The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, February 05, 1882, Image 1

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VOL .III. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING EE13RUARY 5, 18S*2. „ - *♦ |« P I8' N g||i0 (»«» > !*«*><*' • ota-iO i*so8k» ■ " i tu'KO.115- published nr -W. Xj. QXiBBSmOR. OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE, SVLleaexlpttoaa. Kates: Tbi-Weekly One Year, . $4.00. Weekly One Year, • . (2.00. Sunday Issue One Year, - $1.50. PROFKSSiOML^BISDESSt'AltDS W.H. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I LEESBUROU, - - GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty. I Mayilwly W. B. OUERItY. DUPONT OUK11HT. GUERRY & SON, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. (Office up ataira over Graubrrry * Barlow’i •tore.) Will practice in »ll the Courts, both State nml Federal. .Tulr fl*wswly. W. P. BURT, DENTIST, AMERICUS, [GEORGIA. Guarantees aatisfaetlori In the most difficult ' — , l< * pi. nds-nit. mrs. m. e. raines Holidays (J^ALLiPfiX.' j HUDSON S CORNER, - ’A. •Amorion.s, lair.B. All work warranted. Office on Lamar street, over T. M. Kileu’.t. Refers to his profes •ional record. nujr 12 II. B. HINTON. J. C. MATHEWS. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all the counties of this Judplnl Circuit, also in l>ooly county, in the Supreme I-’ourt of tue State of (Jeonria, *nd the District Court of the United States, and in all other court! by special contract. (inlce in Hawkins' new bonding, Lamar Street, duly 12th, 1W1. W. D. SEAlts. DR.W.J. SEARS & ELLAVILLE, GA. DR. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST! Americas, l»n. QERFORMSull operations ou the Natural Teeth t and Inserts ArtfHclal Teeth on the latest and oost Improved methods. Office, over Davenport A Smith's Drug Store. inaylStt cTr7M(^rory, Attorney at H»n \v, ELLAVILLE, Ga. Collections a Specialty. Toys, Polls, Vases, Smoking Sta Toilet Sets, Wash Bonks, Writing Peeks. Handkerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, N ECKLACI8, Bracelets, Statcess, Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Pitchers, Teasets, Teasets, Wagons, Trains, Stoves, Darning Egos, Harmonious, Horses, Cats, Pogs, Guns, Pistols, Balls, Marales, Toys, find everythin,; to please and charm the little onea on that most myaterions and happiest day of the yenr when the apirit- liai andstcmporal acorn toairet. Let all who aro in aearch of Christmas presents for old or young be sure to call on Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery two places on the left upper arm, ami in the event this docs not take ! You can always tell the fnstld• Some Sew mid Interesting Facts it would hoadvisabloto rcvacclnatc 1 ions man by Ills sending twenty* .. . About Vaccination. again in about fourteen days; how- j seven collars and cuffs to thejaun- ever, not under this period, for dry, accompanied by , a .single I Meiraiih ,t Mnaeuiar. many subjects take who have been j shirt. . i Mm '^i A diligent inquiry among the vacciuated with bovine virus im . , r v— ■authorities, physicians, liemrd of iVom ten to fourteen days. ’Th#L n A t , !? hrtllh and others, fails to-find a | average duration is live to eight I ^V}®' (+a. solftary case of small pox in Ma 1 davs. i [ la ' ,n K ,not Dim, and still we bate conduit now that the disease has j . . . | heard bis name mentioned thous- been declared epidemic by the Xn-, Shot by a Trap Gun. ands of times in this city, tional Board of Health, it behooves About onooclock yesterday morn* | Gamhetta hoorays for celibacy, the public, one ami all, to stretch iug a man galloped into tffwn and He dou'Lproposetoliegiiieveryday every energy to repel this invasion. \ sought a physician, and later in by u light about who's to build the There is no single subject on which j the morning it was ascertained i lire. Think’s it’ll make a man Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians mid Surgeons, aNDEKSONVILLE, : : GEOItGIA, Offlco at Drug Store of W. M. Clark. MsylS-Iy H. C. GARDNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IJGLETUOBPE, GA., K ILL prKtlce In Iho Soalh*WMt.rn Circuit and the ndlotnlng countlw. Prompt alien* gl vil to collection.. _ T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM! HENRY ANDERSON R espectfully announce* to the public that hla Barter tihop is open at all business bou is nml on 8unday until 11 o’clock a. m. He ba» rc- cently fitted it up in a neat atylo, and U better prepared !than ever to wait upon hU c , u * l f ) ' n ‘”' All who may wish to have Shaving, llalr Cutting Bhampooing, etc., done In fint-cUsA ntylc. bi- would be b ,na?13 l near the entrance to Barlow House. A Beautiful Rook for the Asking! csMiteiSMasarRis?!! New Book entitled UENIUS REWARDED, -OR TUE- STORY OF TBE SEWING MACHINE, containing a handsome and coetlyateel enslaving “iigraved wood cute, bine rddlitho: sranhed cover. No charge whatever la made tor this bandaoma book, which can be ^obtained only THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. al.Office, f THE PHHIX FI JSfsSSSKllS*JiiSIS SS“ «, heat repairing done in the* tnoat■•*'***■*!•' • n< * artistic stylo, and all on reasonable ternifc Refers to evfry gentleman In Americas.^Call ®* * at my nr* shop In front of Col. .* .A. *®»* h * of flee, yn .Tacky»n Htrcet. Anwrlcus, Os. ANDREW DtDLEY. Jnsrll.lf X,awso» P. Collier, Attorney-at-Law -AND- lteal Ksfftte Agent. DBA XTON, GEORGIA. Tnotr ibooMal Kru. of wild Ua-1 fo» ..l« I» Dioly County. NOW OPPJN! FINEST PICTURES, LATENT STYLES uml ALL SIZES. NittisfurliMi.tiuurniiiwil Prices Moderate OVER T. WIIKATLKX'b STORE, Stock is pure and fresh E. ellent Assortment ol Dorse , Colognes Liibin’s per fumery Toilet Soaps very fine. Standard Patent Medicines Tooacco and Cigars, The best 5c Cigars. Southeast Corner Square. Great Germ Destroyer Prophylactic Fluid! medical, weq more unanimously j that lie was Mr. Led butter, of Isa-1 sour nil day, maybe, agree tliatr tlfat vneelnntfon affords | Leila, aud lie hud come, for a phy- r..„ PV nnn i,.„ „ „ a great protection again, t small* i 8 j c j a „ t0 attend Mr. McDowell, S ox. As nnti-vaccinntionists en- i w ) 10 hnd been shot tlio evening bc- cavor to entrap the public in f ore . p r . McMillen accompanied their so-called philanthropic argil- : [ 0 the Wounded roan, and upon ments, we quote from a correspon- t|„, Doctor's retilHi' to Albany ho dent, ol the CoTnmhuj Ehquirer- j n r onu ed us that Mr. McDowell Sinusome solid data showing not 1 | m d been shot nmicr'the following only the protective influence '>1' circumstances: i vaccination against small pox, but j Mr. Lancaster and Mr. Joukins also its ameliorating effect upon had cneli a bank of potatoes on the the disease when contracted, and , aiiule premises. Mr. McDowell had thus the diminution in the niortali-' i, e en in the habit of buying pota- ty. During the Franco*I’nissiau i toes of Mr. Jenkins. It was his war air epidemic of smalt-pox arose | (<ustom to go to the heap and help among j thennvaecimiatod French I himself nml charge the potatoes up soldiefc, flesttfjing 33,000 of them. to himself. But lie got into tlio The Prussian army,although much I wvonn - bed, and Instead of taking largor and equally exposed to the | JcUins’ potatoes, Us Jio. thought, contagion, lost in all only 250 sol*,| ho was. taking Lancaster’s, who, diets from thA dUiMO^TiiiCrrus- i constantly missing his potatoes, thoroughly vaeci- thought il IliTof was operiitlnd: on hated, the French not at all. Among t w* m . and late Wednesday seta Among tlio revnccinntcd in tlio German army, only four fatal cases of small 'lave occurred in twenty years ugh there -has been exposure to tiiis disease time after time. In Sweeden the mortality from small pox 1 previous to vaccination was 3,000 per million, since the intro, ductiou of Janncr’s grand discov ery it lias been reduced to l- r )( per million. 'In 1*121 hnll’of the oily of Boston lay sick of small-pox. We could add numerous such stalls* Res!'' This is positive evidence enough of the power of vaccination, Americus, Georgia. Rep2I-wtwtf Prof. VAN RIPER. J. E. Sullivan, JEWELER, AMERICUS, • GEORGIA, Splendid Stook of Anatolies and •Jewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work PROMPTLY DONE. J. E. Sullivan SMALL POX KRAIUCATHD. Filling of Small Fox Prevented, pm 111.-.1 ami [lo pie: and a nulls relieved ami re- frridird by batbins with ProidiylaticFlulu ndded f.> tlio water. Soft white complexion# secured by Its use in bathing. Iinpu’c air made harm* Icsm and pnrified by aprinkling Jiarliy* Fluid about, puilfy the breath, IroyiHl. I iKncntcry cured, purl bed \Y oull( |g rapidly. cleanse the •eth, Hcnrvey cared iu rhort time. Tetter dried up. DIPTIIERIA Prevented. can’t hi! Mirnnsacd * ■hoiem illmiipaieil. Colsrrh rellmd anil H, ;‘e Fjv.r P r«v. »u,ll., In COM.** of death in tli curfd. Kryalpelss cored. IturiiK relieved instant ly. It should al ways he used ab Hears prevented. ltemov« »all unpleasant ^7 n u l e, , , , ." y 1 An antidote for animal or vegetable poisons, slings, etc. SCARLET FEVEIt CURED. Dai anierourt i-flluvlao of sick rooms and hos pital* removed by its Yellow fever eradicated In fact it Is the great Disinfectant aud Purifier! I'UKPAltF.I) 1IY XX. ZZ3XiZ3M db CO., Hiss Kate King lanlhropists was, tlio danger of Irnnsinilling disease rly means of Immanizcd virus. Tills argument cun no, longer pblJW/i^orydl virus used by physicians is jllrcct from the cow. Bovine virus is now nni- tlibm, and late Wednesday trap gub, b|ow the thief up. J-ate in, ,the.ey.Qidng Mr. McDowell applied to Mr. Jenkins for potatoes, and, ns us ual, was told to go to the bank ami help himself. He went to the bank from which he had previously got ten ids supply, when ho, of courso, sprung tlio lock, the whole load en tered tlio breast. Tlio horror of the roan who hud only n few mo ments before: loaded the trap was as great as that of the innocent man who walked into il. Dr. McMillen informs us that the gun was loaded with small bird shot, and though lie recoivod the and corrohoratqd by lqcdienl men oiWiver ,thn world, \yllo deal With small pox. Formerly ’another po : .i, w i„,|,, i ou( i i,is wounds aro not cut argument o( tlio psemlo-phi-T^^ 8 g nrt | y ,[ nrn ,| n g. The passing ’ l '" " r is possiiile thiit sonic of the sliot pen etrnted tlio ulnary orguns; lint out side of this the wounds are lint slight. „ , ,, - , „ , i The nfliiir created considernhlo versnlly used. Tbo history of Im-, Hlil . A || mn .. an ,i n li sor ts ol rn- vine virus is not generally knoivn. jjgforc tlio arrival it is this : hi ISUti a case of spon-1 of McMillen with the uliove in- notViniTpoculiwabout that* Most tnncoiis cow pox occmled in Beau-1 formation—Albany New*. wr |[ ^g linted editors frequcntlv genoy, Fiance, and was perpetu- ... i«*»ia™ «unui» nlcd by transmission through licif- j IVhjr the Parson I,eft Kentuck)'. i' " 110 R!l,np lhm K. ers l>y the French Academy. Home A uno/l minv years ago, when a “This is Neptune, “said the pro of those cows have been imported certain place in Texas was a very fessor, placing his finger on the into this country, and the traus- Hlnu |; town, quite n number of mission 1ms here been carried on prominent citizens went out on a through about 1,500 heifers since I hunting expedition. One night, 1870. The manner in which this W | 1C „ they wero all gathered around mind and a will to think for himself, and yet m’any will go around hacking and cough ing until some friend recommends Dr. Bull’s coiigh syrup for that cough. l’rof. Swing says that the world has no use for angels. Apparent ly not, for we never saw one.— Somerville Journal. We have. She costs about $2,50 a week for oy ster stows. . , Did you ever see a grocer fill an oil can ? He does it so funnclly. — IFii and Wisdom. No,,wo never did sec a grocer fill an oil can. They usually' putin about four-fifths of the amount paid for. One whale swallowed Jonah, and nil tile whales since Jonah’s time Infvo been trying to swallow the story. Theirlamily pedigree con tains no record of an ancestor with such a gullet. “ 'Tin the sunset of life gives me mystical lore; and coming events east their shadows before;” and the thirst you feel is a thirst more intense, when a schooner costs five and you’ve only four cents. King Alfonso and tlio queen ad dressed Minister Hamlin in English at his recent presentation at court. This was not only a very flattering compliment, hut it gave him a change to understand what they said. Beecher contends that he could enre tire-most rapid soehdlsHftflve minutes, by giving him $500,000. Maybe you could, Henry, but what is a remedy for socialism that isn’t so convenient to apply ? It is related of the late Colonet Forney that lie frequently deposit ed large amounts in diflerent banks and (orgot all about it. There is inoculation from heifer to heifer is t | 10 fl lc , one of the party done as follows: The most perfect j suggested that each man should and mature light colored young an- ; K j vu t |, e time and reason tor Icav- 11 «»' imids are selected; tlio hair is clean- j j„ g |,j s native state and coming to Texas, whereupon one in turn told his experience. Judge Hrank hnd killed a man in self-defence,' and Arkansaw, Gen. Soandso, Imd forged another man’s signature to a check, while another oume to Texas on account ol having two wives. The only man who did not mnkc any disclosures was a sancti monious-looking old ninn, who al though a professional gambler, was usually called “Parson.’’ “Well, Parson, why did you BARLOW HOUSE! W. H.CLAY, Proprietor, Americus, * Go. i -KKKI'S, ON HAND— A.V ZUjZi TIMED ly shaken from the inside of the leg, an area of 12 to 14 indies by C to 8, and on this bare surface scarifications with a lancet are made in twenty to thirty places from one to two inches apart. Into these places pure lymph Irani ma tured pustules of a previously vaccinated animal is applied, and the process of inoculation of the “taking” begins. In seven lo nine days the pustules are opened, and when the lymph oozes out it is touched with an ivory point. Alter, |„ avc Kentucky drying, this point is ready for use. | <*i ,i 0 n’t enre to lulk about The point is made of ivory with j j t> Besides; it was only a trifle, beveled edges, which supplies the None of you would believe me any place of the lancet, again afford-. | IO w.” ing a protection against infection «<) n t with ill Did you shoot caused by unclean lancets. . anybody?” “No, gcntlcineu, I did not. Since your want to know so bad I’ll tell you. I left Kentucky because I did not build a church.” Deep silence fell on the group. No such excuse for coming to Tex as hnd ever been heard of before. Bovino virus lias entirely super- ! seded uriu-to-anu vaccination, the ; great horror of the aiiti-vaccina- : tionists. With all of this painstak- , ing to prevent the spread of dis- ' case, and the undoubted good rc- 1 suiting therefrom, we are unable to ■ see what reasonable objection there q'|„. re W as evidently an uncxplain- ••an lie to vaccination. c d mystery at the iiottom of it. It is not claimed for vaccination j 'pi,,, ■•Parson” was called on to that one scar gives an absolute im-1 furnish more light. L0WEST CASH MB® ar-S Give ua» trial »rni|fc« ronfiniv.1. < and t> during this period of years turned it over tome to build a r,.,.j-iw.i„i»-it 6m j a person take small pox (some who church—and I didn’t huihl the . Vaaal ._ I *lak.ifASD 1USKW.NS ,are well vaccinated never take the . cliurcli. That's all.”— f* Sifl- Soaoroa Jf e&gixx, disease, however much exposed,) i n jn. (SoceeMsr io.i. it. •-*viiiift.;n.) , the disease is lighter. • — FASHION ABLE BARBEIt, SCleCtlOII (if MlllllierV GOOtlS - A Y*r X fertile Source of disup- Living Wilnessos. * ] pomtm^ in iqiperfect vaccina-. The humlrci’.s of liealtliy looking UNDKK T. WUKATI.KV H, os TUE rOKNhB. SHAIII* BA/OILS f ATTENTIVE HELP! j AECHITECTTJEE. was ies ,, , r- „„ a . „ on the place hearing her screams, , lion ' Bovine virus it Iter exposure 1 m eii, women and children, that rushed to her assistance and ex- outsidc ball of tho system,“and we arc two tliousaud, seven hundred and fifty millions of miles from the sun.” Rheumatic student on the hack scat turns up his collar ami shivers perceptibly. Tho shah of I’crsia pays his bar ber (5,000 per year and shaves on ly once a month. And it the liar- her suggests, “Shampoo to-doy, sir,” “a little oil this morning,” or {lares to mention his “hair restorer,, his head is sent away in one box und his body In nnothcr. “You old vulture you,” she ex- claimed when he mildly hinted that live bonnets per annum were about enough for an ordinary- woman. Next day when lie relented and told her to Order a sixth, it would havo made an angel smile to hear her call him “Binlic.” When an Austin schoolmaster entered his temple of learning a few mornings ago ho read 911 the blackboard tlio following legend: “Our teacher is a donkey.” The pupils expected there would lie a combined oyclone and earthquake, the philosophic pedagogue con tented himself with adding tho word “driver” to tho legend, and opened the school with prayer, as usual. . -■ Old “aunt” Maria Patterson, who lives on Flake hill, near this city, was sitting by tho firo on Wednes day afternoon, to take a. smoke with her pipe: She, lit ter pipe with a scrap of ppper and then threw the burning'paper,’as she thought, Into the fire; blit it fell near her feet and her clothing caught from it, and quickly she wi almost enveloped in flames. I’artii I AM prvpsrrd to furul-h DvUIHDrwioie * Foil Mpf-fltlcatloiis int 4VEEW ANN’K AND KAST LAKH vr anv oth^r of tb* n»<*Uni styles, «o u tauft bolls your to warmth becomes ofted inert, at 1 have been rescued from beds of i tiuguisbed the fire as soon as poa least is partially Injured. “* pain, sickness and well nigl: death • sible, hut not beforo she was most THE LATEST STYLES! J The proper method to puisne is by Parker s Ginger Tonic arc the horribly, and, perhaps, fatally to lisc perfectly fresh lymph, keep- best evidences iu the world of its ing only a small stock on Imnil and sterling merit and. worth. You receiving it every day or two. Ev- w m fl u d hgcIi iu nearly every com munity. r ut. AtckU«ct, America*. Os. »o III file lie/orr Von rurehaee. Miss Kate Kfn(.U Pahile b^oart An.«ii< as. Os. cry person who has not been vac cinated within tlie past three years, . even though at that time a perfect sear resulted—should now lie vac- | ciliated lit not more nor leas than The pencil trees aro blossoming in Florida—Cleveland Leader. And noses in Urbaua. burned.—Nn/avla Bulletin. Annoyance Avoided. Gray hairs are honorable but their premature appearance is an noying. Parker’s Hair 'Balsam preyenta the annoyance by restor ing tho youtbrol color.-