The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, May 02, 1884, Image 2

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%r—~ Americus Recorder. GEORGIA SERB. OBelil »rgun »r Webster County. FBIDAY, MAY % 1881. The Empress of Austria ciui eel type; but it' is not recorded how many proof readers she has sent to -the Austrian insane asylum. The valuable phosphate roc)c found iu South Carolina extends northward into North Carolina, and has been traced In several counties of the latter State. ' It is reported by the Washington correspondent of tbo Philadelphia Times that Bob Lincoln’s stock for tho Presidency is growing. Grant also !• coming more to the front. . «. — A Texas man went into a news paper office one day laBt week to make the editor take it back, and when be came to himself four days afterwords he said the last thing be remembered the edker was argu ing the question 'With an old caval ry sabre. Be says it’s all bosh . the. pen being mightier than thu sword. ling of gilt edge butter, a 'comes from St.Paul of a I gold piece being found in a roll of butter, "it looks as though tbs dairymeb of that country would rather make butter out of anything than the thing It ought to oe made of. Of courte, st $90 gold piece Is better than a hair In one’s butter, but when people order butter they what they order. If they gold pieces they would, dertboin. Dinciaaatl dramatic featival i to retail iu a pecuniary > the tune of n $80,400 de- festival should have ore the riot instead of aid?.' Bad there been a festival, legal rather than dramatio, held any year within the last ten, the riot would have been rendered im. * possible and tbe dramatio buaineaa a anceess. As it ie, both hat proved failures of the topmost but when peop yant what th TMTHhoiM proved ti k&i j^he writer is frequently asked if ■Opt. 0. C. Duncan,of Perry, would the a candidate to represent this distriol In the next Congress. Mr. ^Duncan has bcon highly spoktn of for tile position, but it is not yet known whether or not he will enter the race. Should he enter, he would wield a mighty Influence, and his candldaoy weuld be felt by his oppo nents. That his fellowlug 1b strong is a fact denied by none.—Dooly Vindicator. So many of the prominent Demo crats, who are posslblo candidates for tbe Presidency, arc lu poor health that it looks as though the national convention would obliged to nominate a second-class man. However, tho past wlntor has been a bard one, and most ev ery ono has bcon moro or less nr. footed by It. When tbo July sun kind of warms things up, ami there has been some deflnite position taken on the tariff question, and a clearer view can bo had as to the possible action of the delegates, tbe health of the great men may improve. C0TT05I FUTURES. A good many farmers in different part* of tbe South, says the Sevan ua$ News, are said to bo making arrangements to sell their crops of cotton for future delivery next fall at from 10 to 10$ cents per pound. . To dispose of a crop in this man ner would make the raising of cot ton a much less hazardous business than it has been heretofore. Where } futhjey can bo sold for actual de- Hverjr at a satisfactory price, the plan is a good one. Of courao no farmer can effect a sale unless be has high financial standing or puts 'ftp an adequate money margin. Cotton can bo profltably raised at 10 cents per pound, bat when the price drops below that there is lit tle or no money in it, even in a good crop year. Owing to the great expense of gathering and marketing a cotton crop tbe farm ers’ proflta depend a greet deal less on tbe amount raised per mule than on the price obtained for It. A poor crop of cotton at 10 centaper pooud Is much more profltablo than a good ana at 9 cents. dle| S#r£y\lgb>? ^ j v It is rumored that the Quitman factory will resume operations soou. The establishment of a fruit can ning fsotory is said to lie again nnder discussion at Athens. The Sylvania Telephone report cncnmbrrs in the market. The sup- \ ply of paregoric will soon lie exhaus ted in that quarter. j Severs! Talbot farmers declare that the stock law has increased the milking capacity of their cows one buudred per cent. It. M Johnses, who baa beeu eonflnod in Jail at Albany for tbs piat two years, charged with an assanlt with intent to murder, has bsen released on $4,000 bail. Macon lies a boy burglar who has committed twelve noted bur. glarles in that city. His namo is Henry Owens, and is only about 18 year* old. The city council of Eaton ton lias passed resolutions authorizing the raising ut money to meet Its obli gations to tbe college and for free sohooi pu: pores. An old negro woman who was severely burped on tbe ill-fated steamer llebecca Kveringham died in Columbus Friday morning from the eflects of her injuries. The matter of making Quitman tbe depository for the public docu ments in this district has been re- eonaidered. Tho public library at Albany will continue to be the de pository. Darien Gazette: “One of tbe grandest naturnl parks in the whole country is nt'Altama,' a few miles from Darien. If this place was on the suburbs of Atlanta, or any other large city, there is no money that could bny it.’ Albany News: It i9 usually re garded that ladies are more devot ed than men. This rule seems to be reversed in Albany. For two Sunday nights at the Methodist church iu this city there have been about three gentlemen to one lady' in attendance upon church service. Darien Gazette: “The rope that was used to hang Toney James (colored) on the 29lh of last June is now'in the possession of $Capt. Itourke Spalding, of Sspelo. It is need on uno of his boats, and is a good watchman for him, as no ne gro will dare go near it.' Hereto fore hie ropes have all beeu stolen, but not one ot them will go near the rope that ‘choked’ Toney James.’’ COMPARE THE OLD PRICES WITH THE NEW BEST MADE I Film GARMENTS M THE MARKET! ■ CONSISTING OK f A if Chemises, Drawers, j -■ - . . , j Night Gowns, | Skirts, and i CORSET COVERS! Schumpert k THE OKTLiY Spot Cash Store’ IKT AMERICUS. Prices graded to give yon FULL VALUE for your money. John R. to. Vtat Do Yon Vant IN THE LINE OK Rents’ Probably the oldest person in Georgia is a negro woman living in the castorn portion of Rockdale county, known hb Mary Siine. It is insisted by her sons, and even heraelf, that her age is 11G years, She was horn, says the Solid South in North Carolina and was brought to this state by a gentleman fami liarly known to our oldest oitlscns old Dick Sims. Mary has suc ceeded in raising a nice group of children, among whom nrc Ned Wash ami Abs. The latter two have accumulated considerable property and n>ay he ranked among the host element of their race. Hartwell Sun: “Irvin Reid brought a large water bird to this office on Monday, which he shot in the river at AndcrsouviUe. It ie called the loon, or great northern diver, is of a dark color, except on the breast, which ie white, and has •mall white specks, its wings measured four and a half feet from tip to tip. It has a sharp bill and web feet, and cries like u child. It can divo several hundred yards and is very hard to kill; in fact we never heard tell of one being killed before. Irvin shot it through tbe neck close to tho head, with a com mon rifle, at a distance of 100 yards. It is a native of thu Arctic region, but migrates Southward.” ling Goods? Wo promised in issue of the Recorder of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon as we arranged and marked down our goods. We-are now prepared and ready to give you more goods lor less money than any house that sell goods on thirty days time. Contemplate a few quotations and note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty days credit: Flour. Flour. In this article we stand head and shoulders above even body, having ransacked the bi" markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. Wo will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 50 pounds, $1.90. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat., for 50 pounds, . 1.70. •• jgo Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.60. “ Choiee Family 50 pounds, 1.50. •• 155 We guarantee all these Flours as represented, and if not satisfactory you can return them and we will cheerfully refund the money. In future we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—'heap. Sugars Sugars. Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00. “ “ 1 Of pounds New Orleans Clarified for 1.00. “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (Bellewood) Clarified, for . .. 1.00. “ “ _ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor j.ou. In this line we are fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur 5 at once n sufficiency for the year’s comsunintion. chase Bar stock Includes all NEW NOVELTIES, and the FINEST QUALITIES In Neckwear« Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. and ALL ARTICLES usually iu eluded under the head of (Dents Furnishing Goods, Coffee. Coffee. Ih this article alone (by buying from us) we can save you money enough in one year to buy all the “Santa Claus” you want for the little ones. We deal GJ pounds Choice Rio Coffee for Si' Ihurber s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Monha, for 23c per pound. Salt. Salt. Liverpool, full weight, for $1.21) per sack. Fine Salt, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1.05 per sark m turns right INVARIABLY FAVORING THE CUSTOMER Minister Foster is quietly sar castic when he says that the United States have no right to criticise tbs tax methods of other countries un til the American tariff and tax sys tem is reformed. He thinks it has been end ie as bad ae any country ban endured. .-1 HI If jornimiiw, FORSYTH STREET, Americas, s : : Georgia,! SEF.d' POTATOES r ' D ^ lt V * r ' *°" ' 1v ' ce ^ ® P er cwt t0 make room ior a ear load ol Whiskies. Whiskies. I " tl ' is uro 10 overflowing, and to unload we have reduced the price on aU grade* & •— s ’«"' M — Tobacco and Cigars. proportionately"* 1618011 anybod) ' _ ' ve offer “ Luc f Hinton” «( 57c per pound, and all other grades xs on a)l of oor goods, but and paying SPOT CASH tbat We bavo "“‘"P*?. 6 xnfllcient to give full and complete quotations you will hear from us occasionally. Remember that by buying vour goods from you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for bad debts, as usual in credit store. A Word as Regards th© Penny ! To all those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny in Americus we sav that we stand ready •edeem in gooda or the cash any amount from 5c upwards. Bring TBE ONLY SPOT CASH STORE IN A BERMS. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Very truly, SCHUMPERT & RONEY. Americus, Ga„ January 11, 1684.