The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 24, 1882, Image 4

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HAIL, WIND AND WEATHER. Ed. Brown’* Old Stand. URSERY & CO. HAS OPENEDA GENERAL Supply Grocery CONFECTIONERY ! Though late in the season, choice goods and fair dealing will tell. Come and see us. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC M Invigorating Medicine that Never Intoxlcale* This delicious combination of (linger. lluclut, Mandrake, Stillingi.1. ami many oilier «»f the best vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders ol the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, & is Tbt Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are suffering from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, age or any disease or infirmity, take Parker s (linger Tonic. It will strengthen brain ami body and give you new life ami vigor. lOO DOLLARS Paid for anything injurious found iu (linger Tonic or (dr a failure to help or cure. Me. anJ |t *lttt at Hcslcr. In Ar*f. Unr. mtHut tovlgi ft HU*. Hrnd for vircalar U> lliscus A C«... IU \\ hi.SL.N.V. FK08FECTD8 FOR 1NN!I. A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE FOR ONLY $3 PER ANNUM. UPPERCUTS MAGAZINE, At the beginning of til; present year I.ii'fin- uorr'u Mauazixv. nteivd on n new terles, at a reduced price, with the dVlnctive purpose of pre- Hontlng »u* It a vsrxljr or readiug matter— for tb< iiiom ' part light uni entertaining, yet of real lit r nry tncrtt—na phoultl.coinnieinl it to the general portion ot Its muiee to lle'ion.lii which short are made u iioticenhle feature, and to sketches il lustrative of social life and ui-nncr*, it has included in Its list ••( subject* curiosities of s ient-e i speclslly natural history, |<oeuliarl)r treated,travel and adventure at home mi*' abroad. Held sport* tind iingling, ami, oecasloually, politieal, lifstor e • I, nud tonics susceptible of fresh and lively discussion. The serial stories published during tho year have hcvii marked by a piquant oiiginaHty,and have been met with u warm recep tion; while the general attractiveness of the Magaalii* has gained lor It approval and All increased elrrulatlon. The conductors or the Maganne hope not only l«i maintain its reputation, but to euiiance and extend It by couMant improvement in the same (I ruction, 'their nrrangetmrts |or the coming \ oar embrace a larger number than ever Iwfore lor contribution* of u popular d-nra. ter. A serial storv entitled -8TK1M1KN OLTII IIIK,” In which some peculiar and sirikl g pha se* uf American life »ru vividly and dramatic ally treated,.w ill begin In the dannary nnnitvr nud tun through •« month*. The editor *1 departments will maintain their ( •resent standard of aekuow ledged excellence, the llusirallon* will he of a higher character than auytbat haw hitherto appeared m the Muguxlitc. Tkrmb:—Yearly Subscription, |30o; Slagle Number,l.ittvt.Oi.5 R*tks. Specimen number miib'd, post paid, on receipt of vi cents. (Postage stamp* afford a convenient currency for teiulttaiiee.) J. B. LIPPENCOTT & CO., Pita ; 1.1 a lift 717 Market St., 1‘hlla NOTICE! ~ My Only Terms. ON AN1) AFTKIl TO MOItllOW, 2,Sth NOVEMBER, UNTIL FURTHER NO. TICK. ALL GOODS AT MV STORE, ON THE CORNER COTTON AVENUE AND FORSYTH STREET, WILL BE HOLD FOR CASH—AND CASH ONLY. IF YOUR. ORDERS ARE NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABOVE TERMS, AND I SHALL DECLINE FILLING THEM, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED, FOR I PUT YOU ON NOTICE SOW. SOLICITING YOU1I TRADE FOR GOODS MARKED DOWN SllDblLif FOR THE CASH, I AM YOURS TRULY. tv. T. A. DUN'S. Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the Back and Bide. There is notLln? more painful than these diseases; but the polu can be removed und the disease cured by use of Perry Davis* Pain Killer. • This remedy Is not a cheap Itenzlno or Petroleum product flint must lie kept away from lire or lieat to avoid (lunger of explosion, nor la it an untried experi ment that may do more liarm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never falls. It not only elTects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being n purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe In the hands of the most inexperienced. Tho record of cures by tho use of Pain Killer Vould All volume's. Tho following extracts from letters received show what •••those who have tried It think: Charles Powell writes from tho Sailors' Homo, London: I bad h i'n mulcted three > ears with neuralgia and v iilent spantiHof the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital guvo tip my case In despair. I tried your Pain Kir, leu, and it gave me Immediate ruler. I have regained my strength, and am now able to f iilow my usual occujiation. O. R. Walworth, Saco, Mo., wrltoa: I e*in r.enred immediate ui -f from pain la _ the side by the use cf your Pain Killer. E. Yoa!' says: I have iismlyoiir Pain Kilijci: for rheumatism, and have received great tonellL Barton Beaman cayn: Have lined Pair Kji.ikh for thirty years, have found ft a *rrrrfujH*y remedy fog rbeiimstlsi" and lameness. Mr. Bnrditt writes; ttx'rrr fuii-tojrt\er< lief In case* of rheumatism. •Phil. Gilbert, Somerset. Pa., writes: From actual us*. I know your Pain Killrr is the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its prlco Is ho low that It Is within tho reach of all, and It will wive many times Its cost in doctor* bills. *Gr„ ooc. and 91.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor* Providence. R. I. P.tllKi | .t»f. 11 xl rtnd mat. MRS. LY0I1E. PINKH1M, OF LYNN, MA88„ LYDIA E. FINKHAM’S VEOETABLB COMPOUND. Is n Positive Cure for nil those Pnlnful Coraplntnts uml WmIismhi bo com moil loourbcst female population. It will euro entirely tho worst form of Female Com- plaints, nil ovarian troubles, Inltanunatlon ami (loera* tlon, railing and Msplncenu-nts, and the c«inrei|U*at Hplnnl Weakness, nnd Is particularly adapted to tbs rimmre of I.lfc. It will dissolve nnd expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development.. Tim tendency to ena ct-rou* humors there Is rlicrkrd very >|«edlly by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all eravlng for stimulants, and relic vea weakness of tho stomach. It cures lllontlng, ttcadnrhes, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, KIceplesBliess, iVpnr/lou aud Indi gestion. That feeling of liearitig down, causing twin, weight and backache, Is always icrniaiu-ntly cured by Us use. It will at all times and under nil circumstances act In harmony with the Inwa that govern the femalu system. For tho euro of Kidney Complaints of either MX this Compound Is nnsnrpaased. LYDIA E. 1*1 XKII AM ft VEMETABLK COM* 1*01'M> Is prepared at 03 and US Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price 8L Hlx Isittlcafor $5. Bent by mall In tho form of pills, also In the form of loiengcs, on receipt of price, fl per box for either. Mrs. l’Ink ham frvely answers all letters »>f Inquiry. Hem! for psuiph- let. Addreu as above. JUnifion this Dijxr. No family should bo without LYDIA K. 1’INKIUUH IJVKU IHJJL Tliey cure couati|wticn, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. U cents |>cr box. AtT Sold by ull Drugulats. "bt POUTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS NO HORSl will die of COLIC, BOTS or LUNG FEVER If Fout/’i Powders are used In lime. _ Foutr's Powders will cure and prevent HOG CHOLERA. FouH’s Powders will provent GAPES IN FOWLS. Foutr's Powders will incrcaso the quantity of milk and yearn twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. Foutf's Powders will cure or prevent almost EVERY DISEASE to which Horses and Cattle are subject. FOUTZ’S POWDERS WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. 8old Everywhere. DAVID 2. FOUT*. Proprietor. BALTIMORE. M? 8oM I*V \Y. T. I >ti veil poll 8on- 8ol«l by W I ganrantee R1TR1 BIER 8 INDIAN VERMIFUGE CO destroy and expel Worms from tho human body, where they exist* If osoa according to tho direc tions. it i» n safe and ro» liable remedy. FOR SALE BY AIL DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. David E. Foutz, Prop. BALTIMORE, MD. . T uvniport Si Son. Business University SCMD TOR CATALOGUES t of To'.t'oa* Stationery, ihmnl. Painless Cur. for the Oplun or Morphlm Habit. Curt Guaranteed. Add ret a The Drummer. TbomatviCe Times. Twenty-four drummers, commer cial travelers, or evangelists, stuck tlieir weary legs under tbe mahog- any of tlie Mitchell house, on Sun day. They were a bland and child like looking body of men. There is something so innocent, and so confiding in the appearance of the commercial tourist. He is os gentle as a dove. There is no guile in him. Were you to tell him that the moon was a great big green cheese, be would unhesitatingly N, B. DREWRV.M.D cRirriN, ua. believe you. To him all mankind, and woman kind, are brothers and sisters (especially the latter). He usually travels witli a grip sack, containing religious tracts, and two or three huge trunks filled with samples of the very things which tlie merchant needs. He is in tact a blessing; though sometimes in disguise. The drummer goes to church, remembers the text, ar.d can describe, minutely, the eyes, hair and features of the prettiest girl iu the congregation And he never fails to drop a liberal size coin in the hat. He would scorn to drop in a coin with a hole in it. It is not his style. The drummer is tlie only man who has the audac ity to argue witli a hotel clerk.— This may be a failing, but it leans to virtue’s side. He can look right square nt the biggest paste dia mond that ever glittered on the spotless shirt front of a room clerk, und demand tlie best room in tlie house.—And lie won’t he blufied. It is genally supposed that lie carries four acres in his sleeve. He never plays tlie deuce; always plays high. He is always ready to help tlie unfortunate, or give up his scat to an old woman on the cars, Take him altogether lie is a rare com pound of brass, slircwdness, [tact, good humor, and withal, a capital good fellow May bis days be long in the land. I’. S.—He never, be it Said to his credit, parts his hair in the middle. Caution.—If you ask your druggist for Fund's Extract and lio tries to impose on yon by offering you “something the snmons Fund's Extract,'do net be lieve him. There is nothing the same as Fund's Extract. Ii cannot he imi tated, aud any articles offered as sncli are only worthless counterfeits, l'ut no fnitb in any druggist trying to deceive yon. It is sold only in their own bottles, inclosed in bnff'wrappers with tho words “Fund's Extract” blown in tlie glnss, nnd is never sold in bulk. A Feu Picture of Jay Gould. Jay (Jould and his party have been at Cairo inspecting the Wu- luisli property at that city. The Cairo ‘iiullelin’ says that Mr. Gould, the central figure of the party, was more plainly dressed than any other member of the party, except his son. He wore plain black clothing, an overcoat, a neat comforter around his neck and a small-brimmed bat. He made no display of gold breast-pins, watch- chain, rings, etc., as did his com panions, and his air was that of a man of business. He ran up stairs at the u non depot without paying any attention to nnyone, catne down again a few minutes alter, got aboard his car and announced that all was ready. Mr. Gould is a inileol a man, dark complexioncd, black eyed, black haired nnd black whiskered; lie is listless nud sallow in appearance, weighing but little over 100 pounds, with no particu larly intelligent expression, and,in fact, with hardly a manifestation of any kind of power of force in his whole showing. Physically, indeed, lie is weak, and it is said of him and another distinguished New York capitalist that they have but one lung between them. Mr. Gould is now 45 years old, and his friends apparently admire tlie statement when they say lie lias made for himselt $1,000,000 lor every year he lias lived in the world. They probably underrate him in this direction, and his solid indi vidual wealth is, without doubt, greater than these figures would represent, lint on earth there is no harder worker, no greater slave to a fortune, no more p. rsistent follower of destiny than this san e Jay Goeld. In business atl -irs lie is an abnormal development of humanity,and ail his manipulations are strokes of geniu*. However it iloes not appear that this sort of thing is to die with him, for he has a son reported to be of greater genius than his lather and in tho same direction. Let die poor sufferers from female com plaints take courage and rejoice that a painless remedy has been found. Wo refer to Lydia E. Fiokham's Vegetable Compound. Il ia prepared at 233 West ern Avenue, Lynn, Moss. Send to Mrs. Finklinm for pamphlets. w2Janl'J Vauderbllt University, Tun. As n disiutectunt and detergent, I'rof. Darbys Hropbyluctic Fluid is superior to any preparation tvith which I am ac quainted. II. T. Li-pton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Froph^lsctie Fluid purifies a foul atmosphere, destroying tbe infec tious germs, gives relief and comfort to the sick and protection front contagion to tho.e nnrsing. In all cusea of small pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, yellow and relapsing fevers, ita use will stop th* spread of infection. • THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN AMP BEAST. For more tlinn a third of a century tl Mexican Mustang Islniment lmsbo known to Millllona nil over tho world as tho only sulo reliance for tho relief of iiceldcnU and naln. It Is a medicine aIhivo prlco und pnilsc—(he best of Ita fc I ml. For every form of external pain MEXICAN I.LiImrr.fc Ih I’wilcd |jy somebody In v.-t y li.rtti*. Every day bring** news of V • nqouy of nn nsTfiil scald or burn .ilxhtcd, of rheumntlo martyrs i« tored, or n valuable horse or ox i vc cl by tho heuling power of this .'Ulch speedily cures such ailments of Uio HUMAN MsKSll ns lllivumatlsin* bxvclllnss, FUlfT •hiliit*. < »ntrac(«<l M'ini-Icm. Jliirus nud N aid*, (iqts, limine* uml Npi'n |uPulnouoti* HUes and Millies. I'iHDicftM, Isnmrness, Old Mores* t’lfccr*. I'iO:»t.bll« s.C'hllbIali»H. No jo Nipples* (lined Ilrenst. and Indued every form of extemul <11*- «e. It heals xvlihont scars* ?’or tho imuTM Grkation it cures •prnliix, Nivlniiy, Wtlfl* Joints, Founder* Hamms bores* Hoof Ills- ;• iso** Foot Hot, Nrrew Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind- S ails* Npavln, Thrush, Itlngbone* Id Mores, Poll J'.vll, Filin upon tIiu Sight nnd every other ailment to xvlilcli the occupant:* of the Stable and Stock Yard nre liable. The Mexican MmkIumm .Idulment itlwHys on lea nnd Dover disappoints; and il la, positively, THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS ’*n MAN OB BEAST. ... l.d V i: ‘■>11 f""" POND’S EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGETAI1LK PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION"AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation has cured so many cases of these tlisiressin^ complaints as the Kx tract. Our l*l:iMt« a r is invaluable In those diseases, bunl>.*». Pain in Hack ur Side, etc. Our <H -it ment ( 5 .» cents) for use when removal of clothing is inconvenient, i- lieving inflammatory cases. Hemorrhages. No*ic, or from any cause, is speedily coutrullcd and stopped. Our Nasal NyrhltfO (?S Cents), and IllhnlcrM ($i.uv), ate >;rcat aids in arresting internal bleeding. Diphtheria&.SoreThroat Use the Extract promptly. It is a sure cure. Delay is dangerous. The Extract Is the only spe- Vsalarm. Cific for this disease, Cold in Head, etc. Our **Cnt»rrli C'ure,** special, ly prepared to meet serious cases, contains all the curative properties of the Extract; our Nasal Nyrinao, Invaluable for use in ca tarrhal affections, is simple and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises • heal ing, cooling and cleansing. Use our Oint ment in connection with the Extract; It will aid in healing, softening and in keeping out the air. „ , Burnsand Scalds. L 0 ',’tall; It is unrivaled, and should he kept in every fam ily ready for use in case of accidents, A dressing of our Ointment will aid iu healing aud pre- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be used without the slightest, fear of harm, quickly allaying all inflammation and soreness without pain. Earache, Toothache and Oilao Ullnil, lllcotlliig or Hell rag. r I loo* Il in the greatest known remedy ; rap idly curing when other medicines have failed. l*on<l** Extract HlwIIcnteU Paper for cbttct use is a preventive against ('haling and Pie*. Our Ointment is of great ser vice where the removal of clothing is inconve- Rcad pages u, 18, at and a6 of Ladies. For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. cuciotis that mother* who have once Used it '‘ill neve: be without it. Our Ointment i» the best emollient that can be applied. F e m a I e C o m p I a i n t s. s ta'«: d l»s called iu for the majority of female diseases if the Extract be u*ed. Full direction* accom pany each bottle. CAUTION. Pond’s Extract the words •• Pond** Extract** blown in , the glass, and our picture trade-mark on sur rounding buff wrapper. None other is genuine. Always in-ist on having INmuI'h Extract. Take no other preparation. It it never told in bulk, or by meant re. Price of Poml’x Extract. Toilet Arti cles anil Specialties, poxn-s KXTIlACr.. .30, *81.73 “QUIT iXTIOIA _ | CPICIALIIU. New York Store. Grand Mug' Out Sale -OF- Clothing! DRY GOODS! CARPBTW. Toilet Cream. 91.00 Ointment Dentifrice.... 00 Catarrh Cure.. Lip Salve 2A Plaster Toilet Soeptjcks) 30 j Medicated Paper 23 ZRSTSUKSR73 fOS APPLICATION. Inhaler 1-00 NXial Syringe ** Pcmale Syringe 1.00 Prepared only by POND’S EXTRACT CO., NEW YORK AND LONDON. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy (»ood» Dealers. Orders for $2 worth, carriage free, on receipt of ix.-zj. Order* for fs worth, carriage free, on re- ••ipt of As, if addressed to i« W, Min St., N. Y. Owing to an entire change in our business we will sell after this date bum mmwmm AT AMD BELOWJVEW YORK COST This is not a penny catching advertisement’ but a real fact that we will SELL between now and the first day of January any AR TICLE in our store at real New York COST FOR CASH! A.skd Uskdds JsTq Opasideffatiosk Will Goods b© Cb-argod at ®3aoe© Fsio©©. Call and examine our prices and be con vinced that we mean business. S. WMELMUI & ft, PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE