The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 25, 1884, Image 3

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Americus Recorder. ijOCAJCi OOIiTTMW. a. O. ITORKT, Ue«l Kdltnr r.OCAf. SCHEDULE. On and after -Sondny, June 8th, trains wil run aa follows: pay paiHcnger down arrives dfllly, 12:13 p in. •i “ up “ “ 8:33 p m. Nil?lit " loAlbnnv, “ 10:08 p m. *• " ftoni Alban,, “ 8:'.N u m. l>nyfi4‘fRhtdown daily except Sunday, 8:49pm. “ “ Munday, 2-I-2S a ra! “ “ “ 2: to a m. LOTT WARRKN, Agent. Nielli moling of Mall.* Going west and south clone ot 12 m. Going east and north clone at 3 p. m. Night uiatl north close at 6:30 p. nj. For Bueno Vista 12m. Lumpkin 12 m. W. A. Blace, P. M. The Broom Drill. The lady honorary members of tlio A. L. X. will give their enter, taimnent at the opera house next Tuesday evening. The celebrated broom drill will be presented. The Albany Walk. The Albany walking match camo olf last Monday afternoon, and was won by 8. A. Gilbert, of Lee county, who was alone on tho track after a four and a half hours heat with 22 miles T laps to his credit. Six walkers entered the race, but it is doubtful if any of then! would have remained cn the track for the six hours. Dance at the Commercial. The young men of the city will give a dance nt the Commercial Houston Thursday evening next. No invitations wiil be issued. Ail ladies arc i nvited. Gentlemen can secure tickets from committee. Kessler’s band has been engaged und will lie on hand. Ilooini for Kent. Dr. J. B. Hinkle has two nice rooms, adjoining his office on Jsckson street, lor rent. They are specially suitable for un office or bed-rooms. Apply to him at his offiCi A Telephone. We understand that another ef fort is being made by business men to establish telephone lines in this city. Since the organization of the Georgia Telephone company, some few weeks ago, it will cost a renter hut half what it would before. .Should the movement be a success, a line will be established between Americus and Macon. The Bicycle Race. To-night tho Amerieus Light In fantry have their bicycle race in Council d: Williford’s warehouse, and the prospect is that it will be very exciting. So far, five riders have entered, and the probability is that one or two more will entor. As there is no betting or pool sell ing on the race, there is no decided lavorile, and it is expected that tlie contest will be a close one. The arrangements are complete for the comfort of visitors, and we hope Hie hoy8 will be greeted by a large audience. A Pleasant Home, We had the pleasure, last week, of spending a few hours with Capt, T. M. Alien st his home near this city, and were impressed with the beauty and convenience of his sur roundings, and surprised that he bad been able to improve his place so much in so short a time. Six years ago ho purchased the place, which had on it nothing but a plain and substantial dwelling house, without even a fence around it. In that time he has put up convenient outhouses, stables, cribs, a neat paling fence, and has a fine orchard of peaches, pears, plums and apples. We noticed some fine LeConte pear trees in bearing. The house is situated upon a knoll, surrounded by a grove of oaks, and is a promi nent feature of tho landscape. Tho houses and fences are all kept neat ly painted, and everything about the house and grounds wears the appearance ot thrift and comfort. As the Capt. is away from home a great deal—being a commercial evangelist—we are inolined to give Mrs. Allen the greator part of tho credit lor his handsome home, While Capt. Allen’s house is an ex ception to the general rule, there is no reason why it should be, for there is not a fanner in this sec tion who cannot by a little extra labor and care make lor himself just as pleasant a home. We are inclined to think that our farmers do not pay as much attention to their home surroundings as they should. It is wonderful what a few days work in planting fruit trees, fixing up fences and outhouses, and a coat of whitewash, will do for a place. And we have always thought that this beautify ing home brought more careful attention and thrift to the farm—that the system of neat ness inaugurated at the house gradually spread over the farm, bringing prosperity and happiness. Make your farm houses beautiful and comfortable, and there will be less tendency among the boys to leave the old place for a situation in the town. POHTTa Fourth of July promises to be a big day here. Miss Anuie Thomas is visiting friends in the city. Please remember Soda Water is Spot Oath at only 5n a glass at J. A. A D. F. Davknpokt’s. Mrs. Jesse Cannon, of Clyde, Texas, is visiting Mrs. MoAllister, on College Hill. Reserved seats at the Bicycle Race to-night,without extra charge, No smoking or gambling will be allowed. McFarlau's ltye Whiskey, endorsed by the State Chemist, also pure Brandies and Wines for medicinal use at J. A. & D. F. DAVENPORT'S. There will be five entiies at the Bicycle Race tonight. If you wish to sec something novel and pleas ant, attend. The committee who have been circulating a subscription paper to raise fuuds to rebuild the Baptist Church arc meeting with good sue cess. We propose lo soil Drugs, Patent Medi cines, etc., etc., as oheap as anyone. Cali nd soe J. A. & D. F. Davehfoiit. Last Saturday a little negro brought up a twenty-five pound turtle from Muckaice. There are lots of them in the creek, and quite often one is caught. The penny system went into ef fect at the Southwestern railroad office on Monday, and we believe it will be a good thing. Gradually the penny is working its way. Go to J. II. Black A Son to bay your shoes and hats. Will sell cheap for casb. Wo will also sell to good men on credit until fall as cheap as anybody. Call to them. Next door to Bank of Ameri cas. my21w4 COUNCIL MEETING. Money Pound. Saturday evening Oscar Ansley, atT. Wheatley’s, sold Sam Glass, the bootblack, about $28.00 worth of goods. When Sam went to pay for them he showed two $20 bills, and was asked where' ho got so much money. He said he found it. As the matter looked suspicious, Mr. Wheatley gave Sain a receipt for the $28.00, and reported the matter lo the police, who put Sam in the guard house for the night. Monday morning Guo. McNeil came to town and reported having lost the money, and after describ ing it and where it was probably lost, Sam said the money was Mc Neil’s. It was found among the •nick in front of the new Barlow block. Toilet Soaps Jnst received, very nice and common- sense in price, at •I. A. A D. F. Davenport’s. Americus, Ga., June 23, 1884. Present—Mayor Felder, Aid. Burt, Williams, Hawkins and Cobb. Absent—Aid. Morgan. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Cemetery committee asked fur- tiler time to make a report in the colored sexton matter. Granted. Petition for street lamp at junc tion of Furlow and Lee streets re ferred to street committeu with power to act. Toll from Flint River bridge from June 1st to 15th $23.40. Aid. Hawkins asked for the Board ot Education the privilege of using sand from the bottom of La mar and Forsytli streets on the bnlidingof the colored college. Petition from negroes on C’apt, Cobb’s place asking for free pas sage of parties on other side of riv er attending their picnic was grant ed. The special lioense and tax ordi nance for 1884 was then taken up and the one of 1883 was adopted. Council adjourned. Baldwins & Davenport had a sample ol their first cleaning of rice on the street yesterday, and it looked nice. It was Sumter grown rice, cleaned here and will he con sumed here. We have just received a very handsomo line of Sterling Silver goods, with and without cases. Many of the designs are new and very attractive, and we invito tho public to call and look them over. James Fricke & Bito. Work on the building for the colored schools will begin this week. It will be located on Mc Kay bill, wiil accommodato all the colored scholars of the city, and will be ready for occupanoy by the opening of the fait term. Opera Slippers, Eoipress Slippers, New Port Ties and nil kind of Low Cut Sura- Shots, for Ladios, Misses and Chil dren, at John R. Slum's. If To tho I<a«lle*. We have jnst opened a large lot of La dios, Misses and Children’s Slippers, which have been received since the fire, that we wish to close out at cost for cash. If you wish something nice good and cheap we invite you lo call. tf Calvin Carter Jt Son, Hotel Meet lug. Owing to the absence of some of the parties most interested, the public meeting called for Monday evening, to hear the report of tho hotel committee, was postponed until this evening at 5 o’clock, at which time all who are interested in securing the erection of a new hotel are requested to meet at the Council Chamber. We should like to see every business man and property holder in the city in at tendance, as it is a matter that in terests all, and therefore all should take an interest in it. The people of Americus should make up their minds that if they want anything they must get it for themselves,— they can’t get it by lying back and waiting. Electric Light. If there is anything in this dark aud dreary world that is a comfort and cheer to weary marshals, is is good, clear, brilliant light; and if there is anything calculated to bring one down In gray hairs to an early giavc, it is a smoky, dim uncertain light given by those modern delusions called kerosene lamps. The moral of all this is to go to F. H. Buchanan k Son’s and ex amine their Electric Nickel Stand Lamps, which give five time* as much light as an ordinary lamp, don't smoke or break chimneys, and are a thing of joy and beauty forever. They will let you take one home and try it, and if you are not satisfied with it you can return it. As an itom in the proceedings of the City Council last week has given the impression that Mr. P. D. Hill, sexton of Oak Grove Ceme tery, was reported for neglect of duty, we remark that it was the sexton of colored cemetery who was thus reported. Mr. Hill per- formes his duties faithfully. List of Delegate* To Americus District Conference which convenes Thursday morning, June 26th, 1884. *' Fobt Gaines Circuit—Rev. J. A Mc- Kimmee, C. S. Ram bo, H. C. Coleman, J. H. Ingraham, C. T. Humphrey, W. A. Graham. CUTHBEUT AND GEORGETOWN ClBCUlT -Rev. F. A. Branch, Rev. B. W. Key, Rev. D. R. McWilliams, Rev. J. R. Owen, Dr. 8. P. Dozier, G. F. Barfield, ». G. Morris, Theodore Perry, Rev. ;C. Wil liams. Weston Circuit—Rev. J. R. Ware, Rev. W. M. Crimes, W. J. Tompkins, G. E. Bell, J. Hudson, D. M. Bolton, B. M. Overby, J. Thompson, Dupree, Grubbs. Smituville Circuit—Rev. J. T. Tur ner, Rev. J. W. Boring, Rev. J, W. Con ners, Rev. P. J. Dell, J. W. Jordan, 8r., W. A. Wilson, Simeon Glaz?, J. A. Cate- lings, W. My rick, Jesse R. Jordan. Wabd’8 Circuit—Itev. It. L. Wiggins Rev. J. E. Godfrey, Rev. B. H. Lester, Rev. W. D. Stewart, Rev. T. R. MoMi- ob&el, H. A. Crittenden, R. T. Dozier, H. 8. Parham, T. J. Ferguson, E. A. Heys, T. A Wall. Terrell Circuit—Rev. L. H. Green, Rev, J. G. McCullers, W. 8. Dozier, D. F. McLain, J. A. Carter, Oliver Wilker- son, J. R. Marshall, J. H. Wimberly. Dawson and Dover Circuit—Rev. P. 8. Twitty, N. W. Dozier, 8. T. Jordan, J. A. Lainy, W. W. Beo, T. K. Cobb. 4 Magnolia Springs Circuit.—Rev. J. R. Littlejohn, Rev. T. H. Stewart, Rev. A. H. Ogletree, G. W. Dillard, J. B. Holley, J. D. Glover, T. G. Walters, E. H. Cheek, D. G. Rogers, W. 8. Moore. Ellaville Circuit.—Rev. C. E. Bo land, Rev. W. C. P. Cleghorn, Rev. H. Scarborough, Dr. C. H. Smith, Robert Patten, Geo. H. Walker, P. 8. Stephens, Phillip Murray. Sciiley Circuit —Rev. W. T. Clark, Rev. W. F. Hixon, Rev. W. A. Green, T. V. Bridges, A. C. Murray, Jas. Bridges, Julius Turner, J. B. Kennedy, Arthur Royal, Rev. W. R. Singleton. Oglethorpe Circuit.—Rev. J. B. Wardlaw, Rev. J. A. J. Kimball, W. H. Robinson, J. 8. MoCrory, C. F. Hill, Walter Gianos, Thou. Brady, W. H. Fish, Rev. B. C. M. Brooks, Rev. G. \V. Wil liams. .JSnow Spring Circuit.—Rov W. Sane, Rev. M. C. Jordan, A. G. Wilson, W. O. Redding, J. F. Smith, Jno. Grumpier, 8. A. Ivie, N. Vinson. Spring Vale Circuit—Itev. J. M. Pot ter, Rov. J. R. West, ltev. H. F. Sessions, J. O. Barry, J. P. Seals, Jas. Dennlngton, Walter Mathews, Chus. Barry, R. King, Jno. Singleton, Jno. Ellis. N. P. Cozier. Sumter Circuit—Rev. R. F. William son, G. II. Stubbs, C. A Taylor, A. B. Raiford, A. McNeal, R. H. Slappy, A. G. Pennington, H. Holloway, W. H. Glovor. Vienna Circuit—ltev. W. W. Tidwell, David Forehand, R. B. Sane, O. P. Swear ingen, John Jordan, W. B. Hamilton, J. R. Brown. Visitors—ltev. W. H. Potter, Rev. W. C. Bass, Rev. S. B. Payne, Rev. J. H. Aus tin, Rov. H.C. Fentress Rev. J.W. Hunter. STEWART COUNT* LumplUa Independent. g | A Lumpkin blacks inttE Dink a one-stcer farm In’ connection with Ilia shop, and in going ta aucl froni his field drtves lils steer to a cart. Since the weather commenced to grow warm the blacksmith brought his inventive powers into use and by using an old buggy tgp.jjpw drives the only genuine leather-to] ox-cart in the country! | Unless some understanding can be arrived at between the prohibi tiou and the anti prohibition advo- vocatcs in this county the whiskey question will be a prominent feat ure in Stewart county polities this fall. It is a matter which should not be allowed to enter into politics but it seems to the writer that it is drifting in that itireolion very rap idly. Sheriff Griffis and Deputy Sheriff Holder brought to town on Thurs day night and lodged in jail a negro named Anderson Ewing whom they captured fourteen miles below Fort Gaiucs. Anderson is charged with assault with Intent to t|urder JlU other negro, the difficulty 1 _ occurred near Flotehce some time ago, and for which offenco the pris oner stands indicted by the Grand Jury. A Stewart county farmer has 125 hogs which he is said to be fatten ing on mulberries. Stewart connty farmers have been killing bay while-tile sun ufRs shining this week. In two respects Lumpkin ofiers superior advantages as a summer resort; we have no brass band nor base-ball club here. The big railroad barbecue will be given on July lOtb. FIRE IN SCIILEY COUNTY. (o)- Its Like ban Seldom been Seen in ' the! Semi-Annual ENTIRE STOCK !_4 # JL riiH T BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CARPETS! Clte.p Ice. Our loo House Is now opened, ami wo ore prepared to soil loo in any quantity nt three-fourths uf a cent per pound throughout tho season. Wynn A Bum,. w lsu At Hurt’s Old Stan.l. We have just received a very handsome line oi Sterling Silver goods, with and without cases. Many of the designs are new and very attractive, and wc invite the public to call and look them over. James Fwcker A Bito. Business men in every branch of trade arc complaining of the dull ness of the times. /The old adage that “wc live to learn’’ seems not to bold good in all things. This same business stagnation has come to ns year after year as regularly the summer season comes around, and yet men are never pre pared to meet it, and express sur prise and complain and grumble because money is scarce and trade is dull. As wc live we should learn that it will be the same way ul this time next year and the year after, and for years to come. Wc cannot expect the bri9k transac tions of the fall and winter to con tinue through the entire year. If there were less grumbting, and more men resigned to the situation, money would not appear so scarce nor business so dull. A Miserly Woman. Un Sunday last Mollie Thomp son, better known a. Miss Stickney, died at ber residence in this oity. For several years past she has lived in u wretched little house and sub- sLtcd upon the charity of tho peo ple. After her death, in looking after some papers, $760.75 in cur rency and silver was found in an old waskstand drawer, and in various places around the house were found bolts of sheeting and calico, a lot of baby clothes, twelve pairs of shoes which had never been worn, and a number of spools of thread. Some of those articles had evident ly been bid away for a number of years. The woman had been sick for a long time. It supposed that the money and articles were left her by her mother, who died about a year ago, and who when living occupied the house with her. ELr.AViu.fc, June 23.—Mr. James Bridges had his dwelling housonnd smoke house consumed by fire Thursday night, about 10 o’clock. Mr. Bridges and family escaped from tbo burning building iu tbeir night clothes, as the top of tho dwelling was on fire when discov ered. Mu. Bridges lost all of his household and kitchen furniture, also all of his meat, lard, eto. The loss falls heavily upon him, ns he is a poor man and has a large family dependent upon him for support. It was undoubtedly the work of nn incendiary, as there had been no lira in the house after six o'clock that evening. Our citizens sub- scribcd liberally to help Mr. Bridges replace ids house and furniture. There was no insurance on the buildings. Fine rains and crops booming. Tlie Reason Why, I. W. Harper’s;Ne!aon County WhUkoy is; preferred abovo nil other Brands is because it is tho most regular and most perftat Product, incontestably ever made. A long experience in the manufacture of the Harper, the lurge eapilal of tho Distiller which enables him to bold his Wbiskoy until it has fully ma tured, together with tho fact that the Whiskey is bought by and shipped me to direot from the Distillery accounts for tho unvarying satisfaction it hns givon those best educated to a fine Whiskey. J. Israels, Sole Agent, aprl‘2 Cm Americas, Ga. LADIES AND GENTS Firnislim Goods, 33to, WE MAKE IT A RULE NEV ER TO' CARRY OVER ANY '' BE^HONf A$D OFPEIiTOU ANY ARTICLE IN ANY DE- PARTMENT AT ACTUAL ;v._ „ - IMMENSE STOCK -OF-' ’ ' S# 5 J ( ^ HY HMDS! a m j-. - . i 'jfjfiLcam - /.y> < ■ ' - . >• .s It would require a small volume to. outaloguo every attraction, but mark the principal features. Prices guaranteed to suit all from the miser to the millionaire. These goods were’ mads to eeil, veto bought to selt and have got to sell. - OUR STOCK OF ALOES AND V- is unique and elegant, embraelng all the latest and ohnstest designs: designs: Hamburg Edge tog and Insertion l. All Overs to matob, in endless variety si. prices, from 2|c to $4,00 per yard,*:; ) Spanish, Oriental, Escuri and Irish Point Lace, at t For Yokes and Sleeves we 1 Spanish All Overs; All Oyer Lacet Tucking end Faffing. OCR • • contains everything that is neat and tasty -Ivor manufactured in that line. New Advertisements I.eBelle Cologne Ot our own make, very refreshing, at •1. A. & D. F. D*vKNronT's. Spelel to the School Cllrla. 144 Bangle Lace Pins (aj 10 worth 23c. 144 Spoon end Fork Lace Ping (a, 13 worth 50e. Nothing equalled to the above et the price on the American continent. Johx R. Shaw. Reedy. We ere now reudy for busines* end rx- i tend an invitation to everybody who are needing or ever expect to need any hoots, shoes end bats. We are now located in Mess. Council & Williford's warehouse entrance and fateDd closing out oar en tire stook in a very short time end remem ber that the CASH will bring you bar gains. Calvix Cartrii A Sox. Americus vh. Albany. Albany New*. Mr. J. Israels, of Americus, was in the city last night endeavoring to get up u walking match between a team to bo selected by the Alba ny Guards and an Americus team to be selected by the Light Infantry of the latter city. Owing to the excitement over the match in pro gress last evening, no arrangement was entered into, though it is like ly that tlie Guards wilt take up a corps of pedestriars. The match is to take place in Americus ou the fourth of July. There are to he bicycle races aud other amuse ments, and the proceeds sic to be divided between the two military companies. Mr. Israels states that the match will only lie about three or four hours long. He got up the recent match at Ameiious between the two Are companies, and seemaqnite familiar with such contests. Elam Johnson, Son & Go., ATLANTA, GA. WIXOXJ33SA.UB THIS 18 N* IDLE TALK BUT HIMI’LEFACTS, COME AND, . PRICE OUR GOODS, AND I i IF WB DON’T OFFER YOU THU SAME GOODSFOHLE8S MONEY TI1AN YOU CAN BUY THEM ELSEWIlEltF. YOU ARE UNDER-NO OB LIGATIONS WHATEVER TO BUY. BUT ON TIIK OTHER HAND SHOULD YOU FIND , THEM CHEAP ENOUGH, AND CAN USE THEM, WIIY NOT BUY ? WE MEAN 'Strictly finsiness.” Merchants, Respectfully SoliotH ConHignracnts of MELONS, CANTALOUPES, HONEY, AdiI Country Produce Generally, Also, Order* for Anything the Atlanta Market Affords. jUU#45tf BARGAINS INREAIj ESTATE, MUST BE SOLD. The following property, locate*! within ttm cor porate limit* of Andcnonville, iniul be sold, uml a bargain U offered. Two o-ncs of land, with four room bouse, kitch en, omokohousc, stable, two corn £rlb< nnd lino garden. Bastne** home, a good ota'id, doingagoud buxi nes* in general merchandise. 82 acres of land, about twelve acre* iu cultlva tlon. One Horae, 4 Hogs, 1 Cow, Plow Tools, 1 bug gy and llarneae, 1 Wagon and Hama**, 250 but. of Coni, and Fodder Iu the field, 100 but. of Teu in the field. Andertonvllle will Iu a few months have anoth er railroad, which will naturally Increase Its boat- dgu and make tbit property more valuable. For furwer In'ormation apply to the U icon cm wffia*. tf OUR STOCK 18 ALL NEW AND FRESH-ALL THIS SEASON PURCHASES—AND IF YOU WISH TO Save 25 Per Cent I NOW 18 THE ACCE1TED TIME. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICUS WERE SUCH BARGAINS OF FERED AS YOU WILL FIND NOW ON EXHIBITION AT TIIK MAMMOTH DRY GOODS uB India and IrUb Linen, Lawns, Embroidered Dress Patterns, Nainsook, Swiss Muslin, v, -i ■*:: French Mull. German Cheeks, Italian Lace Pique Russian Caubrio, etc.,. , - . - Wo ask nn examination at < assortment of Nottingham Lace in pnirs-3J yard* long. onr large A beautiful and .select line of (. _ bravo. Seersuckers, Figured Lawns i Malls. Including oar 40 inch V' ’ Tbcso goods are selling very rapidly and although we are constsntly more, we fear we aumot at all limei sup ply the demand.. ... , % Turkey Red, Blraehed end Cream Dein- ask—Choiee nod Cheap. Large ltae of Bedspreads and Qnilto. Oar Extra Large White 7So Counterpane “Beats the World." Towels, Crashes, Napkins and 1 in sufficient quantity to keep I clean for a generation. Linen Lap Robes end Table Covers I suit all! : ’ . Doylies ip hands Long nnd Short, Fine -aid Comuoii, White, Black, Binge-:, Straekcd -a ’ 'Ipect’ed. - AND CLOTHING PALAC1 OF J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Proprietors New York Store. Country merchants nmi large planters will find this a splen did opportunity fo buy goods and realize a handsome- pAft ..i J. W. St CfiJi (o)- NEV YORK STORE. npd Speer No one has ever examined these and failed to get united in Qnali. Price. Coiue to C ns—wo Will treat you. right. * v J* J ^ .4, - Jt * Clothier, Hatter Shirter, Si