The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, March 19, 1882, Image 2

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w. t,. GZ.BS8NER, Editor. Omclal Organ oft lie City of Antcrlriis, OBeial Organ or Doni y Craaty. SUNDAY, MARCH, 1», IS.H’2. TO POSTMASTERS. When newspapers are not called for it la undo he duty of Postmasters under tbe law to notify the proprietors of this fact. Cards, already print* cd, ore furnished on application totlio Postmaster, whose only duty will be to fill out with the name f the party not yetting the paper. UOIN’ A COURTIN'. It in tbe custom of Georgia edi tors to attend the sesions oi the Superior Court in adjoining coun ties, for the purpose of meeting their subscribers and gently jog ging their memory as to subscrip tion dues. Following this custom, we last week attended the Spring term oi Superior Court nl Lees burg, tbe capital of Lee county It was our first visit and wo went there as a stranger in n strange W HAT THEY THINK. The .Constitution ii getting up quite a boom throughout the state among tbo funders by having in- sued circular letters asking their opinion as to the best manner of farming, and whether it pays to raise small grain and not much cotton. Kelow we give a few an swers from this section of tlic coun try: Kllavillc, Febunry 27.—Editors Constitution, Atlanta, G—Your let STKWART ITEMS. 1 Editor Recorder. On Wednes day morning,at the residence of the bride's father,Mr. W. O. Oycrby, agar Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Mr.R. 3. Grimes and Miss Blla P. Overby were joined in the holy estate of matrimony,Ketr/W. B. Stephens of ficial] ng. The groom is oneof old Stewart’s sturdyyoungfarmers,with a will and energy that leads only to miccess,and has chosen for bis help meet one of Stewart’s most accom- New Advertisements. ter requesting inc to give you the i , . . names of four or five most success- j , and wo , rtll i' dau S hter8 > who fill farmers in my county eiiine (lit- W1 ** n,a *° “ ,r the man of her choice ly to hand, mul i will cheerfully ! n noble companion. May the sun- ?rant your request. Mr. Dupe j shine of happiness ever attend their v-A ATLANTA, OATS’ [Tbe presenter wUI beone of the n>ost Impor- ______ ojroMrfik New par tic*, new Idea*, new growth, new iterprise, new conflict*, all press for attention, r .«ivolce inquiry and force discussion. No man of Intelligence, no man who womd understand tbe situation that be may fill tbe fall measure of his dotr and Improve ble- opportunity, can afford to bo without a good newspaper, Peacock is a large planter nnd suc ceeds well with wages at eight dol lars per month and rations, lie raises a greater part of his meat and never buys corn, lie invariably sows u large ii'.ea of land in small grain, which I think is the true , „ , principle of his success. All. Thom- ‘ “ * us J. Murry is quite as successful with croppers or working on shares. Mr. J. Hosier the same. Mr. 8. A. Sellers is us quite successful plan land, but so kindly and courteous- ter. He never buys any fertilizers, ly wore wc treated by nil whom I He raises everything at home. Mr. wo met, wo soon felt that wc were I Hattie, also Mr. Lli Stewart , , _ , . , , and quite a number more I could at home among friends. A more I J. Ecvery onc „f them make hospital and whole-souled people their farms self sustaining. It is we have never met, and remember-1 such planters as these and these ancc of our first visit to l,cc will °«ly that make farming profitable, always bo a pleasant onc. Wc . . L. S. Lai.iiwin. 1 l Americas, On. February 27 spent two very pleasant evenings Kllitor Constitution-. Your circa at tbo hospitable bouses of Messrs. | ar of the 22d inst., making inqui H. L. Long and W. C. Gill, nnd I ry in reference to successful far were thereby enabled to sec some-1 ,n ' u K •” hand, 1 hasten to reply. ... I will say lluil Mr. M. G. Louun thing of the country surro unding Wim# * p, |o|ie Wil | ialn Davi * on Leesburg, winch wc found very I an d (]eo. W. Council ure very sue fertile and in a good state of culti- I cesslul planters. They all raist vation. We were pleased to see I their'supplies at home, have diver that a large amount of small grain Hi , fie<1 . or, ’l’ H <“ la < le .... . . * I planting a success. I will also had been sown and a large area ol mintion Mr . j. jj. J} | ack , v , JO is a corn planted. The planters of Lee planter, and tanner and boot and seem determined to escape from shoe manufacturer, and a lnerchinit. the tliralldom of King Cotton and I He raises something oi every thing raising their own provisions. sustaining and profitable. This term of court was not so I know no men who raise all largely attended as usual, the far- cotton that are doing well, mers seeming to be unwilling to C. C. Shepard. leave their farms at sifoh a fitvora- if brother GlJssncr lias come ble season for planting mid prepar-1 down here to help the movement of ing their land, and they nre to be breaking up the solid South in or- comuiendcd for this disposition to d ®f. *?. 1D! W become tainted with Twcedism and Credit Mobe- attend closely to their business | icr( W hisky King amr Star Route and keep ahead of their work. The systems of frauds .which have ex docket being light, and Judge isteddieyond the Mason A, Dixon Crisp being one of tlic most prompt I *' u 9t nmy.lo be met. with a thous and expeditious men on jhcbench, demolition. - ’ Hro.Glessner uiiy jjo. ail right him the term only occupied one week, sc lf, and bceausTTe is from the instead of two, thereby saving tbe North, causes no uiikindnoss to- county considerable expense and wards him ill our heart; but we feel allowing the farmers to go buck to c u n ceined about the interest lie is , m. I about to take in our Geor ,r ia noli- tlicir work. There were no cases v, , , , * , 1 , I ties. JSro. Lewis, ol the Ishmue- of great importance ou tho crimi- {fa, .endorsed him, the first iiulc- nal docket, and Solicitor Hudson pendent wc ever knew him to en- innde sliort work of them. I dorse and the only one so far as Lee county is blessed with care- [ wo * illow ' H arreutou Clippci ful and economical countjr officers, I ^ * lavc c down here for and ns a consequence, taxos arc mic * 1 I’ 1,r P 08e i we hope we may be light, the county out of debt, nnd I mct w ' t *‘ il lu '° thousand cannon a balance in the treasury of about I mou ^ lod demolition, and we lee $2,001). The town of SnilthviUe ,uuol ‘ ,noru coiul'ortablo to know having voted “no license,” and the I *^ at brother Shivers lias no mi grand jury having reccommended kindness towards us in his heart, that tho Ordinary uso his dlscrc- As 10 brothcr Lo "' is - endorsement, tlon under the law and refuse to I endora ed us as a Democrat, nut grant any further license, it isl asan Independent. Because hoped that the liquor traffic in Leo havo °I'1 ,08C ‘ I Hro Shivers’ high county will soon bo ubolisiicd, and | P rotcctiv ® tarift' is no reason why brightest dreams of connubial fe lieity. My time next. I am awaiting hearing from A. J. B. Xo news. Farmers ore getting Most too much rain fur us just now. There will be u party in the Ville to-night. Kn< ugh frost Tuesday morcing to bite the corn a little. _ __ W. B, S Cedartown Advertiser: On Mon day the following officials of the Cherokee railroad—Capt. A. G West, I’rcsident; John l'ostell Manager, and J. Hull Browning, Treasurer—left Cedartown witli a view to a thorough examination of the proposed route of the exten sion of the Oherokco, the termina tion of which will materially have its weight in dseiding the feasibil- ity and positivcncss of the work. They aic expected to return in a few days. We await with anxiety developments in this important scheme the benefits of which we regard as so extensive for our own town and section. Georgiu Railroads. Washington, .March 15 The majority of the Senate committee to-day reported adversely the bill to pay certain .southern railroads money unjustly collected soon af ter the war for rolling stock sold thuin by the government. THE AMOUNT INVOLVED. The amount involved is about n half a million. The Central, the Georgia, nnd the West Point roads have claims. The money collect ed in excess of a just valuation of the rolling stuck sold to the West hud Atlantic has been refunded the state already. The ATLANTA CONSTITUTION fn cither it* daily or weekly edition, offers a ' <>rough and comprehensive paper. Published at tbe eapitol, (ally equipped (br •wBgathcrinp, with strong editorial and local rcca, with an unequal lea corps of correapon* dent* covering the entire country and noting every interest, tbo Constitution baa established itself as The Leading Southern Newspaper and i* a necessity In one or the other of Its edlvj.' ons to everv Georgian. TJCltMS—Tho Dally Constitution. $10 per nnm, f 5 for air months, $1 per month. The Weekly Constitution, 91.60 per annum: in cl»b* of ten, |l.v5 each: in dubs of twenty, fl.OO (•np'i. Mils sll ilnflr mviihln nnd ndifrPM all Make all drafts' payable and addresa all j THE CONSTITUTION, OLD GRANBERRY COMER • . .'C.ji \f ’•'! |j -I K ■ “ U a ’•} yi 0- Atlanta, Os. ;LATEST STYLES! - ' - * -llAVlNIl LATELY PURCHASED THE » STOCK! v,*?r ;.. nwnu OF MR. JonN WINDSOR, ARE DAILY ADDING TO TnE SAME THE IE1A CTTIPTTL iLOWEST.PRicEs; I !LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS! PLAI1V, COMMERCIAL, ARTISTIC SDress flocps, HJonoiis ap [Veckvyejr, CALL AT THE m JOB lOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO 20,000 BILL HEADS. 10,000 STATEMENTS 16,000 NOTE HEADS. 10,000 LETTER HEADS. 20,000 ENVELOPES. ’M | Domestics, Slaeotings said Wloite Goods, Eto., ■SIN full supply ;=- ANOTHER LARGE AND FRESH INVOICE OF The Columbus Post-OlHcc. Washington, D. C. March 14 is slated here this morning that tlie nomination for the Columbus post-office will be sent to the Sen ate this week. J. W. Arnold, the last candidate to appear for the po sition, is making a vigorous light, and his friends say ho will win. Hon. U. 1). Looko is cool and con fident. Colonel Cnrcy J. Thorn ton is working hard. OOOOOOOOOdOOOO 00000000000 JUST RECEIVED. Ladies and Grents Shoes LA ItOK STOCK OF boon TO ARRXVB ( FINE PAPEILS VISITING GAUDS BALL PKOGltAUMES WEDDING INVITATIONS AND BUSINESS CARDS I ALWAYS ON HAND. DAYIS Granberry Comer, & CALLAWAY, AMERICUS, GA. the intemperate use of intoxicants llc sbo,dd c * ,ls3 ,ls 1,3 an Jndopeu- grcutly dent, fora majority of the Den As this was our first experience I orallc l la Pers in the country luild in “traToling tho curcuit,” we were thrown for tho first time in conipa- tlie same opinions tnrlfi for revenue we do, nnd u lias ever been ny with tho bar, which wo found I t!l0 P°* ic 'V 01 *Ho Dcnioeratie party. to bo composed of as pleasant and If to go outside of party principles sociable gentlemen as we ever met, Is to ‘' on * t > t ute nn Independent, devoid of the petty jealousies which I * tl 0 ' ®* ,ivcrs lnori ‘ properly comes so oltcp mars the intercourse 0 f | umlcr that head, for ho is advoea- the legal fraternity. We found l >r ' nc 'P* us l| iat find no place Congressman Phelps, ofConnee- ticut, has introduced in the house a bill appropriating thirty thou sand dollurs to pay the heirs of Haul Noyes, late of Connecticut, but deceased, for supplies furnish ed the Continental army during the revolution. The Fort Valley Mirror and Advertiser hoists thenamo of Hon. A. H. Stephens as its candidate for Congressman from tlie State larec. TMay and Friday, March 23 and 24. them to be like editors, who ean give and lcccivc hard blows in the advacaey of tlie cause, and who never carry their warfare iuto so cial life. Judge Crisp bus the rare and happy faculty of meting out justice in such a courteous manner as to almost make a man believe that lie is conferring upon him a favor by sentencing him to be hanged. He lias the respect uud confidence of the bar and of the people. A notice of Leesburg and tlie I'jlteWn ofthe court without mention Lind8a >' House would be t01 5f||fe|Play of Hamlet with tlie hi j^ielancliply Dane left out, for this -in-Jiodsbig pRc of the institutions of tlie^Apitaf, 'and he who has experi- eneed jtfl^pforts will not soou .hJm^Aunrn! U'-’lliet 7r. ff? liell !>n 353 * iii tho Democratic platform. If Hro. Shivers wislies to discuss the tarilf question with us, we are ready to meet him: blit wo want him to stick to the test, and not go wandering oil'all over the couulrv. llcnclit Amcrirns Library Association. The iil«tiugiii«lnil ‘•Star” Scottish Actor ‘BONNIE DUNDEE,” iPItOF. ALLAN CURU,) 111 tleliri-r TWO, onh*, c.f hi* Descriptive. Dra matic aim Kutcrtaluing lutcrtslnlng POPULAR LECTURES. • i IN PRICES AND tyORK t -: WE ABE ALWAYS READY TO :.... hompktk With : COMPETE WITH MACON OR ATLANTA. OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE, I AMERICUS, GA. City Marshal Sales for April. Go., on the first Tuoaday In April next, the fol- lowing doecribed property, tu*wit: Ono house and lot in the city of Americus. , abounded sa follow*: South by Foraytb I afreet, coat by land o! Tom Kdwarda, noith by land of Kvelme Jatnes/.west byt land of Henry I .Tone*, contains 1*3 acre more or less. Levied on I na tho property of Dock McCoy, to satiafy one city tax fl fn In favor of tbo Mayor and City I Council of. Americus, Ga., for tho year 1851 vs I ay or and Glty Dock McCoy. At the aume time and place, o _ the city o_f Amuncu«, oa., bounded a house and lot in | _ —- . —, Jed a* follow*: south by Jcffcraon atroct, w««t by lund of O. W . Olovor, east by vacant lot, north by the parson* age lot, contains 1-2 aero more or less. Levied on as the property-of Dave Robinson to satisfy ono city fax flfa In my hauds in favor of thr 1 Major ud C,t, Council of Amcricu., 0.„ for tilA VMF 1BQ1 VI Ttair.. 18S1 vs. Dsvo Uoblnson. i .u time and Place, ono houso and lot I in the city of Americua, Go., bounded aa follows- I cost by street (no name,) north by Forsyth and by land of R. r " * Jetfaroon atrcoia, south by land of It. K.' Cobb, western boundary not known, contslus 15 acres more or Icaa. Levied on as tbo property of R. H. Daniels, agent for wife, to utlufy one city tax fiia i In my hands for the veur 1881 in Ihvor of the Mayor and City Council af Amsrlcua, Ga., vs. H. il. Daniels, agent for wltb. I Daniels, agent (br wife. ' At tbe same time and place, one house and lot I «•' follow.! wnt bjr Jutaoo Itrcat, nutli bjr Inn.l Uloujln, I to thr nut. of Wm. l(o. worth, north br v.“,nt lot. east hv Int-.l nt Vllw... tt • / . . * 1 — — ... ****• iu, norm oy vacant i lot, east by land of hlbert Head, contains 1*2 I acre more or less. Levied on aa tbo property of I A-Jg- yooper to satisfy two city tax flfa* In my hands (or the year ISsO and ’*1 In favor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus, Ga,, ' A, It. Cooper. At the same time and place: one house and lot I bounded oa follows: I MILLINERY \. , ,- MRS , . . M TEL AM will' leave 5 FOR NEW YORK TO-DAY. WILL BE HOME!” WITH THE SPRING MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS BY APRIL 1ST. ! > 1 MILLINERY INEW; in the citr of Americus, uu,. uuunmu u ioiiows* oa.t by W l). ll.„„. ’.tabli lot" north Ki thi Orauirr Mara lloura, u-c.t.-ilsouth brU.iup. ton and Idim, ufmot. , a “ c ton and Lomu atracU, coutrlnlng 1-, „ C re more T - - tb. oropartj of Jim., Alex. Tie Efliirer-Si, On Thursday Night, March 28d, w ith Amusing, Kntertaining . f-tortl-s and Incidents of Modem 1 Picturesque Life ami Character. It is not surprising Hint tin- State press of Illinois t'liilorsed Ktlitor Giossnsr oi‘ tin* Aiuerious Reoortior because there are more republican papers in that State than democratic; uud repub licans always, as a rule, endorse j a “‘ l u ‘ uUfulc '”''e'ii'/’‘Swtai'i'uigli»n”chirf.' independents—Horraifou . Cliihl — liJUy MRS. ALLAN CURR As the Illinois Press Asssoein. I - 111 Dw^ifc .ud Ljrio Rwdiun tion is simply asocial organization. Friday Night, March 21th, STORMING THE BA8TILE, OR, THR Romance amlDnft* pf qhe French Ilevohitiini. I««> *Hvrrrd In ,ho uovrl SfcrSSS JUh”«odcr. Am ” fCU ’ &r th * ,f " oa ' bon., and lot In the city of Americua. Ga., boundod as followa: north by lot of P. L. She, i.,h byCh“rch.,ra.t ^wtfSSSjSL5#SrS| w * ,nl,|t and 8est dly t.v Sfi for ih« yrar 1881 In favor of ' 1 ONE OF THE MOST Mayor .lid City Council of Anurtcui, Qi., v.. Geor<e Brooks, Senior. Moth RUM. A. P. IJHQQ, Cltj MteEut IN THE SOUTH. and not a political one, wc fail to 1 see the point. If it was a political !>”»■;£XS&StXtt&iSJ**.1° organization, us “llicro arc more A!l * nt republican papers in that State ,,n ta A!iarE«yttSaf * f«lh»wmg ixminund.-uory prt-M notloca' cqu unvoted on the ques- *etion of prohibiting, the sale oi li<|- p bof, 4>n Toesda^vaird wc learn from the Albany A’etcs that prohibition carried the county by fifty votes. than democratic,” it would most certainly endorse Editor Shivers, as he advocates the tarill plank in the republican platform. r.- uurlv: , ll«d. III. Scotch wll I. I n« •‘iK-aker, by his magnetic audu-nc i-udanted to tho clo*o, of extraordinary merit, mdicnca with Uoghter. •T entertalni ig and admirable an«l bis lecture •nd oft,,, roiivulrad hi. .udlcnc. w7th*i« NSW 3TXEUCI J. J. mHE ENQUIRER-SUN IS THE LKAD1NO aWgy, y siisihfcti Wwjtsrt loA. u la s Uve paper in every aenaeof the word. It be* Ifeyes in pregress, anb will lend every energy to “ ** “—* -.--***" loabigher Having purchaseJ from G. M. Hay his Restaurant! (UNDER TIIK II.VIU.OW UOUSE,) eBllfht.u the pooulM., «d lad Urem ia upractatiau «f lh.lipuUiial nd-u ut ifMunn. It coaulu tk. AwrehUd Prtu DU. fi.tchc.- th. Ulc«t nawi from uraqr .ourcc, tad u Ure taMaMauInlr ouoted p*pw in th. wuth. It ht. • lively tool dirnioreuf: aattlni Ure kTt 0 ’?*’ftsUt.tool mirk.t con. i dMIy by the fading iwhuti ol th. ell; recrau umiy oy tno utaing nurenut. ol th. cliy. feS&SHSSs BSoiiaws-—” * — ««> is putting la Ja new and complete stock of Southeast tlorncr Poblto Square, UAW.BJMD,hop’s Wc offer to, iho publ|c eYOiythhiff kept in a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE! .. OUR MEDICINES ARE ALL I PURE AN D RELIABLE. | A general assortment of all PAINTS, OILS, T PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS. OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, oils; PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS, OILS, PAINTS. OILS, 6- VABNI8HES. VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES. VARNISHES, VARNISHES, .VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VARNISHES, VABNI8HES, VARNISHES. As cheap as can bo bought anywhere. COLOGNES. EXTRACTS, COLOGNES, EXTBAC “ COMBS, HAIR BBC COMBS, HAIR BRUSiua, COSMETICS, COSMETICS, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc. Etc. —jrrOF AI* KINDS.——.. Ererylliiiu SnitaMe for Ladies’ Met, 8NUFF, TOBACCO AND SEOAltS A SPECIALTY. Wealsok . houses in tbi ?h?SEEDSu ora,hcbe8t )United States . - „ T g FRUITS nnd CONFECTIONERY, 5£njr The deceiver is not alwavs gav. Somo of the most sober-faccd look ing persons in tbe world are the greatest frauds. h 'o'Lt!' ” 'pi" 1 * Atunu." 'Th? »udT- tact Wire til rilled by the eloquence and genlos «>f thf speaker. I rut Curr baa spoken over 21 succeobiTe n.ghts Innurdty, to large number* of om be*t cltut-n*. — Atl-iuta Conatilutlon. dingle ticket* 60c. Io*!y and genUrtnan. 7ic, * of KhooU and childit-D, 25c. Do*ir> o»H-n «t . -TO. To commence at 8 o'clock. Rewred •eat* at Mr». tlam’a without extra charge. Do uot miss a rare Intellectual and dramatic treat. mi t—jsy—year.... l'or further information address**** Cruktra, Cuned Good., ud .wjtllBg JOHN KINO, Columbus, Ga. el»e good to eat. * “ cryed at all Houn,j Hun A.xrm,y. ll.iuvItMhi.CHmd. and th.puhlV!g««r»u. o all and u. him. I .gtluc hiring Am.rlnre, F.bnuiy 11, lhsl if | Titrch loth, lie, LANDRETHS GOLDEN DENT CORN AND SEED POTATOES DIRECT FROM THEM. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR MOTTO: Small Profits! Quirk Sales!