The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, May 07, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. t. Editor. OOlclal Organ of Webster County. WEDNESDAY. MAY T, 1884'. -MEETING! OK DEMOCRATIC EXE CUTIVE COMMITTEE. ,.Tfio Democratic Executive Com mittee of Sumter county, are re- quested to meet at the Court House at 10 o’clock a. m., SATURDAY, MAY lltli, 1884, to attend to im portant business. The chairman re spectfully calls attention to the fact that the loth and Old lfith District are without representatives On said committee, and suggests that - the voters of said districts have a meeting: at an early day and elect committeemen for said districts. ,y„ A. S. Cutts, Chm’n. E. G. Simmons, Seo’y. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE PRESIDENT. A Truthful Portrait# r i LABOR IN FARMING). it is the complaint of farmers in tlic South timt the labor employed Cals up all their prollts, if indeed it doc9 not make a hole in the capi tal; and, judging from what we have seen of their methods of fa'rming, wc believe they arc correct. There should be a remedy for tills, and there is. The employment of improved and labor-saving implements will save not less than half the labor and secure belter crops and better labor. As an example, wc lately saw a negro plowing, whero it took six furrows locultivatconerow. An im proved one-horse cultivator would makethesesix furrows atone round, doing the work equally as well, and save live-sixths of the timeand labor. In itiior words, by the use of an improved cultivator, one man and mule would do tiie work of six men and six mules. I f a planter comes out even at the end of tiie year with tbc present methods and im plements, how much would be bis prollts with the use of improved methods and improved implements? Not only is there saving of labor by the use of improved implements, but there is a saving of crops. TVlien the grass is growing fast in the cotton and corn, how much would be saved in getting over the ground in ono-sixtli of the lime? Ifow many timos would a cotton crop thus bo saved from being choked up and destroyed by grass? Grass grows quickly at tbc most critical lime in the growth of cot ton, and timo means monoy then. We have said Hint improved im plements would secure better labor and wc propose to prove it. Sup pose that by tiie use of improved implements you rcduco your labor ing force one-half, and every other planter would do the same? Then instead of hunting laborers, and taking what you can get, laborers would limit you and you could sc loot the best. Laborers would soon learn that to secure employment they must do better work, and thore would ho rnoro emulation among them to do their work well and satisfactorily. Then tho planters would control labor, instead of la bor controlling them. With the use of improved imple ments and improved methods, farm ing in Southwest Georgia would prove tiie most profitable business n man could engage in, and as a consequence, lands would increase in value, improvements would mul tiply, and Ibis section be one of the most prosperous in the Union. j b McDonald I.MAN 1 C FLOWF.H W I. II A ! O N N P A V N K Above will be found a correct and beautiful photographic ebromo of the next Democratic candidate for President, secured at great expense by our special political correspon dent. So life-like are the linea ments tint few will fail to recognize in them tbc coming man. BODEMONIAN REVELATIONS. Mr. George M. Robeson, whom the New Jersey Republicans un gratefully refused to send to the Chicago Convention, says he could write a hook quite ub interesting, although, pel haps, lacking the lit erary finish of Mr. Blaine's famous volume. lie asserts that in the early hours of the Hayes Adminis tration he nas virtually President, as the bead of the Navy, and that before Mr. Hayes took the oath of ofllce publicly on the 4th of March be bad been secretly sworn in bv the Chief Justice. "If the Demo crats,” says Mr. Robeson, “had possessed backbone in those days they might lmvc put Tilden In.” The cx-Sccretary of the Navy should-by all means Bit down and writo bis book. His party has tied his hands during the coming cam paign and served ::olico on him that he is ol no further use to it. Let hint turn historian. Wimt a COMPARE THE 0L1 PRICES IITH THE Iff Mr. Belmont, of New York, sla ted tiie ease correctly when he said that the necessity of reduction of the (revenue was admitted by all parties, and that the question now presented was whether it should be done by a revision of the tariff re ducing war taxes, or by such invid ious devices as reciprocity treaties. In the one case the representatives of tbc people in Congress fix tbe rate aud the articles of taxation, as tiie constitution intended they should do; in tbe other case, tbc President and the Senate do it by treaty, undermining in this way the tariff laws of Congress. A still worse feature of tbc case is that tbc "reciprocity” treaties always provide for tbc admission free of duty of raw products of foreign na tions in competition with those ol the South, while no foreign compe- titlou with Northern manufactures Is permitted. delightful history of the Navy he could writel A REI'ORTOIUAL RACE. The intense interest that has keen felt in Atlanta over the walking match at Madison Square garden in New York has resulted in an arrangement between seven well known Atlanta newspaper men to walk a twelve hour go-as-you-please match on Saturday next, fora good purse and the gate money. The gentlemen who have entered the contest arc ns follows: Sam. W. Small, of the Conslitu tion; Joslnk Carter, of the Const! tution; E. C. Bruffcy, ol the Con. stitution; C. T. Logan, of tho Con. stitution; R. M. Cheshire, of the Journal; E. T. Byington, of the Journal; lido Ramsdcll, of the Georgia Cracker. Tho entries havo been closed, eaoh of the gentlemen have put up forfeits, and tiie contest will be made by those named above. THE ■‘Sd?” ,,, It is probable that tho great wealth of tlic South ill minerals and products of tho mine are just be ginning to be developed. Immense deposits of phosphate, have recently been discovered in Perry county, Alabama, nnil it is confidently ex pected that they will prove as ex tensive and vaiuablo as those of South Carolina. Many nodules taken from tko deposits arc said to contain front 25 to 38 per cent, of phosphoric acid. What makes tlieso now phosphate beds so valua ble is that they are intersected by tho Warrior river, by which cheap transportation can be obtained to tbo port of Mobile. Tbe Courier-Journal has drop ped the star-eyed goddess long enough to get off tbc following: “Tbe Kentuckian who wanted the Democratic party to blip into power by secretly jumping on behind tbe Republican coach-nnd-four was last seen with a towel round his head trying to draw soda water from a sunbeam.” It is suggested that tbc days of the Republican coacb- and-four is about over. TILDEN A CANDIDATE. AN OLD TICKET CONFERENCE THAT IN- _ DILATES A RENOMINATION. There has been a bum and buzz of big' politicians all day at tbe Fifth Avenue Hotel, says a New York special of tbe 29th alt, to the Philadelphia Press, and frequent corridor eoferences have been held among leading sachems of tbe Democracy. Tbe flrst to arrive was Smith Weed, of Plattsburg. Next came W. L. Scott, of Erie, tbe Pennsylvania members of tbe National Committee, accompanied by ex-Senator Wallace. The rear was brought up late in tbe day by ex-Senator Barnum, of Connecti cut. Mr. Wallace did not seem to a stockholder in conference held between tbe other three. It leaked out later in tiie day that these Democratic leaders had been canvassing the old ticket probabilities, and all wero flatly committed to the scheme of again placing it on the track. Mr. Scolt observed cautiously, but firmly, to un old fnend that Tildcu would run, and this sentiment was em phasized by ex-Senator Stockton, of New Jersey, who is remarkably solid in Tildcn’s confidence. Cer tain it is that within the past forty eight hours intimate friends of the Governor have not hesitated to an nounce that this programme would be carried out with Mr. Titden’s reluctant consent, and in com- piaince wh.b the earnest pleas that reach him from all parts of the country. Col. Merchant, a leading Demo crat of Missouri, also gave out that this programme seined to be au- We promised in issue of the Recorder of January 2d, to give ypu some prii eonnivcVat, by the s»ge“of Gram- ™ ™S 1 ed _ and marked down , our g°,° ds - „ We a » now prepared and ready to “ ercy Park. He spoke of tbe long headed diplomacy by which Tilden had managed to rest quietly on his oars till the entire Democracy was sending up a wail for him to take tbe field, under the impression that he would not be seduced into an other campaign, and now that he lias them committed everywhere he feels disposed to change bis mind. Mr Barnum, with bis character istic caution, was silent when ap proached on the subject. Those who believe that this plan has finally been d cided on agree that the head of the ticket, with good nursing, would be likely to outlive the elec tion, and possibly last four years longer, but that, if any accident should carry him offafter the Tilden electors had been duly chosen in November, they could, when the proper time came, cast their ballots tor any man they chose. In this event they think it likely and only reasonable that Mr. Hendricks would inherit tbc vote. 7 jay TINT AMERICUSI •u'ji .3 .0 .Hi /<i*t soi.sii goods for less-money than any house that sell goods on thirty days-time. s i .j7 Contemplate a few quotations aud note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty days credit: :■ i; : n.v»- " fi&P as more Flour. Flour. *0tl .1 .0 ,-rU Spring Without Blossoms. Lute In Life to Look for Joy—Yet iNcvcr too Late to Mend. Header* of llawthnrneV "IIouhc of Seven (table*" will recall (be pathos with which poor Clifford Pynchcon, who had been unjustly Imprl*- oned since his enrly manhood, sold, after hi* re- lense: "Mr Ilf# U gone, and where U my hap piness? Ob ! give me my happiness.” Hut that could be done only in part, a* gleam* of warm •unahine occasionally toll acrois the gloom of a New Knglund autumn day. In a letter to Ucairs. IIiscox k Co., Mr. L. II. Titus, of l'ennington, N. J., say*: '•! hare mfler- <d untold misery from childhood from chronic disease of tho bowels and diariboeu, accompanied by great pain. I sought rolief at the hands of physician* of every school and used every patent and domestic remedy under the sun. I have at last found In l’AKKHU'8 TONIC a complete apccltlc, pre ventive and cure. A* your Invaluable medicine, which old for me what nothing cImi could do, is t itled to tho credit of my getting back tuy happy day*, I cheerfully and greatfully ncknow# lodge the fact." Mr. K. H. Wells, who need* no introduction to the peonto of Jersey City, adds: ‘♦The testimonial of Mr. Titu* I* genuine nnd voluntary; only he doe* not adequately portray the suffering ho haa endured for n any year*, lit ’ Tn this nrticle we stand head and shoulders above everybody,; having ransacked this, big markets of tbe West and Northwest in search of tbe best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 50 pounds, $1.90. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat., for 50 pounds, 1.70. “ .. ' „.. . . .. ... i'm' Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.60. 11 f. . i.",,, v 1.8o! Choice Family 50 pounds, . 1.50. •* 1.65." We guarantee all these Flours as represented, and if not satfSfltctory 'you can return ’thehi and we will cheerfully refund the money. Pi 7- In futura we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. Sugars Sugars. Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for.... r , ' j ' $1.00. “ “ 10* pounds New Orleans Clarified for.... ,*,.<1 i ' j’oo! “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (Bcllcwoed) Clarified, (br.i-ojiv;. .‘7. .'tli 1.00. “ “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor . ’ ’ ’ . ' * ‘ j’qq] In this line we are fully up nnd advise everybody to seize tlic golden opportunity and pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s consumption. ‘ l, *‘ •• ■ Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (by buying from us) we can save you motley enougih'iii oneTear tObuy all the “Santa Claus” you want for the little ones. Wc deal 6^ pounds Choice; Rio Coffee for $l. Thurber’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound. I* my brother-in- and Ilfs, inscribing it all to PARKKUD law, ami I know the case well He is frctly free from hi* old troubles, nnd health r“ J >--- * TONIC. Unequalled a* an invlgorant: stimulate* all tbe organ*; " “ * •* Tiie Georgia Press Association will meet in Atlanta in July, at which time arrangements will be made for a big excursion to the North. The Ohio papers are discussing the question as to whether spting has really put in an’appoarance. l NEW HAT FOR THE PICNIC. Mrs. ELAM LD INFORM TUK LADIES THAT SHK HAS RECEIVED DOZ-1 KNS OF ** PI« HITS! OF THE FOLLOWIN'!! PATTERNS: CART WHEEL, JUMBO. SOUTHERN QUEEN. CAPE MAV. AND MORE COMING! CALL AND SEE THEM AND MAKE YOUR 2 Silts SSbltjL. 'Utol Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per sack. Fin«? S&lt, ; «e»u)fees bagUSO pounds, $1,Q5 per sgck ir grade* SELECTION. ALDEN’S MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA. SOrer 300.000 anbjecta and 0,000 illustrations, numerous inapt, to voimnes. large octavo, f«3: Cheaper edition, $19,00# Specimen pages free. 500.000 Volumes Choice BooksJlescrtptive Catalogue free. Books for examination before payment on evidence of good fUtb. NOT sold by d talers—prices too low. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, SEED^POTATOES™' 8 ^ lw ^ of * 1,16 per cwt to make room for a ««1*4 Whiskies. Whiskies. „ Ia this ]i" e we are fali to overflowing, and to unload wc have reduced the price on all grades Tobacco a&d C—li| We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Ilinton” 57c per poi proportionately. . l < * r! t!Uicf VOH'i .* We regret that we have not space sufficient to give full and complete quotations on allof otir woods but yoir will hear from ns occasionally. Kemember that by oeving your goods from us aud DaVidir'SHOT CASH you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for had debts, as usual in credit a tori). P ymewiVA. j/*#» m A Word as Regards thdPenriy l f ' / To all those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny in Amerions, we say that we .land ready to redeem in goods or the cash any amount from 5c upwards. ■ Bring them along and get IheU faUvolu# at TBE BET SPOT MSB-STORE J HEWS. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEV^^OO.'Sli/MifelKv:^ Very truly, - .McpIUJ .HdtiMUJ SCHHMPERT & RONEY- Americus, Ga., January 11,1884. „