The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, May 13, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. L. OUIIMKH, Editor. Official Organ of Webster County. WEDKEIDAY. MAY 14, 1884. THE TARIFF VOTE. An analysis of the forty-one votes given by Democrats against the Morrison tariff bill shows that twen ty-three of them came from the three states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, neither of which has given an eieotorlal vote to a Demo, cratic candidate for President in twenty-five years. Four votes from California and irom Connecticut, each of these States having given their electoral votcB to the Demo cratic candidate for President once in twenty-five years. There were hut fire votes (couuliug Finerty us a Democrat) west of the Ohio State line, and but four south of the Ohio River and the State of Maryland recorded in favor of tho motion to strike out. Thu much boasted “pivotal State”of New York had traded us off again, and the six Democratic votes from that State cast against us would have given the revenue reformers a good work, ing majority bad they been thrown in oar favor. There is something in these facts that are worth thinking over by Democrats who desire the success of their party. The policy of the Democratic party has too long been controlled by a minority faction headed by “rule or ruin leaders,” who have sought their selfish ends rather than the good of the party, and who have net scrupled to nlly themselves with the enemies of the party to attain their ends. Reclaimed Herself Arksnaa* Traveler. Women are skillful. “Who is that horrid-whisky bloal?” asked a lady of an acquaintance, while tlicx stood viewing the guests at a fash- [enable reception. “Which one?” "That one with the red mustache and awful nose. Don't yon see?” “Heis my husband.” “Oh,”laugh ed the Indy, “I see that you are not sensitive,” although she saw ven geance in the eyes of the insulted lady. “Several nights ago a friend made a similar remark about my husband and I became very angry. I declared it would auger any wo man; but ray friend said that yon having the best husband in the world, would not care and I wager ed a pair of gloves that you would; but you sec I have lost. I hear that your husband is spokon of ns an available candidate lor Govern- or. How clover he must be." ....CAPITA!- PRIZE, 8150,000. “ irk do hereby eerttfy that wo supervise the arrangements far all the Monthly and Semi-Annual /Mutiny, of The Louisiana ----- ~ man- A number ol merchants and innu- ufaoturors of New York City held a meeting at the Windsor Hotel last week, to discuss the means of tariff reform. Several interesting addresses wero made, one or two in fnvor of a tariff strictly for reve nue, but the most of them in fnvor of such a revision of thu present tariff us would cut down excessive or prohibitory duties and admit raw materials free. This meeting was preliminary to a definite or ganisation which is to be known ns the manufacturers’ tariff reform leaguo. An executive committee of five was appointed by the chair man to draw up a plan of the or ganization and the meeting. It is a business movement entirely, and has no connection with party poli tics. What Will the llurrest lie. N.wYoik lleraM (lie’.). Both factions of the Democratic party will meet at Chicago tore- new the fight, and there Mr. Ran dall cannot count upon Itepuhli can votes. Will Mr. Randall and Mr. Ilolman be able to turn the party from the high stand it has taken under lhe leadership of Mr. Carlisle. Mr. Morrison, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Hurd, Mr. Cox, and Mr. Her bert. Will there lie tuihan empty platform as Mr. Randall’s or the policy of tl e progressive Demo crats—“Taxation only for the pur pose of raising revenue for the public use?” Ilutr She HatIn Ahead. “And so now they're engaged! Well’ Jessie, to think of you, with your beauty and accomplishments, aud your lovely voice, being cut out by such an ignorant iittle tright as that Maggie Quickson! You sang to him, J suppose?” “Yes, mamuia, liy the hour! But she made him sing, you know, and ploy ed his accompaniments for him!" “Why,can he sing?” “No, mamma; but she made him believe he could!" State Lottery Company, and in person man age and control the Drawings themseltes, and that the same are conducted with hon esty, fairness, and in good faith toward all partus, and tee authoriee the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its adeertisements.' Commit .loners. 1 NPRECEDENTED ATIRACTION! Oyer Half a Million DislrMted. COME THE OLD PRICES WITH THE if •AT- Ijiniisiaiiit Mate Lottery Company. Incur ]>orat ed m 18/18 for 25 rears hr £ tur* for Kdacrttional su i Onaritsble with a capital of #l,OOO t iWO-to which , been added. an overwhelming popular vole it« frsneMv D»da u j-iirt i>f the pie-v-nt State Constant < adopted December 2d, A. I)., 1*79. Extraordinary Somi-Annnal Drawing In III* Academy of Music Uod ... , New Or- Icaue, Tuesday, June 17, tho i*m.nal supervision and manage- t of Osn. Os T. Dauregiirri, of Louisians, and Cieu. Jubal A. Karly. «<f Vlrgin’c. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. PJTNotlce—Ticket* nro Ten Dol lars only. Halves, (8. Fifths, 99, Tenths, |1. I (CAPITAL PRIZE OF l',0, r 00.. 160,0 0 1 GRAND PRiZK OF * * 1 GRAM) PRIZK OF 2 LAKOK PRIZES OF 4 I,AMOR PRIZES OF 20 PRIZES OF 6 ,00*. 60, 00 20 008.. 20,COO JO. 00.. 20,0'O 60 100 WO.. 200. 40,000 60 000 60.000 One of I.ord Beaconslleld’s pea cocks died at the same time i.f its master, and its carcass was given to a hanger-on about the place, who made a small fortune by sell ing the feathers Trmu tile tail. It was marvelous how tile poor pea cock -kept up the supply. John F. Slater, who gave one million dollars for educational pur poses in tlie South, died in Nor wich, Conn , Wednesday morning. The sale of lota In the new city of Sheffield, Ala., last week was phenomenally successful. About 14 acres of land woro sold for nonrly $5,00,000, and the proposed town nppoara to bo on n regular boom. The lots brought high prices, and many of them probably sold for more than they will bring live years from now. Investments in lots at fuuey prices in towns tliut are to bo developed in the future arc generally risky. However, the company that has bought land at about ten or fifteen dollars per aero and Is selling It at $2,000 to $3,000 per acre can’t be ill dnngcr of los ing very much. I'robably, however, a good portion of the lots were bought by members ol the Sheffield Company. Towns have been boom ed In that manner in the past. Tho citizens of I.ce county arc requested tomectatthocourt house, in Leesburg on the first Tuesday in June, next, for the purpose of el ecting delegates to the convention which meets in Ailsnta on the 18th of June to cleat delegates lo the national convention. A Novel Picnic. This being the regular picnic season, I deem it right and proper to treat my patrons and Will some of our protection friends please inform us to what extent the harmony of the Demo cratic party has been conserved by transferring the fight on the tariff question from the walls of Congress to the national convention. When Messrs. Randall & Co. make their fight on the tariff in the Democratic national convention they will not have the aid of their Republican allies to help them Ihrougb. The Philadelphia Woman's Silk Culture Society has made two licanttful flags entirely out of American Silk,,which are to be presented to the United States Senate anil House of Representa tives. Americus. I do not propose to furnish liny cukes, candy ov carcasses oi mutton and veal, but I do propose (aud I hope everybody will accept the in vitation) lor you to come to my store, select anything you please out of my well, and perhaps the best selected stock of Dry j Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats j aud Notions in the city, anil I i will price these goods so low that not alone you can’t help from buying them, but every body who has his (or her) heart iu the right place must ndmit and will say, that this is ns promised—one of the nicest picnics ever held iu Americus. Those not contemplating j buying will have a regular pic nic to come and sec what effect low prices and real bargains have upon the public nt large. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, Cotton Avenue, Americus, Ga. I Prize* ol |200.... 120.000 only to the oWce of tho Co.iipsny in New Oileun ami addri-M Registered Letter* NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTESnnd ordinary letter* by * of 98 und upward by r M. A. DAUPHIN, 007 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. GET A NEW HAT THE PICNIC. Mrs. ELAM nmo DATS! or TIIB FOI.LnWIXd I-A1 TKUSS: CART WHEEL, JUMBO, SOUTIIEHN CAPE QUEEN, 1 MAY, A XV MOVE COMING! the public generally to one of cam. and skk them ami. mark your the nicest picnics ever held in Mrs. nil'll LEWIS’ HOOK STORE. MRS. FRED LEWIS 1HOFFERING BARGAINS IN EVERY THING USED IN THE KUflOOI. ROOM. SCHOOL HOOKS, Schumpert & Roney’s, THE ONLY a Spot Cash Store” I3XT AJMIEJFLIOTTiSL Wt promised in issue of the Recorder of January 2d, to give you come prices so soon in we arranged and marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more goods for less money than any house that sell goods on thirty days time. _ Contemplate a few quotations and note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty days credit: Flour. Flour. In this article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. AVe will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 50 pounds, $1.90. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat., for 50 pounds, 1.70. “ 1.90. Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.60. “ 1.80. Choice Family 50 pounds, 1.50. •• 1.65. We guarantee all. these Hours as represented, and if not satisfactory you can return them and we will cheerfully refund the money. In futura wc will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. Sugars Sugars. Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for .- $1.00. “ “ 10,f poundi New Orleans Clarified for 1.00. “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (Bellewood) Clarified, (or 1.00. • “ “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, for 1.00. In this line we are fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s enmsumption. • Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (by buying from ns) wc can save you money enough in one year to buy all the “Santa Claus” you want for the little ones. Wc deal (>^ pounds Choice Pio Coffee for $1. Thurbcr’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound. Salt. Salt. Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per sack. Fine Salt, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1.05 per sack EXERCISE HOOKS, SCHOOL PAPER, SLATES, PENCILS, PENS, INK. SCHOOL BAOS AND ALI, OTIIKR TilIX(I8 NEKUKH IX . Wc arc slaughtering nt the verv low price of $1.15 per cwt. to make room lor a car load of SEED POTATOES. TUB 8UIIOOI. BOOM. Whiskies. Whiskies. I6KII LINE OF STATIONERY i In this line we are full to overflowing, and to unload wc have reduced the price on all grade! I from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think of it! Cos, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain I Com Whisky for $2.20 per gallon, usually sold at $2.50, IS eOMl'I.KTE, AMI JIRlt I.INF. OK Miscellaneous Books! | 8 WORTHY OF INSPECTION. SII K KEEPS t Tobacco and Cigars. A FI LL ASSORTMENT OK Paper Sacks and Wrapping Paper! Latest Periodicals I We can undersell anybody—we offer ‘ proportionately. ‘Lucy Hinton” »t 57c per pound, and nil other gradei Wc regret that wc have not apace sufficient to give full and complete quotations on all of our goods, hut you will hear from us occasionally. Remember that by irevlng your goods from ua and paying SPOT CASH you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for bad debts, as usual in credit store. AIAVAYS ON HAND. H1IB Al.Si);KKKl’S CIGARS! ALDEN’S MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA. JOver 300.000 subject* an-1 5,000 illustrations, numcrcti* inups 2o volumes, larse oc•»>•<>, (25; Choajvr e liitcm, (18,00. Specimen pace* frve. 500.000 Volume* Chot-.« Book*—■t»u*rlptlre Cutulotfuo ire.*. Bioks lor eiunlisLou before payment on evidence of food frith. NOT sold by d »a!er»—p*‘— *“ *— C. R. Met ROltY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELf.AYII.LE, OA. All ctUm. from HO or ••!», If, fsretnuxfSSr^S ffiSVaiStfieofm S! puces too loir. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publishers P. O. Box 1227. 18 Vtuy 81., S. V. HOGS FOR SALE. I bars a ftw BERKSHIRE and BIO GUINEA HOOS. which I «tsh to ssU Enquire at Jordan* BsVos [sptSwll JH. JORDAN. A Word as Regards the Penny ! To all those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny in Americus, we say that we stand ready ideem in goods or the cash any amount from 5c upwards. Bring them along and get their full value r.t HIM SPOT CASH STORE II ■■ FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Very truly, SCHUMPERT & RONEY- Americus, Ga., January 11, 1684.