The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 22, 1884, Image 3

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imericus Recorder. , LOCH SCHEDULE. ii.I nfter Smid-ty, June 8th, train, n il 1 (V panwnger tlnwn arrive, dully. 1*2:13 p m. .* '* np *' *' 8:3) j, in. t., Albany, “ urns pin. '* 1‘ioin Albany. “ 4:28 am. IIihi’ f.elslit down dally eneept Sundar, 4:49 pm. ■ Mailt cioalufp of Mntla. ■(loiny went and south close At 12 to. ((i.iiun east ami north close nt 3 p. m. INigbt mnilnorth close nt 6:30 ii. in. I,'or Buena Viatn 12 in. Lumpkin 12 ni. W. A. Black, I*. M. Citizens Meeting. Tho citizens ot Americas are re* j <| nested to meet the hotel comrait- [ toe at the council chamber to-mor row (Monday) at 5 o'clock p. m j All who are interested in the build* iug of a first-class hotel are request* I ed to atteud. .1. B. Hinkle, Chairman. Fresit Fruits. Fresh fruits and flneconfeotiona- [ ries can'always be found at Mat. I Hart’s. Orders solicited. We propose to sell Drugs, Potent Medl. [ l ines, etc., etc., os oheap os anyone. Call see .1. A. & I). F. Davrkfout. Picnic. The river bridge picnic will come oft on the llrst Saturday in July, Everybody is invited to attend and bring well filled baskets. Key Found. A skeleton key has been found and brought to this office. The owner can have the key by paving charges. Andcrsonvillc fcliool. Prof. Wenver's school at Ander- sonville will close on Friday, the 27th, with examinations during the day and an exhibition at night, A bosket dinner will be given on the grounds. Postponed. Owing to unavoidable delays the the entertainment for tbc benefit of the Methodist church, which was advertised for next Tuesday night, is postponed to a time in the near luture, which will be duly -mode known. Opera Slippers, Empress Slippers, New Port Ties nmi oil kind of Low Cut Sum mer Shots, for Ladies, Misses ond Chil dren, nt John H. Show's. •Notice to the Public. The l'enny System having been odopteil by a number of our pat rons in paying freight, and others being desirous of doing so. I will, on and alter Monday 23d, adopt the system uniformly, giving exact change on all freight bills. Wabkkn, Agent. Saturday and Sunday Night Excursion Tickets. Office Agent S. W. R. R.,i Americi's, Ua., June 21, '84. i Beginning Saturday, June 21st, 1 will hereafter sell “Saturday right and Sunday excursion tickets" to points 00 8. w. R. R., Central R. I!., and branches ot four cents per mile for round trip. These tickets will be good on any Saturday night or Sunday train, and will he good to return only until noon on Mon- dav following date of sale. Lott Wabrkn, Agent.. ® Tlln nianou . . J* 1. IV. Harper's .Nelson Count; Whiskey i, pi eferred above oil other L.onds is heeanse it ia the moat regular »<l most pi-rtrct Product, iaenntentably ver made, a long experience in the aonufacture of the Harper, the large ■tpilal of the Distiller which enables him 10 held his Whiskey until it has fully ma- 'aifd, together with tho fact that the 1 biskey is bought by and shipped me to doeet from Ihe Distillery accounts for 'he unvarying satisfaction it lies given those beat educated to a tino Whiskey. *1. Isuakia, Sole Agent, aprl2 6m Americns, (la. Oak crave Academy ' This school, conducted by Cnpt. G. M. Patterson, is located three and a half miles southeast of Americns, and last Friday night was the close of the term. Having heard much of this school, we ac cepted an invitation to witness the exhibition in the evening. Arriv-1 ing at the house, we found it well; filled, a large number of ladies and gentlemen from Americus being in attendance. The exercises opened with a most neatly worded and well delivered salutatory by Miss Bessie Allen, which would have done honor to any college gradu ate. Then came music and decla mations and recitations, all well rendered and appropriate to the oc casion. While all were good, and reflected credit upon both teacher and pupils, the delivery of Masters Furlow, Gatewood and Allen was exceptionally fine. These exercises were concluded by a valedictory address by Miss Sheppard, beauti ful in composition and effectively delivered. Wo should bo pleased, to compliment some others, but having no programme at hand wo cannot remember names. At the close of literary ,'xeroises the stage was cleared, and then came a num ber of small plays and dramatic recitatious. The little plays were exceedingly well rendered, and the fact that some of the parents took part in them was proof that the people of that neighborhood take a lively interest in the school. We had no idea that there was so much latent dramatic talent in our fricndsGatewood, Joiner and Hern don, who acted as if they were at home on the stage. So well pleased were we with tho plays that wo had not "A Drop Too Much,” and could have relished “A Little More Cider." The rendition of “The Maniac” by little Annie Allen was a wonderful performance for one so young. The interest of the enter- tainment was greatly heightened by Prof. Hawkins’ orchestra and the Americus Brass Band. And speak ing of music, wo mutt compliment Miss Lena Ford, music instructor IFOmTTS. Have you heard anybody say, “Is It hot enough for you?” The next mcetiug of The Club will be at Mr. C. A. Pricker’s next Friday night. Personal Paragraphs, Miss Msry Troutman left this week on a visit to friends aifd'rela. j lives in Rome, Ga. J j g i j. Nothing eql Miss Janie Warren, of Albany, | pries on the a^sHi is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lott, on 1 Please remember ,Sode Wrttsr ia Spot i Jackson Street. <ntl, ot only So a glass at MIbs Emma Dodson, a recent . F. Davenports. ; graduate of InaOrangcc Oolloee. ar- Quite a number of the boys go j rlved horae In9t week . down to see the Albany walking « m „ a j i * mo(nl , . J | Mr. T. E. Davenport and Bister, match tomorrow. ... _ „ , . . * ’ . _ Miss Leila, left for Oxford Friday, “The Club has decided to have ! to stlend commencemcDt . ! To.... m its annual plonio at Magnolia j ... , r . ’ (_ Wo have Justopem Springs on Julv 4th “ ,8S ^‘ an< * ^legg, who has been , dies, Misaea and Children’; Slippers, . , J ‘ I spending several days with Miss : kayo been received since the fire, Another effort is being made to l. ,, , . , , that wo wish to close out at coat lor cash. r » wing mate vo Fan mo Barlow, returned home on | If V on wish something nice good and organize a band. Americus should | g atnrdai .. j cheap we invite von to call, have one, and a good one. . _ , , l Homer GiiDrry Is to take part in! The date ol the lecture by Mr. j the wa i kin( , raatoh between Atlanta i Hoorn. r«. Beat Cheap lee# Our Ice House Ik uow opened, aud we are prepared to Hell Ice in nuy quantity at three-fourths of a cent per pound throughout the season. gas* j BkiI. • me iimtca ui.uwuun ah R. M. Johnston lias not been fixed, | and Macon . ffp , )l(1 wi „ , l.llf It tl* .11 ■ i -. ... • I ... A nnA.. I but it will be some time soon. MeFariau'a llye Whiskey, endorsed by the .Shite Chemist, also pure Brandies and Wines for medicinal nse at J. A. A lJ. F. Davkntort' Experiments in the value of our Artesian water are being made. Many claim it to have great medici nal qualities. The highest atm of the Aibauy walkers is to rench Americus lime. Americus outs the pattern tor Southwest Georgia. Mr. C. T. Furlow received n out ahead Misses Marie Redding, Lena, Ruth and Stella Carr, of Eastman, are visiting their relatives in this city, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Glover. Miss Annlo K. Thomas is visit ing Miss Hattie Brinson, ou Jnck- eon street. Mrs. McCaslinc, of Bolingbroke, is visiting her sister, Mrs, G. H. DeJarnette. Miss Cora Pri ice, of Americus, is in the city, the guest of Miss haudsome Columbia bieyele last Janie Weston.—Albany ^.ews. week, and is now diligently engag- j Miss Lilly Moody, of Fort Valley, ed in breaking it in. j is on a visit to her grandmother, The Perry base ball club wishes to have a friendly game of ball with the boys of this city soon, and Ihe probabilities aro that, it will occur this week. of the Academy, for the proficiency shown by her pupils upon tho piano, for their time was excellent and showed they had been conscicnti- ously taught. And now, having spoken of the exhibition, let us say a few words about tlie school, its teacher and its patrons. The building is one of the best in Sumter county, out side of Americus. About two years ago Capt. Patterson took charge of the school, and to day it ranks as one ol the best in the countrv, ts attendance having run up to about sixty. He is a teacher of the good old school, who loves his profession and conscientiously en deavors to do his duly liy all bis pupils, and thus wins their respect and love. The patrons of the school embrace a number of the most intelligent, progressive nnd prosperous farmers in the country, and they take an interest and pride in their school, as parents should, and the consequence is that thoy have a school of which to he proud. A Bicycle Race. (, n Wednesday evening of this week, Irom 8 to 10 p. in,, there will be a bicycle race at the Georgia " ur ehousc, under the auspices of ll 'e Americus Light Infantry. Quite a number of the riders of this city w ih contest for the prizes. First- l la»9 accommodations ’will bo fur nished and ladies arc invited to at- ‘end. Positively no pools will be "Old on the raee. The admission oO cents, children 25 cents, 'e gentlemen who have the mat- b' r in hand promise to give a pleas- ant evening’s entertainment, and We **°pe they willbave a good attendance (la to J. H. Black A Bon to liny your (♦hoes anil hats. Will h*II ehunp for earth, ill also well to good m**n on credit until full hr elior|» as anybody. Call to see them. Next door to Bank of Ameri in y 21 w 4 The Library will have an enter tainment at an cnrly day that will picsent some novel features, among others a display of fireworks that will be very attractive. There was an explosion ofa boil er nt a brickyard near Albany, Thursday morning, by wlitoh three men were killed outright nnd two others badly scalded. Albany has a walking mutch next Monday, nnd among the contest ants is Henry Smaw, an Americns boy, whose legs will bo very apt to carry him in a lap or two ahead. The Rough and Ready(col.)base- ball club of Albany have accepted a challenge from the Americus Rangcrs(col.)and will play a match game in this city on the 4 th of July. Messrs. J. W. & R. A Forrester, of Lee county, shipped a car load of watermelons yesterday, so we were informed by Dr. Duncan. This places them ahead ou the first ripe melon and the first ship ment.—Albany Medium. We have just received a very handsome line of Sterling Silver goods, with and without rases. Many of the designs arc new and very attractive, and we invite the public to call und look them over. James Fuicke k Bito. Mrs. Heys, near AmeriouB. Editor A. J. Tison,ofthe Smith- ville Enterprise, gave us a pleasant call Saturday. He says crops are doing woll in Lee. Mrs. W. J. Thornton, of Macon, arrived Saturday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Felder. Calvin Cahtfji A Sox, Prof, (.lurk’s High School. The oral examination and closing exercises of 1‘rof. Clark's High School, in this city, took place last Friday. We were sorry not to have been able to attend, hut we learn from those present that the exami nations showed that Proiessor had done Ids full duty to those entrust ed to his charge, and the pupils gave evidence of a rapid advance ment in theii studies. At the close of tbc exercises prizes forsuperiorpen manship were awarded to Messrs. W. C. Carter and John McUairah and Misses Fannie Uatewood und Jen nie Buchanan, the prizes being pre sented in a neat speech by I’rol. L. H. Carter, who stated that the pen manship ol all the scholars was so uniformly good that it was with difficulty the committee could make the awards. Judge Warreu, of the Republican, Mien closed the tiro cccdings with a short, pithy and pointed address. Frof. Clark has so pleased the patrons of his school that a strong effort will be made to retain him for another year. If we hadn’t promised to say nothing about Judge Warren’s per sonal appearance we should have copied the following from the A1 bauy News: Tboy say Kit Warren iR getting very “tonelious” about his beauty, and he wants tbc Uco-gia press to let up on his good looks. He has abandoned matrimonial aspirations and gone to teaching the children Latin. We are in receipt of a handsome invitation to attend the exercises of the “Class of '84" nt the Hold- villc (8. C.) Female College, which takes place June 24th. The invita tion wasscoimpanied with the cards of Misses Carrie L. Buchanan, A.lice McGarrali, Willie Patterson, Nan nie Sheppard, Daisy Shropshire and Edna McGarrali, nil of this city, who are attending school there. We have just received a vcy handsome liuc ot Sterling Silver goods, with und without, cases. Muny of the designs are new and very attractive, and we invite the public to call and look them over. James Fbickek A- Buo. At an intimation that the Ameri cus base hall club would play the Artesian City Club a match game the Albany boys sent a challenge to that effect, inviting the Ameri cus boys down. They received n reply In which the Americus nine refuse to come to Albany, but sug gest if our lioys were spoiling for a game, and if they would come to Americus, they would lie met by tbc Americus nine. The Arlesians respectfully decline, but are ready to meet them here in accordance with their owu suggestion.—Alba ny News. Successful Pencil Growing. To successfully combat the opin ion that peach culture is not profit able in this section, one lias only to make a visit to the orchard of Messrs, Sneed & Rodgers four miles northwest of this place in Sum ter county. Twenty-eight months ago they set seventy acres in trees, putting one hundred trees to the aore,mak* ing a total of seven thousand trees, mostly ot the Early Alexander and Rives varieties. About- ten days or .two weeks ago they began to ship their first fruit, and up to the present have shipped perhaps 1,300 crates of one third ofa bushel each, and we do not feel that we could be accused of exaggeration were we to say that they could have easily shipped from 5,000 to 6,000 crates, had they been disposed. In com pany with Mr. D. G. Avera, wo visi ted the orchard on Tuesday last, and wc fully eontess we were in no condition to believe that trees could be so heavily fruited. Trees from 4 to 5 feet high just literally bro ken down wi’li the most luscious looking fruit, and this too alter they had been shipping for some days Smitbvillo Enterprise. Dr. J. B. Hinkle bus two nice rooms, adjoining bis office on Jackson street, ior rent. They ore specially suitable lor nn office or bed-rooms. Apply to him nthis Li Belle Cologne Ol our own make, very refreshing, at J. A. & D. F. IUvexi'out's. The following property, located within the cor porate Unite of Anderaonrillc, must lie aold, ami a bargain is offered. . Two utrae of land, with fbur room houee, kitch en, smokehouse, stable, two corn cribs and line garden. Rnalnese house, a good stand, doing a good bua!- oees In general merchandise. <2 acre* of land, about twelv^i tion. r | J OBe IfOMB, 4 ITogf, I Cow, Plow gy and Ilarnei?, 1 Wagon and Hainees, 260 bu*. of Corn nnd Fodder In the hold, 100 bue. of Peat in tho field. Andereonville will in a few mouth* bavo anoth- * railroad, which will naturally Increase ite busi ness end make this property more valuable. For further Information apply to the Eioosdbb ofilcc. tf Mrs. Fltfil) LEWIS’ HOOK STORE. MRS. FRED LEWIS ItfOFFFMNG BAKGAINH IN UVKHV ENTIRE STOCK Ol Dry (roods, TOJ lfltl S BOOTS SHOES, HATS, r ".-’.j. ; .... m’I CARPETS ! LADIES AND GENTS Toilet Soaps Just received, very nice nnd cominoo- senso in price, at J. A. & D. F. Davknpoht’h. WALKERS MATHED. Wiitten expressly for tho Rkcohdkii. Professor llawkins ia good on the rhyme Though not so good on the guess, For who thought Kd Htuith would maUo heat time And Tobu Cobb none or lens. SCHOOL BOOKB, EXERCISE BOOKS, SCHOOL PAPER, SLATES, PENCILS* . j; PENS, INK, SCHOOL BAGS, AND ALL OTHKR THINGS NRKDKP IN 4 kTHK SCHOOL HOOM. nton into. STATIONERY! 18 COMPLETE, AND HKK LINK OF Miscellaneous Books! B WORTHY OK INSPECTION. HUE KEKI'B WEMAKK IT A ltULE SEV ER TO CARRY OVER ANY STOCK FROM SEASON TO 1 SEASON. AND OFFER YOU ‘ ANY ARTICLE IN ANY DK- 1’AUT.MENT AT ACTUAL A PULI. ASSORTMENT OS' Paper Saoks and Wrapping Paper! AND TUB ' j | ^ ^ | Latest Periodicals ! ALWAYS ON HAND. HIIK ALSO,KKF.I*H CIOARS! A FAST CONCATENATION OF THE USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL! ' ' ‘ 1 It would require a small volume to j catalogue every attraction, bnt mark the m pnneipai features. Prices guaranteed to ‘ % suit all from the miser to tho millionaire. V These goods were mode to soil, were * bought to soli and have got to sell. OUR STOCK OF .(HIS Ml) EMBROim ia unique and elegant, embracing all the latest and chastest designs: i&Hj Hamburg Edgeing Ml ^Insertion ond ^ All Overs to mntob, In endless variety and prices, from 21o to $4.00 per yard. Spanish, Oriental, Escurial, Pompadour and Irish Point Laoo, at matchless prices. For Yokes and Sleovos wo have Black Danish All Overs. All Ovnr o/vtils Spanish All Overs, AU Over Lace goods. Tucking and Puffing. contains everything that is neat and tasty ever manufactured tn that line. ' A NEW HAT THE PICNIC. Mrs. ELAM THIS IS NI IDLE TALK HU'(' SIMPLE FAQTfV.'OMK AND price biat GOODS, Yoimn BUY THEM EL8EW1IEUB * YOU ARE UNDER NO OB LIGATIONS WHATEVER TO BUY. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND SHOULD YOU FIND , THEM CHEAP ENOUGH, AND CAN USE THEM, WHY NOT BUY / WE MEAN “Strictly Business.” Though he enme to the conclusion at lust That ho certainly would have beaten Ed Smith If Ed hadn't been too last. Totutuh Allen went oft'too fnst, That's why ho quit the tramp, But I car’t say where he’d have been at last It Tommie hadn't taken the cramp. Tommie Htallings walks right well, Though he looked rather tired and hot; But what he'd havo done I cannot tell If he’d have only been able to trot. WOULD INFORM TnK I.AOIKBTIMT 191114 HAH ItkCKIVKD DOZ- F.y.H OK MIC! HATS! <>Ult STOCK IS ALL NEW AND FRESH-ALL THIS SEASON PURCHASES—AN D IF YOU WISH TO India end Iriek Linen, Lawns, Embroidered Dress Patterns, Nainsook, Swiss Muslin, French Mdll. German Lece, Cheeks, Italian Laos Fiqno. Russian Cambric, etc., etc. Wo oak an examination of onr large assortment of Nottingham Lace Gnrtslof . . in pairs—3 j yards long. . - s '■vaSp A booulllul and seleot line of Obsm- bravs, Srorsuckors, Figured Lawns and ' Mulls. Inolnding our 40 inch Victoria ,• Lawn at 15o. Theso goods are selling very rapidly and although we are ooostently ordering « more, wo fear wo cannot at nil times sup- i ply the demand. Turkey Red, Bl.sehed and Cream Dam ask—Cboieo and Cheap. - Large line ot Bedspreads and Qnllts.' Our Exira Large white 7Bo Counterpa "Beats the World." Towels, Crashes, Napkins nnd Doylies in sufficient quantity to keep hand:, clean for a generation. Linen Lip Robes end Tebl# Coven to. suit all. Saye 25 Per Cent I HOSIERY! OF TDK FOLLOWING PATTKRNH: Ed«ar Lew in is pretty good grit With the perKeveranco of a Naint. He made tho boyH get up and get, But when ho atopped he was rather faint. Edgar Guerry ia aure though slow, Ah to the track bo Htickn, And though for first money he bad no show. He comen out with dollaiH six. I cannot Hay who I wanted nhead. For 1 like all tho boys the Home; But I think Geo. Holder would havo Jod If George hadn't been so larno. AhhmtANT. Hcadr. We are now ready for bmdoeai and ex tend an invitation to everybody who Ite needing or over expect to need any boot*, •boe* and bate. Wo are now located Mew*. Council & Williford’* entrance and Intend closing out on tire etook In a very short time and rei bar that tho CASH will bring yon bat Bains. Calvin 1 Sok* L'AIIT WHEEL, .JUMBO, KOUTHKHN QUEEN, 13 MAY, CAPE AM) MORE COMING ! l|have iu o|**ration a now uit>i lnif>rnve<I Knulne Lathe bidI Power Drill, and iiavliiK a compets-nt j inacbislst, 1 um fully ^repaired to repair En^ui*. i and a! I kind of Maohlnory. By maidlnw >.7w Ka-51 Kin*-* to mo yoa will save freight H iid time nn>i have rhe work a* skillfully ••vec'iod a* »•!*.• wh*rc, \ P0 t; M. WUKAIJUY NOW IS THE ACCEPTED'; TIME. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF AMEIHCUB WERE SUCH BARGAINS OF FERED AH YOU WILL FIND NOW ON EXHIBITION AT IK MAMMOTH DRYGOODS^ OF , . ' .<?gninvf/. .<:§mnw/| J. VVAXELBAUM &• CO. Proprietors New York Store. I and Short, Fine iVhitc, Black, Bingeu and Speckle ,V No one has ever examine! these goods . , and failed to get snited in Quality and J Price. Come to G no—we will treat you ,41 right npri!25iu3 A "^WlIEBSH Arnericn* Varied. Works. * fVnUMilwt Avar* •I Meitol u4 Diploma, ^ ouu4t miArarruUrk C. I. KN0WLT0N, Aim Arber, Waifl t fifteen pound*. Adjutablc. FOB PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES Neatest, Cheapest, Beal. "Cleanliness Is next to Godliness." SrtlMy Country merchants and lav£c, planters will find this a splen- i did opportunity to buy K 1 and tealize a handsome pri >Ain: T. W. t