa a* atsrvo. Mention this Ibptr. K.> family ahouM ho without I.YPIA I. lTNKHAM'S 1JVKU kTMdL They euro coimtipatlon, tUiouanM*, and torpidity of tho liver. C5 evnU iwr l*o*. t£T Sold by ull hrugglMlN. *i»9 M DR. RSOE, 37 Court Flace, LOUISVILLE, KY., A rrguladv rdwatol and ktally qurilttol phjikUn aud th* ZBSSfSrWwvk miorxnatorrhoa and Impotonoy, u t'.r result of«-ir «buM la youth, moat *» v»v, la ma- KSnMaJ5^i2dn±Ln&.T£: tiZnsly dmw). Diaia<w« of Bl«ht, Dcfectbc Mrnerj. Phy- IP^TrimidnM A*«nU toBoclrty *f I'mabE C.ofu.ion or IkK, \*<*» ot Bexuol l*ower. Ac., rvudrrin* m. rrtJ^lmrric.rirunhappr, am ItomaiMjr oa* prma- ■rally **r*4 SYPHIL IS #uwl V 1 *•* ■ Ur«lr crodlcateYfrom to* Gonorrhea, GLEET, Htrictar*. CnchUU. n»mla. (or Eujiunr;, Pllrturivihcrr-rivaudiMatoa quickly curad. It 1* •elf-ov Meat that ■ |>hy »kUn * ho pay ■ mrial ottcatlea to a certain claw of diMaac,, and trtoHu* thoujand* oduu- ally, acqulrw *rv«t skill. Phy»lctoa« kasjwla,iihU l(art otren rr omm. nd ecr*«n, to rur care. U htn H U to visit the city wr treatment, mclklnc can be »«ui prltatel/ *od oMy by null or e*pre», *nj •hew- _ Cures Guaranteed in all Cases **lRo»Su^2u mmsaaltv or hr ktt*e tree aad Invltoh CbargM is sMoaVlc uud correspondence strictly couCduuuuL A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 100 MIM, scat to any addm«, t.^wvly srulcd, foe thirty OOicrnuT^ phoold N* reud b, oU. Addrvaa a, uUq* OgUbeuralnsatA.II.Ioar.M. Sunday*. S U, * Ju r m'Jiiw ‘"■'"^1881 1< >,tuo and Prices, ft* Oblrrt and e.o.i retention Seed iirmrerm fo (A* Vnttri Bates, DAVID IsANDUfiTII A KCK\S,PmL.tPA.PA •loo enter* co»t’of Tuition* Stationery, Board, cte., for three month*."} Latest Report on Alaska’s Mineral Resources. Col. A. F. Williams, of Oakland, Cal., lias been In Northern Alaska prospecting for minerals. He re ports that the country is not thick ly covered with timber, as many sunpose. There are belts of tim- l)cr here and there, but the mo-jn- tnins arc generally barren,and free | from brush and trees. Yet, even l on the mountains, there is timber enough for fuel or mining purposes. All over the northern part of Alas- ka, except 0:1 the mountains, there grows n thick moss, often a foot in height. This acts as n protection to the ice, ns snw dust does in the ice house. Colonel Williams thinks that the country is a good mineral region. Plumbago abounds'every- wiierc. He met men who bad been up the Yukon river 1,500 miles, and lmd made $10 to $15 a day up there in placer mines. A little sfern wiieel steamer runs up the Yukon 1,800 miles, making two trips a year. This voyage gives some idea of the extent of our Arctic possessions. In the valley of the Yukon the summer averages about as it does in New York. August is wet, but not cold. Tho first frost this year came in Sep turn her. It’ is no colder in St. Michaels than at Portland, Me., according to the nvowal of a resi dent lady, whose former home was at Portland. The southern part of Alaska is noted for its extremely heavy growth of timber.—Phila. Evening Star.' Wo nro slronely disposed to regard tho person ns tho best physician who does most to alleviate human suffering. Judged from tide standard. Mrs. Lydia E. Pinklism, 2:t3 Western Avenue, [Lynn, Mass, is entitled to the front rank, for Iter Vegetable compound ia daily wotk* tug wonderful cures in female diseases Send for eircnl’ir to tho above address. Mr. James Hood, a brother to dcncra! John B. Hood, living in Montgomery county, Kentucky, claims to have discovered the orig inal mines of silver on Sand moun tain, worked n hundred years ago by the famous Swift, who came across the mountains Irotn North Carolina about the lime or a little after Daniel Boone. Swift return ed to North Carolina with a fabu lous amount of silver in bars, but died before he could return to in crease wealth. The secret ol the location died with hint. Mr. Hood claims to have discovered not only the lode, but the pit work ed by the pioneer. (/'ATAItltil. - Wo have yet to hear of a single case of f'atarrll that lias not sue- climbed to thu power of l'ond's Extract, which is an absolute specific for this dis- onso. It strengthens the glands nnd promptly realorea them ton normal and healthy condition. Severe caara of chron ic catarrh havo been cured by its applica tion. <'olds in the head arc also greatly benetltted try ila use. Korol,l aud obsti nate cases we recommend our ('atari'll Cure nnd Nasal Syringe. Chnstmns trees, which play so prominent a part in Herman house holds during the holiday time, arc being largely introduced into the northern and eastern cities. Du ring one day last wcekVO,000 small evergreen trees wcie landed in New York (rotn tire Portland steamer. The consignment was m charge of two brothers named Chapman, who have lor sovral years been engag ed in the business; the headquar ters of whieli arc nt Portland, Me. The trees, costing about 3 cents each, are put up in bundles con taining Irom 3 to 10 according to size, nnd are sold toNew York gro cers and retail dealers. liKI.I.vui.K.—It is useless to deny the great curative effects of Simmons’ Liver lteguliitor. Its virtues are atteste-d by thousands who have used the medicine, and it is now largely in demand, lrrom- ntciids itself to tlie public liy its compo nent parts being ■ ntircly vegetable, no injurious effects from its uao, bcoig plcas- THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB HAN AND BEAST. Mexican ItfuataiigTsInlmentli known to million* all over tlio world ai tins only N:ifo reliance for tho relief of iU'cldcnta and oaln. It Is n medicine hLhm’o jirleo mm praise—the best of It* UI nd. For every fot m of external pain it pemitrnte* Dealt aud mnscl flic aery bone—making tho contfnu- it:ico of ptiln nnd Inflammation impos* si We. Its«fleets upon Human Flesh uml t!>«! Hmto Creation arc equally wonder ful. Tho Mexican • l nt i; > eeried l>y somebody In il y l.ouse. livery tiny brings news of ti . lie ngouy of an iikvfnl scald or barn |. ibritmtl, of rliriiiunlla martyr* re- Icoreil, or it vnlimbic horse or ox I caved by tho healing power of this vlflcTi rpcrdiiv rnres sucli ailments tlio HUMAN FLESH ns ltlicuiantUm, Hurdlings, HtlflT Joint*. < outrode cl Jtliiacles, llurn* nud H old*, C'lifs* JSrulNes aud •prnluM, 1'nloouoiM Bites and Stings, Mlfihes*, Lamrneis, Old Sores, (liter*. Frostbites. Chilblains. A'lpplrs, Caked Hreasti Sprains, Sarlnny, NtlIf Joints, l-'ottuder. Harness Horen, lloof Dis- Foot ltof, Hrreov Worm. Hcah, iFollotv Horn, Srrntches, Wind- trnt:*. Hpavln, Tlirtroh, Itlngbouc, Old Horts, INiIl Evil. Film upon tIt3 Sight nnd every other ailment f.» m iticii the oeeupniita of Ihe .*)table nnd Kloeh Yard are liable. 'Hi*, Dlexhan Alirobing I.liilmcut always cures nnd never disappoints * un 1 i •, ts, positively, THE BEST OF ALL ! AIT CB BEAST. tarthal aflectioiM.1* simple anil inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises.^ 1 ,*. ing, coolinR and cleansing. Use our Oint ment in connection with the Extract; it will aid in healing, softening and in keeping out the air. . Bu rnsand Scalds. EStjHK it is unrivaled, and should l>e kept in every fam ily ready for use in case of accidents. A dressing of our Oiulmcut will aid in healing and pre- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be used without the slightest fear of harm, quickly allaying all inflammation anti soreness without pain. Earache, Toothache and Faceache. lions, its effect is simply wonderful. PIIac Blind, Bleeding or Itching. * 1 lOOj || is the greatest known remedy; rap idly curing when other medicines have failed. l*oniTi( Extract Medicated Piper for closet use is a preventive against Chafing and Pie*. Our Ointment is of great ser vice where the removal of clothing is inconve- •in* io ti'o tuMc, nnJ il» operation upon j LadiSS. SS'n.J^S.y.ict!' Sv»umi llie liver living prrfict. nt Ihe vnnie lime 1 rr RnUn RrMct nnW e. imperceptible that il ini.rfeua will. rOr Broken or.PAgt *11 neither business nor pleasure. j S0T6 N ipplOS* hawC |eanly and cm- Huy only Ihe u< Ulline, prtimietl by J. i caciou* that mothen who have(once usedlit wHl it y..|in .V fb» never be without it. Our €>lntmcnt w the ll.^tllUtVUo ^ best emollient that can be apffllcd. n.ZEZZ’j?. Mm. +i*SZ&Ssgt!i!2£** ! ways th* cheapest will apply POND’S EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGETABLE • PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation has cured so many cases of these distressing complaints as the Kx I met. Our Floater is invaluable in these diseases, Luwbjgo, Pain in flack or Side, etc. Oar <11 n I men t (50 cents) for use when removal of clothing is inconvenient, is a great help in re lieving inflammatory cases. H e m0 rrh ages. ?"£"* fiLSfc Nose, or from any cause, is speedily controlled and Stopped. Our Ait mill Syringe (*$ cents), aud Inhaler** (#1.00), Sire great aids in arresting internal bleeding. DipIrtheria&SoreThroat Use the Extract promptly. It is a sure cure. Delay is dangerous. The Extroct Is the only spe- Lrauirrn. dfic for this disease, Cold in Head, etc. Our **Calarrb 4'Ure,” Special- :parcd to meet serious cases, contains all properties of the Exirncl; our a. 1 to no article with greater forte 1 than to Seeits. Nothing is quite \ so worthless as poor Seeds. D. M. j Ferry k Co. ol' Detroit, Mich.,. seem to l>e one of the very few firms engaged in the Seed business wlio have fully realized the importance '■ of putting up aud selling only the freshest ,ml best of all varieties of I Seeds, and as a legitimate result | their brand of Seeds has becimri called in for the majority o t he Ext rite I he used. Full directions a pany each bottle. CAUTION. the gla- ... 'ihcrprepar .... bulk, or by uuature. Price of Pond’s Extract, Toilet Arti cles aud Specialties. POXD-S EXTRACT.. .Nr..SI«II.N TOILS? AtTIOttl | BPICMLTUS. Tc.let Cream . 81.U0 Ointment (10 Dentifrice.... SO j Catarrh Cure... 79 exceedingly popular all over t’.e M 55 ltnd. no take pleasure lit rifor-' totsiivebm mi tssismjt?: ri APfuattsst. columns, and would advise ull our | Pemaie^yrinee.' .' .1. readers who will, be likely to re- \ Prepared only by POND’S EXTRACT CO., quire seed8 to send and obtain x.w Axn i.ondon. their beautiful catalogue, giving F "^ b ^. D ^ u *^ F T Co °t^!r’ . . , \. . ° Order* for $2 worth,carriage free, on receipt of prices, instructions for planting etc. fc.,*. Orders for *5 worth, carriage free, on re- _ w # , n Uipt of As. if addrc**cd to 14 W. 14th St., N. Y. rR° blood by a done or two ol Ayer’s Pills, ! and you will have clearer heads as well j as healthier bodies. A banking bouse was opened at: DKHKI „ lS m„ l „ pcnlli „,.. M1 Grafton, Dakota, anil a l>ig safe l insert* Artuictai Teeth purchased to put in it. The sup- posed weight was three tons, but it proved to lie seven, and the cost , of drawing it to Grafton, with hors- j cs, oxen, men and broken wagons ! was so great that there was no mon- j cy lea to keep in it and the bank er was bankrupt. 1 C. it. McCRORY, ELLAVILLE, Oa. Collections a Specialty. A | ill 6 tf mrs. m. e. raines Holidays ; Such as Toys,, Vases, Smoking Sta Toilet Sets, Wash Boxes, Writing Desks. Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Necklaces, Bracelets, Statuess, Clt-sand Saucers, Mros, Pitchers, Teasets, Tkasets, Wagons, Trains, Stoves, Darning Eggs, Harmonious, Horses, Cats, Dogs, Guns, Pistols, Balls, Marales, Toys, and everything to plense and charm the little ones on that most mysterious and happiest day of tho yenr when tho spirit, uai nmlstcmpoml seem to inret. Let all who are in search of Christmas presents for old or young bo sure to call on HAIL, Ml) AM) WEATHER. Ed. Iltcmrt's Old Stnnd URSERYMO., HAS OPENED A GF.FERAL Supply Grocery CONFECTIONERY Though late in the season, choice goods and fair dealing will tell. Come and see us. J. E. Sullivan, JEWELER, AMEItICUS, - GEORGIA, Splendid Stodk op W:atclies and Jewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work PROMPTLY DONE. J. E; Sullivan. -DEAKERIN- DR. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST! Americus, On. AID CARPETS. Spring Oods, Chairs, Window Shades • nnd Mattings. Alsu Cate*, Coffins nnd Caskets, in all woods. Order* by telegraph I promptly attended to. i Mtxt to Lanier House, MACOX, a A. I Has Removed from'Lamau Stbeet to COTTON AVENUE, IN TnE COMMODIOUS JiUILDINQ BELOW THE HECOItDEBOFFICE. With a fresh and tnuch enlarged stock of Confections and Fancy Groceries, CONSISTING OF Fresh Canned Goods OF EVERY KIND, CANDIES. FRENCH ami STICK Pickles, fauces, Butter, Cheese, Larabee’s and Wilson’s CRACKERS, in aone’ 10 Cent Department are a hun dred valuable articles such as Buckets, Pans msmemauBd*-- ~- olassware, Hosiery, Etc. Hudson’s corner, -A.moricus, - CJn. A. J. & I. B. Unison. Stock is pure and fresh Excellent Assortment of Dormy Colognes Lubin’s per fitniery Toilet Soaps very fine. Standard Patent Medicines Tooacco and Cigars, The best- 5 c Cigars. Southeast Corner Square. I A. fowler, SMXTHVILLE, CA. Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Glassware. PURE LIQUOR A SPECIALTY. ^