The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 15, 1882, Image 4

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1 A * “feci St £Tic3a.©lar. This Illustrated magazine fur young ftolk* liu now attained • circulation huger, probably, than t hat of any other monthly magazine of Ita claaa. It haa bean called M a marvel of perfection, both aa regard* Ita literary excellence and Its artistic merit.” It waa tbo drat to *1tc to boy* and e rh and glrla the very'beat illuatruiinna that could be , bad, and baa eained the name ol "Tb* Children’ll Art Magazine.” The great cat liTlDg ( writeteofKuropc and Am erica a ring w to dlatlngulrhed contributor*: Charles Dudley Warner, Henry W. Ixinrfellow, John O. Whittier. H. II. Bojeaen. Maze Holm, Bret Harte/Gall Hamilton. Thomas Hughe*, I<ou. Isa Al. A loott, Donald G. Mitchell, Harriet Urea- eatt H|K>fl*ord, Klizabctli Mtuart 1‘helpa, George MacDonald, Washington Gladd n. The Good.tlo hlater*. Alfred Tennyson, John Hay, Clarence Cook, Boulter Johnson, busan Cool luge, Kd ward Kggleaton, Prof. It A. I’roctor,Christina G. Ho*, retti, Mr.. A 1). T. Whitney, Frances lloilppon l in nett, Celia Thaxter, Marion Harinnd, 7. W. Illgglnaon, I ncy Iaircom, Noah Brooks. Author «f ••Alice in Wonderland,” Mrs. Uliphnnt, T. II. Aldrich, and liondreda of other*. What England Bays of It. l»ndon Daily News: “We wish uo could point out ita equal m our own p« riodlcal literature. ’ 7*he Spectator: “It is the best of all children's -asssr Wotld: “Theie la no magazine for the young that can be said to equal it,” etc. etc. ftrilHant I'enlNret of the font tup Year. The ninth rulntnq, which logins with the No vember, Itfll, number, will ('Giitmii a l ew Her 1aI Story, by Mr*. Mary Ma|hm bodge, nlltor o| Hi. Nich. It.-, author of •‘Il.ins Drinker. or the Hilvtr Hkatea,” etc. etc. A m c< ml serial story, lull of It rely incident, “The I lousier School Hoy,” by Edward Kugle>ton, author of “The llnoder School Master.” etc. A single article of univerwil Inter- i *-*t: “How Children Should Darn Music," by Itchard Wagner, the eminent composer. Two other serinl*, one dealing with campaign life in the late war. and the other with (ill I and ll< y Life in the I3tb Century. Mays for Home ami School, Km broidery for Girls, Amateur Newspapers, Il lustrated Practical and Descriptive Papers, Arti- • It* on Sports, utid The Treustin-lmx of Liter;.- mm will ro among the fiaturos of Mil' great vol ume. An limnense edition will ho printed of the Christmas Number, which will he ready ntoni! December Irl. Rtaiudhsm Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain In the Back’ and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; hut the pain can be removed and i the disease cured by use of Parry Davis' ! Pain Killer. Thla remedy la not n cheap Ilenzlno ! or Petroleum product that i.mst be kept i away from fire or lieu! to avoid danger of cxplo»lon, nor la It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It novor fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Ih l tg a purely vege table remedy, It Is safe l.i the hands of the most Inexperienced. life record jf cures by the use of Pais Kii.i.kii would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have Wed It think: El jar cady, Owatonna, Minn., uaya: About a year since my wife Uvaine nil.tool t'» omere suffer! wr from rheun;atl«in. Qur wort was n the Pais Kill.:ii, which ai«edl]y r.-tiu.«ft tor. ffliar'oj Fowitt w.ttc: tlw sailor.- rl_tl}re* year* w ith neuralgia ty < - ans m - i;—yuiirr.MH iiuinediato r ltef. I have regained S £1.00 n year; .6 cent* n uumhci. Sub- * x rlptluriB taken aiid;iiieg.«xirie* told hy book'm-I h r* find new» dealer* every w here, or the puhlidi- , ci*. THE CKNTl ItY CO.. Bnton Sqnnte, New York. I The CENTURY MAGAZINE, ; <SCItHIMKIl’S MONTHLY,) j ron mi; com iso yeah. i London ' «; .ulHcte...... nr • tniiiaur tie. Illu-t r Hospital |P-V<S IJ I tried your Pain Kii.i.1 ... jCdiatu r lief. I have ... i^th. and mu now able to f >Jlow my 0. H.Wr ’worth. Saco, Me., writes: Kim!! •r rheumatism, Pat ton Seaman Bay*: i Mr. writes: i pain in .k says; ►«* n| rheumaUnm. II" 11 ■ togt VC ri lief ill CUM! Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: , •ftiial use, I know yo In the beat medicine f can get. All druggists kwp Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that It H within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost In doctors’ bills, 25c., 50c. and 91.00 a bottle. BERRY DAVIS & SON, Pmprltton, Providence, R. i. RIl|H,lu'xt ron.1 mill. ‘ t PIHKHIM. OF LYHH, HISS., ••ml wiiler, at! milling /lidurt.* of <i larper awl in- ( MEAZlHO THE HCIDIXU MATTER AOl'T Fourteen Additional Pane*. The following la i feature* of the new auric* tor the year: A NEW NOVEL BY MKH. BUB NETT (author of “That Ion** o’ Ia>wrie'a,** etc.), en titled '•Through One Administration,'' » story of Washington life. STUDIES OK THE LOUISIANA OHKOLK8. By Geo W. Cable, outlier of'The Graiidiaaime*,’ etc. A aerie* of illuatrated paper*, on tho tradi tion* and romance ef Creole lit* in lamininua. A NOVEL BY W. D. II0WKLL8 (author of “A Chance Acquaintance," etc), dealing with vhantcterUtlc feature* of American life. ANCIENT AND MODERN SCULPTURE. A “IIimtohv or SetUTunie,” by Mr*. Lucy M. Mitchell, to contain the Uncut *eric* of engrav ings yctpuhlbhed oftho masterpicco of sculp ture. Then* will also l»e piper* on “Livimo Ksoi.ihii ScuirroRa,” and <n the ••Yourukk Sen.rroa* or Amkxica,” lully lllurirutcd. TIIE OPERA IN NEW YOUK, by Richard Grant Whit?. A {Mipular and valuable *erlca, to be illustrated with wondftlal completcae** and AHOltlTKtTt'HK ANK IIECOIIATII'N IN AMERICA will lie treated in n way lo intcreat both hmiMholdcr and huu.cwltc; with many practical a* well a* bcauiltnl lllu-Jration* troin recent dealgna. RKPRKSKNTATIVK MEN AND WOMEN GhTTIIK Iirrit CENTURY, ltlograuhfegl aketeli- ••* ac«-ompanie«l by jiortrnPa of George Eliot, Robert llrownitur, Rev. Frederick W. Kiilwi«on, il»y thy Into Dean Stanley,) Matthew Arnold, Chriatlnl l(o«elti, ami Cardinal Newman, and or the younger American author*, Win. B. Howell*, llenrv Jnmea, dr., and George W. Cable. SCENES OK TlIACKKUAY’S 1IAW. THORNE'S AND GEORGE ELIOT’S NOVELS. ucccedlug th* Illuatrated aerie* on the Meliea • f D cken'a m-vclr. THE REFORM OFTIIK CIVIL SERVICE. Arrangement a have Ireen made for n *erlc* of able irnper* on thl* pre**lng |*olttlc;»l oneaUctr. POETRY AND POETS IN AMERICA. 7hero will lm atudiea of Diiivfellow. Whittier, Kineiaon, Lowell, and other* by K. C. Stedman. STUB IKS, HKK'I CHICS AND ESSAYS may ;peeled ironi tiiarb *. Dudley Warner, W. D. Ilowell’* "Mark Twiiin” t E«lward Eagleaton, lieu- rv dame*, dr., John Muir, Ml** Gordon Cuminlng, “II. II..” George W. Cable, .loot Chandler Hat. ria, A. (’. Rnlmond, F. D. Millet, Noah Brook*, Frank It. Stockton. Conatanre F. Woolaon, II. II. lloyeaeN, AU'ert Sllckney, Waahlugton Glailden, John lIurrouglK', Parke Godwin T»*mn*aao Salvi* id, llenry King, Eraeat Ingeraol, K. L (bKlkin, K. B. Waahbnrne, and many other*. One or twopatwra »»n “The Adveiitur a of the Tile Cluls" and an nrlg.ual life of Bewick, (been- graver, by Austin DmUmi, are among other fea tures to to later announced. I’ll E EDITOR! A L DEI* A UTM ENTS through out will be unutua’lr complete, ami the ‘•World’* Work" will be considerably enlarged. The price of The Century Magazine will remain at |4 UO per year (34 cento a numl*er). The pot- trait (*ize 91*27) of the lute Dr. Holland, l«*urd jiikt Indore hi* death, photographed from n llfe- *ize drawing by Wyatt Euton, will |M»*««-aa a new inter eat to the readers or thl* ningeah e. 1< i« oflcr.M at $5.00 retail, or together with The Cen tury Maguzine for fd.M). Sulwcriptlen* are taken by the publisher*, and by book-seller* and new* dealer* everywhere. THE CENTURY COMPANY. Union Square, New York. Z. A. fowler, SMXTBVXX.X.E, CA. Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Glassware. mEupiusimtLTv. A Speedy an< Painless Cun for the Oplurt or Morpnlnt Habit. Ouri Guaranteed. AJJ,„. N.B.DHKtVRV.M.D VK1IT19I, UA. not FROt licit ASHES. The tlneat Siiiabett, m»*t pWaant wearing *i» • maul BOOTS AND MIOK8 nude. The b*#t mpalrirg done in the mo*t *uh>tanil»l and artbtic atyle. and all on reaaoaat.l* torme. Ref. r» tuevtry gentleman in Amerleu*. Coll an me * at my uev *hop In front of C.4. S. A. Mmlth'a of >a .lackaon street. Amrrh-r*. O*. L.Ju*klri IM UI.F.V. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S • VE&ETABLB COMPOUND. Is a Poaltlve Cure rersll tboae Palatal Uomjdatnt* and Wri>kncM«e ■ecommon toour beat femnlo population. It will cure entirely the wont formoflviualoCotn* lilalutd, all ovarian trouble*, Inftaniiiiatliiii and l lerra- lion, Falling and IHaplaceiuenta, and tlio cun*e>|U*rt Kplnnl Wt-akuemi, and la |«rticularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dlaaolve ami *i|*-l tumor* from the uterua It. an carl/ atug* t.f dev.-lnpninit. Thetcmlencytocan- ct-roua tiunior*there i* . li.'.'k.-.l very*| ct-dily l«y II*um. It retnoTca faintm-**, flatuh-nry, dr*tr»y*all craving foratlmulanta, amt ndirv.-a wcakm-*a of the »tuir.ach. It euro* Bloating, Headache*, Nirvou* froatratlua, (ivneral iHihlllt/, HlectdoaiicM, lVpr<-/iuii and Iadl- gcetioa. That feeling of Waring down, caioing p*ln, weight ami backache, I* always !*•! rnanmtly eurct by ita u»o. U will at all time* amt under nil rlreuin*tam*M act in harmony with the law* that govern the female ayateui. For the cure of Kidney Complaint* of either avxthla Coni|MMiml ii unaurpaaaed. LYDIA Ik I'INKII ASI'M Y EC ETA 111.1! COM- I'Ol'MMt l>n*parod at til and 33-V AVeotvrn Avenua, Lynn, Mata. PricoQI. hit bottle*for $5. Hvutbymalt lu the form of tdll*. al*o in tho form of loxeugea, on receipt of price, $t per box for either. Mr*. Pinkham freely answer* all letter* of inquiry. Head for |auuph- let. Addrea* as above. Mention (hit JVijxr. No family should be without LYDIA E. PlNKlUM’S IJVKU 1’IUA They cure couiUimtion, blUouineM, and torpidity of the liver. U cent# per hot. If Hold by ull DrugglHtH. H t m ai-itwt DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A reiuUrty ediwaud and legally qaaltflot pbytkUa sad lb* isoat WMaaafal. aa hi* praaik* will r~“* ipermatorrlioa and Impotonoy, aa iha rttull of .olf abm* lu youlh. aoaual u.t«.n In mi- turn rear*, er other eaaaca, and |>u>tu. iiia i kivinf rOacti: Xarvauaaeaa, tkailnal Knili.loi alou. br draaau). Ulmnc •l alUrv-at, fiiui L-.ou | Confu.iou af tdcaa, * •tom. (al(ht emia* aaeaa of Sight, tHfrclive Mentory. I’hy. a »'*<••, Aver»n>* 0. HwWj of letuali a. U>i« of Sexual Power. Ac., rend< tiug It Uaelf-a. Want that aphy alcUn eha pata ip*el»lattratio* U a certain claaa of dlaaaaaa. and ircallu* feouaanda anau- aUy, aaqairaa great ahlll. PhyikUm kno»|n|^thU IVt .^»a vtaitthecUyfeHmuaentTwedk-iaeacan b«aaat pritan-ly gad aafaty by Bull or expma atiyvher*. Cure* Gnarnutood in all Coiea ’TOJfflbS MmSaallv #f by V-ttar Ttre aad latltrA Ctarget rcaaouable a a-1 cwrc*|>oadeaca arrk-tly • private counselor Of *00 page*, mat to any addrrsa. arcarety aaaled, for (10) caStA Sboald be read be all. lddreaa aa I.. otnea bourt.froia0 A. M. to» P. M. Btudaya, I to«f. Hire from0 A* af. tea Ju r nc'Jtiw 9 PHUX AND PHYSIC. When a humorist tickles a man to death he is indicted for d man's laughter. One lively fly can scrace up and destroy more seeds ol religion than the most eloquent divine can sow in a whole afternoon. MilTers says that a young lady in his town plays the piano with a great deal of feeling—around for the right keys. “Hope for Bald Heads!” nngri-; ly exclaimed a New Jersey editor, i after reading the heading ofa news paper ndvertisment. “Hope isnot what we want. Wo need hair.” ‘I hope this Is not counterfeit,’ said the lover as lie toyed with his sweetheart’s hand. ‘The Lest way to find out is to ring it,' she repli ed. If a two wheeled vehicle is a hy- j c\ l ie, mid a three wlici led a tri-l cttlfi, it dues out follow that a om*, wheel is :i icicle. It is a wheel har row. A gentleman was recently asked the question, ‘wlmt is your fighting weighty' ‘I will wait a long time before I do any lighting," was the response. "He’sii vert wiirm-hearted man,” said llencely.of n friend, when they parted al the saloon door. “Yes,” said Sp: needy, who came tip too late to Ite invited in,“lie seemed to have a very cordial breath.” I’roof positive: A small boy testified in an an Austin justice’s court tlmt the affray took place on a Sunday? “Because that day I Imd to go to the back door of the saloon to get beer instead of the front door.” A iloctor was discovered, the other day, holding a young Indy in his lap, lie stated Hint he was ex amining her for nn affection of the heart, and she remarked that tiiere was nothing wrong in laying her head on her pillcr. “Mn, haven’t I been going fo Sunday school?” “Yes. my lamb,” answered the mntcrhnl parent, fondly. “And you trust me now, don’t you, ina?” “Yes, darling.” “Then,” spoke up the little inno cent, “wlint makes you keep the preserves locked up in the pantry the same as over ?” Three gentlemen during a con versation agreed to pay {/> eaeli lo the'one who should tell the tallest and most reductions story. The firqt commenced his story thus: There was once a rich editor—” “Stop!” cried the whole parly, "here’s your money.” ‘Why is honesty the bent polity!’ asked Prof. Sterns, when the class in moral science Imd the floor. ‘Be cause it is so seldom used,’ the new boy at tho foot of the class re plied,‘it never gets out of repair.’ That wasn’t exactly the answer in the book, but the boy got marked fix on it all the same. Said tlie sailor to his sweetheart: ‘I know that ladies earc very lit tle alsnit nautical affairs, but if you had your choice of a ship, wlmt kind of one would you pre fer?” She east down her eyes, blushed and whispered: “A little smack. The Davis Vertical Feed DAVID LANDBETH A BOSS, PMUdtlpMa, P» LANDRETHS’ . - - fbaal i\tr,( for Cat*. —— ... kvnudjnrwnx ^TAatM.f/.la*umoetexUatittSew.I UAVlDLANDUKTli* HON8.Puiuua.J>. fj c jX gusiNEss (Jniversity liss£ Si/voror* CATALOGtrs - n cool of TaiUoit] Siat U.iirrj, l««nl. “I wish I mum dentl/' is an expression not unfrcquenily used bv the dyspeptic >ind HuttVror from liver tlispnse; the de pressed spirits unliltiriR tho mind for uuythiDR, and nlmo.t diivitiR him to de spair. He t*f Rood cht-ir; there is life and lit tilth h ft for you yet. Take Sim mons’ Liter HvRtihttor. It reRnlnteH tbo liver, tiispels despondency and restore* health. Huy only the Ruiuinc, prepared by J. II. Zelin tV Co. Tiik Uiikat Vanquisher of Hain.— Wlmt A'ottld I not Rive to be rid ot this pain ! Such an expression and ones of a similar nature are heard every day. There is nothing harder to b?ar than physical paif, and Ho re is no remedy knowu that will cure so effectually such a variety ol complaints as Pond's Extract. For In flammations it is infalible; for Hemorr hages its prompt and immediate relief are un<|nestionnble; for Rheumatism, Nen- tal^i'i, do , it never fails to Rive perfect relief; lor Catarrh we have never heard of a ease, however severe, that has not suc cumbed lo its curative notion. Let those who have never used it inquire from those who have, concerning its power and virtures. Southern Surgical lustllute. For the relief of the luptured and crip pled, anil the treatment of cltionie dis eases, Atlanta, Go. One of the Surgeons of this old and no table Institute will visit Camilla on Monday, Fcbruuiy 2<l Albany, Tuesday and Wednesday, February :kl and -Itb;; Am elicits, Thursday, Friday and Satur day, February 5ih, Cth nml 7th, stepping at the Harlow House in tlie last named place, lie can be consulted by the af flicted free of charge and their cases ex amined, hy which they may learn whith er any treatment will heneflt or cure them.* A candid opinion will licgivenfin ull esses. No ho|K‘less cases being taken, parties may thus tie saved the useless ex pense of u Dip to Atlanta. In such cases as may be cured or henefltted, ar rangements can he made with our Sur geon, and treatment begun at home from Inc Institute. As the time of tlits visit U limited, patients should call early. Jan:) lm POND’S EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGETAISI.E PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation ha* cured so many cates of thete distressing complaints as the Extract. Our Fluster is invaluable in these discaso, Lumbago, Pain in Back or Side, etc. Our - Ointment (50 cents) for use when removal of clothing i* inconvenient, i.s a great help in re lieving inflammatory case*. H e m 0 rrh ages. &"* N<»se, or from any cause, 1* speedily controlled and stopped. Our Altwill SyrlllgO (25 cents), and IlllmlerH (#1.00), are great aids in arresting internal bleeding. Diphtheria&SoreThroat Use the Extract promptly. It is a sure cure. Delay is dangerous. 't he Extract is the only spe. Is alarm, dfic for this disease, Cold in Head, ctc.^ Our **€*uturrb Cure," special- tiic^curativc properties of ll»e ExVrttel t our Nltsitl Nyrlngi’, iuval iahle for use in ca tarrhal aflcctions, is simple and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises.,!^. ing, cooling and cleansing. Use our Oint ment in connection with the Extracts it will aid in healing, softening and in keeping out the air, Burnsand Scalds. it i* unrivaled, and should lie kept in every fam ily ready for u<c in case of accidents. A dressing Of our Ointment will aid ill healing and pre- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be used without the slightest fear of harm, quickly allaying all inflammation and soreness without p.un. Earache, Toothache and Faceache. tions, its effect is simply wonderful, P i I AO IMIud, IHccdlng or Itching;. ■ 1 lo ») It is the greatest known remedy ; rap idly curing when other medicine* have failed. Pond’* Extract Medicated Paper for closet use is a preventive against (.'hating and Pies. Our Ointment is of great ser vice where the removal of clothing is inconve- THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOR MAW AMP BEAST. For moro than a third ofa century tho Mexican Hfustniitf I.lnlmeat has been known lo utillton* till over tho world as the only sttfu reliance for the relief of accidents and imin. It I* u medicine above price turn praise—the beat of lu kind* For every furm of external pain the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment l.» without nn equal. It penetrate* flesh unit muscle to lie very hone—making tho contlnu inee of pain Mid Intlaminatinu inipo« Ible. Dm elFeets upon Unman Flesh am Unite ( rention are tqually wondci ful. The Mexican USTANG oiled l#y somebody in Every day hrltitfH news of the ngou)' of itu awful •raid or Ii ‘ rheumatic martyr* vii Ilia tile liorse 01 : l.enlini; powerol'thh For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. caciotis that mothers who have once used it will never be without it. Our Ointment is the best emollient that can l>c applied. Female Complaints.!?”, he called in fur the majority of female discaaes if the Extract be used. Fall directions accom pany each bottle. CAUTION. Pond’s Extract the wonls •• Pend'* Extract" blown in ' the glass, an«| our picture trade-mark on sur rounding huff wrapper. None other is gcuuiue. Always insist on having I'oikI'm Extract. Take no other preparation. It it tuvtr told in bulk, or by meature. Price of PomlN Extract, Toilet Arti cles mid Specialties* POND’S EXTRACT.. ,S0c..ftl A81.73 TOILS? ABTICLI3. | CPCCIALTIZ3. Tcilct Cream. 91.00 Ointment RO Dentifrice. ... 50 Catarrh Cure.. . 75 LipSalve 25 Plaster 25 Toilet Soapi 1 cks) 5(1 Medicated Paper 25 XKSTSUUERT3 FCB APPLKATIC1T. Inhaler 1.00 Nasal Syringe 2S Female Syringe 1.00 Prepared only by POND'S EXTRACT CO., NfcW YORK AND LONDON. For sale hy ail l>ruggis|saudFam y(,o«,d* Dealer*. Orders for $j worth, carriage free, 011 receipt of |a.25. Onlers fur #5 worth, carriage fire, on re. **ipt of is, if addressed to 14 W. 14th St., N. Y. y.LIc’i rjioiqlllv cufci »u«h ailmcnt.-i of iht) liU.MAN 1 LKSII aa It!) V mn at lam, S*v.llli» K s, hi Iff Joint -. • outnictrd Mim-lca, llurm id S nlil:, Cut*, JtrulNeu au« ii'idus, l*olatino it* IKttc* nut i !»•<*, Ntiinir**, l.nincncsN, Old »•*««, ITcri'x, I'ruathlts-M. ClillldnliiM It Itcul* without ecari. Founder, IlnriirN* Sore-*, Hoof IMs< r tors, Foot Hot, Screw Worm, Scnh, ttotlow lliiru, Svratrlira, Wind* Kail*, Spnxln, Thrti-li, Itinpt»one, Old Korea, I’ull l!vll. Film upon tlie Mulit mid every other ailment to which I lie occupant* of the Stable and Slock Yard arc liable. Thu Mexicali Mustang I.lnlment always cure* und ln:\cr tltonpiioiiil*; and il is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL NliENTS P0«. MAN OR BEAST. mrs. m. e. Raines I* justopenliiK a fine n.snort ment of good* luita. H oliday S Toys, I)oi.i,s, Yaskk, Smokinii Sta Toilet Sets, Wash Boxes, Wkitino Pksks. Handkerchief Boxes, fli.oVE Boxes, Necklaces, Bracelets, Statfess. Clips and Saucers, Mitis, Pitchers, Teasets, Teasets, Wahons, Trains, Stoves, Harm nii Kims, Haumonicis, Horses, Cats, Dihis, ill ns, | Pistols, Balls,, Toys, nml I'voijUiiiiff to pi. iikc uml cliami Ilia j UltlaniirH nn that nn si mystorious anil ; bnppirKt ilny i nho \aur when tho apirit- | mil aliilsti lnpi.riil m-iin in anal. Let nil j wliii am in mnri li nf I'hristianR prosents for ohl or yonha sura to cull on Hudson’s corner. Amevious, Cla. -IIEAKER IN HAIL, \VL\I) AID WEATIIEIt. Ilil. lirowii's OM Slnuil. URSEI1Y & CO IIAN OI’EXKD A GF.MF.lur. 1JMB.MS0D. Stock is pure and fresh Excellent Assortment of Dorsay Colognes Lubin’s jicr finiiory 'l'oilet Soaps very lino. Standard Patent Medicines Tooacco and Cigars, The liighest hopes nml lnterestK of the race rest on the purity, health anti Htreug'h of woiuanhootl. We take ldeas- ttre in referring cur read era to the re markable efficacy of Lydia E. Fink ham's Vegetable emu pound in all Hint cUssof dis-nse front which women Mitfr-r no tiiuch. jah3 *iw The best 5 c Cigars. Supply Crown'll! 11. B.Hsod Southeast Corner Square. Spi’inif CltiiiiTs, Window Shades and Mattings, 1 Eleptlot of Meta Cases and Caskets Also C'aieH, ('tiffin* ami Gaskets. In all wood*. (Inters by telegraph . promptly attended to. .Vwl fo Ltnilor Houte, J/.GOA, If A. I CONFECTIONERY ! j Though late in the [season, choice goods and fair dealing will loll. Come ami see 11s.