The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, February 03, 1882, Image 1

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TRIWEEKLY. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 8, 1882. NO. 114. Subscription. Kates: Thx-Weekly One Year, - $4.00. Weekly One Year, ■ - $2.00. tiunday Issue One Year, - $1.50. IWMIMIL tWSIIIM CARDS W. D. K1MBROOH ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEESMURGH, - - OEOKOIA. Collections a Specialty. Mnyllwly TOPICS OK THE IIAY. [ morning I told her about how the}’ were using the eookalinc in Atlnn- As Viewed Tliroagli the Spectacles or to alu i making snowflake crackers Kill Arp. . with it, and she sauLshc wanted no Mime, constitution , Inoro of the crackers, and I said . Every little while there’s a new j 11,1,1Ia,d ,! r “ 8 1,11 . ! “> il , nal gnawc and hiuiibug comes to the front. I .!V U ! don't caro anything about Oscar W. B. OUKRRY. DUPONT OUKRRY. GUERRY & SON, Americus, Georuia. (Office np itnir* over Oranberry A Barit •tore.) Will practice in ail the Courts, both State ami federal. Julv6-wswly. W. IP. BURT, DEN TIST. AMERICUS, (GEORGIA. Guarantees satisfaction In tho most difficult eases. All work warranted. Office on Lamar street, over T. II. Eden's. Refers to his profes It. B. HINTON. 3. C. MATHEWH. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Toys, Dolls, Vases, Smokino Sta , , . i /• i Toilet Sets, Wash Boxes, DtOOK IS JIUI’C 5111(1 ll'CSll Wbitino Desks. Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Necklaces, Bracelets, Statless, Cups and Saucers, Muos, Pitchers, Teasets, Teasets, Waiions, Trains, Stoves, DarniniiKoiis Wilde, but it frets me to sec the folks up yonder running alter him, mid I’m afraid he will come down south, mid our folks wiir be doing the same thing. They say he is a * j poet, and lectures ell esthetics, and 1 they say esthetics is a high up sor ter of a thing that carries a man above the frost line, ami makes sometimes had diseases that killed folks, and the oil was from a clean vegetable and I dident see why it wasent as good or better. She said cotton seed might do very well to winter poor cows nnd sheep and I’m too old now to bo swap, ping bosses without any boot. N'owifDr. Felton,or Mr. Speer,or Mr. Cox have a good ofTerof boot, let ’em swap if they want to, I don’t care. Ami liesides, I’m a democrat because I like fair play, and them other fellows have had the swing long enough in reason. Then, again, they have abused us, and they don’t tote fair, and they cheated us out of a president, and I don’t like ’em nohow, nnd so-on the poorest slull in the world. of tue State of Georgia, and tlie District Court of the United State*, and in all other courts pedal contract. t Hawkins' new building, Lamar Street. jy .E July Ifth, 1881. W. I>. SKA Its. DRW.J. SEARS & ELLAVILLE, oa. DE. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST! Americas, Ga. P ERFORMS all operations on the Natural Teeth nnd Inserts Artificial Teeth on the latest un.l oust Improved mothods. Office, over Davenport A Smith's Drug Store. mnylStf Harmonious, Horses, Cats, Dogs, Guns, Pistols, Balls, Mar ales, Toys, and everything to please and charm the little ones on that most mysterious and happiest day of the year when the spirit ual andstemporal seem tom ret. Let all who are ia search of Christmas presents for old or young bo sure to call on C. R. McCRORY, Attorney at Law, Collections AprilU It ELLAVILLE, G.\. Specialty, Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians and Surgeons, uNDEltSONVILLE, GEORGIA, Oflice at Drng Storo of W. M. Clark. MaylS-ly H. C GARDNER, ATTOItNF.Y AT LAW, OGLETHOKPE. GA., T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM I II EX BY ANDEBSOX R ESPECTFULLY announce* to the pul/lic that hla Barbershop Is open at all businesshour* nnd on Sunday nntU II o’clock a. a. He ho* re cently fitted it up in a neat style, and U better prepared "than ever to wait upon bis custome r*. All who may wlah to have Shaving. Hair Cutting Shampooing, etc., done In first-class *tyh\ he would bo pleased to Imve them call on b!m. Shop ■car the entrance to Barlow House. mar 13 Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery N'OW OPEN! FINEST PICTURES, LATEST STVI.ES and AM. SIXES. SnllHfiiclIon.Guaranteed Prices Moderate OVKR T. WIIKATLKY'S STORK, E, client Assortment ol Dorse ( Colognes Lttbin’s jwr fumery Toilet Soaps very fine. Standard Patent Medicines Tooacco and Cigars, The best 5 c Cigars. A.J. & I. Southeast Corner Square. Americus, Georgia. sep21-wtwtf Prof. VAN RIPER. D.AItlll’S Prophylactic Fluid! i SMALL POX] i:iUDii:m:n Pitting or Small Pox Prevented. rivers purified and' hcaleil. Ganurene prevented and ' Dvr. sons relieved un.l n freshed l.y lmthlli. vitlil’ro|.liyl;itleFlul< | Tetter dried up. JEWELER, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, to A Ilemitifnl Book for the Asking! lit applying personalty at the nearest ofiire or TIIK8IWJER MANUFACTURING CO. (or by G istal card if at a distance) any ail nit person w ill t presented with a beautifully illustrated copy ol New Book entitled (JUNIUS REWARDED, -OR TUB— STORY OF THE SEWING MAOIIM, containing a handsome and coatly steel cnffiavln* frontispiece:alee, 28 finely cuaraved wood cut*, and ouand in an eloborate Line ami void litho- aruphed cover. No chsrye whatever ie modo lor this handsome book, which can be ^bUincl only by application at ihe branch aud ui».ordinate otfieee of The Singer Manufacturing Co. *HE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. l*riacipal s Offie«, 34 Union Squat*, une 33, ly. w trl. New York. — MIX FROM HER ASHES. The finest finished, most p'easant wearing *n eh-gant BOOTS AND SHOES made. The liesi repairing done in the raoet soh-tantinl and a'tMi* style, and all on reasonable term*. Reft r* to every gentleman in Amerleu*. Call on me a at my new shop In front of CoL S. A. Smith'* of flee, yn Jackson Street. Aroencue. Ga. ANDREW DUDLEY. Splendid Btodk of TV^a/tclies and *J ewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work PROMPTLY DONE. J. E. Sullivan less and purified >»y nprinkling Par**) * Fluid nbout. o pmlfy the bri-atli. clean** the teeth, it can't bo *iirp.'i*> Catarrh cured. Kryidpcl** cured, lliirns relieved iiiHtnnt- DII'TIIERIA Prevented. a strain on I’vt* .init try i 1 stopped, and entrenched in Hath leen Mavourncen aud the meeting of the waters and coming through the ryo and such like, aud if Oscar has got anything better I don’t want to hear it. We’ve got esthet ics enough at our house. The children ure purty and sweet, am 1 love me so good when I get home, nnd they say their little prayers by the bedside, and they have got their little play houses at the roots of tho trees, and the broken china and the moss is laid round so nice, and Hie little chickens look so clean and happy, and the young lambs are frisking about in the meadow, and the water gushes out so iner- Great Germ Destroyer * ilv lro,n 11,0 s i ,rin « “" ,l ° m 1{08 ° him ethereal and heavenly, aud ! “ , ' t > 8i, i <1 *> 8U 1 , P°!° "I 0 lr -V 'Mnd gives liiui new ideas of what is i »>itkes us (jood cakes us these beautiful and lovely. I like poetry ! ! ,UI ! 18 11 lca U C lun l ier lk nn purty well—that is, some kinds of I mJ . on 1 t " u ko I llc , r ,,t4 ? , “’ bllc poetry, that deals in fncts-like j lo ° kt “ I "R suddenly with an en- “Mary had a lam,” nnd “Life is | g ancc, and just then our real, life is earnest,” and the song '*ttlc^ .eight }ear old girl cackled of the shirt nnd the village black-1 0 ! 11 . l . n . Ic > ! u > ,. lc ,e ke > u,1< * t * lc smith, and the hermit, and all such ! B lrU 1 ,l, . t t hch ' , 1 ,H a,, f fro ' fnc< at for they are accord in to nature nnd 1 l ,c, < *!jj ^ sil !' 110 llln b’ "'“ 9 '* ,,nu come home to a man; but I haven’t' ^ ol \ ^ l8 ,‘ ^ r P J evcr . n *wy got up to Swinbiirn and Tennyson, I !'. ot ,ci ; cukoout o f 8»fP»cion. After and such high talutin poets yet tl,at >. ho , wl!Va, ' ! we aU 6° tal 1 on K and I don’t think I ever will, 'it’s | ) 18,lal a '«t "«“> n B *»•««, •»R.«o me to reach ’em, „ m , ; ^o'v that she knows wc arc using rying. Many years ago 1 ’ ,l,ul “ ,10 | , k,, °7 ll . ,at ' V P 1 and entrenched in Kath- 8,10 k " 0WB . lt . aml 80 1,11 ,i e l “ BARLOW HOUSE IV. H.CLAY, Proprietor, Americus, * < la. SCARLET FEVER CURED.I pita!* ri Ydlow fc III fact it I* the Krei Disinfectant and Purifier! PREPARE!) IIY J. JE3L m ZBZjIIM d) CO., Miss Kate King -KKKrrf. ON HAND-- nontlrr c hange liuv AT i^ZjXi TIMES AND AT has just given birth to such a nice new calf that 1 don’t want any higher esthetiesjust now. 1 don’t care anything special about the Greeks nnd the Romans, nor their heroes and temples, for they have all busted n long time ago, and to my opinion anything that busts is a sort of a humbug. Farmers don’t bust, nor hard work, nor raising children autl chickens, and I’m for omlng down to facts nnd business md hard pan. Them fellers in tho olden time got esthetic mid tried to build u tower to climb up to heaven, and the Almighty got mad witli ’em and confused ’em uiid Oscar Wilde will come to the same end. We have got to work for a living. 1 tell you, and We have got to work down here in the dirt and the mud, nnd liie women Imve got to suffer nnd hear children just like they did 0,000 years ago, aud there in tiic I is no dodging this sort of business, aiKM.t i iin< l "lien a man comes along to ' Win j talk about things in a higher plane and pretend hu can make angels of us uud lit us for heaven before we get there; I set him down as a fraud and a fool, and hu will he found us such in due time. it becomes a man to be cautious about running after new tilings, especially if lie is not atllictcd with surplus money, hilt the other day a friend Irom your town sent me a c ui of cookalinu, which he said he wanted Mrs. Arp to try as a substitute for lard. It was made out of cotton seed and looked as nice and pure as sweet oil, and 1 didn’t sec why it shoiildent he a good thing, for I knew that rich | folks used olive oil on their viltels ; at the north, and over in France, and 1 saw no reason why a good j oil shoiildent come from other veg- ' etablcs. The only diflleulty wns 'in getting Mrs. Arp to start out 1 fairly on the experiment, for you i see site lias opinions and convic- I tions of her own. .She don’t run on, hut there wasent enough suh-1 and so fourth. That is why Lam stance in them to make milk or i a democrat. We are going to have butter and that cotton blitter was a rousing old time ill Georgia this year, and we won’t mind seeing Dr. Felton pitted against Ren llill just for the fun of it and to sec tho fur lly. They both want oflice and they know how to 1111 it with abili ty. The doctor made n good rep resentative and Mr. Hill makes a good senator. We will never for get the grand defense he made for us about Andcrso’iville. and how he silenced Mr. Rlaine and spiked their guns, and we havo never Iicardanything oftlie Andcrsonvillu howl since. Now if lien will quit charging infamy on the indepen dents and the doctor will quit preaching corruption and rings on the democrats mid come hack and fall into line wc will nil get along iH’tter nnd the people will rejoice to do them honor. Now I see that Mr. Cox, of LaGrangc, says this movement springs from the pco* pie. That is an old song; Dr. Fel ton wore it out in our district. When n politician hankers after oflice lie trumps up somo excuse and lays it on tho people, when the truth is tho p-.ople care mighty little about him or the oflice. Tho people haven’t got time right now to lie springing anything except trying to pull through the winter mid lix up for planting, and if there m e any of ’em a springing new po litical movements I haven’t heard of ’em. Tho trouble is with these politicians, they attach too much importance to their own promo tion. Let ’em stand hack nnd wail modestly and maybe tho people will spring something after awhile. There are are bigger things tiian politics. Rir.r, Aw. IIIIviBH Of mill him rad l y II: now, lor she is a sensible woman. It's n great hlcssingand tiic beauty ol it is it comes from our siilu of tlie house. It's sorter like sugai. Them fellows up north can’t raise it, though they can reflne it and adulterate it hut they haven't found anything cheaper to mix witli cotton seed oil yet, aud may lie they won’t. The next tiling you hear of they will liuvc their little mills nil over this country squec/.lng the jiiicoout of otirsecd, nnd tho price will go up to 25 cents a bushel, and ull that will help uud make us better acquainted. When they come down bore they nil turn democrats, if they wasen’t before, for everybody wants to considered respectable, nnd tiic democrats down south arc the most respecta ble people. I mean what I say and menu no olfcnse, for I know some republicans who arc mighty nice people mid- clever nnd kind mid all that, miirthcy dident go to lie republicans. .Sonic of'em turn ed over after the war to save their property and some to get oflice, which was all right considerin’, and I think they were sort of a breakwater between us nnd our foes. Some Jew of ’em, like Joe Drown, knew when to flop back again, hut some dident, and they are there yet. I’ve got nothing agin em. Marcellus Thornton is u right clever limn, and if J wiis about to drown in a mill pond, I bail just ns leave depend on him to jump in anil pull me nut as any body. 1 don’t know of any great issues that are dividing us now Imt money nnd oflice and spoils, don’t. The finances arc settled and the parties arc split up among llicinscIvcH on the tanfl, which is to tny neither party has any plunk to stand on, mid if tho republic-ms would quit stealing nnd waiving tiic bloody shirt I wouldn’t cur<| anything about politics except for this, i want our hoys to liayo a showing. The democrats haven't had a eliancu to put a hand in tho public erili for twenty-five years, und I think tlint time about is fair play. I want a chance for our people to show them republicans llint wc can run the machine just ns well as they can,even if wc can't steal as much. Though I reckon Hint if there is anything loose a be ing around our folks will pick ty up. As to Ben Hill's big boom ubout the infamy of the Coalition, I con fess I can’t sec it. Forforty yenrs I have heard the same sort of taR| every two or four years, and I’ve got use to it. I’m too old u coon tc he fooled witli the like of that. When Mr. Hill wants to be elected Large and .Vitelvhlled Sample llosms, GAS g prices after nothing, nor nobody. She 1 lie eoalishcs with everybody leg wont change chairs nor corners, I can, irrespective oi color. If 1 nor needles and thread. She | was a candidate I would coulisi. makes pudilens mid pics by the ( too. They arc all conlisliing, mid same old receipts,mill she used the | the best conlislicr generally wins race. X'u Xnv Accounts Opened. This is the season when the yeo manry seeks the town in scurcli of the merchant to “run” him. The poor fellows are often rebuffed and especially lie who lias not settled up lust years’ account. The fol lowing diulogiie wns overheard yes- torpny between one of •ur promi nent warehousemen mid a delin quent customer of the paBt year: Jlrlim/ueiU Customer—Mr. “I want ter buy sum few things, and I Imint got enough money ter pay for ’em, and I want you ter cliurgc ’em up. Prominent Warehouseman—“But you know Hint you have not paid up all of your Inst years’ nccounts yot." J). C'.—"Y-a-a-s. But you just charge interest on that and it ’ll lie all right. I he darned ef I ’vo got two dollars to my name.” /’. IE—“Can’t do it, Don’t wish to open any new accounts yet.” 1). C “Well, that’s all right; 1 don’t want you to open any new account with me; you have already got ono open, jest put it on that.” Argument was exhausted and the P. IE caved—Albany News. Does Protection ProtcctI Tiic number of workmen engaged in tiic working of iron mid steel last year was 77,555, whoso wages per year amounted to $40,514,981. In 1880, their number was 140,000, and wages $55,476,785 cacli year. The capital invested in tho busi ness has nearly doubled since 1870, mid tiic quantity of iron and steel produced almost doubled, but it is observed that the average yearly' wages of employes lias fallen from $522 per annum in 1870, to $394 in 1880. The figures may Ijcgrat- ifying to laboring men who have been encouraged to believe that i trial iv.3-iwandw*alt 6m Soabroa. Feagin, Lawson F. Collier, Attorney-at-Law —AND- lleal Estate A Kent. UUA1TOX, OliOUO I A. Treaty thousand ocros’of wild land for talc la (Hucet-f* or to J. It. t FASHIONABLE UNDER T. WIIHATLEY SHARP RAZORS! ON THE CORNER. ATTENTIVE HELP! ARCHITECTURE. To Tlioss wba Coutemplate Baiidiiig: Jl. J. SLOAS. Anl.U old time loaf sugar done up in blue j the race. There is no use in hoi-! protection advances their fortunes, papers as long as she could get it. icrin’ corruption when the corrui>- j to any one who looks at t Sue keeps a towel hid away from lion ain’t there. There is no usc | calmly it is hard to see in what rc- tho children nnd a waiter dipper nluisimr Colmiiltniui Gordon when 1 spoet 1.aocs.-JIloominglon/lullelin. bung so high they can't reach it. they haven't done anything wrong. Living lVilucsses. When tilings are calm anil serene | There is no use shouting bear when I q'| lft |, U ndrci'.8 of healthy looking ,,r |i;||: llnl , t , a " d cvc O'l | ' i "B lovely I use the I the bear ain’t there. I’m agin all men /women and ebild'rcn, that iwHH lKMI 0! ItlllillK l) DOOdN 'Upper and towel loo, hut other- politicians who try to deceive the [ ^.g |, CCI1 rc8c ued from beds of wise I just rank along wirli the ; people. Ben Hill is raisingn pow- , )aln s ; c k„ es8 a „d well nigh dcatli —ok— children. So I says, says I to the , crful fuss overa small matter—just i j, v |* ar k e r's Ginger Tonic are the t girls, hide this cookaiine away in like Joe Brawn did over a hill to (,g 8t evidences in tiic world of its the kitchen and n«o it about half sell the public lands to educate the ,„e r it nnd worth. You THE LATEST STYLES! and hair with lar.l for a while and 1 poor nigger. Joe was trying to - gradually slide it into the biscuit eoalisli. It’s nil Stull to my upin- and batter cakes without any briAv' ion, though I reckon I’m a fool for . and let’s see how it works. Well, | the want of sense. Xow when any it worked splendid; that is a fact. Iiody asks me why I am a democrat Examine Itef ore ton Purchase. The girls took extra pains with the I can answer him hones*, and say, ; viltels, and tny wife, Mrs. Arp, like a school hoy, “jes’ case I am Miss Hate Kiug. 1 she complimented ’em nnd said and case 1 wants to lie.” I foil i-ut.iic sit.ra. or. I (hey were mighty nice, and so one I over on that side iu my youth, A 1.1 In o: IMj I! IMl-iSE will fiud such ill nearly every com munity. _ Annoyance Avoided. Gray hairs are honorable but their premature appearance is an noying. Barker’s Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by restor ing the youthful color.