The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 31, 1882, Image 3

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*\nuu'icu.y|Ucovtl?L <'ot ton Fact* nml r«nj« t K\rm:.MK.>T in KuniftsTKiL t Phy* f«*r l iinye T>oon tl»r«>ti^!i ul! tin? stupes of! 11 knuv S. I)a Vis. k, ‘ VoU l!nmv .’if Dr Hemic Vos. f luivo 1 (*!!j jo:n! -iml heard «>f it." •it is very womb iful is it iu*t?‘* ‘A voryfpromim nt c.i-e bn* no morn s«» in n ‘To-r nmny ••Mut* (lint Imvu romo it; been cured by th- ii mflin An laiimui article irnnilx. !ieciu..*bT, ,j ni ' ? X. v ., /Uau it and C/ rohi V \va rr- to it: litlb 4l. 1 fn t ills pipsr and subject : sill- • »f much (on\¥r>^tfon, V'ftlf in jfrofts- j ^ lx lioyo tli.'T, Hint IJii.^ht s »li>ons:* >■; .!/nl tirclw suid on t!i« atreot. Anpar- j \i I know it from the* on:!y it ontrod even nine oommoiinn in • < xi oriemv of hundreds of prominent j lloeliesler, ;ls the foil :\viti£ from th« | por.*ot»s win) wcirjiiven up Indie by both «nou* p*>m*r sltcws • their physiei.uiK ami !ii< mis.” 1 '* ’ ... ! -V.-u speak of vour experience, oil-known | w |. f WMS j, v * - r 4 . . nearly j v-; ‘ A f. nrfu! one. I hid frit languid and m y p ir. «>. Aimnno t, sent an extended j U!lt * ulCl | for !.ii>im ss for years. But l did i'V.JLi' *i , .lot know what ailed ini'. IVka. bow- , f£SH V 1“ «-* 1 il was* kidney .lirtlcuUy I . ar.ablo e.«| e. .cm u a .d !*<>• ,t« tioin tli-mpfit tlirre was little hope and so did \\n:i xvtiiei to eoroiin ‘.e.itn. * 1 } tlir* tl<vinr*. 1 have ninoe learned that wou! . be Jinj'fVMbF toi eiviitierate ^‘*5 j ont* of t ho p:i\Mciaiia of this city point- personal ompuriea w aic.i have boon n» ul»* ; u j mi , oul l( ,* a gentleman on the street iy, s-iyimr: ‘there •joes a man who •s* de.ul within a year.’ I believe NEW FIRM! U ffl/lf OLD GllANBElUlY i.oiL'1 ;m ciul'ii; il. m uv—u- vnilfctlil e" ! (« vie / n llij- p' lc 1 oi; Dr. llunlm Qh'* onrw the Ofim* » r \Xij> : J. : 6 j.n*U-$-w M i ! his words would have proven I rue if J ( . . had not fortunately secured and Used the remedy now known a* Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.” “An l this caused vs> i to manufacture mam. I , at hi rr -HAVING LATELY PURCHASED T1 cities writ |)r. til. 1 ' i \ • L it •1 try ufi. ol ll,e:.i nml »»' M , j, f „„,7| v li.-in,- n ors>. j w I.r! ' • . ', : I «n.U wnnied it I il„-vi b :,l ' r A ' J t 1 ' :U1 1 ; 1 •''•.) | ilium.I. ns -i duty l owed litmi 1 that tlm pul • 1 i I’I'H- *. r H. 4TW»l([Ui .!■ 1» ■ ' -™ 1 * .-'ft 4- %»• 4- • '"W' i, :t .o lot i ll -5S 'to ,ir- \V« me w.vry In li' u ri of tli .Mr. All.'ii I’H 1. v.'lm i, mill i. i | ■( An 1 ill ln't Dio yuan” » company eiiij-ojetl f ‘i li: •o:. i i f * .* (■ 1 i i s s If. U^nly Ultdrll till !:i . | mill . I'lniH. 11 "M V in Ih win 111 A f ,£!ai. i ,p» to be brou-tit *|! *l>y iK.'.tctinij the first and tnost j. pie ■*. uptoms. i did not thluk 1 w i** [ siek. IM^truP I ha'I Iroipuait licatixtho-: fol: livtj most v»f the time; eonlj cat • iiotnim; one day mid was r ivemmji tint i« i !;*}t »iud indefinite pains an i my J W-as phi o? order, hut I did not *• thitiK it meant anything f rioiis.*’ • A “1 j “lint li ito-n • *<• i-orniion •ImeiiH oiv- ' ■ ' 'I ] filing !•» ’To ‘ the fr irft'.l ltn dil’s di>- !i la -d f fai •* which tool. ii.m - lob! mi )»m I*;,. J I ***Anythiutr? Why. tuey uu the sure * IrtttlPMibu* of the first sta-es of lie'; dre idf'd e. ,1 ,dv. The fact i =. v-ry few but J • miow o re.iii/.e v. it -ii! ill «m. f«t I nd 1 Mill ^ery •*» miy 'hat t'#o fewipliy- 1 il thi —idUiiriu^Hftrr' • • i• i.» f V .r Id - ior ivo-• th Vlll ,.,J ' 1 Ii o i^lpt ; je stat< im i.t. Doctor.” ploit; a; 1 »d •.nd, pm- •» wo! o ni ’pj,,fp • ion 1 V Is en U -utiiv; -ympt-nns hiRher, if. y ^ b en ijof u» ma jr jmaM, H w'li Iwt ronnd v i -111• s'l .>r. .bit i A e p a l that me •'•■'l i hai "I list V * i; H t. On*i -It riiFii ia.iwo, .1 J {i ll ( iy|. v o.<’» r :..i-. ffi^intintmnkaiid^f, . 11W Ii , l.n.. vmrf. W ..Unulo I ^ [ i the Jti« Four All 1.0 r :s t >•? i ; . j <v . .: ia the; ot'.;,. e.m..‘.ii,s will, th ^ ivofif-f e ion ru nr am nmi-ita! nc- ibing all i u-iiig il and saw Mb his taeil- to tlmus- fore deter- utility and il wi'hin their rtacb ami now it is kpdwu in every pint ofAtneiipa. is sold in evny dnig More •m l has become a hou*a Imld necessity, Tbo reportei lo t .Mr. Warner, imieh impicsseit with the eiiiucstiusH ami sin* enity or his statements ami next paid a visit to Dr. S A Liltiinoro at los resi dence on Pnoee Street. Dr. Laitimnrc, alihoitgli busily enyaged upon Home mailers coniircied witii State ito.ud of ileal Hi, of which he is one ol the analy sis, courteously answered Hie ipn-slions that were pioooitmb I him : ‘Did you make a elii nnalysia of tl»<‘ ease of Mr. il. ii. Warner some llnac yea.y ago. Doelor? “Whit did tills analysis show yon?" “The • presence of albumen and tube casts in great abundance.” ‘•And vdi-.t did the symptoms indi cate - ‘ A erio’.H disease of the kidnev*’.*’ ‘•Did you think Mr. Warner could r»- “Nosirl did not think it possible. It wa; seldom, indeed, that so pronoimced • bad, up to (hut time ever he« n anything about tlm loch cun d liiinV' ‘•Ves, I have cii analizcd it and up <n critical examination, find it en tire!}' free from any pt isoimns or dt lelc- iildibli t ic foregoing statements of thccouimotion wiiieh the pub- l>r. 11; »iiunV arl'ciu has can e I m el the plot- stations wlileli have id'. The vtauding of Dr. 11 mer.-niid Dr. Baltimore in Ike inlty is beyond question and the .mutiny make, cannot,, for a ino- be doubted. They cmudusively !sat f iight'ft disease of the kidneys of the moat deceptive mi l diitigei- v, that it is exceedingly ngiy iin leasing and tint -glcnl 1 iihII I ii( c, tin* Miptured a ml eri’> eutuii nt of elitonie *»*>• BBADTIPUL STOCK! OK Mil. .IOIIN W1NOHOB, AltK DAILY ADDINO TO TIIF. HAMK THE ' (!!:■[/< M! >;r-!/n » jATRST PATTERNS. ANP,„p^yfj d"MI- -i<tf(■) '! n ■ niljeti- aij*t hm: n; S MB HeOMVM, i. it; •oihrU"' ? ilfitj Jfill Domestics, Shecti rI3M PUIjIa | ’. vTutif. jn _, ANOTHER LARGE AND t'UEHlf INVOICE OF Ladies and 1 SOON TO ARR] m- J.J0TJ30yU0| IHXVB l ;Jg I DAVIS & CALLAWAY,, (jnmbc'rrv Corner, : ; ,i„ n8 ,My • • AMERICUS, GA. f is of this old am will visit t’amiiia uv - 1 Albany, I’m February T! nml I’b; •sdt»y, Friday an t Satin- ill, (ilIt aml/Ttb, stepping ii in the list named tf a nip to A f lo ii I ii may be • nred or henefitted, mi - goment.a can In* maile with our Sit:- II, .tliit I'eiitmeiit begun at lion e ii tm- Im-liMtle. As the turn: of lids t i- liiuile I, p.djent.! should call eatly. leu Vnlby, ^killed a j Img that weigh, d, dreaned, *27 pounds, j t liat looks ns if (»*><.rgii formers could 11' own mend, it they tried. Thu j of the Horkshigo breod, and Mr. j suyA It tatlnim.l no easily l*o did j vvhul it eat. Ml*. -Murray laistB j ■mu, ami it ia ite-dl-sH l-rop’-roits f ini r. T*or«ytli Street, CAHUY A KUI.r. LINK OE- '' *i? rnrifiHiJ AT ‘-HOCK HOTTOSI” 1‘HICKS—TERMS CASH. li’V ( 4 iiii 11 Til Kill HTOIK COJiHIHTH OF 501) ISiisIivIh olioioo White Corn ; 5oo liiinliols Kcfil OnU; 500 IIii.Iii'Ih KitsIi; a’5,000 I’i-oikIh Ilnin nml Slim ls ; )50 ISii.sIu.1m Cow IY.ih ; 150 Hai-rel» Flour—from Fuinlly to I'ntent; . o Tici t.i'. Clioioe Leaf Lanl; 5 Ticici.s Miii'iioliu Hams; 100 I’acka-'i.s .Mackeii;l—In all slmpi.fl : • 100 llaga Virginia Salt (5 $1 50 per bag; 25 Hugs Coflc-c; 25 liarn-U Sugar; Fine Cream Cheese nml Jticli Pure Butter our speclaltiea; 100 Boxes Crackers—to bn closed out cheap ; A full assortment of Nuts, Candies and caso goods. -WIIOI.KSAI.K AMI IIKTAII. IIEAI.ERS IN— I«Jt Olts A\l» IVISECj JI(|I IIKH A .VII I Kfl OltS AVII HIVi Ll(|tlOIIS AVU WI.V1 T IQIIOBfl AND WINECJ . LlKlVOHS AND WINEO T l<{I'ORS AND tVIVEU IjKilOUS AVII WIMJO T IQITOR* AND WINECJ . JjlQIIODS AND WIVEO Tin 1 Only ('(unpick 1 Lino of Liqunrs, Wines and Brandy i> tie City. -WE HAVE ON OCR NirRLTKH- . ..... * 4 rrikiiuj i ^farteH'M Star I trendy, Magnolia, I-, 10 ( 0 *. I MAI IUMN TJje I? ’«t Ameriettn Hramly, •/' Myrtln Bloom, „ , Jim limes’ In ach,.'*Pnr«i and Htraigbt," (-ointry Coro, jN I DM'Mur\l tml Apple Brandy, Stone Monntain Corn, ‘ i Sun I-cam A A A A, Gins, Kama, v X .v X X, k HMDfifi BLTLDLVf * Yirgitiiu Club, (linger and Cherry brandy, Imported and American Champagne,, 1111 ported Sheri or, Port and Madeira, 1 Ii. lie of NVi.vui live, n strictly pure Sour Masli Whisky, made in the ii','- old fashioned way and mellowed by age—four years old,. HI) THE I I VEST sri IM'EHVOVH WINE IN THE NOIlD!I : e , s • ■* ' - irit *ti»i ii>a dloy .. ie : t’K . eHii ri k to a »fe-{ \ «i %‘e i^d !./n ’ll A '■ Vl£- I hv , i WilliS Hi . , qui-uuv dcam i>»ii*c niitbymntom. 11 «; 111 i slightest l«1letlbmvof any kidney«’ : I cully ilioubl be vumigb to*lriku t rr- t ■ (anyone i know whit i am ta km: •- CIGARS! CIGARS! CIOARB, from « for a Nickel to 10c. utMlikt. When you want a nrsl-clas* smoke, cmu» here JVVV to And it. 160 BOZZS TOBACCO, ALX. CRASBS. Tile followiug eelelimted brands can be bad of aa ;,i rr.TZ' AVAA, I:\ITAIIAX.NIICK, VIlUilNIA SCHOLL. OUR CHAMPION, MINNIE I,EE, LUCY LYLE. 1IEN HILL, ANJ* KIRKWOOD. At Actual Cost to Close (hit Stock, us nr do not Intend to handle any leoger. tig The nlwive eniiinaninted goudd ere only pait of our large and yerieJ etook ’• entry everything kept id n welFWoeked go cery store. UaBll