The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, February 24, 1882, Image 1

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TRI- WKEESX.T. VOL .UL AMERICUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 24, 1882. NO. 123. W. Xa. I'I’iii.ibhkd ur ' OlaBSSmiR. OFFICE OX COTTON AVENUE. Su.tmcxiptJ.oa Hates:' Tui-Weekly One Year, - |4.00. Weekly One Year, - - $2.00. Sunday Isi-.ue One Year, - $1.50. PROFESSIONAL Us BUSINESS CARDS W H. KIMBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEE8BURGH, - - GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty. Mnyllwly *V. U. OUKURT. DUPONT OUKRKT. GUERRY & SON. Americus, Qeuuiiia. (Office up Hlnirn over Oranberry & Harlow*# Will practice in all the Court#, both State and Federal. Julvfl-wswly. W. lr*. BURT, £)E]V TIST. AMEBICCS, wOKOROIA. # Guarantee* eiitlsfnctlou In the most difficult nttue*. All work warranted. Office on Lamar street, over T. M. EdenN. Refer# to hi# profe# •tonal record. inny 12 wand#«ait. 11. D. HINTON. J. C. VATHEWH. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all the counties of this Judplnl Circuit, u!#o In Dooly county, in the Ruprrmc w'ourt of toe State of Oeorma, and the District Court of the United State#, and In all other conrta uy epecial contract. ortice m Hawkins’ new building, Lamar Street. •Inly 12th, |8Hi. W. J. SKA IIS, W. D. SEARS. MRS. M. E. RaINES | Great Germ Destroyer M.W.J. SEARS & SON. . ELLAVILLE, ga. ‘M. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST! . Americus, Gn. P KItFI >RMS all operation, on the Natural Tccllj and iiiNcrt# Artitlcial Teeth on the latest and noat Improved method#. Office, over Davenport A Smith*# Drug Store. tnaylSti C. R. McCRORY, A.ttoi'noy at Law, ELLAVILLE, Ga. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. A prills If Toys, Polls. Vases, Smoking Sta Toilet Sets, Wash Hones, Writing Desks. Handkerchief Poxes, Glove Boxes, N' ECKLACES. Bracelets, Statuess. Cups and Saucers, Mugs, Pitchers, Teasets, Teasets, Wagons, Trains, Stoves, Darning Kgiis, Harmonhts, Horses, Cats, Dogs, Guns, Pistols, Balls, Marales, Toys, and everything to please and clmnu the little ones on that most mysterious and bnppieatday of the year when the spirit- uni nndstempornt seem to mrel. Let nil who nre in senreli of Christines present, for old or yonng bo sure to cnll on Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPEN! FINEST PICTURES, LATEST STYLES mill ALL SIZES. Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Moderate Prophylactic Fluid! Filling or Small Pox Prevented. Ulcer# purl fled and heated. Uaiiitt-tfii- prevented and '"SSt., Dysentery cured. Pe’."m! nd .“ i ; £rS£«frS5 I, is -»*r A Pew Remarks. Personal, Pertinent, | and Otkerwlee. IVIIAT 1IE SAYS. | anil keeps 'ont all rod liot. He is at whale, he is. They talk politics a Tnlhotton and arc pretty much on , Governor Smith’s line, that is to From the Con.titution. ' let tlic old stags rest awhilo and Buena Vista, the county scat of take up sonic men v.ho haven’t Marion, is a good old town with a been a fttssin around. They talk court house in the middle, and kindly of Hammond and Blount plenty of nice level suburbs all around to make it bigger when the time cometh. They want it to come now, and have made up $40,060 to wards a railroad to Geneva, which batbinp. Impu e air ir.title harm* less and purified b; sprinkling Fluid tihoul. rifled by Darby*# a ru.,„ Dholef* disgtpatcd. Cetirrli rolievv.1 ind i Ship Phver pri'irnitedby curad. way# bn used about the corpse--It will prevent nnv unplene- SCARLET FEVER CURED. An antidote for animal ur vegetable poisons, stings, etc. Dangerous effluvia# of sick room# and hos pital# removed by it# Yellow fevei in (hot it U the great and Buchanan and Black, of Au gusta, and everybody is proud of Persons. Persons is their pet. They tohl me that when Harris was running for congress. Joint Maun is twenty miles away. They will told the boys that Harris was dis- have it before long. The time is ; trihuting a sack of gumo to every be buy of the north, but Something t# Remember. Never must the south forget that Mark Twain, a New England man, in a speech to a NewJjEngland au dience, during the last president ial campaign, said that if “the pro tective tariff laws were repealed, and there was a tariff for revenue only, the south would grow so rich she would not know what to do with her money—she would in a years he able to buy and sell the north, because If the tariff was re pealed, the south would no longer wound buy of old England at far cheaper rates and the price of her cotton would be the same.’’. The statement ought to rouse every matt, woman and child in the south to a sense of the iniquity of the near at hand when every county voter in his own county, but wasn’t town will he on a railroad ol its sending a pound outsido of it and own connecting with one. Buena made ’em believe it, and the last Vtsfa bus a splendid country south man voted against him. They amf west ol it, and suffered no swore that they couldn't be bought drought last year. The farmers up with n paper or two of buncom , are'in good condition, and the out, turnip seed by nobody, for it was i robbing tariff laws, crop is largo and beautifully green. : all for buncom anyhow. The gardens arc splendid and I Butler is a pleasant village in saw peas in bloom, and everywhere tliu county of Taylor, and lias a the fragrance from the yellow jes- very good trade of its own. They saminc perfumed the air. But wlint have it prosperous college in charge i2!5, it m! surprised me most was the lively of Prof. Dozier, a gentleman high- interest which the pcoplo : ot that |y esteemed by the entire com- section manifested in their schools, uuinity, not only for his fitness for There is a high school tliero of 121! the trust, but for his kindness and scholars in charge of Professor genial disposition. He Ims over a Iverson Branham, quite it young hundred pupils in his charge, It men, the son of Dr. J. II. Branham, is plctsant to see a community of Macon. His pupils love him : united upon a school or college, iimi«i nm ) |,| 9 patrons arc enthusiastic j and they arc so here. Competition over his success. The boys all i is a good thing generally, but in dress in''inform and have their, nil modest, unpretending Urs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians and Surgeons, ANDE11HONVILLE, GEORGIA, Oflipo at Drug Store of W. M. Clark. MnylS-lv H. 0. G ARDNER, ATTORNKY AT I,AW, OGLETHORPE. GA., W ILL practice in the Bout li-western Circuit mill tlm aillolnliig countie#. Prompt nttonc tlon trlven to collection*. intyUMf TONSORIAL EMPORIUM I HENRY ANDERSON R espectfully announce# to the public thnt hi# Barber Bhon is open at all busintaahouis nml on 8un<lny until 11 o'clock a. m. lip Jins re cently fittc<l U up In n neat ityle, ami la better yroprtred "than ever to wait upon hi# tuatpinera. All who may wlah to have Shavlur. Hair Cutting Shampooing, etc., dono In Umt-clas# #tjrl<\ bo would be plcaaod to have them call on him. Shop near ’.be entrance to Barlow House. marW the PIKElilX FROM HER ASHES. The ttncst’linUbed, most pleasant wearing an elegant HOOTS AND SHOES made. The best repairing done in the inoat #ub«iantial and artistic atyle, and all on reasonable terms. Refers to every tjcntleinun In Amerlcua. Call on me a at my new shop in front of Col. S. A. Smith'# of floe, yn Jackson Street. Americna, On. ANDREW DUDLEY. Lawson F. Collier, Attorney-at-Law —AND- I Heal Instate A Kent . | DliAYTOX, GEOltOIA. i Zioans of Money I Will be negotiated on Plvo Toara’ Tlmo I OVKIl T. WUKATt.KT'S STOHK, Americus, sop2l-wtwlf : Georgia. Prof. VAN RIPER. ■I* • t A a ■ at •«. . ! oi uiiviiu umi mnw v»vii , uu liuoi: uiuuuai,, uu |»rcu:iiu i ug DlSlDlmnilt and nirincrj ret(ularniilitar y drills ' Tlie 8‘ rl8! towns it is hotter to have one high : alfo linve a calisthcnic dress which | school and one newspaper and one t'liKPAitEn uy it.' very pretty anil attractive, j hotel. I met a friend of the olden «T. xx. SSXDXjXXN) ee co.,! These performances are merely in-; time a lew miles from Butler—« u.mibctnrius ebomw., Sot. i'ro[r:ttor». j cidcntals lor amusement and pliya-, refugee from the foul invader in Aprilm-ty ^ j ical training, ami are not allowed |.1804—we run away from Rome to- I to interfere with their select' and getlier and he got' so comfortably solid curse of education. You l flxcil near Butler that lie conclud- sco the fishing creek is a good way j ed to stay. We are now a good off and there is not enough birds’ j ways apart, lint I found Bob Tom- nests to go around and there is no j li n the same big-hearted man ho railroad depot lor the girls to walk used to be. I spent a day with to, and no shows ever go there, and ' ‘ ... - so it was thought necessary to get up something to keep the young folks from stagnating. Mr. Single ton, jr., who runs the Aryan news- paper, is a mighty meu man and the mail carrier told me they were going to send hint to the legisla ture. I didn't sec as much of him as^I wanted to for lie said lie had HAIL, IVliYD AM) WEATHER. Ed. Drown’N Old Stand. UftSERY&CO, SIIA OPENED A GENERAL Supply Grocery -AND- CON FECTIONERY ! him and perused liis farm, and was surprised at his oat and wheat crop that spreads over one hundred acres. He is another farmer who never or meal, and all can farm in the same way if tltcy will. What one man can do is possible for another. And General Warren is dead a good man and a great mini. Who nn engagement with a ludy for that (did not honor bint in life, and who i n Sullivan Though late in the Ua li» K3II111 V Ulllj • JEWELER, AMERICUS, - GEORGIA, season, ehoiee goods and fair dealing will tell. Come ai\d see us. "Wa/tohes M Ij pnrfj $ f]n and ill ■ lit 1 111 U Uu UUij *X ewelr*y Of the Latest Designs I -TIIE CASH MERCHANTS.!— f. A if Ml -ST., AMKICCCS, IJA., All Repair Work HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK j PROMPTLY DONE. OK L J. E. Sullivan * Jl ■ FAXCV AXJ) FAMILY * j particular evening, which was all right of course, hut the mail cur- i rier told me it wns a pretty regtt- | lur thing. But be will be married ' the next time I see hint, and not have to run uwny with bis girl cither, it’s a mighty bad sign to sec so many elopements nowudays. It’s a sign that the feller ain't much account or thnt tiie fellcrcss has been badly raised. Of course there arc exceptions, but somehow I nev er bad much respect for a runaway marriage, and if 1 was a preacher 1 wouldn’t officiate at one of ’em. It all comes of too mucli romance and signifies that somebody is to blame or it wouldn’t have to he docs not feel sail at his death ? There nre now hut a few, very few, left of bis kind. These grand old statesmen dignified and adorned society like mountains adorn and dignify u landscape. General Warren was a noble man—always true nnd sincere and pariotic. Ho grew old most gracefully, and Ims gone to liis rest, not under a cloud nor in a blaze of glory, but rather like the sun when its rays uro soft ened and subdued by an Indian summer's sky. Bill Am-. “Liberalism.” This is the name assumed by parties to the “new movement,” as did. There was a couple run away ; a sort of compromise between lie- lust week in a naboring county i ptihlicunisin and Indepcndontism, BARLOW HOUSE IV. H.CLAY, Proprietor, Americuis. * Gn. just for devilment. I beard the old man say thnt lie aud his wife had given their consent and was fixing to give ’em a wedding sup per. He said he told Adeline that Mulionu invented it and applied it to his coalition in Virginia. Gen. Longstrcct and the administration at Washington have adopted it as the most alluding name for oh ! GROCERIES!! Jim was a sort of a fool, nnd now , tabling recoils in 1882 for the lie knowd it. J wanted to romurk I National contest in 1884. The that Adeline wasn’t overcropped 1 “champion” at Atlanta flies it as with sense herself, but 1 didn't. > ostentatiously as Oscar Wilde pa ll's a poor example for a young | fades his sunflower. It is to be girl to set to thu children wito are | the name of the Republican party to grow up and cull her mother, I of the South for the time being, and no good ever comes of it. The But it Ims hud existence in Vir- a way, hut after awhile when they { producing there. A more high Avanl to run thu other way they , handed, dictatorial, over-bearing cant. despotism titan that established in Talbotton is a lively town, aud Virginia by Mahonc and Kiddle- now Ims a brunch railroad of her ; Itcrger, was never known in this or own. New buildings are going up uny other country. They push the ru'fitin- rliangi* bar 'TRUST ANI> REST !W«« J. B. FEI.DER, .tMKHR'L’.#, OA. Field Peas and Brick , at nnr residence. Tail J. U. Gatewood. Seed Cora, for Sale. I offer for o-ile Scvmty-Hve to One Hundred Jtaahrla of SKEIM.OKX of Hip little cob T«rl*?jr. It vai selected In advance of gatheritg tlie <rof» or co.n by plucking the top com of »ta>k* bavin* not Its# than t«%» ear#. For sale »*y Harrt#, Jao-e# A WUttfonl, and Hawkins 4k Tay.or reb4tw2w9t a. ii. hawkisn. Large and .\ictly Fitted Sample Homs V'HAMI'AIINE, GINGER ALE ANI) all about. Several warehouses i rule of the caucus so lar as to tlic- Imvc recently been built, and the late to their nominees for the State '■ j twenty thousand dollur hotel is 0111061-8 whom they shall have for j well kept nnd is a substantial or- j clerks! Did an “organized” Do- I nuinent to the town. Talbot conn- mocratio caucus even do that ? I ItirtlltQ i l - v ,s on lll,! *‘™ 1 of 11,0 ' {luc Ki,l HC. Th.V Imvc iictunlly “ilcad-lockcd” i.iij 1 G0 u ' n( j atounds in red land and oak the Legislature between themselves f timber, with here and there a tie- —not Readjustee against Demo- posit of iron ore. There arc many ernts, but Raadjustcrs or Liberals i farmers here who never Imy corn j against Readjusters' “ From such representative rural cities of Illinois ns Iloekford, Ster ling, Spri igfleld, Danville, Cairo, Peoria, Bloomington, etc., come tbc annual trade reviews, showing how fast these and similar towns nre growing in wealth and popula tion. The great want of tenement houses is being gradually supplied. Letuis see: For an average dwell ing house there will he required, tor glass, $40; locks, hinges, sash, bolts, weights and nails, $45; white lead and paints, $20; tin, $15; gal- vanized iron, $10—total, $180. Yet upon this necessary outlay stands charged the sum ol $56.85 tariff spoliation. Of course, the average western citizen is a tariff mnn—lie loves to be robbed.—Chi- rago Tribune. Tlic chicken main between Geor gia and North Carolina, fought at Hamburg, opposite Augusta, was won by the Georgia side. The Au gusta Newn says that after many gaffs were drenched in gore, when the pits were lined with the dead cocks of two Stales and the tail leathers of many proud birds of war were drooping in tlie dust, the battle closed, with u score of four- teen victories for Georgia against ten Tor North Carolina, nnd the Georgia slmwl-neck crowed throe times over tlic dead cock of the Old North State. Brunt wick was thrown into con sternation about 7:30 o’clock Fri day evening by the cry of “fire.” It wns quickly ascertained that the alarm originated at or about the jail, and, upon opening the doors, a blaze was founiUn a room occu pied by two negro women. The flames had made no headway, and were easily smothered with a blan ket. The kerosene lamp used by I the women had exploded, igniting [ the oil, wiiieh ran over the floor, hut, fortunately, did not come in contact with their bed or clothing. The revenue office in Atlanta re ceived information on Friday of the seizure by Deputy Collector John A. Stuart, in Union county, of one copper still cap and worm, together with 800 gallons of beer anil forty gallons of low wines. Deputy Marshal Taylor Cobb ar>' rested Jefferson B. Dyer, tlie pro prietor of tlie still. They also seized the distillery of James Lwain, in Union county, and des troyed four hundred gallons of beer. ^•’ogg lias a neat way of tnrning a compliment now and then. See- , ing the elderly Miss Pangley in the street the other day he tried to avoid her, but did not succeed. When they met, said Miss Pang- Icy: “Oh, you naughty man! You wanted to cut me!” Replied Fogg, blandly: “I should be cut ting a pretty figure, wouldn’t I?” Miss Pangley tells her friend, Miss Sagcgrcen, that Mr. Kogg is a per fect geatleman.—/Ionian Tran- ncri/il. A W Oman’s Experience. . Mothers and Daughters should Their in- f PC | a| ar med when weariness con- M'AltKLING CIDER. : or mC at, but always have some to 1 tolerance towards onp another, will i sumtly oppressed them. “If I am <11 VP us n trial a r-'Mwnutlw-nlt Cm Soabron Feagin, (Successor to J. U. < FA8IHOXABLE HARDER, UNDER T. WHEATLEY'S, OS TIIE CORNER. SHARP RAZORS ! ATTENTIVE HELP f : ARCHITECTURE-; c Fresh assortment of ONFBCTION AND \AjyJNJE2U REST BRANDS OF oxaKj fretful from exhaustion of vital powers and the color is fading from my face, Parker’s Ginger Tonic, gives quick relief. It builds me up and drives away pain with wonderful certainty.’-Buffalo lady. The ladies who sometime since TOBACCO AND CIGARS! Fall Npt-clflcatlnii* I QUF.ES ANNE AMD EAST LAKE r rtov othsr of tbo »iyio*. »o mo«llrti*ii • two ft Loth your ta#t« an«l vour imcket. Address IL A. SLOAN. Arrbltect, Amorims «a. Wo pay cash for all our ^kmIs and can offer you AN INDUCEMENT!! Call a xx cl Boo XJm I sell. . not permit them to work together Hearing that the negroes had a ill harmony. Ami filially, they are protracted meeting going on with so much annoyed by the dictation great excitement, I inquired how of Mahotie, who has left long it Imd been under way, and , bis seat at Washington to apply they told me every since 1865, | the whip-hand at Richmond, that w hich is ubout the piotractcdest his own partisans have introduced meeting I ever heard of, but there resolutions usking him to go hank is a lot of ’em in jail all the same —go back and attend loliis own i,..i™. for stealing, and X was a rumlna- business anil let the Legislature do . ' i.jnuh..,,’ Yeoetabfe Com- ting how many more would he there its work without such an imperious ! il , , if it warn’t for the meeting. Jes,.,. master! Was even thS like’ heard j P? !"‘L’one 0 n‘their wav rHoiehn' J. II. (Jortnun now rtms the only of before ? And all by the so-called I ‘ ^ ^ ^ ^ newspaper in the town, for he is ‘“Liberal” party which the Demo-! ( * * the survivor of the fittest and can’t crats of Georgia are invited to Join KlegMee os# Pnrtljr. be -.impressed. He also runs a us a refuge from nominating con- Ladies who appreciate elegance farm and a saw-miil ami a ware- ■ volition! The audacity of the and purity arc using Parker’s house, and has a guano agency, and . thing, as Gea. Toombs say., “fa- Hair Balsam. It is the best article bolds levees and issues bond-, anil tigues tlie indignation.”—Home sold for restoring grey hair to ita has several more Irons in tlic lire I Courier. original color, beauty and lustre.