The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, March 26, 1882, Image 1

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TRIWEEKLY. iM’DMSIlKU nr w. Xj. GIiESBJWEH. IIFritE dw t'OTTO.V AVENUE, Su/bscriptioa. Slates:' ~ Tui-WEEKfiY Ome Year, . $4.00. Weekly One Year, - Sunday One Year, $2.00. $1.50. Official Directory. AMKRICUS. Americas i- the county sc:»t of Sumter County. . -V d * on the Southwestern Railroad, <1 miles southwest of Macau uni -l>out eighty in lies north or the Florida line. It is a c:iy of 6,000 inkuhit.ints beautifully eituatnl and handHomely impr* ve-l. It In the centre of trade f.»r a lar*«» «c?tlon. i-uinpri* ng *ome six i ountlce. iti avctu-'e annua! cation receipts being :io,uoo •Niles ( lhe average market value of which is |1,. 500,000. The climate is liiild, the air dry and pure and Americas has /or many »*-- -----—:—- •— v years had the repu» -- , lyinjr one of the healthle-t cities in America ltcliijr situated hut a short distance above the tropical region, nearly all varieties nf fruits, gr.iin* and flowers can lx* grown success* Jully, while vegetal ton la luxuriant and rapid in its urowth. The city has line public schools, gm-d ehttrelies, a large public library, n new oiiera bouse completely tarnished with scenery mid which seats J.iM) |>cm>n8, a well organised tire department which includes two steamers, while the slreotsaie sewered und lighted. Three good hotels furnish the l»cst of accommodations, it Is <h" largest city in Southwest Georgia, and is rap* idly growing in population and wealth. As a place oi miriness mid a beautiful slid pleasant resilience it presents nlrruetlons possessed .by few cities in Mai south. a distance looking for a lo cation In the Houth, will ho supplied with all forth* or information they msy desire by addressing the Jvditor of the HrcoRDEn. CITY OFFICERS, Mayor—*!. It, Felde HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will praetico in nil the counties of this .Tudt.da! Circuit, also in Dooly county, in tho Supreme wourr of tae State of Georgia, and the Dl-trkt tourt of the United Htates, aud in all other courts y special contract. Ordco m Hawkins' new building, Lamar 8tro«t. July l^tb, 1881. * WTC K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEESBURGH, . . GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty. Mnyllwly W. J. SEARS, # W. D. SEA Its. DR.1V.J. SMS & SMI. Propftylactic Fluid! CHI In If or Small Pox Prevented.,, Wee." pm! fled and “Nellie, what in the name of won- der is the matter with you? One can scarcely speak to you nowadays without seeing tears in your eyes or a cloud upon your brow. Now what did I say or do to make you cry in that manner? Tell me!” Here the speaker’s voice softened from tho annoyed heightened tone IIIM'CII. WHHWJVW "runT’’ pr ' ,vn " eila " <l 1,1C ^ n! * at first adopted. Byeeiiforv cured. W minds fieah-d rapidly. Tetter dried np. In *i»11.*. ELLAVILLK GA. C. R. McCRORY, -A-ttorney at Law, at ELLAVILLE, Ga. Collections April-6 tf a Specialty, Ul.-rki 4 It, E. .. —. -. -u.., *. M , vVilliams, - L. II. Ilusworth, It. I). Watts, wTj. aiw * per. City Council meets every Monday evening, w. i’ollce Ferre—City Marshal, A. F. Lingo. I'olieeinnn—W. W. Wheeler, l'at Krakme, J. W. « ohh, *. H. Mitchell. Sexton Oak drove Cemetery—P. P. IIIIL Sexton C.'olorel Cemetery—Richard Felder, Bridge Keeper—J. 1*. Italford. FIRE DEPAUTMEXT. Chief—W. P Burt. Assistant Chle.—J. C. Nicholson. Wide Awake No. 1. tSteamer,) Foreman, W. M. Hawke*. V'tgllanco No. 2—Foreman, Mingo Glaxe. Hook and I.abler— Foreman, llenry Anderson. CONGRESSIONAL. Third District, e. mposed of the counties of Taylor, Macon, Schley, Sumter, Dooly, PulNski, Dodge, Montgomery, Wilcox, Telfair, Lee Web* *ter, Stewart, Irwin, Cofl'ec. Oen. Phil. Cook, ngr. ssman. LK0I8LAT , VE Senatorial District composed of the counties of Sumter, Hcliley, uitd M -—•• Guerrv. Hcpresentativci John L. Addertou. 81'PEBIOR COURT. southwestern Circuit, composed of the couutirs of Sumter, Schley, at aeon, I^»e, Webster and Stownrt. Judge, IIou. C. F. Crisp. Solicitor General, C. D. Hudson. ». Hegulur terms of Court are held as follows: Leo county, second Mondnv in March und Rec ord Mommy in November. Schley county, fourth Monday in March und fourth Monday In September. d Monday In April and fecund Monday ill October. Stewart county, fourth Monday in April and fourth Monday iii October. • Macon comity second Monduy in June and vcond Monday hi December. COUNTY COURT. Judge. J. P. 1'ihbury. Monthly term of court, first Wednesday in every mouth. (Quarterly term, third Monday in March, June, September and December. ORDINARY’S COURT, ' <>r linnry. Thom is II. Stewart.-Court held oi ••i-s >l-.nd«\ »f'every month. . COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of Superior Court, J. If. A'len. Sheriff, J. W. Mice. Tax Codector, W. It, Sfewurt. L* Tax ItTce.ver, J. A. Daniel. Treasurer, C. C. Hhepperd. Surveyor, M. G. Logan. C 'loner, \V. W. Guerry CeinniDsioucrs, S. K. Taylor, C. A. Hunting* t • If. Black. H. H. Hawkins, J. \V. Wheatley, Meet Aril Monday of every month. JUSTICES. | District No. 75', S. 111. White,* J P., W. If. Phillips. N. p, . ^ D.s . No. 687, No Justieo at present. Pi»t. No. 1107, James II. Rogers, J. 1*., John E. Thomam N. P. Hist. No. ?o9, Britton Smith, J. 1*., M. G. Logan, N p. Dial. No. hW, J. M. Hatcher, J. P. f Jas. A. Vln* ^DisV No. 1185, A. J. Williams, J. P., R. A. Darden, N. P. Dist. No. 7«>, P. L. Mine, J. P., Jan. A. Stubbr, N. P. Disf. No. 745, F. W, Griffin, J. P.. E. It. Ital fonl, S. P. Dist. No M3, A. J. Clark, J. I'., Jas. A. Wood, X. P. I)rs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians ami Surgeons, aNDEHSONVILLE, : GEORGIA, Office at Drug Store of W. M. Clark. MaylS-ly H 0 GARDNER, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, OGLETHORPE. GA., W ILL practice In tho South* western Circuit nnd the ad|olnlng counties. Prompt alten* Hon given to collections. Lawson F. Collier, Attorney-at-Law —AND- Real Kstate Agent. DRAYTON, GEORGIA. M Twenty thousand acroa of wild land for sale In Dooly County. Seabron Feagin, (Successor to J. It. Covington.^ FASHIONABLE BARBEIt, UNDER T. WHEATLEY'S, ON THE COI1NEH. SHARP RAZORS ! ATTENTI VK HELP! BARLOW HOUSE W. II. CLAY, Proprietor, Amoi-icun, - (in r.XIlO WHtcr. *" Soft * bite e«uu]ilrxlons »ecured by Its use in bathing. Impii «• air made humi* less a d | art tied by ■prinking I)arl>y> Fluid nlmiit. o purify the lireatli, clcaiix* the teeth, it! ... , ,, . can't be surpassed. Cat:.rrh relieve*I and ^'''P Uever prevented by cured. use. Erysipelas cured. * M of dnath in the Buri-v relieved instant- house, it should al ly. ways b*j used about Hears prevented. *'ie corpse—It will Rcmov* s all unpleasant prevent any unpleas ant smell. An untldote tor animal or vegetable poisons, slings, eto. Dnngeions effluvias of sick rooms and hos pitals removed by Its E CAlii J iCAKLKT FEVER SURER. In faet it Is t|n> grout Disinfectant and Purifier! I'llKIMUEl) iiy XX. ZEXiXN 09 OO land Opening 1 ! Holiday G HIE LATEST Books, TONSORIAL EMPORIUM I ANDERSON & LUNFORD K8PKCTKUI.LY announce to the public that •heir Bar tier 8 hop is open at all business bonis — on Saturday until 12 o’clock p. m. They have recently Ailed it up 'a a nest style and are better prepared than ever to wait upon thler customers. All who may wish to have .Shaving, Hair Cutting! 4 liampooing, etc., done In flrst*class “lyle, they rould bo pleased to have them call on them. Hlioii near tbo entrance to Barlow House. ARCHITECT T7E.E. The person addressed stood at the window, half bid by the dark, flowing curtains, sobbing audibly. ’Twas a slight girlish figure, soft golden ringlets fell in rich profu. sion to her slender waist; awl the tiny bands, like snow-flakes, were clasped convulsively before her fair face, while the tears fell thick and fast. No answer cable; only tbo sobs grew louder nnd more hysterical. “Weil, I’ve either to stay hero and listen to the rain and storm all the morning, or go and see pretty Maude Melton, look into her be witching black eyes and learn my fate. Which must I do Nell?” And Harry Mordaunt threw his nut-brown curls from bis high, Veiiow .m.iir.iM white brow, and then leant back la zily In tbo large arm-chair. “Don’t care what becomes of mei Umpli? Ob, 1 know what’s the matter! Qeorgo hasn't been here for two days; ho is u scamo to cause your dear heart so much pain. Why, my darling cousin, I'll go this minute and find the tiuant; lie’ll come back here in a hurry, i’ll vouch for it Then what will become of me? Oh, I’ll drop in an hour or two at my own Maude’s. Hasn’t she the rosiest cheeks and blackest eyes yon over gazed upon?’ No answer. “Nellie, I say?” And thero was a merry twinkle in his half-closed eyes,ns the pettish reply. “What do you wnnt?” came from the pout ing red lips. “Come here.” ' “I shall not.” "Oh. yes, yon will. Ccme, Nel lie.” “No, I won’t.” “I have something to tell you. Come along.” And the cruel young gentleman turned his hand some face toward her and held out both hands invitingly. Nellie-raised her tearful blue eyes for a moment to his countenance, but the long lashes Instantly swept the flushed cheeks,and, though tak ing ono step forward, said pout- ingly: “I’m not coming near you, you liatelal thing, after what you have said just now.” “What I said just now! What did I say?” “You know very well how cross I yon were to me; and then you said this was a dullold house and every- 1 body stupid in it; and,and ” I The other little loot sipped can I tioiuly up to its mate. “Did I say that? It must have been when I was at the window and you wouldn't kiss me. Sure enough I remember now. But come, Nellie, sit beside me and tell me about it. My memory is not very good.” Here he drew up a low-eushion- Scraps, Fapotsries, Autographs ing pillow. “Henry, I am sorry I was so cross and so bad-tempered. Can you forgivo me ?” Tho blue eyes were raised en- treatingly, bnt he evaded them, and kept his gazing into tho Ure. “I will if you’ll kiss me 1” “No, no, Harry, I cannot.” “Not whon I tell you that I am going far away to-morrow, and may never see you again ?” “Oh,tis not sol I should be so lonely witbont you; do not leave me 1” “Yes I must. Will von kiss me ?’’ The little form trembled, but it slowly arose, and, looking sadly at the averted face of her exacting cousin, answered: “I ennnot comply with your re quest, Harry; but will nothing change yonr purpose of leaving us so soon?” Her voice quivered; though she tried to speak so calmly. The hard hearted wretch 1 how serenely ho appeared. “Nothing—nothing but a sweet kiss from proud little Nell, nnd a promiso from her that she shall some day soon be my own precious wife." “No, no. Am I dreaming ? Look at me, Henry.” Ho did gaze now into the lovely, loving face, and the little maiden saw enough to satisfy the great yearning In her unquiet heart, for with a glad cry she thrfiw her fair arms around his neck, nnd Henry was saved from the tedium of his threatened journey (if the good- for-nothing fellow had proicctcd any.) I i 1 A Yr'VfnDDC! ! Here he drew up a low-cuahion- . -1\J A uUUlJlJ, C<1 foot-stool and very nearly bit off ono end of his pet mustache as *ri3WET.KR, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, I AM.P?!*": 11 " Turnl.b DtUIIJ 0>»»ios and l oll Bpoclflcationa ln> QUEEN ANNE AND EAST LAKE or anv otli?r of tb<* modern styles, so moJItlcJ m o tauft both yonr t;i*te an<l tour Pocket. Addreas R. J. SLOAN, Architect, retiH.ISm Atncricua, Ga. j — - -- — — —— pet w> ho noted the little form approach ing nearer. They Nerer Saw a Colored Man. Most of tho Jewish refugees now in this city never saw n colored main until they landed in this country, says the Philadelphia Record, and when two of the dus ky gentlemen stepped In yesterday to take a look they created consid erable excitement.” “What’s the matter with thoso men ?” asked one of the refugees of a committeeman “Nothing,” was tho answer. “Ain’t they sick ?” was asked. “No,” the committeeman an- wrered. “Well, what makes them so black ?” the inquiry came. “They are negroes,” replied the committeeman. The forcigncer shook his head and proceeded to examine the col- ored men closer. A crowd soon gathered around and enjoyed the sight immensely. Some of them shook bands with tho Africans, but the most refused, and shrunk when tho dusky hands were nflered them. The children, anil some of the women, ran in alarm when the colored men approached them. The youngsters clung in terror to tho skiits of their mothers, while the adult females were not so cer tain but that tho darkies wore sent into the room to scare them or to cat them up. The young colored men enjoyed the sport themselves, and tried to talk gibberish to the oxiles. Georgia’s Prosperity. Treasurer Speer. The publics debt of Georgia Is $6,726,000. This is in bonds fall ing due in installments from 1882 to 1889. This is a valid debt and will be paid. Certain conds issued under a former administration bnvo beon declared null and void, and under the Constitution nnd a legis lative enactment I, ns Trcarnrer of the State, am prohibited from pay ing part of the same. They arc dead nnd worthless, and will not come up any more. With all dun respect to the illeision of voiir Yt-vi York ollieials in relation to your savings banks investing in Geor gia bonds, I want to say that snob » decision cannot nilect our State's credit, nnd our long seven per con'-. Bond'- arc hard to find at 125. Georgia has no bonds for sale. Those which she has issued nro mostly held at homo by our own citizens, who are anxious to buy all that can bo found for sale. I believe that Georgia is the only State in the Union that has been able to float a four per cent, short date bond at par. Georgia has flouted sevoral hundreds of thous ands of these, and somo of them were taken in New York. Georgia ha9 publlo property in the shape of railroads, railroad stock, tele graph stock, iy;al estate and other things sufficient to pay all she owes. Her bonds are In the bands of her (riends, though, and cannot bo paid until they are due. All the public property oi the State is pledged by a constitutional enact ment (wbicli constitution was rati fied by a vote of the people) to bo used and disposed of only for the payment of her debt. .4 Year In Now York. New York Huo. During 1881, .38,624 deaths oc curred in New York city, and 85,- 000 births wore reported. For the education of children somo $4,000,000 was expended, while the drinking places, of which tboro are 0,216, absorbed, it is esti mated, the enormous sum ot $60.- 000,000. Of the army of wino bibbers who cast their substance into this pool 32,391 were committed to the Tombs. ' The amount expended In public amusements of all sorts amounted to $7,000,000. In the police station 120,084 imrsons asked fo* and were furnish ed with lodgings, and 21,000 out door poor wcro relioved. In the police stations 67.135 persons were arraigned. Crimes of violence were com mitted by 6,819 persons. Charity sent to the almshouses, hospitals, nurseries, school and asylum, 131,765 persons. Of tlie immense population of nearly a million and a half 172,777 nro females between the ages of fifteen and thirty years; 30,000 of whom are domestic help. A Washington dispatch to tho Philadelphia Timen, the other day, says: “Senator Hill remarked to- day to a friend who called to see him, that his life was all behind him. He was simply sitting there and waiting for the end. He was Agues iycock. PIMMFMHASHES.!Van Hiper Sl-I.KNDID Sto.yk ok a/tclies and *T ewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work PROMPTLY DONE. J. E. Sullivan (I’l'ft a wick in y.rar own town. Terms and 93 •pUU outfit free. Address 11. IIaLLETT A Co., J'ortlnnd, Milne. ; Mebl4.1v uiM-Hi|iiuiPuiti, mnii •Ineint BOOTS AMD SHOES . * ,,onB * n tlie most aim artistic style, and all on reasonable terms. Refer* . to every gentleman in Amertcus. Call «.n me a at my new shop in front of Col. N. A. Smith's or ! flee, yn Jackson Htrcet. Americas, Ga. ANDREW DUDLEY. ■ Field Peas and Brick I atill have on band some Field r of those good Brick, at mv reoidence. j. It. Gate woo Horse Stolen. of the •—-t old. about sixteen a hands huh. Rax m.-wc und tdr, has :• v lar mark on leit Aionlder, also saddle back, small bW In face, white hnoto college, but you were aft gentle and kind as—as ” Tbc poor little thing choked down the rising tears, and sat cou- tiously down on one side of the low seat. Look out—you’ll fall! Thero, . now, this position is much more ' comfortable; and Nellie found her . | curly head resting on Uarry’s • j chest and his strong arm tenderly ffio u n n . encircling her waist. Then the DlS tHolograph GaUery Uoodcd-gatcs were raised again, ' und how the rain fell i —ik— i “Darling, weecousin, wlmtgrieves i you? Do you regret sending poor Ueorge Hunter away with that sad, stricken heart? It is qot too late to recall him. Write one line on this slip of paper, and I’ll hasten with the speed of Mercury und make all right between you ig nearer. I •»* me cuu. no was “You never treated mo in this ea8 j cr f| ,an for some days, but way when you first came home from w ' “ 1 out hope of permanent allevi- - ■ - ation of bis symptoms. He has had four surgical operations per- formed without permanent relief. The last operation was the remov HAS RETURNED! NOW O P K 1ST ! Mauling Hell Out of Him. ■ An editor on going away left his paper in charge of a minister. Dar ing tlie minister's stay in the sanc tum the following letter uame from a mountain subscriber: “You know very well I paid my subscrip tion to your paper tho last-time I wot in Lexington, and If 1 get any more snob letters from you as tho last, I will come down and maul bell out of you.” Tho ministor answered: “My dear sir, I have been trying to maul that thing out of tho editor for five years past, and if yon will really come down and maul it out of him, then, my dear »sa«j iwi« upiuwuu wun LHC rcuiOV- j WMh Ul UIUI y hUl'II, UJY Hear al of one of the parotid glands,! sir i I have twenty members ot my which bccatno so inflamed as to church I will also get you to oper- necessitate this severe treatment, “teon!” ™“V_ j FINEST PICTURES, LATENT STYLES and ALL SIZES, j Wlllt! you ba U G^THnnter hlft bin! fo«t. A 11‘h imI 'reward any information rejardinir —w -.-a A<iiire«« JOHN C. OWLS'8, Dcoly County, Georgia. LONE STAR Cotton Seed Plaster. Tbja Planter was patented April 3:h. Dial, Mr. J A, Crow. HdrIka Spring#. Cam rotin. * For Ial< * ** w - T. If Ain: H, mhlb.wlir. Bulger's Mi !. 7al inly, i 18. ; A»ft | H0p2j*wtwtf " J vax-vrs SIUUH.I and everybody else, and you wish you were dead? Hush, Nellie, it makes me shudder to hear yon talk : so. Dead! How could I live with out Nellie, my own, my | darling? and you hate, too, poor ; llenry, who lores wee trembling , dove so much?’ r-“ Do you. Henry—do you? Are iieorgia. j y 0 n earnest? But of course ; you lovo me; I’m your cousin; and IVor. VAN RIPER. : she sighed heavily as the sunny Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Moderate OVKR T. WIlRATLEt'S STORE, Americas, ; ; This incision now refuses to heal, and it is discharging pus constant ly into the mouth. It now appears that Mr. Hill himself has indulged no hope of cure from the first, as be lost a sister and a brother from cancer, and it is hereditary in the tbmiiy. The physicians are oom- templatlng the necessity of a filth operation to prolong tlie senator's life." ' As the people of New York are There alighted from ,the Pied mont Air-Line railway, at Gaines ville, a few days since, 300 people, who came to scttlo on 5,000 acres of land near there, purchased by them through the influence of Gen eral Longstrcot. They are Ger mans and Swiss from New York suburbs. Thero arc now one hundred bands working on the Rome end ~l* tL. D. a. __»« A as me people or now lork are • UU||UI * wonting on i\omo enc called New Yorkers, and the inhab- 1 of thc Rome extension railroad Itanta /tf M!/>t>tn«H ... 11 _ .1 ui.l Anil in n fair Java Pnl/vnal flaanl i head rested once more on it* lov- Itants of Michigan are called Mich {ganders, possibly, remarks the Texas Riflings, the Arkansas Leg islators were afraid that they might be called Arkanasscs, and so they changed tbo pronunciation ot the name of the State to Arkansaw. The Highest Bank. Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and falling hair, Parker’s Hair Balsam has taken the highest rank as an elegant and reliable hair res torative. and in a few days Colonel Grant will move bis camp of 250 convicts up between Borne and Rockmart, where they will be put to work grading. ({nick and Snre. / Many miserable people drag themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are steadily sinking into their, graves, when by using Parker’s Ginger Tonic they would find a cure com-. meocing with tlie first dose, and vitality and strength quickly and durely coming hack to them.