The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 13, 1882, Image 1

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VOL .III. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1882. NO. 105. s. puiu.isiisii ut Xi. G-XjBSSITBR. •w, OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE. S'j/toscripttcn Hates: TitT-Weeki.y Onk Year, - $4.00. Wkkki.vOnk Year, • • $2.00. Sunday Its.he One Year, • $l.f>0. PROFESSION ETSSwiM W. II. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEE8BURG11, - - GEORGIA. Col,LECTIONS A SPECIALTY. W. I!.* oVfeltlCV. DUPONT aUKltKY. ! ‘“GUKLUIY & SON, Amkricus, Georgia. (Office up stairs over flrnnberry & Harlow's Will prnctico In nil the Court*, both Stute and Federal. Jnlv 6-wswly. W. P. BURT, £>E!N TI9T. AMERICUS, ^GEORGIA. Guarantees satisfaction lu the most difficult cwmcn. All work warranted. Office on Lamar street, over T. M. Kdun'v. Refer* to his profes tioual record. in.iy U wands-aii. II. U. II IN TON. J. a MATHEWH. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in ail the counties ol tills .1 udDial Circuit, also In I>ooly cnunly, in tlio Supreme Court of tii«' State of Geo rum, and tlie District Court of the United States, and in all other ri i#y special contract. Office m Hawkins’ new building, Lanuir Strctt. duly Pith, lSN'i. HIS OWN DAUGHTER. her husband came Co her with a at the sweet, girlish lace smiling trouble,1 look ami told her that his | at her. only relative, an uncle in England,! One moment, then a quick.gasp- was very sick and had sent' Cor him i ing cry escaped her lips, and then to come immediately,and taking she fell into the arms of an attend- his young wife in his arms, die nut. The face of her dead friend’s soothed her witli fond words, say- j lost wife was the face of her molli- iag: j cr [Ex. •'I dare not take you with me, ♦ darling. My uncle was very angry I PilotEEOINON when iny mother married an Amcr-1 or the store I would not have gone! lean with such n plebeian name. 1 comity coniniiaiiou.r. or iiooiy binning anutlier Of all low names lie claims that roomy, bail not been in Smith stand, at the b e I'un. Unci. “Dear mother, it is. the best tiling after all that could have hap pened; it is so much better Ilian u , anything I dared to hope for. Be- - v ; cause, if I had not fallen and sprain- - ! ed my ankle I would net have lost my place in tho storo,aiid Imd it not been for losing my place in _ the store I would X h ^ x ! all over the city ~ H ^ * I situation, ami if I ti w. j. ska ns, W. D. SKA Its. Dll, W. J. SEES AM ELLAVILLE, GA. E. A. QUITS, ATT< lUNl'.Y AT LAW, Amkkhtx, Gkouoia, !l .tin’ Courts Ihroughoul tin* . Hinrclal .it lent lull Riven U» Hirvil, over r Will prac’iii Hontli western C uiiineicial I rhoe Store of ..I IV • Ur. DR. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST! Amcriitis, Ga. P Kit FORMS nil .•pcrntlou* on the Natural Tectli and inserts Artificial Teeth on the latest and iMist improve,I niclliod*. < tiller, over Davenport A Smith's Drug Store. uinylStl Q. R. McCUOKY, _A.ttornoy fit Law, ELLAVILLE, Ga. Collections a Specialty. A prill.1 If Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians anil Surgeons, . NDEUSONVILLE, : : GEORGIA, Oftico nt Drug Store of \V. M. Clark. May I S-ly II. C. GARDNER, ATTORNEY AT I,AW, OGLETHORPE. GA., W ILL practice In the Sooth-western Clrcolt and the adMuinz couutte*. Prompt atten tion given to collections T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM I HENRY ANIIEIISON R KSPKCTFUf.LY announces to the public that his Iktrber Shop is open ut all business h< uud on Sunday until II o’clock a. u. lie l'« centIr tilted it up In n neat style, and Is e* ^reparml !than ever to wait upon his tustoit All who may wish to have Shuvluf. Hair Cutting tJluiinpooiiig, etc., done In llrst-class style, he would bo pleased to have them call on hint. Shop near the entrance to Barlow House. marl3 Oih», two ntulThree years oM for sale of tne celebrated li.eOoate Peer- -ALSO, THE— ^ieHer ZPear,. Ona year ohl, and the new fruit, One year old. Terms t'asli with Order. RAp/o 4m Van Riper HAS RETUHXED! His Photograph Gallery so many different places, an.I—ifj George lover forgave i.iv moi.her. starvation had not stared ns in the | lmt when both parents died, leav face, I would never have done so j ing me alone, he appointed a guar- desperate a tiling, nnd we woidd lie | dinu for me, and kept me well sup- trying to keep laxly and soul to- plied with funds, uud now that to gether on tlie poorly-pa'd, health is dying, I must go to him. lint. I destroying labor—a poor sales- will return ns soon ns possible to woman s wages. “Tell me nil about it dear,” said Mrs. Smith, dropping bur thin, tired bands on tlie work over which she had bent wearily all day. “First let me put this endless sewing away, dear mother. These poor, dear hands may rest a little new, for I am going to get $10 a week, and will only bo away from you four or live liours a day. 1 shall have time lor ever so much sewing besides, and von can just rest nnd grow strong once more NOW OPKN1 FINEST PICTURES, LATENT STYLES anil ALL SIKES. Satisfaction Guaranteed Pricks Moderate my little wife.” And s.o he left her with plenty of money, lint an aching heart, and she had never seen him since. Troubles s cmed to multiply al ter Hint. A contagious disease broke out in their town and carried away whole families. Her aunt fell a victim, lmt she escaped and came to the city, hoping to find employment by which she could support liersell. She had a little money left with which she bought a little cottage, and here Nellie win, I received my lirst week’s wages j born. in advance. Sec here,” and she The roses bloomed once more on cut the string Hint bound u large Nellie’s cheeks, nnd her steps grew bundle, uud out on the table, rolled light ns the weeks advanced. She several smaller parcels. “I brought! liked her employment, nnd above t!lx- tbe money liorao in a shape that j all her employer. Many stihstan- (Jll nlol j oll j j we would appreciate it best; at i tial evidences of Ins kindness found least what was left of it after pay- j its way into tlie little cottage, and ing tlie baker. Now, mother dear, j many an extra dollar found its way I am going to bu extravagant uud j into Nellie’s pocket, make un extra cup ol tea.” j As his face grew thinner and Ins “Hut Nellie child you have not step slower, he seemed to turn to Hie young girl for sympathy, and County Commissioners of Dooly County met at a called meeting Ib-e Dith, 18X1, agreeably to nd- joinmenl. I’rcsent their honors,,!. II. Whit- sett, Neuhil Vinson, .1. C. Owen, and J. >S. Lasseter. Absent, W. L. Graham. On motion -I. II. WliitHctt was appointed Chairman, pro tom. A report of tlie lloail Commis sioners of tlie Bd district was read and returned to them for correc tion, ns it was not made out in ac cordance with the law. Tlie Tax Collector was allowed Six Hundred DoHnrs as insolvent tux; insolvent Tolls, $3X1 01); for general County Tax, $73 (It); for general Stale Tax, $140 00; mak- a total of $000 00 insolvent OVKIt T. WIIKATI.I Ami-virus, (ieoigia. sop2J-wtwir J. I Prof. VAN RIPER. JKAVULKR, AMERICUS, - GEORGIA, Spi.kndip Sto.ik ok Wtxtelies and •Jewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work PROMPTLY DONE. J. E. Sullivan told me “I know, mother,” broke in tlie blithe voice, “but you have not for gotten Hint it is nearly noon nnd that we have had no breakfast yet. There now,” giving tlie fire a poke that set the tea to steeping. “You see, mother, 1 was just discouraged; I had been to every store, milli nery nnd d'ess-nmking establish ment that 1 knew of, nnd received tlie same answer: ‘No mere help needed,’ to all my inquiries, and us I said, I was des- crate, .lust as I turned I lie corner of Rleeker street, I saw a man being helped out of ueniriagc. lie was not a very ohl man, lint looked as if lie was al most gone with consumption, I tlie round of her sweet voice, and the touch of her cool hands hud a power to soothe him to rest when all else failed, lie often watched her as she moved about tlie room in tier blight, cheerful way, with a strange willfulness in his fast lulling eyes. One morning, as she took her sent by his couch, lie laid his thin, transparent liartd on her own, say ing as lie did so: "J feel ns I have but a few more hours of life and 1 wish to talk with you,” and lie smiled almost sadly ns he met her startled glance. Yes,” lie eoiitiniied slowly, “I •Simmons was authorized to buy a barrel of syrup for tlie poor bouse at 40 cents per gallon. Tlie Hoard them adjourned to meet on tlie 1st Tuesday in Janu ary, 18X2. J. II. WlllTSKTT, Chairman pro tom. G. J. Lassktkii, Clerk pro tern, R. C. D. C. went .strait up lo him, hardly real- shall soon lie gone, and there will izing wlml I was doing, nnd asked I no one lo mourn for me, unless it lie if lie knew where I could get cm- I Hie little girl I have taken such an ploymi-nt of some kind. At first iiiinccoiiiitalile interest in. You lie looked angry, us if lie thought j will iniss me, Nellie '!” my impudence unbearable, bill { For an answer she bowed her when lie saw my face be stood still j bead and wept. uud looked at me ns ihoiigli lie bail I lie waited a few minutes, then seen a ghost. After u moment he j taking one little hand in Ids and said: caressing it tenderly, lie said: “Yes, I will engage yon to conic “No doubt you have often won- to my house every day at 10 o’clock dcreil that I, a perfect st ranger, and read or write for me, ns I do- should have given yo i employment sire, until 3 o’clock. I will pay you $10 a week for your services. Then lie handed inu this card without question or reference, I can lianlly tell why I did so my If. Tcrh'ips it was a look on tlie DR. W. T. FAF-iK, (Office Oppovit Kimball House, Decatur Street,) ATLANTA, GA. Thirty years In aucccesfcl treatment of all Chrun'c Diseases. In either sex, ami various com- jilicatjHlold *tundlon disease* upon which others Ni'Urnluia, r>.|i iuevrr *■ —‘ ” Affections, Piles ami Fistulu. Kidney, and all affection* of the Urinary organa, Woinb.'Diseosrs, etc, Al*o opium and Morphii.c Habit. All with safe and pleasant itemvdlrs, and with out Mercury, Poisonous or Namt-ous Doses At tho patients' homes, anywhere, (he furnish ing Miilic »l advice, Medl« ihe, etc , through mail nmlrxpr«s«); or, If desired, or the case requires it, lake-patients under his per/onal supervision iu At'anta. M:iil to Lima full history and statement for your uMli'-tiou. symptoms, etc., and powtage for consult him in person. C.’all upoh of write to us Dr. J. K. Siiiiniims’ Carminative! For Ihs enre of Dy* nt« rv. Dukbikka, Ubolrra. Cholera MorLu*, Cholera Inf mtuin, Cramps In tlm Hloma-h a -d Rowels. It acts l.kc a clitrm, relieves the pain and tcrlf fnig ut once, does not leave ihe Itosrls ci**tive. It S*Ve« iinisirulhded satisfactian to a'l who us** iL Prirr toc to fl.oo per bottle. Prepared and for sale by M Its. •!. It. 8191MONM, U* c'uttou Avenue, Amtrkur. Ga on which I read; ‘Hon. C. Hewitt, pitiful young lace so like a dear No. 42 Leonard street,’ and I re-! face I used to love. 1 have carried memliercd that one of tlie girls Imd Llie memory of that face all through once pointed out Ids beautiful rosi- ' life. I had been married only a deuce to me.” j few weeks when I was summoned “If Hie situation and wages are to England, and when I returned I satisfactory you will please ncccpt 1 loiind tlie house where I had left one week’s wages in advance, and : my dear one deserted, and was told come to-morrow at 10 o’clock. that she was dead. My uncle, at “And ho licit] oilt tlie money his death left me Ids property,pro- which I was only too glad to take.” j vi-ling I would take Ids name, but “ Were von not a little hasty, > oil! it lias been a long,sad life willi- dnugliter?” asked the mother, an- j out my darling.” xiously. “You know nothing of “I have taken a strange interest this man.” ( in you, nnd my heart seems to “1 know this, mother, that we cling to you in my last hours. I arc starving, and thut money is have taken care of your future, our only, salvation; In-sides, it oc- dear, and there is neither wife, nor curred so quickly that I could hard- 1 child, brother or sister lo question iy realize wlmt bud happened. I the right of the will I have made Somehow it seemed as though some in your behalf. Somehow, since I over-ruling providence was guid- j have carried out my intentions ic ing me in spite of myself.” j sped ing you, 1 feel so peaceful; n “God grant that it may be so,” said the mother. Omen or Oom's It. and It. D. C'.,l Vik.nna, Ga., Jnu’y 3, '82. ) Commissioners It. uud It. Dooly County met agreeably to adjourn ment. 1’resenl their Honors N. Vinson, J. II. Wldtsett,.!. S. Lasseter and J. C. Owen. Absent, W. L. Gra ham. On motion Neuhil Vinson was elected Chairman for Commission er- for tin- year 1882. Minutes of last meeting were lead and confirmed. Minutes of the cull meeting of Hie I Dili lilt, were also read and con li ruled. Commissioner Wliitsell reported Dial lie hail conferred with proper I authorities iu regard to Liquor License Tax of retailers of spiritu ous Liquors nithiii the corporate limits of the town of Vienna, but had failed to get a hearing lrom them. Thu road petitioned for by 11. L. Rarliehl uud Olliers was refused. In consequence of tlie resig nation of f). S. Culpepper, a Road Commissioner in the loth district, T. I. Ingram was appointed lo suc ceed him, nnd thu Clerk Distrusted to notify him as follows: Ordered, that T. I. ingrain bu and lie is hereby oppointed a Com missioner of the I'lililie Roads in uud through the 10th district of Dooly County. That said Com missioner be invested with all the authority granted by law to Hoad Commissioners in said distriul. That said Commissioner !ie re quired to do and perform nil tlie Commissioners to ho questioned in regard to -onto of Hie goods and chatties of Amos Windham, de ceased, an inmate of tlie Poor House. It was ordered that the Sup’t of poor house use his judg ment in disposing ol tlie goods and chatties of Amos Windham, deceased. Judge J. D. Hargrove, lorim-r T:ix Collector of Dooly* 1,'oiinty, came before Coininisnioiiera and reported as follows: That of the in solvent polls of 1880 lie had col lected $(ij 20, and of the other in solvent tux he had collected $201, 21, making a total of $2115 11, which amount he turned over to the Hoard of Commissioners and tlie Clerk was ordered to distribute it as follows: To O. P. Swearingen, Public School Commissioner of Dooly County $04 20; to W. A. Wright, Comptroler General $117- 30, and to S. 1-’. Rogers, County Treasurer ofCooly County, $83 85. The subject of assessing lax for Hie year 1882 was mentioned hut was tabled till next meeting. On motion, it was ordered that Commissioner Lasseter be authoriz ed to have tlie Grand Jury room enlarged. On motion it was ordered that the Clerk’s and Commissioners salary remain as they' now are. At noon, the building of tlie bridge across Turkey Creok nt Morgan's milt was let out and was bid oil'by II. J. Morgan ut $1 per foot. The lb'lowing accounts on being presented, were examined and liad ordered paid: J.E Lilly one book for Record.. .$ 4 00 •I. G. Gilin'fi for holding inquest over the body ol Louisa Cstor. 10 00 Jolly .V M D.m !,1 for Collin nnd 11.o; for poor house fl 00 G. I. J.isseler furl day's servloo ns ConmOHsioners Clerk 2 00 Sophrnnia Woodward, for II mouths service os rook nnd washerwoman nt poor lumso .. 21 00 ■I. C. Owen, for lliree days service 0 IN) It INI 75 N'. Vinson, for 2 -lays service ns Commissioner ’ 4 IN) I 8. Lasseter 4 IN) E. T. Rape, for receiving, dis- charging and dieting prisoners • 24 40 J. ,1. Simmuns for 1 months service as sup’t poor house •I.,). Himiimns, to cash paid for help in digging gravo G, W. Kmihco for mdse for poor house 2 05 Heard A Rogers 20 42 J. Heard for 2 months service us Clerk of II. O. i). C 4 Ifijj Tlie Hoard then adjourn'd lo meet on tlie first Tuesday in Fcburry 1882. N. Vinson, Chirinan. J. F. [Irabu, Clerk R. C. !>. C. , , . , , , duties iii said district which by ! thougl. there tsiiotlung left .u.done,j| aw|ll , i|)rc il . clll lo ; and I am ready to go . form, under I fit of , loriu, under tlie penally allixed by law. of u portion ol tin- Road leading Irani the ri sideiiec of Mrs. .Mary- Royal to Hepsibee Church was laid before the Commissioners and Tlie Testimon OF THOUSANDS WIIO IIAVK.l'KKD ‘HOOD’S KLRFKl LIVED MEDI- Cli\E M ’ And now while Nellie and her' He was interrupted by . , . . lr , | mother arc enjoying their dinner, coughing which lusted so long that i .. . IS that it IX the hrxt Liver Mnt- | | ct U!t cast a look into Mrs. Smith’s 1 she was frightened. After Hie had ' A l’ cl,ll °" of AHhb >' K - Ko -> al , . . past life. Her parents having died laid him hack on Hie pillow she saw : >'.l ut., petitioning lor the changing wine IWIV til lixv. when she was young, her childhood his lips move lmt the words were . , ,, 1 and girldood were passed ill dreary I so low thn., she had lo bend over It lias become a household Inon ” tony nt hcl . J lml - H , 1(M1 e J a ' , lim to , wnr Uicm . „ _ (hn.HL.e in »ln> home that was grudgingly oifered “When I a in gone, Nellie, open remedy m many lamihes in the i |w wbcr(! foo.l, clotiTi..«, un<l edu- this little ebony casket, inside CltV where it is best z-nowil. Were dealt out to her. lint you will find my wife's picture. v’ ' never a word or look of love was You may look at it. lmt I want It is withal ideasant to ta/'e, ' bestowed upon her. it buried with me." 11 ’ 1 I What wonder that when Claude lie laid back on the pillow and SO much SO that children take it Smith, one of her aunt’s summer closed, his eyes wearily. A strange boardois, became interested in her calm stole o’er his Icatiircs. and an cheerfully, afterwards fiequeut- pretty, shy, sweet face, and told icy chill into the ha ml clasping her tlie old, old story, that tier hers—a chill that sent a thrill of jy railin''lor it for the relief ol heart responded with a passionate terror to her heart. She lu iit over love. Her umil being only too glad him mid spoke his name tenderly their little stomachs, to have tier support fall on other —blit lie beard not tie- young : shoulders, gave her consent to tlie voice. He bad passed lorever be lt is purely vegetable, and union, uud one evening there was youd its reach. ^ a quiet wedding at tlie cottage. Tie- next day slicopem-d the casket harmless iu its action. Then followed weeks of Imppi- and look out the pictioe lie had ness for the girl whose life Imd treasured. Going to the window For sale by all druggists. 1 been so lonely, until one evening - she opened Ilia casket and looked A Itiil Fur Uuili'uii’s liuily. Mr. Seoville lias received a lio-jn fide proposition from a medical gcnllcman for tlio body of Charles ,7. Uuitcaii. Thisgenllciiiaii (whose name Mr. Sccville declines to make piihlie at prcHunt) lias olfurod lo pay down immediately $1,01)0, the amount ofllie purchase money, on condition that lie shall have the body of tlio prisoner as soon us the exactions of tlie law have been men, to dispose of absolutely as lie shall sec fit. He also agrees lo take his chances of wailing one month or twenty years for the consumma tion of the bargain on Guiteau’s part. This somewhat liberal prop osition was submitted Lo Guileaii to day and seemed to impress him quite’ favorably. After rcllcctjug a moment he suggested: “1 think I ought to bring more Ilian that. I’erli.tps some other fellow will of fer $2,000; then I can pay my debts, and if I get a new trial that miser able Corkhill can't bring on a lot of fellow s just, to swear how much I i owe them.” Even Grant mellows with time. He now frankly admits that he has done great injustice to Fit/ John I’orter in siding with tlie court , martial that consigned that olllccr on motion, the following—Jordan t0 ' unmerited obloqtii. At Gen. II. Forehand, John II. Forehand, [ I’orter’s request he has read over a id Summer Adams—were appoint i Gic testimony produced before the , . ■ ... : ■ i, , I . . I recent court of review, and is pre- , . . pared lo cerlily that ill Ills jlldg- port under oath to the (.omission- |llent l!lu disgraced officer ditl his ers at next meeting. full duty by Dope at the second On motion, Rev. Mr. McCrancyi Hull Run light, was granted the authority lo move j T|)( , ! K ^.y* uT^lcs that a a certain part ol the St. .Mary’s j eoll <,jilemblo number ol the farni- Itoad in iront of his house, not ex- cr citizens of that county arc mov- eccding 35 feet, all of which is on said MeCraney’s land. On motion, the Sup’t of poor house was sumiiiiii-d la-foie the ing away, some to Atlanta and quite a number to Alabama and Texas. It supposes the exodus I* principall y caused by tlie failure of crops in tliat section last year.