The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, May 26, 1882, Image 1

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WWMfcapray i.«» . VOL. IV. AM KRICJUS, GEORGIA. Fill DAY MORNING MAY 2fi. ISN2- NO. .7. Henry S. Da via. Mkiiiiei. Callaway. -N\EW FIRM! f.TITKAi; Ml ST 1IAMi. The i£xc«ptlouii Overruled by the Court In lianc. I Wasiiinuton, May 22 The Post I to-day gives the following as the j points of decision: The opinion of ~~~~ - . — I the court will sustuine ! the position taken by the district attorney that the jurisdiction is OLD GRANBERRY CORNER.!™rl“i that the bullet fired at the presi- ! dent by Ouiteau on ii.. 2 I of July, j iu this city, was the cause of Iris j death, and that the trial could only have been held in Washington:! "Mthl that the death of the piesideut iu been uttered are the unanimous opinions of the court, that a new trial is denied, and judgement be. low afllrmcd in t his case.” Court then adjourned. I miS OF INTFIIKST. ,t IVnnclerful Plum Tree. Davis ^Callaway IIO.\. A. If. STEPHENS. lie Write* Auothcr Letter Dcflulus 111* Poattjou. Chronicle* mnl Constitutionalist. Wasiiinuton, 1). C. May 22 In reply to questions touching his re lations to the coining canvass for governor of Georgia, Mr. Stephens lias consented to the publication of the following letter, mailed in- National Hotel. The home of llenrv Clay, in Lex- iugton; Kentucky, has been sold lor -Still,hho. It iuel.ules 221 acres of choice land. According to Darwin, "those who are Hie best fitted to live are the ones who do live.” Judging from some that do live, those who do not live must lie sorrv specimens indeed. rif New Jersei -IIAVINO LATELY I'l'IICIIASEII TIIE- BBAQTIE’UIL. STOCK.! OK Mil. JOHN WINIHOU, AKK DAILY ADDI I IIK SAMK TilK ; LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS! La^cLies » mi i except as effected by I local statutes, could not change the | jurisdiction. The assassin had not been in New Jersey, had committ ed no olt'ense against New Jersey laws and the mere lucl of the vie- tim being .emoved to Elberton to prolong his life, ot save it, it pos sible, could not be made to atfeet the of the crime. The court Hold in additional that there are several grounds on which juris diction, as exercised might be maintained if it was necessary to decide tbe case, lirst tiiat that, is an United States court with all the powers ot any circuit court of the United States; second, that this is a judical district, and that under the provisions of the law, when a crime is begun in one and completed iu another district, the oil (fuse is complete in cither; third, that the murder being an offense in this district against the United j States, anil the removal of the president to New Jersey did not j lake him beyond the jurisdiction ! of the government, against which | the oll’eneo was committed, (.'on. I siderablc anxiety lias been express- : ed as to the action of the supreme court or the United States, it being | announced that application would i lie made to tiiat body by the dc- | fendant’s counsel for a" write of habeas corpus. There are now 'only two justices of that court iu the city, tiie court Inn ing udjourn- (-4-r-i ! 0,1 for 'the term—Chief Justice l /II L/t"? I.JLCAtJ Waite and Justice -Miller. 'flic ■ best legal authorities express llraivnn, and fancy tack beads familiar No law will make a man believe Domestics, Sheetings and White Goods, 32to, ~=IN FULL SUPPLY !===- ANOTHER LA It! IK ASI> FRESH INVOICE OF i Washington. D. C. May 22, N2 ) Mr. Charles /■!. Smilh, Washing- Ion, <la—DkarJMr. Smith: Yoi’if ; Kl.erv. and the long letter of tile llltli iusl., is liefor me. in reply to your inquiry about my position in relation to the gov ernorship of Georgia, I can only say, briefly, that the reported in terviews with me on this subject, as published in the Alianla (tonsil- tnlion, are substantially correct. In reply to letters from all parts of the State and Irom parties attached to all political parties, urging mo to forego my intention to retire from public life at the close of my pres ent Congressioni.l term, and to eon- sent to accept the ofllcc of gover nor, I state that if my health con tinues as good as it lias been dur ing the past winter, and if unmis takable evidences should be fur nished me that it is the will of the will of the people of Georgia that I should so servo thorn, I know of no reason that would justify me in refusing so to do. Tims the mat ter rests at present, so far as I am concerned. When naked the question wheth er I would allow my name to lie used in connection with this olllce nt tlic next election against the nomination of auothcr person li\- the Democratic State Convention to assemble on the I !ltb of .1 illy next, my uniform answer lias been “1 would not." Tliisactiou of the Democratic parly would, with me, be controlling evidence that it is not the will of a majority of the people of Georgia that 1 should serve them Hu r< let to, in Ifnn-kuvc. "I never sec a beautiful litho graph of a fruit tree, crowned and gemmed with luscious fruit," the Jester wont on, "without being re minded of an eminent, success n neighbor of mine in Diirliuglon made with plums. A banker, .Mr. James i’easley, owned a beautiful borne surrounded with charming m, i grounds, and fruit trees were one "t 0,1 1,1 1,1 l of his pastimes. A tree man came Non gland shoe factories were | along one year and sold him a plum lo. m iK legardeit as worthless, j tl . eo . The banker bad hul little and ill.- smell „| thou- bun...... was ! sneers- will, plum I roes..,., account •i |M.ui i.uiiA o Nia. i toivftN?is Lvim oi Uio r.ijHKious aiul iiuver natisll- “''17 " o' sm, .‘ |,s !U , C 1 LM| But tr.c tree man as- stamped into buttons for clothes sured him the curculio would never lor upliol-1 touch this beautiful variety, the Alonzodu Bolvidcro, or l.ight of missed. , t | 10 u arom Mcarcin. The banker it was a man from the great State ! bought the tree. It grew ns never of Ohio who unpinned the tidy from I plum tree grew before; a great a chair in a Washington parlor and I swelling mass of foliage that wooed wiped his nose on it. We’re mighty •■Bo sunbeams to play with its glad to hear pi a man who knew J dancing shadows. And fruit! what to do with a tidy. Every man tiiat went by the Peas ley homestead swore to himself ti.... ii i ,| there weren’t enough dogs in the beer on Sundavf if liewnnSK Ln'.""^"^ 1111 1°'' W } l S ep that lie should go to church on Sun- ° tho ro f 7* Hul f °. f U,at day if he don’t want to. f“ f s, .‘ « 0 lo "8 cr - And it never laded, either, not one The new idea is to have the hand | single year; for season after season photographed. We have held some j it put forth blooms until it looked hands tiiat are as iudcilibly fixed j like a spring time snow hank; anil on our memory as the photograph- i then, in the season of its fruit, it cr’s art could lix them and them j shone and gloried like a royrl pur- and others—without a frump. This pie sunset in the banker’s garden. '' .’ One day I praised tbe tree, and 1 tbe banker gave me of its fruit. I bit a piece out of the pium, and SOONT TO ARRIVE! ! DAVIS & CALLAWAY, Gmnberry Corner, AMERICUS, GA. MEM in WORKS, doubts whether such u writ could j ns governor. To liiis conclusion I be granted by the full court in I shf, uld come, notwithstanding the session, and it is not believed that j "iimcions letters I have received any single judge will take tbe re-' ,rom ,m '" ° r ll *o greatest cininciico su in the Slate, and tho many poti- ! lions embracing iiundreils ol peo ple iu diliercnl eoimlies to which 1 have referred, and the recom mendation of my name to he voted for as governor by the people ol Georgia, by the highly respuelabl is a double action joke. Notwithstanding tho fact that “progress” is Hie order of the day, we beheld an American mother the other day haul her disobedient off spring upon her kee, and strike upon the same spot that the Ro man mothers did three thousand years ago. sponsiblity of passing upon important a question, when it is recalled that the court was in session for three mouths alter the sentenced of death was passed, ft may, therefore, reasonably be concluded that Guiteuu will ban earthly hope for him. Tbe Post adds: “After the delivery of the opinion, the prisoner will he taken at once to a solitary cell in the I jail where lie is now confined, and :«>: placed under continued guard, 0. )l. WIE1TUY, MTRACniR JU» to the fatal moment, and not as sentenced, and that there is no kodv of men who recently assembled AMERICUS, GEORGIA. -HEALER IN at Atlanta,and whoso good opinion anti confidence I appreciate in no small degree. I deem it proper, iu liiis connection,to add Unit while my political alliiialion is entirely with the Democracy on principles anil measures, and if iu either it nas The steamship Oxfordshire, from Singapore, lias just brought a cu riosity into the port of New York. It is a genuine white monkey, with [link eyes, exquisite ears, a clingingly intense tail, and a high ly distinguished ami palpable smile. Its brother was sold, says C'apt. C. I’. Jones, to Hie king of Siam, who is a connoisseur of white elephants ami other animals tiiat. are white. because it bus transpired that the sunflower is one «>r the oldest I ,ln<lc r the swaying houghs of this forms of decoration in the art of j '■•‘ailly Upas plum tree, ho told me the 7.uni Indians, it having been in n11 iu wo( ' ul story. How at niglil. existence among them for ecntu- ' l| io long drawn howls and wail of ries, tho llaltimoru American pro-1 u ‘ r, '°'’ "trickon boys, lying iu the iiounocs Oscar Wilde a fraud, ami * 1.1...1 - - 1 demands I,lull lie give up the $20,- 00O lie lias gathered In Ibis coun try. then started home lor my gun. it was only a few steps down Barnes street; but twice bctorc I got there I forgot what I had started after. I climbed over into the foundations j of Dr. Virgin's house and tried to die. Then I stopped in the vacant lot by Mr. Langley's cottage and ate the lops off the jimson weeds to take the taste out of my mouth. When 1 got home, I sent for George Miller, and told him the hanker had poisoned me to get some money 1 owed him, and I wanted George to take down my ante-mortem statement. But I lived and forgave the man who had 'filled my young life with bit terness; ami one day standing Mr. Paul’s Jackass. M.riuniu«l».i Journal. Mr. Paul, a few days ago, read in some sinful newspaper that a donkey couldn’t bray without rai ing his tail, ami ureoadingly Snsli, Doors, Blinds and Windows. Lnndicr Plained, Woodwork of every kind done with promptness, Furniture, Bedsteads and Collins, Plans Drawn and Estimates Furnished. r it lias | bright idea struck him. lie penned red, such errors should bo cor- 1|,is famous jackass up in the eor- , reeled within rather thun without} „or of llm stable, and, climbing up word will be permitted to bo spoken its ranks; yet il I were noiiEiia'.cd i j n u,,, trough, above lie-dead-line to iiim except by bis spiritual ail- ''.v the Democracy and elected gov- [ ,,f t |„. animal's heels, he attached u I haveju»t recolvotl .*» largp »tnrk of atu: •hiv<I toilonll kinds of|duiiiMiiu.»t churl -••mllm! with hip, will rotvlve prompt ut my lfl.rm (•Opt I . User, or by persons specially an- j “'’nor of Georgia by Hit! people, I ! tliorized by Warden Crocker, who i should not lie a partisan governor, lias entire charge of and l'espon- i kut should look to the best inter- | sihility for the assassin from this I t-'sts mid welfare ol tho .State by ! time mi until bis dead body is i protecting the rights of all classes <!. M. WIIKATI.MV, l»rop*i HotlisoMlcl’s Sliirts. .IlMchlltl'* CuHlom Shirt* o |G|h d,A WnniMitla .Mu M*de loMcnkiirr I) | 1/Il *Jl if, IrUh Delivered Free Everywhere. I ready to tie consigned to tiie doc- j tors for post mortem examination. I District Attorney Corkbill lias de termined upon an examination of tin- brain ol tho assassin by a hoard iie»i of the most eminent medical ex- of society, which should be Hie chief objeel.of all government. The principles perpetuated in the mot to of tiie grand old .State, “Wis dom, Justice and Moderation," would be the guide of my udmiuis- la i-v.-ry m|H- rosins l i'I'Io Ih. IlillM. o«ln glv« irfi-ci untisluciL rxr«||,.d hy um.o KiPiitlt-mun who have hitb«-rt<> ln*en um •.ohl at uiir prl«*r,»r«* inviuM loeive «ih n Our tyring I uj»ort:iTlun» or K iYrenles. mol Bcolch r **' ? Pi-rCc rl Su l Icf itr I lo t the very *H’M MilrD* that we ran |»r>>li:cfl AT ANY COST, ‘tor lau-e nml, himr IDt of eu»tomei’« m |;il iltle* j* !o Myliig that we pi<ciuif t W oIlK en under the impi • on it e-tll. \Ve 7 * >t hhirtimr; Underwear. Weluv on hnn.l llic InrglM .nil lx',1 ■< ln-l..,l Mork ol Lull*' Kill! Ml ills llllll Iti aW CIS for Spring mol Sumin.-r w.-ar. Itotlist'lliIll’s White Merino Shills RotliKChilil’N Royul Merino Shirts anil Drawers u Itotlise hi Hi’s S ii in tiler Cussiiiiere Siiirlsainl Drawers.,: p i,. ItotlisehiIll’s India Uan/e Shirts, i, .a >,- u ,-i.. ■Cotliselilid’s Slimmer Merino Shirts and Drawers ,t .,i.,.u.,a.-i,. Ilothscliild’s llest Jeans Drawers., Also. Iteniitifnl I.ines of lialliriccan and silk I'nderwear. SPniETG KTJ3CB:W3AR. mplrl.', and Inolutln. nil tin- l-il. rt I .1, 1 1 r-.n,-u-.o. ... il.i> • markrta. luiri/e lines of R.’lult lloiipe. De.loim « |-;t:«leiit mi l 'ianl.-y -• hir.l’ lilies III l-'.Rttcil ports in the United States, to put ; tration. at rest, as lie believes, forever the I f >incc writing the atiovo I have | question of his sanity. After a n I S( -' L ’" 11 telegram dated the 1,‘itli in- ^ autopsy the body will lie delivered ! 't:u;t, from Atlanta, Ga., to the to the relatives of the doomed man, i Chicago Tribune, published in the if any of them call for it. : Augusta Chronicle ami ConsUln- Wasiiinuton, May 22 The an- i ol the 20th instant, st nouneement the decision of the luiek with llneel lo liis (the jnek •el. of elolhes-iine i) tail. Thun he dew sprinkled grass of the cow pas. turo, had filled the night with a weird, uncanny horror, and scured all of neighbor Blythe's dogs, nr so many of them us Hie wails would go round, under the lutrn ill the tree-bordered hollow. How thiev ish and road-wear} tramps had eat en this fruit, and had gone off down Boundary street shouting “•lrc!” mid had not I toon seen again. How one day usandy pig t.hrceuml a half feel, long, had catena couple ofthese plums that somebody had thrown over tho fence, and then sat down iu the dust of the street and cried and sohlied with pain aud mortification until the golden sun opened the door, smiled audibly, I went down in a sea of roseate and waited developments. The alii- splendor in the distant west. How mid walked into the Inland backed visitors, friends of the family and 1 bis ears for a yell, anil it was no i guests ol the lionte, hail phiekcd go. JI is tail only raised the briek i and bitten a plum licforc they could high enough to Hit him on the be warned; and then, with ghastly shanks. Then he whirled around | countenances, tried to look as and the douuock struck him in the | though they liked it. The robins side. Then lie flung up his heels shunned Unit tree. The uurculio j and tried to stand on his head, but J never went neurit. The wander* ; that fragment of a country chilli- ing crows ol the air would’nt look | noy lit on the small oi His back and ' at it. Nothing ever touched Itex- ; drove Him to frenzy, lie climbed ! eept the English sparrows. They j over the gate and dashed through , liked it and grow fat upon it. I lie held i i the direction of Angus- i ’Nothing,"added the Jester; “notti- ta, closely followed by Mr. I’aul’s | ing that ever grew can kill an Eng- J experiment. When found lie was ii-lesparrow." | inside of Joel Neal's lot, with the • •—w ; brick lodged ill n crack of the fence, | Klicumatisiii, disordered blood, overnor. It is ut-; and Ill's backbone pulled out. till liis J general debility, and many chronic terly untrue that I ever sent any i cnr s had disappeared under liis diseases pronounced incurable, are such a telegram or authorized its I skin. Mr. I’aul says that, that j often cured by Brown’s Iron Bit- being sent by any body. ^ ours. 1 hind ol treatment may prevent the ! ter-. ling that 1 bail telegraphed to the Atlanta convention ol indepen dents licit I would accept the nomination for Ai.kxa.nheii II. Stephens. oarsest noise from escaping, but I’. S.—This letter you can use as ! jt, will demoralize the be°t jackass Tho Eatonton Messenger tells y u hlnasc. A. II. S ii .ml 1>. , in I lain mill Lan< v G< l.«nil Silki ml Satin Tin*, m I'liln nml rnn.-> We Can't Tail. ! Without showing the condition of our teeth. Every laugh expose them. In order not to be ashamed KID GZjOVD». All mnnnfnotiircil in onrown fai lory Imih irnr-ortv.! Skiri», v. rv 'h qiullty, j.**r i Hr. '♦'.rliijf SLn<!*-». RotliBcliild’S Fancy IZalflloao. All liF iH’Wr.1 ilewign. in imported Fan» v H ALF ID»>|; |p.m /. »•. !.F. p r j I’laiu. l oloieil unit llrifisli llair Hose i-..n. f . r iair ni.v- .i. TJmfarollam. All Iimlrn, our umn innnuforliirv. II- -I ulouli'.io l'nilirol!i>. S' .L-nenl entli or Fuml.l.iim llmrl.-I'OllUm llllll l ull's. t'UllltiriC. I.i Ill'll uud Silk Ilaiidkert'liicrM,Niis|iPUilers, .,,.1 lieiilleiueirs Jevveli-j. t jiopu «r pric»i Mlltt MtU'it kin elefffini **»t of (lo!d Tlat#-! Collar ami S!**i*w Buttons, or dr^.i.t i ith each halt«doieu of RotliwUilir* Cnitom Shirts .Sample*. Dirivtkm* for »elf-trea*un*iwnt, ami 4**cripfiverlrcalar< ir.-n e-1 fre.*. Hjitnil rrin-l „ trade. W« refer to all X#w York. . , „ , tv. H. A. CO., Broadway A Nth St.. New Dirk. Uny 19i*»l) ourt ill banc upon the exceptions in the Guiteuu ease would be read , this morning attracted an unusual gathering at the circuit court room. At III: I a o'clock the judges tiled into court and took their places upon tiie liciich. Soon after tiie • formal opening of the court, Justice James said: "I am in slructed by tiie court to auuouiice the decision in the ease of the United States against Charles J. Guiteuu. upon tiie exceptions to thejudgmeiit ol'thc criininul court.” i ... lie then read from manuscript the; 7'!' . fl . decision of the court. At its eon- ,lcntnf, ' 1 " !< ‘’ •‘‘O/ODO.M, which is liver active, and by preventing tbe i peared with him. elusion Judge James said that, i ^" ru to v kcL ‘I' 11llcr " wl1,110 and spot- ; attack save much sickness, loss of although the court was unanimous 'f' ><> tarter can enerust hem, time and expense, in the views set forth, there were " canker nllcet Hie min,iiel, no some questions which it was dcsir- " ! q, able til discuss more tullv thun ; ' V could well lie done in the opinions i ! s a ^tanicul i.rei,: , iatioii, lie had just read, and Justice Hag- . lU ,L, " e!,c,al . ,m 11,0 ner l ad consented to discuss those ' ! ‘ : "" 1 -"'"A" 1 " , . n:,n ;r 1,ms ' ,, .‘ i questions in a separate opinion. “ , '"‘"‘T " ll 7 ol, /‘ a "r"’ , '‘' 1 Justice Haguer then read Lis ■•'•••h’W the gun.s hard and rosy. opinion, and Chief-Jtistjce Carter j q- ra ,. k laving "on tie eitrlh. about some eatliartie pills sold in ! its town, which are so powerful lliiw in Nave. that two of them worked a young All hard workers arc subject to > man clcun out of tiie country. He bilious attacks which may end in Hud just commenced work on a langeroiis illness. Parker's Ginger I farm, and had obtained an advance made tho following announcement: ,. ncilIc r( .a„hcd v | in thirlv- “The opinions which iiave Here j mile post last week Delay at such The Koine Courier wishes “to times means danger.- Detroit Press.] S e - '•!» arousing Fourth of July Nee other column. jubilee,” with orations and such -—— . — like refreshments. ‘Iliii'liiiimiba.'* . - ■* quick, complete cure, all annoy- 1 Tile llistiiigiiishlng Charm, ing Kidney, Bladder and Urinary 1 A delightful fragrance of freshly Diseases. SI. Druggists. gathered (lowers and spices is the ■*- • -*■ i distinguishing ehann of Floreston John Owens was shot and in-1 Cologne. Georgia I slantly killed hy James Baker " i*ven j Upson l.iquor. ountv the other day. j Grillin is securing more patents than any town in the State.