The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 24, 1882, Image 3

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jUumntsi; IfCOrdtt. XiOOAZj OOZjUMK. IMJ. ITORITtLoMlEditor. ' anecdote and charmingly illustrated, “The Capture of Derne," by Charles Burr Todd, revives an almost forgotten epi sode in American history,—the expedi tion against Tripoli under General Wil- liams Eaton, whose letters and diaries, the adventurous spirit in which the en terprise was conceived and the difficul ties amid which it was carried on. “An Afternoon in Rome," and a frontier sketch, “For Life," by Helen Campbell, are highly readable papers. As usual, a large amount of spaco is devoted to Action. “Grant’s Luck," by ing papers iu the editorial departments. Better than Cotten. Newspaper men are often ridiculed for their criticisms on and about farming, an occupation they are supposed to know little or nothing about. Facts, however, a r e constantly coming up which do not take a Greeley to see through. Hero is au instance: The wife of u certain thrif ty farmer living not five miles out of town, upon less than two acres of hind in vegetables, and with the butter and milk from a few cows, made a clear profit of tiro hundred and forty dollars. Upon turnips alone over forty dollsrs were re alized. And it didn't take thirteen months in the year to accomplish this handsome result, cither, ns with cotton making. A nice litte fortune awaits ev ery farmer who wil engage in provision raising. It is better than cotton. Chaugc of Schedule. On and after Sunday December 11th, trains will leave Americus as follows Voss, train leaves for Albany and Mont gomery 10:53 a M Pass, train leaves for Macon.... 3:28 r m Night Accommodation for Macon daily 1:10 a m Night Accommodationfor Alba ny and Eufaula duily except Sunday 1:20 am H. H. Colli eh, Agent. ITEMS HD IDEAS. Itort Valley has no fire engine, but it has r. brass band. Barrett & Coker keep a regular Saddle and Harness store. Vennor predicts a big snow storm f r this section to-day or to-iuorrow. Go to Barrett A Coker's for any piece of Harness you want. The telegraph office at Oglethorpe has been discontinued, the citizens of that place failing to give it sufficient patron age. Barrett A Coker have the largest as sortment of Whips in the South. The prosperity of a town depends on its newspupers and merchants. By help ing the nuwspapers you are assisting yourself, and the interests of all are pro moted. Two thousand dollars at time of mar riage is a nice aum. Address Men and Women's Mutual Relief Fund Associa tion, corner Broad and Hunter streets, Atlanta. [Janl5-8waltJ Just because wo slop to spit on our hands, preparatory to taking a now and stronger bold, don't be deceived into the idea that wo have given up having tbat cotton-seed oil mill, water works, electric light and new railroad within the next twelve months. Flow geuring and findings, all kinds, a specialty. Oar potent homo fastener gives universal satisfaction, with back hands at 15 cts and upward. Call and seo us. Bakuktt A Coker. Mary bad a vaccine scab upon her snow white nrm, she warned her beau to this eflect, for fear he’d coiuo to harm. But when he come to part that night, she gave a mighty grab, and whispered,“hug mo awful tight, and never mind the ac .ib." The Men and Women’s Mutual Relief Fond Association, corner Broad and Hunter streets, Avlanta, pay young peo ple $2,000 at time of marriage. Address as above for particulars. [Janl5-8walt] Rev. L. B. Payne, manager of the Or phan »' Homo of tho South Georgia Con ference at Macon, has been with us the past ft w days. He is a noble worker and is a fitting man for the place. Ho ad dressed tho members of his own (Metko< dist) church Sunday morning and in the evening delivered a lecture to the Bap tist church. Pianos and Organs at bottom figures for cash at Fricker’s Jewelry and Musio store. No one can undersoil biiu, qual ity and stylo of instrument considered. A guarantee from Mr. Fricker obviates any trouble thut might arise through cor respondence, and saves delay in re pairs, etc. When young Jerry stuffed the old man's tobacco box with a wad of old combing the other evening, and the an cient perched himself in the gloaming, and loaded his jaw for an evening chew, the family prayers were dispensed with, and the bed slut became intimato with the boy without any mattrass accompani ment. If the Recorder is a littlo less lively than usual this morning, its readers will havo to lay it to the large amount of job work, which has been engaging our atten tion the pint week. Our business men are finding out that they can get the best claflb|of work done promptly|and cheaply at the Rec order office and they soem determined to keep our hands busy. Local editor Pilabury. of tho HuuiUr Jlen'ubliean, says that Clauds Melnotto “got to a ten strike" in his play of “La- dy of Lyons." We thought it was below the show that Col. Simmons got his black oye.—Albany Nut*. That is unkind to our poetical brother, and we musk conclude tbat Willingham hath no music in his softl, to thus spoil so striking a phrase. Ten million false teoth were produced in this country last year. Chew on that. —[Free Press. No wonder the country complains of its opera troupes, with such a false set of grinders in every choir.- [IUchmond State. Wonder how long now before we get at the gum of this mat ter?—[Augusta Chronicle. Oh! tint's “tooth iu." It just depends upon how long it will take you to “masticate" it. Pass.—[Covington Star. Next man says a word we’ll “plug" him over the jaw. [Griffin News. Yes, und then you’ll get “pulled" by the police. Brother Glessner nuy congratulate himself and family, that thev are com fortably domiciled in the mild climate of ttontbern Georgia, for they have escaped some of the most disagreeable weather ever experienced in these parts. Illinois against the world for variety—son, wind, rain, snow, ice, storm, Vennor, an«l Mother Shipton. all in twenty-four hours, Clinton {111*.) Hey inter. From the same paper we learn that the : on the subject, and m ice is ten inches thick on tne ponds. Iroiu | anything iu his line will do this picture we turn to that of blooming j f roU j the Willow Lake, roses, hyacinths, camelia japonicas, jes samine, and thauk the Lord that we bad Llpplncott'u Slugazlue. Lipimncotts Magazine for February opens with an illustrated article, the first of two, on the Gulf £ oast. The writer, Mr. Barton I). Jones, was sent by the Secretary of tho Interior to elamint the government lands in that region, and the information he gives is novel and inter-' from so reliable a source, that it is hurt*' esting. Dr. Felix L. Oswald has anoth- 1 with rc-published entire. Iu addition to er article on Animal Pets, enlivened with j the valuable matter it contains, it will lie A REMARKABLE STATEMENT. Th. CuimMl Kip.rl.nce of i Prom* In.ul Mnil Sled. Public. Tlic following article from the Demo crat and Chronicle, of Rochester, N. V.. la of so striking a nature, ami emanates found exceedingly interesting. To the Editor of the Democrat it Chron icle: 8 tt—Sly motive for tire publication of lire most unusual statements which follow are, first, gratitude for tho fact that I have been saved from a most horrible as cited in the article, bear testimony to I death, and, secondly, a desire to want all who reatl this statement against semo of tire most deceptive influences by which they have ever been surrounded. It is a fact that to-day thousands ol people are within a foot of the grave and they do not know it. To tell how I was caught away from just this position any to warn others against nearing it, arc md objects in this communication. On the first day of June, 1881,1 lav at Mary Etta Smith, is a powerfully-written I my residence in tins city snrto-indetl by &W ; for word* cull never inscribe it. knowledge of life in Panama. “A V in Ebony," by M. A. Collins, and “Bum-1 yet, if a few year* previous, any mer and Lazirus,” by Margaret Hosiuer, abort und lively, while hi* second in un to bu brought no low, Hnd by so terrible a disease. 1 should have „ . ..... , i scoffed at the idea. I had always lieen stalment of “Stephen Guthrie awakens | uncommonly strong and healthy, had a strong interest and contains many ad- weighed over 200 pounds ami hardly mi ruble touches. There are poems by knew, in my own experience, wliat pain Rose Terry Cooke Carlo.,a Perry and j Charles L. Hildreth, and many interest-1 nj t y nrc unusiiiiily tired and cannot iic- Kdltorlal Aid. We are pleased to unnotiticc to our readers that Mr. Eb. Bivens will aid un in our editorial work, and we are Huro will give additional interest to the Rk- , — He is a ready and graceful = count for it. Tiiey feel dull ami indefin ite pains in various parts of the body and do not understand it. Or they Are ex ceedingly hungry one day and entirely without appetite the next. This was just the way I felt when the re'cntlcHs malady which had fastened itself upon me began. Still I thought it whs noth ing ; that probably I had taken a cold which would soon pass away Shortly after this I noticed a dull neuralgic pain in my head, hut as it would come one day und bo gone tho next I paid but little uttention to it. However, my stomach was out of order and n.y food often fail ed to digest, causing at times greut incon venience. Yet 1 liad no idea, even as a pliy iciun, that these things meant any thing .serious or that u monstrous disenso whs becoming fixed upon tue. Candid, ly, 1 thought I was suffering from Mulu- rm, and so doctored myself accordingly. But I got no better. I next noticed a pe culiar color and odor about the tluids I was passing—ulso tlmt there were large quantities one day und very little the next, and that a persistent froth and scum appeared upon the surface, and n sedi ment settled in the bottom. And yet l did not realize my danger, for, indeed, seeing these symptoms continually, 1 fin ally became accustomed to them, and my suspicion was wholly disuimeu by the fact that I had no pain in the a lice ted that I believe more than onk-iialk tiik DEATHS WHICH OCCUR IN AMERICA ARK caused HY Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys, This may sound like a rash statement, but I am prepared to fully verify it. Bright's disease has no dis tinctive symptoms of its own, (indeed, it often develops without any pain whatev er in the kidneys or their vicinity,) hut has the symptoms of nearly every other known complaint. Hundreds of people die daily, whose burials are authorized by a physician's certificate of “Heart Dis ease,’’ “Apoplexy," “Paralysis." “Spinal Complaint," “Rheumatism," •'Pneumon ia/* and other common complaints, when in reality it was Bright'H Disease of the Kidneys. Few* physicians, and fewer n le, realize thee a tent of this disease s dangerous insidious nature. It steals into the system like a thief, ninni fests its presence by the commonest symp toms, and fastens itself upon the consti tution before tbe victim is aware. It te nearly 119 hereditary ns consumption, quite as common and fully ns fatal. En tire families, inheriting it from their an cestors, have died, and yet none of tho number knew or realized tbe mysterious power which was removing them. In stead of coimnon)symptotnsitoftcQ8hows none whatever, but brings death sudden ly, and ns such is usually supposed to he ll« art disease. As cue who has suffered, and knows by Idtter experience wliat he says, I implore every •■lie who reads these words no: to neglect the slightest symptoms of Kidney Certain ilk oil v mid |N>stdblc death will he the auro result of such neglect, and uo one can afford to hazard such chances. I am aware tlmt such nil unqualified statement as this, coming from me, known as I am throughout the entiro land ns a praotitioner and lecturer, will i rouse tho surprise anil possible animosity of tho medical profession and astonish nil with whom I am acquainted, hut 1 make the foregoing statements based upon facta which I am prepured to produce and truths which I can substantiate to the letter. The welfare of thoso who muy possibly be sufferers such as I was, is an nmplo inducement for me to take tho step I have, and if I can successfully warn •tiler? from the dangerous path in which I once walked, I am willing to endure all professional and personal consequences. J. B. I1ENION, M. 1). Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 30, 18H1. Henry S. Davis. Meurel Callaway. JN\E'W FTRM! OLD GRANBERRY CORNER. Davis & Callaway -HAVINil LATELY PURCHASED THE- New Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE. " Tuesday Evcniiii’, .Inmiury Hist. MOItTOVS OKIOIVAI. BIG BIG writer and knows an item whan ho see it. Being a practical former, he will take care that tho agricultural interest is well represented in the Recorder. As ho will visit nearly all portions of Sumter and adjoining counties during the Spring and Summer, we hope the friends of tho Recorder will give him a cordial wel- come and aid him all they can in extend ing tho circulation of tho paper. Ho is authorized to receivo and collect for sub scriptions. Dig Four Minstrels. This famous troupe will appear in the now Opera House on Tuesday evening, tho 31st. We clip tbo following from the Galveston Neirt. A fair audience assembled at the opera bouse last night to witness tho perform ance given by the Big Four Minstrels, and went away peifeetly delighted with the night’s entertainment Tho Pro gramme was varied and tasty, and refine ment was tbe order of tho day. The qunr- tette, the jubilee and various comicali ties were rendered in masterly style, und the continuous loud laughter of tho au dience testified their enjoyment of the witticisms of the knights ol the burnt cork. A Faithful Officer It always affords us pleasure to men tion und commend a faithful und efficient officer. Col. A. I*. Lingo is now serving his fourth year as City Marshal of Ameri cas, and during tliut time has nover been off duty a day from sickness—in fact, ev ery day but one during a period of over three years his familiar face has been seen upon our streets, and then ho was iu Albany on a special leave of absence. His faithfulness has only been excelled by bis courteous treatment of all with whom he comes in contact, and ho has prevented many breaches of the peace by a fow timely words. Southern Surgical Institute, For the relief of the ruptured and crip pled, und the treatment of clnonic dis eases, Atlanta, Gu. One of Hie Surgeons of this old and no- ill visit Camilla — day. February 5ili, «th and 7th. stepping at the Barlow House in the last named dace, lie cud be consulted by the nf- licted free of charge und their cases ex amined, by which they may learn whith er unv treatment will benefit or cute them.’ A candid opinion will be given in all eases. No hopeless cases being taken, parties may thus be saved the useit 1 • 1 li.mtii Ip pense of a trip to Atiant. cases as limy he cured or benefit led, _ ar rangements can be mad' geon, nd treatment begun at home s the lime of tlits dcrslitud. There is a terrible future for all physi cal neglect, and impending (lunger usual ly brings a person to his senses even though it may then be too late. I real ized, ut lust, my critical condition and aroused myself to overcome It. And, Oh! how hard 1 tried! I consulted the best medical skill in the land. I visited all the prominent mineral springs in Am erica and traveled from Maine to Cali fornia. .Still I grew worse. No two physicians agreed as to my malady. One said I was troubled with spinal irritation; another, nervous prostration ; another, miiluria ; another, dyspepsia ; another, hnait disease; another, general debility ; another, congctdiou of the base of the bruin ; ami so on through ii long list of common disiurcs, the symptoms of all of which I really had. In this way sev eral vetrs passed, during all of which time 1 was steadily growing worse. My condition hud really become pitiable. The slight symptoms 1 at first experi enced were developed Into terrible and cnus'unt disorders -the little twigs of pain hud grown into oak* of agony. Mv weight had been reduced from 207 to 130 pooeds. My life was a torture to myself und friends. I could retain no food upon my stomach and lived wholly by Injec tions. I was a living mass of pulp. My r ulse was uncontrollable. In my ugony frequently fell upon the floor, convul sively clinched the carnet, and prayed for death. Morphine had liftle or no effect in deadening the pain. For six duys und nights I had the death-premonitory hic coughs coustmitly. My urine was filled with tube casts and albumen. 1 was struggling with Bright's Disease of the Kidneys in its last stages. While suffer!og thus I received a call from my pastor, the Rev. Dr. Foote, lec tor of 8t. Paul’s Church, ot this city. I fell thut it was our last interview, hut in the course of our conversation he men tioned u remedy of which I bad heard much but had never used. Dr. Foote de tailed to me the many rental kahlu cures which had come under his observation, t>y ineuus of this remedy, und urged me to try it. As n practicing physician and a graduate of the schools, I cherished the prejudice botli natural and common with all regular practitioners, and derided the idea of any medicine outside the regular channels being the least beneficial. No solicitous, however, »vus I)r. Foote, thut 1 finally • promised I would waive my prejudice and try the remedy he so high ly recommended. I began its use on the first day of June and took it according to directions. At first it sickened me ; but this I thought was a good sign for one in my debilitated condition. I continued to take it; the sickening sensation departed and I was able to retuin food upon my stomach. In a few days I noticed a de cided change for the better ns also did my wife and friends. My hiccoughs ceased and I experienced less pain than former ly. I was so rejoiced ut this improve^ *| ( i condition that, upon I Imd Indicved nfm | a f.w days before was my dying bed, I ill. our 8m-1 y.»we«l. in the presence of my family, 1 MINSTRELS mill BRASS HAND. 3 i-nvrx* 3VC133NT i Q Q UIIKAT COMEDIAN!! I Q BEAUTIFUL STOCK..' OF MR. JOHN WINDSOR. ARE DAILY ADDING TO TIIE SAME THE LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNSi ft HESS (jfl(ll)S, Imimii, Domestics, Sheetings and Whits Goods, Etc., ■IN JPTTXjIj SUPPLY != Elegant Qulntutto ! Magnificent Orchestra Now Hong*, Now Acts ami Now Joke*. No oxtri for reamed aoat*. «> 00, at Mrs. Killin'*. friends, should I recover I would both publicly and privately make known tills from tne Institute. As ‘lie litno j J.,, llltn | y f or t |„. u „od of huiimnltv, when- visit hi limiuM. imtit-nts cliould call«urlj. . CV( . r w | im . V( , r j |„„| „„ fi|>p..rtunily Willow LaktXaritry. 1 also determined that 1 would give course of lectures in the Corinthian Ac ademy of Music ol (his city, slitting in This popular and reliable nursery of f u j| n, e ayuiptoms nnd almost hopeless Mr. Samuel H. Rnuiph, Mnrshull-, ness of inv disente and the remarkable 0PERAJL0USE. TIIK EVENT OMTIE SEASON. GRAND OPENING. Four Nights Only. IllCliyiO.VU S. McEI.ltKTII’M DRAMATIC COMPANY COMMENCING Wednesday Evening, Jan. 25tli, In tho Cclvhnilcd CJoftiedy-Drarnn, hazel kirkei which had till, unprecedented run of 7HO nixht* at tl.o Mfcdlt* *n Square Theatre. Now York, with :• II If* BTAItTI.ING SITUATION*. THRILL- ING FI/JTami ORIGINAL MUSIC. A <1 mi'•'•ion V.V Gallery .TOf Keiwrvod S.-n»* JI-00 Now o i *ule at Mr*. Elam'*. Ilru-u lUnd .Serenade ut II n. nr. und 7:S0 p. rn.. Daily. Jan 20iS Mm & Ray, ATLANTA, • OKOltOIA. Munufnctlirer* of Doors, Sash -——ANI) Blinds, BRACKETS. MOULDINGS, LUMBER, SHINGLES, LaaTHS, Mantle Balusters, Etc. ANOTHER LARGE AND FIIEHII INVOICE OF Ladies and Grents Shoes SOON TO AltHIVB ! DAVIS & CALLAWAY, G rnnberry Corner, AMERICUS, GA. & Foi’«ytli Street, - Amorlcum, On., -CA1IIIY A K 1.1.1. l.INK OK- UlinoU i, nd id l,u»ine«». Dr. means by wUkli I l.uv* Ikcu w.mI. My - , tvitwl 1 '-“"w 1 ... iiii.ri.iTiiwiif f'on.stutit from that : to us for >pieiul prices. We guai- nntcc satisfaction. December 14-2mo. . in,|.r., V em.„t w =., from ll.»t i T) on ] v ShpHfF SftlP 1’. Timlierluk-!, UK-mt, i» now in > ur u > ,i nle> j„ | t> , than three months I VUuly OULllU Oall/i to deliver tree, unil hike orJem. lurtie. | jai , gu | llt .,| jr, pouml. in fl-sli, lu-cume [ tt oi h-U Iwfor.u* court Ii.«m *»*'In th who huve orJere.1 ure r.-.|UMle.l lo sec entirely tree from puin and I believe 1 \wiiy S.‘wiiiiYrl th7ie!(!. > i tour," Hense enough to leave com • to the sunny South. .... wanting own my life and pres nt condition who! „.|| 1, UV ly lo Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver we.l to hay ^ r( . m( . dy wlllcb j U ^1 Since my recovery I hare thoroughly , . . inveaiignted the subject of kidney diffl- , uoru »U... Picture Frames under anyl ody. if l ey cu | |jni flight's disease, and the trolln •h. i..v Vorth and I hate to he given away, al Hill'* Furniture . developed ere astonishing. I therefore the icy North ana b ( >u(e ^| ib<ralelr) nm | a physician, lie lots of Nos M ux.d IS, sll IlOoiycouiity, Ga. I«cv|* ' ih« |,r*>psrty of A. J. • he 21 fl fa. In f»»or of John II. Ken- said A. J. Mu in Hertford, U*ued •r < ourt of Dooly countv. Huld ou* -aid tl f«. This Junu iry T. V. RAPE, Hhcriltf D. C, Heavy and Fancy Groceries! AT “HOCK HOTTOM” PIIICE8— 1 TERMS CASH. Tllli!II STOI'K roKHISTH OK fiOO IIiihIii-Ih choice White Corn ; hOO llimhcls Kectl Onts; film HiimIicIh KichIi Meal; 2r>,0f)0 I’cniiila lirnii mill Shorts; luff IIiinIicIh Cow l’ens ; 1 oil llurrcls Flour—from Kmnily to I'utcnt; & Tierces Choice Lent' Lnrtl; f) Tierces Miiouoliu Hams; 100 I’nckugeH Mackerel—in nil shapes : 100 lings Virginin Salt (at $1 50 per ling ; ‘25 Ifni's Collec; 25 llnrrels Sugar; Fine Cremn Cheese nml Kich I’lire llnttcr rmr spceialtieg; 100 lloxcs Crockers—to Is. closed out elicnp ; A full assortment of Nuts, Candies und case (foods. -WIIOI.KHAl.K ANI! IIKTAII. DKAI.KIIH IS- L!qr OKS A\U IVISKC . . OKS A.\U WI\KO IjKtl'OKS A.\U WISEk T IftCOKH A Nil) H IXECf iJI<tCOKS A.MU IIINCIO I Ktl OICS AM) WINKCf jltttioits AM) ttl.VKO UltfllOIM AM) Wl.\l I ■OCOKS AM) WI.TKC4 T iqCOKS A\I) WI.\EQ Lltfioits AM) JjltJCOItS A .Ml) WISKO Tin; Only l'oni|ili!li! Line of Liquors, Wines ami Brandy in I Ilf City. WE HAVE ON OUR HIIP.I.VK* MuilcU's 3 Star Brnroly, Magnolia, The Rent Aincrienii Bramly, Myrtle Bh>nm t Jiiu Jones’ I'cncli, “l*uri» und Slraight," Uountry Corn, OM Miirylniul Apple Bramly, Stone Monnlain Corn, Sunbeam A A A A, Ginn, Ruiiim, C.'enlury X X X X, Ginger nnd ('berry Brandy, Old Hanger, Imported and American Champagnes, Virginia Club, Imported Slicrics, Fort and Madeira, Hello of Nelson, fi strictly pure Sour Mash Whisky, made in the old fashioned way and mellowed by age—four years old, AND Till: I* IN KMT FFEII.VONh WINK IN TIIK WORLD!! CIGARS! CIGARS ! (ilJAHH, from il for u Mekef to lOe. sfrnigllf. When 5’ou want a flrsf-elnss smoke, conic here to Und it. 150 BOZES TOBACCO, AX£> GRADES. Th'* following celobrattil brands can he had of ns HTI'l.TZ' AAAA, KAPPAIIAN.VtKIK. V1KOIKIA SCHOLL. OITH CHAMPION, MINNIE LEE, LUCY LYLE. HEN HILL. ANI) KIRKWOOD. At Actual tost to Close Ont Stock, as we do not lutend to handle any longer, RTTho above rnuiu. raated golds are oaly part of our large and varied stock. We i-arry evrylhi'ig kopt in a well storked gn eery .tore [janll