The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 27, 1882, Image 4

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HAIL, WIND AXD WEATHER. Ed. Brown'll Old Stand (uKumlba minutt. HAS OPEN EDA GENERAL »' V ’!'?■ Supply Grocery CONFECTIONERY Though late in the season, choice goods and fair dealing will tell. Conic nnd see us. Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in I he Rank and Side, There Is notUnjj more painful than these diseases; hut the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis* Pain Killer. Tills remedy Is not n cheap Tlenztne or Petroleum product that must Ih* kept stray from fire or licat to uvnlil danger of explosion, nor Is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm Ilian good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never falls. It not only effects a pennanept cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously; Iking a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sufo In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the uso of Paw Killer would fill volume* The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It thinks Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says: —* since my wl|e Ueumc HtibhM* KlLUU, which speedily About to sever*! suffer! tin rewort wiis to r* relieved her. Iliad Ir-ca afflicted thr : olentn, at Westminster JIoMpiUl too den; t ir. I tried your Pais K —i lniinedlstn n-ller. * rh. TIh* doctors up III) CAM io eii, and it irave » mralncd my ■trirurtli. and am now able to f Olow my uiuuu 0. ft.Wnlworth, Saco, Me., writes: I nprienord Immediate ul'-.'f from pain la the side by tht qspuf your Pain Killed. E. York says: 1 have usedyour Pais h for rheupiatlna, and have received icruit bcncliL Barton Beamon sayo: •—-* **••“ Killer for thirty rer— ■r./utUny remedy dy for r .id it a „ rheumatism and huneneM. Mr. Burdltt writes: It nrtrrfull* tqjrive relief in raw* of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: actual iim. I know your Pain Killeb In the beat medicine I < HK*t AH druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price is so low that It Is within the reach of all, and It will save many titans Its cost in doctors’ bills. 2ffr., ft Or. and 91.00 a bourn, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor* Provldonco, R. 1. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC An Invigorating Medicine that Niver Intoxicate* Thi* delicious combination of Ginger, Hurliu, Mandrake. Stillingti, and many oilier of the best vegetable remedies known, cure* all disorder* of the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, & is Till Best and Surest Cough Curs Ever Ustd. If you are StifTeiinS from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, age or any disease or infirmity, lake Parker s Ginger Tonic. It will strengthen brain and body and give you new life and vigor. lOO DOLZiARS Paid for anything injurious found iu Ginger Tonic or for a failure to help or cure. Vk. ami 11 •!*»« at <Ualm In dni|r». Urea wvln* V*jrta« $1 lUu. 8**Uf«*circularUIluiuiA Co.,l»JNiu.M.,N.T. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. In a Positive C’n PHOHpUl'TVS FOB 1883. A FIRST-VJ.ASS FAMILY MAGAXINE FOR ONLY $3 PER ANNUM. LiPFEKcorrs magazine, At the iN'glnning of thi present year I.irriK- cott's M auaxixk nt-nd on a new *«!*•', nt a reduced price, with tbedvinctlve pur|Miaeof pre- eenttng au« li a variety of lend inn matter—for ti. ,.... light and entertaining, yet «i ary inarit-aa ahmild cominend it to the gener inaas of cult I vat cd perMinanml« nautv it n welenn III many Amerlran Immc**. Ih-vuting ujlnrge |k» portion of Ha Kpuee to w hit It abort s ‘ a feature, and to sketch* luatralive of social life and uuuuera, it iuelmla<l In lia li-t «»f aubjeetaruiloaltirnof n eapeeinlly uatiiiul history. i ecullarly J»*l ad 1 . . and .tOillllK. .ind. oecaalo.mlly, political, hi on 1 education topics auaeeptlh' “ * lively ills, n*d<m ubnutd. Ib id m|k rte ill published during the year have l*e:; marked by a piquant oritfiiirflllV.uiitl here been met with u warm recep tion; wlt.V the gener.I ntlrauliveueaa ..f the Al ieariii 'ha* gained lor it co dial approval and an Increased circulation. The cou.lunt .ra of the Magazine hope not only to maintain He reputation, but to enhance and extend It by constant tnt|r»vcmeiit In the aume d reel in n. their armneenn via |or the coining y*mr e nhraee a larger number than for coutnbutiona of a |uipu of American hfe are vividly and dramatically tr.ite.i, will Ityciti iu the .lauuaty numlvr and run through six month*. The editor al department* will maintain their pr.-eent stundsr.l of aektiow Irdie I excellence, the llluatratlou* will be of a h'gher eliaiocler than any that have hitherto appeared in the Magazine. for all those I’m In ful Complaints and Weak* tie population. It will cure entirely the worst form of female Coro- plaints, nil ovnrlan troubles, Inllanuiiatloii and t Icerm- lion, railing and IHsplaceiucnt*. and tl.o ei>nse.|uenl ftplnnl Wtnkucne, and la |wrtlcularly adaptrd to ths f life. ■ In >rs from the ute 'Dio tendency to can- reruns humor* t hero Is cheeked very speedily l.y Its use. It removes faint lies*, fUttdeiiey. destroysall craving for stimulants, and relieve* weakness of tlio stomach. It euros lib siting, lleadnchea. Nervous frustration, Cleuerat Debility, Sleeplcssne**, Ivpr»-/b»n ami Indl- That feeling of hearing down, causing peln, weight and harkaehe, la always permanently eurrd by IU u*e. It will nt nil time* and under all elrcumsUneee act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For ttie cure of Kidney Complaint* of either sex this Compound I* unsurjwiswd. I.YIHA K. PIN Is II AM ft YEWKTABI.E COM- I'OCNIMs prepared at S3* and 535 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mas*. Price ft. Hlx Udtluafor |.v. Sent by mall In tho form of pill*, also In the form of losengrs, on receipt or price, |l per box for either. Mr*. Pinkhoai freely answer* all letters of Inquiry. Me ml for paiuph- let. Addrras ea above. Mrution (Ms ilijwr. No family should Iw without I.VIH A K. PINK HAM'S LIVKU 1'II.IA They euro eoiistlpatkn, hUlouaneaa, and torpidity of the Itrer. Of AaT Mold by ull Drugulata. -<i* POUTZ'S HORSE AND OATTLE POWDERS 41/ For Sale by all Bool and Newsdealers.;—Yearly Suliscilptloii, |30>; Simile Number, 24 • • it •. I.IK t »L U;. > K»1I S. Sp.fimeii number mailed, |ni«I paid, oil teeeipt of 'jo cents. (Postage stamps afford a convenient currency for J.B.LIPPENCOTT&CO, Pita 7 1.7 anil 717 Market Ml., I’hlla NOTICE! My Only Terms. ■ - if- ON AND AFTER TO M01IHOW, iiXtli KOVEMREH, UNTIL FIIHTHEIi N<> TICE, ALL GOODS AT MV NTOllK, ON THE OOKNKIt COTTON AVENUE AND FOHSYTH STREET, WILL HE HOLD FOB CASH—AND CASH ONLY. IF YOUR OKDF.HS ARE NOT IS ACCORDANCE WITH ABOVE TERMS, AND I SHALL DECLINE FILLING THEM. YOC HAVE NO RIGHT TO RE OFFENDED, FOR I IT T YOC ON NOTICE NOW. SOLICITING YOC It TRADE FOB GOODS MARKED DOWN STRICTLY FOR THE CASH, I AM YOURS TRULY, IV. T. A. DUNN. NO HORSt will die of COLIC, BOTS or LUNG FEVER If Font/ * Powidcr* arc used in time. . 11A1 Fout/'t Powders will euro and prevent HOG CHOLERA. Fouti's Powders will prevent GAPES IN FOWLS. Foutz's Powders will Incrcaso tho quantity of milk and ;ream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. Foutf's Powders will cure or prevent almost EVERY DISEASE to which Horses and Cattle are subject. FOUTZ'S POWDERS WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Mold Everywhere. DAVID B. FOUTZ. Proprietor, SALT1M0BB. M3» Sol.I l.y W. T. 1-btVt ll|*»*rl *V IganrnmooMiniNEirS INDIAN VERMIFUGE to d chi troy and expol Worm* from (ho human body* from mo nuIU nil uuuy* irhero they exist. If axed arcordlng: to (ho dire©* (lonn. K (■ n nafo and re liable remedy. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. David E. Foutz, Prop. HALTI9IOBE. HD. Solil l-y W. T uviniiort A Son. Curious (Jems found In North Carolina •Jewel Mine. In a talk with Wm. Earl Hidden lie says: A peculiarity with some of the Iliddcnite stones is that they are dicbroic or two-colored. They seem to he dark-blue green down to the axis. The green is tinged with yellow through the axis. One very peculiar yield of mine is what arc call “arrows of love.” The stones seem to be like pieces of agate embedding little pencils or webs of sparkling hairs. When turned in the light, these curious stones glitter with beautiful chang es and reflections. Most of the gems grow in pockets, being at tached to the walls. In some cases prisms have been found with the centres attached and the ends grow ing into space. Some of the ter minations are peculiarly beautiful. A very curious product of the mine is a peculiar crystal inolosing fluids. .Sometimes one of these specimens left in the cold will ex plode like a pistol when the crys tal freezes. Many oi the large crystals are valuable us specimens. Some weigh as much us twenty-five pounds. The fine gems found in the mine are wortli from ten to thirty times their weight in gold. A good deal of Iran pyrites, or fool’s gold has been foued. A Homan’s Experience. Mothers and Daughters should feel alarmed when weariness con stantly oppressed them. “If "f ain fretful from exhaustion of vital powers and tile color is fading from my face, Parker’s (linger Tonio, gives quick relief. It builds me up nnd drives away pain with wonderful certainty.’’-Buflalo lady. A Word lo Mothers. Mothers should remember it is a must important duty at this season to look after tiic health of their families nnd cleanse the malaria and impurities from their systems, and that nothing will tone up llie stomach and liver, regulate the bowels and purify the blood so perfectly as l’mker's Ginger Tonic, advertised in our columns 1'unt. See oilier column. Finding $I,50D in a Partridge. Charles Adams, a watchman, who died last mouth in New Haven, was supposed to have means, but only $00 or $70 could he found. Yes- terdnv the appraisers of his estate found in all overcoat a dirty, while woolen hug about li inches long and three inelus wide with short straps at the side. Mr. liluir open ed it and louiid within the rubber l.niny a green, greasy cartridge shell, such as are used in sporting rifles ami are manufactured at Winchester's. There was nothing very attractive about the object, ami Mr. liluir handed it over to William li. Augur, one of his em ployes. to throw away. Mr. Augur took it one side ami had the curi osity to pull olf tlie cap. Inside was a roll of green paper, large enough to fill the inside of a lady’s tlumhlc. Pulling out the substance*. Mr. Augur jumped with surprise. Tlie roll when unfolded was found to consist of live hjils, one of $1,- 000, one of $500, and three of $100. It appears when the undertakers removed the clothes from Adams' body tlie hug was found strapped about the waist. Some one cut open tlie hag and discovered the cartridge shell. It was covered with verdigrus, and l)r. Quinn cautioned those iu the room not to handle it carelessly, lor fear of getting poisoned. It was sjispeet- ed that Adams had worn it for a charm or to ward of rheumatism. I'v'K Fot'N'O It.—Found whst? Why, tho greatest remedy in tlie world for all kinds ol'inllaiuuiationaand hemorrhages. It lias never -bee, known to fail to give in itantaneons and permanent relief, nnd s a perfect care for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia. Lnmbagn, and a number of oilier diseases to which the human llesh is heir to. It you are in bad health or suit ring from any of the above-named complaints, and try a b tile of l'ond'a Extract, yon may rely tin it that you will experience a speedy relief. It-i aitre, however, and get Pond's Extract; take no imitation. THE, BEST OF ALL Not :i single bushel of 72,000,- 000 of grain bent to Kurope from New York last year went in an American ship. In 1880 about I per cent, of the shipments was by A meric us vessc's. Au Alarming Spread of Small I’ox. Tlie most potent remedy to mop tho Rpread of this great neonrge U Darby * Prophylactic Fluid, which is nadv for use at all times. Penton* are liable at auv moment to “catch” the di*oa*e, and should tfit the Fuul nt once and use it fivcly about, ns place* cannot be infected wh re the Fluid is used. Persons attend ing the sick or in way* expose to the disease will be protected by its free use. oi* Stationery, Hoard, A Speedy ant Painless Curt for the Oplun or Morphlnt Habit. Curt Cuaranteod. N. B. DREWRY.H.D r-Bii'm, ua. business men in Itullimore pro pose lo organize a manufacturers’ aiil association, with a capital of $l ,000.000, the prime object of ( which Filial I he to erect nml equip buildings with motive power for the j tlie purpose of renting the same to ! manufacturers who cannot alford , to own their own works. It is be- , licvcil that such au association will : attract important manufacturing interests to tlie city. LINIMENTS FOR MAH MS BEAST. UfciilcMits uinl min. It is a medicine* u'jovo price nna praise—(he best nt Its U (ml# Fur every form of external pain MEXICAN MUSTANG T.lnlir.riit Is reeded !>y somebody i.i i m i y boast*. Kvery dny bring i news o( (tit! nqtiu)' of aii nwfiil sen hi or Imru HilMlned, of rheuniMtlo martyrs re- which speedily cures ©uch ailments of tlie HUMAN JrldSNU as IlliuumntUm, Swellings, KUtT Joints, Contrsrtrd 2llnsrl(«« ilurns mid M aids* Cuts* JSiu»*ch and SnrnluM, |*ol»onoti« Rites ami Nilnesi hiiinit’tti, Lnmtiiess, Old Mores, I’lct-r*. i-'rostbilrs,4'liillilaln*. More Nipples, < xkrd Rrtast. ami Intired every form of external dis ease* It heals without scars. For (lie IJRUTK cukation It euros NI>r«iins, Nwlnny, Mtllf Joints, Founder, Ifnrness Sores, Hoof T)|s- bom, Foot Hot, Screw Worm* Scab, Hollow Horn, Ncrntclirs, Wind falls, Spavin* TbriMli* Ringbone, Old Sores, Foil JCvIl, Film upon the Mcht nnd every oilier ailment to xvlilrlx Ilio orrupanls of the Stable and Slock Yard are llnble, Tho Mexican .IMnxtaiiff Idiitinent always euros mid nevtp illsnppoluts; und ills, positively, THE BEST OF ALL ■n I’AIT 03 BEAST. POND’S EXTRAGI 1 . TltF. CHEAT VKCETAItt.K PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATItJft^AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation ha* cured *o many . ;,kc* of these diMressim: complaints a* ihe Kx I rad. Our IMilsf’*r i* invahi.»hlc in these divyise*. Lusib y<», Pain in Hack or Side. etc. Our Oluf in Pill (sxcenn) fortiss when removal of clothing i* inconvenient, is a yreat help in re- lievins.intljiiiinatory cases. H e m o rr11 ages. K" s £sj u 5,* N ne, or fro:n any cause, i* speedily conlrull.-a sml stopped. NumiI Nyrlng** 1-5 ccnls), and Inlitilorn ((t oo), arc ureal »*d* iu arreMinis bleeding Diphtheria &.SoreThroat r*e die Lxlracl prompily. It is a sure cure. Delay i* danjjeroii*. Pa*O rr U The Kxtruct i* die only *pe- oaiarrn. cine for this disease, ColJ in Head, etc. Our ••C’alnrrb (’lire," *|>ecia|. liie^cursti.e properties of the Cxirnctl our Nnsnl Nyrlllirc, invaluable for u*e iu ca tarrhal affections, is simple and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises • heal* ing, cooling and cleansing. U»e our Ollll- the a Burnsand Scalds. SiiSjS It I* nurivtlcd, and should he kept in every u»n»- lly ready for use iu ca*e<«f accidents. A dressing or <>ur oiul went will aid in healing aud pro- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be used without the slightest feur of harm, quickly allaying all inflammation and Earache, toothache and Faceache. lions, its effect i* simply wonderful. Pi I ao llllnil,lileedlnKnrIlchlng. rllCOj U is the greatest known remedy; rap idly curing when other medicines have failed. Fund’s F.xtract Medicated Paper for closet u*e is a preventive against Chafing and Pies. Our Olnlment i* of great ser vice where the removal of clothing is incouve- i and 26 of Ladies. For Broken Breast and neve- be without it. Our Ointment i* the he»t emollient that can be applied. FemaleComplaints. h- Called iu for the majority of female disease* if 1 he text ran he u*ed. Full directions accom pany each bottle. CAUTION. Pond’s Extract l’nnd'M Kxtrnct” blown in the gL' ami . round'll^ huff wrapper. None other i* genuine. Always insist on havin«j ■■ontl’n Fsttract. Take no oilier preparation. It i» rttver told in int.k, or by mtaturt. Price of Tonil’s Extract, Toilet Arti cles ami hiicclaltles. POYD’K F.XTRACr. . .Sftc..ftl A 81.73 701LIT 1S71;LX3. I CPXCIALTZI3. Toilet Cream . 91.00 Ointment 90 D*ntifrtce.... OO Cnmrrh Cure... 7ft LipSalve Oft Platter lift Toilet So«p< t cks) OO Medicated Paper 2ft IK:r27UZ«T3 ros afplicatick. Inhaler 1.00 Nasal Syringe 25 Pemale Syringe 1.00 Prqiorcdonly by POND’S EXTRACT CO., NEW YORK AND LONDON. For salehy all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Order* for $2 worth, carriage free, on receipt of r^you uiant to 1 _ lotking for Men orBoys t jetdicr ready-mikdo Jtocrdor, do not fail, for our I Hon. Clarkson X. Potter of X’cw. j York. «iieJ on Snmlay. I Jo, ’ Catalo^J? New ITork Store. S. WAXELBAUM & GO, (irand Closing Out Sale -OF- Clothing 1 DRY GOODS! CAWMTS. Owing to an entire change in our business we will sell after this dale Olm AT ASO HELOW NEW YORK COST This is not a penny catching advertisement, but a real fact that we will SELL between now and the first day of January any AR TICLE in our store at real Sew York COST FOR CASE! JSLskd ITa&ar ETq G©»ei&e£&t£e» W£U* Qoode be Charged at •Pilose Friees. Call and examine our prices and be con vinced that we mean business. S. WAXELIMM & (*. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STOEr,