The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, February 07, 1882, Image 3

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fJUin’icus icconlttv liOOAIi OOIjtTMie. ~ H. C. STOREY, Local Editor. ChauRo of Schedule. On anti after Sunday December lltb, trains will leave Americus as follows:— Puss, train leaves for Albany ana Mont gomery .10:53 a m Pass, tram leaves for Macon.... 3:28 l* m Night Accommodation for Macon daily 1:10 A m Night Accommodation for Alba ny and Eufttula .daily except Sunday 1:20 am if. H. Collier, Agent. House Dlowu Dowu; Quite a strong gale passed over the city on Friday night last. Little or no dam age was done however, except to fences. At the new residence being built by Col. Hawkins on Leo street an out bouse which bad just been framed was scat tered to the four winds. Golden Dent Corn at W. T. Daven port A Sou’s. Notice. There will be u called meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society on Wednesday evening next at the Metho dist clinch immediately after Prayer meeting. Mits. Helm: Brown, President. Mas. S. S. Sullivan, Secretary. I (Jet (lie Best. In another column will be found an j advertisement in relation to the old and ! worth one dollar of any man’s money. ITE^^S .A.1ST1D T-n-r-! A s. The best lecturo ever delivered in Americas to-night Monday was a most beautiful day, the air being clear and balmy. One dollar for ton cents, wo mean Luth er Denson’s lecture to-night. Clothing will bo sold regardless of cost for the next 30 days at the New Yoiik Stork. Read J. It. Gatewood’s advertisement of field peas and good brick. “Don't sqneczo my arm, I was vaccinated last week” said a young gentleman the other night to his girl. Wit, humor, pathos and sarcasm: all for ten cents.—We mean Denson at the Opera Houso to-night. Lace Curtains and Lambrequins to match, at New York cost to close out. J. Waxei.baum & Co. Five appealed cases from this county will be beard i»t the February term of the Supreme Court. It is the “proper caper” to send your sweetheart a vulcntiue this year. All the swells nro going to do it. Luther Denson lectures at the Opera House to-night for the last time in this city. Admission only ten cents. The “Hying jenny’’ was hauled to the depot Monday, to be shipped away. The proprietor says ho lost money in Ameri- Our 75 cent corset Ts a Daisy and PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Augusta Evening News! .ias. h. now, JOHN M. WEIGLE, } TiiormETOiis W. II. SIOOHE, ) Only one dime to hear Luther Denson to-niglit. Mrs. ^Weaver, ofCnthbert, is visiting Mrs. D. Dagley. Allen Chapbell, the popular drummer of Macon, is in the city. Mr. Will C. Farlow left for Daltimorc last week to attend Dryan A Stratton's Commercial College. Mr. E. J. Walker, of Marsballville, formerly a clerk in our city, has recoy- j ered sulliciently from his long sickness j to go to Florida to reenporate, ! Mr. Joel Crawford, who was injnred i . some time ago at C. M. Wheatley’s varic- j „ tv works, is ininrnvincr. unit if. is tlmimlit • * OR(»AN Ob AN1 t.LI 1. G'liristmas is CoiiDg Jas. Flicker’s AND THAT IS NOT TIIE REST OF IT, Mrs. M. T, Elam’s JEWELRY STORE. THE PIONEER PAPER OF GEORGIA.; Independent in nil Tiling*. I UitfniinelUxI ami Uniiistnicted. ty works, is improving, anil it is thought by bis physicians that they can save all of his fingers. If thi* is so, it will be a remarkable feat of surgery, considering that two of his fingers were almost en tirely Revered from his hand. A fresh stock of garden seeds at W. T. Davenport A Son’s. j RING OR COMDINATION. Onr Capitals Experience. . Our Mottos Progress. Onr Reirardi Success. justly celebrated fertilizer, Gossypian Pbospho, to V. hose merits so many of our planters can testify. It is for sale on ly by Harris, Tames A Williford, who also carry a large lino of groceries, provisions, tlonr, shoes and planters supplies. They are fair dealers and aim to sell only the best goods. To arrive, 30 rolls Drusscls Carpet, sold at auction prices. J. Waxkmiau.m A Co. To Everybody and My Frleuds. Everybody may feel satisfied that they can get the best liquors and cigars in the city, second to none in purity, becauso wo have adhered to our determination to handle none but pure first-class goods, and wo feel sure that our brands will give satisfaction to the trade. After this date I can be found nt the Darlow Hom;< Bar and Hilliard Saloon, where are new tables, now liquors and new everything. Call, everybody invited. Respectfully, Feb. 2.1-in. II. C. Johnson. Seed Irish potatoes at W. T. Davcn port.A Son’s. ; Tuc Georgia Baptist Couvcutlou. The Georgia Daptist Convention will meet ill our city on the 20lh of April next. This will bo the lurgestf and most im portant meeting held here lor several years, and oxtensive preparations will soon begin to bo made for tho caro of this distinguished body. Americas lms a widespread fumo for her generous hospitalities toward guests of this char acter, and our citizons will take pleusuro in throwing open their doors to the con vention. Silk Fringes at iiai.f price to close out. J. Waxki.uai’M A Co. Caught lu n Spring Trap. Mr. John Walker has for somo time been annoyed by raids made upon bis potato hills by theives. After watching in vain to catc h the thief ho tried the virtue of a strong heaver trap in the hunk. He only had to wait a short time on Saturday night, before the cries and groans of a darkey admonished him that the game was entrapped Cullee ex plained the unfortunate little episode as a remarkable case of somnambulism, but J. W. couldn't see it that way, but the little matter was arratiged. Our entire stock of Hosiery sold regard less of cost to clean out. New Yoiik Store. A Fine Building. Messrs. J. W. Sherfield A Co., the en terprising hardware merchants have so increased their trade that it has becomo necessary to onlargo their store-room, and they nro making preparations for building u largo and handsome two-story brick businoss houso on the site of their present store-room, but which will extend from tho corner to Mr. I. N. Hart's build- iug, making the largest and most con venient hardware store in Southwest Georgia. We are glad to see our busi ness prosper, and hope they will all be compelled to build new houses iu which to accommodate their growing trade. Opera Kids at 50 cents a pair, worth ono dollar. J. Waxki.ijai u A Co. A Benefit. In another column will be found the I programme of the play to be produced on Thursday night by the Americus Ama teurs for the ben fit of the Americus Light Infantry. We don’t want to talk “worthy object" to you, ami all that, for we are sure you will get your monies worth if yong*. The cast of characters is com posed mainly of persons who are well known in onr city, and need no com mendation from us. Tho plays to be produced are light comedies that will make you feel all tho better for hearing, J. Waxeeuai m A Co. It makes us feel good, ns wo bask in the sunshine of Southwestern Georgia, to read accounts of the great snow storms in the North. Tho Recorder is this week in r* ceipt of u largo stock of handsoino wedding in vitations of latest styles, as well ns some very lmudsome ball invitations nnd some elegant new type. When separating postage stamps be careful to tear them on tho perforated line. The poslofiice department bus re cently ruled that postage stamps with a piece torn oft’will not be received as post- Our stock of Hamburg Edging and Inserting iiEi.ow cost, to make room for our Spring aud Summer stock. J. Waxkkiiaum A Co. Willingham, if you think you could stand it, a sea* will bo reserved for you at the Opera Houso next Thursday night. What say you? We don’t thiuk there is danger of any body injuring yon unless it bo Jim Drady. Two thousand dollars at time of mar riage is » nice sum. Address Men nnd Women's Mutual Relief Fund Associa tion, corner Droad nnd Hunter streets, Atlanta. [Janl5-8wnltJ Our post-ofiico is in a bail fix. Not stamp in theofticeof less denomination than 10 cents, and they don’t know when any nro coming. They have borrowed along tho road until tboy can’t borrow any more. Do so’methiug new if stamps would command a premium in Americus. Wo defy competition on Hoots and Shoes, and sell them -cheaper tlmn any house in town can buy them. J. Waxeeuai m A Co. have a large line of Ladies Hats, trimmed and untrimmed which wo will eloso out nt manufacturer’s cost, to make room for our spring stock, now be ing purchased by our Mr. J. W. Wnxel- baum in New York. J. Waxeuijaum A Co. A genuine snipe hunt took place in the suburbs of our city on Saturday last. Tho preliminaries wero arranged at tho Darlow House, by a party of three drummers, one of whom was duly initiated into the mysteries of the. cap ture of this delicious ganio bird. Our people are getting interested in the matter of erecting a cot ton-seed oil mill at this point, and several gentlemen are pursuing investigations as to tho cost and profits of such a mill. A mill is certain to bo erected here this season, and those who first tako the matter in hand will bo the ones who will reap the profits of a wise investment. Often in the last extremity, when the local editor, is raving wildly, guashing his teeth and tearing his hair; whon ev ery pun on an ice item has been exhaust ed; when tho dogs smilingly wag their tails in passing each otherou the streets; when tho sick refuse to die, and lovers refuse to marry; when everything out of which a paragraph may be woven seems to have gone to tiie cemetery, and when tho pencil-pusher is stauding on the very brink of the greut precipice of suicide, , there comes to bis rescue the old time aid faithful—“Old papers for sale at this office!” A Hail Bridge. Thcbri tgc over tho mill race at !fnl!i»' mill at Kinchufoonee, in Lee county, is iu a fearfully bad condition, nnd should ho attended to. About ten days ago, as a team belonging to Mr. J. R. Gatewood was crossing the bridge, ono of the mules broke through and was precipitated into the race, a distance of ten feet, bruising the animal dreadfully, and delaying the the team for two days. Mr. Gatewood talks of instituting suit against the au thorities of Lee county, as this is tho sec ond animal he has had injured at this Temperance Lecture. Mr. Luther Denson, of temperance ora torical fame, delivered ono his lectures in the Opera House on Sunday night. The amlicnco was the largest that over assembled in the building, the parquette and dress circlo being filled to over flowing. aud the gallery being packed. Mr. Dunoon’s lecture differs entirely from I the ordinary temperance lectures, as he knows by his own experience whereof ho speaks His remarks are interspersed by short anecdotes nml witticisms that keeps his hearers in a happy frame of mind. As a reader of character Mr. Denson is remarkable, an.; having tho heuciil of a j County, wide range of travel he knows just ex actly wlmt to say and how to say it to the peoplo ho go to see him. He is through ly in earuH in his work, and does all of his speaking on his own account; pays his own expenses, and often charges his hearers nothing for admission, us ho wants nil to bear him and judge r or them selves as to whether ho speaks the truth. He lectured again Monday evening, hut as wo went to press before he began talking, wo arc unable to say what kind ofnn audience ho had. Wherever ho goes ho will ho found a square nnd honest man. I’kteuson’s Magazine for February is already before its,more brilliant than ev- Nothing could excel the principal steel plate, “Fast Caught,” or the spark ling story it illustrates. Tho colored pattern, iu Kensington stitch, “Design For Pansies,” isonoofthoso costly things found only in “Peterson.” The literary matter is even better than usuul. Doth the novelets, thill by Mrs. Stephens, nnd that by Mrs. Austin, incrense in power ns they go on. The other stories are all superior, those by Frank Leo Denedict and Mrs. Demeritt especially so. The illustrations for fashions, for work-table patterns, etc., number nearly fifty, and nr** alone worth tho price of the number. It is a standing wonder to iih how so fine a magazine can ho published at so low a price; the puzzle is only to ho explained by tho immense circulation “Peterson" his attained; the ladies have learned that they cannot aftbrd to ho without it. It you have not subscribed for it already, lose no time, hut subscribe nt once. Or, better still, get up a club, and earn a copy free. The price is hut tiro ilullnrna year, with great deductions to clubs. Speci mens are scut, gratis, if written for, to thoso wishing to get up clubs. Address Charges J. Peterson, 30<» Ches/iut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Augusta (Gn.) Evening News lms the largest circulation of any Daily Paper ever issued in Augusta, nnd as an adver tising medium is unsurpassed Advertising lutes on application. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION DAILY—1 Year $5 6 Months WEEKLY-1 Year 1 G Mouths Dooly Sheriff Solo. GEORGIA—Dooi.y County. rln lex'al hour* of’saloon thiTflnit Turi«<!ay iii Mnrrli next. Lota of land Nn’o. 1>S, W, 102 nml lOH situ- lying am! being in tin* l»th District of 1>< i ~w U nty, On., and on which la situated a vnlin J mill property. HaM property levied un ns properly of Howland Redding, doconaed In handa of A. O. Morgan administrator do Is non etc, of anld Rowland Ridding to ho min*tered hf vlTitle of a It fa Issued from Dr Superior Court, in favor of .Iniuea Tiirrentiue, against eaid A. fl. Morgan n* administrator d< Inini* non of mild Redding dneenaed. Tbit Janu- ary, “Utli 1882* V. T. KAJ'K, Shortir Pooty County. Dooly SlturifTSalu. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Tuesday In March, 1884, between the legal It of sate, the following property, to-wit; One hundred (100) hii'hol* of corn, more or ill the crib, and fifteen hundred (1,5(81) poum! aeed cotton, more or 1cm, In tho house. Levli on ns tlio property of dames Hayes, Hr., to satisfy one Superior Court Fi- Fa., issued from th ~ nor Court of anld county in favor of F. !’ land va. said Jntnca Hayes, Sr. Property polnte Dooly Sheriff Sale. W ILL he sold before the :oort house door the town of Viotiini, Dooly county, 4 on the.tlrst Tuesday In March next, within legal hours of sale, the following described pr erty I wit: HOnu cotton gin, two log cnrt.% one syrup kettle, one lot old Irons and wagon plunder, one corn shelh-r, one cross cut saw, nml one ah lick cutter. Said property levied on as the property of H. M. Thomas by virtue of and to satisfy •atlon Issued from the Huperlor Court Iv county Iu favor of W. (J. Ih.nnpr against said It. M. Thomas. This dnnnarv :$0tli, 188*2. F.T. HAl'K, slier I if !>. C. Dooly Sheriff Sale. W ILL he Hold before the court home the town of Vienna. Dooly county, the first Tuesday in March next, within tin* legal i of sale, the following described property ty, On., I.evied upon Davis, aud sold to satialy the Superior Court of Dimly the property tty <1 , Darla. January Leave Cnllah.... Arrive at Way Jacksonville I’naacnia-rr thin train uri from vlng at llrnuMwick 5.00 p. i dally at... die dally lit ■ill** daily at dally at. _ ross daily New Advertisements. ULiOVKU A PKIIKY’S OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thursday Night, Feb. 0,1882 tllUiUi COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT BY AMERICUS AMATEURS foil TUB Americus Light Infantry. WIT! II C M OH! IMTIIO.S! R. Bugoao Byrd. With hit Beautiful L js Holoa: “A Hundred Futliotns Deep,” “ Grand Old Ocean,”—Millard. TIIB I'.VItlVAl.KI) I'OMKDY, Tunw him out : XICODBML'H NO MW (; COi i„ r Mackintosh Moke. K jLANTIN’K UOSUI.KAK Julia mi, W. M. Hawke* Mary Ilayn< l*s Mary Haynes Mm* hi la 4)j,ver CHAItACTEK DELINEATIONS! fir.NIUlAI. Sl'I’KIIINTKNIiKM ’h OFFICE, Savannah, November ‘20, IHSl. O N AND AFTER 8 UN DAY. November 2* 18 fc l, Pasacnger trains on tide road will a* follows : Leave .Savannah dally at 11.00 A. Leave Jiissiip daily at 1.20 p. Leave WaverosM dully nt . 'i.42 P Arrive at Callahan daily Arrive nt Jacksonville daily lit.. .. 0.50 A. M, .11.58 A. M .. I.'JO P. M nnuli for llruiiKwiik Ink* (dally leave Kriinawlek ut 10.15 _ . at Savannah 0 40 p. ni. I'muengeia leaving Mar*>n at 7.30 a. in. connect at Jessup with the tr .in for Flvrl* Passenger* troni Florida by thi* train at Jessup with train arriving in Mucoii at 7.50 r* in., (daily). This train stop* only ut Je**up, \V Folks ton, Callahan and Jacksonville. JACKHON VI LMS EX PH ESN. Ia-ttve Savannah daily at Il.l, laavo Jessup •• 2.45 .A .\l leave Wuy.roM '* 4,1.1 A. M. Arrive at Cnllnhan “ 7.00 A. M Arrive at Jacksonville* '* s.oo A. M Arrive at Live Oak dolly (except Hun- . 'I*y>«t 11.50 A. M Leave Live Oak dully (except Sunday) 2. to |\ M. Leave Jacksonville dully nf 11.4)0 p. M Leavo Way cross Arrive at /e*aiip Arrive utbavanuah Sleeping Car* Savannah Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Joe Montgomery nnd Jacksonville. Vsssenger* lor Florida by thi* tr: 11.40 I' M “ -’ A. M hi* train dally hotr Passengers for Darien take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Brunswick tn Ing this train arrive at Brunswick 5.30 a. tn. Passenger* leaving Hr mu wick 0.UO p. m., ari igers for Hairiest ille, fed nr Key*, Hav iu ini') Florida 'Transit Itoad take this train. Passenger* from Savannah for Madison, M ticcllo, Tallahassee and (Jiiiurey take this trail Passengers from (Juinccy, 'lalhJinssce, Mo cello and Madison take tills train, meeting sle ing ear* at Waycrosa at U.M p. in. ALBANY EXPRESS. IXMVC 8; l*TV Leave Waycrosi Ia-ovo DuPont Arrive Thomasi Via p. M 8.»i 1*. M 10.15 P. ,\|. anil then Col. Harrow and Capt. WattM j bridge. Travelers or Iso complain will give you Home of their best i tions. Mr. R. Eugene Ryril will 1j land and assist, and altogether it will he a good entertainment, nothing fine, hut something wholesome and home-dike. Admission prices are nominal, 5t»and 25 cents, and resnved seats on sole at Mrs. Elam’s. r.f a shaft running from the mill under the on J bridge, to w hich a wheel is attached and which makes a noise that frightens teams. As this road is greatly traveled, jt would seem to he* the part of prudence in the proper authorities to see that this bridge is put in good order. The bridge over the creek is all right. Col. II. C. HARROW AND Capt. UKO. S. The Vagal** WATTS. .IU AM. Unve Ralnbridfc Itvnd-r Hen-hpeck’' A.HIiiz :orwIf.. ... „i; In. tsliou .'.m l ,.f IV.II. iiJhuK.rtruTrV.s'o'j'AitcK” i“ii C i»i le THE LIVING STATUE ! As playel at the V’andervllle ThenireJ Lnodon, <m-r Thr.t* II ii uri ml uiglrta, and hrimfiil of wit, humor and mirth provoking -Itnation-. OAST: LARKMPLTt .a sculptor) II C storey trot; Kir ). vt. iirady. ...J. L. Albritton. Mls« Myra Brady Thorn Arrive DuPont Arrive Wayrro* vllle by this train. Mail steamer lea «y (or Ap <oo nect ion nt trains both v . 4 IU P. M. .. 4.W) p. M. .. 8 .TO p. M. .. 1.05 A. M. .. ;l.25 A. M .. U W A. M .. 8 50 A. M nd Thomas- r ry Thursday nd 4’olnmhin DR STUNKEROF MRS. PIPER KATE Ml Admlaaloui !l<-served oents In Parquette I Ail other part* I Children i May Bu> liana Albany daily with j. rays on the South we-t. rn Railroad to and from Macon, Enfatiin, Montgomery. Mo bile, New Orleana, etc. * Close eoi meet ion at Jacksonville dally ('•'nndays excepted)^for41 reen Cove Spring-, Nt. Align.- tine, Palatk i, Enterprise, Manl-.rd, and all land ing* on St. John’s river. Train* on B. * A. R. R. leave Junction going west, at 12.20 p. m.. and f.,r Hrunsun k at 3.43 |* rn , dally except Sunday. 1 I hrough ticket* »o:d and NPeoing Car Heitba 1 »nd Daawfng-room car accommodation* «e<-ure<t j at Bren’s Ticket office. No. ti Bull St., nnd nt the Corn panjr** Depot, 1** of/Jrs-rtv street. .i k rims' jas. I.. TAVL4 k. j rflastei Traia*. 4#rn'l IWr A*». * t 1C. 44. Ff.i; IN’41. Sui^rin endent. ARE COMING TOO. | Kpergues, Jardinorres, Cnvtl Itc' | coivcra, Dressing Cases, Toilot I Sets, Cups and Saucers, Sino- i liing Stands, Vases in real I Majolica, l’lain, Crackled KtcbedQIassnml Cliina, Majolica Berry, Egg, Salad, l’icklc nml Fruit Dishes, Also, Plates, Tea Pots, Pitchers, Japanese Brackets, Card llcccivcrs, Waiters, Powder ami Tobacco Boxes, Portfolios, Papctries, Panel Pictures, Etc., Etc. Handsome Picture Frames in Satin Velvet, Toys in China nnd Class, Dinner and Tea Sets for the little folks, etc. DOLLS! DOLLS! And cradles to rock them in, nnd lints lo put on them. Bracelets Necklaces, and all kinds of Fancy Jewelry and Ornaments, Roil Plate Bracelets, Pins and Ear Bings, Toilets, Mats and Tidies, Zephyr and other materials for fan cy work. 11ASKKTM, rUItSEH, SILK HANDKElt- CIIIEF8 nnd muny other HOLIDAY GOODS; Everybody invited to come and buy A M BB icus, Dee. 11,1881. t f. Ono of the largest estab lishments of the kind in the 3out/i. is Ioeatedin Americus, Gfl* Mr. l-'ricker’s store lias just undergone a rejuvenating process that makes it the hand somest store INSIDE to he found in Americus. In the Jewelry department can he found all the latest novelties in WATCHES, CLOCKS. NECKLACES, LOCKETS, RIXUS, LACE PIX8, SETS, AAR RIXf.N, IIKACELETS. TIIIIWI1LE8, "1 - THE CASH MKRtllANTS.I— t.AM.Ut ST., AMHIIH'US, (IA„ HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK FA.\fy AM) FA Mil. V Igkoceriesi! 1-ritEST AND HEHT W s INE8 AND UQUOB IIAMPAONK. OINOEIt ALE AND SPAltKLINO I'IDEIi. c Frenh miHurtineiit uf ONFEOTION AND AHlNrXiX) GOOD ltEHT HltANDH OF TOBACCO AND CIGARS! We pny rush fur nil our goods nnd enn offer J-iill AN INDUCEMENT! • Call and TIIE OLD RKLUlILi; NKW EDITOR! NEW MANAGEMENT! NEW STYLE! Tli« Daily Telegraph »nJ Mcs-«nger Is now n- :oguiteJ ns at the h<-ml of tleorgia journalism. It u live JKtjH-r I.; every «n*e of the won I, •liseus*- ? men and measures wiri.oiit fear, favor or alter, •n, looking «#nl> to the Welfare of «i< orgia an«l ectioo of nrivute rights. It hellev , ami will fen*l every energy to |i«*pni:«ee ami lead them to a higher np|irrcin- lio latest I Iv local »h IhVlesdin. Middle lie 1'iiy ! |* I** » fnn • ry e.l I*r Iih t let c* .« ell. on dm ;r ,rKl pup ir.onth/ I. attract!' lo make hi* b«*me • possible. A good ■no elevating in It* char- ■eutial riNinlsite to that d Mi The People’s Eavorile, The Weekly Telegrapli & Messenger. i* the dutv -teosm.t ami uper.purv *t»c». Ii a . The Weekly Telegraph Well tilled sixty-four roil**...,-, ■lernand, and no |hmliy in Middle tleorgia should he without It. I'ldition to tlu- cirtfully selected miscellany tire dally edition, and the n.arket re|s»rU, there I* every week a splendid *P*ry; nl*o valua- -’Xtracts lor tho “Farm and Home’' depart- for the Weekly. -One ye^r 84 ; >lx mollfiis «1. Clubs n toone.adJriAs ||3« year. Agents wanted eu“lis|’a r tlouthw- SjB’etncles of nil kinds and in struments to test your eyes and competent men to select Spec tacles best adopted to your eye-sight. Thousands of peo ple are injuring their eye sight by using commou Sjwctacles, or those not prop erly adjusted to their eyes. Solid Silvenvarc, SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, CAI(l) OASES, CUPS, Q OB LEAS, ER UTT KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, all kinds of case goods, etc., etc. In Electro-pla ted ware, a full line of Reed nnd Barton’s goods which I guarantee to have more silver on, nnd to he plated on better nnd harder material than any other make of goods, the only concern that took the only first- class prize in Australia. A partial list of these goods comprises Castors, Cake Bas kets, Berry Dishes, Epcrgns, Card Stands, Flower Stands, Water sets, Waiters, Goblets, cups, Spoon-holders, Syrup- cups, Butter-dishes, I'icl.le- stands, Knives, Forks, simwiis, Etc., Etc. These goods sold at the same prices that you would have to pay at the Factory, as well as a full line of goods of other manufacturers nt fac tory prices. I also keep a fine line ot Gold Pens, Walxing canes,etc. This weeK I will have the largest and most varied stqcK of China Vases, Toilet sets, Jardinieres aud tiincy goods generally, ever brought to this inarKct. In my Music Department I have a large stocK of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Accordeons, Tambourines, Harps, Instruction Books, etc. In my sewing machine de partment can be found a large lot of Davis, Williams, Wheel er and Wilson and other sew ing machines also a lot oi second hand machines all in thorough order lor sale cheap, a full line of parts, attachments needles and oil for all ma chinery. My work department is the most complete and the best supplied with tools, ma chines and material in the South lor doing watcli work, jewelry repairing, clock re- "Kti." pniring an ,i f or putting sew ing machines iu thorough or der, supplying any new parts needed, etc. The class of wort ,l " M “ h ' done here is superior to that of any other establishment outside of a large city. No trouble to show goods. Call o.rcc an ,i tuKc u Iook through my stocK whether you wish to purchase or not and and see the place where you can get what you want either in goods or woik when you need any thing of the Kind. Everything guaranteed ns represented. s «er it h i. Our mall rvlxxly who rtf. tho polit- TAMES PHICKUn | . Under Barlow House’ Am erloua,