The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 20, 1882, Image 1

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)L IV. TRIWEEKLY. AMKRICUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1882. NO. 10. tmmfuisgUtofdn. Henry S. Davis. Merkel Callaway PL'HI.IHIIitu HT OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE. NEW FIRM!! FENCE OR OFFENCE. SAiteeeaiptlosa. Start**: Titf-Weekly One Yeab, . $4.00. Weekly One Year, - . $8.00. Sunday Isbub One Year, - $1.50. i I’ll I I Official Directory. CRANBERRY CORNER, AMKRICUS. America* I* the county sent of Sumter Comity, (jejireia. nnd I* riluitfU on the SouthivrMoru [ KtUlroml, il mile* root h west of Mac"ii. and about! eighty miles north of the Florida line. It t* V«“V ""iiuui uiv r lunua line, il in ii city of 0,000 inhuliitants beautifully aituntcd nud handsomely Iu»jir»*red. It la V>e centre of trade for a large ecetloii. * *• —I. oomi'ri^njj aome »ix conntiee, ..s Hicavr ••"■mill cotton receipts I icing 00,000 bale*, Ihuaverago market value of which in il,. 7)0,000 The climate is mild, the air dry and pare, uud America* has for many year* had the repu tation of being ouoof the healthiest citlca in Atnericn. being situated but a abort distance above the tropical region, nearly all varieties of fruits, grain* and flower* can In* grown *urce*»< lullV, while vegetation la luxuriant and rapid in It-* growth. The city haa line public school.*, good i churches, a large public library, a new opera ' house completely furnished with scenery nud • which neat a l.Ojo |«rrons, a well organized lire depart mint which includes two steamers, while; Davis <2s Callaway | rare of the house, sullied out with i a mother's sympathy to sec what ' she could do. At 'daylight she * 01 't.V years ago I lived in the came back, sorrowful and fttigued mountains. A bold creek ran to say that some neighbored through my place, and one corner prescrilicd warm blood as a pcnacea cut oil from my neighbor’s farm, about live acres of bottom land, lie bad little wood on bis land, and bad allowed Ids fence to rot down so low that his field lmd to be thrown out. lie could make no use of it, and therefore wished to sell it to mo; but asked so absurdly high a price for it that I would not buy. So, to force me to do so, lie lately purchased tiiV- BEACTTIFUIj STOCK! the Hired* are s ...v».cv>. air newered nn»! lighted. Three good hotel* fUrnlsh the beet of accommodation*. It i* Hh> large-i city in Southwest Georgia, nud i* r»p- 'dly growing in population and wealth. A* a p‘ if Lupines* <ind n beautiful and nleasant rraiifc OP MR. JOHN WINDSOR, ARE DAILY AllDINO TO THE SAME THE ••I uiiriiic.'s 'IUU « ucaeuiui ini] piiusiini n'slilHICi' i .... it prints utrructlono possessed .Lv few citle* in • St&SSSSSteS PATTKKHS AMD DtSKMSi -- Information they may desire by oddiTS-diiir the i Editor of the IIrcordek. CITY OFFICERd. Mayor—.!. IL Felder. Clerk and Recorder—I). K. Ilrinson, Aldermen—W. I*. Burt, l\ II. Williams, R. K. Co h, I.. R. Ilosworth, II. II. Watts, W..I. Ilnr- |Mir. City Coancil meet* every Monday evening. Police Force—City Marshal, A. P.- iJngo. Pollecraon -W. W. Wbicier, Pat Krakine, J. W. Cobb, t*. II. Miteliell. Sexton Onk Orove Cemetery—P. I). Hill. Sexton Colored Cemetery—Richard Felder Bridge Keeper—J. P. 1 Ini ford. FI UK DEPARTMENT. Chief-'W. P Hurt. Assistant Chief—J. C. Nicholson. Wide Awake No. 1. (Stenmer.) Foreman, W. M. Hawke*. Mechanics No. J, (Steamer,) Foreman, II. 11. Watt*. Vigilanee No. 2—Foreman, Mingo Glaze. Hook nud Ladder—Foreman, Henry Anderson CONGRESSIONAL. Third District, c. ntposed of the countb »»u. Hcbl “ —*“ **- ** 1 Dress flows, J|im« mo |mm. Taylor, Maeon. Schley, Sumter, Dooly. Pulaski, Dodge, Montgomery, Wilcox, Telfair, fg*e Web- •ter, Stewart, Irwin, Coffee. Gen. Phil. Cook, wngrengmau. LEGISLATIVE. HenatorinI District ciimj*»<ed of the eountieaof Sumter, Schley, uud Macon Senator, IXiimmiI VT T L ^^ ,ru,lent *^ vei, » Tliomaa Feagin and SUPERIOR COURT Southwestern Circuit, composed of the counlieg of Sumter, Schley, uncoil, Lee, Webster uud Sfewugt. Judge. Hon. C. F. Crisp. Solicitor General, C. II. Hudson. Regular term* of Court are held as follows: l.c« county, second .Monday in III arch mid *02- oiid Monday in November. Schley county, fourth Monday in March nud fourth Monthly in September. Webster county, first Monday In April and Hist Monday In October. Sumter county, second Monday In April and fecund Montlay in October. Stewart county, fourth Monday in April nud lotirih Monday in October. Domestics, Sheetings and White Goods, Eto C3NT FULL SUPPLY != ANOTHER LARUE AND FRESH INVOICE OF Ladies and Grents Shoes Macon comity third Monday in June and first Montlay in December. COUNTY COURT. Judge, J. P. Pilsbury. Monthly term of court, ■rat Wednesday In every month. (Quarterly term, third Montlay In March, June, September and December. ORDINARY’S COURT. Ordinary, Thomas H. Stewart.-Court held on first Monday of a very month. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of Superior Court, J. II. Allen. Sheriff. J. W. Mize. Tax Collector, W. It, Stewart. Tut Receiver, J. A. Daniel Treasurer, C. C. Shepperd. Surveyor, M. O. Logan. Cnonor, \V. W. Guerry Commissioners. 8. K. Taylor, C. A. Hunting* ton, J. H. Black. 8. II. Hawkins, J. W. Whentlov Meet 11 r*V‘Monday of every month. JUSTICES. DUtrici No. T5',|N.;iI. White,* J I\, W. II riill|i|«. N. P. Dl*\ No. HI, No Justice at p resell t. Diet. No. 1107, James II. Roger*, J. I'., John K, Thomas, N. P. SOON TO AUniVM * DAVIS & CALLAWAY, Gran berry Corner, AMKRICUS, GA. Rotlisoliild’s Shirts. fl FOR $!). WnniMiittu Afusllu, licit Irish Linen. N l> p t ’ Britton Smith, J. I\, M. G. L>gan, * Dial. No, b84, J. M. Hatcher, J. P., fa*. /.. Yin* IiW No. 11*5, A. J. Williams, J. P., R. A Darien, N. P. /anien, a. i. — ^ IJIst. No. 789, P. L. Mize, J. P., Jus. A. Stubbs, * *Dist. No. 745, F. W, Griffin, J. P.. K. R. Ral ford, N. P. 'delivered Free Everywhere. JEWELER, West Side Square, Aiuirirux, (la. '*?'*[* ^P 001 ,l “ , l Vr J7„^L ,l,at *'•l*r»duce AT AN Y COHT. Gur large nud growing business, ample IhcUltlpr Jjr you* exjieiimiv, long list of castomen in principal cities rxosllrd l.y n.fnT 11 ***" P 1 ' rt ^|jj6* gract<un * J ul,| Uy u* in saying that wo produce CUSTOM WORK Gentlemen who have hitherto l«een under the ImproNolon that the very I**.! Shlrta could not !*• ‘tjvind to (tie us a call. XVm liimrnuleo Perfect Nntlsfnctlou. _Onr Spring in |K)rt:.tlons or Fancy Shining, include all the mw design* m French Cretonne-. 1 ercxle*. and tieotch Cheviot Shirtings. XT ncLerwear. We have uow on hand the largest and beat selected stink ol GI'IRh’ Klllt Shirts Hllfl DrilWCItl for Spring and Summer wear. RothNchild’N White Merino Nil iris u ,,.„u,„b. KotiiNCliild’s Itoyal Merino NliirtH and Dtinvern .i ;r,cmi. <ari>. XIiIfIn tad UruweiN.. ,1 UotliHcliild’N India Uaute shirlN,.h„i.or»ir.v«,.imc,. C i,. !? ?. ,u V'. ,,er Mer,no Sltirt* and DrawerN i, Rothuchild’H Heat Jean, Brawent l »™i l i, rat i,. AIno, lleaiitirul Much of ilalbriggati and Milk t/uderweur SPRING U'jflo; «F 4 !r U |«r ,0 ^*i i*» ,,OW r, ,,m pl^t l < ‘» *"d ImlutltM nil the latist novelties and (holiest pmduetious of the *. I ? ud r_ n J Bilk and Satin Ties, iu Pis . . ’ "““"p imiuiinuir, i IUUiI ... lot. Il Mlli» Mini tutln., lit c|.. to f 1,011 put'll, A| -o Itirpp lln, "•■I f.npy Color., .Kkr lit Wc. .aiTi. KID OXiOVBO. lea to my cows, sheep ami liogt, Hutting (logs on tlie sheep, ami shooting Hmall shot into the udilcis ami rille bullets tlirougli the horns of my cows. This could not bo submitted to quietly, so J went after him and found bim gathering lire wood on my land. 1 made no objection to this, but told him that one of my cows bad been much injured in Ins Helds, and 1 wished to know why be persisted in such treatment of a neighbor. He sulkily and defiantly told me to keep my cows out of bis Helds, if I didn’t want them “burled.” I toid him bis fence, so far from being lawful, was not five rails high in twenty placps, and a pig uould jump over or a coiv step over easily, and that lie must raise il at least high enough to turn cattle as gentle as mine. lie said that lie lmd no rail limber and I knew it, so it was d—d nonsense to talk so. I then snid: "I have timber here at your service, and 1 will lend you iny two negro men for a few days, if you will split the rails and put up a good fence.” "No, d—d if I’d be beholden to to you for so ninth I” “Very well, then,” I replied, “if you hurt any more of my property I'll make you pay for it.” “Yes, I guess you will,” lie re. totted, “you know I’in a poor man. and you reckon to sue me; but I guess I’ve got as many friends us you, and we'll see what the jury will say to you when it comes be. fore ’em!” ~ “Look here, my good friend, you scum to have some spile against me personally, and really I cannot imagine why; but if I Imve ever done you any wrong and you will tell me now, I will make it all right.” He hesitated a little, but let out at last that I bad dogs, horses, niggers, guns, dressed better than the neighbors, was “stuck up," etc., and upon being pressed to tell me how in this I lmd injured him per sonally, lie Hummed the whole up thus: “Well d—ii you! you’re dilfercnt from me, anyhow !” The philosophy of the matter, then Hushed upon inc; human na ture spoke in him and roused hu man nature in me to the extent tlmt I replied, “well, if that's your reason—look and tnko care you stop injuring my property, or you’ll pay for it. “I reckon you’ll go to law, will yon ?” “No!” I re plied “I'll thrush you !” He was taller than I, broad shouldered, but Hut chested mid badly put together, and 1,although some pounds lighter, was deeply impressed with the truth tlmt the battle wus not to the strong nor the race to the swift, so when be sneering said, “you look like a pretty feller to lick me; don’t you; you’d better try it.” “Well,” said I, buttoning my sacqiic." We arc here alone, snd it’s ss good u time to try it, as any.” lint lie did’nl think so, uud we parted as the in such cases, and that the child must die, anil was probably then dead. It did die, and notice was sent out that it would be buried ut once. My better half, turning over tlie baby, us it wus daylight, to tlie nurse, who could be trusted to keep awake during the day, went over at once, leaving ine to elinnge my dicss for one more •- ’ , . : cnuNge my mess ior one more commenced a series or petty injur- j suitable tlmt u shooting jacket and lt*M to III V l!nw.4 MlllWHk >111.1 ... - ” J .. . factory Iron. Import.-*! Skip*, very U-t <tuility, si Ir fr lir |, ll( 1 POelS eay “like tWO cliffs rt lit US- hllrCH sumlcl : ne J rcr J”'" again.” Hut I riotlisoliUcl'a Fancy Half Hobo. ... , : , 7 J«lw 1.1 itoljrted F.nif HALF BOSK from SSc to LSI per fair. Plal u, C olored uud llritisli Half Hose from et*. ,. r ,.i r u„..rj, A SPLENDID STOCK Wes i Jewelry AM fisilts, finr U*u MDUlkrturc. Ikst Glnjrlinin Utulrolla, 91. . ft,,d ‘-'"fr"* Cambric, Much “,“ d ," , u l " dkerchu ‘ r ’'’KaMieudent, ,„,i (lentleiueii’NJewelry, An r elegant set (3> of Mill Htuda glveu _ — ■—• wim voiiii nnu nice VC Rutlo with cs. fi ha|iMl.w#.|i Ol Roiiisrlillil's Custom Mblris. to WV^f^rVo aN f xIw‘Y'‘rl!* M,Mr ’ ‘ le,,rrl P ,lve rircular » frw. Price-LM K 8 .VjViA;. ,,0,f HSC!’IIII.II ic C0-, liroutlway Ac 8th gf., Xety York. was mistaken. At tlmt time there were only two regular physicians in the county, and they hard to get at, so we were obliged in common charity to supply medicines and such advice as we could give on many oc casions, and not unlrcquently to rise and ride by night miles through the wild woods to some lone cot tage where disease or death was doing its work. Now my bcligcr- briar proof pants fur a funeral. This 1 did, and having put on mv second best, as being less “struck "P" than my Sunday-go-to meet ings. I followed her. Ou approaching the house, which was about one hundred yards from the fence, and just as I stepped over it with caso I saw tin* lather approaching me from the crowd or meu before the door: We me half way, and lie .burst into tears and blubbered like a child, seizing my proffered band in bis. “Oil, Mr. W.,” snid I, very much disposed to blubber too Irom sympathy with the poor fellow, “don’t be so distressed. You Imve lost a fine little baby, but think how much suffering it lias escaped, and Hint now it is in heaven, where there will lie no more sorrow or suffering for it.” "IJoo! boo! boo! boo—oh!” he burst out still stronger, “That isn’t what I'm a crying about. It arc tlmt you who I treated so cuss ed bad, and was agwine to lick, when you hadn’t done nothin’ to me ut all, sent your wile over to mind my siuk baby in the night, and now come to its funeral boo ! boo I boo!—and in your store clothes, too!” Dear render! I hope you will believe inc when I say tlmt I didn’t laugh—for I didn’t; but thu sudden mingling of the sad and the ridicul ous nearly choked me,and brought on an attuck of hysterics, which I thought best to let run into tears, till 1 could control my voice suffi cient to offer consolation in the slmpc of some quotations from scriptural and profane literature about whom the Gods love dying early.” “Them’s sc rioter,"said lie, “ain't they ? And Colonel does you be lieve in scriiiter?” “Certainly,” I replied. “Then, may lie its true that my baby’s gone to heaven!” “No doubt of it,” said I, "Colonel, is you a Cliristain ?” “Well, in faith J may say I am, but in works | I am not so sure, but I wish to be, and to a limited degree try to be ! Jlut I’m afraid I can’t claim to do- serve tlie name as well as I should.” “Well, I guess you’re tolerable yourself; but your wife's an angel, I know, if ever I seed one I for she’s <1—<1 purty, and folks says she’s just ns good too. Colonel, do you think I could be a Chris- tain ?” “Yes,” I replied, “certain ly if you were to desire it earnestly and strive to know God’s will and do it.” “What is God’s will, and how am 1 to know. It tain’t what the persons sez it is, is it ?” “Christ says that if you lovo Him you will keep His command ments, and that, j suppose, is what the peisons say.” “I don’t kuow,”lic replied,“they talks about baptism,and Irccgruco and spent stirrings, and sudden cabins, and the like, which never luck me; so I can't say.” “Christ says all these laws arc held in two principles: Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor like yourself.” “My neighbor like myself ? lloo, boo! Anil I loved you, did't I ? Colonel, you'se my neighbor, und The Sweet By and By. The author of the' well known song, “The Sweet By and By,” 8. I illmore Bennett, orElkhom, Wis., denies in the Chicago Indicnler that lie and the composer were drunk when they wrot£ the words and music of that song, as has been charged. Neither ol them were drunk. Bennett was at his place cf business when Webster, who was of a nervous and sensitive nature and easily susceptible to de pression, camo in, in one of bis melancholy moods. . “What's the matter now?” asked Bennett. “It’s no matter,” be answered, “it will lie all right by and by." “The idea eamc to me like a flash,” says Bennett, and I re plied: ‘The Sweet By and By!’ Why would that not make a gosd hymn?” “May bedt would,” ho said In differently. Turning to the desk, Bennett then wrote the three verses of the hymn. “In the meantime two friends— N. II. Carswell and 8. E. Bright- had come in,’’ says Bennett. “I handed the hymn to Mr. Webster. As he read it bis eyes kindled.and Ids whole demeanor changed. Step ping to the desk he began writing the notes io a moment. Presently he requested his violin, and played the melody. In a few moments more be bad the notes for the fuur parts of the chorus jotted down. I think It was not over thirty min utes from the time I took my pen to write the words, before the two gentlemen before named, myself and Mr. Webster were singing the hymn, in the same form in which it afterward appeared. While sing ing it, Mr. R. Crosby, now a resi- dent of Richmond, Ill., came In, and, after listening awhile, with tears in his eyes, uttered the pre- • diction: ‘That hymn is immortal.’ I think it was sung in public short- ly after, for within weeks almost every child on the streets was sing, ing it. It is translated into several languages and sung in every land under the sun.” Information Wanted. From III* Detroit Frc Proa*. * : A stranger who walked with a limp and carried a cane freshly out from the woods, halted a citizen on the steps of the city hall, and inquired: “How about the reunion?” “It’s all right, I guess.” “I suppose all the big generals have been provided for?” | “Ob, yes.” 1 “And the brigadiers and colo nels have been taken care of?” “Yes." “And the majors and captains and lieutenants huve been assign ed plucef” "I presume so.” “And sergeants and corporals and privates arc going to march, receive honors and show off tho best they can?” “That is the programn*. Have you been left out?” “Well, I dunr.oyct, but I shouldn’t ’ wonder. 8ay, have you read up pretty closely on the programmer “And has anything been said about tho heroes who drove sutlers’ wagon through the iron hall of death—anything about the sutlers who opened up business for the hoys when the shrieks of the dy- ing were drowning the roar of bat tle?” “I—I—don’t think so. In fact I am not sure of It.” “That’s me; and here I go,” said the man as he gave his right leg a tremendrons slap. “A feunlon which doesn’t provide for a four- wheeled buggy for a sutler who sold peaches for $3 a can to save do you think if I was to love'Cnd',! ** *• Texas, sir- and you, loo, and never do you no ! ^„ged^nir!Changed, sir—be- more harm, tlmt I’d get religion ?” “You’d be in a fair way of doing it, anyhow, und by pruver uml perseverance would probably suc ceed.” You think so! and if I was to Tho IjatosttSoslExia. ALL REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. SULLIVAN. HEIMS VARIETY WORKS, AMERICUS, .... GEORGIA. C. M. WIIHATLEY, CONTRACTOR AM BUILDER, -DEALER IN- tliis child was suddenly taken ill one afternoon. Tlie mother want- < d at onee to semi to us, but the father “d—il if he would he iiolddn to sicli folks for nothin,” hilt when about midnight the child grew worse, a knock on the side of the Sasli, Doors Hinds und Windows, :.u„iIkt Plained, Woodwork ZZTZZtl SS^S of et cry kind done with prompt ness, Furniture, Bedsteads ond Coffins, Plans Draw n and Kstiniatcs Furnished. »"J w»t»r Plpeluit nnd Pl|» Filler, tool., .nd un |ir.-- c. M. WIIEATLICV, Proji-r. w C7 I a KfiM tuum ou. Uliu II 1 IO cut neighbor bad one child, a prat- K j t religion, and was to die, would ty little thing, bright and playful, 11 go to | lcaV e„ and see my blessed which lie loved us such rough un-1 little baby a.'uin ?” checked iintiircs arc apt to do when ! “Certainly "said I they turn to any one thing, and j “Then,” exclaimed he drawing tins eh,I,I wnu amlrlonlv II Ui.llSelf U P and Striking hi* flst ill- to the hollow of bis haud,“G d d—d my soul to hell, if 1 dou’t lie a Cliristain !” urged us to come quick to help our neighbor in his dire extremity. My wife at once arose, threw on her clothes, and leaving me to mind our own oue baby nnd take A Valuable Addition. because it is beueAufel to the scalp nnd adds to personal beauty by restoring color and lustre Io gray or faded hair, is why barker’s Hair balsam is such a popular dressing. Nursing mothers gain strength by neing Brown's Iron Bitters, It acts like a charm in restoring to health and strength overstrained nature. What Everylo-dy Wants. ) rn&wmne i Is a reliable m&xftne that navtr does any barm and that prevents and eurea diaeaae by keeping the stomach in order, the bowels regular, and tba kidneys and liter active. Buck a medloine la Parker's (linger Tonic. It relieves every can, and has cured thousands. See other column. —Tribune Judge Linton, of Tbomaavllle, haa made in New York a Mine 100 yard* long and from 10 to It fegt deep, and he and a party left Thom- asville for the purpose of Mining Shelton pond. The last time tbu pond was dragged, says the Thom- asville Enlerpriue, the party cap tured 7,458 fish. •Buchupaiba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoy. Ing Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Diseases, fl. Druggists.