The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, February 17, 1882, Image 1

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TRI-WBEELL Y. ,VOL .III. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY FEBRUARY IT, NO. J20. |Uconln\ ruBMsnm, it* x*. csrHiOHissKraHn. OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE. Su-'toscxiptioxi Rates: Tiii-Weekly One Yeau, - $4.00. Weekly One Year, - - $2.00. Sunday I*■.uk One Year, - $1.50. PlMSlftM 1 ItLSIAESS CARDS W. H. KIMBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEE8BURGH, - . GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty. Mnyllwly ■v. B. IIUKimr. DUCONT OUKRllY. mrs. m. e. Raines I i’ll wait for you. Holidays GUERRY & SON, Americus, Georiiia.. (Oflicc up KtntrM over Gr.in1><*rry A Ifcirlo Will practice in nil the Court*, both Stale ntul Kederal. _ .JulvO-xvsw W. fc\ KUIiT, DENTIST. . AMERICUS. iOKORtilA. Gua ratlines gutUGtctlon In the most iMHIcu his proles ntlrtictlon In tin ruses. All work warranted. f limit, over T. M. K. leu’s. Rofei (ionul record. m.i It. B. HINTON. J. C. MATliLWM. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all the counties of this .ludtjlal Circuit, also In Dooly county, in the Supreme Court of toe State of Ceortpa, and the DUtcict Court of the United ’States, and in all other eonrta i,y special contract. (mice in Hawkins’ new buildiut;, Lamar Street, -duly 12th, 1881. W..T. SRAltS, W. I). SEARS. III!. W. J. SIUIIS £ SOil. ELLAYILI.E, GA. T'*v ,,, . t . DR. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST! Americus, tin. I QKIt FORMS all operations on the Natural Teeth f .1 ami iimorta Artificial Teeth on the luteal and uoat Improved methods. ‘Mike, over J)aven]>ort A Smith's Drut' Store. Iimyl3tt “0. R. ]\IcCRORY~ A.ttorncy at Law, ELLAVILLE, Ga. Collections a Specialty. ^Ajirllll If Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians ami Surgeons, ' GEORGIA, ..NDEU80NVILLE, Toys. Dolls. Vases, Smoking Sta Toilet Sets, Wash Boxes, Writing Desks. Hanokekcuiee Boxes, Glove Boxes, Necklaces. Bracelets, Statuess. Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Pitchers, Teakets, Teasets, Wagons, Trains, Stoves, Darning Eggs, Harmonious, Houses, Cats, Dogs, Guns, Pistols, Balls, Makales, Toys, and evfnytliing to pleime mid clmrni the little nnoH on tbnt most mysterious und hnppirst day oftlio year when tlio spirit* uni mulstempornl seem tomret. Lot nil who are in senreh of Ciiristiims jirosents for old or young bo sure to call on Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery N OW O PIhMST ! FINEST PICTURES, EATEST STYI.ES anil A 1.1. SIZES. Satisfaction (hiurniiteeil Prices Moderate OVER T. WHEATLEY S STORE, “Whose make are they?” inquir- the old man, ns opening the gate “And so you want to marry tnv ! be P a ’ sct l hy the wagon. (tighter, j’oung man?” said Path- j “Mine,” replied Luke, witli an er Blifkins, removing his oipc from • a ' r pardonable pride; “and I his mouth and looking at the young ; challenge any cooper to beat them.” man sharply from head to foot. |. Mr. Blifkins examined them crit- Despite his rather indolent ef-: ' ca 'ly one by one. feminate air, which was mainly the I ‘‘They’ll do,” he said coolly, a9 result of Ids education, Luke Jor-! be sat down the last of the tot. dan was a line looking fellow, and j “What will you take for them?” not easily moved from his oslt'-pos- “What I asked you tor six months session, but I e colored and grew ' a F° to-day—your daughter, sir.” contused beneath his sharp setuti- The roguish twinkle in the old Americus, Georgia. SftpSll-wtwtf Prof. VAN RIPER. Oflieo at Drag Store of W. M. Clark. ' II. (J. GARDNER, ATTOltNEY A r L’ LAW OGLETHORPE. GA. t T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM! HENRY ANDERSON >the puhlit mI on Sunday until 11 i i at all bUMiitiwhoi ouhl he pleased to hi ’ntranci) to Harlow Horn » Shavlnv, lliitr CuUlmt In first •cln** *tyle. In* call on him. Shop Free to JeryMy A Retail! fill Rook for the Asking! Ilf applying personally at the ofi’ee ol Til USING Kit MANUFACTURING CO. (or hr JEWELER, AMERICUS, - GEORGIA Sl'I.KNIMD STO.IK OF 'W iLtclies and Jewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work PROMPTLY DONE. J. E. Sullivan ;*) any tuhilL |wr« Hitntfd with a U'uutifully illuatrutcil • Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED, -oir TIIK— STORY OF Till: SEWING machine, containing It handsome and costly steel enslaving frontispiece; also, '2M finely engraved wood cut*, nml hound in au *lubonito blue and gold lltho* graphed cover. No clisrgc whatever I* made for thin handsome hook, which can l>c .obtained only by application at tlio branch and subordinate odices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. m SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. tiie PIHENIX FR03HIER ASHES. The tlnest'tlnishid, moat pleasant eleuant BOOTS AND SHOES repairing done in the moat *u' artistic style, ami all on reasonable U to every gentleman in A mortal" ‘ tit my new shop in front of Col. lie.*, yn .lackson . A. BARLOW HOUSE W. II. CLAY, Proprietor, Americus, - <Ja. nizing look. “Yes, sir. I spoke to Miss Man- last evening, and she—she referred me to you.” The old man’s face softened. "Mary is a good girl, a very good gill,” he said, stroking his chin wi'li a thoughtful air, "and 1 she deserves a good husband. Wlmti.-an you do?” The young man looked rather blank at this abrupt inquiry. “Do you refer to my ability to support a wife? 1 can assure you—” “I know you are a rich man. Luke Jordan, hut I take it for granted that you ask iny girl to marry you, not your property. VVImt guarantee cun you give me. in case it should he swept away— as in thousands of instances—that you would provide for her a com fortable home? You have hands und bruins,do you know how to use them? Again 1 ask you what can you do?” This was a style of catechism fer which Luke was quite unprepared, and lie stared blankly ut the ques tioner without speaking. “I believe you managed to get through college—have you any profession?” “No, sir; I though—” “Have you any trade?” “No, sir; my father thought that witli tiie great wealth I should in herit I should not need any.” “Your father thought like a tool then. He'd much better have given you some honest occupation and cut you off witli a shilling—it might hare been the making of you. As it is, what arc you lit for? Here you are a strong, able bodied young man, 24 years old, and never earn ed n pound in your life! You ought to he ashamed •!' yourself! And you want to marry my daugh ter,” resumed the old limn, after a few vigorous putts at liis pipe. “Now, I’ve given Mary as good ad vantages for learning us any girl in town, and site hasn't thrown them away; hut if she didn’t know how to work slic’d lie no daughter of mine. If 1 choose,I could keep more '.linn one servant, hut 1 don’t; no more Ilian I choose that my daughter should lie n pale, spirit less creature, full ol dyspepsia and all manner of flue lady ailments, in stead of the smiling, bright eyed, rosy-cheeked lass she is. I did say that site could marry no lad lliat had been cursed with a rich father; hut she’s taked a foolisli liking to you und I’ll tell you what I’ll do; go to work anil prove yourself to lie a man; perfect yourself in some occupation—I don't cure what, so it he honest: then come to me, and if the girl he willing, she is yours.” As the old man suid this lie de liberately knocked the ashes out of his pipe against one of pillars of the porcli where lie was sitting, put it into his pocket, and went into the house. Pretty Mary Blifkins was wait-’ man's face eyes broadened into a smile. “You’ve the right metal in you, after all,” he cried, “come in, lad— come in. I shouldn’t wonder if we made a trade after all.” Nothing loth, Luke obeyed. Mary tripped on into the entry. Her rouad white arms were hared above tile elbows, und boro traces of flour she had been sifting. Her dress was a neat gingham over which was tied a bine cheeked apron; hut she looked as winning and lovely as she always did where- ever she was foil id. Site blushed and smiled as she saw Luke, and then turning her eyes upon her father, waited doubt fully, to hear what lie had to sav. Tiie old man regarded his daugh ter for a moment witli a peculiar look. “Mary, this young man—may hap you have seen him before—lias brought me a lot or tubs and bar rels, all of liis own make—a right good artiole, too. He asks a good, heavy price for ’em; hut if you are willing to give it, well and good; and hark ye, my girl, whatever bar gain you make your old father will ratify.” As Mr. Blifkins said the lie con siderately stepped out of the room, and wo will follow liis example. But the kind of bargain the young people make can acadily he con jectured by tiie speedy wedding tlmtlfollowed. Luke Jordan, every year, on the anniversary of liis marriage, de lights liis father in-law hy some specimen of the linndcruft hy which lie won wlmt lie declares to he tiie '‘best and dearest, wife in the world." TIIE EXSILAGE EXPERIMENT. Atlanta Poit Appeal. Many inquiries have been di rected to tlio Department of Agri culture in this city concerning the results of the ensilage experiments at the recent Cotton Exposition. The Post Appeal this morning asked Commissioner Henderson for the facts. “You may say Hint we made the experiment with a well construct ed silo and a miscellaneous supply of green forage. The amount put into the bins was cquel to fifty tous. The experiment was looked upon with distrust, through fear that fermentation would bn too rapid in this climate. The results were not such as to justify the doubts. After six weeks mold was only a few inches thick on the sur face, and alter that period did not increase perceptibly. The ensilage was excellent in quality and proved so in results to the cattle fed with it.” “Then you consider tlio experi ment a success ?” “In every way,and demonstrates beyond question that ensilage properly conducted hy our fnrmers will (ill their want in the way of winter lorage. I unhesitatingly recommend to the farmers and stock- men of Georgia the prompt and general use of forage so prepared, it will make better working stock and bettetjjieel'—the latter a con summation devotedly to he wished lor.” Ensilage is the new system of preserving green forage of all kinds in pits, properly constructed. The pits are called silos, and the forage is kept in them under press ure. The system preserves all tiie original nutriment of the forage, and ensilage is therefore coining into favor wherever tried. leather made on the continent of Europe. Tiie extensive use into which bromide of potassium has come renders the assertion of Herr Maschkc of great importance. He finds that this bromide of remarka ble sedative property is largely contaminated with lead. The sam ples ho tested were only reduced to a clear liquid after the addition of an acid. Hydrosulphtiric acid is tiie best agent to use in making the test, with the exception of, perhaps, sulphide of ammonium. Lead posioning is a.dirc alternative for nervousness or sleeplessness. Much has been heard of toughen ed glass, but Mr. Frederick Sic- means now proposes to adapt that made by his process to tbo manu facture of street lamp posts, water mains, and otherarticles sow made of east iron. He claims that his glass is stronger than iron cast ings, imperishable andincorrodible. The cost per pound, allowing more profit to the maker than can be ob tained from iron, is twice as much tiie cost of tiie latter, but the specific gravity is so muoli less, that the consumer will be able to obtain glass articles about thirty- three per cent, than cheaper golds in cast iron. scientific sparks. ing to see her lover down nt the garden gate, their usual trysting place- The smiling light faded from her eyes as she noticed Ids seller, discomlitlcd look. “Father means well,” she suid, as Luke told her the result of his application. “And I’m not sure hut lie’s about right,” she resumed after a thoughtful pause, “for it seems to me that every man, lie lie rieii or poor, ought to have some occupation.’! Presence of Mlml. Albany Nows and Ailvurtlaer. On Friday as tiie train from Brunswick was nearing Millwood, the engineer blew for brakes,which were put on promptlj’, and necks were craned out of the windows und eyes directed to tiie front to see what was the matter, when to the astonishment of all u man was seen standing in thu middle of a trestle, three hundred yards long and thirty-feet high, apparently unable to move. Everybody ex pected to sec him crushed to atoms, as tlio train was on down grade, which mulorud the brakes incapa ble of cheeking the momentum of tl e engine, and tlio space between it and the was rapidly growing less. The man seemed to take in the situation at a glauco. He could not go to tiie eud of trestle before the train would lie on him, and if lie jumped oil he would probably break his neck. He laid Ids plans quickly, and acted at once. He laid liis bundle down on the cross tics, and let himself down between the tics holding on by liis hands. As his head disappeared between tiie ties, the engineer blew off brakes and run squarely over him. As soon as tiie monster hud drawn its length over, the mull raised himself up and crawled out oil the track, resuming liis journeying us though nothing hud happened. Aged Cotton. There were four bales of cotton brought to market yesterday from the plantation of Col. F. Terry, who lives near Waverly Hall, liar- | ris county, that were grown tuid Then as she noticed her lover’s j g nt | lcr cdta the year 18(10, haled grave look, she added, softly,“nev-1 wit |, r0pc „ t nn ,i have been reposing cr mind; I II wait for you, Luke, j j n |,j„ gj n |, onse cver 8 j n cc. He Luke Jordan suddenly disap-1 wn8 0 n e rcd 474 cents lor il in 1805, Large and Nieely Fitted Sample Rooms]toTimsurprhe ^ndg m "" t8 ’ «■”«'•> it he Give im n trial iiuv.3-twomlu-onlt Cm Soabron (Sueo FA Nil ION A 111. KI nAltlllin, UNDER T. WHEATLEY'S, ON TIIK COJINKR SHARP RAZORS ! ATTENTIVE HELP! The sowing of forest pine seeds lias been begun hy the Blinkers at Edgefield, Conn., and the State authorities are considering plans lor oncournging this needed indus try. \JTmt is* called “saw palmetto” is being utllzed ut Snvanmth in the manufacture of paper. Tiie pro duct is said to lie of superior quali ty, and especially useful as trans fer paper, which has heretofore been imported. Bel'oro repainting a building apply a coat of crude petroleum with a line white-wash brush, and let it dry two or tlirco weeks, then put on one coat of paint. A second painting is rendered unnecessary, and that much money saved. A “solar” locomotive Ims been placed on the French Northern railway. It is so called owing to an electric light which is placed in front and fed by the engine itself, and intended to illuminate tlio way for a long distant ahead. A paper dome is being madu for the new obsorvatory at West Point, which, when completed,will weigh about two tons and measure 30 foot in diameter. A copper domo of the same size would weigh ten times as much und would he no better for the purpose. From a circular just issued by the secretary of the Miner’s Nation al Union it appears that 31,000 persons hare been killed in various ways during tiie past thirty-one years in English mines. “Our modernized mode of working mines,” writes the secretary, “is rendering catastrophes of this kind of a huge magnitude.” Following is a cement lor rubber: Powdered shellac is softened in ten times its weight of strong water of ammonia, whicn becomes fluid after keeping some little time with out tli« use of hot water. Ill three or font weeks the mixture is per fectly liquid. When upplied it softens tiie rubber, which hardens again as the ummoniu evaporates. The following recipe for keeping machinery from rusting is worth knowing: Take ouc-lmlf ounce Of An Atlanta Journalist. The following appears in the Atlanta correspondence of the Gtilfi Const Progress, of Tampa, Fla. As it docs credit to an At- . lanta young man, we reproduce it in full: Ono of the most brilliant journ alists attending thu exposition is Mr. A. Smith Clayton, of Atlanta, who represents the St. Louis Olobe- Itemocrat, and is special corres pondent of the Chicago Times and New Orleans Democrat. Mr. Clay ton writes for these papers in ad dition to the work lie does on the Atlanta pt’ess. He is n good news gatherer, and the above named papers have made a happy selec tion hy having such a representa tive, as liis letters prove him to he. Clayton, besides being a finished writer, lias an immense fund of ready, sparkling wit, and holds the same position among Georgia writers tliut Robert J. Burdette docs in the North and West. His wit is purely American, and in my opinion ranks equally as high as any of the Mark Twain school. I remember two years ago be was called upon to present some prize medals to tho successful contest ants nt a musical performance it the Opera House. Without a moment’s preparation ho arose and delivered a short address so full of funny sayings, that ho soon had the audience convulsodwith laugh ter. Soon after this ho delivered a lecture called “closer-to-my- hosom-comc-club” wbieh at once made him a reputation and fame. Ho ranks high to-day among humorous writers and lectures. His criticism ol tho play of Julius Ciesar, given here hy amateurs, Is one ol the richest pieces I ever read. Living Witnesses. Tiie hundreds of hualtliy looking men, women and children, that have been rescued from beds of pain, sickness and well nigh death hy Barker’s Ginger Tonic aro the best evidences in tho world of its sterling merit and worth. Yon will find such in nearly every com munity. Lawson 2T. Collier,; ARCHITECT XT RE Attorney-at-Law ■ , |» , - I j thought that the revenue tax of Knowing: him: uhv-iiuii uuiiuu ui i ! ,| | ,1 I, ‘ *2 three tents per pound was unjust, camphor, dissolve in one pound of ! i' ' lilf« n ' aml " ai ' 1 lle ha '' ratllfir bu,n tllu melted lard, take olf the scum and Ui 0 o.oii«. t r , i n ,’, h, n ,n I' cotto " tl,an 8,,bmit to ’"'“h in J U8 ' 1 mix in as much line black lead as a Feagin, tower ot stmight to his soul. “1 11 ^ tice , (y t | lc government. He had wi || giv e it an iron color. Clean ■el- " o.Yinston.1 „ 101 } ’ . . ! »t the close of the war upwards ol Ulc machinery and smear with this l h. ii oX.r I K I M I 100 l,ale8 of c °tton, and still Ims a. mixture. After twenty-four hours Lite m Ouolitr, us hui ntr BIII- few mor« left. Unele Fred, as near- rn h oir with a soft linen cloth. It kins was propping up thu grape- | v a || |,| B f r | e mls call him, is a no-1 w j|[ keep clean for months under urn: in "slrout garden,that Gwtal- ,,| c specimen of the old time coun- ordinary circumstances, ened to breakdown with .lie weight t gentleman— Columbus Times American hemlock tanned leather of its Itivunons branches, a neat. i, , - .. ... looking cart drove up from which I ~ * l,as l,ccomu a favor,te w,tb tl,c Luke Jordan alighted with a spring, —AXD- Ileal Estate Agent. YTON, GUO ltd IA. _ Tnty thoiiisAUil acre* of wil l lmi.1 rule la , Duolv Cwuuty. “1 don’t sec any sense in that i Enylish workers in the material. Its capabilities for resisting water _ wear in the shape t am |in|vnT.i t„ rntnoii iictaili.Du.iii2 aud . ‘-Good morning. Mr. Blifkins. I nHt °"*I' "I* 0 added, “hut it of hoots and shoes are said to be I mi Hpvcukytknia in I , ’ is positively disgraceful.” “Why,; equal to those of the best English UU'F.KN ANNE AND KAST LAKE I iiniL.r-l.wiil tint vnu wanted to huv I . ! —i— a—.1 « -1 1— or nuy otlrr of tin* nin<la>m * I )'!<**, so m« •» tMilt talk your fa-u* «u.i tour 1-orUl. Artdrnt B. J. fel.OAN, Ar. 1.1 feLlSaU’ci Awerici 7 “ 7. .. ; in emit rust to liis former easy sort ” f * a 'i Mrs. Smith, as j Its capabilities fo To Those Who COOtCUlDlatO Bnildllig: : M slll . t !| v movements. *'! th<! «altzers whirled past her; “and and withstanding , “Gooil morning, Mr. Blifkins. I ! “b«t it; of hoots and shoe , ’ . , i is positively disgraceful. "Why, equal to those of B - understood that you wanted to buy j | low ca|1 you Buy go y» re pHc(l the sole leather, and greatly superior 1 “ ; some cider barrels. I think I have j young lady hy her side: “turn I to the leather of English “mixed” 1 some here that will just suit you.”' about is fair play you know.” Englisi tannage or the generally poor sole They have invented a system of hiving bees by electricity. This knocks the neighbors out of the fun they used to Imvo under the ) old system of seeing the mun who attemped to do tho hiving make a grand hurst of speed toward a mill pond, clawing wildly at his legs, leaping at times, four feet into the air, and yelling Ilka a comanchc Indian. Modern invention will yet knock all the fun out of life. Aoclety Belles. On account of its remarkably delicate and lasting fragrance so ciety hells are fond in their praises of Floreston Cologne. A country ilomine bad a hun dred hoys and no assistant. “I wonder how he managed them,” said a friend “without help." “Ah,” was his answer. “I could manage the boys well enough; its the two hundred parents that trouble me— there's no managing them. - It is estimated that if a man lives to be 72 years old lie passes at least twenty-four years in sleep. So you see a man is a pretty good sort of a fellow, one-third of the time, bad as he may be the remain ing two-thirds. Let us be charita ble.