The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, March 14, 1882, Image 2

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W. L. OIiUMEB, Editor. ORIclul Organ or the City of .Interims. Olllclal Orson of Dooly County. TI'FNUAV, ItlAKt'H II, INM'A. TO POSTMASTERS. When newspaper* are not called for It In made - v -* duty of I’o»tma*trrs under the law to notify tho proprietor* of thU fact. Ciml*, already print* e«f, are Airmailed on application to the 1'ontinatter, wltoae only duty will lie to (ill out with tho name f the party not getting the paper. The building of the King cotton manufactory in Augusta, lias be gun. A new bankruptcy bill bus the reported to the senate by been Jndlcary committee of tbnt body. There are many sad hearts among the half-breeds that Conk- ling cahnot lie induced to wear the robes of u justice! Colliding nml Ills Collegers. Ht. Louis Tout. Twenty years ago Cockling. Blaine, Allison, Winduni and Wil son were all Republican members of the House together. They were all poor at llmt lime—very poor. They were about the same age, laid about the same start, and have been in public life constantly. Blaine is a mill ionaire, Allison is another millionaire, Sherman is trebly a millionaire, Windoui is a millionaire. Wilson has also got to be very rich; but lloscoe Conk- ling, the ablest, greatest, proudest of them all, is poor to-day. No man came so near to be acting President of this country during the eight years of 1.1 rant as Conk- ling. N'o man in Washington, ex cept Grant, bail such power, such | influence, such oppoitunities, Ueoclicr is nceustoined to stencil- Conkling did not profit by them. es or vniiou* characters, but. sue- ,,e is , l ,oor l J' th ‘" clm, ‘ , . , . . , .... acterizeil the* difference between embed to Hint ol the Chicago , lim otller leaUers of Mh |mrtv river the other night, during the ; ——». . Telegraph dispatches slate that the condition of the people in the Mississippi Valley is not ns hud as was at first reported. Hon. S. S. Cox lately lectured to an audience of colored people in Washington. He was introduced by Frederick Douglass. It is said that the Welsh arc feeling the influence of the agitation of the rent question in Ireland, and are beginning to demand great reductions. Mason (lets Bight Years. New York, March 11 The sen tence of Sergeant .Mason, who fired at Guitcuu, lias been approved by General Hancock. The sentence is, “to be dishonorably discharged, with a loss of all pay and allow ances, and to be confined in the penitentiary at bard work for eight years.” PETITIONING FOR PARDON. A petition to President Arthur for the pardon of Sergeant Mason was circulated here to-day. It lias already received the signatures of a large number of prominent busi ness men. The grounds presented for the exercise of executive clem ency arc, the excitement under which the shooting was done and the claim that punishment enough has been suffered to meet tiie de mands cf military discipline. during delivery of a public lecture. Everybody says, " just like Conk- ling.” Well, Conkling is young yet, nml lias liail high aspirations. A suitis before the Supreme Court of Canada in which the costs have already amounted to$40,000. Mr. Maclnrcn, owner of certain timber lands, improved a stream that passed through Ins land so llmt it He does not propose to retire while , was navigable for logs. Mr. Calil- tlicse may yet be realized, j well his next neighbor above, took v • — j advantage of this to float bis logs Justice Gray, of the II. S. su- down stream through Madmen's prcine court, is a very fastidious I lane, and the latter took out an in- gentleman. Jt is said that lie has ' junction. Caldwell contended that been endeavoring to reform the I Mr - Mnola . rcn llad 1,0 ri S l,lR , . , . .1 over running water as to stop an- lawyers in the matter of wearing | otllcr lnnn from lloiUin{ , ,i OWI1 | 0 g 8 overcoats in court. They will he permitted to wear vests if they are well pulled down. On another page will lie lonnd an article from the New York Sta on it. hut Vico Chancellor I’roud- foot, at Toronto, gave judgment for Mnclarcu. The case was onr ried to the Court of Appeal, mid tho Judges there, by two to one, reversed the Vice Chancellor’s dc- , ’ cision. The next step was to the predicting a very warm and almost I Supreme Court, and, whichever unbearable summer, ll whnt the j way tho judgment is given, the case article says is true, its nbout time our people were looking up more eongenial quarters. It is estimated that of the popu lation of Tennessee from 11,000 to 5,000 persons living oil the .Missis sippi river are in need of assistance, and that in Illinois 4,000, and in Mississippi mid Arkansas 10,000 each are reduced to want by the floods. On Wednesday last the annual meeting of the Muscogee Manu facturing Co., was held at Colum bus, Gn. The report of the Presi dent showed the earning for the year to lie $:10,T00, which is I ni pt r cent, on tho capital stock of $157,500. The recent heavy losses and fail ures iu various parts of the South out of gambling in cotton, grain and railroad securities, have given rise to a discussion in tlie* papers of the moral nspeet of such specu lations. It is pronounced to be nothing but speculators whatever wealth of the country. A gentleman in llnpides Parish Louisiana, cultivated one thousand >acres in cotton last year, and lour' ii undent acjrcs in Bermuda grass. Tiie cotton yielded him a net re- tern of about one thousand dollars less than the grass. The cotton was cultivated with severe manual labor while the grass was handled by machinery. will lie taken to the Privy Council by the loser. A case of considerable interest is now before tiie Supreme Court of the United States from the State ' GEORGIA SEWS. Home is to have an ice factory. Albany has another burglar. We think it high time that people pay their printers. The next report of Treasurer Speer will show that he has $750,- 000 of State funds. The department of the deaf and dumb asylum in Cave Spring will be opened on tiie 15th. Ban Poster, Tate of the defunct Sparta Times and Planter, is now connected witii the Sunny South. The Millcdgeville Herald lias been sold to the Union and Recor der, and tiie Herald's late editor, ltev. Elam Christian, will start a religious paper. The Sparta Ishmaelite, etc., has entered upon its fourth year. It says it lias no wealthy or influen tial friends to back it, but just struggles along the best it can. Ill this case truth is not stranger than fiction. Seven thousand and five hun dred acres of land in Buinbridge were sold on March 2nd to North ern men for $1.50 an acre. The estate of the late Cupt. Win. Kidd was sold at auction in Atlan ta on Tuesday, bringing $182,- 400. The Grifiln News and Covington Star arc afraid that there will not be enough corn raised in Georgia to allow any of it to be distilled into whisky; and the Athens llan- ner is afraid that so much will bn made as to permit the manufacture of whisky. Wo do not nee any prospect of a “coalition” between these antagonistic prophets of evil, but there ought to be a safe mean somewhere.—Rome Courier. The golden mean is enough for food, so that none need be brought from the West, pet The West make the whisky while the South makes tiie food. Atlanta gave a showy reception to Hon Win. K. Dodge, of New York, on Tuesday. The Constitu tion calls it “appreciative and rep resentative.” The special charac teristic of Mr. Dodge which it was designed to honor was his devo tion to the cause of temperance—u very good and laudable cause; but it the Hon. Will. E. Dodge, while I a member of Congress, had been n little more temperute in bis animus toward the South, we should have thought him more entitled to hon ors from Georgians. Classes not “represented” would have better “appreciated” tiie appropriateness of the reception Rome Courier. New Advertisements. nt:xR> .*• MKRItEL C ALLA WAV. — r NE W FIRMI! ATLANTA,GA. Tho present year will he one of tho roost Impor tant in the history of Georgia. Now patties, new Idea*, new growth, new enterpri-o,new conflict*, all press for attention, I provoke inquiry and force discussion. No man of intelligence, no man who wou.d 1 understand the situation that he may till the full i 1 measure of his dutv and Improve his opportunity, j c m afford to be without a good newspaper. The ATLANTA CONSTITUTION; iii either tt« daily or weekly edition, offer* a ' thorough and comprehensive paper. Published at the capital, fully equipped for newsgathering, with strong editorial and local ( forces, with an unequailea corps of corrc«pon- | deflt* * OLD GRANBERRY CORNER. The Leading Southern Newspaper iity in one or the other of Us edl* : Georgit lions TKKM - The Daily Constitution, f 10 per i UJia - i no i;anv Luututuuuu, to for six months, #1 per month, fin Wceklv Constitution, #160 per annum; i clubs of ten, |l.vft cadi; iti olnb* of twenty. $l.h each. 'Mskeall drift* parable and adore** it! -a!—— HAYING. LATELY 1MIUCIIA8KD TIIK- LATEST STYLES; BESAOTIFUL £3 “Z* <3 C IS. ! OK MR. JOHN WINDSOR, ARE DAILY ADlS.NO TO THE SAME THE I lowest prices! j LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS j PLUI, COMMERCIAL, ARTISTH V Y\V * T/Jfg ILL AT THE '/« JOB 0^ OOOOOI10000 OOOCM H)0()()()()()(>00( I c c 2 2(1,1100 BILL HEADS. ~ 5 10.000 STATEMENTS. c 15,000 NOTE HEADS. C 10,00(1 LETTER HEADS, J 20,000 ENVELOPES. X Domestics, Sheetings and White Goods, Eto., rEIdNT FULL != 2 2 OOOOOOOOOOCIOOOO 000( IOOI >0000 | .TITST TtF.CKrVT-’.n. i I.ARoi: Ml FINK PAPERS VISITING CARDS HALL PROGRAMMES WEDDING INVITATIONS ! AND BUSINESS CARDS ANOTHER I.AHHK ANI> MtESII INVOICE OE La dies end Gren ts Slioes BOON TO AHniVE ! DAVIS & CALLAWAY, Another Gooil Citizen of lloolj' Gone. Died, at Iiis homo near Byrom- ville, Dooly county, on the 3rd day ALWAYS ON IIANI IN PRICES AND WORK : WE ARK ALWAYS READY TO laiMJ'KTK WITH MACON on ATLANTA. ; (mnlieny Comer, ■VMERICUS, GA. OKKICK ON COTTON AVENUE, j AMERICUS, GA. "f' i'^'i."' 1 . Hecms tl,at March, 1882 James Howell City Marshal Sales for April. I. lansli, of ,\ irginm, purchased \ iSwearengon, in the seventy-third BK S(III) TIIB ,,, TV Rivers, of the same Slate, in I.8fi3, paying him a portion of tho pur chase money and giving bond for | tiie residue. The defendant now claims that it was a Confederate con furtlie eipation the negroes were free at the time of their sale. The case is an interesting one, and is attract ing considerable attention. itr^ct, if a contract at all; and rtlier, that under Lincoln’s onian- n number or slaves from George I .Year of His age. He purchased the lot of land on which lie died, in August, 1827, for $100, nml tiie latter part of that year with his wife, who still survives him, lie en tered upon the land, then an un broken forest^ with an Indian pony and a small bunch of cattle. This place lie settled for a home and lias remained on it for fifty-four years—lias raised eleven children to be grown—nine of them still liv ing and in their various sphurus in life nrc doing well and much re spected. Though frequent inducements were ofleted him to sell out, lie re fused them all saying “this was his Texas,” and by bis indomitable in dustry and economy, be enlarged bis place by purchase and improve ments until lufir it is one of the Amcrii lowing described property, to»wlt: One house nml lot iu th« city of Atnerit-ti Gu., uhounilud m follow*: South by Koi street, east by lumi of Tom E<lwiir<U, noit lond of Kvelino Jantc.vwrKt by* inml of JL .Tone*, contain* 1*2 aero more or lu**. Levied on iia the property of liock McCoy, to *:tti»fy one city tax ii fa in favor of the Mayor and Cltv Council of. Amcricua. Oa., tor tho year 1H>1 v>. Dock McCoy. At the name time and idnce, < the city of Atnurtcus Gn., Ini *oUtl» by Jefferson atreet, w ?*t by laud of G. W. Glover, en*t by vneant lot, north by tho t-nniiin* age lot. contain* 1 acre more or lea*. Levied on a* the property of Dave Itobinson to satisfy one city tax Ufa In tny hand* iu lavor of tin Mayor and City Council of American, Os., ‘ the year 18S1 v*. l>av. Hobltr A fj- «. 1 7„r , ;r t;,::; ““ At I ■!■»>■• - ... .... 11.h!.... , u „„ I .UII.CI.I1 CV t- , and add nothing to the would lie permitted to settle. j 1,,m ® m * uimily com It is said that a prominent Mor mon recently asked, in response to a declaration by a Gentile, that the Mormons must conclude to obey the laws of the United States nr emigrate, “Where can we go?” Come to reflect upon the matter, I . , , , , . . savs the Salt Lake Trihum this is i 1,1081 ^"bable »“>all farms in tile , question. There ooun , tr >'' a , m J ,C * VC8 ,lls l* r o[K:rt.v ; a. it. c-is; ■ 1 free from debt. . ” ' 11 ned and to make comfortable anil discharged all iiis duties as a Ulan- citizen, for this long period of fifty-four years lie lias never been a plaintilf or defendant in court of der II. Stephens lias decided to re- 'justice in his life, tire from politics at the end of his : In early life lie was converted present term in Congress. Alter ! aml imited bltnsclf with the Mctlio- ., ...... . , dist Episcopal Church, and iiis his Iannis in \\ asliingtnn are I lush- i , . . ’ " | christam course and character were ed he will review Ins history of the SU0 u ns to challenge the respect United States, now in press, and j and love of all clirUtains. His then devote himself to his private I dealings with his fellowmen were! interests at home i characterized with so much open ' ! candor and truth as to win the es-1 A special dispatch to the ta Constitution lavs lion. Alexan- The I'hiladelpliia Press fears I that the Mississippi Valiev floods ; arc the precursors of some general misfortune. It remarks that “com mercial changes are apt to be pre ceded in this country by some' great destruction of property. The i panic of 1837 was, and so was the j panic ol 1873. the one IA a lire in j New York ami the other b\ the 1 How quickly we forget the rules j tee “ of a11 U . w ‘'‘•'■S^ors. of arithmetic as learned in school ,h f T“T "?' C Ue P° 8,tcd , 111 is shown in the (act that a i.w.mi- I i b, ‘ n * 1 1 * r0 “ nd 01 ! } hc | nent dry-goods merchant in Boston P a * ,! the funeral services being j worked halt mi hour on the follow- ! col j doct ' d T ^' Hev. Wesley l.nne ing i.rojmsition, and failed to give i a . nd M-C. Jordon of the Methodist an answer: If four men liuild a ehurch a.ul Rev Robert M. Owen wall five feet high in four days, °* tho B "P ll « church, attended by how long will it take six men 'to nu ^\ oa ? ™ and a " ^ build :i wall eight feet Idgli in "e'glibors willingly bore testimony seven days’ ot respect to Ins memory. , . -r A Friend. quitmaii Free Press-. Mr. Moses i \ physician says: “It is hcnlthi- J. J. l>avi Uiihiti*' into linn* an<! place, one Iioiim* and Lg the city of Ainerlcun, Gn„ l>oiin<lc(i n* foMou*; o:i*t by atreet (uo natiio,) north by K» •l(tl.T*on atrcvl*, south by iniul of It. ... western boundary not kiiowu, roiitain* 16 non more or Icaa. Levied on n* tho property of It. I Daniel*, agent f«*r wlffe. lo ratl-ty one illy tax li in tny hand* fbr the rear 1*81 iu favor of Hi Mayor and City Council of Americt:*, Gu >auud*, agent for wife, i the same time and place, one house ie cltv of Americas Oa., hounded ;i* follow* by Jackson street; M>uth by land bcloiigiii! to catato of Wm. itoaworth, n<»rih hv vie by laud or KHwrt Head, rontaln.i !**••. levied «»ti a* tho properly satisfy Mayor and City'Ct . 1S81 v». Jamm Alex: At tho aatno time at In tho cxlv of Atnericna. G north by lot of T. L. Mizo, west by Leer tree!, east by land ot l’.dftie contain* 1-2 aero more or lea*. !.cv!o i on ti property of George lirooks, Son., to satisfy city t*x *tfa for the y.-ar IS>1 in favor of t». Mayor and City Council of /ntericus, Ga., v. Georre Brooke,’ Senior. March 2. HD2. _ A. 1'. LINGO, CUy Mamba!. NEW FERMI Ifavfng purchase 1 lnnn G. M. Hay hi* Restaurant! (t’XDKIt TIIK UAUI.OW 1IOUSK,) a CIcorffta on all ntatti i he people. It w" J Ifcvesln’prrcres*. anii will lend I enlighten the populace, m il lead them lo appreciation of their political tiabU and material r» rour«es liroutalua the .\a*ociat*d Dreg* DU- patcdie*-the |at» »t uewa Irom every source, und I i* the most extensively iiuoted pa|>or tn the south. It Ims u lively local department; contain* the I latest market report*, ana tho ioeul matkot cor rected daily by tho leading merchants ot the city. of marriage and sen! out Into life witii a'good *um Intuit. lam agent for two FIRM’ CLASS Haulage Kndowmcnt Companies that pay policy holder* #1,000 Op SLVKdLii and §3,000 00 at lime of maril .se Ddh thr*e c*anpani •* are retrainrly charua ed under the laws of Geoigia and Lave plan i-Airil AL V KB V ! Ih .ngnarated, which will pn»v | made in Georca. siibserilaj KM^lURKIt-hUX. . ,, . ... I , .. P»lj Olvlau *.U 8. Ill 19 llvtilblll* great fires of Chicago and iloston.. Dukes, a splendid farmer who lives | est to eat a melon right in the This lime a great loss of property ; in tbe Dry Lake district, sends us j field when it picked.” Lime Kiln by floods in the river valleys comes i a bundle of oats, all headed Out just as the country is bracing it-1 and about knee high. He lias fif. seif for a fall in prices and unfavor.; teen acres, all just as fine. They able foreign trade. were sown in October. Club man writes us that it is false. The healthiest way is to run, and uot stop to cal it till you’re sure the farmer lias called in his dog and given up the pursuit. 1 i* putting in *:i new and complete »loek of | *TSUEIASS. ! Dally, one year *7 go fruits and CONFECTIONERY, | I:::::::;::::::;:::::::;:;;:;' “ ’ j W eekty aud Sunday one year S V0 ; for further information nddres* JOHN KIXU, Columbus iia. Bun Away. Hi nry Cunninphant. a black hoy 51-2 feet 1 i/h, ickera. Canned Good*, i ul»e goo-1 to cat. neats Served at ull Hours, i his friend* and tbe public gci.ert.lly »f I 17 year* old. aon of Henry Cunningham, n ant on J. J. 81«ppy** plantation, I'iain* of Dura, ha* ruu away, and idl perMtti* a to hereby warned ogainat hiring hint. March 10th, 18.S2, J the rati LOW,' Yon will G* Hllr|.ll-.-.l lo CHEAPLY olllior o( thfM! C..iup»nl«» canguai antue you 92,ogo or ••L00G upon y**t' Policle* iiMiud to Izoth ladle* aud you arc ••aingle*' and ex|«ct to evt yourehanfe Gall and»cutne. _ rlduntlal If deeinal. r marriage, rutlemci J. W. BHADV, Agent F. E. BURKE, •**or to l*t Nat. Bnnk and A. C.'Bell 4c Co., .OIEKIC18, GA. p.-epared to negotiate loan*, secured Ljr kortgagi car*, an I sell and It ing from three •kcent, interest, mil the cflebrated Baldw in 4 Co.’* AmtuonMcd DI*»olved Bou 1 *#, Htnto »<ranee Fertilizer and Georgia Ammoniatud DU- solved Bone*. All who have ever o*ed tbe*o fertilizer* *ay they are the h««t *oUI in themarkut. Before buying roll vu tn<. frhH.WIw