The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, March 17, 1882, Image 2

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wTfc. WMWBM. Mlltfl JtJBOK CRISP IN TIIE FIELD. IlauklDkfUlc Diipat- b. There is no longer nny doubt about Judge Crisp, of Americus, Ollclal Organ of the City of Americas. I being a candidate for Congress OBeial Onss sfDssly Oswty. lrom thig digtrict . AnJ jt Jg now very generally known that General TO POSTMASTERS. C °° k ‘ B ft cal,didatc for re-election. When newspaper! Ire not cell. ,f^r‘III. A ® WC 1 ' #Ve 8ai(1 bcf#rc > wc nev " hednijrof rntmuien under the law to notify dreamed tliat these two gentlemen | won,d ever W« ‘••“Cl* other for •hoao only duly will be in An out with the cam. t the party not tettlny the paper. ofllce. They have been partners . In law, and have been fast political ~ Mr. Arthur has a good deal of nnd pcn,onal Wends. Gen. Cook trouble in getting men of towering did cvor J lllin K ln b ' 8 power to se- ability to go upon the supreme curc thc J ad « e8hl P of tlie Ameri- beneh. Thoy doubtless recall tho I cus curcuit for dud B c Crisp, and fuel that Alinudc Bradley and Judge Cris P’ 8 Influence and itrora- Stanly Mathews are associate jus- incncc wcrc greatl >' Increased in tioes. tljat section, and in return lie was — . — - u warm advocate aud supporter of Thp question of a successor to General Cook in every campaign. Miss Sweet, as pension agent, at Whether General Cook th'nks that Chicago, is being pressed upon Mr. Judge Crisp hus been ungrateful, ,, - , . Arthur. It is said that the presi- or whether Judge Crisp thinks that' A marrlcd > aro tbe J- dent is very averse to appointing he has already repaid Gen. Cook’s ladies to important federal posi-1 favors, the public have no means of knowing. Wc have seen it intima ted or insinuated that Gen. Cook I nnd Judge Crisp were candidates I in each other’s interest, and that one would retire in favor oi the , U E011UIA NEWS Davenport, Johnson A Co., of New,York nnd Atlanta, will build a big cotton factory near Athens. A cyclone jumped on Augusta Thursday, and dissappeared in South Carolina. Elbert Stcphonson, charged with the murder of his aunt, was found guilty at Lawrenceville last week. The brutal muidcr occurred last summer, nnd was fully ro|>ortcd in thc Post-Apjieal. Albany will soon have a tele, phone exchange. Sargcant W. D. Wright, ot Augusta, has been confirmed Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps of thc army. Of the twenty-two printers in Athens, the Banner-Watchman says “not a single one use liquor.” tions. Charley Poster, of Ohio, is hnv ing trouble in having thc bills of the state militia for attending Mr. Garfield’s funeral paid by tho state. one wo,lld rctlrc in faTor ol tbc The expense being without author- otllcr at lbo . P ropcr linlc to 8ec,,re 1 his nomination. Considering their ity ot law, two-thirds of each i house is required to pass the | pa9t ™ la ‘ io ™) we >i“vo be Col. Galic Nash, a lawyer of I Madison county, was born in 1709. Whisky drinking is reported on thc increase in Berrien county. A lug rattlesnake was killed in Worth county last week. It had nineteen rattles. Hon. Wm. E. Dodge will visit Darien this week. New Advertisements. The CBBSltiOB, Husky S. Davis. Mekbel Callaway. ATLANTA,«A. JNT_EW FIRM! The present year will >w one of tho most Impor tant la »bo history of Georgia. Now partici, new Idea*, now growth, new j 'cntornrUe, new conflicts nil press for attention, rovolio inquiry und force Ulscunaion. No man of |ntelli?ciir<>. no man who would nn>Irr«tand the situation that he may till tho full ucaxurv of hio dutr and improve hU opportunity, cm afford to be without a jfood newspaper. The ATLANTA CONSTITUTION either it* daily or wrecklv edition, offers a rough and comprehensive paper. .'uhlUhed at tho capito], fully equipped for neorffatberlag, with strong editorial and lorn! lore*-*, with an iintquajleo corps of <orre*pon* -“—ring tho entire country and noting every bo Constitution has established itself as OLD GIIAMERRY COMER. intcicst, the Constitution The Lending Southern Newspaper and la a necewiity in one or tho other of its cdl* tions to every Georgian. TKKMrt-The Daily Constitution, 910 per an num, f.i for six months. A) per month. Tha Weekly Constitution, fl.fiOper annum; in clnbsof ten, fl.YScach; In rlnha of twenty, }!.«« each. Make ill draft- payable and whirr** 1" letters to THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ot. -for— I Davis & Callaway lieved thin, but we do not now be- — .lieve a word ol it. When old Attorney General Brewster is friends really disagree, there is a making some big threats against I peculiar bitterness, a kind of vin- thc star route thieves. Brewster I dictive feeling that takes possession is no doubt In earnest, hut the of them, and when old friends fight world may Htaml in awe when he they light harder than strangers, secures the conviction of a promt- We entertain the bigiiest feelings nent Htar router like Brady or Dor I of respect for Judge Crisp nnd s *‘J r - I General Cook. We would chcer- What is the matter! Nobody fu,ljr 8,, IT ort eithe »' for Congress lb (riven ,ut. I if propeily nominated by the Democratic party of thc district. We arc in favor of n fair nomi lias given Grant anything this week, though it is said that ho is now poorer than ho has been for a " care 1,1 favor of a fair nolni ' month. It has been suggested that I nati#n ’ wado b >' dcle « atcs scIectcd grateful country present h im I prinlary clcctions in thc va,iolls th Itobcson’s naw ns nn orna- countic9 ' By this means tho bar- wlth Itobcson’s navy ns an orna ment for bis back yard aquarium. ,,lon y. ortbc P^D' «“*> 1* preserved, - I and every man can express bis America Is still abend. A work I preference at tho ballot box. of colossal magnitude was under-1 ■■*- • — - taken when wc contracted to pro- n . A * o0 >® 00 ‘luce, bigger lool than Oscar L?”. 1“*' CUy f 1 Wa> Wilde, but ’success has erownc.1 VUi ‘ C<,bi '“ °, f tbc , above pr °- our etlbrts. After a careful study T'T 0,1 cdncs ‘ n, ° rnin S of thc two fools, Eli I’crkius is, by ab ° Ut ° cl ° ok ’ wbiob b “ rn “ d competent ludges, declared th, a o'* °* ®* mostjhopclcss. Truly is America r A “^”™ AS “ n and t ,c 910 " g rea ^ I room of Wolff Bros. Anderson & - - r I Son lost $475 in cash, papers and Tammany and tbo llcpubliuans I books, besides n stock of cotton are now bargaining over tho dlstri-1 g'lano, nnd etc., valued at about bution of thc spoils of tho State I $11,000, on which there was oil in prisons in New York. I'llsbury, re- surance of $7,400. Tho building moved by the coalition, when he Wll! * owned by U. M. Zimn, and took charge ®f thc prisons faced an Wfts insured for $1,500. WolfT annual deficit of $000,000. He Bros, had a stock valued at $20,- brought them up to a self sustain- °U0| insurance, $10,000. Their ing condition, and now has to give I etorc room belonged to them, and way to the snmo plundering coali- nrns insured tor $7,000. A horse tion of Republicans awl Taminan- n *>'l *nule was burned, and it is sup- yites that stolo millions under posed that Mr. K. B. Watson, a Tweed. well known cotton buyer of Macon, w——.Tr.?..* . :r "» 9 burned to death in tho flames, Monument build,ng to thc mem- | M ho ,, c „ pingnpartmentg ory ot the Earl ofBcaoonsflcld took * »,f l ap " rtraent8 OM . .. , tnc warchoiiHo nnu noiliinir enn r“7r Money for ^ heard of him. The Telegraph the purpose-of such cemmemom- tlmt tUc flro Jc|)ar ( mc , lt lien was subscribed with unu.u.l workcil nob! nnt , (li( , cni ' iellt ser . alacrity, and now that ihe statue | y|ce designed is reaching completion it is found that there will be a sur plus of at least $10,000. Wc man age better in America. Thc sur plus takes tho shape of a deficit, and we peddle cromoa to make up the deficiency. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, crows over tho good credit of his state, saying “that tho state of Alabama is both able and ready to meet all her obligations. Tbc state is just as llrin and solid iu her financial matters os tho state of New York. From 1807 to 1874 tho radicals, who were iu i>owcr during that period, robbed the state of $9,000,000. Alabama very often pays its interest three or four months before it is due and is safe as to money matters.” “When Albany News and Advertiser: If Bridges Smith,'of,the Macon Telegraph, had been at our npel- ing bee the other night, ho would surely have set down when he spelled It “shotc." We mention this merely to show the young peo ple that even editors do not spel correctly sometimes. The little daughter of Mr. Robert Rickctson, who lives a few miles from Wnrrenton, was painfully hurt a few days since by stepping on n cambric needle as it stood on its point in tbe floor, threaded. It passed eyeforemost, thread and all, up into thc heel, nearly the whole lengtli of the needle. Mrs. Ricket- son endeavored to pull it out by ;ho thread, but thc thread gave way leaving the needle unmoved. Mr. R. then brought thc little suflerer to town, and the doctors soon re lieved her. Since then she has not even limped from the wound, so readily and completely did it heal. A three year aid daughter of Mr. J. J. Newton, of Macon coun ty, while playing around a burn ing brush heap, one day last week, caught on fire, and before assist ance conlcl be given, her clothes were burned from her body. The little girl was suffering intensely, and but litttle hopes were enter tained of her recovery. LATEST STYLES! j LOWEST PRICES! MX—— PLAN, COMMERCIAL, ARTISTIC % -HAVING LATELY PURCHASED THE- IBA CTTIFULi STOCK! OF MR. JOHN WINDSOR, ARK DAILY ADDING TO TIIE SAME THE I LATEST PATTERNS AN1) DESIGNS! CALL AT THE Jill! < lOOOOl IO( ,0<, (K)OCX,(,Ol lOOOOOOOu 5 20,000 HILL HEADS. f C 10,000 STATEMENTS. £ s 15,000 NOTE HEADS. C g 10,000 LETTER HEADS. C 5 20,000 ENVELOPES. X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO JUST RECEIVim. T.AKOE STOCK OF PINE PAPERS VISITING CARDS BALL PROGRAMMES WEDDING INVITATIONS AND BUSINESS CARDS ALWAYS ON HAND. : IN PRICES AND WORK ■ WK AflK ALWAYS RKADV TO i COUi'KTU WITH MACON OR ATLANTA. j OI’I’ICi: ON COTTON AVEJIIIE, AMERICUS, GA. Dress flomis, Ufonoais hr Ikckweic, Domostios, Skeoting-s and Wttite Goods, 23to., EIIST FULL SUPPLY ■ ANOTHER LARUE AND TRF.SII INVOICE OF Ladies and Grents Shoes boost to Annivra • DAVIS & CALLAWAY, Gran berry Corner, AMERICUS, GA. ABOUT BUNCOE. The Dauvillc (III.) Commercial, republican, has this'to say alioiit llic stalwart: Mr. Conkling Is an exceedingly diflieult "grout and good mail” to please. His recent nomination nml confirmation as associate justice now seems u very silly and useless farce, as it was doubtless well known that lie would not accept it licforc it was made. It was a farce, however, in which the president nnd senate acted their pans. Just "lint good this whole proceeding can do Mr. Conkling is not appar ent. It lias only revealed one thing and that is that he feels hu miliated by the silly and idotie course which brought about his political death and that lie is now as uiqiopular as ever. Mr. Couk- ling can never reclaim himself in public estimation, and any attempt to whitewash him will meet thc in dignant rebuke of tUe |>co|>lc who remember his recent conduct. ln Wednesday's issue of the j pL ' ntblc * arm > °n Tuesday, the tMn«ra /..I thn i-.tA . u | l^st-Appeal the correspond cut .‘R.’, wor * ilucn cal “e upon a monster rat- left them He imm dl u,1 B M fr0W tbis clt - v b “ 8 a lm,f column i tlo - r , in tl,e wc0<l3 . and succeeded the door again, went 'nuTthc ! communIcaU °n ln rc gar.l to our ' killl "f “• II llad "inetcen rat- street, summoned a posse of citi-! nci g bbor > lbe AepuWuan.and Gen- ; erH an ' 1 a b «tton, which, accord- zens and returned. Thc prisoner* ! cral Cook 8 congressional chances, ‘" g -° lllat general y accepted au- hadinsome way obtained a flic w1icrci . 11 .1' 10 «ormpondent gives tb0 ,‘ y ’ 1 “ tbc old « 5t inhabitant.’’ filed into a huge staple and opened °" r nelghbor badc \ „ that . bU 8nake8hi P " aa thedoorof their ccfL They had The labor troubles at Omaha are lv thelar "' a8Cerlait1 ' • ' * in a fair way to be settled. The A g t * aUle8 P ak « *oen in niesencc of the militarr. ami th.. 1118 c°nntry in many years, and Montezuma Weekly: Sberifl Gillmore unlocked thc out er door of thc jail on Monday- morning last he observed tbat An exchange explains Mr. Conk- ling’s notion in not declining tho nomination of justice before it was sent to tbe senate: Tho President wrote to Mr. Conk- ling at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, an- nouncing that he intended to make the nomination und asking the ex Senator to telegraph at onco if lie was not willing to accept. The let ter reached New York just after Mr. Conkling had left for Utica. The President supposing from tho delay in answering that thc ap pointment would bo accepted, sent tho nomination in. Mr. Conkling received the first news of his nomi nation from tlie newspapers and got thc letter from thc President afterward, lie at onco replied that had he received it earlier lie would have declined. But tho nomination had been violently at tacked in tlie Senate and there was a prospect for a contest, and Mr. Conkling decided not to withdraw under fire. So he waited for thc action of the Semite, thought tho matter over, aud finally concluded to stand by Ids original determi nation. Tbe snake season lias opened early in this section, judging from a story told to us by Mr. John J. tord, of Worth county, yesterday. Near Isabella, oil Coleman's tur- City Marshal Sales for April. WILL UK SOLD DEFORK THE CITY Council Chamber (|oor t iu tho City of Atntrieiu, Giu, on tho first TuomUy in April next, tho fol lowing described property, to»wlt: onu houM? nnd lot In th« city of Americus, Gs., abounded m follow.. South by Forsyth street, rant by land of Toni Edward*, noith by land of Eveline James,".went by» land of llenrv •Tones, Contains 1-9 acre more or Ii ns. Levied on ns tho property of Dock McCoy, to satisfy one diy tax fl b In favor of tho Mayor nnd City Council of. Americuf, Ga , for the year I»sl r£ Dock llcUoy. At tho sAtno time nnd place, one houxe nnd lot In the city of Amertcu*, Oa., hounded a* follow*- south l»y Jefferson street, west by land of G. \\\ Glover, east by vacant lot, north by the isirson- ajfo lot, contain* 12 ac r «» moroorless. Levied on na the property of Dnvo Robinson to satisfy one city tax Ufa in mv bunds In favor of the Mayor nnd City Council of Americus, Ga„ fur the year 18sl vs. Davo Robinson. .A* 'heaatne time and (dace, one bouse and lot in the city of Americus, Ga., bounded ns follows east bystreet (no nsme,) north by Forsyth and Jefferson streets, south by laud of It. K. Cobb, westsm boundary not known, rontnlns l& acres more or less. Levied on as the property of IL II. Daniels, scent for wife, to sati-fy one city tax H a In my hands for ths year ISM in favor of the Mavor and City Council of Americus, Ga., vs. R. U. Daniels, agent fbr wife ’ . ,h .® Hroe and place, one house and lot In the cltv of America*, Ga., bounded as follows ; west by Jackson street, south by land hcl.inximr to the Citato Of Wm. liosuorth, nonh by vacant lot, cast by lard of hlbcrt Head, contains 1-” *» cr ?. ,n i , . rw or U ' M * on ns thc property of A. K. CiMioer to satuiy two city tax tfus in mv hands for the year I8NO and ’si Iu faror of the Mgyorand City Council of Americas, Go., l, R. OCoper. At the same time uml place, one house and lot In th. cllv or Amt-ricu,, ha., I..nn,l.u » Mlow. rut hr W.I>. linin' .:»U- I..I. noith hr lb. OnoM-r Wans Hon..-, wet ■’ a .oulh hy Il ium ton ami Lintsr streets, cont titling |.j acre more V’V; KTC on **• , ' R ' property of James Alex ander to MtlsOimm city tax Hf« In favor o the Mayor aa«l City Council of Americus fbr the year lsM vs. James Alexander. •" d "*«•; <”>• lioo»o nml k>t r' ^, n , lr . rlc l'.‘, <J| ’ ’ folio..: north hy lot or I*. L Ulio, .outh by Church ilm , -"’-> r «i.c».t hy tuui or Er.nn. mu, contain. 1-2 ucro tnorr or It.., I.rloton n. thc city tab nr. for tbc ycor 18SI h, thvor of llic Mayor .nil (ity Council of /tncrlcUR. ilu . v- llcorr. Brottlt., Senior. ’ ' March S, l»k-. A. IM.IXtlO. City Manho'. NEW FIRM! J. J. MILLINERY MRS SI T ELASI WILL LEAVE FOB NEW YORK TO DAS’. WILL DE VN-T HOME! WITH TDK SPRING MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS RV APRIL 1ST. MILLINERY! iNEWi I Soulhca.l Comer Public Square, 4. J. & W. B. HIBSON, Prop’s . Wo olFor In llic public everything kept FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE! OVll MKD1C1XKH ARK ALL [FRESH, j IPURE AND RELIABLE A gi ncnil assortment of all km: of tiik most PAINTS, OILS, c PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS. OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS. OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS,OILS, PAINTS,OILS. PAINTS, OILS, 3 -oVAltNIsnES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES. VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, varnishes, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, -© VARNISHES. A» fit on p ns enn be bought anywhere. Independent ami Best kivimapm I colognes, extracts, j COLOGNES, extracts. IX TIIK SOUTH. I COMBS, HAIR BRUSHES, IMIK KNqClRKK-81'N IS THE LEAPING UOMBS. IIAIlt BRUSHES, COSMETICS, CaSMETIC c . S, TOILET ARTICLES, E-. -re.Eto. also broken a large lortv pound bar of iron from above tbc window with wbicb to fell tbc Sheriff when he came in.” presence of thc military, and the 1118 C0Untr J' *» many years, and “ r ro»t of over a hundred of the tbe lact of hia being out so early rug.leadors has served to cool thc : in the season indicates that wc are* | ardor of r.otora to bnve no more Hating l>0rebate] iromO. M. Hay hu Restaurant! (t'NDF.U TIIK 1IAUIA>\V IllU SK,) D puttluit In Ja new and complete stock of FRUITS aud COXFECTIOXKKY. Cake*, Cruuktrs, Canned Goods, and evciyiblltg *lu: gou*i to ear. Meals Served at all llours, j«n •cftsrtieSfc T . , .... paiA'r iu Georgia on oil matter* of importune* to the people. It will never fall to cxpicss Its opinions on all subjects bravely and honestly. It i* t live pajer in every sen** of tho word. It be* Hows In pregress. anb will lend every energy to •eUfktca^he ponialuee, ai d lead them to a kuher appreciation of their political rights aad material resource*. It cooulns Ihg ^srodatctl I*raas Dts- patebes-the latest news from »V'J Is the most extensively quoted paper in the south. It has a lively local denartmeat; contains tho latest market reports, and the local market cor rected dally by the leading merchants of tbe elty. lort everybody who wants to be posted and to - keco up with the political canvass now being houses in ih.. Inouguaratcl, which will prove the Hv. lK-t ever made In Gi’ora'a. lubHribe at >uee fur the KNQUIBEU-ftl’N. TERMS. Dally, on Weekly - —OF ALL KINDS. / Ewjttii SnitaUff for i iMftL SNl’FF, TOBACCO AND SEOAftS A SPECIALTY. SEEDS U’liilcd » s *l*itt*H LANDHETHS Sunday *• *• ng Weekly and Sonday one year g 00 Kor turtiu-r informal tun addre»s JOIIX KING, ColumbUk.Gu. Hun Away. IK ury Cunningham, n Mack boy 51*2 feet I Lrb. 17 years old, son of llenry Cunningham, a ten* I “ * • I'lalss of Darn. | herrby v .irm*.I P MarchlOtb) iVvi.' GOLDEN DENT CORN AND SEED POTATOES DIRECT FROM THEM. ! PRESIRIPTIOXS rsasj i-TSi-: OUR MOTTO: Small Profits! (hick Sales!