The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 29, 1882, Image 4

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ATnMm HAIL, WIND AND WEATHER. y»f7Trf n * ,ana URSERY & CO , Supply Grocery 1 CONFECTIONERY Though late in the season, choice goods and fair dealing will tell, dome and see us rwnisTON COLOGNE. An •sqnlilUty frn- rut perfuin* with .jcefitloOnlly Uitlnf prof»rtI«i. I ttudUci PARKER’S GINGER TONIC «■ lnl|on«>| Midldni that Niyer Inloxlcalu Thi* delicious combination of Ginger. Buchtt, Mandrake, Stillingia, and many other of the beat vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, U is Thi Ittl aid Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are suffering from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, ace or any disease or infirmity, take Parker's Ginger Tonic. It will strengthen brain and body and give you new life and vigor. lOO DOLLARS Paid for anything Injurious found in Ginger Tonic "-**** - '- B -"3fcirassai» PHO.SPtiCTUK FOR INN’J. A FI It.VT-CLASS If AMPLY MAG AX INI « FOR ONLY^ ® PER ANNUM.. 'S J Au UloUraEfl Mmtbly of Poplar At the baf inning of till proajiit year l.irrsx- o'm’a MtoAtiXK •ntiro.lon n now »orlo-, nt n reduced prio.\ with tliotl'M'In Hive purpose of pre- •ifiitlng ■uch a variety of reading msttor—for the litas' part light and enter! sluing, yot of real lit r. ary m-irit —as ah mid commend it to the general in **s of cultivated perwuts and ensure it a wcliwmo In m my Atn *rlean linme**. l»evot line ahnrgo por • portion of Its spare to llrtion,ln which short serin In ure mule a notice able feature, and to sketches il lustrative of sociul life mid manners, it hits included lu lis list of mihpHHaciirlosUicsor a l cnee epecWly nstnral history, iwculiarly * * and ml venture at him» aii o abroad. Held s |wr«» mi l nnullnr. and. oeca«lona*|y, |» dltlcal, hl*to r c »l, mi I edit topi-a susceptible of fresh and lively dlacaaslon. The aerial atortos published during tho year have been in irked by a piquant originalliy.iind have been met with a warm recep tion; while Ills attractiveneaa or the M igaslm has gained for it ci.dlal approval and an Increased circulation. Tlie conductor* of the M tKil’-ine hope not only to maintain its reputation, hut to e nhance and estend It by constant Improvement In the same d reetlon. Their arran/um vis for the milling trenr e.nbraoe • larirar number than ever before for contributions of a popular etarncter. A serial Morv entitled •• RTKI’IIKX OUTIl- HIK," in which Nmo peculiar and atrlkl'g pha ses of Am’rlc in life are vividly and dramatically treated, will begin in the January number and run through ns months. The editorial department* will maintain their present standard of acknowledge! oxooll ence, the illustrations will be of a higher character than any that have hitherto appeared iu tho M agatiuc. For Sale by all Book and Newsdealers. TitanaYearly Subscription, $3 00; Single Nuinho*, c nits. I.lK't it. Uc> Hath*. Specimen number mailed, po«t paid, »■« receipt of cents. (Toatagc stamp* afford a convenient currency far remittance.) J.B.LIPPENCOTT& CO., Pnbrs. 7 IS ««Nif 717 Market tit., I'hita NOTICE! My Only Terms. ON AND AFTER TO MOllltOW. 28lh NOVEMBER, UNTIL FURTHER NO TICE, ALL GOODS AT MV STOKE, ON TIIE COBNEll COTTON AVENUE AND FOItSVTH STREET, WILL IIE HOLD FOB CASH-AND CASH ONLY. IF VOUB OBDEKS ABE NOT IN ACCOBDANCE WITH ABOVE TEltUo, AND I SHALL DECLINE FILLING THEM, YOU HAVE NO BIGHT TO BE OFFENDED, FOB I 1>UT YOU ON V’OJTCE. NOW. SOLICITING VOUB I'RADE FOB GOODS MASKED DOWN STRICTLY FOR THE CASH, I AM YOURS TIIUI.Y, tv. T. A. Dl'XX. RWumciism Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain In tlie Bat-k ami Side. There is notLlng more painful than these diseases; but the p.,iu can be removed und the disease cured by use of Porry Davis' Pain Killer. T|ila remedy la not a cheap Denzlno or Petmlemn product that i.iiret bo kept away from fire or beat to avoid danger of exploalon, nor la,It an uiilrlcd experi ment tlmt muy do more barm Ilian good. Pain Killer has lmnn In constant use for forty years, und tho universal tesllmony from ull purls of the world Is, It never fails. It not only efforts a permanent cure, but It rulkvi s pain almost (’•‘•tantanroupljr, Brtntf ik purely vegetable routedy,4t is safe In Up* hands of the rtk st Inexperienced. The record of cureg by the-use or Paw Kili.kk would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show a hat tltose who have tried It think: Edgar Cady,Owatonna, Minn.,says: About a year mneo my wife tiecanie mibJcjt aufferi..„ . to the Pain Kili.kii, which m>uu writes from the Sailors ’ rn with nmraliria polo In fur rheumatism, Charles Powell wril ^nsfeSKw ond Violent r|mr:iiih «.f tile Momacb. Tin- ductom at WeMtmiii^ti r liuHpiUl irave up my awe in dcMpuir. I tried your Pain and it gate mo IniiitedlaU! relief. .1 have regained my ktrcugth. and am now able to follow my uaual occupation. O. H. Walworth. 8aco, Me., writes: f ex>i lienced immediate m 1 -f from . _ tho doe by the use i f your Pain KII.LEU. E. York says: I have ured your Pain and have received gn at benefit. Barton Beaman says: flayo lived Pain Kimhi for thirty years, and have found It a not "Sailing remedy for rlieiimntlNiii and lnnie/iera. Mr. Burdltt writes: It nrrrr fall* toiri ve relief In caaea of rhcumatlam. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes: From uetual line, f know your Pain Kii.ler in the beet medicine I van get All drugtflsts keep Pain Kim-kiu Its price Is so low that It Is within the reach of all, and It w ill save many times its cost In doctors' bills. Me., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS Su SON, Proprietor*, Provldonco. R. I. (l.ll I | l.t. M >I r.«.] MRS. LYDIA E. PINKH&M, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. l^HVvajtlvf^uro for all thou* Painful Pomplalnta and WraltneMt . aocomiunn taour brat fvinalv papulation. It will cure entirely the wont form of Female Cun- plaint*, nil ovarian trouble*, Inflammation aud l lcera- tlon, Falling aud IH»p]ncen>eut*, and the roure Spinal WcaktiCKX, and I* particularly adapted to th* Change of l ife. It will ditsolvo nml eipel tumor* from the uturua lu an early Mage of development. Tlio tendency to can- ceroua humor* there I* cheeked very kpredlty l.y It* uw. It remove* faintlar*, flatulency, de*troy*nll ciavtTg for vtimulant*. and rvllevea weakne** of tho ut JU.ach. It eure* llloatiiig, lleadaclie*, Nervoua l'ro*tratton, Uencriil lHihfllty, Hlteplewme**, lV|.re**l.iii aud ludl- * That reeling ofbeariugdown,valuing pain,weight 'and backache, I* ulway* perm.niently cured hy It* U»o. It a ill at nil time* and under ull cireum.Unee* act In harmony villi tho law* that govern tho fetualu ayrtem. Fur tho cure of Khtucy Complaint* «if wither iwf IhU ComiMMiml I* un*uriKiMaa!. I.VPIA V. PIN kit A U S VLC1FTABI.F. COM* I’Ol'NIlla prepared at and Mi Wortviu Avoimo,, Ma**. Prtcogl. Six huttlvafor $5. Hi nt by mail tn the form of pill*, al»o tntho form of lounge*, on receipt of price, «! per box for either. Mr*. Plnkhaui freoly answer* all letter* of Inquiry. Hem! for |>«mph- let. AddrvM O* above, llrnlion this J\i|*r, No family *hould lai without I.VPIA K. l lNKIIAM H UVKU 1’IIJ.H, They cure connUj>atk*n, blllouwiom, and torpidity of the liver, tt cert* per Iwx. IT Hold by all l»ru«*l*H. •** POUTZ’S HORSE AND OATTLE POWDERS NO HOUSE will dio of COUC, BOTS or LUNG FEVER If Fout/'i Powders are used In time. FouU’s Powders will cure and prevent HOG CHOLERA. Foutz's Powders will prevent GAPES IN FOWLS. Fouli's Powders will Increase the quantity of milk and jream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and iwoet, Foutf's Powders will cure or prevent almost EVERT DISEASE to which Horse* and Cattle aresublect. FOUTZ'S POWDERS WILL GIVE SATISfACTION. Bold Everywhere. Sol.I l»y \V. T. Davenport & Son. K ennrnntcft INDIAN VEBMIPCOE CO dciitroy and expel Worms from tho hnmon body* whore they cxl«*. tt u«cd ncrordtiiB to tho alrc^ tlonw. It in n *»ro and ro> llnblo remedy. FOR SALE BY Mi DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. David E. Foutz, Prop. BALTIMORE, MB. NoM by W. 'I.' -1 n ; I A 8<m. $100 cover* cost of Tuiti etc., for three mouths. 9 ij Stationery, llourd. MtSPcV?, tor the Oplun or Morpnin. Habit. Cur. Guaranteed. AJJ-.ii Ji.B. UREUBY.M.D VUiriTlt, GA, An Angel’iiTouch. One evening, not long ago, a lit tle girl of nine or ten entered a place in which is a bakery, grocery and saloon in one, and asked for live cents’ worth of tea. “How’s your mother?” asked the hoy who came forward to wait or. her. “Aw ful Bick, and ain’t had anything to eat all day.” The boy was just then called to wait upon some men who entered the saloon, and the girl sat down. In five minutes she was nodding, and in seven she was sound asleep and leaning her head against a barrel, while she held the poor nickle in alight grip between her thumb and finger, One of the men saw her as be came from the bar, and after asking who it was, said, “say, you drunkards, see here. Here we’ve been pouring down whisky when this poor child and mother wants bread. Here’s a two- dollar bill that says I’ve some feel ing left.” “And lean add a dol lar,” observed one. “And I’ll give another.” They made up a. purse of even five dollars, and the spokesman carefully put the bill between two of the sleeper’s lingers, drew the nickle away, and whispered to his comrades: “Jist look n tiicre— the gal’s dreaming!” So she was. A big tear had rolled out from her closed eyelid, but the face wascov- cred with a smile. The man tip toed out, and the clerk walked over and touched the sleeping child. She awoke with a laugh and cried out: "What a beautiful dream! Ma wasn’t sick any more, and we had lots to cat and to wear, and my hand burns yet where an ungel touched it!” When she discovered that her nickle had been replaced liy a hill, a dollar of which ioaded her down with all she could carry, she innocently said, “Well now, hut my mother won’t hardly be- ii ve me that you sent up to heav en and got un angel to come and clerk in your grocery.” A Helium's Experience. Mothers and Daughters should feel alarmed when weariness con stantly oppressed them. “If 1 am fretful from exhaustion of vital powers and the color is fading from uiy face, Parker’s (linger Tonic, gives quick relief. It builds me up and drives .away pain with wonderful certainty.’’-Dullalo lady. A Word to •Mothers. Mothers should remember it is a most Important duty at this season to look after the health of their fainilii s and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their systems, and that nothing will tone up the stomucli and liver, regulate the bowels mid purify tlie blood so perfectly as l’aiker’s Ginger Tonic, advertised in our columns.— 1‘oxt. See other column. Treasure ill a Tree. Alamance Gleaner: In Nowlin’s Township, N. C\, about ten days ago, Joe Woody contracted with a colored man, Kpbriam Alston, to have some rails split. Near a school bouse Woody had allowed the pupils to cut a tree and use tlie' top for firewood. Kphinnn went to work on the but} end of this tree, splitting it into rails. When it had been quartered, the next tiling to do was to heart each section,' as practical rail-splitters understand. In doing the latter act he struct a regular bonanza, and twenty-six pieces of gold coin fell out, worth $10 or more each. These coins were concealed in an inch and a quarter augur hole, over which the tree had grown, in thickness about four incites. On the outside no traces of the hole could be seen. Prom the growth of the tree since tlie lmring of tlie- hole it is supposed that the coins were put there not later than 1812. In diameter the tree is about two feet, and it is not likely that tlie concealing dates as far back as Revolutionary times. I'vK FoI’M> It.—Found wlmtf Why, the greatest remedy in tho world for nit kinds of inllnmnmtionsnnd ImninrrhngeH. It 1ms never been known to fail to give instantaneous and permanent relief, and is n perfect enre for Ulu-iimutisui, Neu ralgia, Lumbago, aud a number of other diseases to which tho human flesh is heir to. If you are in had health or suffering trom uuy of thoubovr-numedeompluiuts, and try a battle nf Fund's Extract, you may rely on it that yon will experience a speedy relief. Be sure, however, midget Fund's Extract; take no imitation. All Alarming Spread of Smalt I’ox. The most potent remedy to Wiop the spread of this great scourge is Darby's Prophylactic Fluid, wbicb is ready for use at alt times. Persons nre lisbte at any moment to "catch" the disease, aud should get tlie Fntd at oneo and use it freely about, as places cannot be infected wh re tho Fluid ia used. Persons attend ing tlie siek or in ways cx|>obo to the disease will be protected by its free use- WANTED NOW. 200,000Pounds Animal Bone. Will Pay OasU. 11. T. ltYRD & CO. THE BEST or ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN AND BEAST. ncclmmts anil pain. It I* i a bo vo price ana pmlso—th* kind* For every form of external pain MEXICAN tistang Liniment is without an equal. It penetrate* fle*h aud muscle to tlie very bone-making the continu- uu’o of pnin Mini Inflammation Impos* !!>!«•. IIh effects upon Human Flesh ar.d tlm Undo ('rention are equally wonder ful. The Mcxlcun MUSTANG T.hihnent !•« reeded l*y somebody in i v.-iy Iioiihp. Kvery dnv bring* news of tin* ngou> of nil ii %v fill scald or burn v ilnltied, or rkeumatto martyrs re- *iore<l, or a valuable horse or ox bicvcil by the heullng power of this LINIMENT which rpecdlly cures inch ailments of the HUMAN Ff.C-SlI fu) Illi v u Hint In in. dwellings, NtlfT Joint*. < ontracted Muscle*. 11 urn* mid N ald« f Cuts, JlruUcs auil Sprains, Poisonous Bites and Htliiff*. Ntiirm-ss, Lameness, Old Mores, fleers. Frostbites, Chilblains, More Nipples, Caked Breast, nml liidrecl every form of external dis rate. It heals without scars. For tlie liRUTK CUKATION It cures Npi-nlns, Nwlimy, HtlflT Joints, Founder, Harness Mores, Hoof DIs- rues, Foot Hot, Sfrm Worm, Scab, lEollotv Horn, Nerntclirs, Wind- galls, Spavin, Thrush, Ringbone, Old llorra. Poll J5vll, Film npon (lie Might and every other aliment to which (be occupants of the Mtnlile and Stock Yard ure liable. Tho Mexican Mustang Liniment always euros and never disappoints‘ und U is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL 1!MENTS VAN OS BEAST. POND’S EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGETAIII.E PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATIOTfAND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation ha* cured so many tare* of there drelrcftking complaint* a* the tlx trad. Our Planter i* invaluable in llie*c discarex, Lumbti’o, Pain in Hack or Side, etc. Our Oltiliueni (50 cent*) for u*e when removal of clothitijZ i* inconvenient, is a treat help in re lieving inflammatory care*. Hemorrhages. K" f S2LS No-.e, or from any «.uu*c, i* Apcedity control!, d and Mopped. Our KhmiiI Nyringe < > cents), aud IlllllilcrM ($1.00),are «reat aid* in artcstiiii: internal Mcedin^. Diphtheria&SoreThroat Ure the Ex tract promptly. It i* a sure cure. Delay i* dangcron*. Catarrh. X ClIirSSMre Head, etc. Our ••Catarrh €?itre,** special- ly prepared to meet »eriou* case*, contain* all tlie curative properties of the Extract! our Nasal Nyringe. invaluable for u*e in ca tarrhal affections,!* thiipls and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises.^. iutr. cooling and cleansing. Use our Olltl* incut in connection with the Extract; it will aid in healing, softening aud in keeping out ily ready for use in care of accidents. A dressing of our Olllf IllCllt will aid ill healing and pre- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be used without the slightest fear of harm, quickly allaying all inflammation and soreness without pain. Earache, Toothache and When the Extract U l“ aceacne. used according to direc tion*, it* effect is simply Wonderful. Pi I ac mirnl* Bleeding or Itching. • 11 Ob, It is the greatest known remedy; rap idly curing when other medicine* have (ailed. Pond'a Extract Medicated Paper for closet use is a preventive against Chafing und P Ic*. Our Ointment i* of great ser vice where the removal of clothing U income- never I* without it. Our Ointment i* th* best emollient that can be applied. . FemaleComplaints. be called in for the majority of female diseases if t he Extract be used. Full directions accom pany ea«-h Untie. CAUTION. Pond’s ExtractViwSt: the wort!* *• Pond** Extract " blown in the glas*. am) our picture trade-mark on »ur- rounding buff wrapper. None other i* genuine. Alway* insist on having Poild'M Extract. Take no other preparation, /f |V nevtr mid in bulk, or by moaturt. Price of Pond’* Extract, Toilet Arti cle* and Specialties. POS'IVS KXTBACr.. .30c-.8IA Sl.T5 tout AiTtem i opteuwiis. _ Toilet Cream . *1.00 Ointment -TO Dentifrice.... 50 Catarrh Cure... 7.1 Lip Balve U5 Plaster tfJ Toilet Soaptjck*) 50 Medicated Paper 35 XK3T37U2HT3 1*03 APPLICATION. Inhaler 1-00 Nasal Syringe 35 Female Syringe 1.00 Prejured only by POND'S EXTRACT C0. t NEW YORK AND LONDON. For sale by all Druggist* and Fancy Goods Dealer*. Order* for $J worth, carriage free, on receipt of «*.a5. Order* for $5 worth, carriage free, on re- ttipt ofli, if addressed to 14 \V. 14th St.. N. Y. * dtli'S*. M l CO. Cirand Mug Out Sale OF- Clothing! DRY GOODS! AMD CAim» OAving to an entire change in our business we will sell after this date 011® WMWmm BT00K iTAlBElOfflWYOI!K COST This is not a penny catching advertisement, but a real fact that we will SELL between now and the first day of January any AR TICLE in our store at real New York 4ad TJTsxdd? XTo Coasidexatica Will Gqq&p fee Ofeas?ged at 'T&Qse Frices- Oall and examine our prices and be con vinced that we mean business. $. WAXELBAIJfl & ft, PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE,