The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 04, 1884, Image 2

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. Recorder %V. I., UI.KKHKKH, Kill lor* Official Ortfan of Webster Bounty. uri>M>i>4%. .ii-xt; i, i>M. (IlHADO (INVENTION. Bhilne «*n on Find INmiikJ. fiio.'Aiio, 12 M.. June •: Lyiiili. of Mi«*>U*ippi. elec hinmnarv **!.:♦»rmur» The vote* i t | K . .\,j, stood Lynch 132, C'iayton 387. ! cr the This i^ a defeat for Blaine, as vie! OlftVton ffn» MUIIlcd h\ t.if CXCCU- j f,I. >ive committee for the position, j . . . ,, liOtIO and ho oppciil v announced himself j ^ ^ ^ a*, in Invof of Blaine. With w hill j .,, ^ f hurt ion Lynch train* we <lo not kiinw, tint it is evident that Blaine*’ft • lun,,it>s pooled their *t.r« ngth to • •eat his man. UEORtiU NEWS- A teething child of Henty Jlook, of Albany, put n stick covered with h dry ••run*, ol Vermillion red into its mouth. Mid died in con* viilsion* f* short time afterwards. A 11 old Butman youngster has turned his attention to turkey raising. He lia- over 100 little ones in a thriving condition and expect as many moie to hatch. The tncainpin« nl committee has invited Col Her.rv VV Hr:.dv. of K. ( I A. money -lie* h *d 1 " 1 ■ • I Bonn; Darien, mi give him ; tii iimi:i’iiiiiii!i:in;\.;« 8o r;ii?*y merchant 8 * advutisc pin s so Pthulou-lv low. trade’’ •nd •n; »i . customer* nc now await- ut the fact, that it is done lo. that, put pose only,—that but littie reliance is now pinned in advertising. fienmaiiy the articles advertised are “sold out.” or are a poor imitation ol that which the cudomer reyllv expects. 1 will men tion again to my friends, custom ers, and those wishing to buy any thing it. th* 1 Dry Hoods, C’loihing. 8hoc, Hat and Notion line, that 1 ; do no impossibilities, but that 1 am enabled fthrough the way my goods are pi»ro:Ms. d > to good good-, for less money than other rner chunk*. I can buy thou), at rt.;u In prices at wholesale, and then it lsives me n fair margin as a prof!’. J am not selling oil at cost, nord i I s,.jl a t and iijloA- i-..- to make ii'AKii TEE OLD FHICSS WITH Ti -jA.'V- t & Roney's, THE OWLT John Bhinazee, of Bat ncsvilk*. j Finiikliu County licgiaicr: The teceived a le'ter Thursday from i was a bottle ol brandy burned !i Atlanta to walk against Seel, who tween Mu: ceiling and went in has made th * best rtcord. A *1, | boarding of J. I*. Adair's hoe 000 pni>e will be made up for n ! that was put there when Hit* lion man to beat him. Mr. Bhinazee* was building. It was |,di tin* i continue nd fresh bargains A home for defaulting bank of- ticials is suggested. It should have \ery tbit k walls, stone Hours, iron window liars, and a idee stone • [Harry or coal mine hard by where the ex-money changers could exer eise from fourteen to sixty cn hours every dav. by one of the workmen at the din- hour. and fastened up by the other carpeht. it. By this tii been sixty ycai have caused i lie his lips. Valdosta Tir of the saddest. 1 - before |u- knew * it would have i old. arid woiiid •Id fellow to -mack es; News of .me Tin papeis aie :«!! i,Him! with noth ing bill, speculations us to what t h? Republican national convention will do; Congress has virtually ad journed tout lend the (’li t ago show; and at home times are ipiiet, Inmi- ues- dull and items scarce. In a recent sermon Henry Ward Beecher said wln na boy fie made up his mind that if he ever was pious lie would never bore people with religion. lie has kept hi s vow re markably well, for while he has preached polities, infidelity, tem perance, and all the i-ms of the day. no one lias ewi accused him ot preaching n iigiou. So far fourteen States have eluHen i!>U delegate-* to the Demo cratic Na* Convention. Four of them having li t delegates favor tin* Ohio olallorm, while nine hav ing !.'»8 delegates an for a revenue- only tali if. Air. lour States vet to lent* which we j have been called upon to chronicle comes to II" to.Ill Beniell county, j about t wenty miles above Valdosta J It is h not her sad chapter in the history of tie* evil habit of e unr- j ing pistols. Mr. David Mai hi.*, a young mail With a family, had liv ing with him a Jad of a brother who was the proprietor of a pis- tol. The boy had the deadly wea- on out, uud had just loaded it, when a little hmr-year-old child son of M *\ David Mathis cairn up, and innocent of tin* danger, reach ed out. for the pistol. The boy unwisely let the child take if in its hand-*, and in an instant the i deadly in-* i umeiit fell to the llonr ! ON and tired oil’, shooting the child I through the body. The little \ic- | (ini stum died from the wound. j ni l I room; on 1 in* cord ‘ to receive nc daily. The hi*.eat arrival is a very i large lot ol H onburg Edging and j Insertion, i;iu‘ I am -oiling from *2 • to 20c pet \ •:; *i, fully worth double 1 the amount. asked. , Call early and get the choice. Also a large lot of Ladies, Bents and Children'* Straw Hats. Hand kerchiefs and Hosiery. Call, you will not be disappointed, but rather surprised to find as list one place where you can fin i goods at the advertised prices. S. M. con L V, Burenin Store, i'otton Avenue. ‘Spot Cash. Store’ J.JST :i:i>K!i ol .liiiitiuvv "2d, to tivo \uu come |irit-c-s so soon as ooik Wo arc nmv |in'|i:in <l ami ready *o irivo von more Wo promised in kiie ol tin 5*k> we arranged and mtirked down our t: goods lor less mono) than any lem-e dial soil -;oods on thirl\ (lavs tiim Con.empltitc ti lew ipiotations and note tin- dilTerenee in Sl’OT CASH prine.s and thirt\ days credit: Flour. Fleur. In iliis article we stand head and shonldf markets of the West and \o-.tiiwe«t in xar-di will sell you First l’atont. (entire lioli. i svstem) For 51) pounds, , ... sl.tit). t *2il Pal., lov 50 pounds. I.Tti. Fatiey, |i>r 50 pounds 1 .CO. . Choice Family 50 pounds, 1.50. We ouiirantee ail these Floors ns represented and we will eheerfnlit refund the tmmev. In fntui'o ue wili keep on hand the host o|,n: !"- 'e i '< ithmiv. having ransacked the hip he hist, and .paid the CASH DOWN. We •: > • 8-2.15. 1.5)0. 1.80. 1.65. if n<-t saiisliietorv von ettn return them COTTON AVENUE, Sugars es oi' GRAHAM FLOU id- Sugars. oimmi.u: s\Yi\i;s Smihivii.i.k, Julie 3.— At 10:30 a. tu. .Sunday (1st iust.) in pie*tncc j of the family circle am) a few in- i the twenty- ! vitcJ friemU, Miss I.ula Balls, of | t tlfli-mtes | fhis place, and Mr. \V. L. Lufcli, ■ Will there are net mote than f wo or j o( Brunswick, weic united in the three if.i* will not giv* an .mphatic I kolv bonds cf nialriiuony , Hev. J. indoist tuent «*f the roiict- pnr-ued i H. I’HWotnl olliciating. The mag- by l he large m.ij.jritv of the Deuio-! iiiHfO'it (tinner, prepared and spread j -j"|' • in!*' in the House of Bepieseii!a- j Hi honor «*f the occasion, lacked lives. j nothing that could tempt the appe- j ^ - ! tile nr please the palate. un.l .:•> .el kin fin- tailil itd*nui uinveuient i* The yeung couple will leave to t-'iking deliniu* -hape in IVnnsyl-j day on >t tour to North Ucorgio, v , ma. On Thursday la-t :!»e edi- win* k. Yl»-. Fiitcli will take Ids '"isoi over thirty Deinocralic pud j biide tn Ids heme at Brunswick, i'isdependent newspapers of f lint j Miss Willie Batt* also leaves to- met at Harrisburg to consul- day for t’artcrsville, where she w ill ci the t.-u ill ipu *:ioii They deeid- > spend the summer. • 1 to organl/.e ■!•, Bc\emie Bclorm i Miss Annie Tlioiupson, who had Bit .** A **t»ei?n mu of lYunayl\r:nia. Must linisiied a spe»*iai course ot li.w .l iu ihe c.msti- "Didies in the High School here, aturdav for Vassal Bollege. Annie is well advanced for | In t age, stud w» tninestly nope that t shv may win and wear all the honors j her rich endowments of mind and | heart entitle her to. V X. BREAD, RUSKS, AND BISCUITS, All Kinds of Cakes, i'll you 10 pi.miiils (iramiletci! IStii'iir 10r. . | “ “ 10j| pour.di New Ovli’iins Cl ulfieii i | -‘ " 11 pounds New Orleuus ( 1?i-1I -a ;.■(! “ "• 1"2 pound- New York Smjnr, lor . In this line we live fully up mid : n\i-e even I :eii!ise;it once i> siiliieiemx 11 -r tile ii .'ir - enm>ivi|i den opporlnnia 81.00. 1.00. . 1.00. . 1.00. nil pur IS to.. .1 llsil'liei'iie Muni Is I kill.!. ,■! dlM.ini ll.iliini. Il pul if. Mill :<t ll li ..-liuublf 1)1 i. i. IL.k. ry Will nr.t- oiii.. .*;»:,4£fc Mi*. J*. W. Stiiooy, i:va a .s' ,t Miuinir. Ceffee. In Oiis iiitielo iiloiie (iiv hilling li.mi u*. nil the “Snnlii (’Imis" you ’vnnl lor ike little ! huroer's No. U. (llon-ln!) ;i i omhmulioi: sa 1 6 its*# Sj'iisj Liverpool, full wenrht. liir 81.->0 per Giitfse. ■ uni mom y i Mou;;h in one yeiirtobuy • d !>', noil ml-Choice l ! io Coffee ibr$l. and -Mi.eli.i. !<>r dde per pound. ■dr, seamless 1.- 50 pounds, 81.05 ]iev sack NOTICE. im !>: iv nn,; pulilisli , v; lIn' iiivhviU id !.. :i l.cUl'l nLf "l tlivir mi)- Ivillillv.'. nitli . V "I'l'll te litcit We are slaueliterii.e at *’ii vi Ion pi ice 81.1.1) l’OTATOI',8. Whiskies. Bran. hi to make room tor u ear load ol iilti- NT Kit AKT niiuv. • 1 u« tapnliy spie:eling among I'ue Mii-iiip. tSrcat K.irUin, l. As hei-u chaitcrt d by an ent.-t |»i is- iiig N«-w itfuMii* man to be used as a hotel next, bill at the New Orleans Exhibition. Such a practical and *vn«iblc Me.i should at * be *i*i/.- d by tin- tioveruitHut and up- ithe r»;ivv. Ml.-n-ot-war that m. ghr *mk dnro.g a heav v gab* u? -vi wctib.l be perfectly -afe r iing at .-‘intijor in the Icuboi - ’- ot our t.Mu;o.,a».U- rcA*i*l* They CM*;i« also be n-td t«» intimidate nipuei.ui* lamlU'id** into .*ul ivetion. Y-id** from the accoiiimodat;**!;** lii'H* ib>iting Insleities might; a'.Iord a grateful public, the rove-i nn. derived from Hu m would soon , U* siitlieieut to pay %>t the national ‘b'l’ and -o inerea*c the wealth ofj fUe country that the (.iovirntneut i ** ul-i be enabled to pitrebsse ail the navies in the woild. i A littie pan of Mr. \V. 11 j Ira* been atfeetrd tor nearlv a year j and a half with what lie and his 1 wife thought ?»• be rn*-al eutanli. jandin* Lo* t*e»-n under treatment, j for catairii during time. A j few d?iy> ago the little boy dis- eha'ge*! from his n •*« a cotton- ; seed which had been lodged there* : for seventeen mouth* and was tin . cause of the trouble. No doubt it i • in-etf great relief to the little -»:b , feier a* well a* *•* pare tit*. The canvassing for -ub*criptions tor the Amerieii*. !’re si oil and Lumi km railroad is progressing satisfactorily. The people of Stew- ml will not let thi* opportimiiy to ge*. a laiiroad prove a failure. «>u last Tuesday Dr. Wm B. Barter successfully aiiiputated the leg o! a negto man who had an iu- cm able cancer. The operat ion wu* skillfully |H*rforrued on the upper third ot the thigh. The operation was wiiiu*soil by Dra. J. W. Lee, j J. K. Caiier, J. K. Uarnnm, K. K. I L. Barnuu) and F. II. Gregory. * 111 this lilK* \ve* from Voc to 81.DO j* Corn Whi*.k\ Ji>r 8*J loll whiskies- .• i fl■ iv*. :g*. ntu* to unload wo itrt\ c lvdiicod tlu* price on nil grades look ol it ! Co\. 111ii ,V 'riiompson’*** gidiuiiu* Sfoin? Mountain Tobacco m VNi liAKO W. ,1. HUDSON & CO.. WHOLESALE (OtnilSSlOA MEKtiliMS. MilimvmillimiGi lift ilirifitmhnni, .ihi. Melons. Fruits and- Truck, We ran iniiier* !l sssiv limlv - piojiiirtimiately. \Vv ii iiiot lii:il wv !i.,vv ;i**r .j you i'"ll Ivai !■ >:.i ii« evcv.'-iouHoy. I .'.mi ilo no I | >a\ irom v’V Ui 5u |..,t w: r-'l.uiH Hinion" Cigars. > ir pi r pound, iind till other grades oil as on ill of our goods, but i " nial any lug SPOT CASH A Word as Regards the Penny ! ID rvii v111 in gooi" i or Mr- v. I’lii’i'y oi Aiv.vvicii a nv s.iy that we Mnnd ready u; • v u|.v,:o\m. Ibing taviu along and get. tlieit- full value at .1 HI or ii . [•» inti i is. mc>T< 0, r 5fAS>D k 8Wb h iMii ^ “* LOST. ii tmiii m\n \.im \nmm y jiiimu FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Very trulv. v-hpiv to**. Th'* hn J of riua Kiad<*i *»il U- libt*r»iiy iy I^a* ti^ n At 4«r#tIt THIS OFfICifi. SCH UMPERT & RONEY Americus, On., Jnnunrj- 11,1884.