The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, March 03, 1882, Image 4

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Diphtheria. nt may not seem to A cold or now iht .. Amount to tnucli, and lr promptly attends to cap cattily bo ctjivd; but neglect to often roumrod by rouanmptlon or dlphtb*rtn. No medicine baa cv«*r been discovered which actoao qoleklr and sureljr in siirluraM** as PKIUIY DAVIft* FAIN KILLER. Tbo prompt use of this invaluable mnnfu has waved thousands of Urea. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN K1IXKII A not on experiment. It baa been before the public for tarty yean, and Is most valued where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials mtdaa follows: Paix Killer bio been iny hnmehnld remedy fer enun for tbo jwet twenty-wren year*, and haii never known It to fall In effecting a cure.— hi fi Cbooxeh, fnpanMvllle. N. y. . tor thirty ream I have used Pats Killer, and Navy received Immediate nilef from Golds and P ° n "a mncdjv^OKoT tfEvEarrT, 1 , Dh&luaou! I from a very revere cold, . . .. .gfe featta J £-|Tf!5Sfc liK w,u a nmd PAiN Kili.kii in my family for forty jwt am^have nerar^known It to falL-lUnaoii Tfbwsn utorPm Kim. er in my family twenty- nave need It ever rinrc.nnd have o take Its place.- B. W. Drxn, for cold* and chap|ird lit*• tpedldiM aver offered.—Oi I was tnfferlnr severely with hronehille, and my throat waa, so Inflanxd 1 could rearaly awatfovr 8 any food. I woe adilnrd to try your Painkiller, •ndafterUklnjr a few dot** waa completely cured-—T. VVii.kinmin. .tow write* from Coshocton: Your Pais urea diphtheria and anrethnmt.Mutliinii- iralent here, and dm not Ix-en known to Bimrloi Imitation. Till* fact you ehoiiltl wn to the world. SSWl^!rtItlwSil.hlrt > fJvlTrini^Di3 • many children have died here, I waa call » plijoddan, and tried your Pair lie wim taken on Hnnday, and on y hla tlmnt waa clear. It waa a won- vi, and I wb>h it rould tie known to the |«flur mot bore who are losing ao many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KJLLKK Inn no equal. Itcunw when everything else falls. Delays are olten dangerous. A bottle of I'AM.KiiXKiitn the hottso Is a safeguard that jo family should lie without. All druggists sell It ut :13c., r»Oc., a nd gi .oo per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor!, . Provldonco, R. I. MRS. LYDIa t. PIHKHAM, OF LYNH. MISS., [■ LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, la^oaltlve^nre tor all those Painful t'omptnlnta uml Wfalnnwi •oroMuon to our beat fi-mulc I'opnlut Ion. It will cure entirely tho wont form of FeuialoCoa- plaint*, all ovarian troiitdes, Iiiflsnunstli.n and t lrera- lion, I’alllnff and IH'pInrements, and the consequent Spinal WeaknrM, and la particularly adapted to tht change of IJfc. erruua humor* there I* checked veryn|*tdlly hy It* use. U remuvvs talntne**, flatulency, drstrnjnall craving hur stimulants, and relieve* weakness of tbo stomach.. It cure* llloatlng, tleadarhe*. Kerroua ITtotratlon, tleneral Uablllly, SU-fpIrMiicas, iH-jin-'slon and Indl- gr.tion. That feeling nf t«arin,f down, causing pain. weight and liarkarhr, la alwny a prmirm< ntly cured by Ua u»«. It will ut all tlmea and tinder all ftrcumstahcvsact In harmony with tho lawa that govern the ftutulo ayatem. For tho cure of Kidney I’oniplniids of either aexthla Compound In UMttrpaaMrd. I.YDIA K. PINKIIAM’W VE0KTA1ILK COM* 1*0TMill prepared at -O and Ui Western Avenue, I.ynn, Max*. Price 01. HI* huttk~!for |V Sent by mail In tho form of pitta, also In tho form »f lozenges, on receipt of prlre, |l per Ih»* for either. Sira, l’inkham freelyanaweni all Irtteni of Inquiry. Send for psiuph- let. Addreae aa above. Mention Ibis Juper. ■ No family ahouid Ut without LYDIA K. PINK HAM S IJVKH I'll J A They euro constipation, hlllouanaaa, and torpidity of tho liver. 1(6 cents |ier bos. JUT Hold by all DrugglM*. ”»ft Brother Scott lloi:ncctl- ‘‘Am Brudder Abraham Scott I in dc ball dia evenin' ?” iminircd tbc president, ns be looked down j tbc aisles. “Yes, sab,"answered a voice from tbe northwest corner. ‘‘Den please step dis way.” Brother Scott sculllcd forward, j bead down,ami bis countenance bo- travins about seventeen different emotions, and when be reached ; tbc mark tbe president continued: I "Brudder Seott, in gtiine olicr j to de old man Johnson's las’ nite j to borrow u bunk o' blitter for breakfast, I discovered some one | lyin’ on de sidewalk. My firs', tlionc lit was to yell murder. My next thought was to smell of bis : bref. Dat settle dc case at once, j It wasn't a murder, but a ease oil dead drunk I turned dc subjek over to git a look at bis face, and who'd yc sposc it was ?” Brother Scott gazed straight at the bust of Venus, and bail noth ing to say. was Brudder Seott,” whis pered tbe J'residemt. “Although two of Ins children am bae’fnt, hi* wife needs cloze, an’ hasn't a doz en tillers in <le bouse, lie lias taken good money from bis oocket an’ paid it out tor had whiskey. He wasn't n man when 1 found bun. He was u bog—a great big bog. I could smell Ills bref six feet away, an’ it would have made a dog sick. He bail lost his bat, roL'cd in the , slush, an' den fallen into a stupor- j isli sleej . 1 got help an’ toted him home, an’ to-night bn ■ times to dis . mccliii’ to luib a wote among men ^ who work bard, respect demselves, i an’ lib sober lives.” "Ize sorry, sail.” "No doubt ob it, but dal am no iulencc. A fool excites pity, kase (tod made him dul way. A lunatic Iraws sympathy kase he has met will misfortune. A driiukaid arouses nothing but contempt. He deliberately goes to make a brute of liisself. You hub beard me speak ob dis matter on several prevail occaslmns, an’ you know how de majority ob dis club feels on de subjek. Ill do las’ two months you bub been drunk to’ times.” “Yes, sail; but I’ll <|iiit.'" “I hope you will, but 1 doubt it. You bail ohryting to lose gettin’ drunk do fust time. You have lost ’ character,respect,money nu’stand- pain in’, an’ dnr’s leello hoi* 1 dat you j will see any reason to quit. Wc ; kin guard agin thieves by lockin’ j up our money; we kin put de niur- dcrer in prison an’ git him outer ; de way; wo kin expose do liar an’ kiver him wnl confusion. But de j drunkard—dc bog—de beiist—who , kin trust him ? Who kin believe I in him ? Who wants liis society '! j THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE HAN AND BEAST. Me*Iran Mn»f n i»ff I.lnlment bus known to xilllloua Hll over tho world ay tho only «ifo reliance for tho relief ot areldenU ninl min. It Is xt tnodlelne iibnve prlco it ml |»mlM’—the t»r*t at It* hind. For every fonii of external patu UtiKtong I.Inline U penetrate* .he very hem _ jiieo of pain Mint iutiAn*t«uttv‘** iw[.v» (title*. It: t ffeeta llv.uum rto«fe h- Unite t rent hot urvv»iuahy woavU-c ful. Tt:o Mexican MUSTANG NUGENT vtltix*. Mlfltoei iu. HtTclllng*. f:tlfr ted Micrlr*. Hunt* at*. llruUr* and lOtiOit* Itlte* and I.ante new*. Old er*. I'rofcthlfew.t liilldnln*. ura Aipplrw, Caked I»ren*t. no.l uti-ed every form of ritrrnal dl*» i«r, (l lienl-: svltliont acar*. For the IlKLTK < UKtTION It euroj Sprnlu*. Ntvlnit}*. Still* Joint*. Hrratehe*. ivind* gnlN. Spavin. Tlim-li. lUiiul.onr, Old Horen, B'otl Kvil, Film upon the Sight mid every other aliment to which the occupant* of the Stable and Stork Yard nrr liable. Tho ,llc*li-nit MiiHtniiK V.lnlnient ’ (Usnppolnta; I ft Is, positively, THE BEST * OF ALL POND’S EXTRACT. THK (iREAT VKCl.l'Alll.r PAIN DESTROYER and SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEMORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neural^-ir.. A Speody Palnleaa Cun for tho Oplun or M orphlm Habit. Cun Guaranteed. Bold by W. T. Davenport vV Son. I cimrnmpo «IltIlNEIl** INDIAN VKimiFCOE t« difvtroj- nml expel V.’ornu IVom (Vie human body where they exist. If aim nerordlttx Co the dlrce •Ioiih. It is a aaro and re llnhlo remedy. FOR SALE BY All DRUGGISTS AND STORE KEEPERS. David E. Foutz, Prop. BALTIMORE, ND. Sold by \V T. Pavuiixirt A Sou licsido him!' Brudder Seott, you I arc a bounced - man! Your name ; will be crossed Iroiu our rolls, you will be refused admission lieati, an’ we sliall forget lliat. you were ehcr iniinbered wid us. us now at tack tlie reg’lar order ob busines-:. j — I.ime Kiln i 7ith. Allcmlants un the Sick should frequently rub a few drops of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid on their lace anil bands, especially when nursing those sick with in fectious diseases. A rticles used on or about the sick should be disiu-j fvetcil and the atmosphere of the sick room pur,tied and vitalized by I using the Fluid. Its ellect is mar-, velo is in cheeking the spread off i oiiI igious diseases. Our t-ISHl-r I. nival,, ill I.UHihjK (> > I*-*•» ill Hack i Oi'llmcnt (50 cent*) furl clothing is inconvenient, l» licving inflannn.ilory «m*ca. Hemorrhages. NW, or from any .anwc, it and •.topped. Our Nn«ll * .rrlittft* Diphtheria&SoreTiiroat U*c the Kx fraet promptly. 1: i» a Mire cure. datarrhTIfc llcad, etc. ^ t»ur ••('nlitrrlt Oirr,"*ijc. ial- tlie* curative proi»:rtics of the Fxrr.telt our .\iisnl Myrllliro. inviluaHe for use in c.»- tarrhal affections, i* simple andim *|wnsivc. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises.,!,, 1 *. ing. cooling and cleansing. Use our Ollll- monl in connection with the Kxlriieti it will aid in healing, soliciting and in keeping out Burnsand Scalds. {£, “M* it is unrivaled, and hVioiiM l« kept iu every fain- ily ready for use iu case of accidents. A dressing of our (MllllllCIlt will aid iu healing and pre- Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can he used without the slightest fear of harm, quickly allaying al! inllammation and (if.mkhai. Pt’KERiNTr.vDKsi’n Office, » | ; Savannah, Novrinhi r *.’0, 1881. f j i O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, November 2»;tb, j I IK 1 !, Passenger trains on thi.i road will run as follows : Leave Snvnnnah daily nt 11.00 A. M. . Leave diiMHtip daily nt 1.80 P. M. ' * • WnycroKH dully ill 8.42 P M. i «i nt t.'allalinn dally nt I.4:t P. M. .* Arrive nt-lnckaonvllle drily nt a.GO P. M. : Ianvo .Inrksonvillc daily at 9.00 A. M. l.eaM‘ Cnllnlinn daily nl !I.C0 A. M. Arrive at Wnycrn** daily at 11.A8 A. Nl. 1 Arrive ntJcaaup dally al 1.20 P. M. Arrive ut Savannah dully’ ut :».40 P. M. i Drawing room cn:icln-a hetweeu Snviinnnli and 1 Jacknonvlllo oil till* train. Pnaafngcr* front Savannah for lirunnwiik take i this train nrr'vitig nt Druuawlck ft.MI p. in. Pas*engr ra lenve Itrurswlek nt lo.l.’i a m., nrrir | I Huvannuh 8.40 p. m. Pmuengera lenvli'g Mucon at, mnoct at Jessup with the tr In for Florh PtiHscngoni front Florida by thin train A VI It ST-Cl, A KS I’AAIIl.Y MAGAZINE FOR ONLY £}53 PER ANNUM. urpfflwiTs mumi An llliislrated Mcullily of Poplar daily), j with llied's'lnetivt* purposeof n denaup with train airiving In Macon i bnly at Ji-naup, Wnyero* ■f,r?i Folkston, Callahan ami Jacksonville, JACKSONVILLE EXPIfKmS. Leave Hnvami.’ih daily at.* 11. la-n . NVi dully (except Hull- 2.4f» M 4.15 A. M. 7.WI A. M. 8.00 A. ,M Arrive at Cnllnlii Arriw nt Jack sol Air I vo at Live O day in! '. 11.S0 A. M. save Live Oak daily, (except Hundny) 2. to •InckHomlllu dally nt ’nlliihmi •• .YnvcroM " Arrive nt Jessup , 0.00 P. M. 7.10 P. M. 0.85 P. M. 11.40P..M. Savannah “ A. M Slei'plngt'union (his train daily between. Washington Faceache. Hid I' li, A I• uml Thins. It ih spK'iiiliil! "Why, sir. one! winter I had my feet frozen v. bilc . out eiitting limber in tlie mrkhIs. j Wlieu I came, in taking oil' mv i shoes uml stockings the skin and { toe-nails entile oil'along with them, i r7«.. a„-i,„., j Tbe only relief I eindil get eller ® IS in oore l>lippieS. soclean u andeffi. Kxlrnct I* used according to direc tion*, it* effect i* simply wonderful. Piloc III Inti, Hell I iter. ■ 1165, It Is the greatest known remedy: rap idly curing when other medicine* have failed. I'uttd** Extract Medicated Paper f '“ —Ct Use is a preventive against Chaling lc*. Our Oliilnirnt i* of great acr al of clothing i* i tic on ve • Ladies. ,tlr 1 t:r„;i’,i ; ‘ 8> ” and 16 of trying various antidob's, was in batliing them wlili IN,mi's Kx- TllAiT. It isa s)dcndic remedy, good lor Ilian or Unst.” So spnke a farmer, one day. wlieu in ou;- olllce. He spoke from txporiencc, ns many thousaiuls of others rm/hl and do speak who Imvc used tbe Extract. Only bo sure in buying it. that you get tin* t/nivinc in iirlr. Take no imitation. nevir Is without it. llur OlntlUfUl i, ihc best emollient that can Iw applied. FernaleComplaints. h-.* called in for the majority of female disease* if i he Kxf ran he u*ed. Full direction* accom pany rich bottle. CAUTION. Pond’s ExtractV£ the words **|'ond*H Extract ** blown in the K la», and oar picture trade mark on sur- rounding huff wrapper. None other i* genuine. Always insist on having I'oiiiI'm ExirUVt. I akc no other preparation. It it never told in bulk, or by measure. Price of Pond’s Extract, Toilet Aril- m i i- l- »• i, ..... xv . i t,cs ““d Siicclallles. Mis. I.ydia r.. I inkliani 2.U AV est- ■ pokd'n KXTii.tcr,. .a( ari.73 ern Avenue, I.viui. Mass., lias made I akbljs. ; BPKtiiTttS. the discovery! Her Vegetable I V3BSZ m :* i &' g,"SS&i.' ‘ ?.? t’ompound isa positive cure for I VSKJSSiqi,.;, m . SS£u«r^r M leniale eoinplaint.s. A line add.-ess-1 lttstS5Jt£8l3 rjs APTlttltlca. ed to tills ladv will elicit :lll lie 10s- i ’. I.po Elixir Tlta- for Ueineii. sary inforiimliim. A Word to Mothers Mutliers should remember it is :i most iniporliuit duly at. tiiis season to look after tlie healtii of tlieir families and cleanse the malaria uiiii impurities from their systems, and that nothing will tone up the stomach and liver, regulate tbe bowels and purify tbe blood so ■ perfectly as Paiker’s (linger Tonic,: advertised in our columns.—/’,«/. . See other eoltmin. Aina,". Refreshing. A delicious odor is impart-al by Floreston Cologne, which is always refreshing, m> matter how freely used. Inhaler . Naaal Syringe ... Female Syringe I.OO J't .jX&redonly h r POND’S EXTRACT CO., NEW YORK AND •LONDON. 1 'saleby .dl Druggbt* and Fancy lioods Dealer*. Order* for werth, carriage free, on receipt of 5-2.35- Order* far fs worth, carriage tree, on re- **apt ofls, if addres; ?d to 14 NY, »^n St., N. Y, Savannah • nnd Jarkt-...., Jm-k*onviUi > , Cincinnati and JarkHouvIlli .Montgomery nnd Jarkminvillc. •acnirer* lor Florida by thh i t nl raatongeni for Darien lake thla train. I'oauengeni from Savannah for Drunawick tokc- Ingthia train arrive nt Brmuwlck .Via a. m. I’aMenger* leaving Brunswick 9.00 p. m., arrive In Havnnnnh at 2.:o n. in. 1'naRengera for fialnesville, Cedar Keys, Snvmi- natt and Florida 'TranMlt Iload take thin train. 1'nraengera Irom Havannth for Mudlaon, Mon- ticello, Tullahneaee and Quincor lako thla fain. I Wengers from Quincey,. TallahaHNce, Monti- cello and Mndii.nn take tlda train, meeting ^Itop ing cure ut Way crons at 9.38 p. in. ALBANY EX I’ll ESS. fa;ave Savnunah dally !at 5.1') 1’. M. . 8.05 l*. M. > Dul'ii Holiday G portioi lust rative •rials otlce-iblo ffii Jf-claj life nnd n cut lost tics of arience icuIhrJy treated,travel included In Iin list t spcchdly nntuinl l.-l.-t nnd ndvi njure ut Iioiik* tin*' ul-rt ntl. field 'atH-rts “"■J “ n ;|- ■IM-I"iinl|.v, Hlilcai hl.tor'ciil |'i„l ••d ,| r« It" aH ■...pi.. .u*<-.-,,tlb!e of fn-.h anil i " rl “' -l—i'lca pulilishea ,2 ; >«; r l ' ,,v - by a r lqun„l u"S’Jif I 1 . ll “ v " b *-' '--ill. a „nru, rt-ri-ji- Uon; »hn« Ilia grn*r:,l nllMallvanr., or tie SlatKin,J,,« null,..Hoi It co.dial iq.protal ami rlrcilhitlol Iiductore of the Miign: iin its leputntlon, I n f hope > and ction. their iontrihufion.*« It IK,” In which *i ses of American li j treated, will begin in tl.v f:» nopulni’ rfiirartor. nllth.l ••STEI’IIKN 0UT1I- I'tcnliar and Mrikirg pbn- Books, ! run through s. j Thu editor'at depa I illustration « will ha | titty that Imvo l itherl For Sale by Terms Yea Number, 25 con Specimen nui Arrive Tlioi _ Arrive Italnhridgc “ ....... Arrive Albany '* Leave Albany u Leave I kiln bridge ** Leave Thoin.iHxille “ Arrive l»u Font M Arrive Waycroan ** Arrive Jessup “ Arrite Havsnnah “ Sleeping cars l»viwcci: Hovanuah vllle by this train. , 0,4ft A. M , 4.40 P. M. . 4.80 1' ' , 8.30 I*. M. Dainhridgc evety Thursday chacola and Columbus. Alliany daily with pa*tengcr **" “■ jg| Kailroad Mo- Mull steamer leav IV lur ,1 Connection nl . . trains both ways on the Southwest, to and front Macon, Kufaula, Muntgoi bile. New Orlcsns, etc. Clos«i connection nt Jacksonville daily (Sundays seep ted)i for Orccn Cove Springs, St. Augu-- ne, i’alatka, Knterprire, Kantord, and all land ings on St. John's river. Train* on II. & A. It. K. leave junction going vest, ut 12.80 p. m., and for llrunswick at 3.43 p. n. daily except Sunday. Through ticket* sold and Sleeping Car Bet the nd Daawinu-room car nccominmlations secured t Bren’s Ticket olllec, No. 82 Hull Ht., and at the .'ompany’s Depot, f*M»t of Ltnerty street. J. S. T1SDN, JAS. 1,. TAYLOR, Master Trains. Oen’l IWr -\gt.® U. U, KLE 1NO, Su|ietln‘endetit. Augusta Evening Sewsf JAS. L. HOW. JOHN M WKIGLE, !■ Pnoi'ltlBTomi. AV. H. JIj.'HE. ) THE PIONEER PAPER OF GEORGIA. Imleiiendcnt in all Tiling*. Uiitnundlctl ami Cniiistmrteil. NOT TIIK OBUAN OF ANY CLIQUE, BING OK COMBINATION. Our Capital! Bxperlcuce. Our Mutloi Progrus. Our Reward! Success. Tlie Augusta (On.) Eveninir News lias the largeai «*ircttlall«ii *»f ony Dully Pnuer ever iaatietl In Augusln, ami juj an adver- iblnc medium is unsurpaaeeil Advertising lnle« on application- KATES OF 8FB8CR1PTKOX. DAILY—1 Year G- r » 00 *» G Months 2 00 WEEKLY-1 Year 1 60 *' C Months. 75 Soraps, Fapoteries, Subscription, 3 00; Single Li kiulCi.0 Rates. I* mailed, post paid, «.n receipt ige s’ainps nlford a convenient J. B. LIPPENCOTT& CO., Pnfe 7 /.» anti 7 / 7 Market St., Phi In NEW STORE. B. T. POWELL, Agent, ml the pnt'lic generally Would inform hi* liicnd* npeiicdja compe te stock of Autographs C3t I'OCGI’ioS On flic Son}li Side of tlie Square, ■•mil Invil... th-n la uivo him . call, a, li. will ,ol The Best Goods at Lowest Prices. Arneri. ua, Feb. 17. IS82 tf FANCY GOODS. « 1882, WUI b* uUmi to »!J apptlreato. taJ ton ordering It, It conulm 6** relortd pl*U«, *<o ngrevisn. tboat w* rare*, am4 falI i prim uidirMi.»n, fcr wluUcr Ucu <u»ln of V»«rt*U*ui fWn Seed,, PUst*. Irnlt Trm,etc. IsTwInallr to *IL Jfiriioon grow* wnb WUI b* f und mi iwi.xl-U fer pUatlsf I* iUmIDm 0m>m w D. 1L FEBBY * CO, Detroit, Hick. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC Ao Invigorating Medicine that Never Intoxicates Thi* Mandrake, Slilliii Bn. . ftl.e bc*t khmuk .SUIW...V, ra a'l di*ordcr» cf the bowel*. fttotii3c!i, hver, kidney* and lung*, & is The Gest ami Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are sufierini; frota^Fcmale Complaint*, i Dyi ER: Ncrvou*nt—, .- . , . *ia. age or any disease or infirmity, take Prrker Ginger Ionic. It will itrcngthcn brain and body and give you new life and vigor. lOO DOLLARS Paid for anything injurious found iu Ginger Tonic or for a failure to help or cute. for. an t (I Hire wtdrelre* I*drug*. Lam rartagWrlM fltiiir. frtdafcimlwtalliicatliCo., IUUnJiL,N.Y.