The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 27, 1884, Image 1

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FTT t K-ifi.j w/n -Jiij.f.'-iHAj'Hi !*jjv Established 1879. - ; • ‘ > .1 ■ •: i i>'ii .im •■m l AMKR1CPS, GEORGIA, FBIDAT, JUNE 27, 1884. Americus Recorder. PUBLISHED BY QIjESSNER, w. OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE, PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS LAWYERS. L S. CARTER, A'l'TORN e y at la A.UEKJCUS, SuMTKR COUNTY, : *. Ga. Office, oM Fir»t National Bank. Prompt alt cat bn siren to nil business entrustfd. specialty and prompt* attention C. R. McCRORY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLAVILLE, GA. TERMS—All claim* from $30 or nude from $30 to $500, ten per cent.; over $500, i p>-r rent. No charges unless collections are i May 14-tt. DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. • Her* hi* professional services, with an experi ence of 20 vears, to the people of Americus and v ictnily. Office over Dstik A Callaway's Store. Ret DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, OA. it Dati prompt attention. ..uiiljin.A fif I 1 ,,! ft Dr. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST, AMERICUS, GA. Cash rates i Work equal to the best _____ l.< lowest. Try him at., be convinced. Office over Davenport & Son’s drjf store. oprSOtf MISCELLANEO VS. 3NT©11 PiOliett. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TALBOTTON, - Will tlo Plastering, Brickwork and Housework Cal-omino a specialty, Repairing done. Orders promptly attended to. octitf GIN WORK. B I would respectfully state to the public that I am now prepaired to REPAIR OLD GINS! tWCAPITAr, PU1ZB, STS .OOP mrt Ticket, only S3. Share. in proportion Louisiana State Leryott Go. ‘‘W’« do hereby certify that ice supervise t/u arranyemenu for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of The Ufa and that the tame are conducted with hon esty, faimtu, and in good faith toward all partus, and tee authorise the Company to nee thie certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisements.' Iselonera. * 868 tor M yean by the Leeisla- Writable purposes— withacapital of 11,000,000-to which a reserve land of over $550,000 has since been added. AA-H. y ,^A OVenrh ? POPOl^ r °t® it* franchise JaELEJftL? 1 ’ nr v t of Ji ,e p««ent State Constitution udoptod December 2d, A. D., 1179. IftUry ever tcUd on and endorttd iy the people of any Matt It never tcales or pottponet. _ A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO buVurr wrf FJ 1 E * BEVE *'™ GRAND ''“AWING, CLASS O, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSINEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. •luljr ISCk, 1884 - 170th Monthly Drawing! CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Fire Dollars Eaeli. Fractions, In Filths, In Proportion. LIST OP PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 \ ^ Sfi^OOO 2 PRIZES OF $0.000 1*000 J do 2,000, 10,000 10 do 1,000 10,000 “ do W10, 10,100 5 j" 200 20,000 2 d“ H». 00,000 “ do 30 03,000 1 *5 . <l " . 21 23,000 ? Approximation Prize, of ,130 10,230 • •* mo ..wo 9 “ . “ 230 2.250 POWDER Absolutely Pure. T U .iwwder never varies. A marvel of purity strength than tin eompctioi ry , i w ith the multitude of low test, short n m or pliosphat o powder*. Sold onlu in ... ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 106 Wall S'reet, New York. octSlyl. 967 Prizes, amounting to $265,600 Application for rates to clubs should be made nlv to the office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write dearly, giving fbl address Make 1*. O. Money Orders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. .**9*'T AL NOTES and ordinary letters by nil or Express (all sums of $5 and upward by xprots nt our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La, After having bad an 1 experience of'several yenra in the largest gin m um factories, 1 know Vat I can give satisfaction. All work gunrtn- i located with tny father on JetTorsoi with tny r of Oliver Ac Oliver's shop. Work solicited, imajrtssnj P. A. CAMERON. Edward J. Mi’ler. 0, Horace McCall. Monumental Marble Works, MILL!:)! & SlcUALL, Proprietors, S mthwest Corner of tlio Public Square, AMERICUS, OA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc.,Eto. • Italian and American Marble. Oemetery Kudos- A. A. Battle’s $8.00 Hen’s Shoes. Cgr A Guaranteo from the Manufacturer..^! 1 claim that these shoes are made of the best leather that can l-o produced. There is no shoddy in them; they will wear equal to any custom made Shoe that would cost yon nvo dollans. I do a largo i>u»lne*s, buy and sell fur cash, and th reforo Inm ••named to defy competition. I have taken this method of introducing this Shoe becauso there is • .'W' 1 r l" nn ,lon ‘ ? *l Kh, ' c •* n rrice war * iarite>l hy the manufactmer. I claim these Shoes Jo Ik* .titrln-d with the best of silk, and the but- lonsare sewed on with the b at of Barbour's thrjad, which is Imported from Scotland. These ’‘I®?* on l "° lltc *t Improved la*ts, atd >ou will And them an easy fit, niter yon have tred one pair you will wear none that Is not stamped* bo,l 1 oin .“ A - A - Battle’s $3.00 Shoe.” EX- wrf uL*“J* Americas at the BARGAIN STORE of 8. M. COHEN, Collon Ave. ma8m3 MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVE! A .Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for ^K-URhtidaau.aud RestorlUR the Sight of the Old I l‘ure» Tear-Drops, Uranulatlons, Htje Ttimors, Rcil Eyes, aud Matted Eye Lashes, * SI * l'BODUCIKO QUICK RELIKV AND 1KKMAXBXT CURE. *qo.lly .flic.clou, wh.u ui.d •u oth.r m.lKrfi.i .neb •• DL.ri, r.. Bnr.Jj.V- Tumor., s.n „V" 2 *i or wherever lufl.niallnu ilia / nvomauM ialvk mmy k. to _5|^*r oil DruKKlal. ut as . uti. NOTICE. of ^ “A'nilS ha. thl. day whl her .lock , "lllloery (lood.> c. A. TAVl.OR, and th. w.?,*.™ tl ' r<!in “ r oodaetod ty Ur.. K "AULICK dr CO. America,, On., V.u 30, IM4. So many mcrclianta advertise pric.s so fubulou9ly low, to draw trade’’ and so many customers are now aware ol the fact, that it is done (or that purpose only,—that but little reliance is now placed in advertising. Generally the articles advertised arc “sold out” or arc a poor imitation of that which the customer really expects. I will men tion again to my friends, custom ers, and those wishing to buy any. thing in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoe, Hat and Notion line, that I do no impossibilities, but that I am onablcd (through the way my goods are purchased) to sell good goods (or less money than other mer chants can buy them, at regu. lar prices at wholesale, and then it leaves me a fair margin as a profit. I am not selling oil at cost, nor do I sell at and below cost to make room; on the contrary, I continue to reocive new and fresh bargains daily. The latest arrival is a very large lot of Hamburg Edging and Insertion, that 1 am selling from 2 to 20c per yard, fully worth double the amount asked. Call early and get the choice. Also a large lot of Ladies, Gents and Children’s Straw Hats, Hand kerchiefs and Hosiery. Cali, you will not bedlsappointed, but rather surprised to find as last one place where you can find goods at the advertised prices. S. M. COHEN, Bargain Store, Cotton Avenue. Meatl Martlet Disfiguring ^HUMORS, 'Milltching and Tor- ^X^ tUres ’ HtumL mSL iating Erup- v//«^tions. such as SS.iv SfAPfi ,£3S*& ?:;!} nd go^Tp. with Lots of Hair, y tho Cuncuiu Remedies. To list Requisite, •wjaifltf 8kln JBeautlfier BatS from Oimotnu, - '“.scasns, llsby ppsd, or Oil/ thu hand, and o I •ndM ofthefiiizen.Tory difficult to trust, an considered incurable: saull patches of U salt rheum on the oars, nose, and aidua of ‘^rtjtsS tbs face. Itehl^huroln^and acaly tortures that I hsalod as b/ inasio. irdinar/ remedies, soot I PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BB keep on ban-1 Ibc very beat cota of ! BEEF, FORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, and also a full line of Green Groceries and Provisions, embracing all kind* Of Vegetable* Mid Fruit* In their season. Canned Orod*, etc. Ill* their aim to keep a lint class eaUbUshmont, atd give their istomers good goods at the lowest prices, gartllzbest price mid for Cuttle, Bugs, and * ln«ls of country produce, America*, Dec. IS, Psortn* 1 *, Isproty, and other frightful forma of skin ditSMoa. ecrofufons ulcers, old sum and dis charging wounds, each and all of which have bean speedily, permanently, and economically cured by the C'cncuRA Remedies. Sold everywhere. Pricer Ctmctm*. SO cente; Ssa^ffi.'isssiSBsa •end for««Hew it Care Ikla A DAnsON UOTS. Dawson, June 2fi._*Vouc oorrea- pondent, “Thirsty,” Ip last week’s paiier, made nee of these words: “May the. B«coKSKB,l(yq always and the. rests! us nevea dim? r.A pretty good wish.' We met “Thirs ty" at the commencement exercises of the college here, and from , bis looks we did not think lie was at all thirsty,.for h .WM sfter Hon. W. M. Hawke.’ elegant effort that wo met him in the vestibule of. the college building, and be appeared lo have drank, ip an excessive quaatitjr the golden frords,deliver ed by the gifted orator, a His pom deplume is a unique .one, but I hardly think.the name suits him, unless he is ip earnest in ; ralaMP D to distilling the peach fruit, , apd having brandy and honey to drink in the fall. In bis last communi cation his line oi thought appeared to he against prohibition, and ns he lives where liquor is pot sold, or drank (f). If he will visit us (re-' queuily he can get as much as bo wishes here, for Dawson with a population of 2000 persons Is. rep resented by eight bar rooms; bat for,all that we are a moral and la*, abiding people and a drunken man upon the streets is a rare thing to see. Our schools and churches are “goms in the diadem of our crown,” and one regular policeman, is all that is necessary here,, and he is hardly necessary, for we are quiet people. In my last I omitted to notice with those who received gold med. als at the reoent commencement, Miss Mattie, daughter of (he Hon, H. S. Bell, of this place. This young lady received a medal for general excellence, and she i3 known as being the seeped .best After Trying for HO tear* Tbe Right One lias Conic at Last I Kuiglits of the Golden Star Is a Mutual Aid Association, a good, hon est aod Christian institution, recom mended by wbito and colored. It I* chartered for the TTnited States und Terri tories for 20 year* aod ha* been In exis tence for nearly three year*. Ha* a fine Library in each Lodge for the young ladies and gentlemen. Ifa* lodges in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, aud Ten- msieo, and is now being established in Florida and South Carolina. Hm never had any money stolen from ir,' and has some of tbe beat men in the country at tbe head of it. It has paid out to Sick members. $438.50. Distressed members 102.60. On death benefits 857.05. 1’rinting, eto 676.00. Grand total $2,003.05. Is not behind in a single assessment. Tbe| cost to a member in not over $4 or $6 a year. Monthly due* only $2 per year. All persons desirous to form one of these Associations will write for ii^fpi* matlon to D. S. Harms, P. O. Box HO. Amrrieun, Ga. junel5m2 W. J. HUDSON & CO., WHOLESALE MISSION MERCHANTS, And Birmingham, Ain. Melons, Fruits and Truck, ABB OVB HPAL'iALTIBM. We ask your consignments, promising quick sale* and prompt returns. ’•fleii-l tor slrncils tnd pries list, -Hanks of Atlanta and Ruroin* speller in the college, having miss ocl but one word during tbe term- YVe d.light to notice merit, upon tbe part of the young of tbe land, for in our young gentlemen and young ladies rest the hopes of the country. ,. u , We were asked this question by gentleman of this place e few days ago: "Why is it that our school girls snd society yountr ladies of the present day write in suoh a large hand? Why this coarseness of penmanship in forming; their' Utters and words?” Woregret tossy this “bold pen-1 mnd” of many of our ladies is a sad innovation apon that delicate size in forming their letters snd words, whioh onoe gave so muoh beauty to the penmanship of our women. Let our women re turn to that exquisite penmanship which was puce theirs as evidenc ing so much of a refined and beau- tifnl taste on their part , |; V,| A protraeted meeting is being held in tho Baptist church here, which we hope will develop in rich results. Rev. Mr. Stansberry, pn evangelist of high standing, is as sisting the pastor, Rev. B. W. Davis, in the meeting. P ' R. G. Harper, esq., of Hampton, Ark., who formerly resided hero, and who studied and wot admitted to the bar in this place, under the Hon. L. M. Lennsrd, is a candidate for legislative honors in bis dis trict. Ho is running on tbe pro hibition question. Success to you, Robert. .1 ..Mi- Senator Parks is now seen upon our streets almost e very day, which is a source of great gratification to his many friends. Bis long indis position has been thecanMhffph'Ch anxiety, for that reason we ars glad to notice hia now rapid recupera tion. -'L-iu 'll-.: ! • .i •-*•:•! ••!>.■ Mrs. M. A. McNulty and her'en tire family, excepting the “boss,” and her son Frank, are. ppenffiag their vacation at summer resorts in Virginia, and the "boss,” Prof. McNulty, accompanied by hU Mb, Frank, and Prof. Adams, are pn. a wagon trip to Florida to take in the fruits, flowers, and other en joyments 6f that delectable land. We envy them in the joys of thClr rest and recreation. Puring commencement week we bad with us Mr, A. Buggies, of Charlotte, Michigan, who was the guest of Professors MoNultyand Adams. Mr. Buggies told the ^rljpr tba^ be rras pleasputly, iip with,the,bearlng,p( th| W s “do.wp Sqtith^jjnd that,be nklgjit possjbly locate herq. Suoh gentlb- men as he is will always Ira doubly welcome to a home among us. , „Prof. W. II. Allen, is again st jionge with.jis, baying through the term just ended, been oonneeted with the Albany Male High School as prinpipa). The following flrom the Albany News is a just tribute to him, one of pur most successful educators: “Prof. Allen is sn honest, conscientious teacher, and has done good work during the past year." Things of a political nature are getting “red-hot” here. The po litical slate lias another name upon it, O. B. Stevens. Tho friends of each of the legislative candidates, Piokett and Stevens, are this early marshalling their strength, and the eontest biffs fair to be s warm—1 very warm one. The slate also bolds the name of one Mr. Aycock who proposes to run against our present efficient sheriff, Will Thorn ton. Pretty early, says we, to start the bail—but from indicationn we are going to have a lively time of it Quite an interesting railroad meeting was held here on last Sat urday, presided over by the Hon R. F. Simmons. At tbe meeting it was determined to have a big railroad barbecue to be given here pni. Fridaythe 11th of next month Come everybody. The celebration of the anniver sary of St. John, the evangelist, at Chiokasawhatehce was a huge filing. At least 1200 persons were present, and the speaking by Judge Lennsrd and Hon. T. H. Piokett was exceptionally fine. The table groaned under tbe weight of good things upon it, and the festivities were no£ marred by a single un pleasant occurrence. It was a red letter day with the Masons. o Rev! W, M. Hayes is here and is receiving a heart-felt welcome irom all clasros pf our oltizens. „ Journalism in this city has a representative, in the per- rof. Geo. W. Cbeves, edi tor and proprietor of the Dawson journal. Prof. Cheves is ever alive to tbp, interests his people, lor be .unselfishly snd laboriously works to advance the interests of this sec tion. Ho is ably sooiinded in bis "labor of love” by ihat prince of good fellows, C. T, Cheves. 1,...:’'; W-K.P. I(JUITHAN COUNT!. IlATcmrtt Station, June 23—An other good rain fell yesterday throughout the entire neighbor hood,and,perhnps, throughout the country, Which greatly revived the general appearance of our crops; while they were not really suffer ing, their growth was somowhst checked. The prospect for s good crop is very flattering, both corn and eotton. The melon crop bids fair to bo remunerative. Melton Bros, are how shipping dally from theiri meipa, farm of seventy-five Mies- Mr.-Moore, the next .argest planter, will commence to ship in a lew days. Messrs, Byars ~ & Jones, two y&tili^ 'enterjirUIbg gentlemen, have started'the publication of a weekly paper iu Georgetown, with a flattering prospect (or euoeees. Tbe pape'i* is gotten up in good style add is : a very readable sheet. We wish the young men abundant success in their new enterprise. U Mrs. Fiekis, after a very, pleas ant Visit, has returned to'ber borne and lovcd Ones In the artesian city <sAwasj* f a ‘ 1 .. Tbe third quarterly meeting of our county Sunday So boot Asso ciation will convene at' Union church on next Saturday,,S8tb Inst., and from tbe interest manifested it will prove a grand success and re sult In great good to the cause of Sunday schools in our county. •Judge Clarke,Col. A. Forte, Judge Kiddoo and others are expected to address tho moetlng. It ap pears that from some slip in the advertisement of the no tices for an election on the stock law by the Ordinary, that tho elec, tion whioh was advertised for July second, will not come off, because of the shortness of tbe notioe, being twenty-nino instead of thirty days. This puts off the election for an other 12 months, as the day of such elections is fixed by law to come off the first Wednesday in July. The abandoned wretch, Alf Hainey who has been hunted for the past month, skulking from tbe charge of attempted rape on tbe person of Mrs. Fincher, a nioo white lady, came in and delivered himself up to Mr. T. J. Mctbvin, who im mediately took him to jail in Fort Gaiues. He denies the charge after hiding himself in tho swamps for a month or more. The law will doubtless deal justly by him. Fears wero entertained that if over found, be would be despatched in a sum mary manner, but wiser counsel prevailed, and he now lies in jail to await trial in tbo proper court. The present presidential outlook is that Governor Cleveland, of New York, and McDonald, of Indiana, will be the Democratic nominees for president and vice president which will be a strong tioket. My private preference is for Bayard though, perhaps he is not the man to win the race. As it appears that tbe time has como when we must overlook ability, honesty, and fitness for office, and consider only availability, a sad state oi affaire for a great nation like ours. Quitman. past week but is better. Mr. Jen- kins continues to imptovwJsad ids friends here hope for his entire re.^i eovery. Dr. Jf.,0. Alston, Jr., and.jedjr. ; passed through the .Ville to.djy > and left for the Mayor a basket of ' rj Sne peaches and plumr.. They will 1 please acoept our many thanks. If anybody wants: to, buy any eorn they can get it by calling on us. Terms oasb. Orders snd wag ons promptly filled when accompa nied by Mr. Cash. Mavor, At the American office, Water- bury, Conn., is a curiosity. Sev- oval experts have examined it aiul declared it mouse hair, silk plush: beaver, and everything else; and Us appearance would lead any onc to this conclusion. It is a piece,of cloth some 2x4 feet in size, witti'.a - delicate, soft downy surfsoe of light mouse color, rioh enough for the throne of a Monarch. Buttur over, and behold! it is nothing a piece oi common bed tick The other morning ' Mrs, Hurry-’, Wolcott ripped open for renovation -! nn old feather pillow which she had. Sho found that thefeatbers ndb to the interior ofthe ease and de-' fled tbe closest application of- her brush. On examination she found the whole pillow ease coated with tbe featherdowa as above described. There was a regular nap to the down, and it baff.aU the appearanpe of having been woven into the fab ric by a skillful; artisan. It .is" something for scientific men to puz zle their brains over, and find out ' how the action ofthefeatheremade so beautiful a ooating. JOLLY JOIINPKEKVILI.E. Joiinpreevillb, June 23.—Fine rain today. The eorn is booming and early corn is safe. Gen. Green Is now making fine headway, hav ing things mostly his own way, snd whero he was not properly at tended in May is likely to hold tho fort, nevertheless everybody re ports good crops, and will mako so and so if tbe seasons continue. Wo notice good deal of very small cot ton In tbe county, but the proprie tors say it is small kind of cotton seed, and if it don’t improve soon we think it will be a small kind of aorop. Wo walked square through a forty pound melon to-day. We thought of tbe Editor, but could do nothing for you this time, will re member you later, it was our first. We have but few early ones. Too dry and wet. Tbe closing exercises of Prof. Grnbbs’ school, at Weston, will come off on the 3d and 4th of July. Everybody invited. Will Janes, Moso Baldwin, Doc tor Pasebal and ladies of Dawson spent several days in tbe Ville last week. Tbe gentlemen wero up on dove hunt, and how wo did Rhoot. Wo did not kill many, hut gracious bow we skeered them Think they all left tbe county. Will Janes said onr doves could tote more shot than any birds be ever saw. Tbe Doctor said lie never done as poor shooting before, while Mr. Baldwin said his shot wore too Urge. Tbe Mayor had no excuse, be killed three snd thought he was doing well. Mrs. Jesnnie Hesler - and her charming little daughters spent last Thursday in' tbe VUIe and assisted the Mayor with bit birthday gob bier. Mrs. Wm. Crymes, W. D. and J. R. Jackson spent Sunday in the Ville. Mrs. Sam Price, of the piney woods, we learn is quite ill. Wo hope for her sn early recovery. We also hear Mrs. John Terry, of Webster, bss been quite ill for th* Tho way of the speculator, like that of the transgressor, is some times hard. At the Oil Exchange - in Pittsburg Saturday there was one of tbe most remarkable squecz- ‘ cs of the season, owing to the scarcity of money. Many of the most responsible operators were uuable to obtain a sufficiency of cash to cover thoir margins evon -4 when tho best collaterals were of fered. Under the pressure to sell tbe prico dropped from 56je. per barrel to 50(0. One lot; of 11,000: J barrels was sold because the holder could not raise *900, although lie olorcd good securities for twenty times tbo amount. The money was not to bo had just at that time. Ten minntes after the oil had been - _ sold a friend stepped up with a Urge amount of money, but it was too r -' late. Sir Titus Salt, of Saltaire, Eng., has closed a contract for the es tablishment of an iron’plant at Day- ton, Tcnn., involving an investment of nearly £1,000.000. Sir Titus represents a syndicate of English men who, several years ago, sc- cured a tract of 48,000 acres of Und forty miles north of Chatta nooga, on the Cincinnati Sontbeyn railroad. This Ugd has been sur veyed, iron and coal deposits be ing fonnd underlying most of it. Here two Urge btsst ftirnaccs are to be built, railroads to the -Ten- noasco river are being constructed, and it is expected that part of Ten nessee will speedily be opened ap to general trafflo and settlement. In 1881 Lewis Snlosbin, an At lanta printer, inclosed $1 in a let ter sent to R..M. Boarffman, who was running t lottery scheme in Louisville. Saturday tbe letter. was returned to him (torn tbe Bead Letter Office. Stamped across the face of tbe envelope .was the word “Fraudulent.-'’ Written upon its -JI back, in Postmaster General Grish- - J Bin's band-writing, were the worls. - 1 “Young man, the--advice of Post' office oOlolal Is, ir yon earn your money keep it.” Inclosed wss the g dolUr. . - Last Saturday an insect bnovyn as the “gar fly” entered the e*5 4 of s Mr Robert Shumate, 0!,*“'"""™ county, Ky., while he was I ami he removed it JW quid he could, bat not belore it hi posited eggs in his esr. troubled with earsobe, Dr. ford made an examination ; moved nine “screw worms' ids car. They are about a hi iu length. AVery Mr. ElUsh county, says In place or dch years before and that, when ed, It wa* found teeth, whioh, theory of old ' animal 84 are detei tenth the: