The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 08, 1882, Image 3

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r i^ntnicus JUcovdn’, IiOOAIi COIjUMJV. II. C STOllKY, I.ocnl Kiliiur. I'l.HSOXAI, PARAGRAPH*. I llllk Cow AV.ut',1. A k'oo 1 milk cow is wanted. Applv at | t’.ipt. Lyuuin Hu!! leu Saturilny to take | thin office, charge of his military school. Jas. Flicker’s CliitUKv «f Schedule. On ami after Sunday December lltb, trains will leave Auierieusas follows:— Pass, train leaves for Albany anr, Mont gomery 10:.l;l a m Pass, train loaves for Macon.... • 3;2s r m Night Accommodation lor Macon daily 1:10 am Night Accommodationj«,r Alba ny and Enfanla daily except Sunday; 1:20 ax li. H. Collizi:, Agent. irCZEZ-AJS. {test Chairs for $0.00 at HiliV. Eggs are plentn r and cheaper. Holiday go,-Is -old re”nidicss :.t Hill’s. A domino ball is to i.>- piv i, n< >.t week. At Hill’s you can buy mat Ires: and $1. Some of ouv people are beednning to talk about green peas. Sweet potatoes are sen roe in tliis ket and raising in price. Spring Dials (warranted) for $2 50 at 1). D. Hill’s. Mars is now evening ntar and 1ms the place of bonor in the sky. Window Shades “bang low" at Hill’s Furniture Store. # The past few day* have been very pleasant and warm,and liu* wood haulers Jmve found the market dull a’.'d the prices low. Fresh Harden Seeds of all kinds at Da venport A: Son’s drugstore. What means the ah .cnce of cotton bales, which earlier in the s'ftnni crowd ed our streets? Wo fear it means that the crop is about all in. D. II. Hill oilers the best bedstead in town for $2.CO. A few days ago Mr. John Windsor rc- cieved from the firm of A.T. Stewart A: Co., Now Volk, a check for $25, for the benefit of the Americus Library Associa tion. It was an acceptable and liberal gilt. (io to Davenport .V Son’s ding store for fresh Garden Seeds. Thorn is some talk among our people of securing another railroad, in order that Atnoricr.H may become a compiling point in freight rates. Jt is proposed to build a line from Amciictis to Isabella to connect with the Brnnsvviuk road. The project is worthy of consideration, and the Ukc >iMu;t{ will havo more to say up on the subject before long. Pi id tire Frames tinder anybody, if they have to he given away, at Hill’s Furniture Store. Without doubt many people were l ight glad to soo the end of 1881, and to know . that Mother Shipton was a fraud. Let not such persons rejoice too much, for here comes a Hartford man who says that it is a mistake t-*. limit the period of the dame’s prophecy with the .‘list of December, INSl. He holds that the time should be compu ted under the old siyle', which would ex tend the year 1881 to the tilth of March next. . So there aro Rome eighty-odd days in which to fulfil! the prophecy. Whut an uncomfortable bore this Hartford man is, to be sure. Garden Seeds, fresh and of all kinds, for sale cheap at Davenport A: Son’s drug store. Tint holts in silver coins, which havo become of late so general a nuisance, arc usually attributed to a nefarious industry which seeks to save idippiugs or punrh- illgs of the metal. Jloulitb ss this slow and laborious mod - of accumulating a fortune may be practiced to some extent: but is it the chief cause of the perfora tions? Some light may bo thrown upon this subject by largo orders h.tely re ceived at the I'nited Stab s mint, outrun ning any possibility of supply, for new dimes “to be used as bangles." Perhaps, it the truth were known, a remarkably large fraction of the perl’crated silver pieces would be found due not to a wi*b to cheat, but to use as ornaments, | the holes being necessary for the wire or j cord that fastens them, and when tiny become dull by age and wear they are discarded t »r prosaic use as money. I). U. Hill oilers’ Iiia entire stock of Furniture, Crockery, Glassware, ole*, at prices tofuit the stringency of the times. To the long list of martyrs who have sutlercd in the cause, th “Georgia Frying Pan” i but lirmly dedicated: Early uml late I spatti Marly and late 1 toil; The people eat and the people die, Hut never n tear and never a sigh, Do I wast over upturned soil. What do 1 care for dyspeptic pain? What do I care for bile? The preach may groan und teacher complain, Hut pour in the fat and shake me again. 1 pickle their livers and smile. *T am shot on the stomach with red-hot lead !” Ami the lawyer emptied bis maw. “I have swallowed poison, surely i ni Mr. .In. Davenport Ktnrneil Saturday. Ho spent hi* holiday* in Cincinnati. Hr. <1. B. Hare will remove his family f“»» Montezuma to this city this week . Ex-Vico President W. A. Wheeler visit ed tlie national cemetery al Aadersonvillo last Thursdav. Superior Court. The adjanrned term of the Sumter Su perior Court will convene next Monday. ' Death of an Old Pioneer. j On Friday evening last, Major Win. j Dupree died at the residence of bis son- ; in-law, Joseph Glover. The Major was i in his eight-fourth year, aud was one of | JEWELRY STORE. The wife of the junior editor of the AY- | o^tiT j ‘ o' ^, • A. tlraham, has ™ Z L wLd and loved | * 1C , !“ ,U by all his neighbors. 1 I. IS loca ted 111 AlllCl lCUs, ^... -— j w. Mr. Flicker’s store has opera' ho's.?rs7mt H app’oaeh- J Ust HlldcrgOllP^ it rejuvenating publi< been stiffering with a severe cold, Mr. J. N. Johnson and Mr. Enoch | Jjhnson left hero for Ty-Ty last Monday, taking witji them live men. They are : going int^th# turpentine business. | We had the pleasure of a call, on Fri- ■ day last, from Mr. W. A. Smith, the en-j terpri.dng druggist of Smithville. He is j a sociable gentleman and we hope to sec (• him olten. mg Opening of Ilio Opera House The new t plcfion, ( tho pnintoni’ aud cnlcf- j ptOCCSS tllflt HDlkcsit tilt? luilldr illitiers being now engaged in giving it the finishing touches. -It is exp cted that it will be formally opened to tho ,'public j «wi Monday evening, the lfitli, by tho 1 * Americus Amateur Dramatic Club. somt'st store INS fl) K to be found in Americus. In the department ran be found all tli<- latest novelties in S T. Cole- ■I n.d. S. is. 1. fr t ill A Go., i,| Mmmp, was in the city on t* ridey mid took in the new opera house, whirh li-* pronounces liner than any public hall in Macon.* (’apt. Win. Williamson, brother of Mrs. <’ M. Wheatley, died at his residence-in •Millcilgtw illo last Tuesday. Ho was Well known in this city, and mu: y friends will mourn his death. New Year flt-ccptlnu. . Our readers must pardon us for not making any mention in our Friday issue of this old and most popular custom, luit as the junior editor lmd not fully recovered from the effects of being so kindly treated on Monday night, be was not in proper condition to do t he subject justice. Eleven houses in onr city were opened, and between fifty and sixty la lies reeeiv- j 1 the gentlemen, who turned out to the j number of sixty or seventy. To given personal description of each house and Cotton 4» lint lit Inns. We Good Middling H*» Middling in* Low Middling Good Ordinary !)| There have been received up to date this year 22,107 bales. The same date last year 20,257, making a loss for lwsl of 2,850 bales. Cookoleue. This is tln> name of a vegetable oil which has been put upon the make! as a i substitute for lard in cooking. We have I given it a trial in our family, and lor > most cooking prefer it lo bird, it being j much sweeter and purer ns well ns ! | cheaper. Those who have . ver seen i j lard luiuiulnctnred in the North must j j know that much of it is impure and un- I healthy, and will welcome any healthy [ substitute for it. Hardy A? Tommy are agents for its sale in this eitv H.ITtllES, C MM It *L NblblttES. LOtHIlTS, KINGS, U( i: pins, i SETS, Fill KINGS BRACELETS. | TIIMIIKI.ES The most rational equal- The patient ia Inflated and while thoroughly sweating receives local ami general electrization, im parting a Tonic-vitalizing effect, but no ahock■ Medicated Vapors^an ha thoroughly absorbed by tho skin fn this process It Is a positive cure for Rheumatism. Paralysis, Nervous and FcmaleW cak- ness, and Mental Xzhaus- tion. Dyspepsia and Con stipation. Tho treatment will bo uuder tho competent su pervision of male aud fa- malo attendants. Consultation Free. For permanent aililrcM \V. K. Chamberlin, M. II., will administer this treatment at Apartments near by tin* Parlor at Harlow House, commencing Friday, Jan. fi. Co- ci-lia Dean, M I)., will assist female patients from 10 a. in. to J p. in. All are cordially Invited to call and examine tills method of treatment. New Trial Urnuteil, Judge A. 0. Pale was in the the latlicf that received would in- import- Friday for tin* purpose of henrin city oil I Hible t anJ w.» will only speak of it gen erally. It was our good fortune to meet many of the Indies who received, and wo truly say boiler or mare cordial treatment than wo d on Monday night, January 2, 1882. Most houses were decorato.l, and some arguments on a motion for anew trial by tin* counsel lor ILnry Marshall, who was found guilty ct the murder of. Austin never met with Ellis ut the last term of the Superior Court. The motion was argued tor the defense by Fort A Simmons and L. J. Hlalock, *nd for the State by C. Ik Hud- Cotton Avenue bowed tine artistic arrangement. The | son, Solicitor, and Guerry A Sou. Tho were loaded dowi tables at ail phlc with delicacies, and e.ille minutely calculate their capacity were sorry afterwards. Thu ladies were dress ed beautifully, aud the gentlemen, umt fort said they never appeared more charm ing or agreeable, or to better advantage. Otlicis may will remain that Americus has as pretty and beauti ful ladies as can be found. The particular, and tho spirit of south*; courtesy and hospitality seemed never to have shown with a bitter ora brighter light than il did, on this, the initial night of the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Two, otion fei new trial was granted. A who did not [ motion was also made for a new trial for Emma Clark, convicted of robbery, but j the motion was refused. i Opera House. CoiniattiiiciUcil. We learn our beautiful Opera Houso what tin y will, but it j w j|[ ^ opened to tho public Monday, ! fixed fact in our mind j J a tnmry 10th.The appointments and hocu- I cry will compare favorably with Open j Houses in our larger cities and’doubtless I sept ions wore sue: esses in every j ftU immet , s0 audience {{will greet the! troupe who will perform on that occasion. Wo have heard such favorable criticism of the performance of the Lady of Lyon’s I hy our amateurs that we hope the rumors ! of their having been engaged to play cn ! Clip.S. the opening night may bo true Lady of Lyons; our amateurs can doubt- loss bo prepared by Mo.ulay, liltli iusi, aud lot the whole town turn out to the opening of the Opera IIousu. A udersouv y le. Our littio city is on a boom and with its new bouses and new linns Ni enis to bo entering upon an era of prosperity. Wui. Glover, formerly of Ay cook A: Glover, 1ms opened out a general stock of goods. Morgan Stevnii. on and James Ensterlin have opened a general store, as has also Kuv. Mr. Wheel is. Mr. Gallaghe opened a ten cent store linery store will soon bo opened. Tlio.-i. ('lark, of lloltsfoid, will open a photo graph gallery ilnd c.irri ige shop in a few days. Clark *V Dio liter, the oil linn, are doing a llourishiog loisinesn. Mr. Iveig- 1 rand family.from Dooly, have removed j 8‘df fo to our town. Professor Clark is finishing j kas n< ilp’bis new residence, and a number of i The d, now dwellings will be built th new mil- j like every • if tel* of vai i sheets, huge x-Vi i lent W. A. Wheeler visit-! bill I ed our town last Thursday and spentHev- cral hours at the national cemetery wiili Mr. Dunbar, tin: superintendent. He cime down from Macon on the morning train and went back in the evening. Our city election came off last Thurs day. Tlu ro was no contest, and the hd- lowing ticket was elected: Mayor—'T. T. I’.irsley: Clerk and Treasurer-IW. A. J. Clark; Couiieiliurn—M. I*. Saber, Hugo Ki.diler. Dr. Ik L. Joiner, Dr. H ir- Wi . (do hues oil the i respectfully Mid fry, dead ! A host g» m-ichant* rose up an 1 sai 1. I only laughed as I fried und fed, And >hri ked in mv gke, Ha ! ha! Ilclision* Scrvlrt* To-Day. Serried will U held in the Episcopal Chiicii iu the morning, ut usual hour. • Service, morning and evening, *1 Die usual hour*, in the Baptist und Metho dist churches. Mortuary !t«|i«rt. Mr 1*. I>. Hill, City Sexton, makes t he follow ing report f f intvrnu nts fur the past three years, from whu li it will lie M-eli that the nioll:fiily of whites the past year exceeded that of 1880 only six. al though tin* past year w'as regarded as one ut unusual fatality: 1*7‘J —White deaths in oily, 27: from country, 2‘.»: total, 50. Colored deaths iu city, 08, from country, 5; total 72— 12th 1 msii White deaths iu city, 25: from country. 25: total, Colored deaths in city, 71: from c mntry. 17: total, v< — 118. IS*| —Whit-* deaths in eity, l*»: from i country. 17: lood, •*•*. Cohired deaths m eity, 110: tr-mi e.mntry, >«»: total, 120- 180. Despoi'tii.lly, I*. 1>. Ill I I., Sr., Sexti.n. • run- 0 mrt ope Kitiiscril*. i pleased to i»:u office firm tbeii may ku«u week. nine In auil See Ijoiuind term s Monday, an 1 many • t our W lit alt 11 1. We should he iuve Caen, call .it the Dr.iou- nd see i;s. We should tike- to n . i I• r that we talking t" wadi Alxmt AilveilUIng; The Indianapolis Joitriml has an ad mirable article on “The Evolution of Ad vertising, in tli: course of which it is very truly sail!: “Adv* rtising has been, r adjunct of modirn life, lulion. Nowit is a fine, as well a* a useful art. It is inseparable from business. It is business. It con tinues to develop. Now it is well under stood that the journal w hich sustains it self for ilscharacteristics as a newspaper an advertising medium Lcurd.s, mere advertising l preposterous sign and passed. He who would ! command the eye of the public must seek that medium which for other reu- ! sons com maud public respect. A good newspaper, which is eagerly seized in ! morning because it is a map of the busy world of the day before, can have no ri- i v.d as an advertising medium. It meets a thousand eyes to winch the little iraud living alone on the credulity of its ad vertising patrons never comes. It im parts to ilo ir advertisements sonmwlmt ! of the dignity land good faith of its eol- iims. The result is that the best news papers are the best advertising mediums, and become so only when they have earned and maintained a character for ent» ipri e and r* liability." Oak drove Academy. : f|VIKi'**'rei-«'« o r tlii- rtlioi.l will 1 «• rmrninl <>n I j I tin- tilled Moiu'.iy in .laniiary i Hit In, IHii. | (tales ol Tiiition Fcr Seliolastie Monlli. { • IViiu uy t'.u »* *1 « 1 ' ('•iltoKi-ite :| W l'u|iili> i l.ur/e l fr.m t irii* of eiitranee to c!<»*e of •■• li.. No •leilurtiwii fol al-m-nci* nnt*'*» ill mwi ofnrotiiii'liHl vicki.fM*. Hoar I cm lie ||» I Willi :iiiy fimilv in Mi<- «*•»:• Iin iioy :*t froiu v‘\ to i L!.t • loilttr* [)• r in m:li. For lurtl.i r i...ili.-ul-»r* a|.|.!v to U. M. IM'ITKIISOX, •l .imiry :t, lssz- Jw I'UI.M Ir.\ I.. BARLOW HOUSE \\. II.< LAV, lYopriWor, Aiiicrici:s. * <J:i. H<‘p. 2n«;i •tjuaintafie S|X‘rtnrl(>s of all kinds and in- atrunifiits to tost your oyos mid oom|)otont men to soloct Spor- tnolos Lost ndojitod (o your evo-sif'lit. • Thousands of jioo- e j plo an* injuring tlioir oyo- I si^lit hy using common Spectacles, or those not prop erly adjusted to their eyes. Solid Silverware, SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, CARD CASKS, CUPS, GOBLE'IS, FRUIT KNIVES, NA PKIN RINGS, all kinds of ease goods, etc., etc. In Eleetro-pla ted ware, a full line of Reed and Barton’s gcods which 1 guarantee to have more'silver on, and to he plated on better and harder material than any other make of goods, the only concern that took the only first- pri/o in Australia. A partial list of these goods composes Castors, Cake Bas kets, Berry Dishes, Epcrgns, I Card Stands, Flower Stands, Water sets, Waiters, Goblets, cups, Spoon-holders; Svrup- Buttcr-dishes, I’ickle- Kivii us j stands, Knives, Forks, spoons, Etc., Etc. These goods sold at the same prices that you would have to pay at the Factory, as well as a full line of goods of other manufacturers at liic- i lory prices. j 1 also keep a fine line ot i Gold Pens, Waltcing canes,etc. I This wcok I will have the | largest and most varied stoy< | of China Vases, Toilet sets, | Jardinieres and limey goods ; generally, ever brought to | j this luarKct. | In my Music Department I have a large stocK of Pianos, I Organs, Violins, Guitars, Ban- i jos, Aeeordeons, Tambourines, Harps, Instruction Books, etc. In my sewing machine de- j partition can he lointtl a large j lot of Davis, Williams, Wheel- j 1 er and Wilson und other sew ing machines also a lot oi l second hand machines all' in j thorough order lor sale cheap,' ! a full line of parts, attachments needles :tnd oil liir all mu- j ! ehinerv. My work tlepartment i is the most complete and tin* I best supplied with tools, ilia- : bines und material iu thej South lor doing watch work, i jewelry repairing, clock re pairing and for putting sow-; iug machines iu thorough or der, supplying any new parts - needed, etc. The class of worl ] done here is superior to that of any other estahlislimeui outside of a large eity. No trouble' to show goods. Call and tsiKe a looK through my j stoeK whether you wish to purchase or not and the place where you what you want either in goods _ or wort* when you need any- j Xi&WSOH thing of the Kind. Everything] guaranteed as represented. ■ j HALL’S JEff II STORE TO THE FRONT. Neitil. Seed. Seed. Seed. JUST RECEIVED: 5 Rusticl* Early English Peas, 10 lines Early Knap Deans, 15 Duslicls Onion Sets, 50 llnsliels Attains and Dent Corn, MILLIONS Of Collision, Turnip, liadisli and all kinds of Early Onrdcn Seeds. JjgT“ Plant sonielliing in your vacant gardens. AU those who cxiiihit the host varieties of vegetables grown from mv seeds tins year I will furnish ail their nex.t year’s supply of seeds free of cost. Win. I. Murray and John A. McElroy won the prize last year mid I now have a splendid lot of seeds for them tree open to inspection. Call soon before my assortment is broken. THE LIVE GROCERS IH Ford & Co. l O.MI'I.KTi: STOCK FOR 1SSI HEAVV AND FANCY G r ooeries —PCHKKT— WINES ANI) LIQUORS. • J. K. HALL. Holiday Goods HIE LATEST Books, Scraps, Fapeteries, Autograplis -AND FANCYG00DS. KXTIU IlltV CiUJIPAQMI, lients per Dottle. FRESH; ASSORTMENT f’AIViVKI) GOOD Ml) (MDIUN. FAVORITEJIRANDS OF Tobaooos cSs Cigars REMEMBER THE PLACE. I.nnmr St. - - - Ainerlciis, (iu. IH. Ford & Co. tVimirri’ and Mechanics’ Mutual Relief Association Of Maryland. Lhartrn d March UGlh 1HHI. I ana ra arc la farce hr pi. ;tu, 91,000,000. . HON O. HOUSEY, President. HEN’KY M. WKINKlt, Vioe-PreHident. JOSEPH ENNIS, Treasurer. LEWIS II. CAUN, Heoretary. MAItTIN L. HIGHTMAN, Gen. A«t. 'riii' iiljovt* well known iiunitm area guaranluf o tin: thorough reliability of the manaireiaent. Age* of nirnilK'rship, to In 69 year* in »eparatean in<to* |H:ii<liH>t oi visions umirillog to ngc, Komnles uc- CL'ptutl an woiIm mules. The cheapest rates anil most pooular plan perhajm that you bava seen. Kt sponslhle agents wanted In unoccupied territo ry. Hor all lurtber information tpply to. taunir fltnwt AMKUICL’S, OKUItUlA. Oen. Agl . for Georgia, Pioaida and Alabuma. Home olllce llurkattaville, Md. PROSPECTUS FOR 1882. I A FIRST-CLASS [ J’AMLI.Y MAGAZINE FOR ONLY $3 PER ANNDH. LIPPEMCOTrS MAGAZINE, wish to . . _ ? s Apes Aycock. in f/oods twson F. Collier, Attorney-at-Law At the iM-arinniaR of tin (irraent year l.irrax- (OtT N Maoamxh nteredon a new teileF, at a reduced price, with thed'a'lncllve purposctif pie- -iiillng sin h a variety of mitling matter—fur the • nios part light and cM»rUlnin», yet of real lit r- nry nualt -tni slionld commend it u* the general I m»M of cultivated persona and vnaurv it a welcome in many American lioim-ss. Di'Voling ajinrge por* portkin of its Apace to Hctiou,in which short reriala , are mode u m-tkealile feature, and to sketehca il- I loslrative of social life and m.nnera, It has , included in its li»t of aubp'ciacuitiMiticaof a leiirc ; * s|s a cin|ly natuial history, peculiarly treated,travel and adventure at boinc nti" abroad. Held aporta and an jllng, and. occasionally, political, hlstor csl. ami topica a usee pit Ido of fresh und lively discussion. The serial stories published during the year have heeu marked by a piquant ortfiualitr,aud havo been met with a warm recep tion; while the general nttraciiveucsa or the Hacazinv lias gained (or It co.dlal approval and an increased circulation. The conductors of tho. Magazine hope not only to maintain its reputation, but to enhance afcd extend It by constant Improvement In tho name d reetion. their arranvenurts (or the coming year embirn e a larger number than over before for contributions of n po|»«lar cl-aractcr. A serial elorv enUlled -8TKPIIKN OUTII. 11 IK,” In which some peculiar and alriktog pba- ses of American life are vividly and dramatically treated, will liegm In the Januaiy number and run through Hi niontha. The editor al departments will maintain tbeir pn sent stun«Urd of acknirwieilged excellence, the itlus'r.itIon* will be of a higher chaiacter than uny llud have hitherto appeared in the Magazine. • For Hrii*. Till! Chariot A. Wulk.-r phi clioap. Kin|tiir»* of C. I*. 4 • •V Simmons. har^eand \icely Killed Sample Humus Give ii* a tr 1. I i djl>e c>>iivi «••.!. JiVMEiS FniOKEn. Under Barlow House 1 I -AND- Iteal Kstnte Agent. DRAYTON, OKOUGIA. : luandw-alt tm AmorlouH ■ J. B. LIPPENCOTT& CO., Mrs. 7 ISaml 717 Market St., Chita,