The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, April 04, 1884, Image 1

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' : - • '* . ‘ v' • . . ... Ambricus Recorder. pcm.isnitn uv OC, Ii. OXs office os cotton avenue, SiibscUptlorL nates: Tbi-Weekly One Yeah, - $4.00 Weekly One Year, • • 2.00. .Sunday Issue On* Year, - 1.60. ritOFESSIOML & BUSINESS CARDS LA WYERS. Xb St CAHTEBi AXTORXEY A X LA W, AMEBICUS, SCMTPB COUNTY, t t S t Ga. Ollier, oH Flrrt Matlml Bank. Prompt •Ueotl >■ *l»« •«borlncrfrntni.trd. twleelloo. » rpcrinlty »»d nllrnHon $iiar.nteo<l. Jrciatf "iTocrons. ' Dr. 0. B. EAINEK, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. )»«• Me pro!Milon«l aervlMr, with nn eipvrt. rnre olOTTwre. tolho pem.ln or Amrrleu. and , Maly. one,, over Vsrls A Oallnnr'n Store. IU. .tenee nt eioner of Jack,on nod Church etrerlr. Call* will receive prompt atteutlon. '""imi Dr. D.P. HOLLOWAY, dentist, AMERK'OS, ga. Work cionttoth.U.I Cull role. ;» lojr *• l. ■ lowed. Try hint nr v b« conrlnced. 0*ce over Davinport * Bon * dr Jf ntore. apreOtf MISCELL AXEO VS. Nell Plokett, TALBOTTON. .... GEORGIA Will doPla.Icriny, Brickwork nnd Ilouecworlt Cileominc n .pnelnlly. IP-pnlrlny done. Ordnr. 1-r ornptly ntlended to. oetktf E iwnrd J. Mi'ler. C. Homed McCall. MILLER & Mcl’ALL, Proprietors. Southwest Comer of the Public Square, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc,, Etc. of tin* bent Italian nnd-American Marble. Meat Market PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BB COTTON AVJEUiTTJB, keep on haa-1 tbo wry licet cum of BEEF, PORK, KID AID SAUSAGE, and also a full line of drecn Groceries anil Provisions, e.nbmclnjr all kind* of Vegetables and Fruit* In th«!r MOAon, Ciinnrd Upo.Iw, etc. It la their aim to keeps first class cxtsbliahu.cni, a. «J Rive their cuetomere good rw iiti the lowest pr'cce. , ° 4 * Amerien., lot. In, 1 Ladies Friend. I have the STKW.UtT SKWING MACHINE TKKADLE oa exhibition at Davis A Callaway's tnd Invite the lad lee to call And ecu It. The swinging backward and forward motion of the budjr univuld ib!e with tho old Treadle, ie Irn- l«»»iblc with the Stewart Treadle. The operator propt-U the machine at the highest speed with no inott«n cf the body except tho feet. Head below what Dr, K«rt My, about it: I hate seen the ‘‘Stewart Treadle” and watch* ed it ran fully wi lie In motion, and unhesitating* lj pron wince Iftt good blearing to every woman who has a sewing maehine. JAMES A. FORT, M. D. .. . . . America*. Ga., March 4th, I«H Fur Sale by MBS .1. \V. JONES, Corner Dndiry and Church Streets,. Americas, (in. Petition to Amend Charter. TotKt Superior Court qf StmUr County. «,i£c P^'Hon if the Americas Ol Company, Which has leictoforu been duly chartered accent- •nt 1U the law of lii-orgis, prays the Court to son-nil ibp charier of sail Company aa 'ollows: l,lc P« , "rs and irivilcdss of said •oiupaay, M » aa to author Is* raid company to pur f®*" , liaJ °,w» • wrist md flouring mul, and eot* >«*• Uta. and employ, tondnet and ran the some In saidetmirty **4 |„ tbs ef.jr o- Americas, with the • \ l •NUtle* npportlining to Indi* ^CAPITAL PRIZK, «T5,000^p Ticket* only 83. gharu l» proportion Louisiana State Lottery tompanj. " ffir do hereby certify that ve eupemee the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana age and control the Drawings themselves, and that tho tame are conducted with hon esty, fairness, and in good faith toward all partus, and we authorise the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisements.' Inmry.rr.tH i*. IMS for K tmr l.y I lure for Educational and Charitable purposes— with a capital or •1,000,000-to which a resorr# fund of over 1660,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the piesent State Constitut'ou adopted December 2d, A. P., 1179. Tkt nuly Lottery ever u<ed on and tudoried Ly the people of any Stale. It never tcalet or postpone*. It* Oran* Slnpl* Number Drawing! taka place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. FOURTH OHAND DRAWING. CLASS D. INF1TIK ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, 'lUEHPAT, Apsll 8th, 1884 mib Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Fire Dollars Each. Fractions, in Fifths, In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES: I CAPITAL PRIZE *76,000 1 do do .14000 1 do do 10,000 7 PRIZES OK ffl.000 18,000 6 do 2,000, 10,000 10 do 1,000, 10,000 “ " — 10,COO 100 200,..., 100, 1 .10 . 26,000 . 26,000 ArraoviMATioN rauss. It Appioximatlon l'rixss of fiGO |6,7i0 9 ” •* 600 4,400 onlv’to the otfice of tha Company in New Orleans. For further Information write rleaily, giving fhil address. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orlcau*, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all sums of §3 and upward by Expres. nt our expense) to M. A. DAUPI1IN, New Orlean*. La, or M. A. DAUPHIN, A07 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. ...i ™* iwramm ur QlIitr*,C>i»". on I the privt’ege of bu> lag, selling and efesniug r- •> and your pi-rtitoners will iver way *•'. G LEERY A *JON, n , .. ^ Petitioners Attorney*. -*» In oflkeJIarch 8th. 1*84. . „ t J.H ALLEN, Clerk AC. ,. 1 l <8 .'«f'k.l tbc .Vii. 1# . true iK'm '. front [ * '-rSiimtrr H'i|.-ri.r (' i-rt thi. Manh k'n. -ts, J. HTaLLB.V, Clirk H C. As mucli us change of weath er necessitates a change of wear ing appnrrel, so it is equally necessary to change the adver tisement in business if the same requires it. My fisrt mention that 1 had been to New York and bought the rhea pest stock of goods, and my promise to sell them nt “Bargain Prices,” has met with a much better success than expected. Thank ful for this patronage and being spurred by this altogether fa vorable and profitable result, 1 have decided to visit NewYork and the Northern markets next month (when the wholesale business then is at a standstill.) to purchase again such goods at bargains that can be used and are wanted by my citizens here. To accomplish this I have determined to sell the re mainder of my stock nt still lower prices than heretofore of feretl. Come uud be convinced tlint I willdoexactly what I say. S. M. COHEN, Bargain Store, (Sign of Red Flag), Cotton Avenue, Amcricus, Ua. 1. A, Battle** $3.00 Sen’s Slides. K A Guarantee frw» tha Manufaciorex Jgk tm tkai thru rhoct Itr Uu4r of th# brat In Ihero; they will ores co..l to »>■J «•“* Shoe thil would M« J'UnvfdoUo... I H-hM- ba.lPMi-, boy ud «l(f. r c*!b, I*™ un.hle.1 to defy ompvUllo.. I »«• ** k f n ' 1 • niMhad oi IntroduoinrtM- »k«> ••"“S'. 1 . demo d fo» k-m«t Sk«>;« • l"» I'*'*”' molH by the Biu.betaicr. I « »'•> >k<m Hbon 10 ta itilriifd with the b<« of .Ilk. otid tto b.i- w«H on with tk, b .1 ot ILirtumr. tkr «d, elM l.lrouort.d t om nrotloml. Ttow .boe. .to m«d- on the I iteot ImproiH U-to. .id yaw will bod the. ow e »y J** 1 *.”J ■iUo pttie you will non— WO *f "TR 4 ow tk. bottom -A. k. UittW. ,3.00 eb'-'; bi* cEatfte .ole In dmeiirw. at tl« B.lUOllN STOKtf of,. M. CflllKS, Colo».At>. ly Pure. than th« ordinary kinds, and cannot br nM in eomp«tton with thr m.i!tltudeoflowtMt,riiort weight, alum or phosphate powder*. Sold only in tin cum. ROYAL B (KING POWDER CO, 101 Wall H'rest. Now York. o«'l2lyL PIMPLES to SCROFOLA rro CLEANSE THE SKIN. Scalp, and Blood *f A Itching. Scaly, Dimply. Copper Colored, Scrofu lous, Inherited, and Contagfooa Humors, Blood Poisoiu, Ulcers, Abscesses, and Infantile Skin Tor tures, tbs CtmcuttA Remedies are infallible. tha blood and perspiration, and thus removes th* mew. CcTirt'RA, tho groat Skin Cure, instantly al lays Itching and Inflammation, clears tha Skin and Scalp, beala Ulcers and Soros, restores tha Com plexion. Ccticuiu Soap, an sxqnUite Skin lioauti- fler and Toilet Raquisits, la indispansabla In treat ing skin diseases, and for rough, chapped, or greasy skin, blackheads, blotches, and baby hamors. Cu- vict'UA Rkmkdikh art tha only infallible blood purifiers and skin beautifion. Chnrlra Houghton, Atrest. Boston, reports a ci h hi observation for ten ysara, _ - - S-JsShS patient's body and limbs, and to which all known fStteda of Ureataeot hod been applied sllmt benefit, which was completely cored solely by the Cviicuiu Remedies, leaving a clean and healthy Mr. and Afro. Everett Alrbblne, Belcher- town. Mam., write: ** Onr little boy waa terribly af flicted with Scrofula. Malt Rheum, “ ever sinee he waa born, and —* him helped him until we t mu:, which xradi fair aa any child. d nothing we coul ‘-led Cuncinu 1 aim, until he is now as IT. E. Carpenter, Henderson. N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twsaty years' steading, by CtmcckA Rkmedibm. Tha most wonderful cure on record. A dustpanful of scales fell from him daily. Physicians and hia friends thought be must die. Cure sworn to before a justice of lb# peace it prominent citizens. Mrs. S. K. Whipple. Decatur. Mich., writes that her face, bead, and soma pans of her bods were almost raw. lltad covered with seabs and “ “ -od fearfully and triad everything, cured by the CUTU-COA RXMXDUI Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. The Iter. Z. P. Wilds, well-known rltjr missionary in Nnu York, nnd brother of the late eminent Judgo Wilds, of tho Slassachusetta Supreme Court, write* *s follows i ••78 K. MM St., AW York, JMliy 18, Irt'J. Mesaus. J. C. Aykh St Co.. Gentlriuen: Last winter I waa troubled with * most uncomfortable Itching humor affecting more especially my limbs, which Itched so intoUrubly at night, nnd burned so hiteiife- ly, tlutt 1 could scarcely l»-i»r^iny^ch»thing Mverr catarrh an appetite was |«oor, sufferer from I catarrhal mugb; my .. u u goo.1 iug the villi I my aysteiu .Ming the vl. AVElt'.H Saltsvi'AUii.i.A, by observation ><i , uud from |kers*mnl in former yenrs, I began taking It for tin? alimre-nvmed disorders. My unpetite lm- pfovwl almost from the first d*me. After u short time the fever nnd itching were allayed, and all signs «•( Irritation of tha tklu disappeared. M> catarrh mul cough were also cure.1 by the same meuns, amt my general health greatly improved, until it is imur excellent. 1 feel a hundred |»er cent stronger, and I attribute these result* to the use of the ftAiMAt'ARiM.A, which I recommend with ull cootl«leiure as tb* bast bluOkf medleln* ever devised. I took it in small dosea three times a «Uv, uud us*d, in ull, leM than two bottles. I pUc* these fiurts ut jrour service, hoping their puhllcatio;. may do good. Yours respectfully. /. I*. WiLpa. The above Instance l> but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of A V tit’s Salts A- PARILLA to the cure of all diseases arising from Impure or Impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, ■linmlates th* action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Serf a- tout Diteate*, Eruption** the Slln, liken- Kintitm, Catarrh, Gentmt Debility, aud all disonlers resulting frwu pxir or corrupted blood him! a low elate of the syetcuu rut.i'Aitrt) nv Dr.J.C.AyerACo.,Lowell, Mats. Solti by ill llrntglsu-.jprlce tl, ’Is Utllu AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. Medicine ko!4 ,v,rywtnt"o. Alway* nlUM* WEBSTER C0CNTY. PnrsTON, April 1st.—“K-iilroad is tho “chorns’’ to everything you hear talked about in this county uow. .Go ahead, friends, and keep talking and working it up until the road it built. The good people of our country here need and detire the road and they are expected to he in Preston on next Tuesday, the 8th inst., to take part >ii the organization of a company for the purpose of building the road. Let every one turn-out andputaihoul der to the wheel and the engine will be sure to run. The young oorn crop it looking well and good “stands” are re ported. Cotton planting will com mence-this week. Mr. J. R. Moore lost a good mule last week. It was taken sick in the Held while ptowing, and died he- fore he could get it home. David Majors, J. P. P. Hatred and W. A. Christian have some line colts; and they say it costs but little more to raise a colt titan it does to raise a naif. Kinclmfoonce creek has been on a “boom” during the recent heavy rains and some of the bridges are damaged. The attention of our County Commissioners arc resiiect fully called to the condition of the bridges across said creek, known as the Moore and Boono bridges, as they are in a condition that endangers public travel. Walnut Grove Sabbath School has been reorganized for the year with a prospect of an interesting career. W. M. Sears was elected superintendent, J. W. Harrell,clerk, and J. K. Moore teacher of the Bi ble class. .There will be preaching at Wal nut Grove Academy Saturday uigbt before the second Sunday in April by Rev. Page. Tbo article lrom Hatcher Sta tion was rend with much interest in last week’s Recordkk. We ex pect to seo the “Kbcohdzii man’’ at court in Preston next week tak ing “dots” and subscriptions and helping us to talk “railroad.” Dsn't disappoiut us. S. JOLLY J0H6TREEVII.I.E. Ji HNPHKKVILLK, April 1-1.—But little news. Everybody is through planting corn and are getting ready for king cotton. Some few have already planted. A few of the early birds are plowing corn. We commenced today. Everybody reports poor stands of corn. The birds are now presenting their bdls t« the replants, but tho ground is so hard but few of them are honor ed. llain is now needed to assist the. late corn up. The ground is gelling very hard, and if there is any sign in the moen we will have plenty of rain this month. Our hardest rains always come in April. Brother Jackson caded by Sun- day and proposed we go over to Richland to church. We were soon on our way. We found fann ers all well up with their business. We arrived about half-past ten, and such n crowd we have not seen in many years. The church has three acres of land in orchard, and we bitched up to the last sapling, many bad to fasten to the fence. Richland is a new church, just completed, and in a thickly settled country, and was moved on that account to get to the people. Services began promptly at the hour by the pastor, Rev. Binion ing received no invitation, guess ! we will not attend. To-day is a big day with tho school children, as they are al! going to run away on a fishing frolic. Matrimonial market dosed until cotton p oking time. AJavob. MERRY MoTlTHIK. Moultbie, Ga , March 31.—“So March came in like ii house eat auu is prancing out like a sheep," as the time-honored adage saitli. Court, big Su|ierior Court, con. vened in Moultrie Wednesday, and was closed the same day. We had a regular bumming tlmool It. Three bills were found by the grand jury. Nobody was sentenced to be fined imprisoned or banged. There was not a fight in town. Capt. Triplett was well received by the ladies, but the perversity ol his disposition was exhibited when be was heard humming his favorite tune, “Bachelor’s Life,'' I think it's the best, "No wife to scold, no children tobswl; How happy's the rasn who keeps bielie- lnra ball. 1 Col. Patterson made '.he highest bid for the old court house, aud it was knocked oil to him at $73. A Mr. Hendricks, of Bullock, bid lowest lor the new one, and will build it for $1,800. Jno Rhodes and Joshua Bryan were elected constables for this dis trict. Tho boys treated us to a bully serenade Saturday night. Fiddles, harps, pans, chains, plaws, and oth er hand instruments were pressed into service Mr. Blanton and Mrs. Bryan treated them, hut ye reporter was so deeply engrossed in tread ing the intricate mazes of dream land. and, besides, the better half of our firm snores so loudly that the tcrcuadcrs, after a vain nppeal to our insensibilities, left in dis- gust mingled witli pity. To-day your correspondent nud Squire Cooper went huuting. We had the unimaginable eujoyment of shooting a fine deer, and, as we failed to bay said deer, we had the chance of telling just as many yarns about its size and how we wounded it, as we wished. ECHOES FROM ENTERPRISE- Enterprise,Qa., April 1st.—We folks among tho ponds have de cided the clouds would not be rain less, as some have predicted. 8eversl farmers will begin to plant cotton this week. We have a flourishing little school at our town, with Mr. J. E. Alfricnd, of Albany, at its head, but very unfortunately for all, be is quite sick in Albauy and has been for two weeks. We have 20 popUs, and would havo had seven more hut Prof. Stephens secured | tion of tho criminal docket. The them last mil for Eagle Pond streets aro Academy. of your little city. Could you not spare us a little time from the grange? Sorry you arc so unfor. tunatc with (Ire. My heart is fnll of sympathy for the losses. Time cannot erase from my memory that liberal effort made by Brontvood thiougli Dr. J. I,. Stapleton, last fall, when l was put out of doors by Hro, tho 1 fitli of Sept., to aid me in replacing m.v dwelling. I guess Lee county is in debt. Wo have to get our jury scripts cashed nt 10 per cent discount. Somebody gets a premium, or the first sentence of this paragraph Is true beyond a doubt. The pur chaser of these script holds them six months when they will be at par. Now, liy observing the rules ol percentage we find he has made 22 2 9 per cent on the money in. vested in Jury scrips. This is wlmt the seller loses by the trade which he is forced into, while oth ers get their full amount. You might say hold it till fall. Yes, but we want tho money now. We esn sell cotton then and get money. If the money won't go around, out the jury fee down. Let all tote even. Then they discount tho pauper orders. That is, the mer chants do, because the county will not take them up until a certain time. Why not pay each an amount as will need no disconnt. 1 am in favor oftlie poor house farm, That is the way to cut that part down. H. A BETTER OUTLOOK. THE CINCINNATI MOII WEAKENS. Cincinnati, March 31.—The sit uation hero this morning is moro rensuring, tho moll realizing the folly of attempting to cope with tbo largo force of soldiers now here has reluctantly withdrawn, the streets are comparatively free from the ex cited erowds, who have been parad ing them since the outbreak began. The police having been relieved by the militia from guarding the Jeourt house, Jail and other Stave property have resumed their various posts, and arc keeping a sharp lookout for the “crooked" element who for the past few day* have matters much their own way. A largo num ber of arrest* of suspicious persons have already been made, the feel ing among the people is better, and several day* must elapse before all danger ot a rcnoival of the troubles will pass. Justus schwab's view. New Yomt.Maroh 31.—“The riot in Cincinnati i* the beginning of an expression of the' common peo ple aod workingmen of the United Suites against class government,” said Mr. Justus Soliwah to-day. Cincinnati, .March 31—At a meeting ot a hundred and fifty lead ing citizen* this forenoon, presided over by Mayor Stephens, 1 resolu tion* oi thanks were voted Govern* or Uoadiy and the Ohio National Guard for aid in supresting the riot, and it was also decided at once to provide prope raceominodations for the courts and the speedy ills post Your writer bad a struggle with a 4 lb. fish a few days ago in run- ning water, and after several efforts succeeded in bringing him to land. Ho measured 224 inches. It was rather early to go In bathing, hut Due j I could not resist the temptstioo. It docs not seem that Adams’ station intends to lag behind in shipping melons tho present year, as there are in the neighborhood of 175 seres planted among differ ent on-.s. Miss Mnllle Joiner, of Sumter vicioily or the burned court house, where orderly crowds aro standing viewing the ruins and barricades yet in'tbc street. The rioters made a last rally soon after midnight, wbcu they had become much re duced in numbers. They fired oo the militia on Court and Walnut streets. The lire was returned by the militia, and then a Gatlling gun was brought into requisition, the first volley of which laid low two of the mob. ’ A few random shots were fired from then till morning, when comparative quiet reigned. At the military headquarters it is bclioved that the riot Is substan tially ended. mubat iialstead’* review. county, was visiting relatives at, h SI —Tha and was pronounced an excellent j this place and Leesburg last.week. | Tr ^ b y" e to °,aorro\t will publish the one by those that beard it all. We 1 Ml »* Avoette, from Columbia f 0 || 0W j n g dispatch giving a review wore A little late eettinc in and i county, and Airs. M. E. I’udc, of i „| the riotsat Cincinnati by Alurat , . . b f ron , ,i oor 1 Dougherty county, are visiting the Halstead, editor ot the Cincinnati rnd soon founTourselvci in a neU! family of Dr. T. J I. 1’af.llo. j Commercial.O.uette: nt those sweet little babes that 1 Airs. Jones was visiting her son,, Cincinnatti, Alarch 31, 1884. , of those sweet little Danes mat u..i.m.' The number of person* killed commenced and closed with the • Jones, last week. Mad mo bbJ (voun j 0( j t h q r j 0 t thus far is nastor also assisted in ,| n ging. 1 tlimor " a -' S he is now In Honda. , „ lK>ia g0 i) The last fatal shot fired consequently we heard but little j '•*» be eome of our Bron- j i„ anger up to this writing was he- of the**sermon. Mr. Binion is an weed correspondent? We miss hit ■ tween 4 nnd ao ekek^isimorn- excellent preacher, and is much lie newsy letter*. We fcel endeared. | loved by bis oblircli and community. to gome of your citizens, brother, jj, 0 i.«.. tt0 „f his cun Webster court next. week. Hav- [ concerning the going* and.coming* The court house is not an litter ruin as it was at first supposed to envelope to the Bar. , be. A large proportion * 6f the station 1), Xeit Tork aht ■ valuable records have been saved. Tiio money that was in the Treas ury is all safe. The vaults which aro heavy aro mainly good. We have confidence that there will not bo a repetition of the terrors of the three nights that will he so mem- orablo here, but only overwhelming force of the State troops prevents further disastrous demonstrations. Tho determination to lynch the gang of murderers in the prison and release the e'rowd of rioters who have been made prisoners is something terrific, and secret meet ings were held to day that would mean mischief if there were not » thousand rifles and 'everal batter- ics at hand. It is' this display of power, miking assaults by the mob hopeless, that will prevent fresh outbreaks. Tho presence of regu lar soldiers from Newport barracks at the sub-treasury lust night was an element of confidence. In stormy times blue cloth work’s welL It happens that the City Comp troller had a complete list of the nnmc3 of tbo taxpayers ot the city and county, and their addresses. The tax hills give the description and valuation of tbo property. These aro valuable now. The riot ing on tiio flrst.mght was largely by workingmen of good character, who resented tho fact that murder ers who have money to set in mo tion the machinery of criminal law. yers havo bad freedom here. On the second night the spirit of the Commune appeared, and petrolium was put to use, as by the Parisians when they are pleased to burn pub lic buildings. The third night the number of determined, men bad been largely reduced,, and there were swarms of boys. Of the. crowd that were smashing pawn brokers’ shops, three were grown men, anil they were thieves. They had n rabble of bova, generally from 17 to 19 years of age, and one tes tified In Police' Court to day that ho was 13 going on 14yearso/sge. Out of sixty rioters gathered In for attempting to sei/.b the battery ol. cannon at Music Hall only ten were men. The reBt were hoys. Seme . wore very bad ones, .while others seemed to want excitement above all tilings. And ho the erowds havo depreciated from honest men, misguided, hut animated by right eous wrath kindled against sys tematized infamy of the most out. rageous character, to a vicious rab ble of boys in tho hands of tho lowest dispsntdoes.. Tho excited people bad a real grievance to he- gin with. The adminstration of the criminal law hero lias been damnable, and the influence of ebeer criminals In public airairs alarming. That which has hap pened will, we may hope, make Irre- sistablc the influences that lead to better way*. T*v DISBANDING THE TROOl'H. Columbus, Or, March 31, 7 r. u. —Gov. Jloadly has ordered, the troops cn route to Cincinnati to roturn. The Fourth and Four teenth Regiments are to lie relieved and tiio rest or the troops are to he held in Cincinnati till further ' ortders. The city will he guarded till Wednesday at least. Ills Slippery Glass Eje. ‘•ris Bqnirc," ssys the nottor of “Th« Hoosier ficlioo ho outer," “wore one gtus eye unit swig. Tho glass eye was con stantly Hlipplng oat of fooiw, «nd ike Wig turning around sidewise on bin kesd whenever he addressed the peeple of the Flat Creek District.". Sud »p»ct*«le. Porter's Hair llalnitu prreetves und pro. motes the growth of Ihe natural hair. It also restores the nnturul color .to hair which has faded or become gray. Clean, elegant, beneficial, highly perfumed. ■ ♦ e*pril2"l« — .* -• Arthur a <.VuMH4At*.~ - Washington, .March, 28—Upon wjiat is claimed as authority from President Arthur announcement is made that he is in the bands of hie friends. Yielding to the woigbt of influential friends he consents Vo be a candidate lor the Preside Hcannouiices that lie will, ho* take no part in the struggle nomination, and ir bin can should revive factional feeling he , will withdraw. ■**** To all Wbu are suite und iaiUsenliaes » weakness, early decay Aa, I will send a recipe you, FREE OF CHARGE, remedy w»s dlworerji by in Soulh Amerio*. Head'