The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, February 10, 1882, Image 4

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Jas. Flicker's JEWELRY STORE. A cold cr sens cl:root r.*.sjr rxt *ri»m ti ■Amount to nodi, and If promptly ttU;nd«I to can cahlly bn tun«l; but wjrloct. U often followed by c onsumption or illplifhrrtn. No tnndklnn luw ev< r been (ILsfovenil v.ltJt!) net* h I fiMlrltlr and mi rely I i ht’< ?j raw.;; Z PKURY I>AV1H* HIJtlt’ili. ’Il'O prompt U»** of Ibis <*cc/uu(i.'c remedy lia i navi-u thousand:* of llvea. PKHKV IIAV1K* PA II# KILLUa. .a not tin expert nirut. It lie* I* eu Dooro lb-* public for forty y*on., and I; ino.x valu'd tvli> ru It b beta known. A lew extract* from voluntary t ctRr.onhds mad ua fo!!own: One of the largest cstab lishnu-nts of the kind in the Soot’i. is located in Americas, «» Mr. Frickrr’s store hasj Hndgffi.'Mfi£XAF.T UK * LCn - just undergone a rejuvenating j TtSlSESSA process that makes it the hand* soinest store INSIDE to Ik* I A **«»«. «**««.. JXffiA found in Amcricus. In the' ■Jiwl for nouiu "jin could K* t 1 Tbr Man Who Wn* Warned. i During the uncertain days fol-j lowing the close of the war there were certain localities in the South where a man who had a grudge against a neighbor got rid <•( him l>y writing him un anonymous let- tci warning hi in to leave the State inside ot ten dnys, or |trt|iar to fill PHI'S ASII Plll'SIl*. “Who shall decide when doctors j , disagree?” The undertaker. Men err not so much in prompt action ns in hasty judgment Louis Napoleon. a grave over which no one would „ Tl,cre wil ‘ a,w “- vs >*>"•; " l,er <-‘ feci particularly interested in keep- j,* r , e 1 * 0lln<ls —Oehane ing the grass green. One day Col. " Uinnd, who had removed to Arkan sas from Southern Michigan and was attending strictly to business, received such a missive. It was the rule to turn pule as death, rush home and pack up, sell out for nothing and skedaddle on the wings of chain lightning,'but the Colonel Picayune. There is no beautiful intercourse unless one feels one’s self regard ed with favor.—Auhacli. There .is nothing more chilling to un ardent lover than the Ileauti- fill's So.—Spritujfit'ld (O.) Hi’/nih- He ......... ... .... ■ M-MTMVyBig didn't follow it. 'It struck him! A man always wants his liens to Jewelry department ean lie j i^ii,KV. * _ . that he knew the handwriting, nnd i have murderous designs upon him. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB HAST Ain? BEAST. For more than a third of a century the 3fr x lot uMiiafn tiff l.lnliuc-fit hud been known to jrtlMoiirt nil over tho worhl as th« only an;•» reliance for tho relief of accidents ::itd pain. It is si medicine jtlxtve price unit p raise—the best af II* b inti* For every form of external pain found all the latest novelties in WATCHER. CLOCKS. XECKLACES, I.OCKETN, HUGH, LACK PI MS, SETS, AAit ni.vos. URACELKTN. THIMill.CS Havo used Pain Ku.i t u In ipy family for forty £ ~*rs. and havii ueicr known it lo fail.- IUkhoac KW|«, W synet-li- M. Ha. _ 1 Hvan u*dntr Pain In my fondly twenty, flv* years aim sml Imn mod Its*\er»bm ,*ml tiuvo Ifftind noiiiedlf-ii.'* to Ukc It* place. U. V.'. Inin, Dnmfat. Oneida, N. Y. For whno|itnir-«v»iiyh and rrrti|> It Is tl»«* Del pretta ration me da Mo v. auld m.t be without It. - A. P. ItorT", I.llwrty .Mil *. \ . ror twciity-li\o >s*»r« l Is.- I* nidi | forwHsist.ijd cluii.M'l U 1 ji i«!« r it the Us*i jnesUcinocw rofli ml—Glo Him rt.u.W ilmhc-t* u, I wn* sufferin'' severely wllli limiu-hlt!*, tnjr tlirmt wa* so Inflnm I I mud iiumly iwsllm/ any fond. I ws* ndilM-d to lr> >our J'aih Ku.i.i n, and after Uklrnr a few d**«* hia oomph D-ly iired.—T. Milk imho v n frr.iu r*"l|ii tr.ji: Y<>nr V> C T, Walton .......,... Xlf.LKR cure* dll litl.i rl.i i i,t| loicthrret.ioiilbriii- Inrly prevalent h> re. atid hi s lo t Ik«ii Jn.ov n to fail, it| a »int;ln Jii>t i:<r. Thli fut you sIk i.1iI ..f.'.'S »Uie w orld i II. Mamin writro: My M>ti « s.hlidif ly eh k with dlfhtlM tin. Ho litany clilhln it )| ,«• diiil Ik.... _... to call u |»!a>► ii-lr.ii. aii'l til><l your „X. lie wan L Ixii cii H'.iiids.v* stnl on 'nlneeday h!s throat wna shi.r. It vm> a sun- "rfill cure.sml I wish it «ouid U* kiumii V> the l»N>r inothem w ho urn loei;ii< ho many rhlldirn. For ChlllM and Fever PA Ilf K linn no will’ll. It cun* when everyth In if elm* fnlln. DcIuvm arc often daniferMCL A Imith* of Fain Kii.i.rittn tin* Ikhiso Is it Hafi-KU;ird flint ao f.sillily eliould Im> without. All drujaftetn sell it ul :4.1c, .10c.. a nd 1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldorico, R. I. MRS. LV0I4 E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. S|M?etncles of all kinds and in-! struments to test your eyes and competent men to select S|icr- tacles best adopted to your | eyesight. Thousands of jieo- j pie are injuring their cve- siglit by using eomtiion S|iecta<:les, or those not prop erly adjusted to their eyes. tSoiid Silvenvarr, NPOOX.S. FORKS, KNIVES, CMth OASES, CUPS, (WHLE'IS, Fit Uir KNIVES, NA PK/N \ RINGS, nil kinds ol case | gooils, ete., etc. In Klcctro-pln- twl ware, a full line of Heed | and llartou’s gtods which I guarantee to have more silver! on, and to Ik; plated on better \ and harder material than any ^ yyy__ other make of goisls, the only ( concern that took tin* only first- ^ ^ r 1 class prize in Australia. A jiartiul list ol these; goods composes Castors, Cake bas kets, lk*rry Dishes, K|K*rgus, Card Stands, Flower Stands, Water Nets, Waiters, (tablets, cups, Spoon-ludders, Syrup- cups, Hutter-dishcs, Fickle- stands, Knives, Forks, spoons, Etc., Etc. These goods sold at flu* LYDIA E. PBNKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, l^^VullvM^uro far all I hoar I'alnliil 4'ainplnlnta ami Wraksnu* Mr»MM»N lonurb. a| remale populallo". II will curs nillrrly tho worst form of Irma la (on plaints, nil ovarian trouMrs, liillntiiiiiaiioii niul ( h en lion, fulling anil I»|s|>lat . im nl». ami tho coIim* |iu' it Hpltnl WiakiH M, and is |sutl« ulai ly adapted to tit* Chang*, of life. It will dissolve sikI vi|u l turnom from tho ult rut ii. nn enrl/ »tng*> of di vrlopmcnt. Tho tendency to ca.i .'•roils liumora there Is. lucked very ► js e.lilv l.y its u** It removes faintnmn, flnlulrney, di »tr»ysnll cinvl-ig for stimulants, nnd rellovrn weakness of the at.mseh , .It .urea lUoatlng,, Nervous f a n*t ration, same l>n<**8 that YOU would j «l*n*nu bahlllty, NhwphMUieaa, IVi.rr-^.m and Indl 1 a (Teat loll. have to pny at the Kuctory, 1 as well ns a full line of goods of other nmnufiicturcrs at tin - .torv 1 also keep n fine line ot | Gold Pens, Walking emits.,ete. | This week I will have the. peat loll. That feeling of hearing down, earning pain, weight and lia.-kaehe. Is alwny % |s*i mnn. nlly nuist by Ita use. It will nt all times and under r.ll rnvumi taiieta net In harmony with theliwii that irovein the fnualasyotani. for tlio cure.>f Kidney Coiuphiluta of mi Ihla Cwni|Kiund Is uii iur|k\* •»•.!. I.YDIl h rmillAM N VfnfTAtll.f. « «>»• Ptlt* Ni IMs prepared at s'J and ">• WV*Uiii Avenue, l.ynii, Mas*. I'ritwyi. His bolt lea for tkuthyinail til the form of pills, also In tho form of loieiigrs, on iccelpt of price, ft jut hex for either. Mra. Pink ham I freely aiuwera all letters of Impilry. Mend fer paiuph- largest and most varied stock > lr ‘- AJ ' lr, “ ** c,,... of Cllinn Vases T<ii|.,» «,.»« i s-(~-ur .h-u u-•«»«..i.rnui: rixsiuss . M ’ 1 ' M **> IJVIlt niJJl Th-jr ,urv „MaUf..lo«. WI1.U.U—, .lardliueres and liiliev goods i ». ■mbi.rui ,, , • , n , *#- sold b» ull llrusalala. -*» generally, ever hrouglit to _ this market. In my Music Department 1 Imve n large stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins. Guitars, llnu- jos, Acfoidcous, Tauilmuvines, Harps, Instniction Hooks, etc. In my sewing machine de partment ean Ik* found a large lot ol’Duvis, Williams, Wheel er and Wilson and other sew ing machines also a lot oi second hand machines all in thorough order for sale cheap, a full line of [tarts, attachments needles nnd oil for all ma chinery. My work dc|Kirtr.*.cnt is tin* most complete and the lK*st supplied with tools, ma lic went home, buckled on a knife i They then will lay for him—Hot- and revolver, and took a ride of j ton Pott. , three miles in the country, ltc dis- We would often be ashamed of mounted at the cabin ol a long 0 | ( |. j, es t actions if Ihc world saw ! haired, long legged, old swamp the motives which inspire .—La j mil. iiitiiicfl rattcTHon, who whh in Kop|ii*lotie;mli|. tlie l»:»ck vartl mcfitlinir :i litiriitHA. j . .... The Colonel approached him to j. " reply to the ,,ue-tma: '\\ ho , wit three feet and after they i, I l .V*“ ,min J *" nd •»»:[ ! tool seated and discussed the went!.- ! 11 . , .' tUU, “'« l«J» r « ,,ei,s, ' a ll, « t 11 • r, flit* Mipiii^iiiir'pr ruinarketl: I’hUcihoii, 1 am {foing to leave Arkaii-n*.” | ®.V Jove, we’ve got it. ••.Shoo ! Anything wrong?” ! "Y lu k oill K lo reform this theatre till) iiiiHtmig Llnlmi'iit la without nn « oua!. I 14 ju-nc Ira feu licit null muscle to I tlar> \ery !»««»«—making tho contlnu-l iri. ii of pain nn.I InlUtninHtlou lmpos-| HilMi*. It.s i tractNiipon Hutiian Flesh a".! I t !i«» llrnto < real inn urn (fjttally womlcr* I ful. Tho 3Iexicau j i: v ill lie the heifer that can furnish Ihc most vaccine. nuisance. Announcement: A liig hat makes a woman look twenty years older than she is. There !~ llotlon Pott. "I've been warned away.” “You don’t say.” "Yes, I’ve been given five days to leave ttio State.” "And you ealkerlate that you will go ?” “Yes, I'll have to or lie waylaid or hung up.” i slipped up on it before the dcccp- " Yes, I reckon that's so,” chuck- tion was discovered.—Uurtfonl led (lie old mail. | Keening Pott. “Hut I want to tnke something j You can excuse a man for tak- with me to remember Arkansas by,” ing a gloomy view of life when lie <\ Hoston artist claims to have painted an orange peel on the side walk so naturally that six fat men outiniicd the Colonel, “and I came after your scalp.” • My what?” “Sit still, old man, or I’ll bore VOII through ! That's it—up,with your hands! If I go back to Mich igan nnd Ich 'em that I was warned names his child for a rich uncle ayd the uncle allows it, nnd then the day alter the baptism goes in to bankruptcy.— Hoston Pott. Young mistress (in utter de spair:) “Why, Uridgct, wlmt have you done? Company expected Ji i«*«.li*.l \>y Komcboly in im iv hour*.. Fvci-y .lav bi inux nows ot tli «• n «»>»i> of nil it tt fill am Itl or Imrn miIkIim.I, or rhriimiitlu martyr-i ht.ircl, or v. Tnlunfile lior«e or :avc<l by tbo hc-uiliitf power of this «*li rpci'fllly ritrrs »uch ailments of III'IIIV l-'l iiu Joiiiti, ( .mlia.'t« <i JliiM'lti, Uiiriii and N nidi, l*uta v I-rul*«r« mill Sprnlu Mtltift*, lu.lieii vv«ry form of external di*« «n«r. It liruli xelftioiit *c»ri. l'or tin* Ititi.TK ( urtTioN it rtirea .S|ir:ilu<« Ntrlliii)', Hllff Joint*, Founder, llnritr** Wore*, Hoof I»l«- •> t*e*, Foot Hot, Wrrr«v IVoriu, Wcnli, IPollow Horn, Wrrnli lira, lVIml- KnllM Wpnxlii. Tltnisli, UlnylioHe, Old Wore*, Foil Ivvll, Film the Wight mid e%*rry oilier ailment to which the occupant* or the .Stable mid Stock lard arc liable. Thu Mexican Mu«tniii; I.lulinent al way a curt.** and never illaappolutN; uml ii id, positively, THE BEST OF ALL out or Arkansas and that I got up j every minute nnd the cake burned and dusted without firing a shot, 11» a crisp 1 It’s of no use now. they’ll call me a coward. If I ear- : Throw it into the ash barrel.” ry your scalp back, I’ve got some-1 llridgel (with the utmost compo thing losliow for the two years I’ve , sure:) "Sliure ma'am, I wudn’l put in here and the $fi,000 I’ve ; fret me.silf about the loikcsoftlml ?iw, MAN OB BEAST. Said out. Old iih.ii, if you know tlio Lord’s Prayer you’d Letter re peat it (juiek, for I’m in a dreadful litirry to oet hack.” Say, Knrnel, don’t you like the kentry down hero?” asked Put- • elXdt. Vl*M." I> I lie elitiinle all ri^lit?” Fir**! rate.” (’ tn make UD»lie\ ? ’ | (mm»i|” I'lieti. Kuriiel, don’t hack! I I don’t Kter two eents almiit my | •alp. lull somehow I’ve *;ot attach- I to \ on and it will rip all inv I tender feelin\ to si »• you jfo! | Let my old sea Ip luck slay wliar she is, and you stay wliar you he, and if any of the ltoys look cross- j eyed at \cr for llie next tell years I’m a kyottc if 1 don’t drive’em in to Mexico or make ’em lose them selves in the ground !’’ The Colonel is down there yet, and old Patterson never meets him without anxiously inquirin'' il lie’s got over being" homesick. I DM rmvn cosl'o.'Tn.l • L’tc., for liner liuilillii'. i" Stntloiutv, l'* DS Og i*. ti chines ami nmtcrinl in the o South tor doing! watch work, j m a jewelry repairing, clock n*- “ [miring and tor putting sow ing machines in thorough or der, supplying any new [mrt» needed, etc. The class of worl done here is su|H*rior to that ofnny other establishment outside of u large city. No trouble to show goods. Call nnd taKe a Iook through nn stock whether you wish to purchase or not nml and see the place where you can get wlmt you watt either iu goods or work when you need any thing of tlu* kind. Everything guaranteed as represented. ipoody Painless Cur. for tho Opiun or Morpnl Habit. Cur. Cuarantood. ANJrttt tS 3- :, i 't Sold hy NV. T. l>.xV(‘ii|Nirt iV S; § Under llarl. w House Aiucrtoua, I Litxrxnicf \ F„»*l l.Mnr\N VKKMIlTflE I drsiroy mi«t oxpvl %» oru»' IVoin tbr bo*i»mi baity tihere they Mhif. if Ncerdmc to tb»» dlrrr linns. Itlx* Krtfo nuil re liable remedy. F08 SAlf BY All OBUGOlSTo AND SI031 KEEPERS. David E. Foutz, Prop. itAl.Tinoui:. MU. Sel-I ly W. T I*av,hi nil A S«>j. Kmrs Iriim IHII'amit llreeds of Fowls, A eorrespoiulent of the Ohio Pur- nirr, Kanny Kirill, gives the results of experiments amt observations, as follows: Alter re|H:itcil experiments with the ilitt'erent varieties, ami eoinpar- •ontswilli others who have experi mented in the same direction, 1 Imve concluded that the laying ca pabilities ol the principal varieties art* about as follows: Light Itralimas ami Partridge Cochins—eggs, seven to the pound; lay Hill per annum. Park III.lianas—eggs, eight to the pound; lay I JO per annum. liluck, while mid bull Cochins— eggs, eight lo tlie pound; lay I S.'s pel annum. Plymouth Hock—eggs, K to the pound; lay loU per annum. Houduns—eggs, eight to the pound; lay Kill per annum. ‘.a Kleelie—eggs, 7 to the pound; lay l.'iO per annum. I (luck Spanish—eggs, 7 to tin* pound; lay CIO per annum. Leghorns—eggs,!) to the pound; lay ItiO per annum. Hull)burgs—eggs, II to the pound; lay laO per nnuuin. Polish—eggs, U to the pound; lay Iiit.per annum. Hantnms—eggs. If, to the pound; lay ‘JO per annum. I regret very much that I did not keep account of the cost of food consumed l.y eaeli varitly. Annoyance Avoided. (Srav hairs arc honorable but their premature appearance is an noy ing. Parker's Hair italsaui prevents the annoyance hy restor ing the youthful color. loikes of that j if I wuz you. Just give it to the defoliation party.” “Lookout, Charlie, lie's got a pistol!” “So have I !“ came the I reply, and the polished hand of a I revolver gleamed under the gas | lijlit.. [This is the beginning of a i blnod-uii'dling story iu a journal Irotn the educated north, samples of which publication are being fired ! into the Louisville front yards ev ery day to tempt tho callow youth 1 of the south side of the Ohio to buy. I These papers make a fair sui t of kindling, hut *t would lie much bel ter for every body if they could be i burnt before they are put to press. I — Courier Journal, Captain Joint P. Walker, of the | army, lias refused to wear upon his ; left arm the badge of mourning for Mr. (tarfield, as ordered of all ollb j cor a. The matter having been re- j ported to the War Department, | Captain Walker recently wrote to the Secretary of War that con-1 Kolcutious scruples against the j badge of sorrow influenced him in his course. POND’S EXTRACT. TilK CRKAT VKCiBTAW.K PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparation h.n cured so many case* of t!ics_* distressing complaints as the llxtnicl. Our t*|i%Mt**r is invaluable in these tli lain.blip., |»iin in Hack or Side, cu: Oliilnicnl (p rent.) fur use when remov .1 of clothing is im .nvenicut, L u yreal help lies ing inrt.itnimtory cases. Hemorrhages. urn, imn in weathfr. Eil. Ihovvn's Old Slaml nRf &»., SI IA OPENED A GENERAL Supply Grocery CONFECTIONERY ! Though late in the season, choice goods and fair dealing- will tell. Come and see us. I>ltusi*i:< T( N 1'OIt list, A riltST-L’l.ASS FAM1I.Y MAGAZINE FOR ONLY 53 PER ANNUM. LIPPERCOTTS m\mt At tho l.t earning of |h: pttMr.t ; vdpcd pile*, v m* |dirt llitl.l ;i ■d'finrlive pntponcof j u*- •»' i«-i*<lit'|t innttcr—for tl.o t of rial liter. Illocdinj the speedily contro atid *.top r vd. Oar IVusiil ^.vriu^o cem• i, .oh! IlilinlorH iJLi.cxi),arc g.-e^i : bipiitheria&SoreTliroat Use the Kx tract promptly. It is a Mire cure. Delay is dangerous. Catarrh. 32 Head, etc. ^ ()ur **4’alnrrll 4 ’ll re*** «jmm iul* llic cur*ti.e pro'Mrrtics of the ilxlrHctt our Xaxttl Nj rIntro, invaliahlo for use in ca tarrhal affections, is siiiiplc and inexpensive. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises. h '[i ing, cooling and cleansing. Use our Ollll- liirnt in connection with t!r- Fx4rtii*Ct it wdll aid in healing, softening and In keeping out Burnsand Scalds. Mp- it is uiiriv*lcd, and should he kept in every lain- ily ready for Use*in case of an idents. A dressing tliuluirut will aid in healing and pre- Kcnewed reports from the south cm tier of counties in Illinois state I _ that the deplorable eolidiliuu of Inflamed Of SOF6 Eyes. the inlialiitauts produced by scanty ’ ' crops of last year continues, and that, despite the- relief measures and the aid extended hy the public at large, llutrc is still great need of help to prevent starvation. Earache, ifoothache and Faceache Parent*, RkadThis — ParontH hIiouUI j alway* havt at Imntl roiiio prompt, infill- j lible. and *uro remedy for their children . carte of Ntiddeli attack* of DiarrhoM, ' DyHt'ntcry, bleeding of the none, cut*, j bruise*, no re throat aud many other ca*c* of u niiuilnr kind in which an hour* d»- j lay will open U-ad to *criou* it not fatal (chiiU*. For tlicHu complaints the great Family Remedy, Pond's KvriuuT, hits * been long nml HUcccH*fnlly u*t*d nnd at* way* with the name unfailing result. It can tie had nt any rcspectuido drug *torc. I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coin- ' pound will at all tinu*. and under all 1 law* thut govern the ft male *y*t»-iu dres* Mr*. Lytlia K. Pinkham, 23:1 \Vi*t- ern avenue, Lynn, Muss, for circular. \\2 SoplHy Ih’llcs, On account of its remarkably’ dedicate and lusting fragrance so- ciety bells arc fond in their praxes | of KloreHton Cologne. When tlio Kxtrnel Used accurding to direc tion*, its effect Is simply wonderful. PiIpq HHml.HieeilliiiropItching. • i Iv9| || (he greatest known remedy ; rap idly curing when oilier medicine* have failed. l*umr» Kstmet M «hI lea lei I Paper c '“ - 1 —* use i* a preventive acaiin* ~ Our OlullMcnl U of the removal of clothing i I a rime R«-“i p.»g«* it. is, 21 and it of k.CXV4IX7d« our new pamphlet. Sent gratis. For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. caciou. that mother* who have once u*ed it will never he without il. 4ftlllt(UCU( is the best emoiiicm that can ho applied. Fe m a I e Com p I ai n ts. S^ii be called in for liic majority of female diseases if o'.' KlfrNff t-e u»ed. Ful! directions accom pany each liottle. CAUTION. piiiiiiu win ui .in iitiit-*, ami Hiititr all 1 n .. _ ' circuntHluiiv'fs, act in harmony with the ! POIld S ExtfBCtth* trauS^ha* Kxlrnct** blown in T* rTi "* 14 * •* i, * n.Ur*0 f!.t#,, Lx) •L"i| tiO|*|M, wJ (.;t.U . -;u>-ti.. Mart uj ■lirati.siifr jUrliiMf lOViMVlwi b( Vr{mall# lid t*!»m s »r«tl Tr•*>.*€. lavs'W I. ta ,IL Jf./I.*., ZlIJ • Jt N: L-v.*4 “»*♦* r.tu: l« 4*r tUnfBf Ian • ,s «dDuttki K “ *• 2/* Vn, ' r W< n>ikeai|Mvia!ivof MiKpiyux un.hi.itMHx.1 Hetail.siMuTaJJ^ s n) ^ D. M. FERRY ft CO., Detroit, Hich. Jail 22->t WANTED NOW. tllklufirlnut* are Ab*olutrl>' Xcrc*« | mmty •ally in cu**'* of Diphtheria, Scarlet. * Tiphcid. Yellow n&d Fever*. | —— I mm Praufc Jniniii! Im. cure in the rick loom, will puritv the air *ml 1 htri-y vile «*lor* without crmling nhotlnr. A> a hounthold r*uii*ly it i* valuable. round in( buif m ’J ake im other preparation. It it never t«U in bulk, or ly measure. Trice or Tontl’s Extract. Toilet Aril- clcs and Specialties. ‘’S&'K" vorTBAcr.. 3»»*M.73 reitn mcixi r c?t:iu.jiB. To UtLrc.m 8I.00 Ointment ao Dcntirncc. . an C» .rrh Cure... 7.1 Lip Salve.. . . -j.vpu.tcr tr* Toilet Socp. ,,1.,) ao Medicated Paper 3* Ct3»Il«ST3 TS8 APPLUiTICB. Inhaler ■ 00 Nasal Syringe .jt Female Syringe .1.00 rrepirctlonly by POND'S EXTRACT CO., NfciV YORK AND I.O>DoN. For sale by «U Druggist* and Fancy < Niod* Dealers. Order* for $t worth, carriage free, on receipt of Orders for 55 worth, carriage free, on re *'pl of Ji, if addressed to 14 W. 14th St., N. Y. v IP70U uiant to iuy { ^Clotiling for Men orBsys t jcilLcr ready-ntoude ormade| |b order, do not lo [send for our Calatctfuc diimld c<’inim*nd in:u» >•[ l ullDutcd | itm'Iip tuul < iiruu* it u Mt lct ji.c In many Aitinh un hom(-*s. Devoting n lnr«:« •■ft* mmli'it untie lin*tr:*tiv«' of m cinl Mb mid tit. nt:i r.«, it lint* lulled in lip list <*f • i*| rrh Hy nit 11: a! U 1 nnd ndu titorc i-t hr 11 ami nnalli'p, ut:*l. *.«cnrl*mn ly, (lo’itirni, hi ! idiit'nt in ul toji|*f* Ptpci-piihle nf frv*li ni:«l 'll... • ■ - rciiiio.itlff of »-Im cnlimly tr< ntnl.tint • I nd, t!«*lil r|*r!t* lively dlrciirxii it. T bo ►* rlnl “loite* pnbliibi d •hull." the >*•! r him* 1 c«*t. mutknl ly 11 ph|Uni.t have b**i n n o« with u warm jvrrp- Miirazln-' linn vulm d »m If co di'il nj provnl nml nil iiK-rcu.Md *1 ouht.iui*. Tin* conduct r* ci Un .M. j.aznir bopo not oi ly A M'ltul -1 ci*. .I t!;:,.! •• .‘TKDIIK.V OUTII • HIK.’' In which m n:c |nnl>:ir aud ulilkl g | lm- pci* of Aim r!c.Mi bio ui.* \ \ dl> urn) draiiuitimlly tro.-ioit, will ;«!_*.. bit!..* .l:ii;tunynmiiU'r nnd tun thrnirgli ip lino tin*. Tlu:edibiral *ltp.itini«i:|* will prowM KtondMid uf urkuow Icfctd iilitH'r.iflniis win b«* of a b'rlior cbniactir than niiyth.' t Imve I itl.. t in »| | t-u*«l iu the &lngciit.e. FcrJa'e by all Book and Newsdealers. Tnsji*:—Yenr'y rtubsnlptlon, 800; Slni’lo Number,-JAc,*.it . I.i i:it *i. Ct.r K<ti:.(. rtpociiiioit liii'i.l.i r mailed, jio-t pahl, on receipt o' 8u cent*. 11*« Ptaye K'ninpn a third u n.iiviUleut CUireiirj ft r leiu ttui to.) miPPENCOmcO, Pntrs. ; /.> «i.*/ 717 si ark et st., r/tiiu NOTICE! My Only Terms. • IN AN'n AFTER TO MORROW, “Sth NOVF.MItl'.lt, VN'TlIi FURTHER NO TICE. A1J, GOODS AT MY STORE, ON THE CORNER CO'I TON AVENUE AND FORSYTH STREET, WIT,I, HE .SORT) FOR OASII-ANJ) CASH ONLY. IF YOFlt ORDERS ARE NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH AUOVF. TERMS, AND I S1IAI.L DECLINE FILLING rill.M, YOF HAVE NO RIGHT TO HE OFF] NDEI). FOR I l'UT YOF ON notice now. soliciting your TRADE FOR GOODS MARKED DOWN S I’ll ICILY FOR THE CASH, I AM YOFRS TUFLY, IV. T. A. l)l’X\. impHSEffiEHgffl 4*U*4m lb« tnotl fxitUllotti u a perfect tUtr Iteitorer u4 SatlilU* the mtnl u a perfect Hair llettorer aad Dreulnf. Admired fur Itectaaaliucu amt elremt perfume. Kevcr Falla to Bevtora Urey or Faded Hair taUtfWiUfdlcofer. McU.«»t$tUaHatalUregglrt*. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC uliftr. Karim, Mandrake, htilllugla and It. T. IlYllIt \ to. IQ powers, as to make the Greatest blood Purifier & t!ie Best Health anil Strength Rutsrer Ever Uad. It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, ah diseases of die Stomach, llowels, Lungs, Liver, KUneys, and all Female Cox ’ Fuences of Cinjer and other Tonics, ns it builds ttp the sjritem without intoxicating. 50c. and $1 sires, at all dealers in drugs. None genuine without signature of Ifiscox&t.o. f N.Y. Send far circular ULL OK tuxixa IS kUYINU TUB IxjLULR ftlZK.