The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, April 11, 1882, Image 2

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W. L. OLEIMEB. Editor* Official Oman of tlicCItjr of Americus. Official Organ of Uonlj County. TUESDAY, APRIL, 11. IMM-i. POSTAL CllfttttMCY. There being a great demand by the people lor some method by which small sums of money could bo cheaply and solely transmitted by magic? the Honse committee on Grand Juty Presentments or J new Court. Wo, the Grand Jnrors for •ID POSTMASTERS. When newsjapers »rc not cullcel for It In marto ho doty of Toatmafftcr* uador tho law to notify th# proprietor* of this fact. Cards, already print* *•<!, arc furnishrd on application to tho I’ontmrstrr, wIiom only duty will In* to fill out with the name f tin- party not ratting tho paper. Our Ohio Democratic exchanges come to us embellished with crow ing roosters, in honor of the Dem ocratic victories at the recent local elections in that State. Tiie Columbus Enquirer-Sun publishes a list of property owners who own real estate in that city valued at $5,000 und over, but wc e0Kt ,,f t f, c J, rd tail to sec in it the names of any of tiie Columbus publishers. . V tut. UI..U postal n»rs have prepared a hill April term of the Superior Court providing for tiie issue of money orders for sums under five dollars, payable to bearer on demand at any money order oflice which the sender shall select, for a fee of four cents. Tliis is, perhaps, about as small a charge as tiie service per formed will justify. As the order must be enclosed in an envelope tiie full cost of sending small sums this way will usually lie 7 cents; but as tiie evnclope will ordinarily enclose also a written communica tion, the cost of the postage stamp will not properly lie charged to tiie The alteration of the postal order is rendered im- of Webster county, Georgia, for the year 1882, make the following report: By Committees we have exam ined the books of the various coun ty officers and report them neatly and correctly kept. The same wc find of the dockets of the Notary 1’iiblic, and Justices of the peace of the county. ' Wc find that the Treasurer has received from all sources $3,205.29 and lias paid out according to proper vouchers $2,752.59 leaving a balance in the hands of the Treas urer due the county of $442.97. ! We find the School Commission- and New Goods Arriving by Every Train! GO TO WHEATLEY'S WHERE TOC WILT. FIND ALL THE ■1M! nsro'v The lower house of congress has adopted nn amendment to the army lull, which, if accepted by the sen ate, will retire Gens. .Sherman. Mc Douall und Pope at once, and Gen. Hancock in two years. Kx-Speaker Kandnll said, the oilier day, that the outlook was very promising lor tiie democrats to elect the next house of represen tatives, if no mistakes were made by tiie democrats in tho present congress, und lie added: “None have yet been made.” Hcovillc lias filed with congress a petition for pay us counsel lor Guiteau. When the government grants this, it should ask Mr. Uui- lean tiie privilege of discharging i him from durance. The govern ment never assigned Seoville ns counsel for the wretch. The friends of Gen. Sherman and Lient.-Gcn. Sheridan nre said to have combined in a move to keep them oil the active list of the urmy indefinitely. Sherman is now six ty two und Slieridun is much younger, hut they botli want to hold on to the full emoluments of their offices as long ns they live. II they g<> on the retired list they go on reduced pay, and no one can j succeed them on the active list. It is thought by ninny Hint tiie president's veto of tiie Chinese lull will make tin: states on the racitlc coast democratic. This is not likely to make much difl'eriincc in tho political composition of these states. Mr. llnyes, while lie occu pied Air. Tilden’s scat, vetoed possible by the amount being indi-: cr has received from nil sources $1,- j ented by punching from three rows j C99.70 and lias paid out according , of figures on the margin those rep- ] to vouchers $1,468.85 being a bal- | resenting respectively lie amount 1 ance in the hands of the Commis- j of dollars, dimes and cunts which ; sinner due the School Fund of the order calls for. Tiie chief $230.85. safeguard against tbelt is the small amount for which tiie notes are issued, but there is at least no more danger of loss from this source than existed in tiie case of the fractional currency. The charge proposed accords with the recommendations of both the last Postmaster General and his immediate predecessor. The .ojninittce adopts their further sug gestion that the maximum limit of I a money order he made one bun- | died dollars instead ot titty dol lars. The charges proposed are very nearly the same as at present, eight cents instead often being the lowest charge for sums not exceed ing ten dollars, and for sums over thirty dollars the average charge of one half of one per cent, is re tained. The Oldest Inhabitant. From tho llutnlllon Journal. Perhaps the oldest citizen in Harris county to-duy is .lames Lay- field, of upper I'Jth district. While it is beyond bis kcu to say what his exact age is, he is satisfi ed, nevertheless, that lie is about one hundred years old. Mr. Lay- field is remarkably stout for a man of ids age, and bids fair to add sev eral j’ears more to a life already lengthened out thirty years beyond the time allotted for mail to live. Unelc Jimmie’s early life is con nected with a very important event in our county's history, hi the year 1812, when President Mudi- Hon declared war against Great Britain and the Creek Indians, similur bill, and yet nearly every Lucie Jimmie was living in Jones elcetorinl vote on tho Pacific coast : county, Georgia. From here he was east for Air. Garfield. Poiiti- anlistcd, going to Fort Hawkins, where he served three mouths. :nl prejudices arc too strong to lie j Until very rcci . n u y | le Ulis „ CV er so easily broken. Lust Tuesday the negroes were shamefully defrauded, us usual, bv their Republican friends at an election in St. Joseph, .Missouri. James Trent, u negro mail ot ex cellent ipinlificalions mid good char acter, was tiie Republican candi date for register. Recuusc of Ids nomination and liberal profession ot Irlenilshiptliu negro vote,amount ing to probably six hundred.niul enough to elect tiie Republican ticket, whs secured, lint poor Trent, who was not nominated to tic elected, was scratched ami lieu- ten by four hundred, while the linluncc of his ticket was elected by more than five hundred, colored citizens please nut. applied for u pension, and may finally fail to establish Ids claim, as lie lias lorgotten tiie names of the officers under whom ho served. Out of tiie host of numes lie knew then lie can only recall tiie names of General Jackson, General Cof- tce, Alujor Andy Cnretlicrs and u comrade in ranks, John Adams. He solicits correspondence witli any person laiuiliar with the names of officers who went from Jones county, or who wore in charge of Fort Hawkins during tiie war ot 1812. Wortli says American women,as a class, ure devoid ol taste, and act like a flock of sheep, lie declares that lie, us ail artist, always con sults individual physique, lint he Will our lms found the greatest difficulty in luck t hi We find that the Ordinary has in Ids hands belonging to the School Fund $23.76, making a to tal of $254.60 in hands of the of ficers due the school fund. We report tiie public roads in good condition. We find the Court House in need of some steps and that ashes arc being thrown from Clerk’s room so near as to endan ger the building if they contain fire. We find the bridge known as the Aloorc bridge, the bridge over one of tbc lakes at Boon's crossing, und bridge across Bear Creek known as Causey bridge, unsafe und in need of immediate repairs. We Und a vacancy in Notary Public’s office in 1093d District G. M., and recommend the appoint ment of G. W. Dillard for said of fice, and recommend T. M. McLen don for same office in 1092 Dis trict G. AI. We recommend the appointment of 11. M. Marshall as a member of the Board of Education in the California District instead of Da vid Majors, whose time has expir ed; W. H. Cosby instead of J. W. Jossey, of the Iowa District. We recommend the commission- e rs to levy a tax of one hundred per cent, to meet tiie current ex penses of the county tor the pres ent year, and they scloot and pur chase a suitable place near the Court House and build ns soon us possible a good and substantial jail. We recommend that the Com missioners have the -Court House insured in some safe and solvent Company. We ask these present ments be published in tiie Araeri- cus Recorder and Sumpter Repub lican. In taking of his honor, Judge Willis, we tender him our many thunks lor the able, dignified and impartial manner in which he discharged the onerous duties of his office and to Solicitor Gen. C. B. Hudson the usual compliments for courtesies to this body. D. R. Siieperd, Foreman. 300 PIECES NEW PRINTS OPENED THIS MORNING, ALL CHOICE STYLES. NEW DRESS GOODS ! NEW TRIMMINGS ! An Immense Lot of Bleaching*. 3-4, 4-4, 6-4, 10-4. All Best Brands at Popular Prices. Laces and Embroideries by the Cart Load! Pans, Parasols and Umbrellan, Ladies’, Gents’ and Childrens’ Shoes, Sandals and Slippers! Prices Lower CustomMade andE very Pair Warranted. tban Elsewhere. -THE LARGEST STOCK OF- One of the largest estan. lishments of the land in the Sodth. is located in Americus, <?». Mr., Ricker’s store has just undergone a rejuvenating process that makes it the hand somest Store INSIDE to be found in Americus. In the Jewelry department can be found all the latest novelties in WATCHES, CLOCKS. NECKLACES, LOCKETS, RINGS, LACE PINS, SETS, EAR RINGS, RRACELETM TRIMBLES, Hoop ffirts aid Corsets! AMONG THE LATTER TIIE GENUINE BON-TON! Everlasting, Double Bone, Madame Strong’s, AND OTHERS. AID BOYS’ CLOTHUVO, Anlmmenso Line-Quality and Fit Guaranteed. Also a large assortment of Piece Goods for men and boys’ wear. Blue Flannel, Oussimcre, Tweeds, Cottonades, etc., etc. Agent for J. & P. Coats’ celebrated Spool Cotton. The trade supplied at New York wholesale prices. T Cl ELL CIHEAP FOR nASn. T Cl ELL nil CAP FOR STASH. 1 kjELL UlIEAP FOR lyASlI. I OEI.L IjHEAP FOR IjASII. Ctdl this morning early and avoid the rush at Wheatley’s Corner. Henry S. Davis. Mf.rrel Callaway. NEW FIRM! OLD GRAN DERRY CORNER. Wm Alorgan, Silns Smith, W R Holmes, ' S Barker, J C Tullls, S F Wright, J R Stapleton, WJ Sims, J L Disniukcs, J W Jouey, J P P Harrell, •I P Jones, R II Boone, A G Lowery, A J Jennings. G S Elliott, P G Ilynotc, II N Webb, T J Stapleton, W H Cosbv, H L Fletcher, J B Nicholson, Davis & Callaway -HAVING LATELY PURCHASED THE- BEA DTIPUL STOO: OF MR. JOHN WINDSOR, ARE DAILY ADDING TO THE SAME THE LATEST PATTERNS AN1) DESIGNS A True Extract from the minutes of Webster Superior Court Soring Term, 1882. J. W. Jassey, Clerk, S. C. Ordered by the Court that the making his clients wear what best uited them. “Because I invent a —— • -——- • beautiful costume for a young and The Philadelphia Record is of • beautiful woman, should it be worn the opinion that the fortitude of by n fat dowager ?” he asks. “But the Southern people in misfortune the dowager will have it* spite of must command the admiration of all entreaty. Nowadays there are tiie world. It says accounts from no old women, and very few mid- all sections of the inundated re- dle-agcd ones. As for fat women, | foregoing General Presentments be giotis agree that the people, white they don’t exist. All want to j published as requested. April 6th and black,seem chcerlut, notwith- wear tight-fitting white gowns,and standing thcterrible ordeal through beauties they look ! If there be a which they are passing, color that displays crows’ feet, and they look forward to and overflowing figures that need reeling, it is white; but goodness gracious ! there's no use talking— I have given it up. To live in peace I must let obstinate women 1882. J. F. Willis, Judge S.C.C.C., - Presiding. C. B. Hudson, Solicitor General. Dress (Joints, jfoTiosi iso Domestics, Sheetings and White Goods, Eto., Iiettcr times in the future. One of tbe most significant features in connection with tho wide-spread ruin that has overtaken both plan- have their own way. ter and laborer is the kindly assist- ance that planters who can com- j Buffalo Bill may never be seen mand the means are giving to tiie “JR* 11 on tbe diaiuatic stage. The colored laborers, and the induce-1 jMoondants of Philip Cody, Bill's , ... . . I father, have laid claim to about menu they arc holding out to them , i(ly acr0li ot - ground 01l Euclid , v . to return to the plantations ami go enuc, right in the centre of the city to work. Of Cleveland. If their claim is The Toccoa town council „„ -i , " * — . ~ allowed the family will be a million passed an ordinance requiring-flues The slave property of Georgia dollars the richer, and then the costs imposed in the mavor’si amounted to $34,000,000 more than hero of the “Scouts of the Prairie" courts to be worked out on the I the aggregate value of all her pres- will retire from the boards, per- public streets when not na“d in en» taxable property, i * * tt,u 1,1 1 ■SIIST F'TJILeTL. SUPPLY !=-: outside Spectacles of nil kinds and in struments to test your eyes and competent men to select Spec tacles beat adopted to your eye-sight. Thousands of peo ple are injuring their eye sight by using common Spectacles, or those not prop erly adjusted to their eyes. Soiid Silverware, SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, CARD CASES, CUPS, GOBLEiS, FRUIT KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, all kinds of case goods, etc., etc. In Electro-pla ted ware, a full line of Reed and Barton’s gcods wliich I guarantee to have more silver on, and to be plated on better and harder material than any other make of goods, the only concern that took the only first- class prize in Australia. A partial list oi these goods compiises Castors, Cake Bas kets, Berry Dishes, Epergns, Card Stands, Flower Stands, Water sets, Waiters, Goblets, cups, Spoon-holders, Syrup- cups, Butter-dishes, Pickle : stands, Knives, Forks, spoons, Etc., Etc. j These goods sold at the same prices that you would \ have to pay at the Factory, : us well as a full line of goods j of other manufacturers at fac- } torv prices. I also keep a fine line ot Gold Pens, WalKing canes, etc. This weeK I will have the largest and most varied stocK of China Vases, Toilet sets, Jardinieres nnd fancy goods generally, ever brought to this market. In my Music Department I have a large stocK of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Ban jos, Accordeons, Tambourines, Harps, Instruction Books, etc. In my sewing machine de partment can be found a large lot of Davis, Williams, Wheel er and Wilson and other sew ing machines also a lot oi second hand machines all in j thorough order for sale cheap, j a full line of parts, attachments needles and oil lor all ma- I chiuery. My work department ! is the most complete and the ] best supplied with tools, ma- ) chines nnd material in the j South for doing watch work, l jewelry repairing, clock re pairing and for putting sew ing machines in thorough or der, supplying any new parts i needed, etc. The class of worl ! done here is superior to that of any other establishment of a large city. A Roland for an Oliver. ■ When Jesse James fell, a star! was extinguished from the Dein-! ocratic firmament Leader. When Guiteau is hanged, a I bright star will bo extinguished j from, the Republican firmament. , Plain Dealer. has | I haps to reappear in congress. money. No trouble to show goods. Call and take a look through my stock, whether you wish to -p -j . ™ ; purchase or not,’and see the -Liaaies and Crents felloes i i ,lace where > ou get wimt i you want, either in goods or j work, when you need anything of the kind. Everything guar anteed as represented. frzobubr, j (Under Barlow House,) ! Amerloua, • • Ga. ANOTHER LARGE ANI> FRESH INVOICE OF SOON TO AH.HXVJd l DAVIS & CALLAWAY, Cranberry Comer, AMERICUS, GA.