The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 06, 1884, Image 2

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W. L. ( Keillor. OfUcliil Organ »r Webster County. HIIIIIV. MAE «, IWI -• |. *t in.lie lmt Americans be put up. guard " Let. uo in.iii be sent lo ine National Democratic! CV.nvon- tion from Georgia who '' not in favor of planing in Hit nalioiial plat- mi in a plank favoring tin' reluct km ■ if t In imr ic.-i'liug ot the returns ! CHICAGO’S CONVENTION ' m« Our article entitled *; ! gtron g—mminted it* tables and Square Fight" hid keen written’ MISSISSIPPI NKIiltO MU)K TF.H- hats, paper* and cane* weut into *.£ 't: rrjtt s-rerva , l.'oiiHtitution entne to hand, and in | i l 0 ined In the universal yell. ! an editorial we found llie following | Ciiicaoo, Juue 3,~At 12:27the ; • j a , a s tlie eves could see the ! paragraph, going to «h»w that »n j chair announced that the hour hav- , t of | mt s, " umbrellas, cane* 1 , , . ii. 11,„: ino arrived tor the meeting ot me . • will he made in divert the , .ng ' Vational Con- fcflori attention of the delegate* to state convention from the true ' sue, and if possible pr* vent them ! from making any expression on the j Chmago ; tariff question: A oroiding to our • •■•port*, the democrats in only two of the conn one** rued themselves with 1 »~~~ EIEfESiSi enstetissw . i vention. the convention would now simp j y denlening. A* it ebbed, '*■ : bc . “I'ff 1 ]?* P r * v r ^V "Soiof fresh voice* would take it up again I The corn look* well *<>011 em , offered by Rev. b rank Hnetol. of ^ again Mcn , A< creed and | "* 1 in lhc middle ncago. veiled When it died awav finally,; in ine ,D ,inin ° , ... At the conclusion ol the prayer , l^oconvrention looked like'a young | of the day the l.iadcn look like the call for the convention was , . alter a wiud aiorm had rav* -*-*— nu.« nr*Hrtn u ilniiic urn*: read by J A. Martin. Secretary of Chair* were overturned, the National Committee. Chair- a ~'- u The Lore of llone). Money is a light good thing ar t Joiinpreevili.e, June 2.—We are no sensible mm will turn op hi* still without rain and no prospect*, nose at it. Money brings comfort It looks now as it ’84 is going to and leisure, and Solomon says i„ . •=,, |. s o fur leisure there Is wisdom. A 11101, he a duplicate ol >1, • wbo has to be digging away everv W’e were then without rain Horn ( | av b j g j,vinsg don't have mini, April until August, and made a time to read and retieet and rum; ‘ It don't matter whether be .. merchant or mechanic or farm. . ora professional man, if lie works hard all day he wants to reel „• night. Money promotes domestic Iran, qiiilily and that is liie biggest and best thing 1 know of. liut uionra ought to be hard to get, so that i ; string*. The cotton is doing line; \T r , ; i deiu«orat""in ,ml»"t«o of^'^un' i v*,? rommhT~^h. : »S«« it- Chairs were overturned, j tlia only trouble is lice; they are ^";^”may”te w^ci^C reading ot the reumis is ^ c:) , Ul „, n selve. «ill* 1 l ‘« n «“on behall of the Re- hats were lodged here /^p, s’ i killing out a good deal of ours in Iri0ney has to be earned to be priz correct, <vet. representative .1. j ^ l#( . a In o,.«of these, ® ^ committee, called the tUe were iwrm places, and will until we have c d. If it is inherited or drawn in Congress from this Mate who voted j lb e > )c<rl isoc hi.I received indorse- j convention to order in its name. misplaced, hug. i warmer nights. Wc always have a lottery »r won at games ofchane, lor the Morrison tarill hill has been < mcn i ; , n the oilier the Ohio plat-, , { brief speech, dosing w,th *.'’** , . . ; .... .ui u,« viml irnn th* 01 found in the load 01 olitaino The silence ... r, .r for the Morrison larilf hill has been | ment; in the oilier the _ __ endors'd bv liis constituents in ’ form wa- indors'd. The silenee 1 “•, inl| , re g S j on of hope for victory convention*. And «f the other counties wa- notme , I>r oposeu for temporary Chair ,1,.." county inut *i ,,cs,.li. ..f indifference, lmt ol a deep- |.„ wc || Clayton, of Ar vet an cltun. will he mad.! 111 the I cunv j(tioii that there » | n a " sa " Stale convention soon to be lieu! in 1 ■ - 1 - • * DJcgn’cs were misplaced, hug ging each other, panting, inugiiin gmg cauu on..',, "si ■--k a . com Migu.i, - -- | )V litckv speculation in stocks. hontsely, Dying to 'owl once more. . lsl w | lcn cuin.iuepinsare in bloom. , )on( | g Q ' r colton futures, it goes _ In the general tumult the Heuei«- 1 We have never vet seen anyone a discount. It is undervalued ami .Sherman boom was lost. 1 he ! . seated conviction^ that 'hso iiA” "" ' ^ sou1?de!uhin and that could explain it. but it never don't stick to a man long. A for- ... . more important issue ot relorm, w , lcn Senator Sabin had forinal-; t .„ ar „f tUe n it ! fads. They lie later this year than tune gamed m a year ru Atlttiiia Ut Mfiiil to tiic I boforr l!i« rountrv tlmi^ tariff »♦> convention at Chicago i form-more important Irecanse W |,U mi: in favor ol inserting a pio-1 «"'«l prscede tart.I ..’form and lie tected tarill | lank in 'iio na'i.'iinl plalfonn. cause .lie success ol genuine laiiil reform depends upon it. 'I hi* im- riortniii issue of reform is 'lie sue- 1 ,,i!*s of the dfinocratie party, i There is in) other issue «o inipor- i tanl, because upon liie success of I Inis depends the success of every i res! reform. There can lie no tarill relorm ; imr line other reform so long; 1 as the republican party i* in power., ' Men who are politically corrupt' and nil .sc methods and purposes i am all in the direction cd' corrupt lion e.imiie In- ex peeled to engage; heoiiil.v in ilm work of real reforio, nnd thi rn i< not a democrat in the country but knows that there can ] lie no tttiilf re:..rin of any sortj while the republicans control the | co'intri. I,,,.,,.*,,.™. - childish alter the roar ofthe . ; ly presented, on behalf ol the n _ „, s a || H9 ions to Slier- tional Committee, the name of llial cl,ing tlirough Gcor-; . DowellClay ton as temporary (hair- ^ KcnnM#w * „ all „ n and At- j ‘J" U ; ! i man, Henry < abol l.oilge, ol -I.i- _ | ^ rul | „ ftt A convention never ach.iset's presented he name of ^ ‘ # thinglike t | IB Blaine Imr- .John K liynrii. <*f MissisK.ppi, u • j T . ,i„,i „n s«c forpn Tlio SoiitlH*rn tlii* y<*Hr l„«vo attifu ?•'! nioro altfiitlon both af fho vfHiwiii ion VVn«king* ion thill! ever Imf.,re. They liavejothe ,,,11'd to understand most fully j llieir iiuportaiiee, and. if report* | ii!(i (o in* ci»‘i1iU'*l, ihi y li'ivc tvinpti <1 lo innk« m«* mudi posni- I. ol their position. A Wash ington cnrresi'oiuler.l says that •‘most of I In in me black or brown. The typical 'outherr. Republican delegate is nlwn.v- Wack or brown. He in usually mnarl, slm w.l and hriglit, althiiugii he mat he jnsilhe lipposil.l • dresses bevouil his tnealls, and is thus enabled, with the indi*. peiiHable assistance "fa sonorous vonubiihii V. in impressing hi* col. nreil friends, lie is sell sullleienl cheeky. coM lilimili'il and hungiy. lie is a stoumcli—an empty stom- sell—and lie unis: be tilled. Most of the Southern delegates came here—the hlaek-aud tan delegates, 1 mean—and saw the candidates of their managers. They usually nil- noumv that they had spent their , ,. ( . v paltv , have' we any last dollar in getting her.-.aiid.inust - ■ .loin, 1! by nr-it. of Mississippi, a j £1 It expended all its force n( ., for a neg.-. s* candidate lor temporary ^ there , am l Uncle Billy’s march ; we m . u | e (lunrrnan. .. . . , tlitmurh nporiria wafe u sort of a . _ Alter considerable speech tnak-1 V" 0 ,"* that one'aye »« ’ v,,v * I'ccmny u "e »■.- ing the Call ofthe roll of delegates ;» ^ „ lsin( , mc „ recoV e rc dall I They are so light tiiat but tew ot i„g oil a strain. I want more my inSw ymeh toTm ’ *<«»»<**>? ^gtesmene-s. j them am any ac-eonn, for planting ^ was ainiounee tinai i.yneniia'i r->i , . vcslerdav was i.,.s „ „nt»to bed full fails. They an-later this year than usual. The oat crop is ready for can’t be cut until tin wind quits blowing. Wc* tri il it a lew days ago for a feed for din- change lot our stock, but made a failure. They went sail ing around in t.ic air iike kites. tune gained ill a year rarely stick* to anybody. I.tick is a right good thing when it follows along with labor and honesty, but luck by i:. sell is a deceiver. "Trust t.oluck" is the devil’s maxim. It is just human 1 know to want more money than we have got es pecially if we arc hard run and liv- voies and wa* elected temporary I lieu mistaiu: 10 "i . wiped out by an accident of to-day. Chairman. Clayton had .,8,. A C( J Hexing, of Peusyl- m-em- of the wildest conlusion en- ■ eania, a strong Arthur man, said: sued. Delegates rose in then scats, ,. That | 00 j, g nriglitv uglv.’’ cheered and shouted. The. specta- ; ’ tors joined in the demonstrations. I okn. siierman will xor t.v.. Tlie election of Iiynchover U’lay-; At a late hour last night, after ton was the result of a ombina-' considerable earnest talk among the ation opponents of Blaine, f'laylou ; Blaine delegates Irom Missouri and In-in" a Blaine man. In this res- Michigan, upon the advisability ol pcct”it was a defeat for Blaine, and i bringing out Hen Sherman as 10 very body has a potato tied lull of slips, and would like very much seif, and if I was to find a hundred dollars in the road I couldn’t ii'-ip hoping that the owner would never miss it, and never call for it. -lit* Ol Mips, aim i»011 im *'S" miss II, aim Iieiei e.oi 101 il. to plant them. If it don't rain soon like a boy, who finds a pocket knili- ... si . 1 U'., nml (rtnifi lilff* it, ifl IllH. Ltllt tlltti While i* nitty Ikj‘rue tlint ••tlier»s; jin Ik* no trtrift mioitn of hiiv iort| vltilo tin.- rotnihlionns control t!»e t rtt^anlcil. 1 1 nrin*ing ouc cuviiuhu 1*0*4, ... ... i candidate as the only solution of bung the little editor «ve they will all die on the bed. We planted something over an acre several week? ago on fro^li land* and they are growing linclv; don't think wc lost a slip Have a few more to plant when it rains. Will » sack NKiONU DAY. (•jiirAwo, June 4—The convcn- V ,,n,,,,n,w tion this morning was more liar- ■onrOrv,’ It i“ a!«o »nu; tlia* there i mon j ou8 ^ inr , wiik expected. The »■“ no tariff reform of any so^t [ eommlttec on permanent orgar.i- Munll luinoriiv i** allowed ; zntiou had agreed upon John 13. I Henderson, of Missouri, a4 per- while to control the majoritv •»* tin , . . ! manent cliutnuan. Democratic party in Hie interests; lmnB Sll of protection^t?. If the men who depieeute anv intcrlViren«*e with t he tariff are a I the presen 4 , situation in the conven tion, it was urged that Gen. Slier man would not permit the uf>e o! his name or accept the nomination under any circumstances. In obe dience to the wishes ol a majority of these delegates, John 13. Hen derson sent an earne-t telegram to General Sherman, urging him to ment chairman. General Sherman, urging uuu w Henderson in hi» speech, paid a j accept, and requesting him to send ssing compliment to each eandi- them an answer this morning. *- -—i The following is the text offJen passin^ _ date, mentioning Arthur lirst. name wa« greeted with in Shermanreply to ex-Scnator Hon- interference with the tarm arc ai : wmwc «■»** - lowed to di'-tati- the Democratic » i ‘ ,id T-'-' 1 ' i ". U " < ° 1 -' j dei.on's dispatch . M.-siii. It nme a name came last,anti | St. Lon? June he aided if they at (’liicago.” , , 1 ac-m. IJinine’s nameeauie last,and r, I platform and map out thej t j, ou ^rjf. iccched but a mere men tion, the whole hnu?e in accord ,»sn.„iii.. r - was fired in an instant. Tne vast t%rv 1° vo,r1, 1 - •• * * .1 « i» assemblage ro*e to im feet, and ! amid Ituttcring handkcreiiief? and | wildly waved hats and banners, ■' * • cheer rolled Mirougli the. enortntu* : to affiliate with Kepuidi- amphitheater, and before the echo ; . .1 J-»•—. ' l ...I .1 ..r..vxtsv/l ..irni.. ‘ aHHiiranee that tariff reform will follow the Miecen** of the Hemo rr»itic party? Men who are so polilieally for rupt MAKK A MJl AIM: FH4III. 11 »>ur represenlative-! in Congns* redecled truly the aeniimentH ol their roust it u» nt-. niue-UMitiis «»! the people of Georgia are in favor of n reduelion ot the tariff. If this j who»c method? and purpose c*oi)*rresH in order to defeat j had turned, was greeted again end a measure endorsed by a great tna- again til! the ringing timl,.- . at I'tinl hit I’oinhliui. 1 h:i' . . , , . , I uiructurc trainblcil. 1 have never Hiniy 1.1 their own party, ""‘M l, e f or ,. seen suchenthusiamcreated St. Lulls June 5.—Hon. J. B. Henderson: "I answered by mail last night. If that letter is not re ceived, tilease decline any nomine tion for me in language strong hut courteous." Horace White, of New \ork staled this morning that in hisopin- : ion Blaine was already beaten, and J could never gel os many votes in if the , the convention ss Howell Clayton did. ] so quickly. There is no doubt I ill. II this : win n-e met lions and purposes aiej 90 , J,, I,. k: v. The people, it I all in the direction of retaining a | about it. Blaine A HARK HORSE PROBABLE. . The central impression this is of our people, it I all in the direction <u retaining a j about it. main.- is me 'avorue 1110 rping ls that the chances of the should be representednssucli in the | protective tarill, cannot be expect-! with the spectators, and such mam- ; nom i nal j on 0 f a man not heretofore 1 1 st have sou... etr.-ct I p oln inci,tly mentioned, have been increased. The names most fre- quenlly mentioned, are the two Shermans anil (Jresham. (tenoral Sherman’s reply to Senator Hen RllOlllU Lit* rt-|,resl'lHV""SSllcil if mi I'lini'i'ii'i: I.I*..'. - ” Nun.,t,I.I Democratic Convention e,l to engage heartily in the work I t ‘J" by the delegate* sent lo I hat body of veal tariff reform, and there is| from this State. Bill anciloit will ■ not a Deino.-rat in the country but must have some effeet made nl the State Conviuitiou in Aliantii lo divert the mimN of the delegutes* from that and nend delegates to Chicago who are op- poMi'd to embodying the tarill -en- tituonl ot the .State in the nat’oual plntiVuiu. Coder thee isHue n*» tt> 'vhelli»*r the know- tlmt there can he no tarill reform of any sort while such men control the policy of the Hemoemtic party. Tariff reform in an isxuc that can- ( not hv dodged, however much tlie f an | t.'ousiiiuiion nml its friend Mr. , I old ticket | Man.lull may denire it. Shrewd I,.ill p.. endorsed or not, an ettort I pnlitieims may succeed,in devious ill be made to wild u protection j wnv?. in -mothering it for a time; when tin balloting begin A *l.l»illT HK1HMISII. A ‘sliglff skirmi^li was tlie i suit of a motion made to pled th* Un* support of tlie convention to j derson is understood to be a per- the nominee. It wan an Arthur emptory refusal to allow the use of movement, but the opposition was his name. In case oi’a break in the so luanilest that it was withdrawn. | I3«oineeoluinn,itUun’erstooodthat To sum up the situation for to-day Nebraska will go to Senator Slier- I think that Arthur’s chance-? are man. The eastern delegates are rapidly decreasing and as the con- determined to adhere to Kdrounds, vention stays, the probability of a j and as they are divided in opinion, * * * 1 stronger.; it is likely Uie : r s* reiiithjwdl be dl- dark hoine become- While Arthur has won every time yet in the preliminary encounter I (.-legation from Ueorgia. The re- ’ but tlie people will force the issue, •nt comitv convention* to .enil jaint the tli'iigei's wilt llinl that it is ^ - — ^ ^ I'li'gHles to the State Uonvi-nlion | a qiicali.n that must he met. If ■ the aid of the Shcrman-hilmuniU- i viilcd between Sherman, Gresham ! ami Hawley. For some lime these yet in tlie preliminary cm uumvi*, , ami nawiey. rur»uiui; nun-www it is no indication ot his ultimate j managers regard the dead point of strength, tor it has been solely by , danger for them as llie dritt from ' Blaine to Arthur. If this can he i-l.-gates to the State fonv. ..lion n questi.n that must he met. II the am ol tne nnerm .n-r..,... ....s- Blame to -\nnur. .. ^ n National Harrison factions. These will not prevented they hope for alas orablc ,s Shown that the-I pie of «• or- the Detnocal c party in National gl , lim f„ r the nomination. : J c „dt. m are generally in lavor ol ih»? J Convention Hliall meet it in a tnauly i mai n e holds his own ami hi* pros i »t .it Ti'.dt u and llcii-1 wav. takiiiM a firm ntaud in favor I ««.* I,riubt. buttherc i« a very i-hiicd day. loiuinati ui "t TiMeu and lien- j w luck-, but il does not follow that >eeau**e the people are for Tdden bat t lie v lire a No in lavor ot a noli- 'OUimiltnl platform on ibe tniill question, toid ii Tilden *lelegal»on •nn be sent l«* Cliicaun who will t;i- roi a plank in the national platform >iidor»iiit; the Mori'i?'Hi bill. In ‘iioo.tin^ ileU-gate? from tlie Slate it la u 1 and fnun th** Cousin ?sijinil 1i-tri**t-. tin* main qiie>uu*ii -IkuiUI a-: Mow do tiiev »tHiid on t!*c tnriti jueHtioii' Nohpt eioUfc aiKUmcUts*. io side l beallowo*! to Iivert lh« minds of the delegsiU’S »»tto Slide C«»ii\entioii tioiu thi? uiportaul »p;e-tiou, and the -enti iient of the diould l»e emphaHized l OUViMititjll bv il it-s«dutit‘U 1U- • teIVvl ...j,, takimr a Unit stand in favor j p CCtH are bright, but there is a very v.f rt toiiu, it will then have a living ; bitter element against him in the issue upon which to go before the i convention, many of whom will re j fuse to be paeitied in case ot his , nomination. The longer the writ I’ll lltll DAY CuI'.aoo, Juno 5.—Convention III go U.-IO..: Hie ! - a , , called to order at 10:.',4 a. tn , i «-ii in .at will, Min. i fuse to hi* pacili.'d in case ot ins House full, raining hard, ton.- counti> . ami it »di meet "Hit nomination. The longer the wran- niiltee on eredentials reported had glc continue the more hitler is the reached unanimous conclusion; feeling. The democrat* thi* t‘ine ipat there would he no minority who- report. Report of committee nc Ii i* fin- these reasons that wcl ^ urge tin- Democrats of Georgia to' have a good fighting chance end none but taritf reformer. "> | The Chicago «•» delegate*. Pooh with tinu*» In bravado it young man placed •a re fill campaign will give them the victory. llt.AINK >1*011.8 A I'HKTTV IM.AX. A significant feature of the ad- tl,c niii/./lc ol:. eiin under the water : dress of the permanent president was the storm aroused by the il- att.l tired the charge. The lesnl. was the bur-l ing of the barrel near copied unanimously. Decided that after report of committee on reso lutions been read, roll of Mates will lit- called for presentation of candidates, alter which ballot will be taken. Hepoit of .-iiinmiitee on order ot and Iccfs like it is hi*, but tin. sort oi' money is not as solid nml satisfactory as money we work lot. I know ail old preacher who hail ten dollars and his son had ten .1 oi bu s and the young man went down to Atlanta and took all the mono! to buy some things and he cam across a wheel ol fortune and sas II fellow win ten dollars just as easy, anil so he was persuaded to try hi- lock and shore enough lie won ten full when we bring over some cot- ton. We are afraid the little peas will die it il don't rain soon; only a - — r » , ;• „i.«* -a.... -1.1". chintry. We are going to plant, gomc tnor0i aml ], c kept or. nntil when it rains, iif'ty acres in tlm ; |, t . | lar , WO n Ally dollars ami hecoin - well known speekhie peas, and will, • a fool, for nglit then his 'lick eliang if we get seasons, have several liun- cd ami he lost, it all nn-1 his tr-., . . f , , dulla-s and ins daddy stcn l esulc-. dred bushels fm sale bext JG.>r-, am , hai , t0 borrow dollar ami . Water melons are doing bail. \>e lia j f 1() ^ (;t | lonic on . and like t-. will have* good many ripe bv the , j iav0 perished to death in the bar- 15th of this month. gain. Well, be belonged to th. . ,, , . ,• , i church ard they had him up ar»'l Kail road lever is cooimg down.! ^ him ma .ie .clem. Our only hope now is C-oluitiLu*. . 1,^^ a nd toi'l how he was ov.-i- She has handled Stewart's cotton ! taken and tempted and how lie well! and know- the value ol her trade. ■ on and on until lie had made titiy Wc would advise to put dollars clean. ‘-Aitd right there. .. , , 4saui tb<? old roan is whs»r John sain tilings Uirougli at ouee. if he had Mopped rial,l ty is now willing to help you, and ; j t have been alright if you don’t work now she will puli out and head for Columbus. We want a road and no foolishness. It it don't rain soon many railroad not.-s will go to protest. Little Maggie Buchanan, who In,* been visiting the villi* for tin- past two months, returned home Inst week. We miss you, Maggie, and hope you will visit us again soon. nit like a fool went or. and on destruction. Well. John wasn: such a dreadful sinner alter all. for lie wanted tile money to Imy sum,- thing to plea.-e the old lolks. But money don’t conic that easy veiy often. I know a man who lias lice,; oi, a strain tor live years working ■ iuL Ins losses for cotton liititri--. Sometimes luck i nils along wilh a man for ten years and more and that makes him vain and lie thinks his judgment is infallible and sun- Miss lira Moore, who lias been — , «-mnty, j Sgjrj. ed home last week. Jcanniu returned to-day from a three weeks visit in Dawson, Georgetown nnd Kufailla, and re ports her health much improved. Master Jesse Morton spent last Saturday and Sunday in the villc. Mr. Kimbrough is aide lo be up about the house. Matrimonial market excited— several new c-ise*. M won. except that made hv honest men. ' Bill Am 1 . New Advertisements. NOTICE S Is h«.V».V thfct w'l ?>• ^ ' j th»- (Jo’rorrtor r.r.*l SrcrMnry «f the <-( t « S'iiic of G»-orci : ‘. f*-»r ft t-hartef fot tie* Ati*nu»» j i.u f mi l Xor»hw*-tffi. Kititroal C.*trf»i\v «'• thr«>ii|fh lUe county *>( W»b»l«. I, 1*84. MIAMIV M0LU1MK. * » Awnings. Awnings. a W. T. Sherman man. and after the l.ictifli and the mutilation of cou-uitatieh with Win Furtis and his hand . mi • 'iTiimlliti bu-iiicfts adopted nfier long discus* lii»ion to Hlttinv. .dr. Hmdcism #i(m Keporl of minority on rules cluing in^ icprescutation with- Another placed and Murat HaKead,had agreed to point li.-ld th. mn/zle of liis piece square hi* speech into an allusion to each candidate. leading up carefully to ns the climax. drawn. ‘Committee on insolations presented repot t. Re f erence to Arthur in report on platfor n re ceived with cheers. I’iutform rec .uon.snd the sent,. ^ # of , lalP wi „ tIo „, eandutate leading up ' 0 „ iV ed with cheers. 1‘iatform rec people ol the Statu i, „d ‘ifre.l tlie eharge-pow- a ew btsi Hng se-nteiu-cs ommends such revision of tariff as do.sized in the State fie, and Imll.-t. The glass was shat- ^ j h to *!to tH.*‘V wnr witl '' TuU '" American industries .as tin- gun barrel ‘ 1 ‘" " ' 11 <> "*•■ hoped to lire the old sentiment and -weep the vonven- i l 't , ‘'' 1 ' i'.stanei- wa, that ol an e*x- io|| 0| , jts |f ,, t a n,l thus start the pcritneliter who heard that a ean.lte SUen|U|1 boora . F.vervthing work- could he tiro.l Iron, the narrel of a eJ wo „ , or tbe scheme. The al- g.m through an inch hoard. '*« 1 u , fac |i candidate brought drove a candle into the mnzxle of a muiKralt applause. At icnglli gun hr.. . and Urn ( ex,, os ori »p. i piaine was reached. A* the words the I,ami a,most its; entire let.p h. ,. wbo ^. , en i„, challenges the a.l- an.l did not even drive lie candle , jon of Ilia „ Kin ,|Ml Horn the from the'. Mill another; u... « will protest American intliiAtric* ami denounces importation of for* ci^n labor, eithev from China or Asi i riutform unaniiuously adopt,. ed. Call of State* for members of na tional committee. Adjourned at 1:40 p. m. until 7 p. ui. ructin^ tlu‘ir di'lvjiatcs to Chicn* » to use nil honorable tiicans t»» h plank iiiserudin the nation* Mlntforut endorsintr the notion ot ndr representntives in Congress. sqU9ro fight should be mnde on ,i» issue. It laailulx th. d. .egates f|0|ll l | |l> lm , zzb .. Still anotlier , lins' a raost'reiuarkablc m >nev by shoeing the horses ot !o themselves and to the- peo- bu|Ill tll a gun barrel was caused by • .'p ll(1 California dele- reighhois. IBs adopted daughter, le—and no scheme should be li* ■ - ' —i -—* - Moui.tuie, June 2— Crops look well, oais are ripe, people healthy ' A ZFZunUnrru’utc^I.,' und peaceable, schooU being organ- ,. t . p r Cf , i 0 w and «on Ru«r.tu’c<"* ized even bodv bu»v, and limes | oHi*m the .ho,.or Jam#* amv ’ Laro-tr tad Hampton Slrreta, »nd " •* awful hard. Lo.. hr*.! Ot Colton Avti.ur, Hi l ie I r A big picnic- ar Ocklo.-km-e .,-.»-i-.s. ori... .~s,,o,1^^^ bridge July 4th. Sucuess to the j .\mr-i venture, and may she wave. : There are more oxen used on liie ^ farms in this vmmty than anywhere in Georgia, to ;he amount.of popu-; 1 l) lalion. Many aingleoxen common , acruh breed, are valued at tiom ?*iw , h „ E.-r. m Wurhi. m.i ★ bookh. One of “Bill Arp’s" boys. Ralph, shoos hi-* t'.tiler's horse*, and makes to *:>n. Senator .Nm mao will probably he elected to the Atlanta Convention, by the >la*» Meeting to morrow. Polities quiet: candidates eau tion-. The- mills are shutting down foi lack of water, yet liie good rains of j ibe previous week will kee'p them j grinding a few days longer. Provisions are scarce. M. M. V. 1, .Wl.ixstIN, *t,.i 1,nw. rf}" 1 ;* it i„- n H.irai.ior.ipab t"-*'; 11.1 j*i*i a if. « r 1 ■ .’ CHEAP LUMBER- C — »l|t| livr stiauiv - ■»- •• t 111? IIMT «»l »l’l- :• *»*•**• lied i,» which rtt-ck* to rtiuothcr rammed over a charge of «hot. ! »eiilime 111? of the people on this scene ensueo. me tniiiuni.a iipic* * * * of wet grass for a wad, well m ounted their chairs and Minnie Itersou, picks as good a waved their white banners. Thu banjos.any other can. "Bill Arp It *ou,ids st range to hear ol a snow . y’"r^nllv',’I .Mo" feet deep. U | “f e Xew YoAdiregitiMToWowed: Syracuse, >*. V-, claims to have j ntar "DUto lion the :t Slot May, but such , • u three I The galleries caught the iniecllon tnanufacturedthe first locomotive pounds, from h.s Bald uk'^plL: “LIT" N, ' K I ordinary ..Hs. land s 6 ... of k.rchl.f. andh.uro W I ever built lu th. United States. , to d.,. The biggest sad well world wa*-truck at Warsaw V., recently, 1,520 feet deep. lieurgiu Slelon-. Qutman. wa., June 4— West *\ Pcrhntr, two ripe Syracuse, xTv.,"7iaiuis to have I melons, one weighing sixteen waved their white banners. The banjoasany other can. 4'P | bjnrMax. la., b ! northwestern delegations respond- his ten children and two adopted Mc-L.ud presented A. I - ■y I ed with a will. Pennsylvania came orphan nieces. ^ ^ : editor ot the Free Press, ". ’ up with terrific yells. The buik ot _ ..' ”, . _ .. i melons, one weiuhing ,4 V» itl and fHpl.-r _ S/XSSZ*'*- l "*■ For: 'physicians am f.y.'iiL 1 ’ xmu.!, ia.-r«ii "OlesnliuMs I. u«t t‘> 0odhDt ' ' soit-tr and Paousylvauia. | ordinary wells