The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 06, 1882, Image 4

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•■Mlflreii's Majazk of America. 8 * St. ITlcliylao. This illustrated magazine for Toting Hoiks Us , now attained o circulation lartor, probably, than that of any other monthly 4nsga*in»of ll« cU.k I Jt has l»frn nailed “a marve l of perfection, both i«» regards It* literary cz ellcm ■ and its a»il«t»r merit," It waa the rtrat to give l" hoy* and p rl* and girls tlio vary host illtiatralGn thmemild br had, and baa rained tb* name of B* *'TI»e Children’* Art Magozluc.'* The greatest living wrlteisof Kuropr and Ain , erica arc among Ita di-tlngulalud contributor*: Charles Dudley Warner, Henry \V. l/nicfcllow, \ John O. Whittier. II. II. Hoycaen. Sate Holm, lirel Hartc.'dall Hamilton. Thonmt Hughe*, Lou . i ImM, A lent I, Donald O. Mitchell, Harriet Prra- rott H|H»fl«>rd, Elizabeth Stuart I’helpa, (feorge Mae Donald. Washington fil.-whj n. The (inodale HHtrrr, Alfrrd Tennyeon, .fohn Har, it.nonce «'ook, It* i*iter John-on, Huanp Coulldce, K*lwai*l Kppleiton, Pro*. I.’ A. Proctor, Christina U. Hon. >-rtei, Mrr. A D. T. Whittle), -Tranren Hodgson ‘ n J* 1 •' Itiirnrtt, Colin Thailcr, Marion Harl ind, T. W. fails. lliggin«Mi. I uey l/trrom. Noah Brook*, Author t,,,t li nil of “Alice in Wonderland/' lln. Ollphant, T. II. . , ' . Aldrich, und hundred* of othara. *' < * L 11 1,1 What Ruglaud Snya of It. laindon Daily Now* “We wish we could point out it* equal in our own |M-ri<Kiical literature. ' The Spectator: “It ia tho heat of nil children'* lungarinra." Literary World: "There la no magazine for the young that can be *nid to equal it," etc. etc. JlrllUnut J-'r>itiireM of tho Vomtny Year. The ninth toiuuio, which liepini with the No vember, lsHI, mi in her. will contain n new Serial Story, by Mr*. .Mary Mujkm I lodge, editor of St. Nicholn*, author of “Hans drinker, nr the Milvt r Skates," etc. ete. A **ec«.ud serial story, full of lively incident, "The llonslcr Holund lior/* hy Kdwanl Eggleston, author of "Tho llnoah r School Master," etc. A single article of universal Inter- • i.t: "How Children Should Iwarn iMusic," by Richard Wagner, the eminent com poser. Two other serisls, one dealing with campaign life in thnlato war, and the oilier with (illI and liny Life In ths 1.1th Century. Plays for Home and School, Embroidery for (Hrls, Amateur Newupapern. Il lustrated Praeiical nod Descriptive PajM-rs, Arti- *leo|nn Sports, and The Traa»iir«“liox of Liter;.- lure will bo among the fiatiue- of th|* grent vol ume. An Itmneti-u edition will Is* printed of the j Christmas Xuinhcr, which Will he ready n>*uilt ! December l»t. i'lice, «.T0U a year; 16 ccut* u number. Hub- j seriptlons taken niid'mugnzlnc* sold hv l»ook sel lers mid ness dealer- everywhere, or the publish . ers. Tlllfi CKN'lTHy CO.. Colon Square, New York. RWiiwifttism Xcm nlttla, Sprains, INtin In tlic* ItarJ; anti Hide. flier** I* not: lug more painful than fli*w ill-tiiWH; ’nit the pain *a:i hr* ntip.vrd und Hit* db-caso tniiTtl !>y ime * i Perry Davis’ Poln Killer. Tills remedy In not a <*1in«|i IN ti/ino or P<*frolciiin prcilurt that i.msf hi* hunt Htvay from lire or In at to avoid *htu«« r «»r osplo-loii, nor I*, it no iintricil «**i»«ii- nirut that may «lo more harm lltaii good. Pain Killer has boon la «•<*:,Maid n-e lor fort)- yean,and th • ur.lvr.sai tehtlmony frint all part.% of t!: • ;v; rid I*, it never It not only pifretR a permanent cure. i pain almoid Instant a r.oously. Ihl g a purely vegetable remedy, It Is wire l i Ilf* liatxbi of the i:r f,t Inexperienced. The rocTtl »f iiuch hy th* uze of p.«in would nil v- ltirnra. 'Mm following extr.wttt fi.*m Jelifrt r «»lv<tl hhow what Utes* v.ho have tr! <1 P think: Ed;ar Cady, Owatonna. Minn., caj.i: . 1'fJ.f^lncejuy wife Imsm/iiu *ul^vA rvort w is m the I'* litr, l i n cow ;i w o *.n !d < ■ I hull, tu .... t v « hq.a ? r'ifoi Jn* Mr J tci *.l y vn '.t eayth. imd ain le which s|V«*diIy • i:on the St llor.t' I tied-4-tors t.’ind H L-uu, E. \ o.k raj’ • f h • r 11. tie *• Kill n Kit.r.r n. - r 1 iu uniat Ism, The CENTURY »A«.W (Si imiVKK’S MONTHI.Y,) FOH Till-: COM I.XO I AM Jt. With tho November nmnhcr began the 1 e« series under the title of ThcOcntiry Magazine, which will In*, III fuel, n were, niUtryi'l, and i i UK-tSINO TIIR Kl.aoiso mil Ml SOfT i'uiirlepu Additional I’uto-N. Tin* following is n siiuiniBiy of (In* leading tenture« of the new curie* lor the year: A >'K\V NoVKV. ItV Ml.8. I’d i:\KTl iauthoi id “'I lint Ij*s «’ laiwrh'*s," etc.), on- 1 it led "Throiiph One Administration,’’ u story <*i Wnshliiptou life. MTU III K8 OK TIIK I.OUIHIANA CltKOl.KS. I’.v tiro W. Cable, i.utlnir of'The (Iraiulissi _ • .. . ~....| ;.'i<*st ts.-M,,,. I Burton f c , »rt«'t sayt: III... .-..I I-.IN hi. 1,11 f. r thirty vr.r., ■ con e . •...I it a 1.1 ir-j'iit,,,;/ remedy for rnuuiii-itiMi: and lionu.i«rs. , Mr. Htirdltt writes: ' to/lver* lief Im rihe-of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert., Somerset. Pa., writes: i'«'*m Bi'tiwl use. I know > our J'ain Is the l*»t mediiliie I run get. Ml tlriigkiM.s kei'p P.uv Its prlco ; !m s-i low tlmt 1«. Is within the n*aeh of nil, ami it will save many times its « <sst in doctors* bills. -46c., 60c, and 91.00 a I>otUe. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence* R. I. !UllHcp.D|. m xt r« ad mat. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS charne-terirtic leu in res of Americnii life ANCIKNT AND MODERN MCTI.I*TITltK. J A "IIistokv or Hcvi.rTii*r., :s hy Mr*. I.ucy M. Mitchell, in contain the flne-t eerie* (*♦ engrnv- lug* yet puldl.dtcd of tlm mnsti*rpiccu of sculp- 1 turn. There will slen he pipers on "Livimi Ksoumi Her 1 itoiih," und <*n the "YoiignMi | Hi’i'i.rTOits or Amekioa,*’ hilly lllii-lrated. TIIK OPKIIA IN NKW YORK, hy Richard Orsiit White. A papular und valuable series, to . be lllnatmlcd with woinlrihil complctet-e*> sml ! AIK'im'Wni lll! AND IIKI'IIIIAII.'.V IN AMERICA vvill he ircited In a way lo Interest ; both householder and hoil»ewi*« ; with inaiiy : l>rs«Uiai as well uh bcaudiul illustrations troth I recent design*. • ItKPItKMKNTATI VK MEN A Nil WOMEN op^rilK nil’ll tJKNTl’RY. Ulogniphicnl skeh h- | •*s nceompame l l»y )uirtrai s of George Kl'.ut, Roliert llruwiimu, llev. Frederick W. Itol-nt-on. ihy the late Dean Modey.* M.iithcw Arnold, /s- ■ 0r,.!//'•< , ssid /’ y LYDIA E. RNKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. I- a Positive Cure for nil these I'atiitVI Cumplnlnts nnd tYrsLsrm* llenry James, Jr., and (Jeoige \V. i-nldo. MCkNKS OF TII.W’KKUAYS ||AW. THORNK’s ANIMIKOltOE KLlOT’A NOVELS, ••■'uocee.lliig the illnstisted series oil Ihe Sii-nes « f I» cken’s novels. I’llK REFORM OF TilK (M VIL sEli\ICE. Arrangement- have been lumle for a si rles of able papers 1111 this pressing polllienl qilestien. i’OKTIJY AND I’OKTS IN AMI.Itlfa. I line will be studies «>f Long fellow, Whlllier, Emets.*11. Lowell, and otlici* hy F.. t*. Stcdinali. HTORIKH, HKKM IIKS AND KjWAYM nu) Im* exie-lfil trom t'barles, Dndlci Warner, W li. . Howell’s “Mark Twain" Ed warn Riglc-ton, Hen ry Jntne«, Jr , John Muir. Miasiteoloi- ihinnidiiv'. 1 "II. II..’’ George \V. fihle,.I.hI Ch-mllci lit- risA. t . Ridmund, F. O. Millet, No*h Itioek • F. W.«d lljvcaen, Albert Hilekney, Wasld.m’an. John lhirioiighs, 1’urke tiiaiwln Toinn , nl, I Liny King, Ernist Ingcr-ol. i:. L. Omlkm, II. II. iUd.h-i., K. R. WasMinri'C . othei One or two pupeia *.ii "The AiUmtur ■ of tin Tile Club,’* and an orlg uul lileof Lcaiek, llieeh- gia*er, by Austin Dodaon, arc among other f« a • area to 1-t later autiounci d. ecu 1: KDlTOitlAt.Dr.l’Al! I'MKNTH thnmali out will Is* uniiMia'Iy .. III I... ......... d ! •World’ Work” will In* ••mi-h'cruhly 'I Its price ul The Century at |4 INI |a-r year (J.i vents 11 trait (sin* Jflxj; i of the lute Dr. Holland, f. just before his death, photouiaphed Iroiu a si/.e draw itig by Wyatt Eaion, III |ai.s,*s» a new interest to the under- ol thl- niiigexh e. I* l** otlered at 6.VOO retail, or tugellu r willi The C* n- tury Magnxine fur Dh*’»0. hiibstliplioiis are t.’ken l.y Ills publishers, ami by hook-seller* slid ne«* dealer- 'verywhere. TIIK rKNTITHY CO.MI’ANV. Cnlon r'quar**, New York. I fowler, SMXTHVXLXfE, CA. I (rrocorios, (/’annod Goods, i Dry Goods, 1 Shoos, Hals, Notions, Crockery, Glassware. lonurbr*4 female |ispnlall»n. It will eiire rntirily the nm»t fonnof| i iiin!el''>r»- plaint-, nil ovarian troubles, fiillntnn.atioii nntl t leent- tlon, railing nnd Id-plncruteiifs. nml the eoies* | Npinnl Wiakoefs, atut I* |*niliriilnrty mlaptr.l to th* l 'bangs of l.lfe. It will dissolve nnd et|*-l tieinrs from the uterus li an early singe of development. *1 ho tmdrney lo. a.i ei*roiia hnntora there la cheeked very si*■eilll.v l y It- u-e. It reinore* fnlntues-, Katuleiiey, destroynnll eravlig for ntimiilants, nnd relieves weak m s* oftln-stmi-ueli It eiirea Itbwitiiig, lleadaelo*-, Ncrvout f'rostratiun, Oenrral Itrhlllly, Kle«-pli*ssrie-s, lK*;.ie'/i.»e eiul In.It 1 That feeling of l-*.i ring-low n, *nn lng i-iin, weight and Isiekn. he. Is nl«n;a |-Tienn. idly emed l>> It- uo*. it will nl nil time- nn>l under nil < ireiunslfin.-ia net In harmony \\ilti tin* laws (lint gov» in Ihe ft ionic ->-l«*m. For I lie cure of Ki.lmy Coin|.lniut* of cither sej this (V.iii|M>und I- un-nr|M**s it. LY HI A E. PIN KII AM s. VIliFIAIII.F. COM» POI’NIM* prvimred al JU and iX, Avenue, f^vnn.Ma—. Prl>-e$t. KU l-aih-sfor $.'•. Hoi I hy mad In Ihe form of pill-, aho In I bo form rf |o/eiigrs, mi ! receipt of prlre, fl |--r Is * for either. Mrs. fink ham freely answer- nil h lt»*r.- of l*;.|iiiiy. H. n-l for ptunpli- rill Y AM) PHYRIC. AY fiat Ullit )lo Toadies* r»:d sl* . Y* oi.l Si (.'nine in-at a Into hour, tool. :i c-lmir l»v tlic lire :imt nflor |iimeliinu that iiuill'ensivc clcmcnl vigoi-oiiHly. liirncl aroiiml ami re- lliiil'ho.l : "Ihit's do tnifo. now. an’ I'm V|>on-iliiil for lilt!" '• Wlial. is the 11 nth • \\ y dal do bawd nolilior moiit for folios lor mix do broods whar lit! Vl a I >1 i ■sli'-f 1. " Now. what has sot you off oh that subject ?‘ •Will. Iso bin oher ilar tor (to thoator lor soo that Italian, man play Oil-olio, an’ I'so seed mo’ 1 rubble in do family, an’ mo’ "ussiiiarhum nr’ sooycide dan dis hoar paper oi/od puplisli in or week, or do Xunited Stales code rcgorlato twix now an' Hex' Crismar.” "Wbat is ibo objection lo the play "Ibir ain't 1101:0 . ! all aid m, . lo- lor do play! lint do lack dal I so rolohin for is dis: Verkin mix do oullurs dal, pot s on do outside I ob do boiifo berry well, butyi r j kanl mix .loin wbar's got lor po j inside an' lib dnr." i "In oilier words,you arc against j mi- oopoiialii n I *'l ain't apain miss anybody; I jos kno' Miss Dosdymony I'otin’! ! horso'f in bard luck w’on she | \ inarriod dat nipper! An' sir'll cniiv- I body wbat trios hit. 'kaso or white , i ’.miaiiK's monthly llirtational. Do I cross-lodes an’ wall ain't lur almd ; ob 0111 won doy trios tor trabble , terpeddor don’t yor kno'liit ain't?" ; *' Xo doubt of it." "^as, sail; do nippers an' dot while fokes kin trablioi on do same ! I>\ars widout filin’ an’ liny liokor nt ilu same bar widout pillin' d*link terpeddor, an’ vote aL do! sinio pimp ob (hires—but. w’on bit j ohiiih lor mixin’ up on do same ! marridpo stillloato dal’s whar do oiilltid linos' potter ho'drnw’d will i a rod pencil an'or wide mark!’' | Alter which dolivoranoo tho old | man wont down In wake up the mailiiip dopnrtnionl. If the I'liiiotinns nl 1 die liver are in anv w»y ilisortltMPil, tin* wlinli* 1 imly, anil nut j only tin-hotly, but the niiutl injmtlii/.e.s with the* (liHiutiiiMl orgnii. Diliotis coin- I pUiintK arc more common than any other j • lisease: ami to remove the bile, as well uk t«> regulate the liver, you have only So i Simmons’ Liver lLgulator, whie’i 1 will impart new lilt* aiol vigor le. ihe ! Whole Rystem. I’ov only ihe gi iiuuie. i.'D imn-l li\ .1 H. /Hin tV Co | SSSSIISSSS s§§ - - _ sss ss' " - ss SS(-— POND’S EXTRACT. THE CKKAT VI'.liETAIll.E PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. THE BEST OF ALh LINIMENTS While ell.* •| lie «<1 h. i t hopes ami inter* sis of the ! rest on Ihe purity, healih and | j si Peii)»* It ol woman hood, Wo take pleas ure in referring our readers to (ho re-i 1 mat kaLle t flicaey ot I^ydia K. I’inklmni’s ! ! Vegelalde eniiipoiitid III ail that chihH of I wltieli women Kiiiftr ho Homorrhage3. N*»-•€, or from any vuii***'. I- spec ny i.niir.*n u ai.*l »t*jjii«'d. Our >h*-:»I Hyelnge Cents 1, and flllis«!'>rtt if arc gru*t :.i*5s in arrc-liti-^ inu-riial Mt-ediiig. Dipiiiheria&SoreThroat C-p tlic !!x tract pron>|»lly. It Ua Mire unv. Delay is rlangcrotis. Catarrh. Head, etc. Our **4':ttai’ril 4'UIV,**-pci iul- ly prepared to meet s*.riotis cases, contain-all die ctir.ui.o propcriics of ilia Fviritcl: our N»'«iil Nyringp. inv.iliat.Jc for u-c in ca- larrlui afTcciion*, i> .simple amt inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises.,!;,,?. ing. tooling ami dvansingr l’«*c our Ollll- lll-Iil in the FxirilCtt it will aid in healing, softening and in keeping out the air. Burnsand Scalds.! tl i> unrivnlcd, and should he kept ily ready for ii-c ill case of accidculs. A lire—ing *»t * .in ointment will aid in healing and pre- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It Can he used without the slightest fear of liar.a, quickly allaying all i.ilium.n.ui'di ;.m! Earache, Toothache and Faceache. S"™*;*"'?!!,? lions, its ctr.vt i> simply wonderful. P|j 0 ^ lllrn«l. ltl4*« a 4liiiK idly caring when other inolii ii I'nad * ExirAi'f Mi-lir: • h. Il.'ooiu} llriiips i p tlio lloiir. No family should l-t v.ilfnmt I.YPIA will remain - I.IVKIC I1UA Th-y Till* |-*i and torpidity of II,**MrV. Mr. id* per hot. 14" Noli] by nil DruttuUlN. *6 ll-D" 1 DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A rrtularlr rdis-at sl and legally .|a«llrt«*.| |>h>*kUn and *..*w U«t •wvtMful, •* Ills rra.rtg*a will pruvo. Srvimn Spormutorrlion and Iuipotouoy, th* mutt **f »rlf-ab«»* In youth, arvial *wrw« In in- tur*r yran. oroihrr »*an««, and |>mlih*lns »• n o o I the f..|. hiwtai*ff*ol»;X*r»«*utn. »». Fnil»i»n*. (ni»la tmli- *l..nt by ilrcoatt). Ulmuftu of Ms'hl, l*>.fcs tl*r l|rr.—ry. I’hy- •icalUivay. I*Iw|4o,ob l A*croonmHcs-in* <>f Ktnislo Coufu*l»u ef Idea*, t . »» of ?<\n»l I’ctrcr. Ac.. rrnJ.m.i mirriasa lmprot*r or nnhaitpr, art* il.rrou^hl* an.l |.rm« ■ratiy carH. SYPHlL IS l’“*“" r h cu,rJ **’ “S? . Gonorrhea, OLEET, Ptrtctur*, OivbUit. Ilcrnia. tor Kupdii,. pIL-a and otnrr prtrafe* •ti<di«<« quickly cutc.l. It U Mir-tt Idrul aph> kirlan • tin pat»t|-s'ial tUrnlion U a errulu ,:»*• «.r Jl*#a», *. and ireailng lb«>*i*r.n.U bin u- ally, acqutrr* jn-al *kilk rht»kt«n« ku<>«Iuk tact. rtru rrcowairaJ prr».*n* lo ray rare. When It i* Incotmun lit I > toil tk# city fcr ircaturnt, inrt ran be »*ut | rliauiy Caret Guarantocil in all Cuses npdortaken. t ^ t outuiutl.m, |»*«.DatW or br^Mirr fir* amt lit • l * PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of *» 1 ■«•«, ».m to auy aJ.trc**, mcurvly ara'rd, U* th«H; cat*. hl.cukl t# ril l btr all. A.I.m OIU* koora front» A. M. to s r. M. Sunday (’lala Lntiiti* K«*!!<f*fiuj*' nliout 1 •SI,Hilo wcriIt to t!ic* inir.atoH of the | Nebraska pciiiieitlinrv the oilier .tl| alien, blliouanvos, ! * I:» V .’lllll :i>l»eil llolllillL* fol” it. 1 iiRiii wlio h:ul ne\rt'sU'.Ien miYthmir ’ • *r ii'Mile love to my liinns 1 liui'f woiihl haw to | :i\ two ilol- lusto hear her. A bout the only man who gols left iiow-u-iiays ami lo pay a hin pliee for ail 1 he fun he has isthe holiest, lespce-1 i h >* k ‘ , * n#ul *• i Dihle. hard-working eiti/en. A Si 11: C’i uk. for r*ATAURii.--Ciitnrrh | im hckt ih'Hct iht'il us u im*ul cold, anil mnv ' it' it* ^1* «'L d l*« conn* chronic, ami thus by . xL iuliiig to the Ihioal ami luti^K In conic | dnt^M ions. |t is not on!\ very t flV iisive aiol ainioyitit*. but it enbt hlcs, ttnd if not ntteiiili 11 lo in lime, destroys the Ittljeous htilllR of the liasnl e.tvilirs. I’*»i»d s Kxtraet is a specific ivm*d> lor this di-easc. Its application tiivs imme- di tto relief by removing ail objectiomiMt* I mallei-lr«nii the ol*slriii ti* I passa|»« K. I-Vr ' » .;*• « ».f paitieulaly severo or ehruhie ca- te.llli We reoomillelid lit" Use ol P.ind’h l-Miaet Catarrh Remedy, in wlii'di t!o* m**!ieiiial viilues of Pond's K\tiael «re eoiii hi nt" I with o h 1 well known liter - I diet is. ihiis inereasiiiR (lie soothing and ' In alii*)» .|i:aliti* s of the remedy The A*tr* ssiys llu* Savannah, Klorida and Western railway, in Iha't eiry. have lift! only the most nit 1 active ticket cilice in ihe slate. Imt probably has noeipml south of ! Halt inn.iv The Way cross Hr/nrfrr men- ITRKLiPRASIMim. DAVID LANDRETH^ SOUS,, P» pj'c.lncts oAliat p.-rli.m’ the 1 — i slate a lot of French radishes, e:u*h twelve inches in chtettinferciiec and si\ inches in length. 1 (irillin AV10: A letter has been received at the Giitlin post-olliee 1 addresse»l to Mr. J. L, Waller, A note on the envoi- | ope lo tin* postmaster says: “Mr. Waller was a private ol company Ladies. For Broken Breast and Sore Nippies. who have * never l« without it. <».tr Oiiilin«*ii I i> ls:>t citiolliciil that can Ik 1 applied. FemaleCom plaints, it',:’, CAUTION. Pond’s Extract the w..rtls *• Kxtriiel" l.l-.wn in the gli—, an.l nttr picture trade niar’i on »ur- rotuul ng hurt w rapper. None miter is genuine. Always iu-i-t on having l*oitll'M Kxirill'I. Take nn oilier preparation. Jt it tieitr toUi in 6itJi, vr ly measure. Price or rmnl’s ExU'act, Toilet Arti cles uml S|ieelullics. 1*0EXTRACT. . »r..«M *I.M reiLK Annas:. cpscialus:. Toilet Cream . HI.OO Ointment.. . . .10 Dentifrice. . . . fill Ca arrh Cure. 7A Lip Salve . . . U.l blaster . . . /.I Toilet Soap'1. ks» 60 Medicated Paper 'jj :;I3T273:2SX3 res applxcatiw. Inhaler 1.(10 Nasal Syringe v» ( Female Syringe 1.00 I’ l.y POND'S EXTRACT CO., NfcW YORK AND LONDON. I V r* ale l.y all I lniggi-i- an.l Faney I i.->d> Dealer-. 1 Inlers f.-r worth, r airs. m. e. Raines I- ji:.‘-l.oj** iiln*f a |iiu* n.—nrlmi'iit nulla- Holidays Ti .vs, |>m,i.x. Casks, Sin.kin.. Sr a Thii.kt Skts. Wash IIoxks, WiilriN.i Pksks. 11 .A NOK Kill'll IKK Ib.XKS, (il.flVK Ib.XKS, X Kl'KI.Al'KS, liltACKI.KTS, S'l'ATI KSS, Cri’s Axn Saivkiis, .Mnis, I’m tiKKs. Tkaskts. Tkaskts, WA.IONS, TllAIXS, Stocks, Paiinix.i Khus, II AltMOXMTS, IIimsKs, Cats, Pons, (j 1 NS, I’lsTOl.S, liAl.I.S. M a hams. To vs. illnl t-v. lytliilin I,. ] lr li 11 lo s 01. 11.. - I n|>|.imt tiny 1 fill. vt„ li.,1 ..Inlsl.-lnl.t.rnl >. | ; . who 1,iv ill suovl, ,,l ( fui' oMor youiiv bo mu - nn.I dinvm I It.* inysl.'i ions nn.t 1 !:* n 1I10 s|,irit- ■ ■. u-l. l.d nil i*l 111 ns presents o unll on vna BEST ;.Lt HUDSON S CORNER, AmiTii’iis, - (4n. • •rih, i-arriagi. 1 •l l*> 14 W . 14th > . X. V. 11.111., \.Y!> IVKATHKIL Mil. IIiowii's 01.1 Sliiiiil Sloc k is pure and fresh E\c('lli'iit Assortmriit of i Dorsny ('olngncs l.iibin’s jnt liini.'n Toilet Soaps vers line. 1 Standard Patent Medicines Tooaeeo and (%ars, -- HKAKKIl IX A Spoody an* Painless Cur* for tho Oplun or IYIorpnln* Habit. Cur* Guaranteed. LANDRETHS» Tin* host fxj Cigars. Si|)|ily (iiwy u. & ff \mw* : Al CABPETS. .Sonthoast (’ornor S,|iiaro. .rtagi-thsmbmail I'fr-q* II h«uhanrt j 1 ^'*' 1 ' r.Tsimtk* ! mttmi SUS!»K DAVIDI.ANDItLTIIit H(l\\s,»a..pA tiii: l'll(E\l\ FROM HER An. 1* ra -.Hit Wi atiu * I teitll (•» every gri.tlrman in A met leu. ■t my a| M >p In fmut of <’.»|. N. j». H**.|»h'» , fl<*\ )i» JirliMot Hfrrel. Am^rlrita. ft*. AX DREW Di'DI.EY. 10., forty-fourth Ucorj'ia infantry, uml I mu ilcsiious lint this slnill rnicli him. If lie i< not living, ojee lo those most inteie-te.l in the matter. AVe became acquainted dmini; the late war." The letter is post marked llanj-c r. Me., Peecm- ber 2f>. and has the card of II. X. I'aiibanks in the upper lelt hand eonier. Sprinar I t.'.ls. ( lmiis. Win*low Slimier* ■■mil M:ittint's. Elegant lot of Meta Cases and Caskets CONFECTIONERY Thoimli late in the season, choice goods *(\vtt“*. i'ortins an*l Casket?, in nil wo...k. orders by ..leiirap.. (jjjp dealiHli’ |»n mptly nttrmlrd to. .V ext In i.aulcr I In tine. will (ell. Come and see us. lfjou uiant to liuy {Slothing for Men orBoys ctlltcr rsady-mndc or made [tr jrdar, do not fail to send, for o Aiuericus, Ga., Dec. It, wlwllm