The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 17, 1882, Image 3

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II. C. BTOIIBY, I.OCRI 1 THE SEW OPERA IIOl'SE. A History ,nd Dlscrlpt lou of It. | tioimly. The scenery, which was painted by Mr. Julitn Reynolds, of St. Louis, j comprises a palace nrch, parlor, plain With thecohiplctlonof tben|w Optra chamber, kitchen. prison, forest, land-. oftsb«at/<vn* t'itRUg* of Schedule. On and after Sunday December 11th, trains will leaf* Aaiericus as follows:— Pass, train leaves for Albany and Mont gomery. . . fa lOiWrA M Pass, train loaves for Macon.... 3:28 i> m Night Accommodation for Macon daily 1:10 am Night Accommodationfor Alba ny and Enfanla daily except Sunday....,, 150 ax Y H. H. COLLUCU, Agent. ITEMS AJXTX> The Lady of Lyons Will hold a grand reception at the Opera-House to-morrow t night. Of course yon are going to see the La-, dy of Lyons and the new Opera House t omorrow night We are having what Northern people call a January thaw, with nothing frozen to thaw. Hens have been fooled by the warm weather, and have started out on a new lay. The eggs one gets are not near so old as they were some weeks ago. Messrs. Davis & Callaway report a fine business for Saturday last. The combi nation is a taking one, and this new firm is bound to do a large business. Mrs. Geti. Paul J. Semiues, of Arkan sas, formerly a resident of Columbus, Ua., and aunt of Mrs. H. S. Davis, of Hcliley, is visiting Mr. H. H. Davis and family in this city. « * t ■ f The postoffice department has decided that postage stamps with a corner miss ing are worthless. The tanks won't take holey money even when the holes arg filled up. f . _ Don't forget the Lady of Lyoni at the Opera House Wodnes day night. • Young mao, if you don't take your sweetheart to the Opera House k-mor row nighfj thero will be such a sudden chance in the atmosphere that you w ill think a Norther has struck you. Messrs. Boswoth A Jossey have just received an invoice of new scupernong wine, which for purity and fine llavor we have never soon excelled. It is beau tiful in color, being of a rich amber hue, and is delicate and fruity to tho taste. The average reporter must not be con sidered “stack up" or unsociable because lie cannot stop to have a ten minutes' chat with every loquacious friend he meets, and he must be excused if lie shows a little restiveness, nud winces un der the infliction of a story like length ened sweetness long drawn out. Ho wants the news in a nutshell, and noth ing uioro, and is always thankful for it He only wants the facts, and if tbero it auy fancy dressing necessary, ho claims tho right to furnish that himself. There are other things that require haste be sides the King's business, and a roporter has to snatch up tho news ns he runs and shoot folly as it flies BREEZY NOTES Gathered In by Our Sclaeore. * Prof. W. K. Pilsbury is introduced in the lost issue of the Americas Republican us its local editor. The proprietor of the Republican rushes him before the foot lights with: “He will devote his entire attention to tho local department of the paper, as well as the collecting agent." We always thought tho “collecting agent" of a paper was the man upon whom somebody ought to bestow un entire at tention.— Albany Sues. If Tom Graham does not take tho first train for Albany, wo shall awnys think he ought Jo. The editor of the Columbus Enquirer Sun wants to loosen the grip of its sub scribers upon their wealth and preaches them the following sermon: i If the streets of heaven ure paved with gold it also must be remembered that f old has no commercial value up there. ou might os well have a tag of s-twdust for a Christmas present as a cart loud of gold in heaven. Any editor who refers to the Art Exhi bition, and ignores the capital division of the spelling book, is no friend to Ma- con. Tho Exhibition is altogether a capi tal affair, and can bo made a success with great Kh.—Afutvn Telegraph, We 11 wait and C U later. The Barnes II mse has been supplied with a new, cozy aud much lighter “bus." n was purchased in Atfieriou* from the Princo Brothers, who have abandoned the “bus" business in that town.—Alba ny New*. Not mnoh they haven’t abandoned the •‘bus” business. Tboy simply sold their old “bus" to Albany, where it will be something new, in order to make room for a new and handsome one. The junior editor of tho Free Press is indebted to it! unknown friend for a package containing sf# good cigirs.— {/nitman fret Press. We don’t publish this as gentle hint to onr friends, but merely as a reminder that Quitman in at tho head of the class. Nbt“S’maw"— ning. Storey. K’moth- er mornfog you can take your oock-tail at our expense-suy when Ibe Opera House does open; that is, of con wo. pro vided you'll send us nn| invitation to the house wanning. “Boat thou like the picture V*—Albany Xeies. We dost. But if thou expects to be here at the “wanning" it'stime.tbou was t stretching thy fat legs in and jolly Timothy Graham. I. Will tr*ke » crowd «»| thro-. ‘ .f-'VY Ai.Jmi vm. Jolly U. Uw.llluc Home for Kent. A four room dwelling house on Church street for rent, with convenient outhous es nud n good well of water, (food fruit aud convenient to business. Apply to Jou.N M. Count, »t Garrett A; Coker's (tor. on Cotton Are. House, Amerlcuaeatf bast of renient and handsome a building in which lo hold public cnlcrluiunicnts as there is in the State uutsldq of tiro or three of the' larger cities. . If in something that our people may well (cel proud of, fur such buildings ure .properly regarded ns publte institutions, reflecting in a measure the enterprise and taste of the community in which they are located. In order that our people may know to whom aud how much they are indebted for this handsome building, wo propose to give a brief history jjf its erection and Hie causes which led to it. Americas bos really been without n public ball for some six or seven yean, at which time Hie ball of Toole, Sebum- pert & Co., located ou the northeast corner of Lamar street and Cotton avenue, was disiroyed by (Ire. This ball had n seat ing capacity of ukoul four hunureJ, and was without Hie modern stage couvenl- encies. After it burned down the audi ence room in the College building was used, H stage being fitted up, .and we believe some scenery put up. The seat ing capacity of this hall was about four hundred. Last spring this hall was di vided into rooms, to meet the demunds of the new public school system, ami Aincricus was left without a public ball. About this time, or a little previous, Mr. 0. W. Glover conceived lit. idea of build ing an opera house in Ibe present hala tion, which properly he owned mid upon which had stood tome frame buildings which burned down. Mr. Glover's first idea was In build three store-rooms him self and then form a stock company continue the walls up and mnkcun opera house of the second story, lie offered to lake one-half of the stock and pm- cliase the other half at par within three years; but he could not secure the neces sary subscriptions of stock and was about lo abandon the illca, when our worthy mayor, Mr. J. It. Felder, prevail ed upon him'to make another attempt, tillering lo secure from llic City Council the abatement of taxes and license for a term of years, which lie succeeded in doing. Mr. Glover then secured the aid ot his partner in the grocery and pro vision business, Mr. J. It. l’erry, and pre parations were made for building, when in llguiiug up the cost it was foiled that the high rates asked by the insurance companies upon such buildings nuulu such a formidable ilem that the enter prise wss about lo be given up, when Mayor Felder again came lo the rescue and secured favorable rales of insurance. This obstacle being removed, work was ccinmciioed on Hie building last dune, uml it was expected to have it complet ed by the opening of the amiisetncnl season, but delays incident to such build ings uml changes ill the plans extended tho lime of completion nearly two mouths, The sire of the budding is 31 feet wide, 85 feet long and 55 feet high. It is built of brick, the walls being sixteen inches thick throughout The first sloiy is luurtecn feel high and is divided into three store looms, in the partition walls being set a number of very heavy posts to givo additional support to the floor of the ball above. In fact, every effort of the architect and bui'ders lias been lo Secure strength throughout the building, uml wc doubt if it stronger or more secure lull call lie found in the country. The upper story, which is the Opera House proper is 85 feet long, 54 feel wide, and 40 feel high. In order to se cure us much hall room us possible and a wide and safe iugress ami egress. Hie pavement was bridged by a wide covered platform, tastefully designed, which is reached by Heps from the outer edgo of the pavement. Crossing the plullorm, enters a vestibule, where is located u convenient ticket office, ami from llie vestlbulo there are side entrances to the gullcrics uud dress circle, while broad doors which swing cilhcr way uuuiit you ta purquclleuiid dress circle. The floor oi Hie parquetle gradually descends towards the stage, giving a fair view of Hie singe from every seal. Tho pm quelle is scaled with nt-al mid comfortable folding seal cbalrs, such as areliow used ill the Music Hall at Cincinnati. The seating rapacity of the parqttelle is three hundred. The Iress circle is situated under Hie galleries, being rcp.tropal froiu Hie paiquelle by a neat tailing. Il i» seated temporarily with comforta'ilejietices which will seat two hundred mid litly persons. The galleries, which extend ||i a half circle from the stage around the room, are sup ported by heavy iron columns, making it perfectly secure for those above and lie-low. The front of the gallery is hand somely ml, anil I mill il extend a number ot handsome bracket lamps, which light the risim. The galleries un seated with benches and will accuui- [ module three hundred, making Ibe vu-1 |« u * tire scaling capaaiiy of the house eight hundred mid tifly. The ceiling Is arched, icape, street scotto, reeky pass,, ocjpi beach, sixteen wings interior and exte rior, flics, borders, draperies, etc., and fine dropeurtain, which representsa view of Fnlermo, Sicily. The proscenium'is handsomely decorated, making the stage view very line. Jgblle it has been the idea of the ar chitects and builders to secure all Uic bcflullful effects possible, m no case has strength 'been Sacrificed to beauty, as Is so often the cose, but in every mat BhlldiAis strong and supporte<Tl (lie bcsT appliances at well ‘as the material, so that all who attend^perform ances iu it can do so with a fueling that they are perfectly secure from uccf debt Tho architects of tho buUding-aro Par kins & liruce, of Atlanta. Jho brick work Was done by Hamlll Brest; the plastering by Simon Shine; the carpen ter work by C. M. Wbcalh-y, all of this city. Thu painting uml decorating w dune by Harrow & Ituynoids, of St. Lou All connec-led with It seem to have tried to excel all previous efforts in their line and have worked together to produce u beautiful aud harmonious whole. Tho cost of the building will exceed 412,(100. The scenery cost over 91,000, nud the seating of the parquetle alone about $700. We hope and believe that Hie enterprising propiiclors may reap liberal profit from their large outlay, mid are sure Hint a debt of gratitude is due them from our people for furnishing so tine h temple of amusement. a Hanoi •bout Amerleua, The editor of the Atlanta Phntutffrup/i visited Americas lust week, an .1 this whut lie says about us: Auieriuus, on tbe Southwestern rail road, seventy-two miles from Mucon one of Hie mast beautiful little interior cities in Georgia, uml lias long been no ted for its enterprise, tbrilt, public spirit and beautiful women. We bud tbe pleasure of spending one day tlioro last week, and wus well-pleas ed with Ibe place uud its people. Among tbe subsnulial firms in Hie rity we mention,Geo. S. Watts, dealer in fine boots, shoes, but i anil geuls' furnishing goods. Mr. (excuse ns), wo mean C'upt Watts, represented on tliei-oud for twelve years one of tbe largest houses in tbe oily of Savanuab. Ilo is universally popular and is driving a splendid trndo. Another good bouse is that ofllurkbul- ter .V Hooks. They do immense trade ill Sumter uml stii-rmin,ling counties. John It. Sliaw, .John II. Felder, the present Mayor, and other largo establishments, which we have not tho spaco to special ly mention, are first-class establishments which do an iuimeuso trade. The merchants say that trado 1ms been very good the past season, though tho cotton crops was cut off considtrab'y by tho drouth last summer. Americas has a manufacturing estab lishment not to bo found in any other city in trie State, as far as our knowledge goes. It is Hie Davenport Mnnufaturing Company. These gentlemen lmvo erccl- od n splendid Labritory iu the suburbs of the city, where they miitiufaetiire for the trade a line line of colognes, extracts, lily whites, toilet soaps, pomades anil vs* rious other fancy toilet articles. A large number of pretty girls are employed to do tbe work under the supervision of a competent man. Tho firm keeps one linn mi the road, aud their goods are be ing rapidly introduced all over Ilia coun try. . ' Aincricus will anon have one of tbe liuest littlu opera houses in the State. Cartersville nun no longer hold her claim lo such prominence. There is much talk about un artesian well. Sornu of the hoys say they dnu't care much about water, hut water is so good to wash clothes iu aud sofortb. To rid herself from the bondage of the Central ruilroa 1 Hie (people should build a brunch road to the M. & 11., to tap the Cole system. Col. Hinton, a prominent lawyer of Americas, is mentioned as South Geor gia's cumlidale for governor. Tbe Aiiierii'iisLiglitlufnnlry isnsplen- did company composed of the first yonog men of tbe city Tin ir uniform, are much like our hum u' company, tbe Gate t'dy Guard, uud cost somewhere-iu the- neighborhnbd of twelve hundred dollars. Geo. S. Walts is Captain, uml Owen D. Iturpett, formerly of AllunU, is First Lieutenant, t . The interests of the city arc well enred for by two good papers, Hie IiKi-iiIiPKit by Vlr. Ohsunsr, ami Hie Ufiiuhliriiu by Coi. Han cook. A Foi eytlx. Stroot, *» AmorlouB, eta,, ['.inity A FI.’I.T, I.IXK OF- - OPERA HOUSE Owing to the indisposition of one of the principal actors, the management of the Americas Amateur Dramatic Club is re- luctantlyccmpelled to announce the postponement of the open ing of the Oi>cra House until Wednesday Eve, January 18th., when place. it will positively take Gbristmas is Coming ANDTUAT 18 NoT TIIK I1KSTOF IT, Mrs. M. T, Elam's ARE COMING TOO. Kpcrgnes, Jarilinorrcs, Curd Re ceivers, Dressing Cases, Toilet Sets, Clips and Sallows, Smo king Stands, Vases in real Majolica, Plain, Crackled Klchcd Glass and China, Majolica Berry, Kgg, Salad, Pickle and Fruit Ili Hies, Also, Plates,.Tea Pots, Pilchers, Japanese Brackets, Card Receivers, Waiters, Powder and Tobacco Boxes, Portfolios, Papetries, Panel Pictures, Ktc., Ktc. Handsome Picture Frames in Satin Velvet, Toys in China and Glass,Dinner and Tea Sets for the little lollis, etc. DOLLS! DOLLS! And cradles to rock them in, mid hats lo put on them. Bracelets Necklaces, and all kinds of Fanny Jewelry hnd Ornuincnls, Roll Plate Bracelets, Pins and Far- ltings, Toilets, Mats and Tidies, Zephyr nnd other materials for lim ey work. GASKETS, PURSES, SILK HANDKER CHIEFS uml ninny other 10LIDAY GOODS. Every hotly invited to come ami huy A M krici'h, Dec. 11, 1881. II'. PRONFECTIJS FOR I HSU. A FIRST-CLASS •’AMI I.Y MAGAZINE FOR ONLY $3 PER ANNUM. k,|V, ”S 1UAGA7M, Heavy and Fancy Groceries! AT ‘•ROCK HOTTOM” PRICES—TERMS CASH. Til Ml I! STOCK CONSISTS OF fiOrt Bushels choice White Corn ; fiOO Bushels Feed Oats ; 500 Bushels Fresh Meal; 25,000 Pounds Bran and Shorts; 150 Bushels Cow Peas; ^ 150 Barrels Flour—from Family to Patent; 5 Tierces Choice Leaf Hard ; 5 Tierces Magnolia Hams; 100 Packages Mackerel—in nil shapes; 100 Bags Virginia Salt (" SI 50 per bag: 25 Bugs Collet-; 25 Barrels Sugar; Fine Cream Cheese aud Kieli Pure Butler onr speeialties; 100 Boxes Crackers—to lie closed out cheap ; A full assortment of Nuts, Candies and case goods. WltOI.1 tuts AMI IVINE: AMI IIKTAII. IIMAI.KIIS IN— L“|! 'tuts AMI WIN El '$1 -.o I Itfl'ORH AND VVINECt . IjMtllORS AND wnei!) KtCOR.H AND WINELJ EQ JIQCOItS AND WIXEk 1 lQl'OHS AND VVINECt Ulfilioits AND WIN1U AND WIN! AND WIN! T IQCOItS AND VVINECt T KlITORS WHS AND VVINEfy IjIQIOItS Tile Only Coiii|ilelo Lino of IjiiiiM-s, Wines and Itrandy in I lie Oily. XVI: II.WK ON 01*11 KIIKI.VKH- MiirtcU'H :i Star Bruiitly, Tho Bunt Aliioriciui Bruiitly, Jim Johoh* IVucIi, “Burn iunl Oltl Muryluiitl Applo Brandy, Sun lieu in A A A A, Century X X X X, • 01.1 lluiq'or, Virginia ('luh, Mni'iiolin, Myrtlo Bloom, Straight," Country Corn, Stone Mountain Corn, Gins, Buiuh, Cinder nnd Cherry Brandy, Imported nnd Americnu Champagnes, Imported SlierieH, Port nud Madeira, Hullo of Nelson I lye, u strictly pure Sour Mush Whisky, made in the old fashioned way and mellowed by age—four years old, AXII Til 1*1 FIXKST SCHPl’KnXOXM WINE IN THE WORLD!! CIGARS ! CIGARS ! CIGARS, from 2 for u Nickel to IVc. straight. When you want n lii-Nt-elHNsmitiilie,conic here V If O to Uml it. 150 B02ZES TOBACCO, ALL GRADES. Tin- following cclcbrntcil br.tmbi can be had nf us HT'DLTZ' A AAA, BAPKAHANNOCK, VIRGINIA SCROLL. OIJR CHAMPION, MINNIE LEE, LUCY LYLE. REN IIILL, AND KIRKWOOD. A1 AH mil Cost to Close Out Stock, as we do not Intend to iiumllc any longer, nnd vnried stock, [jsnll HSjfTlio nbnvo '•tuiinnrnatfld goods nro only part of our large Ve carry everything kept in n wed! Blocked grocery storo. :di*^. niaoicnn «&s iioppman'B Af Hip lsp| lining of Hit prowiil yt*ar nr’* Magazine ntttrvd on n new tei illicit! prif**, with flit il‘»'liit livp pnr|xi itfiiiu hr It n var.tfy of rptitling ninitt! »t* part light ami fiiterfahiinir, jt*f of r y merit—ns should rommcml it to tin i»n of cult ivntcil |KT-oliaiU.<l . lis.ut- it i in uiany A merit'd * . irwiw •»! Iutlr.1 la itr 0ti»llynkti ndvcntnr** it, in wliitli shot I ur», .iikI to it if tuciul life uml iii.uiiers, it !»:•' it** list of ffiabh-cisCMilodtlusor* h im 1 history, lAjcnlin rly irtati «l,irttv. At Ills Opera llouss. To-morrow night the Opera IIoiihi* will he formally opened to the public, the occa sion being the prcneninlion by the Anier- Amateur Dramatic Club of Lord Bulw t r's beautiful piny of the tady of Lyons. The Club ha4 stared neither giving g.Kkl hlgbl, an I Kpleinliit nc-iiHlii: j C*^ »'•' ,u l ,r,M | uce 'he flay A 3 ” ... • i ; iii tit.- bfst inikiiiirr. liuviiiif itrocured effect. There arc il»irl>-eight windows 11 the hall, giving llie best »*f ventilation The stage is 27 feel deep and l ; » feel wide, and D iais-tl -1 feel from the floor of the hall, while there is n gradual slope from n*a r to front, thus giviug the amii* enoc a fair view. It is fitted up with nil the modern conveniences, including ihrce roinfortiddi! dressing rtfoins, which :»r«* ooL-hleof the dim* n-.' Us giv. n nbo\»*. It Is reached by *» broad stairway from tho rear, which not only sflorils a con venient and private ingress uml egrets for the performers, but enables th* m to h-tndlc their baggage e.tsily and «xpctl ■ in the best mauiirr, having procured handsome costnutes especially for this occasion. We have no tb>ubl hilt thut the house will be crowtlea, as nil will wish to see tbe gentlemen ulid ladies of thet.'luh in their role of actors, as well as get a view of the new und h u-4stone hall. Uot tlielr Picture Taken. The Slctiiiur Tire Company were out in lull force Mi-nday forenoon and hnd their ( hot graphs taken in a group with ilieir engine. The Americus Light Infantry parxded in the (if(un<s>n uu<! also hud a large photoginphic view taken iu ranks. . aJ, Held mji i.l nliullmr, anil, unwlmially, |*oliti«-:*l t • t.l «nlui‘ topiot siwce|rtlt*le *»f a lively <llM.'U*»|irii. Tin' -trial -toilet pitMI«i •liirluff the )«t*r have Iteeit inmke.l ty a pl<|U; ..niftti:illly,-iii.l have b*-«'ii met with a unritt net tiou; while llie Kt ullrne.livelie— o» ( M:t taxi it/ha- uaintil |t»r It co.<ll*l approtttl u an incn.aiH**! eireulutioii. The comlUCti.rA of the .M irazine hope Dot oi lo maintain it- reputation, hut to enhance u i xtcml it by cooAlant improvem* n' iu ihe -.n fl rertion. 'I heir nrranirein. I or the eouil year embrnt e a larger number than ever l»*-h ilitnbtillonii of :i i-.pular e» ara. ter. erial life a vividly anti dr: I'llii"; The patient is insulated nml while tlioro ik'hly sweating receives fucal ami Ifeueral eleelrlznlldu. ini- psrlluK a Tonic-vilag/ius effect, but ho thud Medicated Yapnrx^an la* SMNirbnd by lornuuhl/ he akin Iu I ,\ ervoui* aud Female Weak- ncs-. aud Mental Kxjtaus- tluii. |)ys|>epsla aud Cou- -tipatmu. Tho treatment wUI be under the competent eu- pervl-lon of map! auJ male attendant i. fcnsnltation Proo. please call and examine for yourself- »ee puslrr for le-lituoiiinU and edi- tot ini tommeuta. For parmanent address W. K. Clmnibi-i liii, M. D-, will atliiiiniatcF thi« treatment at apartments near by the I’tirlor at Barlow 11 miHtt, eoniHicm-ing Friilay, Jan. C. Ce- eeliii Dean, M D., will assist female patienlK Irom 10 a. in. to 4 p. tit. All are eoriliallv Invited to call and examine this method of treatment. 1111-:,-' In n l.leli tri-iile-l, sill run through mi iuoi.Ui-. The etlilor al deuirtinentA will mail.tun tlo ir prt-Mhl ztauiUrd «*r tick now ledm-d ex« cllence, th*' liluatratlon- will be Of a h'lfher ebuiSCti r than any that have tdtlu rto appeared in the MagasiM'. For Sale by all BooR anil Newsdealers. TransYearly Hnlmrrlplion, #»««; 8lm?l« Number, 05 e ot •. I.r»* %I. «;<- ll»i*.-. Specimen nutiitM-r nnlh**l, |-,d p d l. « n receipt ! of ‘M cents. ( Postage -lamp- Alford a e>>nvi Ul**nl currmicy for reniitU><cs.> J. B. L1PPENC0TT& CO.. Mrs. 71.5 anti 7 17 Mnrkrt St , VhiUt THE FII(EM\ FR051IIFK \SIIFS. ,rtUti<* style, i nd all on rea-oual le lertif. lb fe revere "entU-msn in Anieiicu*. t'all ‘-it me .t my 10 * -Ik p iu front of I ’ol. \. A So.ilh s * fi&s yn Jscni CH htri-cu Ameri -t s, (is. ANDREW Dliri.EV. TJoiel,.:/ THK I.l VK GIHK KHS I- il Fori & Co. COM 1*1.ETE STOt K FOR USNl HEAVY AND FANCY Groceries WINES AND IJQllOltS. f:\iki did mmmm, W rents per liollle. FRESH AKSOimtENT mm good ami mm. FAVORITE URANUS OF Tobaccos <& Cigars REMEMlIElt THE 1 LACE. Lamar HI. ■ - ■ Anicriciix. Git. I. H. Ford & Co. New Prices!! HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FUR* IMSIIIM MIS AND UMBRELLAS. Having o|iened up tho prettiest, moat emnplela nd substantial lot of goods ersr seleetcil by any iou*e iii this section, which I a selling at BOTTOM PRICES. 1 invite ihe in-p-riion of Ibe public generally; -«tMi<sl that a'l wl.o pnrrJirtae* will be pleased. Those who do huy will be convinced! that I New Hoods, and New Styles. Geo. S, Watte. Il December 16,-1 tu.