The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, April 23, 1882, Image 2

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JVmerint SUNDAY, APRIL 33, I8S2. TO POSTMASTERS. When ne»ipap*r* ore not ciilcl for It to m«d« k-doij of PMbwten und.r ih» l»* to notify tho proprirtor, otttU fact. Canll,* print. .it, ore furnuhed on tppUenllon to tho Pootnoator, who., only duty will bo to fill out with tbo ntuto C the porty not jotting tho popor. - ' CANDIDATE FOB HOTEBNOB. Wc would call tbo attention of our Baptist visitors to tbe fact lbat Americus offers a Baptist can didate for Governor, in the person of Col, B. B. Hinton. EltABT NOTES FROM THE 1*5. ' Tl'BV CO. -K. Woolson’s ets o( the lly- t published in rraibcrsof tbe Century, is said to treat of tbe life of rn American girl abroad, but in the author’s own original way, and not at all as any other writer lias pictured her. The other charac ters of tbe story arc, tbe heroine’s mother, “Mrs. Spurr,” and an art- critic who is supposed to have lived for many years in Rome, where the scene of the story is laid. The Author of'Rudder Grange,’’ Mr. Frank R. Stockton, will con tribute to the May numlicr an odd bit of fun in a short story called “The Transferred Ghost.” Mr. Charles 1.. Brace’s article on Grady bnsbeen writing up the wonders of the LaConte pear at Thomusville. A j — m • — j “Wolf reared Children.” in the If some of them had justice done M|l> . St XioholoH, will tell the llicro, there wouldn’t lie so many | •t- congressmen at large. It is at ofltcial funerals, when the government jisys lor Ids whisky toddle's and rum punches, that the congressman at .large ri»PH to the exigencies of the occa sion. ■ o'l lloscoe Conkling has written a warm tribute to the mertiory of a colored man. Those who imagine that Mr. Conkling is out of polities are going to be astonished one of these days. Democrats of Marion Connty are requested,' by call from William Singleton, ol the .1 ryv*, to meet at the court house in Buena Vista on Thursday, tho 81th, for the pur- |iorc of naming an executive coin- mlttee. Representative Belford, of Colo rado, thlnka that the reason why members of hie party talk to empty lionches when they discuss the tariff question, is because they never say anything on the subject worth listening to. “II. W. G.”- intimates rather strongly, in a recent lette. - , that the l>eople of Georgia need not lie sur prised at any time by tlio resigna tion of Senator Brown. Tho sena tor says that he has '“a good record for resigning bflices ” III Georgia, wliero the present generation cannot rcineinlier the time wlicn it was lawful to keep saloons open on Sunday, it seems very remarkable that slaw pro hibiting such n ' practice should have just passed the Ohio legisla ture. story of the street wail's of the me- Crops in Southern Georgia. Jgr * J Savannah Now*. Onr information from all parts of Southern Georgia represents the crops a* In a most favorble condi tion. It Is generally believed that tbo cotton area has been largely decreased and that of ccrn and other provison crops propyrtlon- j ately increased. In many sectioiteqfcxAA.'# the prospect is reported as very j line, and in a Tew localities better - ! tban ever before. Tbe oat crop,' now rapidly advancing to maturi ty, suffered for rain in somo sec- tions during tbe early spring, but l the recent rains seem to have been general and a fine crop is now ex- i pectcd. The truck farms along the J Savannah, Florida and Western ! Railroad and its branches are also reported iu a prosperous condition. In a few instances planting was too early without adequate protection, especially of melons, but generally the prospect is good, while in I.owndcs, Brooks and Thomas counties tho melon crop is report ed iiiiiisnully promising for this season. < >f peaches, apples, pears, figs, pluuis, grapes, etc., the pr. GO TO WHEATLEY'S E0R8ER! USTOv WHERE YOU WILL TISD AI.I. TIIE 1 ! I I I'i i One of the largest estab lishments of the kind in j the Sooth, is locatedin Americus, Gf». Mr. Fricker’p store has just undergone a rejuvenating process that makes it the hand somest store IN SIDK to be j found in Americus. In the ! Jewelry department ’ can he found all the latest novelties in 300 PIECES NEW PRINTS OPENED THIS MORNING, AM. CHOICE STYLES. NEW DRESS GOODS ! NEW TRIMMINGS ! An Iniinrirae I.ot of BIeacliingH.3-4,4-4, «-4, IO-4. All Beat Brands at Popular Prices. tropolis from the time they Ilmt find refuge in the Newsboy’» l.odg- ing-houMea till they are provided with homes among the farmers of the Western 8tatcs, where, in many coses, they are growing lip to be thriving farmera themselves, ready to provide homes for the next gen eration 'of newsboys. Mr. Brace, as Secretary of the Children’s Aid Society, lias bad opportunities to j thoroughly master his subject, ami I it is said that his paper, aided by tbe twenty pictures wbicli Messrs. W. M. Chase, Share, Uiruli, and Pc'inell have liiruished, will lie one of tile most striking that Si. Nich olas lias ever had. In the same number Mr. James C. Heard will have setae comical pictures ol the baby elephant. Mgs, pmuis, IH... ..... T 1 I pect is fair, and with no late frost j La Ces an( ] Embroideries by the Cart Load! the country will be blessed with an _ “ Fanu, Parasols rmcl UmbroUao. abundant crop of fruits. The great racers'"is the 6 "scarcity of 'labor, j Ladies’, Gents' and Childrens' Shoes, Sandals and Slippers! CuatoiuNI nde mid very Pair Wurrnnteil. Price* Lower •linn Elsewhere. Many farms Imve been curtailed for the want of field laborers, the lumber and turpentine business in the pine regions haying drawn away much of the labor heretofore available. Hon. S. S. Cox oultiiies the true policy for the democrats in regard to the tariff, when lie says: “We have been led into a snare and made to take a false position before the country. This will not lie al lowed to happen again. We slmll array ourselves as a party in favor of not only revenue reform, but also a reduction of the revenue to tho lowest point consistent with the raising of a sum sufficient to pay the expenses of tho govern ment, with perhaps afairallowance fora moderate extinction o'the debt. Our surplus for the year from our system of taxation, after paying uii tho enormous expenses of the government, will be some thing like $150,000,000. Now, there are two evils arising from such an accumulation; one is the enormous overtaxation, the other the tre- • •• — — | mendoni incentive for tho party iu Tile Chicago Time* is mean | power to reach out its hands and enough to call attention to tho . |, 0 j,j 0 f some of that surplus, fact that the National Republican >pj,|, democratic party will take Committee still lias the lion. timc , ly lho i aie loi K. iu fact will Stephen W. Dorsey for its aceom- j nssuuu . the olfonsive, and go to the j plisbed secretary, and the United | rv „„ t |,j K | S , 1K .. \\\. ran : Stales Marshal i* after him with a j g |, ow .j„, mechanics, artisans, and ! Sold It on Sight. Warrenton Clipper. Mr. Robert X. Martin, of Augus ta, who is the handsome h tslness agent of W. J. Bollard, brought a Rawson reaper to his place for exhibition last Tuesday. He sold it without exhibition to our honor able fellow-citizen, l)r. M. It. Hall. This is the way for husincs to >.<c carried on. Bollard lias more farming machinery and on lictter terms than any man lias ever ex hibited licforc'at one time in Au gusta. There are many other farmers in this county who cm use reapers to great advantage. To tnkc down i 0 acres a day is a nice tiling for one man—a crop saved at once. WATCHES, CLOCKS. NECKLACES, I.OCKETS, RINGS, - LACE PINS, SETS, EAR BINGS, BRACELETS THIMUI.ES, -Till: I. A stock or Hoop Skills anil Corsets! AMONt; TUB LATTER THE It would lie interesting to know by what process of reasoning tho majority of llie committee to audit tlio expenses of President Gar field’s illness and death arrive at the conclusion that all the physi cians in tlie ease are entitled to smsII fortunes. It cannot be claim ed that any of „hem. except per haps Drs. Hamilton and Agncw could have earned one-half or one- fourtb of the amount asked to be appropriated in the length of time devoted to the late l’rcsident. Most remarkable is the allowance to Dr. Bliss. It is unexampled and intolerable extravagance to give him $,”>5,000. GENUINE EON-TON! Everlasting, Double Done, Madame Strong’s, AND OTHVSRfl. m MVS’ MUG Anlmniensc Line—quality and Fit Guaranteed. A Iso a large assortment of Piece Goods for men and boys’ wear. Blue Flannel, Cassimcre, Tweeds, (Jottonades, etc., etc. Agent for .1. A B. Coats’celebrated Spool Cotton. The trade supplied at New York wholesale prices. IS JELL /U1KAI* FOR / f.Aftlf. T Q ELI, fi 1 ' . I iOELL \J fHE.11* FOB ffASII. HEAP FOR 1.7 4811. V7I1F.4P FOR V7ANII. I iOEI. Cull this morning early and avoid the rush at Wlieatley^s Corner. Hknky 8. Davis. Mkrrki. Callaway. NEW FIRM! wurrant. That the grangers are still alive in the west Is shown by their ownership of ninety public halls in Michigan, ranging in cost from $800 to $3,000. These aro used for tlio meetings or the grangers and arc also rented out for other purposes. It ia strange to hear that in the unanimous Republican State of Yeimout tbe artisans in a factory object to the introduction of a colored man; yet such Is the fact. And Republican Vermont is much tailoring men that the position of the ultra-prolrcliimixlx, which is practically the republican position, is one which simply liendlls the capitalists, white under revenue re form both capital anil labor are fairly and equitably treated. Now those democrats who do not pro pose to stand with tho party on tills matter may go where they can find congenial company, ami wc shall not ho bullied or bamboozled by protectionists who call them selves democrats. We have had enough of this sort of thing, and next time it will be an earnest, surprised that in oilier Stales the ! courageous, ami offensive tight on workingmen object to the inlmditc- jour part." Senator Bayard lias contributed to The Christain Union a short letter on sueccss ii: public life, in which lie states his conviction that success does not at all involve dis- regard of the cannons of punctili ously honorable action, lie says of the young American wiio en gages ill politics that “the discov ery of much weakness and unwortli may often pain and disappoint him and lie may weary of the work ami long for rest; but his hands can be ns clean and soul as white at the end.of the Journey as when lie set out upon it:” OLD GRANBERRY CORNER. Davis & Callaway HAVING I.ATKI.Y PURCHASED THE- BAUTIFUL STOCK.* or Mil. .IOIIN WINDSOR, ARE DAILY AOUINO TO THE SAME THE l ion of Chinese labor. A Northern exohango asserts that, “the condition of the freed- men of the South oilers an un equalled field for usefulness to philanthropic millionaires.” Good idea. Ail the South needs is to have several million dollars dis tributed freely amongst her peo ple. Send down vonr wealth, gen tlemen. \ ^ The Atlanta To*t-Appeal pub-; will make 1882 a wet year, lisbes statistics shoping an increase I of 100,000 spindles in the cotton] spinning factories of tbe South du- j ring the post year, which repre- Our New Alumnae. It is said that all .Years ending in 9, 0, or I, are extremely drv. Those cudiug in 2. 3, 4, 5 and fi, are extremely wet. Those ending in 7 and 8 are ordinarily well balanced. Those ending in fi Imvc extremely cold winters. Those ending ill 2 have an early spring. Those ending iu 1 have a late spring. Those ending in 2 and 4 are subject to great Hoods. This An old citizen of Baltimore and an original Whig, says: “I have been all my life expecting to see . . I,,,,.' n . | the Democratic party die, and once sento an increase of capital m this ^ ^ wwi , t #t ' iu J ftlnenU . bllt it business amounting to a $l2,214,000.1 survived all assaults, from w ithin Yet the Aftptal baa the cheek to in-' and witbont, and reads the obitu- sist that tbo Bonrbons are driving , aries of its most formidable oppo- away capital) and discouraging i 0001 *- It can’t be killed and even . . ' * that, in some form or other, the statistics and ita assertions do not i Democratic party will be content- hitch well together. . w praneous witli this Republic.’* The New York Tribune hopes to got a comfortable Republican majority in the next House of Rep resentatives by a raid in om'direc- tion. We call attention to the utterance: “A majority will lie Did; and for the eight members wanted, the Republicans will have to iodk to tho South. Rut when we approach the South we come upon uncertain ground. It is, as yet, too early to calculate what I lie Independent movements iu that section will lie. Upon these de- i IQg^XlGStiOS, LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS m Neckwear, j pend, in a large measure, the pros- : peots of the Republicans.” Sheetings and White Goods, Etc., The exports ol provisions from the United Stales are falling off rapidly. During the eleven months ending March 31 the exports of provisions were $21,000,000 less titan during the same period of the previous year, and the exports of dairy products were $5,000,000 less. Spectacles of all kinds and in struments to tost your eyes and competent men to select Spec tacles best adopted to your eye-siglit. Thousands of peo ple are injuring their eye sight by using common Spectacles, or those not prop erly adjusted to their eyes. Solid Silverware, SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, CARD OASES, CUPS, OOBLE'JS, FRUIT KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, all kinds of case goods, etc., etc. In Electro-pla ted ware, a full line of Reed and Barton’s gcods which 1 guarantee to have more silver on, and to he plated on better anil harder material than any 'other make of goods, the only concern that took the only first- Iclass prize iu Australia. A 'partial list, nt these goods i comprises Castors, Cake Bas kets, Berry Dishes, Epergns, Card Stands, Flower Stands, Water sets, Waiters, Goblets, cups, Spoon-holders, Syrup cups, Butter-dishes, I’icklo stands, Knives, Forks, spoons, Etc., Etc. These guilds sold at this same prices that you would Imvc to pay nt. the Factory, as well as a full line of goods ! of other manufacturers at fac tory prices. 1 also keep a tine line ot itiold Fens, Walking canes,etc. This week 1 will have the largest and most varied stock of China Vases, Toilet sets, Jardinieres and fancy goods generally, ever brought to this market. In my Music Department I have a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Bnn- jos, Accordeons, Tambourines, Harps, Instruction Books, etc. Tn my sewing machine de partment can be found a large lot of Davis, Williams, Wheel er and Wilson nnd other sew ing machines also a lot oi second hand machines all in thorough order ft* sale cheap, a full line of parts, attachments needles and oil tor all ma chinery. My work department is the most complete and the j host supplied with tools, ma- bines and material in the South liir doing watch work, jewelry repairing, clock re pairing and for putting sew ing machines in thorough 'ci der, supplying any new parts I needed, etc. The class of worV done here is superior to that of any other ostablishnjdin , | outside of a” large city. ;j jKo trouble to show goods. ilJNT FULL SUPPLY! _ Call and take a look through my i stock, whether you wish to _ purchase or not, anil-see the (jr^nte Hnoes 1 i >lacc w,iprc >° u can s ot what ANOTHER LARGE AND FRESH INVOICE Or Ladies rmil The IJueon of Kngiaud lias now reigned about forty-tour years. The salaries and perquisites paid to her and her family will average fully $5,000,000 a year, or during tbe period of her reign the enor- SOON TO AJEmiVN ! DAVIS & mons sum of $220,000,000. i Gran berry Comer, you want, either in goods or work, when you need anything of the kind. Everything guar- / liy antood iw represented. CALLAWAY, j (Under Barlow House,) AMERICUS, OA. j Anorlousi' ■ ■