The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 08, 1882, Image 4

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St ITiclxolae. This llluitrated rangnzln >w attained a circulation YfQog Hoik* has Jbably, than of its class, perfection, both l Say a of It* Fe wish we could point rlndlnil 11 lorn In r*.*' "There is no magazine for the I fcofr _ that of any other monthly It has been called “a ntam as regards Its literary ezoellSriee and ItnaYtUtlc merit." It was the first to sire to boys and g'rla I and girls the Tory best illustruii w- that could be bad, and has earned the nai... oi 0 "The Chlldr«n*a Art Magazine*” The greatest living writers of Europe and Am erica are among Its distinguished contributors: Oliarlee Dudley Warner, Henry W. Longfellow. •Tobn O. Whittier. II. II. Eoyeaen. Haze Holm, I tret Hnrte.'Uall Hamilton, Thomas Hughes, Lou. tea II. Alcott, Donald O. Mitchell, Harriet Tree. celt SpotTord, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, George MacDonald, Washington Gladd n. The Goodsle Hlstei ‘ ~ ’ ‘ Iturnctt, Celia Tha: lllgginion. Lucy I. of “Alice in Wonde Aldrich, and hnndri What Ei London Daily Ni out Ua equal in out The Spectator: “I magazines." Literary World: young that can be said to equal it," etc. ete. JlrllHant Feature* of the Coining Year. The ninth roltun*’, which logins with the No vember, 1881, number, will contain a new Serial Htory, by Mrs. Mary Mopes Dodge, editor of Ht. Nicholas, author of **Hans Brinker. or tho Sliver Hkatea," etc. etr. A secoml serial story, full of lively Incident, “Tha Ilooaier School Hoy," by Edward Kggleston, author of “The lloosicr School Master,” etc. A single article of universal Inter est; “How Children Hhould Learn lMu-h," by Richard Wagner, the eminent composer. Two other serial?, one dealing with campaign life in the late war, and the other with Girl and Hoy Life In the 13th Century. I'lnys for Home and Hcliool, Embroidery for Girls, Amateur Newspapers, Il lustrated Practical and Descriptive Papers, Arti- <-les*o|i Snorts, and The Treasure-box of Litera ture will bo among the feature* of tf»l« great vol ume. An Immense edition will be printed of the Chrlstmss Number, which will be ready about December 1»t. Price, |3.00 a year; *.5 cents a number. Hub* MTiptione taken and^niog.iziues sold by book sel lers and news dealers everywhere, or the publish - eis. TUB CENTURY CO.. Colon Hquarc, New York. The CENTURY MAGAZINE, (SCRIBNEK’8 MONTHLY,) FOB THE COMING YEAH. With the November number began the i ew aeiIt's under the title of TheCentury Magazine, wlileh will be, ill feet, it netr, enlarged, and im proved “SCBIBMtR." Thr page is somewhat longer hi I wider, admitting pic‘ ~ r - '• RWimtism Neuralgia, Sprains, I'aln In the Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; hut the pain can la? removed and tho disease cured by imo of Perry Davis* Pain Killer. luent that may do more harm thun good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of tho world is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Iking a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sure t:i the hands of the most Inexperienced. Tho record Jf cures by tho use of Pain would fill volumes. The Billowing extracts from letters received show what those who havq tri ;d It think: • Edgar Fourteen Additional Page*. The following I* n nummary of the feuding feat urea of the new aarJca lor the year! A NEW NOVEL HY MKH. BURNETT (author of **Thnt Ion o’ UwrlcV etc.), cn- i lilt'd ‘‘Through Ono Adiniulatratfen,*' h atory of Washington life. STUDIES OK THK LOUISIANA CIt HOLES. By Urn, W. Cable, outhor of Tha OrnmliMlmea,’ etc. A aaiiea of Illustrated paper*, on the tradi tions and romance of t’roolc life in l<oohliiiia. A NOVEL BY W. 1>. rtOWKLl.8 (author of “A Chance Acquaintance," etc)* dealing with characteristic features of American life. ANCIENT AND MODERN HCULITUItK. A “IIibtobt or ScuLrruar," by Mrs. Lucy M. Mitchell, to eontulu tho finest series of engrav ings yet published of the mastorpieco of sculp ture. There will also be pipers on “Livimo Knulihh Scuirrous,” und on tho ‘‘Youxukb 8ot'i.rroMs or Ankkica," fully Illustrated. THK OPEKA IN NEW YOKE, by Klcliard Grant White. A popular and valuable series, to be Illustrated with woudeilul completonosH and heautv. AUCIIITKCTUKE AND DECORATION IN AMERICA will Ik? treated In a way fa Interest both householder and lioiisewlte; with many practical aa well aa beautiful IlhMrntion* from " UKPRKMKNTATIVK MEN AND WOMEN onrilK urril CENTURY. Biographical sketeh- es accompanied by porfraPs of George Eliot, Robert Browning, Rev. Frederick W. Hobart son, (by the late Dean Manley,) Maltbow Arnold, Chriatinl Ro-elti, and Cardinal Newman, mid of the younger American authors, Win. II. Howells, Henry James, Jr., and George W. Cable. SCENES OK THACKSUAY'H HAW- TIIOKNK’H AND GEORGE ELIOT’S NOVELS. Succeeding the llluatrated series on tho scenes cf D cken's novel*. THE REFORM OF THE CIVIL SERVICE, Arrangements have been made for a series of able taper* on this pressing |H»lltlcul question. POETRY AND POETS IN AMERICA. I hero will be studies of Longfellow, Whittier, Emerson, Lowell, ami others by K. 0. Hicdmnn. STORIED, SKETCHES AND ESSAYS may Ihi expected Irani Charles, Dudley Warner, W. 1). Rowell’s “Mark Twain’\Kdwaru Eggleston, Hen ry James, Jr., John Muir. Miss Gordon Cumin Ing, “II. II.,” George W. Cable, Joel Chsndlei liar- ris, A. C. Redmond, F. D. Millet, Nosh Itrooks, Flank R. Stockton. Constance F. Woolson, II. II. Rovvsen, Albert Stickncy, Washington Gladden, John llurrouglir, Parke Godwin Tommaso Halvi- nl, Henry King, Ernest lugersol, K. L. Oodkln, K. B. Waahburiic.and many others. Gue or two papers «*n “Tho Adventure of the Tile Club," and an original life of Bewick, the en graver, by Austin Dial non, arc among other fea tures to he later announced. \THK EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS through out will bo nnusua'ly comidete. ami the ‘•World’s Work" will bo considerably enlarged. Tha price of The Century Mugaalue will remain at MOO per year (to cents a i.uinWrL The |«»i- trait (siae *.’1x27) of the lute Dr. Holland, Issued lust before bis death, photographed from a llfe- sixo drawing by Wyatt Eaton, will possess a now Interest to thr readers of this ningnlfec. U Is offered ut |5.00 retail, or together with Hie Cen tury Maguzine for *«.r>0. Subacrtptiona ore taken by tha publishers, and by book-sellers and news dealers everywhere. THE CENTURY COMPANY, Union Square, New \ ork. I A. lowler, SMXTHVXLLE, CA. Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Glassware. London: I L~d b e.; ..iKk U'<i three r ears w ith muruliria rmt v snciit** ;u*iu«of th. *toi,M< h. Tbedm-tora si *.c-tiiitn *t- r Ifia-pti iJ gav j up my ease iu den Hr. Itrledyo'ir Fain KiM.zn.mtd It gave me immediitto r. lief. I huve regained my rt 'Witrtn. iind able tor dlow my usual 0.H. Bare,Me., writes: lit rnued iiMi.romp' -f frc-Vi the»idr by the me f !*••* tt„ . E. Yovk cuys: I have need your I* •. in K Mild h* VI> recalle«i guilt l^,, VUK Barton Beaman snyo: Hnye.u ed Pjin Kli.irui for thirty years, rbomuatfemsm! ****** to * Mr! Burditt writes _ R"'eer/nitr Utyive r» lief in (-usesof rheuiuntlsm. Phil. Gllbort, Somerset, Pa., writes: From setiisli use. I know your Pain Kit.i.r.n Is the best medicine 1 can get All ilru^k'UlH kwp Pain Kim.Kit. Its price to so low that It to within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost In doctors’ bills, gfic., 00c. und 91.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providonco, R. I. <*.lllHe|>.1M. next rend mat. MRS. LYDIA E. PIHKH1M, OF LYXH, MISS., 1 pain in r rheumstlsm. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. la a Positive Cure mupiunmTv. A Speedy am Painless Cun , the Oplun or Morpnlni Habit. Oun Guaranteed. Address N.lU)Ri:\VRY,M.D (RUIT1N, GA* PHOIX FROM UGH ASHES. The finest finished, most pleasant wearing nn •Want MOOTS A NO SHOKS mode. The feat repalrirg done in the most snbstaaiUI and artistic style, and all on reasonable Unit*. Refers to evary gentleman in Atncricus. Call on iue a at my new shop in front wf Col. S. A. Smith’s of flee, yn Jackson HtrrrL Am. ru us. Gs. ANDREW Dl T DI*EYe for all those Palnhil Complaints and Wrnknrsse* •oronmun to our best female population. It will cure entirely the worst fortnofi'i'iiiatoCum- plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and l leera- tlon, Falling and Iilsplacement*. and tho rotiM"|Uuat Hplunl Wenknew, and is particularly adaptrd to tbs Change of Life. • It will dissolve nml expel tumors from the uterus lu an early stage of development. Tho tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked very speedily l.y Its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroysali craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tbestotr.ach. It cures Bloating, lleadsclirs, Nervous frustration, General Hcblllty, Hleeplessness, lVprr->ion and Indi gestion. Thut feeling of hearing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always iierninncnlly cured by its uso. It will at all times and under all circumstances set lu harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Forth* cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex Ibis CouqMund Is unsur|«sM-d. LYDIA K. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COM- POUND Is prepared at xtt aud X35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Moss. Price ft. 8li bnttles for $5. Henthymall tn the form of pills, also In the form of loxcngea, on receipt of price, |1 per tax for either. Mrs. I’lnklism freely suswers all letters of Inquiry. Keml for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this l\ip*r. • No family should Im without LYDIA 11 FINK IIAM'S L1VKK FILLS. They euro constipation, hUlousnsss, and torpidity of tha liver. 0 cents per box. Mr Hold by all Drugglnta. *W EM 3l-D w l DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY, A ttfslsriy •dosslet sod ‘ Spermatorrhoa and Impotonoy, s* tbs man «r Mlf-sbam la youth, ssvusl lutuci In ms- turvr ymr*. or «U>*r esuws, so4 pi.'Uu. D, sn»eaf th* l.-l- loeisf tSsuti: N*rromn*»*. hcmlnsl Zmitdun*. (slxhl suits- U»m by Orssau). Dtamsss of Pl«bt, Pc«kU.c klrinory. Phy- •l -slProsy. Plmptosoa Fe--. Aversion to Hoclrty of IriusW-s, Confu.loo of I«nu. les* of tkxusl Powsr. As., rendering Kffittshr*iffli u bz QLEET, XSt, JKV&St PiWssMstnsrprivst* dlwsMS quicklyeurvd. II Is iclf svi'lcut ihsl s |>hy tlelsn vbspsy • ipsclslsttsntloa la s certain da.* of dlMass*. se4 trssUs« ihouwids suvu- ally, acquire* grrst .kill. PhyslcUss ksoelus this foci ones rvcosimrnJ person, to ay car*. When U Is lu.«>u»mi. ut to vlail the city for treatment, can be seal prUaUly sad saMy by mall ar express any*bar*. Corea Guaranteed in all C&aea ^SoSuuloi mRsooMv Of by Mier free and Invited, Chorias ica.onalla and Mm-spoadeucs eiricUy cvuUdsauaL * PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of MO MM. '. '.'I “•«. ter am. :, ,vur, from • A. U. 106 Jti rnc.'tiw POND’S EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGETARI.K PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation has cured m* many casco of these distressing complaints as the Kx t r.tol. Our lMusfor is hivaiiiable in these diseases, iambago. Pain in Rack « Ointment (50 cents) for i clothing is inconvenient, is lieving inflammatory cases. Hemorrhages. ; whet i help i ;il of Nose, and stopped. ( irlnue DAVID LAXDX1TH ft 80H8, Philadelphia P. LANDBETHS* BEST]! -O^SSSSJI • and PricML The Ol-tett and most exteuiirs Seed immmnk HONS. Pin lapa..Pa . O P rM- 'S oV)TH s'-^ gusIN E S S y N IVERS IT\;i S L WD rO R CATALOGUES - ; PHI'S ASD PHYSIC. There is a difference between the lips of a young man and the lips of n young lady—but sometimes It is n mighty small one. i The President of Peru was shot ! at the other day The ball grazed his jaw, taking of a small piece of his Peruvian hark. If the function* of the liver are in any wny dinordeietl, the whole liody, anil not only the body, bnt the mind sympathizes with the disturbed organ. Billons com plaints are more common than any other disenae; and to remove the bilo, us well aa to regulate the liver, you have only to tAke Simmon*' Liver Itegulator, which will impart new life and vigor to the whole system. Buy only the geuuine, prepared by J. H. Zelin <fc Co. Burdette is writing a life of Wm. Penn. XVe shall wait and see it he can resist the temptation to begin the biography in the good ob I wav, “I take my Penn in hand.” '.Slie stoops to conquer.' Can this refer to the fond mother who bends over her wuvard boy with a number five slipper'? Almost any good singer'cun get np on a high note, hut it is the loan notes that troubles the average citizen. The highest hopes and interests of the race rest on the purity, hcallli ail'd strong' h el womanhood. We take pleas, lire in referring our readers to tiic rc- murkalile efficacy of Lydia E. l'inkham’s Vegetable compound in all. that class of disease from which women suiter so much. jnn:l-2w A Chicago drummer is in limbo in a Wisconsin jail for hitlin^ hotel landlord with twenty-three codlish balls. An exchange says: “It's a very Imd tiling to get rich too rapidly.” We never thought of that before. Now Imre's another danger for us to worry about and strive to guard against. A woman was oircrcd a thousand dollars if she would remain silent for two hours. At the end of fifteen minutes she- asked, “Isn't the time nearly up ?” and thus lost. A young unmarried Iowa farmer Writes to his friends in the east, who have been urging him tn marry, that lie cannot keep a wife on “thin wind nml pond water and sleeping on a rail fence.” A Hi:jik CuitK Eon Oatahhii.—Catarrh is heat described as a nasal cold, and may if neglected become chronic, and thus l>v extending to the throat und lnnga become dangerous. It is not only very offensive and annoying, hut it enfeebles, and if not attended to in time, destroys the mucous lining of the nasal cavities. Pond’s Kxtraet is a specific remedy lor this disease. Its application gives imme diate relief hy removing all ohjcctioimtde mutter from the obstructed passages. For eases of particijlaly severe or chronic ca tarrh we recommend the use of Pond’s Kxtrnct Cutnrrh Remedy, in which the lucdicinnl virtues of Pond's Extract are ombined with oilt r well known ingr - dientv, thus increasing the soothing and healing qualities of the remedy A United States saiior complains that lie has not had a square meal in two years. It is barely possible that our sailors are fed on round steaks. We'suspend criticism un til the government Ims lmd lime to prepare statistics. A Western editor announced that lie would cease to publish the big takes of game from hunters, unless lie should slime some of it. The next day he had carted to the door of residence a dozen black birds and a dead mule.—The next day lie wrote: -‘Never mind the game—notices will he published as usual.” A Confused Juror. llariM'i’* Magazine. liming the administration of Hon. John Kliely, Judge of the Middle Circuit of Ucorgiu, one day, iu tho trial ot a case on the common law docket before a petit jury, in which Hon. Charles J. Jenkins and Quintilian Skriuc, Esq., were on opposing sides, a juror, after the conclusion of Mr. Jenkins's argument, and the in troduction of Mr. Skline’s, sud denly rose, left the box, and rushed out of the court house. Being brought back, to the court’s in dignant demnnd why he had taken such a liberty he answered: “Well, now,jedge, I’ll jes’ tell you how it is. 1 herd Mr. Jenkins’s speech, ami lie made out the ease so plain that 1 done made up my niiml. And then Mr. Skriuc he got up, and he went inti rely on the back track, he did, and he were gittin’ ray mind nil confined up like; and I jes’ thought, ns for me, I better leaveoutwell begot through. Well, now, judge, jus’ to tell you the plain truth, I didn't like the way the argument was a-gwin.’ According to the Swainsboro Jleruhl a man on the plantation of Hon. Neil McLeod, in Kmanuei county, split in four days 2,000 raih and cut Ids own timber, be sides walking six miles to his work. i In Dougherty county, John W. , Elegant lot or Meta Cases aud Caskets Stephens gm house, outlie Wet ter place, was burned with all its contents about 4 o'clock p. Jl., on iu! Inlt.ilrrs < ji.uct), a in arresting internal bleeding Diphtheria &SoreThroat l\c the Extrnrt promptly, it is a sure cure. Delay is dunyernu*. Catarrh. S& Head, ctc.^ Our ••t'Dlarrh l'ur«\’* *|*cci;il- NH*mI Nyrllliffinval table i"r u- • in ca tarrhal affect inn*, is simple an.l inespeu-i ve. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises. ing, cooling und <:|t;.tn-ing. l’'B «*ur Oint ment in connection with the Extract t it will aid in healing, Hoftcning and iu keeping out the air. Burnsand Scalds. It is unrivaled, and should'lie kept in every fam ily ready for u*c in case of accident*. A tire—ing of our OlllllllCIlt w ill aid iu healing and pie- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be mol without the flight*-1 fear s*f harm, quickly allaying all inflammation and Earache, Toothache and Faceache. tion*, its effect i» simply wonderful. Pi I ao IHiii'l- IHcediii^or Ilcltint;. riles, It i, the greatest known remedy : rap idly curing when other medicines have failed. I’oinl'M Extract Mrillcalrd for closet use is a preventive against Chafing and Pic*. Our Oinlim iU is of great ser vice where the removal of clothing i* income- Lad ies. £1^' For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. .never he without it. Our OlnlUICUt is the best emollient that can l>c applied. Female Complaints. he culled in for the majority of female disease- if l he Kxlrnef he Used. Full direction* accom pany each kiltie. CAUTION. Pond’s ExtractV,;j the words *• Extract *’ blown in the gla-s, ami our picture irade-mar'c on sur rounding huff wrapper. None oilier is genuine. Always insist on having I'oiiiI'h Extract. Take no other prc|wration. It is never said in balk, or by measure. Price of Pond’* Extract, Toilet Arti cles aud Specialties. POND’S EXTRACT. . ..T0c..Nt A 81.73 TOILET ASTICLE3. I SPECIALTIES. Toilet Cream . 91.00 Ointment.. . . 50 Dentifrice. ... 50 Catarrh Cure.. . 75 Lip 8>lve M5 Plaster »5 Toilet Soaptjck*) 50 Medicated Piper 25 I1T3T2UUEUT3 T08 APPLICATION. Inhaler 1.00 Nasal Syringe !1 i Pemale Syringe 1.00 Prepared only by POND’S EXTRACT CO., NfcW YOKE AND LONDON. For sale hy all Druggist* und Fancy Good* Dealers. Orders for $3 worth, carriage free, on receipt of $a.»s. Orders for #5 worth, carriage free, on r«. fc-'Jpl of As# if addressed to 14 W. nth St., N. Y. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS POE MAN AND BEAST. For more Hum n third of a centnry the ife x Ion 11 iKiatnii^ l.lnlment has been mown io Million* nil over thu world us lie only hiilit reliance for the relief of lecidenta nml imln. It. in u medicine 1 hove ]»i lc«! und praise—tlie best of its .Iml. For every form of external pain Musluntf Liniment Is without nn cquti It penetrate* flrslt nml muscle the very bone—making the coiitinu- nnee of pnin t nd liiilauitnatlon Itnpoy- hil*le. Its effects tipen Jltuimii Flesh and tlm Untie Trent Inn are equally wonder ful. The 31 ex lean !•« needed l»y somebody J: e. Every day hnugs new a o ofnn 11 wtill scald or buri vlu'UiUMtlo martyr* re L!aE! 1 aucli uilments < I .la? hi AMi 1 I.KS1I ns r? f, *• 11 itt nth 1.1, Swellings. Miff f.'oiid >. < on true ted 2tIiiN«-lcs, It urn 4 Ij ad S aid-I, Cut*, Brulsra nml }; l*oInohoiin Hite* mid 1 Ntintie**, Liimiiieu, Old • . ot w*, l iver*, l-’rostbiles, t'hilblniin •ore Ripple*, 4'iikrd llrcast. an udeeil every form of cztcruul dis* n*c. it lirnl* without scars. For the BuuTU CUFATioM it«urea Sprain*, Nwiniiy, Stiff Johkts, Old Sores, Poll Kvll, I’lliu upon tlio bight nml every other ailment to wlileh the ocenpnuts of tho Stnble and Mock Yard are Untile. The Mcxieuu .tliratnng I.luluient always cures uml never dlsappoluts; und it is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS PCN MAN OH BEAST. ^“iivraHwnBsaaMM—— -DEAKER IN HAIL, IVIMI HD HWIIEB. Eil. lliown'M Olil Stand. URSERlf Hi, HAS OPENED A (iKNKUAL FURNITURE |Sii|)|ily Grocery Xpi-inur Itfils, Chairs, Wimlow Simile's anil Maliimrs CONFECTIONERY Though late in the Tlmrsil.iy. Tlio cause was siq>- poscil to lie nmtehes or friction. I.oss, ten hales cotton nml 2,000 bushels secil. A I-.. Cases, I'.illins nml Cnsket’. in nil woods. Orders liy telegraph pronqitl)' nltondnl to. season A ext to La u ier House, Ji A CO A, HA. choice goods and fair dealing will (ell. Come aud see us. mrs. m. e. Raines Is ju-t.op€nlng n fine nsoortment of goods sultj- Holidays Toys, Dolls, Vases, Smoking Sta Toilet Sets, Wash Boxes, Whiting Desks. 11aNiiKKiirniEt' Boxes, Glove Boxes, Necklaces, Bracelets, Statuses, Cues ano Saui'Ebs, Muos, Pitch kkh, Tfaskts, Tkasets, Wagons, Trains, Stoves, Darning Kiris, Harmonious, Horses, Cats, Doiis, Guns, Pistols, Balls,, Toys, and evriytliing lo pit arc nml charm Hie little ones on dint most mysterious imd happiest day of the\.»r when the spirit, uni iindstemporal seem lo mret. Let all who ore iu search of Christmas presents for old or yoniq- l>e sure to cull on HUDSON 8 CORNER, On. ! -A.morions, A.J.&IB. Stock is pure and fresh Excellent Assortment of Dorstiy Colognes I.ubin’s jh i funiery '1'oilet Soaps verv fine. Standard Patent Medicines Tooacco and Cigars, The best 5 c Cigars. A.J. & ff. B.Huflson Southeast Corner Square. ^ tuant to huy ^Stotlrin^ for Men or Boys leidiem&dy-tn&de orm&d* j to ordsr, do not Fad io I send for our Caia.tog’ue